mmmw wf, ? wWJra! Pwj w 18 'BNING IttfcLIO; LBD0BR-PH1 - - - temmeath - - J '-- ' At . HIA, kit, tjjru1 F J.T W4SV i VjAVwv P & IS.", m ' & A ,, i"' 8 a f & i'XJT' V'tftiS. v'tffv V .' Viir',S1 . JK3 UIINAUI AUM'IftlMV - WORKING MAJORITY All Britain Voting Today te I Elect King Geerge's Fourth Parliament COMBINE AGAINST LABOR F fly Associated Prtsi ' Londen. Nev. 15. The electorate of I Great Ilritnln wiirmed te the pelN by j the millions today in Knginntl. Scot land, Wales and Hater te elect the fourth Parliament of the reigu of Kins Geerge V. The polls opened at S o'clock an lour earlier than that in some big in dustrial centers and bv 1 o'clock to night the new limine of Commens will kave been selected. Ne eleventh -hour deudepment Inn lessened the iineertalntj of the rtilt. The few prophets who pnturc fen'casts tie strings te their prediction" It i. . therefore, setnetbing of a Mirprlte te the public that Prime MinNtir J?e:ur Law In his final speech at Ob-gew jc-terday discarded his natixe c.iutien and de- ' clured that he had "ery eenslder.ible ' confidence" that the electors would she him n working majority tednj en which be can depend. lie made It clear that he would be dlssutlslWd with anything less tiian mi lndeperuent Unionist majerltj. Ex perienced eb?cncr new (Sure treug confidence in such a result, hew ver. Gamblers betting en the election re sults in the Londen insurance market yestenla had te pay a rate wjiich In dicated that a majority of Conservative and Independent I'uienlsts ever all ether parties was regarded a almost certain, but the odds weie 7 te 3 against the expectation that Conservatives would get a majority of elgl;t or mere. At the last parllamentarv elections It was estimated that only about till per cent of the electors went te the pelK Opponents of labor fear that unless mere energy is displajed teda. Labor Laber ltcs will benefit, since their erg miratien is believed te be complete. Prem the Unionist newspapers see up the ear nest crv: "Whatever ou de, don't vote tabor." Lle.vd Gfer'e. tee. 1 strong in hi" opposition te the Laberlte program. In an overnight mes-age te the electors he urged them te support "candidates wae lire oppesiin seelihsm as laid down in the manifesto of the Laber Party." "I am looking forward te the return of men of progressive ideas n a bul wark against reaction en the one hand end revolutionary experimentations en the ethers." s.iiil the nieage of the little Welshman who only a few week age was the Prime Minister of Creat Britain. RUPTURE Th majority nf trnmi wniir finij thMf Wmlltlnn re lnvh hut tiutllv none until D iiruttnn l npcvim but thl N iiiit thf iae mIhth un upiiitrlate ippllnnrw l Sreperlr Utti'd. Our ruMuunTs nr Mllfullr tted. i an fully untrtiiii nn-1 tiucht hew te help thMnele, an I jrv rftin cunil Our new invpntlnni nn I exclule 'lesiirns le ail't much te the comfort uutl wrlfare of the wenrrr. Our naiiin hii lud t wnrld-wlile reputation for many years, but 'us often linen ue,i in a tfrrepthu manner br tinktllM m II, rn of trUMiei, thirefere. ruptured people linn b careful te keip ur new a,Mre In mind. Ktiimlnitl' ll and ailvk'c (rev. Suil for Booklet Ne. 4. I. B. SEELEY I S. E. Cor. 11th and Sansom Sti. Cut Out ami Keep for Reference Laxatives Replaced By the Use of Nujel Jfujel Is a lubricant net a medicine or laxative se cannot Krtc. When j en ure constipated, net enough of Nature's lu bricating liquid is produced In the bend te kwp tlie feed, naste soft and met lug. Doctors lire. sctibe N u J e 1 because It acts llae this natU' rai lubricant and thus re places It. Try it today. A LUBRICANT-NOT A LAXATIVE Radjantfjm HEATERS