wi RflPSsOT s$ .iFus (" - f : i mssvt wnmcTf ranm Vvvni awsff Attsasicc JLu.'i s' . ct-vjttj - ::rrMrmimtfM j-.'-VTi'-J .JJT'AIT.T.Vt-I.'rili.fcl' T . 1 Vl .. W41 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER -14;. 1922 & 7l - - , - . " . '1 ' ''"" ." v-r..-, .-. r-, m, i"vyni7- HVU , 1 ' v'.5it, Ed' rv Pi; . i& Ff KC' IK M ' t' F tU v ft f vtfcl J Pi?: $100,000 HEIRESS STILL IN ASYLUM Guardian Admits Dorethy Cor- j den Was Sane When Put in Confinement I i Bosten. Ner. 14. "Yeu linve iiM ' thftt Dorethy (iorden wns sane when j Yeu took licr te the asylum. Yeu mw I W Insane, tied te licr bed, two meiitlia after you took her thorp?" The veire of Attorney .Tulin 1-. Hh tiin fairly liuhed the weriN n William F. .Tardlne. the Klrl' Runrdlnn. slumped ' down tlntly in hit clinlr. ... I The room wan Mill nfter Slieetinn m Telee ceHFed. .Tardlne wet his lips. JIN lower lip protrudes slightly mid when , hn iinnnka liU uiinli wem te slide nut ever that lip. His wide upperMlp does oef move. "Yes," he smlil. hN eWp net very firm, but n bit detlnnt n he blinked his eyes behind his sectaries. Feufht ARalnut Asylum Attorney Slieehnu was nsltlnc .Innllne about the pathetic little heart -eerets of Itorethy iorden. ward of .lardlne. hcires te $100,000 nnd new In mi as.Wtim. from -wliieh Sheelmii Is litflit ins te get her out. Wns it true that .Tnrdine had per Minded" her net te marry Kills .lardlne. n young man who has attracted her fa tier V It WO'. And was It true that she had lal"rj eenlided tn William K. .lardlne that. Willnrd Newell, another young man, I was the type of man she wanted te marry? I Tes. that wns true. , Vnil then inter peer Iiorethy tioi tiei tioi den was whisked nwav in ii enli te the Insane nsyluni by William I. !.. ; dine nnd his wife, nt her own request, he sntil. thntipli strangely eneugli mie protested and fought against gnliu;, ac cording te Jnrdlne's ew n .story. ' Olrl Pretests Vehemently ! In her room nt the asylum, where ahe has languished for eleven months. the girl declared vehemently jeterdny that she wa ane, nnd was being con cen fipeii ngalnst her will. "My guardian is keeping me here." she fold e newspaper reporter. "I nni as Mine as jeu nre. Hut then1 1 noth ing I enn de te get m freedom. Yeu cannot think hew helpless I nin here." Attendants of the asylum, relating Miss Gorden's ersIen of her guardian's offer te marry her when she wns cured, quote her ns saying : "He ald he loved me just as he had loved my mother before me. lie vis ited me nnd took me In his arms. He kissed me. He posed as my devoted frieud." HOMES WIRED INCLUDING FIXTURES 15 MONTHS TO PAY 'TO WHALEN-CROSBY wsri40N.iithst s? OeB Friday ETcntnt Sit. AftertiMa PURE FRESH-PAINT Believe Me An Industrial Plant Kuehnle Painting knew no limi tations in