l-, fflli PRPIPRP p-Pi ;F.flK: m Vi'M,ftW Vi.yimwiiLir: iijr- i EtENiNG PUfifrO LEDGBI!PHltUDBLPHlAi WEDNESDAY, V T atTsrf e"ire J-. MtVP as w teams' tetms' MOBS tephh Tntma k- ' MIAMI. TtA, u MIAMI. ItA. W ' -- SSt aft. Ass3hpEl v vm 1 -f-. -' - .ii '"jiJkiLivJbMMiwi MBMpaMMWk.uvi'' 'xi nci..xi.i'.i:ffH'.,fM"ri t rt mW Ctpde Couri partmenty Hatching Jthietini $annis fehinj Pole Surf- Mih M n A home wherein there Is the .rent pleasure of living the love of the beautiful the in in jeyment of genuine comfort the spirit. of contentment the Jey of 'peace. This beautiful fireproof building contains seventy-th(ree complete and 'thoroughly modern furnished apartments. Centrally located, within two short blocks of shopping district, also Royal Palm Park. Every room in the entire building has ait outside exposure, steam Heat, het water, elevator service, telephone and -Janitor, and maid service. We can truthfully say that the Clyde Court is, without an exception,' one of the finest apartment buildings te be found in the entire south. Write for booklet and rates, state hew many you desire accommodation xer. iq Snitera BroM.Ce.Jtimi, 9feridu 66 S. E. Second St. Yeu. Can. Come je HAWAII NOW Greatly increased iteamihip fii" cllitlei imure accommodation! te an J from Hawaii thli winter J Direct sailings from Let An"' geler, San Francisce, Seattle . and Vancouver, B. C. Fer information and literature , askyeurneareitraUway,tteirri ' ihlp,tourist,er travel agency ,or Hawaii Tourist Bureau 843 Monadneck Bldg., San Franckev or, Honolulu, Hawaii Perfect Winter A WINTER, HOTEL DeLUXE iMIBtlMflR MIAMI-FLORIDA Fire-Proof On the Palra-Frlnged Shere of Beautiful Biscayne Bay Dedicated te the Comfert and , Pltuure of a Superior Clientele , New Under Construction for Opening about Jan. 1 Every Spert and Recreation Unsurpassed Gelf Beating-Bathing ( Henry N. Ttagut, Manager New Yerk OKIeai Town & Country S Watt 40th St.,Tel. Lennacre S310 Summer and Autumn Retort Greylock Hetel, Williametevn. Mali. " il'IH TAAIPA. FLA. Geme te ampa i f1E Hillsborough County FLORIDA A fiftMillfta al nnfilnA nlaa. nrs (or the winter toeriu a lead pnraie te the horn seeker. Rvtrv mmmer snort Is enlevcd here at In bail, all winter fihln, bostief. hithlal. hnntlns. material, soil dm ll.holtceursti.arais tfreenii.dsitelae. eesnalr concerts, community alnia. ins esiray oilman and ncn ten raver rspia sneultnral and Indnttrial prejrtss. impensni raiimae center, pert ler ocean ad feaitwiia shipping. Desautni nernes, caeautnt scnoeia, meaern sMetapreveraents. Yea will like te live berc. Hnttoreagh Cennty Invitaa tee. WnTHftr tmtrmelhn tni sesltrft, I. fee ,'Tmiitt-i, aa Ptrtt, tn AtrtnUere. t TAMPA BOARD' OP TRADB SH UFsrtt Street Tftmpn. FbrHa WEST tAtM nB.ril. FT.A. LAKM mtTRT JtHBTMPVTO Writs for Hoeklnt. Weat Palm Ilrach, Fie. CALIFORNIA Jliis m'nterffii cumew' zr dri :m? n.u UCi!5F M mMmS( nk "siS'w It Ml r ..,. s;i.::,",-'"u.'