Wiv 1 i 'tftWUfl Vt t THE HOUSE OF MOHUN By GEORGE GIBBS ' Auther of "Youth Triumphant" and Other Buceeetet '. . Cepurtdht, mt, D. AppUten J Ce. ' fMW ftUefen Amtkm Cvnetetk ternn'a WHO IK TRB'StORY llsicn. jpin vinv ana wneuis i- miiiiliii been aaellrd '"tMedulatm thattolleue Ar, !!. 'asi tnupcerwtwre.in. e. ........... .''.'...iimsi'V. a oeuita Umtrl'an erft- 4iKi.f SiheTiaf olle-ord war aervlee tn an exoenuten tri uni wtm rtu but ret an he I nerolere and jiliMflM 4t .nntiHers ntffl en flW wan. te nn ' ZS2nf'k"rrv Ir-Ml-MMy '" fc;?'li.pr.eli;.. U ha: Al rftum (a hi nalv land. nlrrtttlne. te naa meair .'. .,ujv. chtrru'f alhcr. e silent, erce- "Ti fvsieal .Amcrlcait Oulinr man. who fimn aimaU tart In the vrpvlnen he; tie- rWi. .en and daeh(er. tuhe are Itt te th Hack care et M kM pulln .. mnaUOHVS; the ten, one et the havhaaard. BJ tail et the deu. Hanei! l.YCETT. an elderly trlrnd et San VSiiand the Uehuni,. who observe and '.ffileMiiMxr! ever ccnltmoefari; Iree-and- . Sv tcavit MEANWHILE the etiject of this pnrcntnl selkltude had reached her awn room nnd. ctretched Jn n chair, ,Sew permitted. her mild te remove her fonts and the ether mbilinients of her .'en'eeunter. Like her father's her orew were tangled in thought nnd Ih ferr eres was 11 question. Father 'and Sauihter were singularly alike, but, et Si, moment, the daughter had a Unlteness that the father lacked. She had at last decided that she had hid every incentive te anger at the wrfermance of the' ethnologist person, who. though he had made hlmjclf rldtc rldtc uleui, had succeeded In making her n trifle ridiculous also. The story Of hew thli soft-spoken maniac had led her .1.... muuitrv .111 Beb's' horse, and -"teateii the famous Bramble by u field tlens all ever the hunting field that is, ttaleis it could be kept quiet. She would have te reckon with Beb tee for risking Centipede's legs and r.j 1- ilie mirnrlslnir adventure. But tnxry as hbc was at mistaking the mildB0s of the visitor's manner for timlditv, she couldn't help feeling sorry about the broken arm. That rldcvhnd taken "sand" nnd, te Cherry, "sand In a man was mere te be chosen than gnat riches or uny pergenal qualities that be could possess, for the talk of deeds of valor hud been In the very air .tht she had brcafhed. Hhe dressed slowly and then with a nub at the end of her toilet went down te greet her guests who were already itrivlng. Dinner at the Mehun houses had none of the aspects of fermullty, for Alicia Mehun had discovered that the easiest wuy te. lese destrablu nc quilatnucus was te give tedious dinners, and that the path te their hearts lay through their desire net te be bored by unneccHyary stedglucss. Tn Alleln Mehun. ns indeed te most vf the matrbns of her set, Sultday was merely n day, ter social specialization. Hence the afternoon "at home" for the encouragement of laudable artistic am bitions. Surely fate was with her In this. And where was the harm in hav ing people in te dinner, providing one forswore "auction"? The dinner for which Cherry dressed wis the first of a scries te be given te ireups of debutantes who were te be her associates In the coming winter campaign. And the merry orewd which filled the large dniwlng-roem gave etery evidence of sharing Cherry's live liest propensities. The friendships of most them had been inherited from school and rellcgc days and they all called one another by their Christian names. Cherry, meanwhile, was engaged In plrited conversation with Dicky Wil Wil berferce, who was telling her about the new Vcrvllle rarliif- plane, and,, in her interest in her forthcoming illgllt, was completely oblivious of her surroundings, But a reckoning with her brother Beb, who tat in his father's place at the head et the table, nwnitcd her, and it came with a suddenness which sur prised her. IV Eugenia Armltnge the mis chievous, having vainly attempted te attract her attention by culling her Bame acruss the table, at liiht succeeded W the slmpln nnd effective expedient of iBreWlllI' It nicer llf hisi'lllt U'hicOi utrnnV Cherry's bare shoulder. ''Cherry!" yh( cried gleefully, "you bait notice me." "Oil. '(fl'Ilil) lid lmliliv.1 " Inuel.n.l Cherry. 'Can't en n tlmi- tliem nm gentlemen present?" "Where?" linked the ether coolly. aim tlicn "Fer the love of Mike, '-Berry, de tell mc who was tlmt freak n 1 the gray horse jeu wcre riding with this afternoon." bh !" said Cherry with n warn- let Kluiice. "N'nlwiflv " niiA t,. ...... I Win te her rompanle'n. "Hilt T Inwkt If ..1.14. ...,. 1 garters were blue and he seemed very "Mense. 'fictile " "Vn. I'... 1..-.1 .. .. 'a.j iV irneiviMi. ns it a meet ABU if M, why? I wnu. 1,, ,.ut from IB6 Wltllll.pn.i.l .. ,1... H..I.I ...t.l .er him. Why should ,011 be cliasintr .....i"."1"" i" wlli,u Hni,k and blue Wtters. vnd ylint did ou de with him ""I J llll I'll I1B It liimV" , 't Wiis jimi it frii-nil II 11 -frlnncl 1 f-Of liietliir'H L11 1 - ui dltnli.. . .f 1 ', l '''IT.V With HlllllO Wllllly "II0 m,iit breilKllt IIIIV rill- " l' et ic." hi '" rui ... " ...... L'Iii.i-i.v ,... ,. Ileiicx. liuil f0n ,, the ,M,,l,f 8hu Snni. "i"w,,ru of Un' urether's quua .Si8 l,ll,"'e. 1.... 1 """. n re unit an interested r,i'V . XIV"!5 '' "ielct Kver- - e 1 11 1 11 riniifi liiii,. Unrry darlliiL. ' -' ."' euiVUi "Ue tell ub, "Tiler,.'- .7'. 1. 1 Hln" ." ."'.'.''""B tell., Yeu're it;?.' -'mi':- ,'.'". JDII llllcllt. ril.r- ii, 1 WUM't. IJe NllMt II,, f!l u..,,S i ' . "-." ,..U". I H.1J-, CllPrrV." Iier l.rntl.n- Hi eii nut in ",. T' " ... .."""i . " Inesn !.. I ' ",) nurnc. jeu runt Sv.tluit " wl 1'im up en Centi 11 !... ",'") iiurnt j mi run i me C'lu-rrv ihhIiIiwI -.j,.i.ii., I ..... 1 .". ' ,H" MIUIJ SI hat lleillflil taciriki - ui s i . . 