tze or type of job. Tha exterior of the big He-Brlg!it facterv nt Frent St. and Lne Ave. hn iuit bean Kuehnle painted Ve have only one (ormula--fer big or small Jobs te de the work at well a 11 can be den' "Save the Surface" Kuehnle PAINTdPAfNTING Vine & 17th. Sts. spruce 547 tiAce779 Sk TELEPHONE OPERATORS Helle Girls will always Ket the right number te relieve sere iHH ?MtA threat, ear acheandhead ache by plug Ring in en BAUME BENGUE Just say Ben-Gay at any drug store and the clerk will knew you want the famous French Baume. Rub it en m you would cold cream and yeuracheaand paint eet dlicennected. Keep a tube bandy for backache. Thet. Learning & Ce.. 4. Y Aretr. Af ent &C A T J, sEr.J"sl If ns l m mmM 'TPli i"r.' -ATORt: err.ss 31st. Anniversary Sale! Charge Accounts Net Due Until January mnim MaMMsa HWHlaW Tomorrow's Mid-Menth Specials) $5 Blankets, Pair $3.45 Heavy pray China cotton leeks und wpars like wool or blu. borders. Deuble-bed size. $8 Plaid Blankets, eair $.5.50 Woel-niiil-cotton ; pink. blue, tanj tint lrcn. iitnlfl.' uilt. mnli.ilr IiIuiNSb IIIK IflUl)l"-l"li 8iP. $6 Bed Spreads, $4.98 4 IIp.i. white !;itlii tluMi: rnlscil 1 tranlll.t H'IMaPH. tTn1iit,1rti1 (IF with cutout riirm rs aiul onilireltl- 3 eicil M'allopeil eiIkpn. Slzn X09O. lit llrnlnT ! Irt Fleer. ertli Tomorrow' Mid-Menth Special 25cOuting(J I PI AMNPI ilUL Heavy qunllty: pink nnd blue ttilpcs. uliriUx iiutl pliild". -i-liii'li I. It UrnllnTn -Klrnt l-'lner. Xerlli Tomorrow' Mid-Menth Special 3 3 Brocade ($ UQ Attract lvi dcylRiis for mouse., flrirx and IhilllL-". 1' enU 1 1-, lilaci; nnl navy bltii'. nNn .ill cel n lAccptlenal ipi.ill t $3 Black Novelty 1$1.69 Sports Satin ' Verv sniurt dfwlBtit for pllrt or ilrecMOt lteay qusillt , IiIrIi luster. J"i Id.icli I. It llieilifr Klrst Fluer Seiitj Tomorrow's Mid-Menth Special ' $4 Messaline Petticoats $2-98 Stralglit line nnd flounced atyla prettily corded and tlnlFtiril with bmall lilatted rutllp $4 Sateen Pantalettes,$1.93 . tftflfl i i:tra size cut full. OV -L7 I U He-enforced deubla elnnlc cuffs. All colors l.lt Urnthera SIICOXT) FLOOR ' Tomorrow's Mid-Menth Special Women's $1.25 Gloves, 89c Strap-rvrlst. Cliamels euede with neclty embrelderpd tack9. Mede, beaver, sand, pongee and gray. Women's $3 Gloves, $1.95 Cape: atrap-wrlit: full pique sewn. Black, brown, whlt. gray, tan, coffee and mode. Men's $2.25 Gloves, $1.59 Cape. Regular and cadet uties. Kmbretdered backs. Tan, pray and brown. l.H Brethers First Fleer. Seuth Tomorrow' Mid-Menth Special ' $11 Fleer j $7.95 Lamp Stand) $? t a h eRany " 1 n I nhed ; hand r"Jllah pil heavy -Inch stand. ith Kas or clePtrlc flt lncv. $7.95 $11.90 $16 Fleer Lamp and Shade, complete $11.90 Hand-polished, mahogany flnl'hed base j for cas or plpctricWy j'retty fringed still shade