mrnvmrnx f f-- -" - - ''. -1,-.- - j, , , , . ' I. ' i,ui'. ' '; iTryr ,'' i , ;-m i y n I i' '- ' v'-)' ''fWft r ' f HOiJ-f, f .K'i. .Vi.i'.. t J"xVTCT , mtl! A." I lK'yi.7MM: l ' ' i " :blW k V l.A! ft 1 Ml I 1 m m n ! M . 'i m il 1- if . I I fe I.rI . 4 i ! IS ft. f,' RH 7 M ip am. 85 "ii j1 - & ' .v te. HE Pianos listed below have been taken as part payment for the famous Matchless Cunningham Pianos or Plavor-Pianes they have been thoreuRhly reno vated at our own factories and ara like new. Although these In struments are priced at these low figures, they are fully guaranteed by us. EASY TERMS UPRIGHTS $350 Hagen & Reufer, $OC (Mnhenanj) OfJ $375 Schcmack cr Piane Ce., $Qrt (Mahogany) V $400 Chickering & Sens, $1 A A (Mahogany) $350 Ernest Gsbler & Bre., $1A (Maheganj) IsV $300 Smith & Barnes $1 O C (Mahogany) iww $325 Walters Piane, $1 C (Mahogany" M.OtJ $350 Albrecht Piane, $' ,(Mahogany) $425 Schubert Piane, $140 i !Up Vpu (Mahogany) $365 Starr Piane, $ (Mahogany), 150 $400 Mathu. shek Piane Ce., $ tlfcr f (Mahogany) 180 $300 Edouard Jules, $91 C (Mr.hiigany) $500 J. & C. Fischer, $OOC (Mahogany) $600 Sohmer & Ce., $90 C (Mahogany) $400 Hardman, Peck& Ce., $901- (Mahogany) $450 Herzberg Piane, $9C A I II- Np tmtOV (Mdliegany) USED 8S-NOTE PLAYER-PIANOS $700 Hallet & Davis, $ 290 (.Mahe;;wi) $750 Lester Piane, $ 300 I ll.p Np (Mahogany) $800 Mathu- shek Piane Ce., $ s325 t IUp rn (Mahogany) $900 Ivers & Pend, $OOC I IUp Spu JJ (Mahogany) $950 Conever Piane, $OCC 'i I ll.p Np tJJ (Mahogany) Miniature Parler Grands, Ranging in Price from $425.00 te $650.00 IT PAYS TO THINK 11TH AND CHESTNUT OrBN EVKMXiS UTcfr.y. &Qh ft Park$id) iife v- TT1'' PaU Hljunii lSL Wf5-fKgt I?, i j&S3u Wimk sbj it RC J flB iBWWHSJf H V9IW "il ft Vrets M JPIane Ce, WOLVERTON'S JOB Indications That Camden Court- ty'a Able Prosecutor Will Net Be Reappointed CONVICTED 120 SLAYERS The eleftinn of .Tinier Silrer, a Deme, crnl. ns (inrorner of N'pw Jerxey. will liip.'in i ip nivhin: et i iinrie a. ei rrleti n tlip jini'-reiitlnu iitterney of Cmmlen Ceitnly. en March l.'l next. Mr. AVoh-erten, who ranks among tlip nbli'it Prosecutor' in New Jersey, it a Hi'jmhllean. mid whs aielnted In 1 JUS liv r.orprner IMse. new 1 nlted SlntP Senater. Am the tprm is five xrnrs. Wolverton' appointment eon een iimud llirensli'int the Incumbeiiey of tiocrner lMwnnl. .. . ltnd S nte Senater Kunen, Tteptin llrnn. Iiepti electeil iioirner lnt Tues day. Wnherttm wmilil have been ie ie Biiiteinteil. tlii- aeeennts for tlic unnnMl miiMty f Smitli .Terney in l.clmlf nf Kiiiunu and Senater rieliashw at tlip recent' election. , ,, , . I reinier .Indue Trendi. pemecrat. i- I'elng mentioned if the pruleihle miip (( te Mr. Woheren .IihIkp IVpiich. ln lives in Cnuiilen. " " ', a. tn worker m iiidinlf of talwiinW iiml Sile". j In addition te his firp-jcir term ns i rtoseciiier. Mr. Wolu-rten serxed mure than seien years n n-itiint pro-ceuter. tinder the late Henri S. ' Snivel. William T. Hejle and t vH' liiim .1 Kiaft. who succcdlcd Mr.1 l!i.le when the Inter was appointed Indue , As Priispru or nod assistant. Viol Viel Viol erten lin hantll.'d mere limn 1-0 mur der iis,.s uitlieiit an nciimttiil I'eins re turned. Sever tl of the cases attracted luiintry -wide attention. An Important Case 'I'lie trial of r'rank .lames and Hay ' mend SchiicU fur the niunler of Paiid Paul, ('.niiilen