1. .1 ".J'' """ --'. II didn't uZJ V. " '"'." C-etUipe-Ic.. Dr. Satmrt'i rides -fr very un . Ami then with un I laktllll.t ... -.., ...v., ,ll, HI! xsiiiivi I (, i.sf.,,, . j. i.c.i ny. y. Uei. .1 " ... t-',,"' " ' '. .. v., any v. ' "" " "ruiuuie an me i.r.. l-is'iimth' Mm'' cm r .... v uiipcuk'd Beb me In'" v'n'S0 aJl r.,",,t' Vnbhy Mr." "Che,; ! i'.V l,u Melmii,n',Bilkcn lone. Thtlry..i,,ma ' IwrmlsHlen." f.. .." u" " IIIU WIltl'I'M l.n,. imeltlti! Heb hnlLr!,,,,ii,,f.,,mr hfl-er'fc-u tils iu, 'linulenlst." ..t'tlllllllOL'Ist ! It........ L- ......... Illrlnl" l. i , V l"" " rmef heul il iVuv. 2,ku h , ""le iikhIii, "jeu Ml. i ..':t,(t "llll thu L'oHsnclej iill IMI...I .. . ' nl I lie CnsHiickH ull ."I'.'"" one." nie..W" un t'lliiieIiiglHtV". asked W "rihh i1"' '"'Vfiit-bre.f, hum j. ' iiirieiihiv ii. ..I. i -i... i ...... I'd ii... I. "!""' ciiu iiuiKII IIIU inw . Ur"C', ,0 Vicky t0 muVu -..-oef ueuva. a. SKi: tncHitrtf ta JfapDerwm B2!PUS..",.-."BV"ffer H f VTl "mlmt eu I K teleittlte bent. smiwi"'. ;fi"' ' itmrtfe m ves UOHVS. (!!( e handsome and atirae Sii Simen V" Middle one. uillh aarn of tjw .Sssfce e uaulh and a oeod deal at the i .WSrslerrrfii-ii 0 the ueunatr esn-raHqii. VliXnt BUlM "r emlli; te hleh social KaaVJlXKBalTCaWS-erWV..'Jim CiWUmSVaniMMHMMaRMHMHHEir'm.'VHIHHI ' ' . - Cherry was aware that an Inter ested silence' lui'd fallen upon the table "that can't be tiavld Saugrce queer chap with glasses. Went in for his tory or something" "Ethnology," said Alicia trium phantly. "He's very nice. A friend of r .Mphun's In some of his business affairs." "I see. I thought he seemed hardly the sort Miss Mehun would tike te.'-' "Oh. Cherry's very catholic in her friendships, Mr. Chichester. I've tried Je bring her up te see the geed in every body that. Is," she added cautiously, "in everybody really worth while." "Ah! She reflects great credit en your intelligence, .Mrs. Mehun," ald Chichester gallantly. Mrs. Mehun's dinner partner was no less a person that Mr. Jehn Chichester of the old and very wealthy family of that name, and she was new taking pains te have Cherry thrown into his company as often as possible, much te Cherry's discomfiture, for he wus al most forty-five ami assumed a spon taneity which bis years and experience denied. It muttered nothing te Cherry that Jehn Chichester was the Chichester of the present generation, that his for tune was fabulous, chat he had been the "catch" of ambl.tletis mothers for twenty years, that te all appearances he had at Jast decided te "settle down" BTKAMHHH' NOTICES U white star V- JjJCC CHEBBOURO SOUTHAMPTON B&f&E!? "" "Nev. 25 Pee. IS Jan. S nunuw !i'J see. g N. T. TO OOBK IQDEEMSTOWM) AMD liverpoe: IT. ft Hec. is Jan. t? bt. as da. as Jin. se 3XDRIC n.n. a T). an r.h. is auiiiat 10 Dee. 9 REQINA (naw) ....'...fab, 3 Mar. 3 Kir. II ... P VRK TO ADOBES. ..GIBRALTAR. NAPLES AND OEN0A ARABIC Dae. S N. Y, TO BREMEN Yin CHERBOURG, AND PITTSBUROH Jnew) ..Dee. IS Jn. S3 rb. ST , .PHILADELPHIA LIVERPOOL Dtytenltn ....Nev. t Ctfedenlta ....Dee. IS ... .- iE"ND LINE PHILADFT.PHTA MANCHESTER Daytenlin ....Nev. 29 O.ledenltn ,...00.18 Winter Voyages De Luxe MEDITERRANEAN Uidelrt, Gibraltar, AUleri, Monace, Naplei, . Alexandria. Haifa. Athena . bj the popular Trana-Atlantle IAnrr ADRIATIC. 84 841 ten Jan. 6 Feb. 84 LAPLAND. 1,S8 tni .Tin. 1 Mr 10 WEST INDIES CRUISES 6v the Premier Steamer te the Trenic MEOANTIO Jan. IS Ftb. IT Mar. S3 fe .la..ir KHII STAR XWniK N.Y.. PLVMOUTH, 0HEBB0UBO.ANTWERP ZELAND Net. 88 Dec. 30 rb. 3 FINLAND Dee. 8' Jan, 8 Feb. 1C r.Avr.ivn n. a 1 OOTHLAND l&net'.Tra. 1R - . Fab. SI ' XROONLAND Dee. S3 Jri8V Mar. 3 1 1 AV1 PHILADELPHIA ANTWERP J Serthlpn Net. IS Maeklnav ....Dec. 1 fl MaSojae Dec. 89 HaniflMAtl Km. U VirvlHd . Tl.. CO w American line V. T. TO HAMBTJRO VIA PLYMOUTH AND ....,... CHERDQURO MANCHURIA Net. 30 Jan. 4 M0NO0LIA 1 Dee, It Jan. IS MINNEKAHDA (3d cltsi) '. . . .Dec 81 Jan. 85 . fiuuivti.rmA nanmuHu Scjrthtan Met. IS Mackinaw . . . .Dee. 1 Maryland Dee. 20 ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE .. , , PHILADELPHIA TO LONDON Napierian Net. 83 Mtueurl Dee. 28 Manopae Dec. 20 HOLLAND.AMERICA LINE PHILADELPHIA ROTTERDAM Durr;rdy!t . . . .Net. S3 Brcei1y!t Dee. U International Mercantile Marine Ce. 118 STEAMERS 1,838.000 TONS Paientr Ottee. 1819 Walnut SI.. Phlla, Freight Office. 405414 Eruria Bld., Phlla. CUNARD H0 ANCHOR t,NM N. Y. te t'licrbeuri: mid Kou'tlnimiiten BERENG ARI A Net. 21 Dec. 12 Jan. 2 MAURETANIA Nev. 23 Dee. 18 AftUITANIA Dec. 4 Jan. 23 Fel 1'l' "V" teumer sail 10.00 A. .M. N. V. te I'ljmeutli Cherbourg iiml lliini SAXONIA Net. 20 Jan. le via Hal y tu Cebli tmu'fu.tev.ii.1. mil l.luiy hurv Kallfai 1 1 IlKIOl 'SAMARIA flflV. IS cakeni. A .Dec. 2 Dec. 30 Dec. 0 Jin. 8 Feb TYRRHENIA (new) nanMANiti Dec. t Around the World Crude TSPriVfA Imal Nev. SI New Yerlt l i.indu ALBANIA (new) Dee. 2 Jan. 20 Feb. 24 N. V. te LundumliTry jihI clliikguw ALGERIA NOV. is ASSYRIA .. Dee. 2 Jail. 37 COLUMBIA T Dee. 0 Jan. 13 'SalN f mm Ilutun Jim. '!. N. V. In MedltcrMlieuii I'nrts ROYTHIA (new) Nev, 25 TircnSNlA inmil ...Ilee. 8 CAR0.NIA ....Feb. 10, 1833 I'lilltldclpliln In Niiirtnil VAbAUlil flOf. 9 VIROILIA ..Dec. k... ,n. t,.nl 1'IIVAIIII Airent nr uric CUNARD ft AMCHDH BlI'.nSlDrcir LINES SnunMr Offlrn. 