w Lf t WW , . j't'i" pppplf GOSSIP OF ; THE STREET IJVBNINO FDBLIO (LEDgER-PHIKAPBaJ'HIA. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 16, 1922 th old timers-were shocked hTwiur. of Wassermann Brethers was llde en the New Yerk Stock Ex . .. Tii name of Jesse Wassermann Wm "Sdellbly inscribed en ths jSUf rf "he memory of .very trader J i?, collections of the exciting days K&Unt " round 1000 and 1010 when iSat stock took the skyward course. las Jesse Wassermann who end SJed that fme movement, nml he i always looked upon as n neadlng Kler A host of friends were put en Tst're et ns n result of his wonderful S1 nml faith in the stock he handled. WR".nil. i. nl,l house of Wasser- . 10BJ. I. - h ..rr.Mlt firm WO sarin jireini-r. .. ... .: -----.:- .. a ii. ..., ;, -,:- .. Iriinlw In Mnrcii, i. """,? Kith of Kd Wasscrmanti, nnd took in ?atn "L. eii.mi.nt of the family. , Wrnann retained his Interest tm,h firm and was the fleer member, ind I Ims been a member or the excuanae ejnee 1883. Hani Read for the Feet .. i l.. Imnt alelillnff far n nutn- 11 ebb ucch "-.y-v- "TtJ -i . ... Wr of the DOD-innea poi " Erket turned turtle. These spe-cu- Pf? l.l...tAn tinf fth hlff 101 E. but the secondary, class who did net complete their dbtrlMtionpner &l.ld!eef last month, find the, hare "K. il Miln mnrkpt from which te mike their escape. Most of the mere jnflucntlnl peels, or bullish combina tions, slid out from under when the BlfhViccd Industrial HiKclattlei were trying te reach the clear blue. As one observer remarked yesterday : 'An examination of the curent market esilp conveys the direct impression SMPticnllr every bull peer Is fast nnd i(.i nn the rocks. Ureatlcastlng in- " 1- At. I Mn.t til A ftrmatien sucn as mm .. w - .... .l,nf oil nnnla ere about te Cel- I lapse must be taken 'or what It la lirerth, and this Is net much.'' nThnt Is true, as mew . me p yej.... ftr the fourteen months' uplift in se curity VSIUCJ inuuc wren " comfortable money in the last two Months. It is n well-known fact that four poe' which played a bl part in tk. bill market of 1022 wound up and quit practically when the upward move ment reached its crest October 18. Power and Light Bends ' Harrison, Bmlth & Ce., in a circu lar letter, present nn unusually in Srtstlni: discussion of the position of the bends of utility companies, particu larly these corporations in the power ud light business. They say : "The report of the Committee en Public Service Securities submitted te tie Investment Bankers' convention jut month notes that public utility mertMge bends nnd even preferred etecks of the best compenles can new be sold with comparative ease, such bends being new legal for savings becks and trust funds in twelve States. At the same time, however, the com cem Bjlttec feels that a larger proportion of capital than has been the practice In recent venrs should be raised by Junier financing nnd states that it Is still diffi cult te market public utility common etecks, se as te provide the proper twain for the- senior securities. "Thi problem may be met te soma, extent by the present tendency toward consolidation. The larger holding com panies can usually obtain capital, net merely through mortgage bends of the operating companies, but by collateral trust bends secured by the stocks of such companies. Such bends should be urchssed with care, but in tbe cases larger cempnnles with business risks (tattered in different territory tbey ere often geed semi-speculative invest- Bents." Philadelphia Industries "The great industries in the Phila delphia district are giving a geed account of themselves and developing iradually. tee