BMFH?r"TTfaaMrWaWgfl,;aB nnKMHHHaBHHHHHaHHHHHrvnv w. vnvjH isiHiBiBny; r-7-i HnHQMKr7 y - '"lllllMwfll BaFW,7is&sn"pnRffisB! ? mmm 'w.a';l : AK - , . H&BHIA; WraSg&!$f NOVEMBER?, ;M5B ,',, "" 1 ,ffv,WW?re,su.y ' ' TO Wfel SMwtng tummen ICM '-l' A' C U S U anrf Mppfiaftcl uttauracfurw ev L. D. Brg r Ce., 89 N. 2d St MEW YORK'S CLUB. LIKE HOTEL the ...ST&iraraJ. 120 ar jfi- CMTcrtiblt Bracelet -Watch Thli Is positively tne treat eit watch-value ever offered for a twenty-dollar bill atlti BtUettd trew ilMerved lnfil WrUfma JTma Ca(ale0u Sew Ittait) Ciarlai Mntfc ft Sobs v fevttr Diamond UtrcJumtt Ctleall Art. at ITth St. He. 6 B. Eighth St. Ke. SSU B. El-hth St. WWWWMWWMWWWWM Deuble Duty Dene Diligently Butter wOI perform two vitally important tasks-tit will . BUILD YOU UP if yen are run down, and will KEEP YOU UP if yen are at par. it Specify Butter it's pure and reed. la all enr Stores 3 & 'niMffhftnrn j 7rr" " that the cost pqrdavef perfect liet water service is less than theprfceef acigar? Exactly that. Fer 15c, the Price of u geed cigar, you can furnish the average, family wth ample het water. Ne Wss no work or worry for the women folks. Het water any minute if you are equipped with R XJUD HOT WATER ifi wny worry about (Ming com tnr Llth lis airt, dust, wnea OJiU the tire ullIK out? HuuU '"-feet Het W?r Service llmliiatca ull that. nl at no Increase n eiieratlni: ex. Pne. v n r u . h!11" of the com. ort of your "n folks. wnt8 fAJTLETTACO. k;? !? izT was M I T BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ,'-'''-'V f&u Daily Mevie MagaxineJ stand en the question of the relatlre merits of Lubltwh and the great Cecil de Mille. , Your sarcasm in the way of saying that De Mills is the greatest DAYS OF THE TUDORS BROUGHT BACK BY THE CAMERA BBBBBBBBBBSBaiBSX&iil EllVVBKxI&rBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBvBuBBBBBB'BSBEaBBBBBMBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBrSil SBsHsBBBswLLLLLLLLal vsbfbsbsbssssjsswbp 'YsasasasasasasasasasasasasasasaiBBssssssssv vupSBKfBBBBBISJBJPFv eSJBBBHBBBBBBrxljBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBjMiSSBB .S .f JBBBBBBBBBBBBBFkfiv ' TBSBB1BBBBBBBBBBBbV 'iBSBBBBBBSBBlBBBl&.'e JTBSBBBBBBBlBSBBBBr4IBSBBBE3BBBBB7ttBn V- .'VMBSBBBBBBBBW tS0K&JB&CljBBBBBBBBBBBBBVIlBBBBBBBBEV' SBBII MSSifMEPIlBBBKWbflBBBBVSfjBBBB HBBBBMBSMlfc:''Hll iBBBBBBBBBBMUBBBBBrJSBBV' IIVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVaBBBBEWIjBBBBBB Ps9bBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB1k vSMBBbT " VBBBBBBBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHlBMaaBBBBBBBBBBBB wkmmmfmmm.-9''-jmmmmmmwkBtk, BBBBBBOiiH'!?iBiiiBBBllflBBBBBKtl BBBVJIlBBBBVSiBBBBBBBBBBBBBV iirlm -3tjHilBBBBTjffBaHIlBBBB' IISBBBbTI' SBBBSniflBBr iflBVVJBBBTIBSSBysH llBBBBlBBBBBBi MSBBBBBBBBBBBBbVV - ASWSVBBBBBBKirWi'ABBBBBBBBT ' iiBBBBBBft ' i lBBBBVIB ' iflBBiJBBBnHVrJl BBBBBBBBBBBBBmaBkBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBML JI"JHBBBBb1'':: IhBBBBBBBT rkmWmm i SBbK,BBV 'mmmmWimmwSmk llBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlllBBBBBBBBBBBBBIifeMaBM''!BBBBBEV JBBB(K3SBBBSMMl mwWmwmwWk9SmwW I BBBftflBBsf SBbH V BBsU KL.:: VlV'V' ll HBBbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSXSW lBBBV'! IJBBBBBBBBBE ISHBSPlK ''' SjBjfjVBBjfj'Bjfjfjb:.ajfJBajaBJ LLLLWIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlaalB SBBBBBBBBBMflaBBBlkBBIVH HHaflaHH9SbjKnV:: 'ViXkYvJRsSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBMIm YBBBBBuBBBBBBBBBBfiMBKATBB v BLLKkBLBBt SlmT'-'"BBBBBBBBaBBH'wJnH BSBMS BBBSSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBk tTBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBjHSRnJ v BBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBT SBBBBBBflr SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl ' LbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbVbbbbbbbbb IOnPnfcMiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVBBBBBBIlBBB , V'V8BBBBBBBBbWBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBB '';-:,''. ',V '' IPJIMjlWS fi"'V 'r''-KJSg'''SBBBBBlBSBPBKBBBy MHaS1 1 r?v-V'r.WLi,.iS1KWiBBBBBIBBBBBBB'' $?SW$$fmWk ' A wjtt tPC1 KuBMauStBBBBBk JSBBfviSf B BBiHhb1 r V '' t '' HBlBfl9 uVSFrP4' e!mmJBBBBBBBBWmm'1IPSHBPVINAMVBVVVV vtjHQPMkI SW." , ZBSSBBBBBBBBBI4' ISaHnSMA SBBBBBBBBBBBBF'. ijVaUmMmm BBft niMHSJSSSSBSBSWMy.f BjSrKStfMSSs SBSBSBSBSBSMSj jit WfSaSB?! mHsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbVBVbbkBhI M"'1bbmbb1 art ABBrXfilpSl SBaBBBBBBBBBB4t)DlSBUKSBBBtlfl MmMJBBBH IK lBBBBSSritBBBSBBralBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH ' BBBBBBD?i:'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBrl?'9:''a wHf- (T?' BBBBBBBBBBBBS!klV''BalL ' W ? A. ?v. BBBBBBBBBBBBBkvlsE!!liIIvrrSBSBSBSBSBSBSBB -i S :3 S bA BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSkSBBBBSSiFV ' VJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV X vi- ' ii . BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM' iPBBBBBBBBBBBBT 'mSmly V'JKV iff THE MOFE FiVS LETTJERBOX By HENRY M." NEBLY Red Head writes : "Let's de an Im itation of Frank Tinney. I'll be Ffauk and you'll be Ernest, the orchestra lender. Hew's your baton average? Xew we start. I say te you, I say, 'Why de the theatre managers show pictures of Republican candidates be fore election?' And you say. right back te me, you say, 'I don't knew, Frank ; why de they show them?' And I say, 'Net for the money!' See? That's tbp joke, Ernest. "New see if wc can get it over ever Went pretty geed, didn't it? I get an- ethpr one. Erneste TIiIk nnn will re generate their hook-up, sure. Yeu uy' te me. you sny. 'My dear Frank, the Republican Party was net responsible ter censersntp:- (sounds iike nn inter view with the editor of Pearson's.) Then I say te you .'Ernest loeklncsou straight in the face und keeping serious (that snows I am a real actor) I r.ay 'eh, he ! Se that's why it was de feated in Massachusetts and about thirty ether States last year! Proba bly the better class of voters in these states, Ernest, was attending some re fined musical comedy.' Then I sny, 'Ernest.' I never knew the purpose of censorship was te drive certain men out of the picture business. Because even In the Cnpe Vcrdcgrls Islands, Ernest, you must have lftnrd thnt these linns that were producing when our beloved censers were thrust down our threat these dreadful producers are all out of business. And stIT we have the cen cen eors te the tunc of $3000 a year and dumfound.' "The fact of It Is this. Censorship is the belief that n man is guilty until he proves himself innocent, at his own expense, and