All Aluminum With HandU While They Last! , " " i ltTnJ X Sass, THIS WEEK- i $12.50 $18.00 I Regular Price r i i,a wiiiu $55.00 TSgOlh..!. i.dudin( fay in Pt8 Md sTld W$37Hiu Free rnnetlBii $97.00 CuaranUtd ALL WHITE OR GRAY ENAMEL GAS RANGES Including Solid Tep$ $6750 GaaSteam or Het Water Radiators dan and Ceal Water Heatert lutalltd for AU Qaa Kltchtaa WmAkers, Jr., Ce. Itc MCA Filbert SU. ., Aaaa - - faniaat. mimtiM til r. VLmm -.ns. . - t iL'-, an-..k.V. ifl.I.r . W iT i i vai tjv RTOIIE erKJtS DAILY AT A. M. AND CLOSES AT 8tl P. iV 31st Anniversary Sale! cAll These Goods en Sale Tomorrow-'rhon.'erd.r. Flll.d-B.ll. TTalnai IO-Kfy.len.. Mala 41011 All Goods Purchased. Throughout November Will Be Charged en December Bill; Payable in January, 1923 Tomorrow! Tht prlct U for cn day cnlyt n & $1.25 Weel Canten Crepes, Serges & Tricetines Wonderful assortment 'of colors mess green, Burgundy, ark brown, plum, navy, midnight blue and black. 36-lnch. Ne mail or phene orders none te dealers. lGc UO First Fleer, Seuth utaetittm BATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE nOrftfiWit gaaBBHaw hbf1 BaBaaaMa. b ' -mmr- - t hb' m j MerkH I ONE YELLOW TRADING STAMP WITH Eighth EVERY 10c PURCHASE ALL DA Y Uxrt J Filbert 5 $3 Ready-te-l$ Wear HATSJ JL Clcarawav of the surplus stock efs a prominent New Yerk maker whose style are always tremendously popular. . Rich Lyens and Paon VeWfta Sema 'especially attractive .styles for matrons are included, trimmed with soft velvet iews or rosettes. PiM quality; rich dressy dck. m d " 98i3v W191 $2 ieadsd Hickls Brsaiti, 98c Black and colors. 1 f YmgJL TN Lit Brether. FIRST FhOOR, NORTp x JV I t iiKs L mPWw j I 15- Ltfvely New $25 Frecks, $15 Velvets, Tricetines, Jerseys, Canten Crepes and Satin-faced Cantens Wonderful variety of pretty plain and dressy models styles for practically every need and occasion, becoming te every type! Beaded and braided, plaited or paneled, many showing charming draperies in unique and very attrac tive arrangements! Yeu UI1 also note bright Bulgarian ombreldery or ether say color teuchts In slcexe facings, buckles and ornament. Lit llretlien SECOND FLOOIl $30 Richlv FurTritHfed Coats It remained for Anniver sary te bring te Philadelphia the handsomest let of coats ever offered anywhere under. half again this very low price! 7Q2T Materials alone w-fl would cost you mere! Styles are stunningly varied splendidly practical ! Belivias, Mannish Coatings, Velours and Deuble-faced Fabric Big, roomy sleeves; un un usualljTluxurieus in full ness: all in the correct new longer lengths. Ex cellent assortment of most wanted winter, col orings. All are richly lined and many warmly interlined. All fashion able shades. All sizes for women and misses and extra sizes also included. r-r Wmi&mZKZWIO' MdMMm JM m ilv7 7 in wmmm mi. rr x t i n st- sTWmwmmWiS 4MatiJPn K I 1 it vl i " ill w II I I A S J- wSB VIeIJjaii m - iIMTjI jjjJ- f eM mBiP5JEk -A&p'l ' l t" ikr Vd fiL iff I ' jKyfct "a l IvaicaWs V3T m Lm Mx mm I T JL . rsVi'll I irvjv C n ! 1 'snis IP fMsiara 'SrirM "l WaslEmffll 1 ruffi ! r'U-JJ-Jtr sATMfl v i J It I . 1 r . w it - f. r-A wtiLL mj Msff U ' u A XvTJ 1 V ! . .WUji ' - tnum- 1 is' I Ls) 1 3 r'." XW I I iB i . 'BBBB ViB IH Mostly the general util ity styles in greatest demand, but a very fine showing of sports and dressy models, also ! Numerous distinctive fashion touches make them individually attrac tive. Tailoring invall will be a joy te particular women ! v Majority With Fine Big Fur Cellars Blouse, wrappy and straight-line effects many of them clever copies or adaptations of 'costly models, developed with unusual skill,, fin ished with a care that twice their cost would merit! Lit BretheriSECOND FLOOR 35 Fine Fur.)