kind or business which will produce satisfactory profits Inter c," says William A. Law, chairman et tbe first National Bank, in the months review of the business and financial outlook by that institutien: "The general situation in this re spect is also highly satisfactory and, while there are complex problems te work out before the country gets back te normal, the gains of the last month show that the nation, en the whole, is waking excellent progress. In textile lines, thsre have been Important gains ihewn nith the resumption of activity by merchants and ethers who for a considerable period bought little or nothing. It is clear that the country Js emerging from the period of hand-te-mouth buying and is entering an m of Increased industrial activity with greater confidence and broadening trade "we distinguishing features. This is a healthy sign and reflects a public senttmeut which is very dlf i!v(n Xrem thnt encountered last year iMnWate their wist imiebtettnaa. nn.i en i prevailing prices for many com- wames were below the cost of pro pre Auction, (hit of this has developed a situation where numerous weak con- 2JS. been weun(1 UD nd both Reduction costs rnd operating chargea SLfa,1JFirMr,"e? ,n.tbe effort t0 weure ?k?an.'1 ?"!:' lcvel nt wn,cl te finance country's business." Western Meney Condltlena l. ,fc.ag0 n',vlces state the money mar- h'eu,0 the West holds steadv. aiJ. Lraws indicating little change c.uuri.r.trlfle h,her tbn ssaa Wtt1 ,lnK'eneral 0M satisfactory, SnKS. "'"hants report bujlnir by Z0t fA A" the wVy of trnnsnS?t. imiL. "' ",r'i transpertat en Is tt'lW.entceSntrV8 ctntera fn .C. Vl "iJU" ib larger jaws ter the assistance nsimllv Jn. 3ed in en "i" ferwHnw are Rnmi '1 n',mnl way. Stdftht ,arKuer bfl.nks "" nng Sff.. ?..b' . ?. 'Pr Hbernl nc- . d.'fortateDrx "crcaM ,n Meetlns Actual Requirements !.V,ndtaZ. ",B2Sa!?"'- n" ItOkM iinnn k fimi-iiib; nruers IS 3 aWJS - -nVumers MU1 indli.!,' n,ew BPlatIng in M reeuPrlme.?r(ler" P 'w ""elr shlSd ntS "" they enn Me by one nf iJ: n ,'nve-tigatien wnt tenden?v h ,,ea,ers dlncltwetl y A. "reSufa?'.' 2Sffif effe' the'ci?' ! ray "terk, f"8 i , -UUe-?i..tr",d,n,f yterdny M te he ' ;h'w 8p nnrt M operation, v ,t.mpt t0 blis 4l tan. a 7 rend,ng Stock Ex- "tmal nfA,11vanct'? occurring in tri Sffiff ' rfWar movements WmnriSSr lnt? . declines when IrYt hour n. F ' "water part I ' ther'. 5.ur,D the remainder S l2Jr!.WM Inera crum- .tk'.;-T -? ,rv Issues, Including these making substan tial gains in the forenoon, joined In a downward movement in the last halt et the davj and before the dose ntnrl all the active stocks showed losses ranging irem x te ever points. Thcre was the usual seeking for cause and reason in connection with these severe louses. There was again a dis position te attribute much of the mar ket unsettlcment te dissatisfaction ever election results, but the fact remained the selling movement started Reme time before Election Day. Reference wns also made te the change In condltlena after tbe Standard OH of New Jersey an nounced Its issue of new stock would net be accompanied, by any increase In, tbe aggregate of dividend distribu tion. Many ether incidents, Including the disaster te the Greek troops, the resig nation of Lloyd Geerge and the attitude of the Turkish leaders were brought forward ns reasons for liquidation, but the improvement in sterllna exchange must be regarded as indicating some etner nasls for the renewed decline. Special incentives were found for a collapse in values of a number of in dustrials, the break of ever S points In Crucible Steel being a natural sequence of the unfavorable showing