sets up the drinks for his judges. But then you nre probably after one of these jobs yourself, fol lowing the steps of one of your con cen frcres. Yeu probably knew him very well. Hew has the continual sight of uncensercd releases affected him? lias hn killed any one lately? Robbed n home or boxcar or safe? Set tire te any burns? Run away from home? If net, why net? "Dees he beat his wife? Make love te ether women? Held up trains? "Jehn Sumner snld he. read a book in a business-like manner when search ing for obscenity. He could rend it standing en his head and the dumagc would still be the same. Rack te our act: "I say te you Ernesf, 'If the peo ple of forty States can see uncensored pictures, if it is net doing any harm te our three censers and about forty clerks te kcq them (I have heard that j me snowing or eliminations te ciuu women, ministers and friends is an every week affair) hew can it harm the rest of us. de ,ou knew, Ernest? Then you say, 'Ne, I don't.' 9 "And that's it. Yeu don't. ."FIVE 4JOW8." M. T. writes: "Rend your notice te 'Valentine Fans," etc., with the great est interest. Docs that menu thnt wc nre going te lese Itedy? Thnt nfter 'The Yeung Riijnh' wc ull! net see him liny mere in pictures? Oh, I hope It is net thnt, but am Sfrnid. I-esu our Redv? Oh! "And just when Iip premises se well. I thought him splendid la 'Weed nun Blind.' Te in lie is u most interesting nnd attractive personality, and he lias proved himself a geed actor as well, lie. gave us h real human and very fas cinating Uiillnrde. and the early scenes of thnt picture give rich premise of something different from his usual line. "What a shame te lese him new! I am enger te sen him again. I ahsnvS leek forward with interest and antici pation te seeing him In his next .picture. And I don't hclleve I am nlenn in this, "Se they are going te bring ever u young Frenchman of his tfpe and put him in his place, and arc going te give him Redy's fume und popularity! "De they really expect te get nway with that? "I don't think they will succeed. New I have nothing against this new comer. He may be line, nnd I believe we will welcome him Inte our big family of players; but solely and strictly en Ills own merits nnu nicy inn never Above are scenes from the plcturizatlon-ef Charles Majer's romance, "When Knighthood Was in Flower." In the upper picture are, reading from left te right, Ferrest Stanley as Branden, Marlen Davies as the royal heroine, and Lyn Harding as Henry VIII. The lower picture shows one of the beautiful glimpses ufferded by this film Inte the royal gardens "e "The Leves of Pharaoh.' Glad I did; it is splendid." Old Timer Yeu tell hubby for me !.?.' I" ."P"0 e "the life of Riley," I think he's the one te be envied. J. E. p. D. writes: "I want te as you a question, in order te start an argument' if possible. What de you mean by a small town viewpoint when you speak of Griffith's treatment of the m own idea of a small town viewpoint and in no way does Griffith show evidence of having that viewpoint. New I'd like te argue the question with you. but first of all I want te be sure thut we urc taming about the same thing and net go elf half-cocked en a subject when our ideas are basically different. I'll leek for your answer and the next time the typewriter is