haul, messetiser, was one of Vih rr mi's mol Impurfint c.i'es. Although .lames and Seliuek lieastel of Miiisiileralile inllueuce. h'Uli were found culity and elei treciited. The loiiMcneti and ilei tmcutiivi of (iullferd ('. Yeung for the murder of Harry Jarioed. jitney drlnr. was another of ill" later In the Cilmlnal Court. i In liil'.l, Mr. Wehertiili established a precediiit in New Jersey bv disposing of thiileen l.iunler i'ieM within three week-. Klfji't cases wern dispi.spl of In a siiiui,. day In JihIbp Mmtiirn. Ameiu these Mrs. Mnry Whlte h.ail. who hid liilbd two of lier chil dren In a futile attempt at suicide after her husband bud deseited her. She was found guilty, but sentence was susi"iided after Mr. Woherten pletded for mercy, owing te th cxtcnnatiiic i irnimstancP". The tiininiiM 1 1 link niyMery In P.KId. in wlin h n lleadliiE. Pa., nieicl.ant was ki'lnl bv his brother-in-law and his h.iili hidden in the weeds in Mount l'lihraiiii. N. .1 . was another cue in wlin h Sir Wolierten distlnsuished liln.self. altlieus'i at that time lie I, .id been in tlie Prosecutor's utbee but a fi-w months. I'atlier of "Mercy" Hill Mi Wiilipiten was a nieinlipr of the Legislature in l!lir. 'JC, 'J7 and Ms. and intrediiieil the Woherten bill, which p units n jury te iccemineiiil meuy In a tirt-de-'ii'e murder icrdict. In" l'.Ml. ns A- lsfnnt Prosecutor. "Wo'vefen a-sistul in ti(. )io-ecutlen lu the elei t Ien fun d cusp-, in (.'nnidrn in which members of tin- Cam den j idler feire win ilisfrimliUed for il.i1ntl.uis. of the ilertlen la is, During his jive years ns Prosecutor ceiiduciel a nuniher of suciplng raids in suhniiis and gambling liens. in Cam tin. As tin" result of a w'.el.sule laid en Camden saloons m lli'Jti, sU. ."00 va i'n 1 in Iurs. in a sing!" day ill Ci'tnill.ll 'eillt. In I'll,'!, Mr. Wolierten was nsslgund te assist Attorney tieneml Wllnn In the ielltlc.lI clean-up of Atlantic County, .s'-ieral lutliiiitlal epll'li lan 11 ere em ght in the dlllgnet Pining his ihi' years as prosecutor !.! office lias handled luere than 12,000 ii mnnl i i i ttt r- wuh it geeei il recur! of iiinvictiui of between U- and !'.". per ci nt. LEWIS NOT FOR BENCH Lawysr Tells Governer He Is Net Out for Common Pleas Judgeship (loierner Spreiil will fill the i.vnn.r in Common Pleas Court Ne, within the next few days. t was (.aid today. The neancy was hy ih, dcatli of .ludge Iteger-.. The 'i.ii.iner Is said te favor Assistant District tteitiev .Itinies t!av linuleii, .lr., for the place. A new candidate Is Clrirlcc. Sliihlrr. of th firm of Williams A. Slnklcr Mr. SlnMer Is one of the ynunc'r members of the liar. Iain in ). Lewis, who Ins thi Indersement of Ceiuressin ir. Vai has written te i loverner suing he is net an nspirmt. He fore le.uing the cltv last night CiOierner Spn. il conferred with Dr Clide I. King. of the Pin. het 1 i . ill Commission. THIEVES JUDGES OF SILK Nclseltss Robbers Loet Sixth Street Establishment of $1000 In Goods Veteless ihpps, v. lie nipnr'ntlv ' eie geed judges of luerchindlst , forced an eatrati' te the i sta'illshnienf of the Inltid States Trimming Cnnipanr, UK) North Sixth street, lute last night i rul stele a quantity of sill, mil cloth iluel at ineie than SI linn 'I he same I lam was rebbiil last .Ven mini As the robbers took nothing but the must valuable goods, members of tin lirm lalieie