Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 14, 1922, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2
mamam kT1$!&4SuSiIbmwi!15W Ei-.ftS IS-MsW J mx i rw u&r. ft I'H, K""'f kl m jiiiii IB e iffl 1 Mi m i ?? its H. f n m I ';! t :'.i rs s 1 ( a',. MR jfJi wmmmMmwmfwrw' rmmm :-vpwwMmrm V v a..-.. p.wv-iytiM.M, i . K Uffi T afciMJ aJabatV O MBMMf (, MaWafajMha- w aMawamw Mb 4amkapi AaiawlalaMPJBaat MNW VI .vPV' V Marjerle Rambeau and Others Will Wear Latest Ideas of Clntra, of Londen ' . I ' a ri .-.w STYLE ANARCHIS WILL SHOW GOWNS W DISPLAY TO BENEFIT CLUB Anarchy tn fashions nlll be spmi at th Faalilen Hhe.v field In the Hreml fttrt Th)lrit tM nfliirnnmi At " leek for the benefit of the Ch.rh.tt. vunnmiii v.iiin, Clntrn. of Londen, known itntref BterMllr . the Hen. Mm. Jehn Fortes Fertes ue, hns brought with her a bewlldci lug array of enwns, which neither fellow BOP yet definitely defy fnahletit. Hnnd Hnnd erae brocaded entltn nre mndc Inte modern frncktt from wmc nnd trailing Bedlevnl ldwis for ether. "It In net thnt fnnhlnn ehnuld he fol lowed, I eentend," Mid Mrs. Fortes cue, "but HUher the Indlvldunl should b ulted. I've been tiulitinu fnxhlen nil tnr life. I de net knew thnt the Ien;: tM will itav, but does it mutter? It nheuld be the leg which determines the lenjjfn of the eklrt. net r. cut nnd dried fashion, nnd the arm whirl, nhimli. y wueiucr a Rewn sneuiii iw Hieeve tt." Printed velvets, one te resemble a tlner Rkln, still another after the colors of n butterfly wins, a variety of color and material, fur belnir very much in OTldence en evening (towns. Among society folks who will appear S models are Miss F.llen Douglas Lloyd, Mrs. Heffman Delnn, Mrs. Jehn B. Thayer, Mrs. Itandnl Mertfan. Mrs. Phllmeen Dickinsen, Mrs. Persifer Frawr. 3d. Miss Pegcy Ilesenuarten, Miss Theodora Lillle nnd Mrs. Wnlter W. Hopkinson. Francine Lnirlmore and Marjerle Rambeau will be present In some of the itpecinl cewns. During the Intermission T,eon Krrel will auction off autographed photo graphs of film nnd stace star. TYPHOID SUSPECT BESIEGED IN HOME Mra. Magulre, Feared as Germ Car rier, May Yield te Diplomacy Isolated in her home at -001 Kast Elkhart street. Mrs. Mary Magulre, inspected by the Department of Health of belnj a carrier of typhoid fever germs, prepared today te resist te the last moment any effort of the author! ties te take her te the Philadelphia Hospital Twe policemen of the llelgrade nnd Clearfield streets station maintain n strict guard en her residence, prevent- ing Mrs. Maaulre from lenvlns and making sure thnt no one entered. According te the police, they are only awaiting orders te take the worn- an forcibly from her home. Tlila action, however. Dr. A. A. Cairns.' chief medical Inspector of the Uurenu et Health, indicated, was living postponed pending outcome of mere diplomatic means of getting the wom an te comply with the city's medical requirements According te Dr. Calms, the woman is obtained legal advice and thnt of a Ivute physician. Reth her ntterncy has nrlv and her physician, lie said, nau com municated with him yesterday and said that Mrs. Magulre had agreed te sub mit a culture, which is all that the city desires te establish whether the Mispi-; clen that she Is a carrier of typhoid la correct. Deaths of a Day DR. FRANCIS J. LAMMER Physician and Surgeon Dies After Nine Months' Illness Dr. FrnneiH ,1. I.ammer died yeMcr lay after an illness of nine months nt lllil hnmn 'JOAC VaiI. Vlnutnenli atreet, at the age of fifty -ei'sjht years, j ONE-MAN TROLLEY BLAMED I Dr. Lammer was born in l'hlludcl- ' phle nnd received his education iu tlie'Car Hlt Herse-Drawn Wagen at, publla schools here, the Philadelphia Fifty-fifth St. and Haverford Ave. College of Pharmacy ami Science, St. Five boys, Injured when stniek by n Jeseph's College and the .Medlre-Chl ' "ent-man" trolley ear nt Fifty-fifth Il?"Bf Jm&'u.n1.' ?,!"'. MHf'"Jn . p,rP!t '"! Haverford avenue, brought Ur. I.ammer was nu active member , . ,,,,,,, of the County Medical Society and the "", ,""11 of Persons injured In trolley Amerirnn Medical As-oelntleu. He I nceldents yesterday te twpnty. One of survived ty ins Mster, Ml Iliirlmr.