net busy, I'll try te reply te it. "I am certainly shocked at your director. is most evident-and it is easy it! ehaags ,te see that. you are iuit poking fun at tvrue te net can kl 11.11. l7l- "..! win. ji IUIQK 11 cruci, cause you'll never'b able mm.) . "Hew a man of jeur'intelll fall te see bow 'The Letef of Phi could ha hn ImnrnrM If Da had directed it I I'm sure that Da Mill would have made a wonderful Pharaqn because he is just as bald as Lubitsch. And then tee. h would never have missed drawing a parallel between man's departure from the Garden of Eden and the downfall of Pharaoh."-' Beth were caused by. a woman. He would also have had a glimpse of the future, that would have allowed Gleria, the Ani mated Clethettree, who would bar probably plsyed Theenls, an opportun ity te. wear some of the blxarre gowns for which her acting Is noted. "Anether questien: is, or rather was. Alary Hay's reel maiden name Geneva Mitchell? I attended the opening of the 'Prisoner of Zendai and one of the 'stars' presented wss Oeneva Mitchell.' who was said te have-danced in 'Sally' V&Jl. Marjolane.' This description fitted Mary Hey te a T, and the girl herself looked very much like her, but from' where I was sitting it was im- muIM. fall itafifiltelv. T.aa rather curious te knew, since I have a rather tender place in my heart for her and was much disappointed wnen i leuni that she hsd left the east of .both 'Mat jelane' and 'Billy' mi fAliee beautiful Jn" shell before they let te Uadelphla. "Berne time age, one or tne corre spondents of ths movie column suggested a list of favorite memories of the movies. Mflv'T add one) It In tha brief scene la thai 'Prisoner of Zends' showing Lewis Stene and Alice Terry, in the carriage, returning from the corona tion. Wasn't Alice Terry exquisitely beauuiui in mat scene?" erry is always exquisitely n mv eves, nt least. Gen era Mitchell and Mary Hay are two enure distinct persons count em; Yeu go ahead and argue your htad of about the Griffith matter.-rOne of the best things I de is te start some thing like that and then quietly with draw and chuckle with joy, while you fans tear each ether's hair out. Ge telti) - - Postal Savings Dsorsase 1 Washington, Nev. 15. Postal Isar- lmrs deposits November 1 aggregated $134,837,000, reported the Posteffiee Department. There are "signs of re turning health" noted in operations of tue savings service aunng uctener. Withdrawals offset b; West r the end of the month wits given aa $788,000 lower than September 30. iaving service aunng uctener. irawals for October were largely by Increased deposits, notably in Coast cities, but 'the balance at Our Reliable Friend EMERSON HOUGH in his new novel THE COVERED WAGON tells the story of the) Ameri can pioneer, hla adventures and his romances out en the western frontier. Sixth edition. $2.00 , A Beet Seller Since Publication D. APPLETON A COMPANY Publishers New Yerk P"Scrw MicHlrii DfWllfA ''J I PerU er Aumbtti Artttd) i PI S&tctncatUnu PREMIER RADIO MFC IBM Nertk Sth St. r common iwn TVMWMTEB-f i SB SB BBaTSBBBS" . . am a , W.r v bv w Mr naa ' .hb ' .AbbbbbbGBJbbbbV A $ttM bsb saar ' .v.; .ueiim IUTMMSV 1 bntnrtei in mww; j';f. an fTayniM.m4 ltft.1. m,ni.v l Tj.'r. uasrra lUMIinllin MCTUUbV ?5,"-fc"" -.::.ssTb? ID.DAT FREE TIUAL 1 I. wmmmh vf-' W05CHESINUTST3ili