the ieb was done In persons familiar with iinuUtles Although a watchman wtr en duty, le did net bear the thiciis It is lie lieied that the stolen goods were taken away in an automobile BABY BORN WITH TEETH Arrival at Northeastern Hospital Has Twe Molars en Lewer Jaw lioiethy Murdei'K a hiln born .'tt the Northeast, i n lle-.nal, ciiiic into the world with two tci ih The Icith rie beih en the Inuii- j.ny and are iimri.'ls c.f pe.nK wlutem'si, ncieidlng te iiibnlling ten e I'h.islciiins sny (inrethi Is imp nf the b)'t b'lblcs bin II there ifccnth Slie is the lend ch Id in ) ii f.imilt . Mis Helen Mii'fleik. t Ii. mother, lues at "V'.ti Aen Mint The father dnerteil hii. lamlly In -t Mai and hiiH i net l.en lecaDd. PAID TO SEE CHILDREN Aililn l.ncKliin, of tlilp rlly. rltnrs'! i her liiiNlmnil. Allen l.i rMnn. nf N'err " Kiwri, wiiii nnn-Miiiiii. ,t .1 iinirin i Ixfnri' MiniWlutli- CIiiiK hi Nurrihluwn , rntrrilny It il' "leji'Mi Hint l.mldmi Inii horn hnnrillnc tli rhildreii in t lit cenn Irv near line tinil t hat l' Inn ticcn lelH'i'Uni? n tell of .$1(1 I'M'iy two witKh f.-ein lil1 v.Ife for the piMtegp ff seeing Ut vhlhlrcn, Government Wants American Insti tutions te Send Exhibit A reanent te' Amerlrn te send nn nrt exhibit te France has been tnade by the Prench (Severnuicnt. Ufflciala of art tistitutlnnn of Philadelphia and nevcral ether cities have been asked te co operate. This Is iald te lie the first time Prance has ever made tuich a reciuest of this country and art patrons my it In a recognition of the jirn'recs made by the t'nitcd States In the field of art. The message from the French fieverntnent has caused considerable enthusiasm among art patrons and students In this city. An nrt beard, te he headed by Presi dent Harding mid Prrnident Milleiand, of Prance, will make plans for the semltni; and arrangement of the ex hibit. Philadelphia will Iip represented nn the beind bv I.nngden Warner, director of the Pennsylvania Museum, tii'd lluccr P.lllett, principal of the Scheel of Industrial Art. PLANT NOW MICHELL'S BULBS Fer blooming next spring Hyacinths Daffodils Tulips Crocus, Etc. Palms, Ferns, Plant Tubs, Jar dinieres, Pets and Saucers, Pep Cern and Cern Peppers. Catalog Free 518-516 Market St. B VEGETABLE SOUP! An Assembly of thn very best members of the Vegetable family called together by the L'Aiglen Chef. Geed stock, every one of them and only pane te Pet because in that way they best serve you. A savory let that has gene through the (ire and come out all th: better for ill laten 15th and Chestnut iS'jen llrnad nw.iw Walnut I Alie Operating i- AiRien Annex 1G04 Chestnut St wiiiiiiniiiiMini.n JSi J$ yO y f'1. 1 cyt?c E !w r MVOnTERS. UKFiaXVliS AXD MAKERS OF WOMEN'S AND riULMtEX'S APPAItEh or Tin: highest vhmiavwii iei: meiie tiiax twexty-sseve.v yeaiss Silk Stockings 1.95 Majority nre our 2.9:5 values. Impeitcd, nov elty effects and plain. All colors, and black. Presses Drastic Reductions 19 29M 39-5t175M Values 29-50 te 225 As Indication of the Unusual Values Dresses, 3500 Values te 69.50 Of Canten crepe, Poiret twill and velvet. Styles for street and after noon. All fashionable colors. Fur - Trimmed Coats Positive Values te 110.00 Coats of ermandale. fauhena and panvelaine. An array of unusual styles the creations of master designers. Trimming of beaver, squirrel, caracul, wolf and mole. Lined with Canten crepe and warmly interlined. The winter's great est fur opportunity. Three-Piece Suits $7Ht Specially Priced Of panvelaine and veldyne; .squirrel and beaver cellars. The newest style thoughtsbleuses of Canten crepe in harmonizing shade. We Specialize In CHOCOLATE DLApELPHIA ICE CREAM IPWjjIijBI Mitchell Fletcher the2APef Malaga Table Raisins Luscious, juicy, thin-akin Table Raisins Special Weeden Bexes. 