made In the annual report of that company. Con solidated Gas reflected . disappointment ever the financial plan from wmen se much had been hoped. Peel liquidation from nil Inilleaflnna nlnverf a mere Im pertant part in forcing the decline than any einer tacter. THE TRADER. U. OF P. STUDENTS OBJECT TO XMAS HOLIDAY CUT Usual Twe Week Curtailment te Ten Daya Brings Crltlelem The curtailment of the usual ..two weeks' Christmas holiday for students of the University of Pennsylvania Is the subject of criticism 'in yesterday's issue of the Pennsylvanlan, student dally. Reflecting the attitude of the student body, the editor of the Pennsylvanlan points te the fact that the University this year is allowing but a scant ten days. Including Saturdays and Sundays. "This shortening of the holiday," says the editorial, "has Inconvenienced Middle and Far Western students ma-' terially. The conscientious men who prefer net te take many cuts are forced te remain en the campus until the Fri day evening or Saturday morning before Christmas, and are thereby practically prohibited from reaching borne until many of the attendant festivities- have passed. Pennsylvania has n great num ber of undergraduates who come from afar, and some consideration is due them. "Many universities in the East are closing December 10, and ethers, en Wednesday, December 20. Could net Pennsylvania fellow the lead of the latter? By beginning the recess two days earlier the taking of 'cuts' en a wholesale scale will be discouraged." ASSESSMENT INCREASED New Hemes Beest 22d Ward Realty 'Valuation for 1023 The assessed valuation of real estate In the Twenty-second Ward for 1023 has been Increased several million 'dol lars because of the erection of hundreds of dwellings in that part of the city tbU year. Most of the new homes were erected en the east aide of Germnntewn, be tween Chew, Crittenden and Haines streets, north of Chelten avenue and between Chew and Magnelia streets, in the vicinity of Price, Rlttenheuae and Haines streets. The improved properties were given full improved ireperty valuations by the. assessors, tebert Grier and Frank J. Tobey. Business property in Germnntewn avenue between Penn street and Scheel Heuse lane was also increased in the assessed valuation, because the Ger Ger mnneown postefflce new is en Coulter street near tbe avenue. Mr. Tobey sat in City Hall yesterday te hear complaints against increases next year en property previously assessed. PRISONER KILLS QUAR-L, lx Other ttaJftBes) by Murder Cen vict at Leavenworth leavMiwerth, Kan., Net. 15. Jee Martinet, a Mexican murder convict, faulty aUbbed' A. H. Leenard, . cap Uln of the guards at the Federal Penitentiary here, and knifed six ether guards. Martinet waa captured by guards after he had been, shot and pelted with coal In the bunker, where he hid after the stabbing. Hospital authorities) aUte he haa a fractured skull and may net live. After prisoners had been taken te the barber shop yesterday, one of them warned William Deldge, a fuard, that Martinet wae carrying a knife. Deldge demanded the knife. Martinet replied by Stabbing the guard. Jeseph Durkln, another guard, approached and at tempted te disarm the apparently crated man. Martinet stabbed him. Captain Leenard then rushed In and tried te ebtnln the knife. Martinet stabbed him in the left aide, the blade entering tbe heart. Other guards had been attracted te the scene. Martinet then knifed Guards Martin, Lengyel, Geerge Legan, M. F. Dunkel and James Oalvin. Leenard is survived by a wife and three children. DELAY CHURCH DEDICATION TO OBLIGE ROCKEFELLER Daughter's Debut Cenflleted With