-i A. I.ammer, and two children. Francis .1 Jismmer. ;su, und Miss Lucy A, Lam mer. Solemn requiem mas will be cele brated nt 10 o'clock Thursday morning In the Church of Our Lady of Mercy, Bread street and Susquehanna avenue. DR. ISAApT WOODMAN Merrlavllle Physician Stricken While Ministering te His Child Trenten, N v H. Stricken after rising from bed te cine for one of his twin sons, Dr. Isaac N. Weedman, one of the best-known phvsleiuns of the East and one of the founders of the McKlnley Hospital, thlt city, died last nbjht at his home in Morrisville, Pa. Hern in Bucks County, Pennsylvania , fifty-five years age. Dr. Woe-lmnn ni graduated from the Hahnemann Medi cal Scheel, Philadelphia. EDWARD B. ALSOP Pittsburgh, Nev. 14. Edward Ilrewn Alsop, eighty -seven jenrs old, n re tired capitalist nnd former Pitt.j burither. who married EfHu Pepe I Kill . a beautiful yeunu Southern Kirl nnny years his junior in t'.HL' and divorced her in linn, died Sunday night nt bin residence In Washington. I). ('. Rem In Philadelphia in 1 !.-., Mr. Alsop came te Pittsburgh when a veuth and remained here until about fifteen years age, when he moved te Washing ton, E. J. MeGewan E. J. Mctienan. widely known rnll rnll read man. who lived here for mere than thirty eais and uns one of the first promoters of athletics union- I'eiinsjlvnnln Uiillrend workers, died Haturdny In Hellnlrc O.. after n short Illness. The funeral will lie held here tomorrow from the home of u sister, Mrs. Jehn Sweeny, IKS 11 Catharine treet. Themas F. Warwick 'Themas F. Warwick, sixty-eight Sears old, of 4127 I.nurlsten street, toxberougli, who was stricken sudden ly Saturday with acute indigestion, will he burled Wednesday nfternoen nt '2 o'clock, from St. Timethy's Church. Interment will be nmde In the ml join ing burial grounds. Alexander 8. Besore Alexander iK. Meson, llfty-idx years eld, of 1102 Wyoming avenue, uhn died yesterday nt his home, will be burled Thursday afternoon at - o'clock ,! Northwood Cemetery, with services S ducted by the Ilev. Harry K. Ogle. , Btsere Is survived by a wife. Ag- ''7ii:Pr,-WMi sss inrec uauiiiicr, uhtc. ctcicu f . ii aaaaa . n i ! nw ! ii iii 1 aaaaaaaaaa. aaa -aaaa w ala a a MMa ai aBa a LITTLE JAPANESE GIRL WILL j-al k vyi uirni Dainty Asa Matsuoka Will Fit Herself te Help Father in Tokie Exporting Business Just New She Studies English in Chicago and Takes Part in Temperance Werk MIm Am MntBiinkn, of Teklo. who Ii nttemlinit the V. C. T. U. cenveif tirni herp, tftemlrr. cMitte. almost iiliv. ZeZLV the work (die hope llctni? tllf U'dfltnll tit Tnpnn, and niMg. In most innttcr-ef-fnct tones, "1 hnll ulee take my father's plate." Tnkiiiit her fnther's plnce inenna belna the head of a jjrent tlrm et exporters ami Importers, and yet MNs SlatMiekn Hjienks of it as ralii.ly ax he would menflen bujhia n new kimono. "Of euurse I slmll take hi place." Mie eays. "1 am the only heir. My brother IIh1 about five .cars njre. Did you net knew Hint women In .Tnrnn did things like that? Oh. yen, It 1 often ye. Seme families have many ships. My father had a shipyard nnd he could have mnilr. mnrli tnmim- hiillrl. itiK the hlp.s, but he lmted the' war se flint he clesp.1 tlm rnnl "l'l,nr. mhi be peace nil ever 'the world,' he sav te me. "And my father tell me that the women In Japan must become free. The men are s() " and she measured high up In the air with her hand, "nnd th wen.en are se" nnd the hand fell elee te the fleer with a Hutu ring gesture. "It is net right. We mut change that." Entered American Scheel This earnest advocate of women's freedom traveled from Teklo several months age with l.er chaperenc te enter ndioel In the 1'nlted States. "Chaperone? Oh, yes. I could net have come otherwise. I could net travel alrfne. ' She is new nt Northwestern Pnlver Mty of Chicago studying Knglish, nnd when she has mastered that te her sal icfactien she will nudy social service work and take a course In commerce anil nnance. "I am ver ashamed of mv Faisllh , but these veibs these 'tense they bother me se!" she exclaimed, i Her desire te help the peer In her own country began years age. when the went te have tea with an Ameri- tun missionary. "She had a day nursery for the ehil ' drcn. said Miss Matmiekn. her eyes origin wnn feeling. "Am she took me te fee the peer people Three, four families living In a room" she meas ured a small space with her arms. "I was shocked. It was terrible te think eshan.ed thnt Amerlentw )ini,i.i im.'r ein u HI.I..O Hi'lfi -AIHI I unu v.M'V te coine tn my country te help mv peer ' people. New I want te help them." die (aid. "Kven If I cannot ten'di iinjM'it. If I can only give advice te these who work for my father nnd me, and help ethers te help them." i.