5Vi lbs., each, $4.00 Colossal Mb. boxes 70c Cornucopias Colossal Clutters, 70c Colossal Clusters, package. 65c Fancy Clusters, Mb. package, 50c Charge Accounts Solicited 18lh & Chestnut Sts. 12th & Market Sts. 5600 Germantewa Aye. Atlantic City, N. J. Convenience Savings Depositors will find this bank a convenient place for their savings. Beth of our offices are conveni ently located in the center of bu8ine8H activities. Checks may be cashed or deposits made at either office. Interest allowed with checking privi- lefes. ' "Total Resources Over $12,000,000 IheRluEstaxe Title Insurance ndJsBST CompanyefPhiladelphia 523 Chestnut Street 45 S. Bread Street Aerds from Independence Hall Lincoln Building Oldest Title Insurance Chestnut Cerner Twelfth Apparel That Slenderizes ' rtftf5 W COVERED On everybody's tongue and in everybody' mouth. A tld-bit rare beyond compare taste one-je-tiWy S wnerever geed ice-cream sold w Qr Bell Telephones Spruce 8440 Gtn. 2000 Seasonable Suggertiem California Canned Fruits Schley Cultivated Pecans Miss North's Stuffed Oranges Park Farm Maple Syrup Park Farm Fruit Cake Fancy Smyrna Pulled Figs French Breakfast Coffee for Savers Company hitftcWerld Envelope Chemises Special, 2.95 Of excellent quality crepe de chine. Plain tailored and trimmed, some with inserts of real filet. A uift suggestion. Dresses, 49-50 Values te 85.00 Of Peiret twill of fine quality; man tailored with panels, embroidered and fur trimmed. Mostly one of a kind. 75 .00 the Larger Wemani SKI U 2628 Gfreitnu Wonderful Values in Dresses There are thousands of Dresses here from which te cheese and a wide price range, but particularly we wish te direct atten tion te the really extraordinary values we are offering at : $25.00 $35.00 $45.00 Medels for street, afternoon and evening wear in eachgreupj sizes for both women and misses. Come and see these Dresses tomorrow. . . ssrBIaBV VlsBSBBBBBBsVPv i y $75.00 and $80.00 Coats for $65.00 Only a few of these left, but they are wonderful val ues; women's and misses' sizes. A Stock of Fine French Gloves Unsurpassed Anywhere and the Lewest Possible Prices French Gloves made expressly for Jeseph G. Darling ton & Ce. by the foremost manufacturer in France. Our stock is mere complete this season than has been possible at any time since the World War upset skin supply and work ing conditions. Our French Gloves have net been advanced, notwithstanding the increased cost, due te the tariff. French Suedes in delicate gray nnd ecru shades; 8 nnd 16 button lengths $4.25 te $7.50. Black Kid, another favorite of fashion new; 8, 12 and 16 but ton length $4.25 te $6.50. Strap-Wrist Pique Kid in black, white and colors $3.50 a pair. Women's McCallum Pure Silk Hosiery, $3.00 The Plain, Heavy Silk Stockings which make such an appeal te the really care fully dressed woman; full fashioned, of course, and perfect fitting. Very com plete color range, including black, white, navy, creelc, Piping Reck, silver, cord ovan, beige, biscuit, gun metal. McCallum Lace Instep, Triple-Clocked and fine Novelty Silk Stockings $4.50 te $7.00 a pair. AxJ, fl L7 x 1. 