1300 Walnut St., PElla. Frr'ght Offce. Bourse Bidg Ph: ma. N. V. Plymouth HavT'Parli PARIS Nev. 21 Dee. 18 Jan. 17 BOCHAMBEAU Nev, 23 Jan. S New Yerk Havre Parii La Esvele Dee, 8 Die, 30 . La Bouriiennali sa ?" .? Roiiiitilen ; Jn. l - OhlciBO Jan. 30 . New Ttrk Vige (Spain) Havre Rouullleu Dec, U N, Y. VIbe (Spain) Bordestut Httca-a wet. ue. 30 , -rJ NORTH ALBICAN MOTOR TOURS te ALOIER3. MOROCCO. TUMISIA Oct'.ter 1 April 30 for foil iMslli lunsiilt the r'ri'iuli l.lue Aii ut In your illy 4 nrltu tu .flJII-.if,lAU5lliJ twiA BJ. Wall a. i. aUAuil.i, tb.Ni'UUiV, . Ueid' lue A-..' DeltaLtfu Trduy...Sivrt 1.1. , jE-i Wil"'''"(f,,"''M PPIVWJ Ffifl!BraR vl HL " "?y HHWil wt t iw H WHSIM ammaua 10.0U0 te !' ueiuuitiii mm ' 11 1 . ' " , 1 4 - . EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILApELPHU. ..WEDNpSPAY, - ., r , Are Fltttptrs eu Bti Pdnttit Art JaxX'Beyt AM Limb 0 attunr and that Cherry Mehun' was the object of bis matrimonial intentions. She only saw in him a slender, sallow, fidgety person with stiff black hair, a thin wisp of mustache waxed cnrefullvnt the ends. a manner 'of being perpetually en, his guard, and a reputation for various kinds of dissipation ever ' which the Recording' Angel ,mut bnve worked overtime. ' lie had Inherited' from Jehn Chichester the elder r a taste for old brandy and Cherry had never been able te forget thu ancient story which Geerge Lycett-had once told her of hew, at Jehn Chichester's birth, the elder Jehn Chi chester's club mates had promptly named tne boy. Detnl-Jelin. The name had stuck In Cherry's mind. She didn't dislike Jehn Chichester, be cause she didn't can cneuah about him te dislike, him, and was as polite as It nan uuiTmiry 10 uu 10 one who luruui ened her with lavish social attentions nnd showed her nn Open admiration which was highly flattering te her self esteem. But, secretly, he bored her a great ucal and tier mother h enerxs te impress upon her the obvious advan tages of his friendship did nothing te stimulate her interest or her social am bitions, which were at present a negll- tflhte nit ta 11 tit IVtini rMtAMMte ti'ttnfaul just -new wasle fellow her instincts as ether young people were doing, some what blindly if you please, 'and leading she knew net and cured net whither se long ns site had 11 geed time. . If It is true that one is known by the company one keeps, these intimates of Cherry's among the girls were a fair ly accurate indpy nf hrr I'hnrnrtup. Hhn liked Phoebe Mackliu, because, when nut ending pensive moments, sue was joyous aud shored Clierrv'n ranremnt of the conventions; Gleria, because she wus mc most insatiable of ".ewers"; Violet, because she was a very pretty thing and very nicely brought up ; Eu genia well she liked 'Genie because she was mischievous mid u trifle just a trillc naughty and because both her .parents had married again and she had been left under the gaudy wing or a giddy and unresponsive aunt. But which of them she liked the most Cherry yrself could net have told, because she liked Hicm all in different ways. It was Gleria who began kicking the rUES of the (lrnulllir.riinin nelfln nftnr dinner when Hareld Galbralth, the musl- i-ui ciewn 01 me group, begau "jazzing" at the piano, a signal which the ethers were net slew te fellow. Mrs. Mehun's mild preteU, "Cherry, it's Sunduy. Don't you really think" was swept aside in the rush of enthusiasm and in II moment the nolisheil tlnnr u-im nulv. .rring te the lilt of dancing feet. Mrs. Mehun sunk Inte the divan, pushed riniiessiy into a comer, and sighed with resignation te the inevitable. Te He Continued Tomorrow MTKAMSH1P NOTICES w 8.17.M.t7 ewlferk te euth America en U.b.CjevernmentShws New Reduced Rates Fastest Time e Rie dejanelre. Montevideo, and Buino Aire. Fineet itiipt-Amcrican ervlc-Am.rlcanFpod-Amerleancemfort.Sal. las from Pier I.Kobeken. a. S. American L.len.. Nev. 25th 3' f.n Al"r'e Dec. 7th q.V iVe".Lern WerldV... Dec. 23d S. S. Southern Crew Jan. Oth Fortnightly tQrrnftcr "or deacriptlee booklet, etMreta Munten Steamship Lines 6T Wall St. Hew Yerk City Drl Bldr.. -PhlU.. Fa" Minnting Operator! for U. S. Shipping Beard ROYAL MAIL "The Comfert Reute" te EUROPE Netv Yerk Cherbourg nouiniuniiien iiiimnuri; ORnt'NA OH1I1TA . ..nev. .-a .1.111. 10 ivh. 1 Her. 211 Jan. .'11 Mar. It WEST INDIES Twe Cruises tic Luxe IAN. 24 FKII. 21 S. S. "0RCA," 25,500 Tem Diipl. I.nrgcKt, newest nnd meat luxurious nil In eiiEased In Wct Inities 1 rulca. 'nlllnir ut NaHU. Colen. Ilarlmdnr Hnvanu, t.u (Iu.imii, Martinique, KlnvetDii, Trinidad. HI Theitu. San Juun ami llermudn. Hales U'5U up. BERMUDA The land of colorful nuiihliliie, bracing air. wonderful cnral rnnila. Itraulnr Meekly Sailings llrulnnlnx Dercmher Pnlatlnl Tr.iimulluntlc I.lncr "ARAGUAYA." n.soe Tew DiiP). Ne ramimrt Hrnnlrril Th ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET CO. SANDKItSON & hO.V, INC.. AUCNTS, 28 Ilreudnu, N, Y or local .lErnta, ISTHMIAN Steamship Lines Philippines-East Indian Service DIRECT SAILINGS FROM - PHILADELPHIA DUTCH EAST INDIES and PHILIPPINES Penang, Belawan-Deli, Pert Swet tenham, Singapore, Batavia, Samarang. Seerabaya and MANILA and ILOILO S. S. "Steel Tr?veler,. . . .Nev. 15 Fer rates and particular apply t NORTON, LILLY & CO, Omeral Afeuti Beurn Bldf, FhtldlphU Lembard 8078 Main 2448 COMIVIERCIALl lOaeratlnn U. S. llevt. &'itl aieamanir Linca PHILADELPHIA TO LONDONrTERRy. BELFAST, DUBHN A CORK ' BS "BALSAM" Nev. 30 Hcimlliutvlaii iiml llnlilu I'n.ts A STEAMER .First Half Dee. Other S.fc B. Pert ai Sufficient Cre Offers MOORE and McCORMACK, INC. 44446 Beune Btdg., PhlU. Lemb. 0585 Main 751K. AiniTOBH AUK MIT IMMUNK Kniutlenal Imunlty." ays . Huruh l.nwr 1. 'Is sumelliliii' uniLirantlv tlB. led ether than Ih principal In murder I M.rn,K In n k?..!"..... l.1l.t.Ar. .."' . . . SeattjjEi rinmr.eWn& as, tv. fiiend. alie member et drec Beferratd Church, are Invited te atttnd fuiural mtv Ice, Thur. eve., 8:30, at the rldnc of &T brpthr-ln.aw. William Mackl. 8021 N. 8th it. Int. srlvate, rrl.. at envn lenee of family. AMBLER. Nev. 14. ALBERT, huaband of J,nf.i'"'f 'rart 3. Ambler. ReTaflv and frlenda are Jnijted te attend funeral service. Frl.. a P. M.. at h lale raalSanea. T240 pxfetd avf.. Fex Cha. Int. private. B TS iiewee Tnurs.t e e 'UAHl.OV.'