-.,i,. in. .i, , !1 ,,rr IJUtM Children '-dy fntlier eh. ninny years age he , """ " i'"H country te cnoei, and tie is n great menu te me unrlstlnns In Jtipnn. When I left." nnd .Miss Matsuoka 's I smile became tender with memories, ' "nir fnflm frnA ...a ,,. ,titni.i tT J 'my father gave me two things. He ignve me the money." and she laughed. "and h gave me a book," becoming thoughtful again. "I show it te i mi' eme time." she said. "In the book . seivants. he tell me what te de. He sav I must "And even in Tokie it Is fashion be kind and he tell me the 'tilings I able, the dancing: but I de net like Mieuld learn In my heart te help the that. I wan te make the women ic women of Japnn be free. Seme people , nllre that they should be free and aid they think the Japanese arc evil the these peer unfortunate ones who need nre wicked nnd mv father mv I must . help se much." Miew them It is net se. j "I think perhaps I will stay five I years in your country before I go hack i te take the place of"my father. There is e much I mtut knew," she sighed. "Put. eh! hew I like It. The girls at school they are all se kind te me. Once for two weeks nn illness troubled , me, and they wrote and they sent flew- FIVE BOYS ARE INJURED: the bevs mnv die. Fifteen persons were injured yester day morning In a col!iIen nt Sixth and Federal fctreets. , The five boys were In a here-drawn wngen when struck lat night. All I were taken te the WeM Philadelphia Homeopathic Hnsnital. MIfharl Freeo, , fourteen years old, 1.10." North Farwm street, received fractured ribs, cuts and a probable fractured skill. Physicians held little hope for hi" recovery. ills ermiu-r, ratncK, seventeen, was Iu a serious condition lasr night, but was rejrted much Improved today, lie nIe inn have n fractured skull. The ethers who were les seriously hurt, are Deminic Dimas-e. tlilrteen cars old. l.'ID.'i North Parson street! his brother Michael, fourteen, nnd Jo Je seph Diaiti, thirteen, of 41UH Master street. All were cut anil bruised MAX JUST CAN'T KEEP OUT OF AUTOS OR OUT OF JAIL New Theft Charge Fellows Shortly After Second Release en Bail Max f!ivlnky. Twenty-fifth street near Oakdale avenue, nnd Elwood Kplelne, Twenty-seventh street near Lehigh avenue, released under ball yesterday en i barges of stealing an automobile, were arrested again this morning en similar i-liargrs. Magistrate Uern added JOOO te the $.'000 ball under which they were. The boys are thought te he members of a band of automobile thieves who have been operating 111 the Beutlnn of the city In which they live for several weeks They were arrested today for the theft of the lar of William (rill, fi.'ilfS Spruce street, liellnskv Is new under hall en three charges or auto stealing. EVERY ONE GOT EXERCISE Weman Screamed, Husband Ran, Fire Went Out, Firemen Went Heme Mrs, llessle Palazmnck, 12720 (Jruys Ferry read, started te clean her kitchen stove this morning, The stove polish ignited and Mrs. Paiuzmiirk screamed. Max, her husband, ran like nn agi tated greyhound nnd turned In nn alarm, When the firemen arrived Mrs, P. I was just finishing the polishing. The ' "flrn" wiin out. The firemen went home, und Grays , Ferry read is awaiting Its next thrill. ( rOM.OWINO TIIK TKAM With two important RHinei still te ulav an thalr 1D22 schedule, th I'tnn fenthall war- lera are glvtn dally, armlinu practice, men naa-s aa may prenarly b alvan out by coach and claytra aspa ara raula.rlr In the raieWUfc. rvaw SMO UDW. r TBS.1? i kj txiuinvj rjji gggr?'l'"5g?Sggggggggi I ggEgggH gHhjgaggflggggH gggm - ";s;--.;:lggggggl L M;Mggggf ggggggggggk VJSutylHigggggi gggggflfggf '; jgggggggggi ggHI vtiggggggggggga WW:k, 'lelgggggggggl W- s-i-. - .ggggggggH 4gpwjf - Is0'''"' " Jk i tfHHBhjgMgjM MISS ASA MATSUOKA ers and then," she said, trnillng her fingers down her cheeks. "1 cried for the first time. I maybe cannot under Htniicl what they say or sometimes what they de hut In my heart I knew. The feeling Is there." learned English at Heme Mls Mntsueku had an American governess, who taught her te speak Knglish. She also had many ether teachers the only teacher of "bon "ben sekl" in Tokie. "He was an old man with only one nrm his left," said Miss Matsuoka, "hut he could make the plqturcs nnd he taught me hew." Miss Mntsunka la the first person te bring the material for "ben-sekl" or "snnd picture" te America. The sets nre costly and easily broken nnd few have been brought te America before. With loving care ehe untied the silken snshct and the cords which held the boxes. ' "I would net like te show this te one who wni net Interested In Japanese nrt," she said; "but you will see, and then you will understand." There Is n dark, shining, smooth heard made of weed pulp, and en this the snnd picture Is made. The fir-t one was made mere than u thousand ea-s age by one of the court ladies te pleae the Empress, nnd since then It hns been taught te the daughters of the nobles and highly educated families In Japan. The materials ere all real the tiny bridges real bronze, nnd stones for mountains nre real. And from the sand niirf utilte niirl crniinrl from rocks . ' . . i tnt' l'ietur " m',1,, l i an m.ike the sunset the mNts moenri'-e, said Miss Mntsurku. "nnd rrnd"'"' btushis made from the vliu.