with cold braid and tassels. .Sketched. I.lt nrethern THIRD FLOOR Tomerrow'a Mid-Menth Special , Men's $2.50 te $3.50 Felt Hats, $1,79 Geed at vies sjid color" Children's $1 Hats, 59c Pole htl Heavy voel rletlu ii'i ear lab." all 1 ijpd. Some plum and ruacMnaw cloth hats in let I.lt llrntliert Tlrst Fleer, T'h Si Tomorrow's Mid-Menth Special! T 40c Dotted Swiss, 19c J Tine qualify . rmall dots. "7 inch J I.lt nretlifm First Fleer North J Tomorrow' Mid-Menth Special 9 $2.50 & $3 AlUWoel French Serge, $1. 49, 44 an'l nt Inch llnht gray, beaver, , reindeer, burgundy, dark plum, Cardinal, red, Copenhagen, darlt brown, nav, midnight tilue and , bluck. $1 and $2 Dress Goods and Suitings, yard, 58c Leem endi and remnants "G te II In 'h Homespun., tweeds bklrtlns checks und plaids, r.nlie crppes, i 'anion i repes, sercp", trlcetlnes I'eii-pi twills, t;raiilte, shadow iIipiKh, ladles' doth etf .Ne mall or 'phone orders filled Veiip sold te di'.ihrK I It Mrnllieri. First F'oer. Seuth Tomorrow' Mid-Menth Special flOKHrts' $3.50 1 T rrecks,SZ.ZS J r . w Y li,''' ', Painty Kabardlne iAal. lltNn- In whlln ii & (iiilireidered In red hv ir uuif -sein jen -SOIIIft fPB' . v llllP I) I e e Fj SU 2 te n . imp b I e e in e r h, ..J t., - en I en yi,ev White Coats, $4.79 I All wool oil In clillla, Warmly lined. Sizes 1 te 3. Ut BeUr SliCOND Jr'LOOM hn i!fTrrTiv i J . V il aMtffr'i??---1 ! 3 . - Wl U n.tti.T at e a. m. and closes at nk -pi ssni hwhwimO Great It Marks the High Peak Count en saving a third, 71iaifrevenSMc7RE! purchasing! Ms Beautiful Fur-Trimmed w 29 IU-- 4 Tomerrow'a Mid-Menth $150 Billie Burke Striped flannelette. Kmwire effect with elastic at ankle. Sketched. $4 Philippine Night Gowns, $2.98 Many pretty designs in solid embroidery, drawnwerk nnd cellatn work; hand-scalloped edge?. Pleasing and effec tive. Sketched. $3 te $5 Silk Undergarments, $1 .95 & $2.95 of radium, ciepe tie chine and novelty silk'. Knvclepe -hemises, bloomers, vets and stup-in bloomers. I.lt HrutlifM s-' jnu flier """ '-- i Wew .. & Misses1 s18 te s20 Coats $ie --j Of i- ports coat Iiirs, lierrlni,' lierrlni,' le n tuei-ild l.eiiiey i I u h aiul (I e u Ii I ,' -f.iei'il falirUk, In all mait rtliadi'H II i I t e il ami HtralBllt . line modeli . laid' roomy pecU-t fur or ! I e t ii rollnre 1. 1 11 il te a l h ' in tlitmmli'iiit fets' $3 Ceat7,$2 Cor(liiie iv.iiinu iiimi Sip i tn 3 Tots' $1.50 Frecks, 66c l.e ir-'pni aiul i jippern ( ham biaMi iiikI 'in Lin s Sldi-H I te ti Infants' $1 Dresses, 39c Nalnroel, Ijiik hi hliert , hIzpx l "$6.50 Comforts, $4.49 MIKnillltf ; (ouen 11116(1 29c and 39c Crtnnn... lfle SO-lnch. Alse ccrhni and marqut N wSi f n. AM V as mm M mse p. m. Manerasnviisi 'HATS Market Eighth Mid - Month Mid - Menth Event Tomorrow! : : : Special! Pajamas kHK: VUT 1 98c Tan Russia patent colt jjn !, Misses' & Children's $3 & $3.50 Tan Shoes, $2.29 Nut brown calf in pony cut lace styles with perforated tips and 'bread tee. hisses bj Xte 2. -..