.VetUn. N. J.. Nev. 18. 1S99, JAMES, hutband of the late Alice Barlew, ssed CS. Relative and friend ale With With Tnsten Council. Ne. 1. Jr. O. V. A,, M.. of Chirmantenn. and employ 01 Jehn Lueaf A Ce., are Invited te attend funeral Mrvleeic Thur.. 1:30 p. M.. at reildence of h'a daiuth ter, Mr. Woedroa Pierce Jr.. Berlin, ft. J, fnt. Berlin Cent. Remain may be viewed Wed. eve, BESORE. Nev. IS, 1022. ALEXANDER B... huiband of Acne Before (nee Kearn), Relative and friend are Invited te attend the funtral rvlce, Thunday, S P. M.. at hla late residence, 1103 Wyoming av. Int. Northwned Cent. .BRAWN. Nev. 12, BRIDGET TIRAWN. pf 2SS1 Mdntreia t. Relative and.frlnd Invited te funeral. Thur. 8:80 A. M.. from 280 8. 20th at. Solemn hlith nuiia St. Charl' Church 10 A. If. Int. llety Crei Cem. . WHOOMnCLD. At hi rMenc. TM.N. Buckrfell it., en Nev. 12. 1022. JOHN-H.. en of the lata Jehn J. and Elizabeth Breem fliild. Retathea and friend, alae Cohoek Cehoek Coheek Ink Tribe, Ne. 188, I, O. it. M., and em em peoye of Bement-Milea Ce.. are Invited te the. lervlce. en Thunday nftarnoen at 2:80 o'clock, at the Oliver H. Ilelr Bids., 1820 Chejlniit at, , Interment nrlvete. UUDD. Nev. 12, CHARLUS H. HUDD. Relative .id 'friend Invited te funeral. Thur.. 8:30 A. M.. chapel of Andrew J. Ba.'r & Sen, Arch and 10th at. Hlsh maaa at the Cathedral 10 A. M. Int. Hely Sepul chre Cem. On Mew Wed.. 7 te 0 P. M. mjTTEnWOnTH. On Nev. 14. 1923. JAltTES UUTTKRWORTH. tn hi 83d year. Relative and frlenda are Invited te the tervlcea FYI.. 2 p. St., nt hi late rl detre, 333 Pelham read, Uermantewn. Int. private. K .9ALJ.I.0IUJ'. of ft0;1 Rre t.. widow of Witter W. Calmere. Reletlve oed friend are Invited 10 the nervlcH. en Wednevday afternoon, at j o'rleck. at the Oliver H. Ilalr Bids.. 1820 Cheitnut at. Interment al..., CANNON. Nev. 12. ELIZABETH, daugh ter of Ellanbetn and. the late Jehn Cannen. Relatives and friend, alie Sacrad Heart Hedallty. nre Invited te attend funeral. Thur.. 8a A. M.. from her lata realdene. rear 418 Buttonwood t. 8eimn rqu!em rnt"Ho,yBCreV..fU,"M chureh.0 COLA. Nev. 18. ANOELOANTONIO (Tbnv) COLA, atred 64. Funeral Thur.. O A. Xf.. from hi late rejldence. 73 Tree it. Service St. Nlchela' Church 10 ,v. M. Bedy can be viewed Wed., from 4 P. M. Int. Hely Crei Ccm. Lealmr wife Anna, children. Jomeh Arthur. Antheny. Victeria. Jennie. CONRpY.-JTpv. 13 '1022. EIXeN. wlf. of the late Patrick Conrey (nee Rlnnett). Relative and friends are Imlted te attend funeral. Thura.. 8:30 ,. M.. Inte realdence, 2038 S. 18th it. Solemn maa of requ'em at Church of St Menica 10 A. 31, Int. Old Cathedral. COONET. Nev. 13, MARY A., wife of Jecph Coeriey (n;e Olleaple). Funeral Thure.. 8:30 A. M., from her late rea'drnre, 2432 Wallace st. tielemn van of requiem nt St, Francla Aavlcr Church 10 A. M. Relative and friend InMted. Int. Hely Crew Cem. COULTON. Nev. 13. Ml JENNIE COIILTON. Relative and frlendi ara In vlted te attend funeral rcrMren. Thur.. 2 P. M.. residence. 40T Diamond t. Int. private. (HIOSS. Nev. 13, CARRIE MAY DROSS. Relative and frlendi Invlinl m runr.i Thur.. 8:30 A. M roaldence of Mr. Kate Martin. 84T N. Dth at. Solemn requiem ma Church of Assumption 10 A. M. Int. Hely CreK. CROUT.-On Kev, is, 1022. tIEOROB W.. hushand 1 of the late Clara Van Hern Crout. Relatives and friend, alie Panna. R.'. Ri Veteran' Relief Aaep.. Invited te attend funeral aervlre en Wednesday, at 2 P. M.. at 120 Kait !incaitr av.. Arrtmnre. Pa Int. private. DAINTOLO. Nev. 13. ANOELENIA. be loved -vife nf Carmln Dalntole. Relative and friend Invited te funeral Thuradny. 8:80 A. M.. from her late residence. 232P W. Somerset at. Selentn hlah maa at 10 A. M.. Ht. Mary' Church. 31t and Terente it. Intel ment Hey Sepulchre Cemetery. Re mains en view Wedneadnv. 7 te 10 P. M. daiim vv in in. 1, dadi u Wk (ne ivuck). widow 'of Jehn O. Daum. Rela iiea una iricnna are inMieu te attend fu neral cervices. Thurs . 'J P. M.. at h.r it residence, 37B8 N. I)ncr t. Int. private. rsorthweod tern. Friend may call W!.. 7 e 11 p. M.- DKHSK11. On N'ev. I". ifl mist .le. of Puul Dehncr. ated SO year. Relatives aira rrienai iiiiitcd te nttend the funeral. ""'iya.,,.t r- M.i.irem ner laie real dencc. S70 13th Be.. Moere. Delaware Ce.. . nt. j.wii-juii im. Auie win meet Hr.a"u. '.". Ner,V..,"' ln .ipavlni Bread St. Station. Phlla.. m 10:38 A. St. and 13-87 P. St. DBLANEY. Nev. 13. 1022. RICHARD, helmed htianntnl nt fh ti gm r..,.u.. (nee Purcell) and en of late James and Alesla Delanev (ncearace). Relatlvea and irienqs,- aisij court Rehert K. Pattlsen. Ne. , ,f A.. Invited te funeral, Frl.; 8:30 A. M.. late residence. 3735 W, Oakdale st. Solemn requiem mass at St. Celumha's Churrh 10 A. M. Int. Nev Csthedril Cm. DKN'MKAI) On Nev. 13. 1022, KATHA RINE N. DKNMEAD (nee lle-ei. wife of KraiiLts Iienmi-ad. .aired 2 yours. Services Jed.. 8 P. M, nt her late residence. 188 S. Beth Kt. Int. ut Oreonmeunt Cem., Dal Dal timere, Md., en Thura. . DILLON. Nev. 14. ANNIE, wife of James J. Dillen and daushter of Philip J. 11ml Kutharlne O'Neill, aeil .15. Itelatlvea and friends Imlted te funeral, Frl.. 8 A. M.. from late residence. Camp Hill read. I'ert Washlnatnn. Pa. Solemn mass at St. Antheny's Chunh. Ambler, l:30 A. M. Int. St. Antheny's Cem. POWNHAM. Nev. 14. 1022. MART AONES. wife of William Downham. In tier l'7th year. Relatives nnd friends are In vited te ntteiul tuner il services. Frl., 2 P. M.. at her lute residence. 