'J" Z w. it. Talking Dells, Special at $3.25 In our newly opened Tey Section en the Second Fleer you will find the famous Madame Hendren "Mama" Dells, fully dressed, 15 inches tall, at $3.25; larger sizes, $4.00 and $5.00. 4 'I'.Y &: Radium Silk Chemise, Special at $3.00 Radium Silk Envelope Chemise, beautifully made, three styles. Fine for gifts and wonderful values at $3.00. &: if' tt)v i V- CjK Cst ssl Txr ' ms The Advantage of a Frent-Lacing Corset Are Many Women who have been properly fitted in a geed Frent-Lacing Corset will never go back te the old fashioned back-lacing kind. We sell Gessards exclusively and have the right model for every figure. Prices start at $2.00. Duvetyne Beaded Bags Special at $3.00 Duvetyne Beaded Bags, draw-string model, light and dark shades special at $3.00. French Pique Kid Strap-Wrist Gauntlets in many dainty combi nations of color new and dif ferent $4.50 a pair. One-clasp Pique Kid in black, gray nnd tan $2.76. Short Gloves in black, white nnd street shades $2.50 te $4.25. Priscilla Sewing Cabinets, Special at $10.75 Priscilla Sewing Cabinets, full size, mahogany finish. One of the feature items in our First Fleer Gift Section. Reman Jelly Valaze Reman Jelly is an astringent balm which con solidates' and strengthens loose and flaccid tissues particularly helpful for tight ening and smoothing the skin about the temples and eyes. We carry all of Mme. Rubin stein's Valaze Beauty Prep arations. Handkerchiefs Plain wliite and colored embroidered all-linen Hand kerchiefs for women special at 25c each. Women's hand-embroidered pure linen Handkerchiefs in plnin white and colored cm breidery 35c each or 3 for $1.00. Women's Lissue I Iiindker- hicfs, nunrunteed fast colors, colored borders 35c each or 3 for $1.00. Men's corded border all mien Hantlkerchiefs, also plain hemstitched initial llandker. chiefs ut 50c euch, f'hildren's Handkerchiefs with colored embroidered lie urrs in corner 3 for 50c, Women's hiiiid.omhreiderrd linen Handkerchiefs, Ii,rf.e . sertment in P.,in white and solid colors 50c each, i V il 1 h $ Li :. k lOfa I I H $55.00 and $60.00 Coats for $40.00 Beautiful Coats in a va riety of styles, all with fur cellars; women's and misses' sizes. $65.00 and $70.00 Coats for $50.00 Women's and misses' sizes in several geed styles, one of which is shown. All have handsome fur cellars, some fur cellars and cuffs. Men's Full-Fashioned Silk Hosiery, $1.00 First class, full-fashioned; black, navy, gray, cordovan, white. Orders for this Hos iery were placed long age, before the rise in silk -otherwise we could net sell them for se low a price. New Alpaca and Mohair Weel Scarfs Single texture, which makes them light weight and warm; striped ends of con trasting colors. Prices, $5.50 and $6.50. The Best Hair Nets At the Handkerchief Counter you will find Dar lington Hair Nets, larger, stronger and better than most ethers, yet the price is only 85c a dozen. Russian Blouse Slip-Over Sweaters, $15.00 The new Russian Blouse Sweaters in slip-ever style! wide sleeves, soft roll cellar, narrow belt; the edges of cellar, sleeves and bottom of sweater ure edged in black silk tape. Several geed color combinations. v m J'? '1 &hL & A?KMttete&&W&fAvt