- of Murks, with which the pictures are lmnlc. Is Musician as AVell Miss Mutsueka nlse can play the Japanese harp. lint the thing she Is most Inter- e-ted in is Ivelring her people the peer. ' in'1 .J1" Ottered women and niukimc; herself n worthy heir ,of her father. "I had nothing te de." she sa id. "There was a housekeeper for the house, and we hail many servants, for in -Japan it 1 net difficult tu get the geed In her suitcases Miss Matsuoka lias manv gorgeous klomenos utnl haeri. brocaded sashes and a gleaming robe lined with white fur for evening: but ' she dvessc- simply In Amerlc.in clothe. as she has for the last tluee jiars a black hat. a blue-l-eiul'-il .lress and a coat with llml.-en seal cellar and cuffs that Americanize her appearance. OLD CHRIST CHURCH RECTOR IS BENEFICIARY IN WILL The Rev. Leuis C. Washburn te Get Bulk of His Widow's Estate The Hev. Dr. Leuis C. Washburn, rector of Old Christ Church, Sei-eml above Maiket streets, is the piincip.,1 benetii-i.iry in the estate of his widow. Ileurleita S. Wusbburn, wliec will was prnband today. Mr. Washburn, who lived at L'O.'Jii lie f.ancey street, died en Neieniber 4 leaving an estate vnlued at SI Is, null, Cf this amount $10t,0(l() was persen.il property. The testnter leaves S-'.'.OOO in .iish te her hushnud. the residue Iu trust, and one-half of the income, in miM nWe te him. One-sixth of the income gees te tliree i-hildren, Helen C , Hen rietta nnd Leuis M. At the death : Dr. Washburn the trust fun I termin ates nnd the principal is divided nineng the three children. Other wills prelmtnl, the testators ' nnd tlje vnlue of their cstnti fnllnw .nine unit, ,uiii .Milium- avenue, uiiu died October ), SSl.OOtl; Ada H. Ilnr tcry, who died nt West Chester, SI0,. 000, Isaac O. lioedinan. ''l 10 North I, rat street, $7400; Margnr.-t A. lirant. who died in Mcthndi'-t Il'i-pitnl, Sl'.'.riOO: James Cumniing", '.'17 North Twenty-sixth street, .?1,"i,(iimi . pit) Klein, who died In Oermnnv, July 'J, $L'.'i,000; estate left te widow Mnry It Klein, two sons. Inventories of pergenal estnti of fl - lowing were tiled: Jjwald Haesler StllM: Stella A . TajIei$ill-.:j : Char , ,"" '"J!' '''-'" MAYOR AT TEXTILE SHOW Views Heme-Made Products at Frankford "L" Celebration Mayer Moere nnd his wife visited the elesing session this morning of the tex tile show iu the Second National Il.inl; of Frnnkferd held iu cenuei tiun with the celebration of the opening of the elevated. The Mayer nnd Mrs. Moere exam ined the display of tapestries, draper- les, rugs und la trtains, and ex- 'tressed satisfaction regarding the nr 'aiigeiiient of the i xhihitien-i of the efeven iiiiinuinciuring concerns tented. repie- GET YOUR 1923 AUTO TAGS Highway Dept. Urges Taking Out Licenses te Avoid Congestion Later Your lOi-U automobile license Is wait ing for you. Since November 1 the State High, way Department has been shipping li cense plates for 1!)2:i. ' It Is the aim of the department te ob tain niv early registration of meter ve hicles te obviate i-nngeMliin between December 'jr and January .", Man Dies After Fight Jehn Schoellkepfs, slxty-slx yenrs old. SKS North Fourth street, died In Hesevi-lt Hospital late ,it njKi,t from Injuries received In a light with (Jcerge Ilushmnn, of the same address. The men bad an altercation iu- their home ycsieraay wnicu ieu t( right. DEMOCRATS GAIN IN STATE SENATE Their Nominee Wins by One Vete in Washington ' Qreene District LOSER MAY CONTEST Republican .State Chairman linker has received reports which show that the Democrats have elected one mere state nenater man heretofore an nounced and that hie election, the most closely contested in the Commonwealth, was wen by only one vote. This gain for the Democrats, added te the six Democrats already announced as elected Inst Tuesday, makes the total renresentntlen In the Unner Heuse for the minority party seven Instead of six. I According te the figures received nt State hendnuarters, Colonel Jame K. Harnett, Republican, wbh defeated for the Senate m the Wnshlngten-Oreene District by Geerge II. Sprewls, Demo crat. Colonel Bnrnett carried Wash ington County, n Republican strong hold, by n majority ever Sprewls of 'J'.'ftO. but the latter nominee carried Democratic tlreene County by 2231, giving him the lead of a single vote. Colonel Harnett may contest the elec elec t'eii because of the unprecedented close clese nes of the vote. Colonel Harnett, who Is n veteran of tne rMwiiiMi "or nmi n lenner ninte , . , . V. Treasurer, was in the