4412 N. Frank lin t. Int. nrlvate, Nnrthwnnd Cem. PRANSFIEI.D. Suddenly. Nev. 12. at riutijui, ji. 1,. j- HK.ui.iiit. ri nusband nr nrina-et nrnnaneld (nee MrNulty) in his ...Ith year, lutatlves and friends, also muln spinners of KcnslnKtnn. are Invlied te attend funerul services. Thurs., 3 p. M.. u, hln J.a.',e "'I'1""';' -l, B. Sreant st Int. Ilehue Cent. Remains may be viewed ed e e. (IARZKN. Nev. 13. KATHARINE wife of LAPIS QAltZKN. n.ed 3il Relative. ,nd file nds .Invited te funeral .Thur.. 8:30 A. M," niei!!S.,..r,,',cnr'' Ellinbeth T. Slum. 8037 Ilnrtnun m, Solemn requiem muss nt St. Raphael's Church 10 A. M. Int. Helv Cress. CintllCKB Nev. 14. THEODORE F. till lllUtlli nt lilt A PIUal.ulh -..!.. (n. . ' i.lv'V. a.'.' rliid InMted te funeral.' Thur - I. M.. from son's residence, 2327 s i Inrlen st. Friends nrll Wed. eve. Int' lri'rHyuSt,,vnlfj mtt flower. "' .'ilIAi!lHiIJ-;vev' " 3eni D" huband of Lllzdheth L. Harper. Ilvlntlve and friend, nic Invited te nttend funeral services Tl.ur.. 3 P. M.. residence. 1311 S. 82d , Int. private Friend may call this i vi IlillLia. Nev. 14, JOHN C husband of J!'.n".k. '.lll' . Reiallves nnd frlenda In vlted te funeral. Friday l:V P. M . re.l. clence nf son. Charles Helllg, 7723 Lyen ttVP. SrV Pes nt Mm.nf .(.. V.7 iJ-S.1" l7. """ . v' , " .-. U?HVItT 4tAI4l ! Vtrl'!I,i, C,r.urch. - M. Intefment Mount' cl'eVilnr C'me,cr' friend call Thursday I CeV.V",.?;"' A4' n,,.fi'er residence. I c efi.ir nve . 1A lllmv (linve, Mniitgemery Ce , Pa. ELIZAnKTH. vvlf of lit Henry j." .i-u-.r cnee D.ivennnrl). ciiru M7rt H.'A.'iK- int.lwSVv';d ''fl-rnenn. at S:M o'clock, at the Olive? ft J."7ffir i,:i-.aii'cV,- ,?ntdn-?rV,-ndV.",)),.r: "nil Htrlrea Cnunell. N,., 5N n. if L 7 nil Inv te.1 te attend funcrnl services, Thursday Jnt'n' .V" &rl"n 'l' VV J' I'M" os.e,8 ?; i.JtKi --IIJpS. Nv. 14. 11122. MUIY &HAIN. widow of Jehn llnwar.1 Jeflerles nelathes mid frlendi are invited te attend fm.eral service. t lit), llaptl.t Church. 2lKt nnd Diamond sis., Thur., 3 P. M? Int prlvsfe .-... inc. i.i.eufl, r.UWAIUI I.. helnv-uC c... !?.'.....,n,'..l'''l'1 Jelsh Ccm., cinclnnVtl icnnr. Nev Cincinnati I lU'.l'l A M Will. -'" , .IilRIIKNHON', On Nev. 1.1 in"'1 vi"f urn IKuneinl service, nn Krldjv. Jnnrensen ' inn nir iiru u tt ,.. ..1. : . .r r. M.. at vm. si. InY v : .. ""?".. ; f""". fl'e .-nil- mav call Thursday evenlnu. ";: ........" . ....-p. iii4in 11111 cjetnelee,. III 11 11 eli,nl? JOSKPHKON, mIii ?f Wllltlm'ai.d III.. Ann "it. j'e'J;, 1 herices 'lliurs..' 2 l. M,. ,mhi iiV ! a;'-t..,?,v Vijate. IVrn.,nd Cm! Nev. 111. WILLIAM It.. sephsen. luerferd I KrJI.I.Y. N ,, MSI.I.Y. Nev. 1'.', .lAMI.'s J.. ,',,, ., r ruiiris 111111 ai iieidiivea mid frlenils uf fKinllv ylajrit te attnnd fun-'i !rl.!.K'""y 1 .1. . 1 i,:,,M.,.".".r. . t. KI.KN'Mk'l! U...I.I...I.. v Hum C. Klenslir, Hervtrvs m, t. Vf ','. residence llll) H. Uuih st ft.' V,'lvti. Kr.'.".':rt'-..!,"- '',,l .hurs. eie. ' ""vate. kt'UTZ.-On .Nev. ill, 11122. AN.VIH v wldiiw of lime A. Kurls IteliiiliJIi .-' i frlenda InMted tu attend funeral ..?rvfc.a Si! rHilVsFlowerShep G 1 -tve tranfcfera Avenue I Call Frankford 0770 Is.-- Asywksrs ssjr plict, ss ,.'.. .'lui-niuv'iu i lMiice. je. 33. D. Vrl1"" i?Vllfa ,0 1,",.n.,,'u2fl "-rvres Sen. "i- vMnn'.lt .r,a1'1. " Prnnkenlleld A se.n.".'. S? r 02d St. lut. Fernwood Cem. llll. i. At tier r..ulfl,.nn .htj. v.T. i W or ''? urnther- n-lnw, AlbVrt hi'"in4J7 w1"'"'l, -iu.. KulUer rlrhutl' II IIIbIi reimleiu 11n.ua nt Kt, hrtdlii. Jliunh n::iu a. M, Int. St. Mary', Cem IlnitiiirniiL-h. '"r'J c.em,. PNDKnTAttemi " XrHUYLERSl KB mtl' 'iWriV '?. .iV.' 4 I C'.t.wll JDMSBL Thunday. at 8 p. M at parlor of JJvJrMJr rea. 1888 N, 11th it. InUrtntnt Ardly LaHPern';?: IS. lM9.Br. TOANCIrl J., hfiaband of lata Lucy O.J.amrntr. llla lives and frltnd. alie St. eaeph'a Alumni and all ether aeeletle of which ha. was a Siembar. ar Invited te attand funerali jiur.. M A. M.. lata rldence.328A N, Dth .ft. Solemn requiem ma Chureh of ntmbar, . ar . Invited te atund aulem ma . Cmireti of 10 A. M. Int. Hely Re- uur i-ai Lady of iiercv 1 "eHITH.-Nev. IS. 1022. MENRT LEHMUTH. JR. Relative and friend alie Richard Vaux Ledi. Ne. 884. F. and A.V.I Kenilnttnn R. A, C. Ne. 3881 Perter Lake Huntinc and Flihlna Club and all ether or sanitation of which he wa a member ar fnvitee te funtr.l ! Friday. 3P,.I at hi ut reildence. 1600 W. Allefheny eve. Interment private, .. MicECEN. Nev. 18. CDTNA.C. wlfe of Qeerre p. Macfcuen. Relative and frlendi. alas alt (eeUtle of which h wa a member. Invited te funeral. Thur.. 'A. M.. late rea'dence, 0.14 N. Hutchlmen ft. Selemn1 requiem maa at St. Malactura cnurcn in a. m. Int. private, MAOUIRE Nev. 13. 1022, BARAK 1U UEL. widow of Jamea Maaulr. at her lata CHEL. w reildence reildence. 4253 Market t. Service at Bt. tame' cjnuren. aatn and cnesinut .is, 0 A. M. Friend Invited. Famlir n hiim.1, sett. mwtM rhftimut at raqtMttf no newtrt. . HATHIAH. Oil Nev. 12 .T . HAfl n ttllllaM mwA 1n!!2. WILLIAM and Jesephine. Stelff Mathla. . Funeral en Thurdav rnernln. ft 8:30 o'clock, from hla reildence. 0MS Recent . at. Solemn hlh ma at BJ; Clement's Church at 10 o'clock. Inurmant at .Hely Cress Cemetery. . , McCROSSEN. On'N'ev. 13. 1033. ANNA &. wiin ex panics wcviressyiii -- "1 randvwlne at. Relative and fr,lr,,..r Invited le the aervice. en Wednesday afl;j neon, at 3 o'eleey. at th Oliver If. Balr Bide. iS2e Cheitnut it. Interment Arlington Cemetery. Remain may viewed Tueadav evenlnv A MrflETTfaAV.. MrOBTTIOAN. NC 1 utr.TA a. SIBTTIOA IcQettlra ETTIOAN (nee Wllmet). k ie nf Jimai Itlcan. Relative and friends are In In eo attend funeral. Thus... 8:80 'A. .M,t ylted ' from her 1st reildence. 6418 Hewoed at. reiemn maa of requiem et. , ""iiiL. Church 10 A. W. Int. Hely8"Ou,chJ?..?tE' McOOWAN. Nev. 11. 1033,, at 8'llff' O.. EDWARD J., son of the late Jehn J. and .8uan M. McOewan. Relatlv and friends, alie Penna, R. R. mila V5J ran Ae. and K. of C. pf Wnetln . W. Va.. are Invited te attend funeral. Wed'. Catharine it, Solemn requiem m at Bt,' Antheny'a CKirchO A. M. Int. Hely Creat McKEONE. Nev. 12. HUOH. en or tIM lata James and Ellxabeth McKeene. Rela tives and friend are Invited te attend fu neral. Thur.. 8:80 A. M.. from tha nil dene of hi brother-in-law, Jeseph Dearnley. 