-.,.-,,M..-,H "-" I lsl Niirht te. 1 IMIgUl Gowns 79c Strliicil flannc.!tttp . double .Mikci, bralil trlmmrd Nn mall or plume unlet i llllftl ., , ..... Beys' $6.50 Chinchilla Pole Coats, '$3.98 III own In' i ami Ki-ay cliliu'lillU; all wool Inn ik .i in ! eaiH. Eoys $7,50 Suits, $4.79 Kxlru hiiiiktTDflioUetH liinl, r.iml nieHH Nurfellt models, "telijmry. Beys' $10 Mackinaw, $5.98 nianliet plaids 7 te 18 eur.". , Men's $20 te $22.50 Two-Treuier SuiU, $13.49 ll-iMinl I'liHhimcH'N, chovlets iilid '""cy niiMiiipx in nuiit pin strip 'H miu nlalus. Men's $22.50 te $25 Overcoats, $13.98 rep'ibr Inlil-biicl, fabric. ultfri. H.siMfttis iiml iiiKlliUH. QuiU'ter-lllinl. Men's $5.50 Trousers, $3.49 Knll IIikmI. rf.cnferccd semiiH. Beys' $10.50 Overcoats, $5.50 Dark mixtures: belted. 9 te 17 yenr. i Bev.' SIO.SO SuiU. S6.49 - Elr Knlekirt Corduroy, 7 te 17 years. .r. i ..! iihii'T 0urlliUgrat-4Msf ! J'T!W,, , y ji, . . v i- All These Goods en Sale Tomorrows TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE neneOritnnnsS ONE YELLOW TRADING STAMP WITH EVERY 10c PURCHASE ALL DAY of Anniversary Value-Giving! Alse See Other Share in these altogether matchless bargains! : .1 Coats mil Crowning a series of stupendous Anniversary values. Mid-Menth sale tomorrow commands the4 at tention of all thrifty women and young women with this extraor dinary fine let. They're delightfully distinctive. Individual notes in embroidery, braiding or ether effective trim ming add tremendously te their attractiveness! Big, wonderful cellars of opos sum or caracul top the lux urieus richnesH of their beautiful fabrics belivias, . suedines, and chameistynes. x Tailoring is of the very finest; inings are of most fashionable pcau de cygne; every detail of their making gives them rank with coats half again as costly. Voluminously full and lovely. All colors. I.lt nrelhem SECOND FLOOIt A SPECIAL MID-MONTH GROUP! Women's $5 te $8 $61.45 Sample low Miees Exactly 842 pairs of tvperb sample from the noted Wise & Cooper, Auburn, Mc. Size 4 and 42 ; A and B width. Oxfords and strap pumps en the smartest lasts shanes. straight or wins: tins. Welted soles and calf, Jiluck Russia .calf, brown or all of remarkably tMje qualities hi,i 4, Infants' $2.25 and $2.50 Shoes, $1.35 T Butten shoes skin and tan 2 te ."). 