city when etH r.al returns were reported te him. He came here for a cenfecitce with W. Hnry linker. Republican State chair man nnd secretary of the State Senate. According te returns received nt the Republican State headquarters, the membership of the Heuse will be 100 Republicans and forty -two Democrats, an Increase of twenty-eight Representa tive for the Democrats. Tlila gives the minority party the largest repre sentation it has had in the Legislature since 1013. EDUCATION BOARD ASKS PARKWAY LAND GRANT Mayer and Council Get Proposal of Site for New Building A proposal te grant te the Heard of IMiK.uien a strip of land en the Park way en which te build n new adinlnl Mmtiim building, was placed before Mayer Moere today by n committee representing the beard nnd City Coun cil. The bennl desires n slte en the city-owned land alone the Parkway, north of Sixteenth street, sultnble for a structure whicii will replace the old administration building nt Nineteenth Mrect between Market nnd Chestnut. The site sought is said by beard member te be mere suited te the needs owns en th" north side of Arch street east et isixieenm. Jti tne cnninuiieei in me liieuccster detention Ntntlen. which visited the Mayer were Rich-' "I was taken en the ship by Johannes ard Wcgleln, president of (leuncll; Itnticr, the first i..ate, en instructions Wllllnm Rowen. president of th.-.fr,,,,, Captain Peppl, who agreed te beard: William Dick, secretary, and ,yn m ,crG m j ceui,i R0 t0 Xcw Jeseph . ntherine. , y,.-k nd live with my cousin. I The girl wns found hidden In a closet DRIVER'S RIBS BROKEN IN CRASH WITH TRUCKiiimc. ' .. -.. I Captain Peppl nnd Bauer were held Twe Others In Aute Injured In, In 2.'(0 bail each by United States WMt, Lin-., pibf. rniitainn " Commissioner Mnnley yesterday en a ...VVh,te .7" Pi.f C.V,,len I charge of smuggling en alien into the William l'eddlt. ii.s Uedar street. Camden, was seriously Injured when tit; automobile he was driving collided with a truck en the White Herse pike at Da CnM a. N. !.. early this morning. Twe ether men iu I lie machine with Peddit received miner Inluries. They nn Wllllnm Jenes. Nil) Kimher street, and William Messing, 711 Meris street, Camden. The automobile, which was headed for Atlantic City, overturned, pinning Pulilit beneath the seat. He sustained several fractured ribs, probable injury te Ills ..pine anil internnl Injuries. Mate police nreiigni tie injure., men ii llammen en. N. J. two les from the scene of he nceident. lhcy were given lirst-iiid treatiiient by Dr. An- theny hspo-ite. Pe.l.llt was later taken te n Camden hospital. NABBED AS RUM RUNNERS Twe Phlladelphlans Arrested Near Atlantic City Additional nrrests in the effort te brink up the "running" of liquor into Atlantic City ever the White Herse pike were made early today, when a prohibition ngent arrested Harry Fer man. twenty-one. a ennutleiir. li'ii nni nave ncen living in the bold of u Wingoheclcing street, and Charles Ehr- derelict ship in the harbor of Piraeus. If Ii. twenty-one, n salesman, C203 .Tef- Tlr'were taken Inte custody as,520,000 IN DEATH MYSTERY they were Hearing Atlantic City In u, ... . . . t big nutomeblle. A quantity of alleged inetlt-B whisky was found in the inn- chine, and will be used as evidence when the men are arraigned for a hear ing before I'liitcd States Commissioner Uz.ird this evening. Painters Get Wage Jump Journeyman painters were granted nn Increase in wages, effective Jan uary L'l next, amounting te ten cents nn hour, nt n meeting tednv of einnlev- i ers who nre members or tne .Master' Painters' nnd Decorators' Association i of Philadelphia. The Increase will bring the wages of painters up te ninety cents nn hour. . --....,..,,-- . . - . AMERICAN NOVEL NEEDS OVERHAULING, AUTHOR SAYS Geergu Gihbs, However, Disagrees With Sir Andrew McPhail That Its Theme Is Audience I Remance or realism which Is it that 'American people demand In their novels' In this day of the modern, the matter-of-fact, will the nll-linpertnnt 1 American public accept tlm i-teries as written I eila v or .vesterdny? , lieerge (iilihs. American novelist and I illustrator, feels that the American novel in genet ill needs overhauling, but that the American novel in particular Is iiilte nil that It should be. 