7052 Van Dike it.. Tacony. Requiem hlh man at St. Lte'a Church 10 A. M. Int. Hely Crei. . . MECKE. On Nev. IS. 1002, nt Lfl Ansale. Calif.. ANNA D. . MECKB tnea Dearen). wife of the late Harry Voerbeaa Mecke ' MOONET. Suddenly, at. her rlclnr. 3G32 t Grata St.. en Nev. 14. 1022. JULIA P.. wife of Jehn H. Mooney. Netice of ,UNICKEL. At hi residence. 40BO Haver ford ave.. nn Nev. 13. 1032. ALBERT, hui band of Jennie Mckel. eci oe yeara. Relative end friends. nle Edward A. Shuhert Council. Ne 728, Jr. O. U. A. M.i P. R. R. Vel. Relief. Phlla. Terminal Dlv. Veterans' Ais'n. and all ether oraanliatlem of which he v. a a member. are Invited te the (ervlrea, Frl.. 2 P. M.. at the Oliver H. Urlr Dldir.. 1820 Chestnut it. Int. at Mount Meri ah Ccm. Friend may call Thur. eve., from 7 te 10 o'clock. . NOBLE. Nev. 14. NANCY, wife of the late Jehn Irvine Meble. Funeral erv1cs Thur., 2:30 P. M.. at reildence of her eon- ave., Colllneiweod. N. J Int. at Leybur. Pa., Frl afternoon. . OlCALIAClHAN. . Suddenly. Nev. 13. 1022. DANIEL, husband of KIlaaMtn ecii. Ins-nan (nee O'Caltaghan) and' ion- of lata Jehn and Mary O'Calla.him. of Klllavullen. County Cerk, Ireland. Itelatlvea and friend Invited tn funeral, Thur., 8:80 A. U.. from HI late residence, 820 N. Darlen st. Solemn requiem ma at Church of the Assumption 10 A. M. Int. at Hely Cren Cem. POOLLOS. New Yerk, en Nev. 12. LIL LIAN R. POULLOS (nee Daatlan). wlf of Harry Poulle. arel 20 yeara. Relatlv and friends Invited te funeral, en wed., at 1 P. M.. from her mother' a reildence, B837 Cheiter ave. Int. Fernwood Cem. Remain mav he viewed Tuei. eve. REILLY Suddenly. Nev. 14. 1022. MICHAEL J., husband of late Annie Deyle Rellly. Relatives and frlenda are Invited te attend fuiiera-l Frl.. 8:30 A. M.. from late residence. 0100 Baynton at., Oerman town. Requiem masa St. Vincent' Church 10 A. M n.fc,, u.. -. ne.,11.1 linn ei me late Samuel ,D. Rhodes, ated 71. Relative and friends are InMted te attend funeral services. Frl.. 2 P. M.. lata residence. 192a Fillmore at.. Frankford. Int. Eaat Cedar llll L'mi. BODURTS. In Nw Yerk. en Nev. 18, 1022. STEPHEN ROBERTS, ajred 80 year.! Relatives and friends are Invited te the services, Thur., at S P. M.. at the residence nf his son. Jehn 11. Roberts, 147 H. Dur ham at.. Clin. Int. private. SCHNEIDER. Suddenly. Nbv .18. OEOROE W.. spnt of William and Lena Schneider tnee Fucha), aied 20. Relative and frli.vla. alie all societies of which he was a, member. Invited te funeral service. Frl., 1:30 P, M., residence. 2320 Memphis st. Int. private. Hillside Cem. Viewing Trur.. after 8 P. M. 8CHOELLKOPF. Nev. 18. JOHN, hui band of Mary Schoellkepf, ased 64. Friend Invited tn funeral services. Friday. 1 P. M.. at SIS W. Ulrard ave. Interment prlvau. Ureenmnunt Cemetery. siiKiiiuAft, sev it, jsijv. aiid j., aen of Mary and late Edward Sheridan: Rela tive and frlenda Invited te funeral. Thur., H:30 A. M.. reildence of mother. MSI Ma ter at, Solemn reaulem mass at Chueeti nf ei. uresnry m a. vi. . -. ... Va .;..-. 27 - I. ereanry 10 A JI. Int. Hely Cress Cem nauiu. .luqueniy, n ucean . liy, Pi, J,, Nev. 18. 1922. IIUFUS MATLACK. husband nf Mary Purden Smith, of 010 Ocean ave.. Ocean City. N. J. Services nnd Int. private. STACKHOU8K. Suddenly Eleventh. mentn iin. ihsz. nisMtr btackheusk ated 01. Itelutlve and friend are Invited in attend runeral, without further notice, from hla late residence, near Oxford Vallev, l'a Fifth-day. Kleventh-menth 16th. 1 P. M. Cenvej ances will meet train et Wood Weod Woed bourne leavlnv Ileadlnir Terminal 11:17 A. M. and Trenten tl:.14 A. M. STHWART At St. Davlda. Th.. en Tues Nev. 14. 1022. JULIA ANTOINETTE v Mew of It'itert Stewart, In her Sflth year, .services Thurs.. U:.10 V. V.. et the real. deuce i.f her son, Charles II. Htewartl St. UhvIiIs ale.. St. Djvlds. Pa. Int. nefvat. STOCKKH. Nev. 14. JOHN H.. hush.iH nf Augusta Slecker (nee Meyers), nelntlve und frlenda lnlted te funeral services. Thurs., 2 P. M., late residence. 23 N. Kdfi Kdfi wc.ed at. Int, private. Kornwned Cem. STOCKTON At l'lttslmrvh. I'u.. Nev. 12. lt'22. ROIIL'ItT HAY STOCKTON. Funeral sen Ices at Kt. Mnr's Church, Ourllnrten. N. J Thurs.. Nev. 10. 11 A. M. Pleaie de net end flnuers, 8TRKET. Nev. 12. 1B22. ANNIE, dauch ter of Jehn and Lncenla Street. In her 22d eae Funeral services Thur.. 2 P. M., at the residence nf her parents, 2ST N. Provi dence read. Media. Pa. Int. Ml. llepj Cem. Friends mav call "Vul.. 7 te 0 P. M. TODD. Nev, 13. JAMES J., son of Jo hanna and Hie late Charlea M. Tedd, ated 41. Relatives and frlenda ara Invited te at tend funeral, Thurs. 8:30 A. M.. from hla late residence, 1.10 8. 23d at. lllah mass St. Patrick's Church 10 A. M. Int. Old Ccthed-Hl Cem. TONER. Nev. 13. PETER, husband of Rrldaet Tnpnr (neeMcaarvey) and aen of Mary and the lute Perer Thner, formerly of Olaik. Parish of Dee Denernl. Ireland, aged 41), Ilelstlces and frlenda Invited te funeral Thursdny, N A. M.. from hla late residence. S7 P-nn it.. nrn Mnwr. Utah mass at Our Mether of Ooed Counsel Church tt A. M. Interment Ct. Denis' Cemetery. TRICE. mi Nv. 14. 11122. RALPH C. hushand nf c'lnrlsjn Trice, of 1.13il N. sntr( il. llelutlies und friends, ulsn enipliisea of P It. T. are Inylted te the services. nn Fr! at 2 P. M.. at thu Oliver If rialr HldK . l- c:nsinui i. jnt. private. Mewlnu Thurs, re. VAN M-'IVldt. At Hlverten. N. J Nev 12. 11122. ELSIE, v'.fe of Allien Van Scher Services at her lite residence. 010 Clnna lilinsnn si Wed.. 2 P. M. WAOONER. Nev. 10. 11122. SALLIB. dnuxhter of the Iain Ahraham and Ann Wagener. Relutlve and friends are invited te attend funeral, Thurs.. 