.o7eur ir . w , see ait tn. state, entering by a --....,., ,v. laaiornraureaagaiewayana waving from the south (or vice versa). Wlfernlans Inc., a non-profit organ!- r-ii . 3,BO ,n ,ne oeveiepment 01 guuernia, will send instructive folder, iauitnf3an..i:r -.1- iir writ. Ted., xe : ' en requ"fc CalifernianS me 1AVTQNA DKACH. CT.A. DAYTONA BEACH HOTEL nrend vernnda fnce nnrld'a flneat beach. Modern. Culilns unexcelled. Itatca 13.50 te SO per day. Ameflran plan. ABHKVUMt. W. QT I f areraWr known te a dUeriminatlnir clitntate, I I Ideal lilUtap raeatln, eTerleeklni tha cltr and I I Btmlin Deakaaa aven a). Twe perierll- I I hole Oflf Ceanct. Hard anrfue meter rendt. I I Opanallrear. WlLuUR DfVRNDORr. Mtr. I llEKMtnA Hetel FRASCATI Btrmwtm A meat delightful water front location.' Coel breetea. llermiida'a nneat ea batht.t free te futeU. . Beatlnf. Fluhtajr. Tennla, Danetnr. Twe felf reuraea cenrmlent. Opae n enr. teniae B. Davidaen, Mm. BFURNESS-k ermudA UNE AM 'under Contract with Bermuda Gevt.) 8 Day Tours. $83.00 and Up, Until Nev. 30 ... Includlna; All Kpene. Vln Pnlntlnl, Tnln-Hrrrn. Oll-llnrntns S. S. "FORT VICTORIA" and S. S. "FORT ST. GEORGE' I;nch 14.000 Teni Dlntilnremrnt. iTein iew vnrK wew. Frem nermudn Turn. Hut. Rat. Special Holiday Sailinga Invlnu New Yerk Dee. 20, .1 nnd SO for Chrlatmna or New Venr In llermuda. ' Specie! Extra Christmaa Trip ' ".pending rhrlatmna week In llermuda. H. ft, "FORT HAMILTON" TnlnK New Yerk Dec. 28d. Arrlvlnc New lerk Jan, lat. B.raud. Offers All Out-Daer 'Sports Modern Hetel. Ne Passports. Boek New for Inter tt Holiday Snllln.. Fer Itluatrnted Hoeltletn write te FURNESS BERMUDA LINE 84 Whltrhnll 8t New Yerk rVRNKMH-WITHY S. n Ltd.. limine. Ilfdir.. I'hlln.. or any lernl teurlat ntent ERICSSON LINE for .Baltimore Fur. 12 00 one way, S1.0U round trie. Dally at S P. M..B o'clock Baturdara, Hteamera atop at Battarten. Icavln nee I, Beuth Delaware Ave. Bend for Pamphlet teWnti-Sunshiiic Intht West Indies Sefrth Aaerict, Panama, Venezuela, Nuiaa, Bernada' ' The CANADIAN PACIFIC has once mere pleasure in offering two delightful cruises by the superb "EMPRESS OF BRITAIN" A liner of a,0t ten. dlapUcetnent. OiUbuming, duatlea and Immaculate. Frem New Yerk Jan. 20 and Feb. 20 te the blue waters and balmy skies of the Spanish Itfain Havana (C1160), Tort Antonie and Kingsten (Jamaica), Colen (Panama), UOuayra (ItntcutU), Ven of Spain and U Bran Peltit (rnawlad), Bridgetown iBirbadei), tort de France and St. Pierre (AerOawnr), ban Juan (Perte lUce), .Nauau (Bahamti), Hamilton iUtrmuda). Thla Fleatlnf Palace hat luxurious aultca, cabin. .with baths, cabins with toilet, electric fani In ' every room, apacietia decks, swimmlnp; peel, ffV iu tiu caiea, cneicc ercncsira. tverytning Canadian Pacific Standard. Each Cruise CT daytFarea &M epwartub ftr ttm and full Inftrmtttm, tfflf ,, , mi, t CANADIAN PACIFIC . v. iuiiiti, uity rasa. Art.. Locust St at 11th. PhlladalehT ' fl anneanTUA fla. M . r"i OaADBiflVi eraSS. 