Opening of New Kdlfiee . New Xerii, Net. 18. (By A. P.) In order net te conflict with the debut of Miss Abby Rockefeller, only daughter ei air. ana Mrs. jenn v. Kecaereuer, Jr., the dedication reception of the Park Avenue Baptist Church, recently com pleted, haa been postponed from Wednesday evening. November 22, te the next night. j.uc :uurcu, mciuuing luc no, vu.i $1,500,000, and the Rockefeller family gave oeiiar ler dollar ler every etner contribution made te the building fund. Tee date of the dedication was set while Mr. Rockefeller, Jr., waa in Bat tle Creek, Mich., recently. Unon his return he learned of the date and remarked, "Well, that's tee bad. We're going te have company at our house that evening and I can't come." A hurried meeting of the trus tees was held and the reception date changed. COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL Real Estate Mortgages Negotiated VfrHYiiLS0H6Gb 1617 WALNUT 8T. h Continnew Bntfntw WMmUr MOYBRfrCa Ml SAY RUM RUNNERS PAID WITH SPURIOUS BILLS Twe Men In New Jeraey Face Coun terfeit Charge Atlantic Highlands, N. J., Nev. 15. Twe men, who gave their names at David Geltzeiler and William Gallagher, both of Newark, were arrested Mon day by Secret Service agents en the charge of passing counterfeit bills. Simultaneously with tbe arrests police here announced that rum runners are being paid with spurious notes by boot beot boet lecaer middlemen. According te Chief Snedecker, cean-i tencii iuuiiw " f uncu ny tne boetleger "middleman" te beat the rum runner for some time. Net enlv eh.f but when sufficient liquor from the sea Is net avauaeie tne uquer euyers turu te shore "agencies," where, it is as serted, liquor Is believed te be In store. Counterfeit bills totaling S1D0O have been recovered. $775,000 FOR ISHAM'S SON Trust Fund for Relatives; Divorced Wife te Receive $25 a Week Elizabeth, N, J Nev. 15. Inven tory of the estate of Henry Heyward Iehara. filed with Surrogate Codding here yesterday, reveals his son. Colonel Ralph Isbam, a former husband of Mm. Karl Menael. fourth daughter of thn late Mayer Gay nor, of New Yerk, in herits S770,iHKJ as nis scare. Colonel Isham, former aide en the staff of Gen eral Hale in the World War. Is nev n resident of Londen, England. The total personal estate of tae late Air. Isbam in $1,544,705, according te the Inventory filed by the Union County Trust Com pany and former Governer Fester Voor Veor Voer hets, the executers. Under the terms et Mr. Isham's will the son receives one-half of the estate and tbe ether half Is held in trust te provide incomes for mnny relatives and $25 a week te Mrs. Juliet 0. Isham, of Maryland, divorced wife of the testator. 'FINE ARGENTINE CROPS Wheat la Expected te Be Recerd Production for Country Washington, Nev. 15. Argentlna'a 1022-23 wheat crop probably will be a record production for that country. The first estimate, received here by the Department of Agriculture from the In- r . I 1-..lli..i jf ialiHiHaiBi .i 4 215,320,00(1 compared wim ieu,uti,uwi mi The acreage this year Is 10, ternatienal Institute of Agriculture ut ttnm. ferwast a harvest of busbels.cemparcd with 180,041,000 last year. The acreage taw jcur in io, ie, 081,000, cemparetf with 13,827,000 last Alarge crop of ents, probably n rec ord one, nlbe is being grown in Argen tina. The first forecast place it at 40.000,000 bushels from 2,618,000 acres, compared with 82.073,000 bush els from 2,105,000 acres last year. This year's flaxseed crop In Argen tina, the world's larKest grower of that product, Is ferecnutat (10.070.000 bush els, alineHt double the crop of last year and probably the largest ever grown. P. R. R. Veterans te Gather The secc eml annual meeting of the Pennsylvania System yeterau Kmpieyw1 latll'll, Kl'liemi UjUl-B, a-UilBUBIUHIB, it tee t. Thli Me who flee two rshlp.ei wlllbe helilat the Hellevuc-Btratferd ." .. I-!.