$7S Trimmed Suits J4HO Wpf 3-fL.II Dre&sy and tailored models in navy, black er brown velour, featuring fashionably lone coati ' and skirts and delightful new features ia sleeves and pockets. Levely Fur Cellars of Australian Opossum or Beaverette Suits that any tailor would charge mere feri MAKING! in style, euallty and tailoring of. a character te please the most discriminatuurl All lined with pcau de cygne and beautifully nmsneui Lit Brether! SECOND FLOOR Women's $6.50 Pumps I J. Oft 5) Very effective one-strap models. J 7ferV Black satin, patent colt and black kid of exceptionally fine quality. Alse iuxhstrap pumps of black kid Turned or welted soles; Leuis, Cuban and Bex Heels. OXFORDS tnn Genuine tnn Russia calf, patent colt, gray suede with patent leather trimmings and tan suede, with tan trimmings. Men's $6.50 High & Lew Shoes, $4.98 Made especially for us. S-ellil leather throughout. IIIrIi ami lexv shoes. In brogue, i-eml-bregTip & Kng ll5h models In tilack hiil, runmetal anil genuine tan l'.UiMla calf. Misses' and Children's $3 te $3.50 Shoes, $2.29 Sni.irt. new Iulc stylt-s In nut brown calf. I'erferitxil tips ami brnail tees. Sizes 6 te 2. Misses' and Children'. $4 te $4.50 Shoes. $1.95 Extra Special Annivertary "Bargains First quality gunmetal calf. Smart lace styles with comfortable, bread tee lasts. Sturdy welted oak leather soles. Sizes 8Vu te 2. Lit nretliffi FIRST FLOOR. NORTH n Bs Women' Lew Shoes, Regularly $6 $9.95 te $8 Remarkably flue pumps and oxfords, Including many su perb samples. Sizes -'4 te 3, AXV te V. Patent colt, black satin, black suede, black kid, black Rus sia calf, brown kid, genuine tan Russia calf. j Anniversary groups of petticoats show sav ings of a third and moral $5 Jersey Tep 1$ Petticoats, Extra i Sita 3 .98 -:i ::: ft r- I IS i Deep mcbsaline flounces; prettily trimmed with rows of shirring and finished in plaited ruffle; changeables, rmvy and black. $1.50 Sateen Pantalettes . . Deuble elastic cuffs; black,, navy, Russian, green and brown. 79" $5 Petticoat $0.98 Slip ." Jersey with deep messaline flounces. Shoulder straps. Black, navy and brown. Brethers Second Fleer I Thrifty mothers of growing girls are saving many a dollar en the smart- d I est sort of practical winter apparel during these Anniversary days. P Girls' $20 te 25 Coats, Excellent veleurs, belivias and ether warm, heavy coatings. Extremely geed-looking styles with fur or cloth cellars and roomy pockets. Seme are attractively fringed. All new colers: warmly lined. Sizes 8 te 14. 14.9S $8 Serge Frecks, $4.98 Reirulatlen and dressy styles braid trimmed I or embroidered, many with contrasting cel-1 lars and cuffs. Sizes 6 te U. i .. '- -' $10 "Bestyette" Raincoat Sets, $5.98 Itubberlxed. double texture tan material with hat te match. Sizes 0 te H. Tots' $8.50 Coats, $4.95 Cheviots, chinchillas and ether warm coat ings some fur trimmed all warmly llned. New colors. Slzea 2 te 6.-SKCOND KLOOK I rNMIilcTT H ' Ojv vlklM ftfcst ySm ' till J ill ) l Feresighfd folk art looking ahiad te Chrittmai gift netdt and buying libtrally NOW at th tconemUi Anniversary off art. $7 BEACON Blanket M Qg ROBES J 4 Tleral designs in light and dark colors trimmed with bands of wide satin ribbon. .Silk cord girdles at waist. $4 Wide-Wale coraurey Robes. $2.98 Buh robes and breakfast coat models. Vic-1 ter), (Vpenhngen, pansy, cherry and orchid. I All have iwclcets and girdles, I .... ... " " $3 Maids' & Nurses' Unifermi, $1.98 Mriped or plain blue nna gray cnamDras. I! gulatlen htyle. Sizes 3'i te 14. Lit Itrethers SECOND