4 4. I.lt llrriilirm Women's $2 te $5 (Footwear $1 ! I I Jl'iiiniiD Patent cell ami l,itUlm l and .'i aluc8. ..H.H.,.H.Ml,v..a Ma ..HaM,,, Women's $5 Pumps, $2.45 H'iuK Mitin , eiie-strnp M ! , I.oiik I.eiik aiul inMltar low licrlH. Women's $4 Oxfords, $1.95 Tan and tiljrk IjW i feim- bierfui" Beys' and Girls' $3 $1 .95 te $4 Shoes J HOW (iunmctal and t.u 'icn and bluulifr Missus' ami CHllMMU.V Kt'iiinttnl and patent ielt!,in Tun mi ie li,te tops. Nn Mall hi' riien Ordir mi 'iiImi.1,1 l'lintHi'iir 50c Tapestries, 24c Su-itii.li, Oriental UchIkiih 29c Flannel, 19c Wluti- eiitlUKi 30-lncli. Children's $1 Suits, 79c Wabit and pants; fleera linccj Children's 40c Waists, 25c I'otten rlMird. Men's $2.50 Sweaters, $1.98 'iliiiwl cellar i Out It Iuiumi, utM Ht.le Twe-toned lireivn hllU-aml enl, im ca i em Gu,..i... ci de .I'crfict. t una ? unsBKu, fs.ua 'at WeinenV, iuUi.es' and ciiiuii. .p h wei- " i.u union aum, 0C . ",v" P.eu union I SI ,98 meil e- wtiisted face: Tustde billion I'olten; flenlred shapes, Suits ' A and inmw.r. aii 'oieis. i Women's $1.25 Stockings, 59c i rtnndem 'miVe'd 75c Towels, 39c ' ,v":,l! peits simile. Imperfecl. M' 1 It J jacuuard wea; colored be.de. h. Infants' 25c Stockings, 12Vac suVer cr!vr.nV?dMlrwer 79c InfantV 29c Hei., 19c fflKT"- '' B"k 'ue ulld ft "' Men". vSaSZ 79 wiiit, ea.h.njrette: up e a. $5.60 Btankrts, pair, $3.95 strtp.aeS!:80Shlrte'79c ' ,.,T" Jll. mi7.i .e i .""L- ""' " "x1 "' "" 78I0. BOYS' I1.2H U.U. V IBW USIVMIVI . - t w WVI IIIUU. MII and I FUUrTl Snintkj . . mMh MM vi'lwi. 1 it iVx 1 MtWm ;ii it. 1 .iuw m '- ' imMl II . ' BlHBBM , r -iHi 17- vi 17-Ur Tomorrow's Mid-Menth Girls' $2.50 gi tTomerrow mMx2 Ws&y 4mn JBBa, -W0 - Ma clearance let from a high grade New Yerk maker. Satin, duvetyne, paen velvet, Lyens velvet and brocaded velvet combinations. Beautiful fur-trimmed brocade and vel vet hats also! Hosts of stun ning models for dress wear with ornaments, fancies, ostrich, rosettes and bow trimming. with dainty leather heels, black glazed kid, in -patent colt- KidsKin. &izc $1 te Hackle also l-'lrpt Fleer, North t Hats Trimmed Free el Charge $S Readv-Trimmrr) ! , Hats, $2.98 jsmait medel1, of eMvlknt i i.ilii v mt In and lifei'inlp as w II ,m fu jliiiin Htyli-s; atti.irthclv tiitniin-d $2 te $3 Sports Hats, 98c .Stltclied felt In blacl: and ..nine $1.50 Crib Blankets, 79c I1.U1 wool nap. 1'lnU and blu, r,i,.s',ii. Iiuli. $3 Corsets, $1.50 i H a l.i Hnlrltf. $2 Corsets, $1 I.lt lliulliei"' Special Sires '. te ,: 50c te $1.50 Bandeaux, 29c, SOc and 75c Mfe biaxnleicM. $1.75 Table Cleths, $1.29 , Ic-mHtltcIieil ; nierceiled, 2 j.aiil Ieiik. d- m. (( 1. ii c. . . 91.011 "neeiiex- arecKings 59c HlatU bilk, HllBlitly IrrcKulnr. Women's 80c Stockings, 39c fee - i tl...t. en lt: c... . Mt. en en it . , l'hena Ordri filled Udl, Walnat SSOO ujtm-,Tiri tr "r " Tomorrow's Mid-Menth Specials $1 te $12 Lace Curtain Strips Sale 19 A. M. Each miiiM ii i inn mtf P.'".0.1,8: Msn iH susmi Page profitable holiday Chic Dresses $1 7.75 B M Regularly $30! Mid-Menth Specials! )iwMmimmmmmwmmTtmm Just a select group of