- Thin HataWiaMatina mmi. ininarruw iiibum priiee only theje wbi TTwSferihpi inr. xnia aaawinuuB coin these who haw feeea IcMhe WWfi. II H.HIS Alan A. Alexander & Ce. Stocks and Bends Colonial Trust Bldg., Phila. 0a '' Cepjp of our Weekly Market Letter. "Up and De waa" S12.000 Ufa Inataraaea at Ag 35 for $10.08 Par Mentk PEARL SUDLCYV AGENCY .Jtei nifaXCK e..1tHxii-, "CapaaaMla tntnrane Slnea lies Five) Year Geld Nete Te Yiald Over Six Par Cant. cured by a direct merttai ea all property with boom of cemnii ateek of MtabllsMd real rnmpnny. Mints owned and operated In PennnjlTtnl and West VUttnla. ..1MIU from Company direct wlt&eut nbltcatleni. a ut. ledeui ornex wnfieiuwiafinrinnnrrinnnnitrmrmnnew MAlNend COMPANY Certlftett PubUcAccevntmts : ftaiLOiNO Philadelphia UUUUUUUUWI fmnniumaeinnnnnn jMAINendl B ewtirkxtPuhb I FlNANCK &UILOIFK wwrauiuuuuuuuui RacipaecAt, AweHpein Ymmwassm Meame 25 Saving Peajuylramia haleuit Esckaaia mm Srsad 8b a Be. aa " GUARANTEE Trust & Safe Deposit Ce. 316, 318 and 320 Chestnut Street 1415 Cheatnnt HI. ft B. Bind Ba. HORACE P. GRIFFITH & CO.' Certified Public AccenataaU FINANCE IITJILDINO, PhlUdelpbJS) Herace 1". OttfflUi, O. V. A. WUllard n, Olnder. 0. P. A. Wm. Lewli McOk. 0. P. A. New Yerk Curb Exchange Securities The furnishing of timely, accurate and worth while information is one of the most important services that a brokerage house can render te its customers. Our information files are most complete en the active issues traded en the New Yerk Curb Ex change. We have ready for distribution up-te-the-minute reports en the following active issues: Ang le-American Oil Philip Merris & Ce. D Gulf Oil of Pa. S.O. of Indiana D Imperial Oil, Ltd. S. O. of Kentucky O Mercn Meters Tobacco Products Ex. Check the reports yen wish and copies) will be seat you without charge, or ask rer lata report en the stock In which eq Are IntfJicsteet Jenes & Baker Members New Wt Otere Exchcflfr 1 XMract Prtvata Wire RtwTetk Cakan BMi.a Fkll4tll PltMbatgli Oftnh Ititlntta Cltrthne Ptulatlelphia Offite WtdctMrBuOdieg Sell. - . Leem 47 JO KaTSteaa ftaca M61 Baltimore Office) raaiiaim Hetai 1WahaMiFtan8l J "Free Advice" Is Dear EvasT man wants or expects pay for his services. Free advice is frequently given by these un qualified by training, experience 'or motive te ad vise correctly. Such information is usually in the' end dearly paid for. If your needs are for reliable and impartial advice en any professional matters you go te experts in such lines and pay for it. Why neglect te de se when your needs are for unbiased advice en your investments and security purchases a most vital matter in your lifeP This is the nature of ear work and we knew you will benefit much from reading our booklet "The Art of Wise Investing." Copy gladly sent gratis. Moodys Investors Service 35 Nassau Street, New Yerk City SOSTON Ml MA St. fHOADHLFHIA RalBi Trait Us CHICAGO RntNaeiaaalBaaaBMf. LOS ANGELS! P.rii. Mataal BUa, MADDOCK & COMPANY Manufacturers' Suppllea Machinists' Toels 42 tf. 6TH 8TM PHILADELPHIA ANNOUNCE THBIR PURCHASE OP THE ENTIRE STOCK AND QOOO WILL OP THE MACHINISTS' TOOL, MILL. MINE AND RAILWAY SUPPLY DEPARTMENT OP THE FAIRBANKS COMPANY OF PHILA. ALL INQUIRIES AND ORDERS IN THIS LINE WILL BE . RBPERRED BY THE PAIRBANKS COMPANY TO MADDOCK A COMPANY, AND WITH THE COMBINED STOCKS WE WILL HAVE ONE OP THB LARGEST AND MOST COM PLBTB LINES IN PHILADELPHIA. THB PAIRBANKS COMPANY WILL CONTINUE THB SALB OP SCALBS, TRUOKS AND BARROWS. VALVBS AND DART UNIONS AND SPBCIALTIBS IN THBIR PHILADELPHIA BRANCH. . j. wj , . i ! 