KLOOU Toilet Goods and Patent Preparations At Annivertary Rmductiemt Tflr Mimn'i Liniment . . . flli SI American Mineral Oll....S7c !k .li,eir lllller ! lie SO Mule Teum llnriix.... On .TSf ( uktnrlu . . . II.3S Karles' lljpu Ced .1e SI Kim Fruit "nil H'Jr SI Oeferrln ., 10c St Trre' AntUrptli l'iiilrr. !)c 1 Bajer's Aspirin 10c 21 Kitljnek Tniiili liitr ,. lfle . SOe LUtrrlne 30c J5r l)r. I..1111H' Tuulli l'ule nml SI.JS Ab.erblne, Jr OSe, Pnudrr . .lHe SI Hulnel Ointment 79c Sl.'i Tnllft Set ', Toilet .s.t . . . . , hi 111 rriii!i llrhir I'lpr . 7.-JI te I..10 Anil Herelirr Iver ll Finish Toilet Articles . . . !i.'JH S7 Shell Toilet $1.98 i fl.SO I'lcture les T let Set M.ssj Krames OSe I ,0Re 40c te St.OR S" Humidor J3.08 Mlisien oak, niilielliie lined. V fl Mahogany flnlah Table Hmnklna Ntand SLA0 te S2.S0 Pen Knltri, Lit Ilrethers First Fleer. Seuth min Trimmed Hats, $5.98 . .An especially stunning Let Among Our Anniversary's Conspicuously Fine Values! Delightful midjwinter models iu rich black slipper satin in a great variety of becoming flare and off-the-face shapes. Seme allover embroidered, ethers showing rich silver embroidery. Included also are chic styles in exquisitely colored duvetync contrastingly embroidered in most effective ashien. Absolutely Without Equal Under A. Twice as Much Elsewhere! Modish hats for matrons and charming millinery for children also in matchless showing. Lit Ilrethers Millinery Salen, Third Fleer ssssafarsssssssHss'afavHMssVilHslMHi Bring th tiny yeungttr in for thtir pretty winter tegt while Annivertary make buying tueh a pleaeuret " TOTS' Dainty WHITE COATS 3 Values, 1.95 H Values, 2,85 6 Values, 3.95 Corduroys, chinchillas and wool casntnertd ; warmly lined; prettily btltched; smocked and pearl ouiten trimmea. i m jeme. tunc uiciuruu.! mr Many famous makes of Hosiery and Underwear have come under th, Anniversary bale's price-cutting pencil! Women's $1.50 Union Suits ' QC Cotten ribbed; all shapes; heasenable weieht. 1 UJ I Women's $2.50 te $3 Vests $1.98 and $2.49 Merode sltk-and-woel. Alse knee and I ankle length tights. Unshrinkable. r" .,, Women's $2 $1 .15 1 Women'. Silk Stockings, Full - fashioned thread silk, black and colers: Slight Irregularities. Women's 50c Stockings. 29c Out blzej black mercerized lisle. Mlllruns. Children's $2.50 Union Suits, $1.49 te $1.98 Merode brand; Arte cotton ribbed. HlKh nerk and Ions Bleeves Dutch neck and elbow ulccves or low neck; slccMleia. l'Ull tailored. Sizes 3 te 16. tBeyV$2.50 Union $J.49 Winter weight ; part wee) ribbed. Nat ural colere. Mill runs. stll ! WW Ml ill II II II l II '! M $1.50 n Qc I Women's $2.75 $1. Stockinet Silk - nnd - wool cashmere ; two toned ; wanted colors. Mill runs Women's $2.75 Union Suits. . Fine silk strTpe. Dutch neck and elbow sleexes or low nerk, sleeclef8 siyi Women's 75c and 85c Steckinsrs. 38c Onyx camples ; cotton, lisle and liber M In'K, unite and colors. Children'. 39c and 50c Stockings, 25c Lit Brethers FinST FLOOH. SOUTH 1.49 Tots' $2.25 Bleemer Pink. blue, malse and green Peggy cloth; cellars, cuffs and tclet contrastingly piped and embroidered. 2 te 6 years. , - -! The most marvelous lets of "Sale" underear inenth we have ever seen are marked in our Xnniveraarv Sale at an average third lesiT" $6 Silk Night Gowns $4.98 "cveral beautiful styles In rich. Ueavy crepa de iilns. slmnlv tailored or prettily Ucm trimmnd. nruhln, nesn anu none) new. . I, HI H ' II II ! ' HI II I, III , $3 Silk Chemises, $1.98 Many charming styled in crepe d clilne. rlmtncu or lauereu. una pictuna, $1.50 SatirTCamiseies. 9le Several styles. Flesh tint washable satin In lac trimmed and tailored niedels. 