BWTYPEWIMQ PI1OT0P1.AVH PHOTOri.AVS JS16 'ollewinej theatres obtain their pictures threutrh the STANLEY Company of America, which is aluawntS of early showing of the finest productions. ' Ask for the theatre m your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America. FAIRMOUNT -M?Mr "RICH MEN'S WIVES" BKIBLEY MASON In "LUlit of the Dewrt" LlATU CT THEATM3 Bslew Sprue K3Dlri Ol-. SIATINEK DAILY . ALL-STAR CAST In "SOUL OF MAN" force him Inte- our favorite's place. lie Keunipn geed will ever de. "There Is only one Ilednlpl line, and no inuch-advertlhcd Valen. Just-as- Redv wen his place in our hearts timply en his own merits. Hit en me te us unheralded, unlouted, without any of llils ever-advertising, nnd struggling against the handicaps of his type u type that his success and fame hac since made nn asset. "We guve him our Interest and af fection spontaneously und enthusiasti cally. At first It Is true the appeal, was largely due te his alluring and lovable personality; but new, after tills Inst picture, it is based en the firmer fnundntien of his artistic ability, and somehow lie makes us feel thut die Is in curliest und is sincerely trying te lllve us Ids b"t. "Ne, I don't believe they can put any one in uih piuce. ALHAMBRA 'nTT18 MARY MILES MINTER tnJ'THE COWBOY AMD THE LADY" , A POM C "D THOMPSON STB. rTJlAJJ MATINKH DAILY MME. NAZIMOVA . In "A DOLL'S K0U8E" ARDMORE Kpa. MARION DAVIES In "BEAUTY'S WORTH" ACXHR BIOHTH & alRAKD AV rJ I JI MATINEE DAILY OREATER THAN "THE OLD NEST" "REMEMBRANCE" WRITTEN BY RUPERT HUOKES AMD VAUDEVILLE , Rl T IPRIRri Dread I ciquehanna DL.UE.DlrL continuous. 2 until U THOMAS MEIGHAN In "IF YOU BELIEVE IT. IT'S SO" COLONIAL uu,-narZV pAT: THOMAS MEIOHAN and LEATRICE JOY la "MANSLAUGHTER" GREAT NORTHERN Sft ffV"S? GRACE DARMOND "In "THE 80NO OF LIFE lV THEATRE tSt ;i-n vm . . . . JS! ! ftl.XO.VH IXr. . . '"fnWLftuutl 1 CR" BALTIMORE 8as.T ZSMpxeiZ Aim. D..L EJ- :30. flat MM " Bw ana Lew Cedy !S"VALLEY or Trr. riff fci. Kfl ' uci-iviWiN I -:i iY"y MAHicrr ZSabbF6 Jn "THE vnviu m ... m i T. ... " m "IWIrn" ceuMnvrwfffr ELAINE HAMMERTEiJj' rj -JaJJLlPKLESSYOUTH" J MB0S- $!&& MAY MacAVOY In "TOP or WEW Tn. LEADER nt0msnivs (MARY MILES MiNTERP In "THE OOwnnv . - " Jcv-insf-sjtJar" IMPERIAL LOTH k WALNUT BTS. Mat, i' :m: i;m:. t THOMAS MEIOHAN tnd LEATRICE JOY la "MANSLAUGHTER" I IRCRTV UHOAD & COLUMBIA At? BETTY COMPSON In "THE BONDED WOMAN" flDICWt Woedlancl A. at A3S St RODOLPH VALENTINO tn "BLOOD AND BAND OVERBROOK U3D 'SOTve. WALLACE REID In "THE DICTATOR" DAI M FKANKhXJIlD AVE. AND i s-i.m Nonnis strbbt JOHN BARRYMORE in "SmitLOOK HOLMES" ADDED SURPRISE VAUDEVILLE PBTIPNIT MAHKET BT. Utlew ItTH rc.un.iN i je A, m. e u v. u. CLAIRE ADAMS In "QOLDEN DREAMS" RIAI TO OEKMANTOWN AVENI rIMU 1 J AT TUIJ'EUOCKtifr WALLACE REID la "THE OH0ST BREAKER" US) UT. 333 MARKET TlilWa fw. Vm ieinV te mlas ear Red,i R? 5?ekii' tsaraenev "l.nt W.i!yi'fH.,.wf.traf te,' v 7SUUMBRANCE'? IT ''mV JlKil. j, "MJ Kl)' '1 . ,.)i NIXON !"AsoTLurriTir !"AseTLurriTir CHARLES JQNaMM B-nTprCHOAOO" RIVOLI !3D0 7oirmr 7eirmr GUY BATE POST1 JS THIMASQUERADEB'. SHERWOOD ViaVFsS: LIONEL BARRYMORE '" "MANSLAUGHTER" " AT OTHER THPATdcS" MEMBERS OF M.P.T.Q a GERMANT0WN 4iS4Jas'PMlAT JAMES XKXW00D ft HELE1 1 OKABwn- 'THE SIN FLOODS OR AKIT 40S3 OJRAJtD AVn !.ir. Tedtjri Knalan TAB luwtiniw sAi Economy Basement Specials for Thursday SWedMtday, November IS. IMS. Iter Opens A. M. Closet Si SO V. M. M nellenburgS ENTIRE BLOCK-MfiMCET I IXn2iaSTBEETS IL M The Anniversary Sale Suggests Many Gifts at Extremely Lew Prices Women's Gowns and Chemise, 98c . These) pleasingly lovely un dergarments are made of soft batiste or lingerie cloth and trimmed in many pretty ways with lace and medallions. One sketched. Women's Enve- 'J Op lope Chemises. . 