1I6DK.. aet is aah at v. ei"" s The sjconemlo .value and public dutjrtf building up one's health and contemn? one's energies for private and publie skttrvfca has awakened American men and Recreation wem.ea te the far-reaching benefits of "!WB cruisW as the ideal form ef'-big-retiim" Afloat MM recreation RAYMONDfWHITCX)MB CRUISES In ehoertnt My tm't 0 m'pin,Raymend.WUkmb Cruisuyp are him riaW IH aViafinl dMaU aWfaVrMMl dat Av da-tot MUrWH' But in Travtl " tHtJryva . Cruise of the Luxurious "Resolute"' ROUND-THE-WORLD I New Yerk) Jan. 34 from Sen Fr anetaee, Otr-tan Ian ae.QDO terist New. ii Latest word in Baautr. cem fort anLtiaiiry. American d. lux. Hpul CulHne. West tauiWmih iureMMth. Plnlihlne Touch. Meat Faednv r Feaelbte Reute. By, With and Fer Americans. (We irj, Lira 125 Days fan. Of n Jrsf 1 90.600 tenst New, lrai Aantand each ether). Limited tn lata than BOO I rs. 1 Vaeanelee from (3,000 te 14.800 from New Yerk te xrt. n VaeascM 4ew Yerk. The most Suwrb Cruise .t any erlce. )ulck BoeUnff Important In your own Interest , i nreiendajn", covering the earn, route a weel 65 Days 45 Days Mklmrt era the lowest r.rte of. prices for the eicettent taMaf loumessa, vacancies from 12,000 up, w.T. se n.a. lan fei the Metatertani w?tla Cruise of the Splendid "Rotterdam'.'' TH1 MEDITERRANEAN th UnleMa Le Ortateet Number of Ceuntrtss and Part. or Americans, (we understand eaeh.euer) . Cruise of the Beautiful "Reliance" SOUTH AMERICA AND WEST INDIES 'eb. S from Nw-YoTle--4e data, TheWinter, meat hUttl snort cruise, nut exposition and the Levely Ice. The west indies, ranama Canal, south America. Windward and virgin uiands-r-Our The Perfect sners wint Inter Vacation ur Newest PetsestlOB. in Bummer Lands With 'congenial companions and an expert te foresee your every need, a Tour is the ideal Way of realty seeing the worthwhile Perfect Wint2r n , . in the many interesting places you have KecreatlOil longed te visit. Eliminating the worries a atij-.- I of travel you Jure free te give yourself te ASiiere m , the fullest ..enjoyment of your entice trip RAYMOND-lrVHITCOMB TOURS Rayihbni'Whitcemb art-tratti txperts and being the Mest American Travel Company appreciate the wey YOU want te travel. In selecting e Raymond-WhtUemb Tour you- an therefore assured 0 the Maximum ej trove fiuere-H ptus an expert Htncfetways ' ine etst fs Travel " Fer the flret time In twelv. years. Metlce InctudUui Carriae Oern ar Mexico City. Chapulupec, Ouadatupe Mexico California Hawaii Seuth America Japan-China Europe Metlce includlna' Carriae Oeiie end ' Mexico wty, junapuiiapec. uuaaaiuDC'H d.lte. . Teetlhuaeaa. Caernavaca. Ouadalajar. and California. weyaaraie. jasb m eusa regruarj H , Tours te Wonderful I the Imperial Valley. itupeHIdalte. Juan Cemprthensiya Itlnerle at various dates vislttn New Orleans, the Apache Tray, the Orand Canyon, Riverside, Pfl &&$"& Barbara. Pasadena, also Hawil, Hono lulu. Walldkl, Kwiai and IncredJbte Kllauea. Next Tour