1 Jl ,, ,.., r t . utf a . .. m '.it i IBM a - z . : " u; HALS IT. ITUAIT C O Xsifet4 500,000 Sioux Cky Gas and Electric Qnuipauy Rnt Mettgjcge 6Jf Geld ueackf Scat A PRICE OOtX 6.01 a Dee Sept. 1, H47 NceCafleWefcr (Bsxeptl Tiwa JTr efatsaBrsf MT.L.L. ttthff, Prnidnt ftk Cm aaafa. aaaaTlaai If , Ctmpmr, frn eekA tkt fnlmwrn tV ZmVBEmmTEi "A BeaBsla, afsa nit Tat, fcge Osaaweaaa ssMsecaDB reeaT asSSj.aas SbbK Of fJafJB ssaNsaVfJarX arJar" asw" laieresc payable March A and Septsjgber 1. aw deemable upea 4eV etke em SepesTaber t, 1M2. end ffcesesJter er prtec te steaMejr I. 13 etlOTi interest, ami i er praair te SsaaMiajr . 1H1 at M aad ieterest, i er prier te March I, IMS at leaMi aatd acenred la terest, and thai rear at 100 aad aecreed isMetcet. Forsfahangfeadpiinnsee, bends are also redsaiaaW from Otattariisr 1, 1W7 te BOu lBCMaSBf SCytCafafsMa? 1, 1932 at lerK ami ma ma eseed iaerreet, end there alter at tbe demptJea price. aWe as te siaasasj. fa. teresti dexriee fer the Neat FedersJ lnwi Test er hereafter laweMy tfttctibte at tree eesej ! csceee f 2. Tbe Sioux City Gas and Electric Company, urarperrtad k 1901, under the laws of Iowa, heretofore haa dens) til tht abassL. nets, as well aa a portion of the electric Hght and power ewnMBa, in the Chr of Sieia City, Iowa. The Company it newjhcqmnng the electric gensamtme; cunt and distrilwtkm ayttem Miwtofere. owned by the Sioux City Service Company, thus piacaa; thai entire electric light aad power and gat tnmntm in the City of Sioux City under the ownership and management of the caesne City G and Electric Company. The Skwx City Gaasmd Elec tric Cernpany will also own mbttantielly all of the eutatattdins capital stock of the Sioux City Service Company, which latter Company will centimie te own and operate the street railway and heatme; business in Sioux City. These Bends, in the opinion of coenst will be scuTed bran absolute first mortgage en all of the property, rights and fran chises of the Sioux City Gas and Electric Company, the value of which, as recently determined by exarriining engineers, is largely in excess of the total bended debt te be outstanding upon com pletion of the present financing. Under the previsions of the mortgage, the Company agrees te pay te the Trustee annually in each year beginning May 1, 1927, a sum equal te H of 1 of the total amount of hends of this aeries outstanding. Moneys in the Sinking Fund are te be applied by the Trustee te the purchase and cancellation of Bends of this aeries at or below the redemption price, or if net se obtainable te their call at the rekmptkm price. The Company hat just obtained a new franchise covering both gat and electric service for a term of 25 years, being the maxi mum period permitted under the laws or the State of Iowa. Fer the twelve months ended August 31, 1922, gross earnings of the properties new comprising the Sioux City Gas and Elec Elec tricCempany including the electric property new being acquired from the Sioux City Service Company, as certified by indepen dent auditors, were $1,809,564, and net earnings for the same period were $559,451. The annual interest en the Sioux City Gaa and Electric Company First Mortgage Bends te be outstanding upon completion of this financing will require $270,000. Fer the tame twelve months' period, gross and net earnings of the rail way and heating properties of the Sioux City Service Company were $1,179,751, and $274,500, respectively. All statements tiretn