7C Dainty and easily laundered mrmenta of lingerie cloth with eautiful trimmings. ' Women's Crepe de Chine Envelope 1 QQ Chemise tPl.,70 A splendid value. Lace and ribbon straps trim them. Women's Gowns ti A( and Chemise..... vlcW Made of geed quality batiste and trimmed 'with lace and embreidery. Women's Extra-Size QQ a Gowns and Chemise OC Lingerie cloth finished with em broidery. Cut full. Women's. Extra-Size 7Qp Bleemers .'... Crepe with clastic at waist and knee. Cut full and re-enfercedl 98c JR. rl 3-T VJ. K tO ml Women's Extra-Size Flannelette d.Qe Bleemers T:e7i With clastic at waist and knee. Re-enforced. Wc JI4, Women's Black Satine Bleemers Elastic at knee and waist. Re-enforced. 49c SnelLENBURcS Economy Basement At a Saving of Mere Than Half $6.00 Pure Worsted Slip-On Sweaters $2.95 What becoming blouses they make! There is a silk crocheted frill about the neck, or contrasting bands of white and geld. A won derful value! One sketched. Black, Navy, Brown, Alice Blue SNELLENBURCS Economy Basement Jmwwkmmwmmri'2 " f9 A An Extraordinary Anniversary Item Children's Ceat and Hat Sets Special at $5.39 Set Men! Here's e Winner $1 and $1.50 Fibre Mixed Mufflers at 59c Sliffhtlv hurt but the de fects have been mended. A wonderful assortment of pleasing' colors several styles and qualities. A choice of slain colors and stripes. All finished with silky fringe. Extraordinary Value! SnellenburaS Economy Basement Three Popular Undergarments Priced Very Lew Women's $3.50 Extra Size Pantalettes at $1.95 There is no skimping of maiuriui in inese weu-maae garments of high -, grade striped English satine. With double elastic cuff and re re enfercements. Brown, black, navy, purple, taupe, green. Women's $2.50 Regular Size M JQ Pantalettes at D-L4' Made of fine quality Eng lish satine in plain colors or striped. With double elas tic cuffs and re-enfercements. Every desirable new shade. Women's $4.50 $0 QC Silk Slips at.. ve One of the indisnens&bles in the modern woman's wardrobe. Made of a splen did quality ;silk with straps ever the shoulder and deep hems. Navy blue or black te select from. SNELLENBURCS Economy auement Of Special Interest te Housewives Bungalow Aprons at $1.45 A most convenient and attractive garment te wear around the house. Made of black satine and trimmed with pretty cretonne belt and pockets. Splendid value: SiJELLENBURflS '""ny Diisemrnl Extra-Size Women Will Want te See This Nemo-Medel 444 Self-Reducing Corset EE $4.00 Designed particularly for women who are inclined te stoutness. These corsets insure comfort, health and m stylish appearance. They are made of heavy ceutil. Women's $2.00 Cerselettes QQf Styles that hook at the side or back. A eOl full range of sizes. bNELLENBURGS Economy Basement There's a Vast Difference Between the Value and the