depart. Dec. 14, .Other Otpartut. Jaa. t, , IT, 22, and avesy week uatU Aaril naymonawnitcesnp leurs te te "Continent el pniCT inciuue.pre-inca reru and ueuvla besides lune, inue( wrui Jruguay add Brasll, Ar. Deputurea Jaa. 19, V Bur. ientlne. Chile, 27, Feb. V R.ymond'Whlteemb Teut, visit Japan In It. fameu'e Blouetn .Btaaensi and Include Manchuria, North and Seuth 2s China, the Ph feb. I, IS, 22 R Philippine, and HawalU Departure. Jaa. tlens 1 en famous Uner. at attractive rates. aa , v, v Oeparturea Fop Booklet$ caU, write or telephone! Raymond & Wkitcemb Ce. 1338 Walnut St., Phllatlclphla, Pa. Tel. Sprue 8663 FLORIDA SPECIAL WINTER SERVICE S. S. LENAPE Again In Service On never forgets the wonderful hours aboard these popular Liners. Modern oil-burning steamers. Wide range of passenger accommodations. High standards of cuisine and service. CHARLESTON, S. C ind J ACKSOimilE, Fl A. with through connections te Augusta, Atlanta, Birmingham, Montgomery, Pensacola, Mobile and New Orleans. S.S.Lenape.Nev. ..28 dm. 2, 12, 21, 90 Jaa. . . . 9, it, 27 Dtc 5, 14, 29, a a Jan. 2, 11, 20, 20 Dtc 6, IS, 26, a Jan. 4, 19, 29, . , Dae. 7, 16, 27, a a Jan. 1, 16, 25, . Dtc. 9, 19, Me. Jan. 6, 17, 26, . 8. S. Anache . Nev. IS. 24 ' 8. t.Cemandaa . New. 16, 25 8.8.Mehawk . Ner. 18, 28 8.8. Arapahoe .Nev. 21, 90 KEY WEST ta iCtscesVta' iSfelltvajrti MIAMI GALVESTON, TEXAS with through connections te all points in Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona and the Pacific Coast. 8. 8. Conche Ner. 15. . a Dae. 6,27 Jan. 17... 8. 8. San Jacinto . . Nev. 22 . . Dee. 19, . . Jan. 9, 24 8. 8. H. R. Matlery Nev. 29 . . . Dee. 20, . . Jan. 10, 91 8. 8. Cemal Dee. 2,29, Jan. 19, Feb. 9... Pall and Winter reservation, new available for both one-way and round trip ticket.. Rate. Include tranaportatlen, mtala and atateroem berth. Bedrooms with double or twin beda and private bath; or ether state rooms In special or preferred location, may be accured at varying extra room fares. Clyde-Mallery Lines S. A. MbNTEITH 629 Chestnut St, Philadelphia, Pa. ! .l E. T. 8TEBBINO, Oan, Act, Pass, Sept. ..aSflsaaV ISaVBaKr J7 9jl Madisen Ave. at 44th St., Mew Yerk fltSaaaBAVaVK' H7 al"il Sug g e stiens for W inter Travel CRUISES TO WEST INDIES Sailings evyrr Saturday te Cuha. Jamaica, ranamn, "etc., by Orcat Wlilte Fleet Btcamcm. S3 cloys, vliura cxcurslnna IncIudcMl, J330 and up. Special Cruises te Cuba. Jamaica. I"innma, Vinisnela, narlmdee, Trlnlilail, Torte nice. Nnnaii, cte., Ur Canadian I'nrlllc Ce, 8. M. "nmprias ut Ilrltnin," Inn. 20 uml 1'cb BO. llejui Mali Strain l'arket Ce., 8. 3. "Orra." Jan. 24 and Kch 24, Wlilte Htnr Line 8. 