'After all." he said. who knew a Just exactlj what they want In this particular period when everything Is mere or less Iu a turmoil? Our lit erature is criticized nnd wn accept It mere klndlv than we did In the day when Dickens was nllve. Hut I cannot agree with all that is said of our books. "Take Sir Andrew McPhail I can not agree with him entirely." , At a talk given before the Contem porary Club last night Hlr Andrew, a Canadian author, "plcknd" en Ainer iuiu litirntuie, calling tne theme of it "low life" and ltn uiidieiice Jgnerant. and despairing bei-niist the American novelist "giiiutleil raw meat'' when writing his story. "Despite the fact that I de net en tirely agree with Hlr Andrew, I can at least get his viewpoint. He Ih essen tially a remuntlcist : . he spoke of Sir Walter Scott last lnt. AH of us K 7 ii i, STOLEN FROM HOME Thieves Loet Physicians Office and Take Heavy Loet Away In Truck FIRST THEFT OF KIND Police are hunting for three thieves wIhj stele a complete X-ray equipment from the office of Dr. Merrii L, Tann enbauni, 834 North Fifth street, yes tenia afternoon. The X-ray outfit,- mera difficult te move man a piano, was named en in a truck after the thieves had told mem bers of the physician's family that It was being taken awav for repairs, It is valued at about $100. Three men. the eldest of whom is described as being nbeut thirty years' old and well dressed, appeared nt Dr. Ti.nncnbaum's office about 4 o'clock, while the physician was calling en a pntlei.t. Twe of the men, wearing over alls, bached the truck up te the pave ment In front of the deer. The men went nbeut the work of dis connecting electric wires te the machine. Twe of them carried out the lead screen nnd placed it en the truck. A minute later they returned for a part of tlw enulnment that had been illienn. I nccfed from the wires, and within flf ' ,wwi mtfllltAa (,fMi anlM-lni. -I... I.n..u ' ,i, inj ninn im,i l.nn n.,.i...i ... .i ,".. (.. ... . ,, ,.,.ai-ii i,i,i iiini leaded onto the truck. It disappeared lewn unit Ktreet in the direct en et the center of the city Dr. Tnnncnbaum, upon returning home, hnstened te the police station en Falrmeunt nvenue near Third street, nnd notified the desk sergeant of the theft. He said $290 in cesh which was in his office was also taken. Police fliers, giving a complete, de scription of the men nnd of the truck they used, were sent tq all districts in the city. Ne arrests have yet been made. Clnrcnee Francis has reported the less of a bag which be says was stolen from hN automobile at the corner of I'.rend and Spruce streets yesterday afternoon The bag contains clothing and toilet articles valued at S200. Francis lives at 0500 Chew street, Ucrmnntewn. DIDN'T SNEAK ABOARD, SWEARS STOWAWAY GIRL Neither Wat She In Leve With Skipper of Schooner I.uclllp Hrysen, the clghteen-yenr-eld stowaway who arrived here en the wlioener I.lllle K. Kerr. Sunday night from Jamaica, nssertcd today that she was net infatuated with Captain Geerge i-eppi ana that see did net "tnciik" aboard the vessel. On the ether hnnd. he knew all y bearding the shin." the cirl said, while kitting dejectedly in her cell . "",.' "j"?! rc,v?"uc eftV?r'' ' country. Anether ehnne of llnuer , smuggling will be made against them nt further hearing Thursday, EX-KAISER'S PALACE i FOR GREEK ORPHANS Wilhelm's Gorgeous Ghewplace at Corfu Taken by Near East Relief Hew the mighty have fallen ! 1 1 1 he Philadelphia hendnuarters of the , Near East Relief received a cablegram yesterday from l onstuntlneiile nn n,)UIU,ng that the magnificent palace of lt. former KniMr en tI , d e( , ,.erfu. off the const of C.rcece, is te be . ,n,.. .... hv ,h vpnp r ' . nnli, , ... llSBll ng ,. ,.. . .t.atlinti. girls driu'ti from Sinvrun bv the Turks Corfu is noted for its all-year-round even climate. The Kalrer, in his hey dey, used te spend most of his summers In the palace of Corfu, where he gave elaborate eutcrtninmciits for his official family. The palace is one of the bhew pieces of Greece. Ahrady arrangements have been made tn install L'OO ernhnn L'lrlx in the nnlnci. These girls ere refugees who esrnped te Constantinople after the fall of Smyrna, "'eney oerrowea ey otaeie Man Just Before Death Cannet Be Found Creditors nre investigating the cs late of Jacob Wussernmn, a ntalde owner burned te death in a stable lire ,lul S last. The case Is before. Judge Thompson in Orphans' Court. A few days before his denth Wnsser mini negotiated leans from several Philadelphia hanks amounting te $.(), 000. After his death the money could net ne located, wasscrman was stir- , ,. , . ... ....