141 HratUers S1SC0.N1 FLOOB t- swsssi InfanU' $4.50 te $8 Garments, $2.98 te $4.98 Pink and blue Jap silk, irepe da chine and tatln: prettily embrelderW. . Lit Brethers SECOND FKOOIt Infants' Bennets, 39c te $2.25 Silk faille and erepe de ehlnc ; also knitted .ind crocheted styles of flue zephyr yarn .inu uri sua. iune kKeiunea.) cTndren's $4Batn Robes, $2.98 Cozy Beacon blanket cloth ; cellars, cuffs and pockets satin faced or piped; cord girdle. ( te 14 ymrs. $6.50 te $8.50 Embroidered Buntings, (One Sketched), $4.8 it $8.98 Mil 3R "ii.'riCyJL. VAJ fIJjfS $16.50 te $18 Silk Comforts $-1 0,98 i.f,i . . .1 J . p tllllc .len3: Tun silk or satl blue and old rose. SUe 7!x80. $g.98 $10 Lambs'woel Comforts .... Sateen or allk-flnlsh cambrte In floral and Persian patterns j plain 9-lnch sateen borders. Screll. stitched. 'Size 72x80. atln f 'Ink, I ! & $9 Satin Finish $7.49 Bed Sets ' MarbdllcH patterns; cut corners and scalloped edges. Slzts 80x90. Helster threw te match. White, pink or blue. $9 Plaid Weel Bl ll.n.,.. ...lli... m. .... "y .iuamyj beh nnisn, slight cotton mlxturca. blue, tan and gray; double bid slzea. Ilrethers $gM 'i . flwi1 ) W (J M l rfr-l fjft'j V w t IMai 'i!2 Lace! :ss l'.w . . ir Ne truly thrifty heusskeeper will think of missing opportunities such a our Anniversary Sale preldes In dependable bed muslins. M.854HarvardM Sheets, $1.39 Medium - weight, bleached muslin. Seamless. Size 11x90. 5 Oc Pi I low Cases, each 3 9T Standard blearhed muslin i plain I ,r "'Dfl'",d. Slse ' 75c Bolster Casas, ea., 59c Medium weight; bleached muslin. Size 42x7i, 22c ShMtinf , yard, 16c 40 Inch; medium weight; un bleached ; for fancy work. US Brether First Fleer, North TWs.eHt. ankets, pair $6.35 Bleck plaids in plnK . . 1 . K' -Jr3l rioer, ."" j te Anniversary Specials that leek forward lovely l-hritt mat gifts! $15 MMarvella"l$750 Pearl Neck laces I White geld diamond clasp Indestructible; guaranteed net te peel or dis color. Opera length; perfectly graduated; con coaled catch. Satin lined box. fr 11 .451 Men's & Beys' $18 Elgin Watches Oeld-niltd cases; plain polished or handsomely engraven i 1'nmi "i.'"t' "! ur nuvcr amis. i jewel mevemeniB- ruwy guarantecu. Men's $6 Solid Geld Cuff Links. $3.80 Solid sol In bright finish and Reman geld, Pretty patters i W Btetbera First Fleer, Seuth M WitnWl-eA ,i -"14 71 Ansihtr weia'trsl Annivtr ser, glevt puttksu premim fe sts iwu vehfttteriil Women's 85c) Ar 1.25Glevesjtnr sFdfv1-'8 gray, mode, beaver, sand -. . wa.w w.evyii. , Women's $3 Cape uieves, $1.85 Strap . wrist style, full pique sewn; full 'length suffs. Mede, sand, heaver fray, black and vChlte, The? 4 Oa Xew i as.. MM Men's $3 Cape uieves, $1.98 One-clasp: fleece - lined: spear backs : brewr, anil tan First Fleer, Seuth fsrt Market Mi Loek te the Annivertary Sale te supply your corset nV- eargaint arte these are matchless! $6to$10Renge$ Belt Corsets VA& ih.,y.n!i5.r.'.'t demo'"' regular prices they're MABVKIOIJS low ITr teiJ".'? t0 BUK'- Ceu "1 K troche with medl ... .. ...,u .,,, aiica .u ie 3U, T "--H-'M M . H . H IH ,, ,. J. A . mM. $4 PI N. Corsets. $2 I SI. BO Rss!ires. 75c .. On hale In Mitlu Ar.H,i. 1,7. ,-. .......... i.iV,i vektll SlVilnlhbtt.. Mctilmn' "acku;. front hook jn fasti I iew or giraie. bust all new uji. Im.i. t i,.himi.. S tcs I'H te. date models. SUcs 20 te ae, te GO. I $1 anrJ KI.Rn R..J - I SaUn. rrBlaeattSf "' ,nMh' brecl,e- brocade satin, plain or j aun. hum 31 te 41. lit llretb.r.-SKCONU FM UT.MeVmM amssssssaaaiisssssM mWtmSas ,T?n -.T." .j-.- WVA -. .vj Vi . i.-,iM'.. i I P8?l TJT"!'n,TfW-'r.J - i '-.l.-r "m-ttl vvMir - , 'jy.ij jsr. BlSe1XUA'.iaH.M ;-7. r