8. "Mi Rentic," Jan. IS, rub. 17 and March 22. llntes $2.10 and up Sixteen-Day All Expense Cruises te Perte Rice Sailings every Saturday. llnUs $150 and ue BERMUDA Sailings Wednesdays and Saturdays . Wonderful Inclusive trips of S dnya and len.tr. nates $83 nnd up INCLUSIVE INDEPENDENT TOURS arranged In arrordanee with your own plans, te California, Honolulu. Flerida, Cuba and .11 ether Iteserts. Write for comptrte details and noeklet of Tour or Cruise ncslred FRANK TOURIST CO., 219 Se. 15th St., Phila. Established 1STB Seil Phenes Spruce SU4-S (Unlrnv Walnut" 8.) -1 Hu"" B"dln. San franclse, Calif. ''IF -. TOtIRS Jin i-S WsWsaaeTsaeeeaMBseinSjMsaeewtas-J5vMafcW " .- ,- ftMl. ,m 3BmP"B E3sw:1 1tT Br'-B eeeeeeeeeeeeeeaeen CfieMMMM'iMii'MMMmQMfiMiZMMMaMM Gillespie-Kinports Tours CALIFORNIA: .In?. Ineludlne- Naw Orleans. San Antenla, Apaehe nail, most of California br T passanfsr auto and Orand Oanyen of Arliena, FLORIDA: ,HJJS UnKKL' Si days and lenrer, with optional Havaaa Eitenalen. Hsarly all ef Flerida by aete. Bast HoteU. BERMUDA: && Inelnslve rates, 111.00 and up. SPECIAL OKRiSTetAS CR0ISE. Tee. S. daya, I1M.00 and ue. SPECIAL EASTER CRUISE. Xareh list siev.uu ana up. immeaiate appucai neeessarr. WESTINDIES: iWfl f . .WieB .Included. S days la rAHAi tbrench Panama Canal by V. Cerpede chaser, tllS.OO and up. E-U-R-O-P-E: WsJteBSi TOORS. Parties , new f erralai . fiend for special Itineraries. AROUND THE WORLD: Small select party, Isaviai tn September. INDEPENDENT TOURS: Old Beeth Flerida and Southern Call, fernlai arraneed te suit Individual parties. Btart any time. All expanses Ineluded. Writ for Our Magauin; "Travtl Tour," Jutt' Publlthed Gillespie, KinperU & Beard 59 West 37th Strewt 1115 Walnut St., Phila. New Yerk Cit Phene, 4243 Walnut Fmat through Paa Paa eenger and Pnight Service) te mil In In In tariorpeinta South-aetandSeuthweet. f. rssS5tfVa 1 SilBtap- EGYPT THE NILE65& EBypt-mysterioua,etemal-calUyeu toherwenders: (COOlS the fiwuriant, mystical atretches along the Nile, the R VJ .v.,u,uiwi iuiuui )ca n uygenc ugcai Cook's own Nile Fleet cen.iatincr of macnlficenr. steamers and dahabeahs are the tlnest river-craft en -the Nile. Frequent sailinga from Caire te the Pint and Second Cataract.. Only the best of accommodation. comfort and luxury throughout. POLL INFORMATION AND UTSRATVRB ON REQUEST THOS. COOK & SON PHILADELPHIA ISO Seuth 15th St. Telephone Epruce 8820 .ei uVtp 9ilbl ...,r- j. invr B LKU13C ae LUAC je the Ji..-. .rrr lUKUiivriaiivaii (Limited te 450 Quests About Half Capacity) .y MpRnificent, New CUNARD S. S. "SCYTHIA" Specially.Chartered In Strew Turbine OlMlurner, 20.000 Tens. Bulltni Jan. SO, 1M8, retumtns April 3, visiting m- ttr I v l f il.n T i.i ipiw ine wenucr j,tiiiun ui wc vvunu ' gypt, Madeira, Portugal, Spain, Gibraltar, Algiers, Tunis, Hely Land, ' 'May unL T.rJf) l"?." en or eftr the "hews of the MeiUterranean, and the cUlllaatlen that we enjoy cent, whir! S? ,0 ,hfl ,Bnd en the ,frent ln,n,", BB for Its origin, Ne wonder we crnve te' low the "ouble or weri. Jni i ever,al,nal ni.iery. vibh in u.ciuu iiiiiun m conuert, luxury and without --.., ieir, wuiiuurn win ue i iiiviuuh ..... v.f w. r,v.aue. ' - . stop-evor in Kurepe. Full Information en rsauesi, Kmly reserr.tlen adrlsablt. Alse De Luxe Teura te Europe, Seuth America, Japan; China and California VDiMV fpntiDva'n rr' 110 Qn 1 eieV, e T)U11.1,it.i.' tnnnn wuniaa vw., w ..... aruetwutttsl H UMU4 is t &? .laeiesi iiej". 