nr official or ate feaatd en Information which we rersnfl a rellabl, atifl. whS we de net guarantee them.wa ourselves hart rellad upon them la the purchase et thla wcurltr. HALSEY, STUART & CO. INCOftPOrtATID Land Title Bldg., Philadelphia : Phene Locust 7410 CHICAGO TnnLADmXPKIA M1XWAU ST. LOOTS smntxAPexrs Sales Managers! SmJaFenamtjMt OaBS MrTmc aYmmmmmm 9i$tamaww In order te prove te you that your sales can be in creased 109& te 309b en every dollar you spend by the use of the Babten Sales Forecasts which cover every territory and industry we want you te accept the Sales Fore cast Map for the winter of 1922-23 without coat! It shows you where bust ness will be best in every state in the union. Cen centrate en these fertile fields! Remember, no cost or obligation just tear out the Meme newand hand it te your secretary when you dictate the morning's mail TaarOaiaVaSaBe BtCaet ar SBSjsaasu BabserVs .REPORTS Service fer ataseattvee MEMO fir Yrn Vrita Rabcen Statiatfcal Wallealer HHls. J. Msss. as lottewc "Plse ff rxl ma without charaa ar ahU. I aatlen sample e( Sales Forecast Map Ne. M I' copy ei j. page doesni. M fnfil: liisiiintistmti BOND SALESMAN A long - estftbllshea Investment tuuiklnn heusa of the hlg-hest charaoter lias an opening for en expertenevti naleemnn In territory nearby rtitlaclelphla. The position prewnts a real op portunity for n permanent con nection with drawing account against commissions te that man who can rfftnotmlrate fitness ami ability te oolong te a hlgh-grade orgnnlratlen unil adunce Inte cxecuthe iiosltlens. AppllcAtleni will be considered both from men who have aeld bends te the better type of In ester and fpm men who have had actual selling experience In ether lines. In writing give complete Informa tion regarding put experlenee, age and education. Replies) will be held In strletest oenfldence. Address; S. W. STBAUS CON lf.11 Wataat SttM .' eSa, New Issue $500,000 Delaware County Pennsylvania 4 Bridge Bends NON-CALLABLE BEFORE MATURITY ?;" Principal and semi-annual interest (April 1 and October 1) payabla at the Delaware. County Trust Company. Chester. Pa. Coupon benda in denomination of $1,000, registerable aa te principal. FREE OF PENNA. STATE TAX. EXEMPT FROM ALL FEDERAL INCOME TAXE$. fegal Investment for Savings Banks and Trust Funds in New Yerk and Pennsylvania. Eligible, In the Opinion of Counsel, as Security for Postal Savings Deposits FINANCIAL STATEMENT (Officially Reported) Assessed Valuation, 1922 . . . . ? 155 ag6 34() Total Bended Debt, including this Issue 'gOo'eOU Net Indebtedness less than .6 of 1 of Autued Valoatien! ' Population (1920 census) 178,084 DELAWARE COUNTY adjoins the city of Philadelphia en the southwest and contains the city of Chester and the important surrounding industrial section, as well as a portion of the Philadelphia suburban district located en the main line of the Pennsylvania Railroad. Subject te approval of legality by Mesnrs, Tewnsrnd, Elliett & Munaen ; Bends Maturing en or Before October 1st, 1940 Te Yield Approximately 4.05 Bends Maturing October 1st, 1941 te 1952 Te Yield Approximately 4 JANNEY & CO. 133-135 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PHILADELPHIA This Information ana tiieae atatiatlcs ara net truwantaed. but hava bean ebtaln.u from peuree . believe te be atturwta. Railroad an1 Ttrmlnal endi SHEAR, BAJtTON A CO. ift&n NEWBURQER, HENDERSON t LOEB Jtmesrs New Yerk mni Jv4iS3laL"ei uX&mWmW&iM.: : GEO. A. HUHN 4 SONS blUL tiM sib y 'i ' , w y rx .?a - & t ,l. ij ! 2 fej Ml J m is k4 laerwtllfce $i . - . . ' ', fj v Ui '"...HajluUib&UilHr i.4fi s-JSi B9.Mm f4Ta IT ' i i i '' s