2,30 p. s , residence. 2212 ,8. Ilemherter t Int. Fern Fern Fern uoed Cem. Friends muy call Wed., 8 te le P. M. WINTEKHOLKIl At Ulae-bore. N. J.. Nev. 13. it'--'. tlEOROIANJJ A WINTER HOLKIl. aBed 02. wife of Peter Wlnterheler. Ilelathes nid fronds ure Invited te attend tunerai. iii'.m. .-....., "" .. .11. , res. deuce, (llisil"ire, N, J. Further srrvlres at chiipc-1 In Eiersreen Ccm.. Camden, N. J., 1 YE.lIi:it. N"V. 12. ELIZAHETH A., wife nf t'hirlis William Yeager. Iteatie nnd fr end nr lnlled te nlteml funeral. Thurs , S.3n A M.. from her late residence 13 Mimlielm st., Uermantewn, Solemn I reiiulnu lii.i-s "t the Church of St. Francis . cif Assist Hi A. M. Int. New Cathedral i t'eni PARCEL POST QiCaJv ,V.und.l.e5:K;.Mft.Vf.e&wu'.; ' Handed te the fit-. DIAMONDS BOUGHT" Ilrliis uh nur diamonds If ou u.nt ia tie limner what uih.rs tell -ou tW iffi worth, set our rri before you sell. v e pu IS.O0 te 1100 IHI for each dlame... mere liiaii niii'rs p.iy. iMn ticket beuirht Sir t (iml tie Convinced ""fn' KKM.Y A ft). I'henst i nil d fleer ores chuS. rrirj-ie "fltee "eat. KREITZER'S SALVE r&mWd ,o.!i,er.,,u!.'i;,1!uI?o,. J"-" few ilar. Mleu-s Imriis IbiJ i rwiB iJ".A mlniiti'". Held Ii) s driiffliti W.? .! M M Ksimh I., mill In reln "r it.,;,n.,,a,r' JIR. KREITZER. 400 M. Id St.. jliTill P 2 for 25c ' Keya DuMirTfj WIIILI! vnn ... ..-"': .". ni Pfwwwaw KyT r -" NOyEMBER ,15. 19 VASOEXi lOST Titan Electric Drill Pric$35, Drills up te Va" diam. ?irel t fie A9 Vatt powerful soter juaraeteed fef year. Compare thtt drill with ether make sold at much hither pHre. it ha the power rannet burs out. We are selling It te auto manufacturer for factory maintenance, agricultnral nuclilnerr manuiartiirer. elertrle Industtlei, body builder, weed and furniture factories, home merhanlea. etc, It J uicd net only for drilling lint for grinding, bulling, reaming and pellililng. We will lend our Man te your ihep te demenitrate It and mike coimnrlieni. Cherry Capstan Pulley Bleck Wern lever forward and bark, thu m tatlng capstans and winding In rope. It lever I held tn position shown a twlit la the rope cannot turn the block ever. A turn of the rope fattens the block In any position. Slacking off Is easy and ha 6herry Ci angle fer high t tag auto out of fer tightening w plaelng . heavy laaai. .. capitan rumy work at an tuning guy wtre. rer pun- flitch, fee rttillln atumns. Ightenlag wire fencei, for moving and placing heavy machinery, for pulling Sf.'V. " ,m?ti " waerry uapiian ruuey Blaek u used for 100 purpetei. Price, including 33 feet $.25 rope " PARCEL POST. 15c Klein Pattern, Genuine Swedish Steel 9-Inch Lineman's Pliers Ouaranteed te cut Ne. 0 Insulated wire or -a SO-pennv wire nail. Ref. 5Q.50 Our $1.40 5. Price Price PARCEL POST. IQr E. M. HANSON & CO. 180 NORTH 4TK STREET Market S20. Phoee veur Orders. Main 7381 We Deliver Within City Limits Open Tues. ft Frl. Eves, and All Day Rat. CANDY Wholesale AMD OTHER MDBS. END FOR LATEST PRICE MBT SPECIALS TOR TUM 'WEEK XLEXK Kllk Chec, Ban I?? '2! BXEIH 81Tr Bill -, "tV KLEjlT SlWir Biiu 8V4 P; XIEIN Almend Bars ....... l or JJ Newheff Chec. Ceeeanut Orearn .10 MiwiefT Ohoe. Cot. Or. MlnU....l0 Niwheff Chec. MeutaU. f0 .1? . .10 :S I te .65 4 s.i lewtietr cnee. nannmauew lewnetr Ohse. K. K. Ban ISO eatale Soils tit free with box).. ISO ant. wrappease sepi. .tt .14 nee. Chewer Peanut Ban.. taatan Mnt. Van. or Milk CheO.... rahan Tsbbt Fseksr 6 lb. i an, Pianut Brittle (Fresh) M.-lb Tin. .. Sweetheart Choeola'.i. 1 lb dei. CI0ARETTE8. ETC. Piedmont . CheitirfUM .low ts.es .loeo t.ii , .des. .IS .dei. 1.41 .1000 n.M .1000 T.tt Oamau ensaeten Tebseee eu ........ Prince Albert Teb ;.... Luekyi Ii Sweet Cap. 80'. aumaa (Complete line of Candy. Tobaeeo, tta tta ttemrr. Bar. Seapi, ate.). LOUIS NEWHOFF WHOLESALE C0MTE0TX0MER OEHERAL MERCHAKDISE 2SS Marlc.t St., PhlU., Pa. OFEir zvrNmes te p. it. Market MIS Eit. IMS Kala list -PHONE YOUR ORDER WILL DEUVER C. 0. D. SELECTED SOLID OAK KEGS & BARRELS A-l QusUtr no Meend 5 GalleBi fi.es 10 Gallen $2.50 15 Galleni $3.00 25 Gtlleni $4.25 30 Galleni $4.50 50 Gallens $5.50 Fer out-of-town iblpmenti end money order or cheek with erdir. S rat., 10 saL and 16 sal, ken I add SSe for parcel pett. City Oram Delivered Trie SAML. KASSER 1217 N. LAWRENCE ST. Phene Xinilasten 1133 HKAM'IIKS 17 N. 24 St 2938 Keaiiaites At. Old-Fashion Farm Dinners Direct te Yeu Her than neu-h fer rOOR or HVE tHJITT-.PJepl". Includlns belt selected ROlSTltfe, CHICKEN. 4 te J lb... all tleanid aad wrapped in wax paper, ready Jf. W8T cranberrr lauce, celerv, Iittttce, cabbige, iweet and white pota peta pota teei, Bf, coeoanut or plum pudding. rin.it. frsihut the frm CO CA afferdi. Sent ipeclsl delivery iltJ.OIJ and (uaranteed fruh dillrery. ",T Write for Other Menus ?Jei. Pclaar-a of frulti. nuts. Sft?1"' 4 iPial ThanUirlr.ns eettr quality and better vsluei! MILLER FARM PRODUCTS PALMYRA, N. J. - Geed Warlr v,,0, " Lew Prices W suaranti you atlifictlea ind PalnUit Dentistry At Lewest Coit in Ph'l ...ine, 0e tt SI Dr. Hyman mB th Market "" sad araache M sal aw Lm vg SBiTa vl aSSH I.11V 9BsSgB9Cj. If lm) IliiA q!59K" 4m i W 2L! ii .w ,.,,&? i 7ASOXL 70IT Down This beautiful 17, Jewel Watch will be sent en re ceipt of only 11.00. New, thin, 12-Biie model, In 14 K. cold-filled case, war rantee! for 26 years. Hand engTavwd dial and bezel. Adjusted te temperature, Isochrenlsm and positions. Guaranteed against de fects In matcrlul und work manship for one year. If satisfied upon receipt. keep and pay $2.70 a month for 10 months otherwise, return for Immediate re fund Price, $28. Trans Trans actleas strictly cenndentlaL Knife and Chain Free W tZSgr watch we will give. abT selutely FHEB. a handsome gold-tllled knife and Waldemar Chain. 