'Vrvi .y .,'if,Rif,W f ,s r, ROUND THE WORLD clark'b m nvrrrav v.wn.w .. m. .aTJb Bpoelsllr, cnartersd superb s, a. "IMPRESS of rHANCZ" 11.411 nees tens. SliSl!i?r5,Ml.dll2s,V,,,.,2 '' CUrk.erutnatsr of Round, the Werti brulsei aad ti only Tourist A.snt who has ever run a OpiTse Round the World far ehartered steamer, t.i A Seatlaf nalae. for the trip, Reute. Mew Verh. Panama. Ban rranolseo. Klls. Kanel l"!?,'- li,Air ? pin' '," ff1"' ' alniapere. Burmah. Option or IB d.Vs In India, Oevlen. 4 days In SI'i(mU. .Havre. Southampton, (step evers) Queeee. Rr" te Montreal and Mew Yerk. 4 M0NTM1, oej a p, Ineludln. Hetslj, Drives, Oeldes, I'eesT ete. MEDITERRANEAN TO THE CLARK'S lttn CRtnax. rxniinAnr a. IPS. S'Jp,cl!11' ?'Ua etamMvcHM S.J . "IMPRESS of SCOTLAND." eU Varaer. J6.W0 nese toast St SAYS ORtflfR. fiae and pi 1. days In trrpt aadjFaleeUas Spain, Italy, Orseee, etc. fRAMKO. CLARK, Times BelUIni, T V.w Teri i ' BARTLITT TOURS CO.. 800 SOUTH JSTK STREET TWO WAYS TO CHINA AND JAPAN With Connections for AtutraU and India N. Y. K. Lint Off r Choice of Routt JUU te SaatU., .. gjffgjjj-. K.i.ha VeaMestaeWtle LfalM te EwgisM, tbenee Nlppm Tueen Kat.ba.atM! fUAHUITi tSBltlfg ' . AeeigWr mi """ """"""J r j. if flam' wAeA Sa.. ansew i i l f ' fleneBleeaSeBJejB?eBeBWw SJ wjs) mp 1AwrwOw fc. -(. 1 ajajy te RallreM, S, eevejfyWMre. .SS1. v " 'M A Moter Tour of Quaint Havana One of many splendid side trips included free en your Great White Fleet Caribbean Cruise this winter. Alse: trip te Matanzas via Hershey, with oppor tunity te inspect a modern sugar mill sixty-mile meter trip through beautiful Jamaica privilege of stepping without extra charge at United Fruit Company's resort hotels at Pert Antonie and Kingsten through the Panama Canal by sub marine chaser special train through scenic Cesta Rica. Ne ether cruises te theWest Indies and Central America offer se much in variety, interest and included features. Fares t $350 and up All expenses 23 days Personally conducted Great White Fleet ships are the only vessels sailing te the Caribbean built especially for Cruise Service. Only one class first class. First sailing from New Yerk, January 6, 1923, weekly thereafter. See your local tourist agent or railroad ticket agent at once for reservations. FREE -''The , Gates of the Caribbean," an Illustrated booklet about Great White Fleet Cruises by William McFee. Address Panen.er Department UNITED FRUIT COMPANY 17 Battery Place New Yerk Qeneral Olfkti tl 8late St., Bosten, Mass. Sw fl llflPMeflllflisHI 111 s3fi tli t. Caribbean Cruises i, - ;. JrWU. J VWA& "' w m 1 rjt ".il m 'Mi Uh ( M Wf m ,i i V1 s iii. -HsnPJeA snaeeel-i. sneBBBBeVsneBBBBBBi tBBBBBBBBBeHsnlsrinVinB 'e-H asneeem VI a-fl aV BaBBBeWX I J am L.Mavyaivi m mi W