Price in These TWO GROUPS OF Girls' Dresses $4.00 & $5.00 Dresses (One Sketched) x $2.75' $6.00 te $8.00 Dresses (One Sketched) $4.00 The First Greup com prises a splendid let of girls' dresses made of sturdy serge, trimmed with silk embroidery and narrow sashes. Alse dresses of checked materials with knickers. These have vestees, cellars and contrasting bands around the knickers. Sizes 8 te 14 years. The Second GreUD includes a varied assortment nt girls' and juniors' dresses of serge, velvet, flannel and velvet combinations. Medels with pleated and gathered skirts, as well as the popular straight-line dress. Seme arc embroidered in silk. Sizes 8 te 16 years. Girls' and Juniors' $3.00 Plaid Skirts &( I $4.00 $1.49 Well-made skirts en bands or bodies and ceminc? in effective combinations of brown and tan or blue and tan. Sizes b te 16 years. Girls' $1.50 and $2.00 Gingham Scheel Dresses Bricht. cheerful checks, strinp nr nlairis. Smart. trimmings of chambray, Peter Pan cellars, vestees, pock ets end buttons. The skirts are neatlv eathered. Sizes 7 te 14 years. SnellensUrgS Economy Basement 74c ill "V r (CJ ? These cunning little sets are net only very attractive but they are warm and comfortable for winter weather. Made of excellent quality chinchilla and well unea. The sketch shows the smart style which comes in blue, brown, gray and tan. Sizes 2 te 0 years. Beys' Tub Suits, QQ Special at jj What a low price! These suits are a very remarkable value. Made in middy and Oliver Twist styles, attractively trimmed. One sketched. Sites 4 te 8 years. SNELLNBURaS Economy Basement v wiisslf jCirae BB) .1111 FwvmmmBsmkmmsWi Ml 5 The Anniversary Makes a Difference of 50c in the Price of $1.89 Bleached Seamless Sheets at $1.39 Sheets of decidedly worth while quality. They are geed and strong and will give splendid bcrvicc. ' 29c Heavy Unbleached Sheeting, -I Qn 35c i ara .-. A geed quality sheeting, 40 inches wide. 42c Pillow Cases at, Each A very geed value. Size 45x30 inches. 22c and 24c Bleached Muslin, Leng Cleth and Cambric at, 1Cn Yard 1)C All 36 inches wide. Lenv and short lengths in the 1 3NELLENBURGS' Economy . i " Saaesawt These $6.50 Velour Overdrapery Sets Complete at $3.45 Set 1 Pair Velour Draperies 1 Valance te Match 1 White I.ace Panel 1 Deuble Red There are plenty of beau tiful colors te cheese from. bNELLENBURGS Economy Basement IP! a : 3"c7,'''V"'rT; yi ID $30.00 Combination Chifforebes at $19.75 A splendidly handy piece of furniture te have in the guest room, the children's room in fact, any bedroom in your home. Every house wife who is hampered by tee little closet and drawer space will welcome one or mere of these into her house- j jer no(' Conveniently built as ,-, 19 Iff UCilfffa Maae or sturdy oak. On one side is a deeD wardrebn with carment h.ini?pr n !, . ...i!T ,. ,w,ir.,,roDe witter1 -dcsk B'fflii $22:00 Imperial-Edge Hair-Felt Mattresses I I1 gr ,j ' 11 t . , ' a,1 $11.75 Brinir the correct sizn nt vnn. i.e and we will make th mt.. v. actly te your measure. The cover. ing- wm d or Ucklv. IMIklll W 111 geed quality woven ONtlXENBURfl -r-t & &. lul m iJ.,v "-1'-' - rK&WA'4$fl&. :U...H : :: i ilr TTT -"" sj N ' V s . , , URG .tesKfe.Wf n vSsitt t A" f .! Mt "VMMS?; , " '. i1 t J V ."'J Sfli .. .. v a'S M&mxs'Us.. .-. . Mrftfjij'Ay .ftlmai