-- vi en nj a vviuew unu eignt cnildren. Prepi ity owned by him was sold for $lWi. which Is the only asset left te meet tin-claims of the banks from which Wiibseriiinii borrowed. "Lew Life" and Its Ignorant I read Scott when we were kids we saw through a veil of Illusion and romance, I and it is readily conceded that Scott's I books nre delightful. "Take 'Main Street,' that i.i a book . which most certainly took a grip nn people '"'hey MllV in it themselves, (lie iweiMng of their own minds and life 'In their communities. Hut will It last' The four nr flve thousand novels turned out a j i nr de net really mean nnjthlng. When n man is writing he should record the history of his day. If book be written new it should carry the atmos phere of today. , "Hut ns te giiMlIng 'raw meat,' I de net agree with that. Did you read the IIouse of Mirth,' or 'Kthan Preme' ? Ne, well you should; thei.0 nre hooks -which nre bound te live. Kcalisui, but romance, tee. Of course, we can stand criticism and correction I what live, prospering nation could net? Hut then surely our books nre net the only ones in need of u raking ever (lie coals. Why should net Hlr Andrew stint nu a few of the I'.iiglish books' "JtcsidcH our works of today cannot he (einpai'cd te these of the old writers. Ti-.vlug tn compare them reminds me of t'a hi I. when lie says that comparing certain things Is like uskiug u mini if he likes te play peel or eat pickled herrlnf." X-RAY MACHINE "EWr.-V i .'.YiaTA.' . 9SAXUiiuywHH Ut-AmmkUBMSBXTXTrntMEfVawruagl' W:p.'r.!:i :.'' mmmmmmsmmmmsmmm .nn ' ICE CREAM AND LULL rrur LOST SCHOOL BOARD FIGHT "Woodchopper" New Charges Tredyffrin Society Leaders Seek His Removal in Pique Over Millionaire Opponents Defeat The old-time politician whose chief campaign appeal was "Beys, what'U ye have?" has been supplanted in these prohibition times by the millionaire candidate who announces at the close of his political meetings, "Gentlemen', de you prefer vanilla or chocolate Ice cream?" . At leust that la the turn things have taken In Tredyffrin Township. (W. C. T, U. convention, please note.) Samuel W. Tener, ',woedehopper,, member of the township school beard, is responsible for the statement. He saya he hates te think what .politics iu coming te. Ten millionaires living In the' town ship are trying te oust Tener from the school beard. He snjs the movement is an effort te get him out of the way se Charles M. l.en, retired book publisher and wealthy resident, can be put ou the beard. The petitioners, In addition te Mr. I.rn, are Mrs. Kleaner II, Cassatt, H. W. Riddle. Helen M. Dingee. Truxton Uare, Stevens Heckscher, Rebert Le Le Heutlilelr. J. It. Tindle, Charles W. Daily and A. Edward Brinten. Mr. I.ea attempted te win the seat bv nemilar vote, but .was defeated by Tener in the general election by a ma jerity of about -I te l. loner at tributes the landslide in his favor at least partly te the campaign methods used by bis opponent, in which, he sn.vs, loiiypeps unu ice cream piuycu n prominent part. Mr. Iea also held socials te try te win the voters, Tener said. Ice Cream Vete Melted Describing the campaign, Tener said : "Over near Cedar Hellew a desnerate attempt was made te win the Negro vote ler ,'ir. IjCB. ana any amount ui tee cream and cake was eaten, but they went te the polls and defeated him by 403 majority. "All ever the district," he added, "they spent much money for ice cream and held at least a dozen meetings and socials, at which the voters simply en en Jeved what they gave nnd then voted against the millionaire candidate." Tener, who bns been a member of the school beard for years and Is a. veteran campaigner in the township. Intighs up his sleeve at the campaign tactics used bv his late opponent. lie is of what might he cnlled the "practical school" of politics and rftits his faith 'in such things as "friend of the common peo ple," and his favorite title of "wood "weed chopper member of the school beard." Witness this shot at Mr. Iee : "I.ca may have millions Tiack of him. Every one of the ten asking for our resignation commands at least a. mil "The Tie of a Thousand Knets" Put your scarf money into Berkley Knits! You'll receive liberal dividends in service and style! $2.50 $3.00 $3.50 JACOB REED'S SONS ' 1424-1426 Chestnut Street m i' , W' 'm Vsx W& lien dollars, but they de net hn t tht support of the voters because net one senaVhls or her children te the public schools 4e meet the children of th. common people. . I have never known one of them te visit the enoel. David Whit worth la "&&, ousted along with Tener. The i petition asking for their removal was presented te the West Chester Court and next Monday has been set us I he date for a hearing. Tener will act as his own counsel. Lollypepa Alse FWWI "These men who want us ousted foiled "win the election by the i penu- ler vole ami rc n0 V't in L 2h?. i-.k in favor of Charles M. Lenny ennrg ig irregularities In office," Tener said In answer te -the charges filed against Wm! "But they yill discover that the charges are entirely unwarranted. If we peer people had net paid out our own money, the