17DI7I7 SS-page Diamond Boek In AJalaUaU. colors, shewinK excep tional values in Diamonds, watches and. Jewelry gifts you'll be proud te give. Write te Dept. 16428. CAPITAL $1,000.000 Genuine White Celluloid I Toilet Seats with heaT nickel-plated flttlacs $7.00 Parcel Pett. 23c Extra Gelden Oak or Mahogany. $975 With Pet Blnse. P. P. 23e Extra " Stationary Watk Trayt Single or Deable . AT Lewest Prieet AartUaf is PlamUnr W Hsre It Presist Atttnties Givta Mill Orders Gitemer-MUIer & Ce. "ftiJffiS?.- 5000 Mile Guarantee l.VDir Special Plsrennt of SO, off the Itecular Price. Protecten fully ruaranteed bj written certificate. Reg. Price Our Price Size 21x3 9.!0 ?.e: 30x3 10.S0 8.61 30x3tt 12.40. 0.9 31x3 12.96 10.HH 32x Vi 13.50 10.RO 31x4 16.75 13.40 32x4 17.25 13.80 33x4 17.76 14..M) 34x4 18.26 14.ne 32x4 V4 21. SO 11.5a 33x4 H 22.20 17.701 34X4 Vk 22.80 18.34 35X4 M 23.40 18.71 36x4 Va 24.00 10,'iO 33x5 28.00 3..40 36x5 28.80 .S.04 38x5 29.60 S3.H8 37x5 30.40 34.32 W. M. WOLVERTON 224 E. Willow Greve Ae.. Chestnut Hill. Phlla.. Pa. Tel. Chestnut Hill e57g WANTED! Railway Mail Clerks $1600 te $2300 Year Men Bey Over 16 Should Write Immediately Steady Werk. Paid Vacations. Ne Layeffi Cemiiiiti Kd lira Hi n Multli-li-iit "" Semi l'nuHin Toils- Bt'Ili: -.-.-.'..-.-..-..-,-,-,-,,,, FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, Dept. LtOI Rochester, N, T. Sirs: Semi me without rliaiite (I) saniele "?' ,,14" .'"." Kiniiilnatlm .iie.t"!i"l .'.-' .Si'hedule shiiHln. plaris In Mil ivunin. V. H. ileeninient enmlnatlnns. I.'ll lUt ,!t mail) UeMrnmcnt Jobs uew utitalimbl". Namn I Addresi free Keg: With Each Press 8 Qt. Browne Fruit Prm $p for One S Gal. Oak Keg O betk v.tiif.ry wiinin loe Miles Z5c Extra 302 E. Mt. Airy Ave. -'iiiatiriiiiii 4l41l.Wttttfft Keys Duplicated 'w vor WAIT Lm Key SpeeMlet Orljrlastw f skt.. ksBsaei V aaaaaaaaaaaai ssair - .gSliH .sjjiB llnlllliWlk,ll ,1 XI fi"ii vl "II Viftm '':mI mx Jamk i ! . "mWwPS'lWli MS. Cl''J.-i ...FASOX1VPOIT - xt- A J j n j 13 upen moneay ana rneij Evenings Until 9 oXleck SAVE MONEY BY BUYING HERE WHERE YOU GET QUALITY & SERVICE BATHTUBS All Sixes Vitraeus Toilet Outfits Chiaa TabIc and Bowl Full Line of ENAMEL WARE SINKS g.a K1TCHENETTES Apron and Rell Rims 42 te 52 inches Guaranteed First Quality Tank Heaters All Sizes RADIATION Wall nd Fleer $6 7C OalTsnlsed Oe t O Kand-RlTatid Seller Ne. 10 3-Grate $6.00 Tank Heater WaU EadUten 2 Sactiens, $6.00 9-ft. each section New Concrete Stene Laundry Tubs tllsestxU CALL, WRITE OR PHONE TOR PRICES Send Check or Meney Order Shipments F. O. B., PhUa., Pa. S. W. Cor. 12th & Spring Garden Streets rariMr oieo raua., ra Race Mil Trail ATTENTION Hark 4-PAOE CATALOO FREE! Our Bters Is Open Evinlnrs Until 9 P. at. - ., . CONFECTIONERV Oeld Mlnei l!0'i .6 -sanca ciaui Bexei 120' .em 'Vhoe. aim. Bnapi 120's Ant. Belli (Oiant Slie) I40't Herihey Brei. Xeyitene Belli. !' Choe. Msnhmallew (Ardmore). .24'! C. K. MeunUlni S4' ruU Meal Ban 24' Hsnhey Brei. KIU Ban 24i Park 4 Tilferd'i Cec. Ban 34' Teaberry Chiwinr Oum 20' Llstersted Chewtnr Oum 81'a Kllbeurne" Ant. Chec lb. Xaarr'i .lb. "Dlicleui,p Ant. Choe. lb. Aiit. Chec dot. 1 lb. Ant. Choe des. Lewney'i 9 lb. Ant Chec dei. SPrrtAT. TWYfl -asfr-r s . .M ;ii lis l.M l.Se 4.M 11.44 20 Cirtiilcatea A Larre Drum 14 CrtlJ.cytes A Sleeplnf Seil Olasilne. Ben Ben Cupi. . .5000 te baa S1.1S Chec. Liquor B. 10- lb. cake 2.01 uanay nweet ceatlna . .. ,10-lb. cake Nucea Butter SO H. P lb. Picture Tep Helly Bexet, 1 lb. 100 Xrli Krlneje, ,t.lb. boxes 100 Taffy Stick ..... 10 M. te box CHRISTMAS GOODS 3.20 .21 4,00 2.2S 4.04 Xma Trei Balli riei. t , SJup Xmai Treei dot .11 xmai riled Stock nr Ne. A..dei. Xmsi Filled tfteckinc Ne B..dei. Xmai Se Seals .100 pk(i. Xmii Postcard! T.100 Thankirtvln- Peitcardi 100 New Vear'i Peitrard loe Tjrri' vrr. II 1.9? 2.45 .47 .47 .47 Ne. 1 iTery Dice lOO'i lyery Dice (tarter Siie) dei. Trsnip.rcnt Red Dice dei. Put & Tske Te"i dei. Deuble Put & Take Tept dei, Deuble Dice Tops j0i. nT.TnnvH I .M .SO 1.10 .41 1.10 1.10 Penny Ball-jet- (Extra Lare) rreu ,l Squswker Bslloem rreis ,97 Ne. 60 Air Souther Billni .sreij 4,00 Victory Clrsri i"l", ViiUAIltTXES. ETC.! 50'i II 71 80'i 1.71 -10-00 U(ll Hand Marts CUars (Second!) Hand Madei Oounssller Cltirs . Murlsl Cfar SO's 1 5 SO'i 3 01 2.71 3.AI .11 rW Ml 2.i .13 .7J .21 0's 50'. .'5!!SjfrJi.,V".:!ci.w,.d,. Osiml C'rye! . ,, mne Jiurads. 20' Tim , 200'! i"njrf,,ll' Cltarette IIMrteri . .dei. '.' 3 .lei. te box .''r Tnbsece Bin mne ZO Certlllbate . Automatic Clear L'thUr M,rw,1pl,ii 8if "''.''.iN E.Phll..Th.ir!i N. W. Phlla. ft Otn.. Frl. W. Phil.. Sat. .45 Lkeff Bres. 322 Market St., Phila., Pa. WH0LESALEatOENERAL MERCHANDISt Out.ef.tnwn erden will recsise prompt tTnml.n.J, ser-c-?,.n-5)!.n!a.i.','r remlttanrei?" Lembard 8O73.S074.r410 M.ln 5174 " .. tun V.AOJ1 uni.r, HOME VICTOR WATER HEATER FOR COAL ..Sen rln Ipul: militant iiiii. ' J.lj : '.'I In IKI KSllens. If. Heals rudlstnrs. ten. There Is imlliliiK lust ss geed, Heud I LMl lilftiin!" TM I l! II II III"- leJ Ii II Nav JpS aasss. my of then bsautlful 7 jawel. 10.Tr V kuu, leld.fllled Bracelet WatchV M ABSOLUTELY FREE '"Vt"!-..;.! I I RUSH '"'!' ,n'"," '"'! aiMri-M , , ,'"l "MI send mil mi n underfill FREE Itrai h I'liinf Don't delay, HcE writ st once. 4PIt'W-Tx1 Til Heme Gupidv Ce. pV fjil , IM mmi 131 lliian fit,, Er 41 ft I Ikpt IHI), N. V. C. VtslAry Jf IM inr ii'iiaiei.--sianirs. BlUte. sell s:fti 'Mi ,1 "ari V$fc ... m M ii '1 vl M2: Tfcteji B ter SS. " fsssesi isn FOX. n rwai21VfT imit , .. i?iWi . -'j ,r ,1 ' ., U- . ifc1. ac.:asji A iV AjJk.-kiii.i-iM; Lit (vvs.1'' ' 1VJ mm FkswBv HltU W runners. eie rerausis. xaa T l2JK,.Hn-P''M?H,. ' efea - vh-ir,em!-m. PTtHj alkdU.l.