them. Picturesque models with qunint blouse and flaring circular skirts some, tee, with graceful draperies, many featuring pretty bertha cellars or gay touches of embroidery, tinsel stitching, colorful contrasts or novel ornaments te lend just the fascinating note that spells distinction. Peirat Twill and Twill Cord in Tailored Medel t Velvet, Canten Crepe and Crepe-back Satin in pleating dreny effect. All fushionable shades with espe cially fine choice in navy and black. All sizc3 in the let, but net in every style, t.ll llretheri SECOND FLOOR Specials! Middies $ 1 Excellent Lonsdale- .ivuii wuii wiucn or niue braid - trimmed cellars and cuffs. Sizes 8 te 22.J $2.50 te $3 Tub Frecks, $1.25 High-grade ginghams and cham brays with white or contrasting cellars and cuffs; novelty pockets and sashes; many effectively em broidered; some bloomer style. Sizes 7 te 14. Tots' $12 Coats, $7.98 Weel vc'leur. chinchilla and henvv coatings; some with fur cellars. Drowns, blues and ether colorings. f-'Ves '2 te 6. $6 Bestyette Raincapes, $3.98 Rubberized rainproof 'navy sateen; silk-lined heed. Sizes 4 te 14. Lit llretliern SECOND FLOOR HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE Readyte $OJ8 Wear Hats A J?j Plumage Hats, $2.89 duvotvne trimmed, with nstrinh lUiach and color?. I,U llretlien First Flimr. -,.ni, i I nea cress convalescent Bath Robes, $2.88 Muile hv l:d t i ejis 'lima i- Night Shirts, 98c .Medical I K.-iaitjiii'iU i.eiiali'M. nt 'unlit slilrlH. Kmi u heavy inu'bn $1.50 Army and Navy Pajamas, 88c i'ec eutliiff flannel Union Suits, 48c Medical Department coin al. .scent .llll". rheekpil niitnunnlf J.. .. 1 - .. I -.tM.MaMi lets' $7.50 Coats, $3.95 iiiiichlllfl, eldynn and clu'Met, uann. i' lined, sizes 'j ( c Girls' $7.50 Dresses, $3.95 l-woei MrKu; sli.s 7 te II Girls' $10 te $20 Coats, $6.95 le $12.95 .ki Mdeii,. ,,iid ether routing t, f'li or c leth cellar!.. Sizes 7 te li . Girls' $2 Frecks, 78c te jj1''""'' "n'' cliainbrajs. sikch 7 , Girls' $1 Bleemers, 59c Hl.uk or white mitten. SI;..... i: ... u Children's $1 Mittens, 89c Mil- tepn; kiii, beaer and brown i'llc cloth; neece lined " KtUm ea Flaaaa lli.7 ..ZLT1Jr,?nm T -T" "nf OMSr, ' " Kenten, Main .4ler " "h"" $jC.98 5"sa iHMM. 1 nd rumple curtain j t panels. Imported and demegUa curtains. fncluHlne. v.i.,!r 1 ham, lacet, Arabian? Irish "iSffi ffir;,airrnylcanbemw SI Madraa. v! an. 'Wrteh $1 and $1.50 Rep, ad Poplins, yard, 49c Ramnanta. Rem. blue, ,an an ether colors. "n' $3.BO StancUed Bed Spreads, $2.98 I Pretty patttrna UmMea letn C fraah and naw. 91.75 Window Drapery . I ana, 91.20 Te match atenclled bed iprtadg. m fiw .uruuns, 91.49 m rialn or laee-trlmmed Marnuliiett. . -..,. x....m jiaiuh m. 1 omerrow nta-Menth SBed! OT. . . mm - - ;il9e aldC All Linen Crash) . uarnsiey weave; abierbent. Flrat Fleer. North cue te ec Bam Towels, 3fc Large alee; "aecenda." Plain ant fancy jacquard weave. Deiil ". Main Arcafi 7"omerrom' Mid-Menth Specie!. m "Acme" I $0.50 In. r m l iiress rerms) w AdJuBtable and cellapilble; t sections; two slzea. A adjusts It te 42. It adjusts 36 te 44. $5 "Kumpact" Dreta Ferms, $3.49 I'an be closed up when net In uit. All pIzck. 