district would have had te close its schools. , , In he primary election te nominate Republican candidate for the school beard Mr. Lea was defeated by Tener by a substantial majority, despite the gallons and gallons i of lee i cream nnd the pounds and pounds of lelly peps used. The defented candidate then ran en the Democratic ticket In the general elec tion, but his Ice cream and loiiypeps were even mere ineffectual then- than before and he ns snrtwed under. Men's Club te Hear Moderator The Rev. Dr. Calvin Haya, of Johns town, moderator of the Presbyterian General Assembly, will be the principal spenker tonight nt the twenty -first an mini dinner of the Men's Club of the Frnnkferd Presbyterian Church. Dr. Jehn A. Marquis, secretary of the Presbyterian Beard of Heme Missions will also speak. Dr. Jehn B. Laird Is pastor of the church. The Atmosphere of Hospitality Jewelry Silver WATcircs Stationery Evening' Clethes Distinction munt mark a man's Evening Clethes just as the occasions en which he wears them differ from the usual. Therefore the most painstaking care in fitting and styling is insisted en here. Your Evening Clethes should be indU vidtial as well as different! Rebert Stewart MEN'S TAILOR8 ISO! Walnut St. iVeti Yerk Stere, 15 East 47th Street 3L Second strap-hanger "Ne, I'm net waiting for delivery. I bought a Moen. It's ready for me new. What I'm waiting for is my license." Prlcea: P. 0. B. Factory $1195, $1695, $1785, $2485 MACKIN MOTORS, INC. J. Jay Vandarnlft, Prst. 865 H. Bread St. Phenn Poplar 7616 BlipUy Reemi Opm EtdIb(i jM.2 Moter The car of the Authorized Dealer Klrkaatrick & Heylir MSI Xarkat Bt, United Service Moen Aicr. 41 Oarpantar Bt. Arcadia Moten 4980 llerth Bread 8t. Wcihnertlind Moter Salti Ce. 399t N. Bread Bt. Jehn A. Morriiea M40 Xandncteii Ave. Ertr Rtadr Garaia Bread Boelavard 7A? tetnlc you pass overv d av West End Trust cc )MPANY L-anUnlA. .... SAAAn ROAD.STRBBT.AT. ESEV1 hflijT?ii1i".m 4- i-T " r. JJTti T TitbEN werT MOW ii OF HIS PLAY FOR SIX WEEKr Leu of' Fingertip Won't Keep Him rrem uam, a aye Stir William T.,Tllden, 2d, national ten nls champion, will net knew for .me .. nK. ...,v.ncr me 10SI of v. tip of the middle finger of hie ritfct tiand, because of an infection, la m. te Interfere with his aamn ,?'.? "f extent. Ir. Tllden left the UermaniE!! Hospital yesterday with the finger i? much 1 certainly can Kay: I Wni L 'JJ there paying tennis." "'" " Wt "I will net knew for at Ictu .t. wenbn tvhplhep thn innrlUfAM f finger Khm will a lint mA -:' ln regular game. Many of my dli?.? nhetsare directed by the fiateVtiS ! hiswt wu an rnintWA . ana l amrc mew new the less of 0B. finger tip will affect my play. nn?B! am losing no sleep ever It." l DKATHW t.KHMtJTII. JR., Relntlves and frl.n!i.B!RT nichnrd Vnux LeOgs, Ne. S84 T P. nl t10 Kensington l. A, C, Ne. 2Si:Wr?r.Af H' Huntin nnd Fishing Club nnd Vli fh-.Llll, aanltatlena of whlefi he w" a m.mb.V .w' invited te (uneral service Frldsy. "b&r at his lata rcsldenc. ItW W. xnliA ave. Interment private. w' AIIv . DAINTOLO. Nev. II, ANQELSNtA . levea wiib os unrmine uainiole hut7 and frlenda Invited te funeral Thurdv iTi! A. M., from her Ate residence s& 'J? Krnnnrut at. Solemn lil.h ... .'. A32. W. Ht. Msry'a. Chureti. 21Pt and TeriniJ' lb imei merit iie-y oepuicnre P.IM... " VI. mnlni en lw Wednesday. T m iiv',. - mJTTF.RWOnTH. At his reldr ei. IVIham rd.jCWmantewn. Nev u ..11' JAMES ntTTTBUWORTH, In h IU ! Netice of funeral Inter., 8M "f. thvmii N'.iv. ia. iteTt-i ...... Uridyl Tenor (nee McUarvnvl ..?"? el H Mary and the lain Peter Tenor, ferml!!1- Olaclt. I'nrlal. or Pus. Pnneanl, IrelJJ.i '.' J! in ts.lel.B aHrl i.u.,1. 7 .if.n1. Ittel Thursdi'yVT A."." fjynV rnVVa'S, Ve.'fflltf Our Mether of flood Ceuntel Ch .,Sl.m!, At Interment St. Penla' CemeteVy, " ". VAN aOtVER. At Rlverten. N j ., 12. 1U22. ELI8B, wife of Albtrt Van 'hJEZ: Services nt herniate realdenee. nie fiSS fiSS mlnsen at.. Wed., a P. M. Fr enda " call Tuesday eve. nenaa AM STOCKTON. At rittlburth. Pa . v. ,. 11)22, ROBERT DAY BTOCKT ON ' jRjt.Jl aervfees at St. Mry' Chureh. BurHnW N. J., en Thurtday. Nev. 10, 11 i,i5 i,i5 Pleaa de net send flewera. OXati.l . i.i. Hi was removed yesterday, afternoon "I may net be champion next i.i said Tllden today, "but . f?6 liiiuruvi'Mt a nc ureiL juinr nr tk which pervades this "store, as frequently as its superb stocks, is the subject of gratifying comment by patrons and visitors. Purchases Reserved for Christmas Delivery J. EGaldwell & Ce. CHESTNUT STREET BELOW BROAD 1 r Cars ten proven unit Df , 4039 Ohntnut It Mihoner & Kilrer W, FMUdtlnftl Rey ScBatffar Orawyd SOUTH PeNN'SQUARt fif , 4 A W iitJfrl v .