32 te 44, SOc Hair Nets, doc, 25e Tap pliape. All ahadea except whl te nnd pray. I.lt nrotliere First Fleer, Seuth Tomorrow' Mid-Menth Special pi.50 Velveteens, 98c .' i men. i'oier.1 ana niacK. $3.50 Costume $1.98 Velveteens. . 2T inch. Celers and black. I.lt llretheri First Fleer, Seuth Tomorrow' Mid-Menth Special $22S0 Dbner Sets, '13" ion pieces. Oelil lare or blue ber- uer. .serxice ler i eive. nusiu im- nerfectlens. $2.50 Iced" Tea Sets, $1.39 Klcbt I pieces. 'eeied pitcher and f1 tall glasses, t'lrape dcslKii. Lll Brollier THII'.n KI.OOR Tomorrow' Mid-Menth Special! Ik Ratine Suiting, 29c Weel finish : the weight that win m make pretty frocks. Cepsnhasetl,. taupe, tan, cadet, old rose, rcscd. shrimp, wistaria and Jade. SI Inches. I.lt nretliem First Fleer. North Tomorrow' Mid-Menih Special 25c Peroxide, 16c SI. SO I'lKhns'ii ure rhei- plmtK ft St (indrV 1'epte Mungnn.. K .Mir riirnel Snillipir ' line Nn Jul 'i (!(! llellmiR. '' l Kutlirr .lehn'n Olle Vlmil ' IW l.utnrl ' l Menti's Liniment. ... "j S1..10 lieliinaii'ii Alterathe. . .I1.W llOe lliiliilnn PIIIm J IVnitY-FIMNII AHTiri.US 3r te S3. .10 IMrture Vrunie-. 4llr In 1.0 S'.'..ln te -. (lock, Sl.UH In . Vi. l'nir lleven and Hair Keerltrm !. Toilet et., Ii plecen ft." KI,- Toilet M't. 10 pieces 9 Ml) Toilet Set M3.9I TwelM1 iire : decorated. Ml te i- lliinil .MlrrerH HJ.40 nnd .'.( It UrniliiTN l.'ltKt J-'loer. Sout romerrow' Mid-Menth Special' U5 Sheets, 1.19 H e a in I e 8 s. Durahle ; lie.ixy, bleacheil, Slze SlNtin. 50c Pillow Cases, 35c Sturdy ble.ichul muslin. . plat". heiiiMtltuhed ami .scalloped t Ice, Sl.e U..n:ii!. 22c Domestics, vnrd. 15c t'Fi'ful Kniulif HIiMcln'il muslin mi, i ii., im.., i. . "ii ,,,. i, l.jtlriUlier Mrs! Wlenr. Xertji J Tomorrow' Mid-Menth Special! m Inmfiatil.? Ittninmiln J & lWUIIIUUIS1UtlUtUlt(Yil rtl 4 - ml kf tX W-W t 1 r r-f VmwWI jMIj? t Iluuull, um a, I' or umlies, hair bows and unw M weiii. ij ie Inches wide. eaws ilea rree or cnani" I.lt Hnillier. h'll HtI'lnor.VelJin. I romerrom'j Mid-Menth Spe'tafj. to$lU.KengeDei Corsets. $3 and $5 tt'liti.t' mi,i i,i,.i, ..,,,ii. i i bierhf. UH 'i lii .t ii. It,. nun licit IU'JuOt Iiik CerBetB tin-ouch ap.M'lal l'rpl i lortlenlnir Klve the Hbhie tw I We nr the sole I'luladeliihlS igcnii,. us Bratum encone xi JG14U, V? l5 UNt, a M Varktt lit i.''l -'- ' ? StV. v UT BaOTllBBi nt.'Kii "w-J. e4te c m.. Mi S. -JUL IF mmmmm" jiWlil .:..,.