rm TO tm lilimi HMEATHftiLL" 'LEASES BIG HOUSE Dancing, Singing and onjpeut 8ent 8oer Decided Hit mat Street Oir Hettee-Dane. hi keynote of "Gimme Thril ," is one of the most Interesting ewe yet shown hire. The terp en abllttlei of the company are by attractive tn;lng and ces- fid n (led Dy wine cuiciur ""-"( Xle show hii substantial ..I. iinrAntr nska her lever te ,er n renl thrill, and he escorts iih the varletm scenes, trying m'her wish. The thrill of the nt deserves especim menuen. l.,v-m (. tinnar man ahewed .oboes" enjoying themselves en ids of a Hawaiian irjeacu. ,05...i... nmvnbcd much 1 ninth- he thrill of the thief wltl .it. own scene followed, with mera ne thrill llae UDOn tK"J"ra"; , aullencV Shots, shrieks of and flashes of powder helped the XTdld Ms beat j te ) furnish a The courtroom, thrill, with a dummlps In .the Jury box, scenxl led thrill. Oene Barnes as Die Die tterney and Edgar Gard ner as made a happy, wmblnatlen for d frivolity i inuiviuuui vun.e w. .1 . ..i nifnrmnnce. rfng honew went te Felicia Sere ". -.i...!. rriiU ham wnrkprt nd often te'please with that type ,.tn that one heara about but sets. Y HAQAR SONG RECITAL tnt Slnglnfl kfere an Inv mense Audience i. Htekcs Hasnr, one of Phlla- , best-known sopruneB, nve n In Witherspepn Hall Inst eve 't hikHpiipp which tilled itat In the hall and manifested enest pleasure m ve .-.:.:... whlfh was done. Haanr has been a aolelst at the festival and has done rmieh ether slnglntc of importance which both lce and her mastery of slnglns leus styles permit, being one pt idlng exponents of coloratura in ty. Her program Inst evening Lndt nr rMv Ivrie. and she I os Jfreat a proficiency In this J 1y easier, but reiuiy juw ns t, form of the vocal art as the florid styles. Her veice Is ex :ly high and clenr, as well as very i In quality. She was evidently r nervous in the opening numbers resulted in n little deviation of tlen In places, but this were off program progressed, begnn with Bach. "My Heart Faithful, " following with ite," n charming French song, raccinl's "Pasterale." Probably est work of the evening wns done two succeeding groups, one from rmnn classics, Schumann, whose Initeht" waa given with very nrtUtrv, as wns also Straus' ieheti," together with "Dcr ," by Rubinstein, and "Sclmtzc- a song in which Max Reger Ills customary involved and heavy ind becomes quite frivolous, nn ted' but charming experiment for iavnrlan Bach." ether number was a recitative rla from Mesart'a "Jdomenee, tkn comparatively rarely -ming,-e in Memrt's most mature style which the coming of the (ermnn In illatlnrtlv (nrppnnt. It wim lth great sympathy and taste, ms' s line vocalisatien, nie emer were a Itusse-Benndlnavlan set r bongs, ii French group nml iv HeMmnnn, Bibb and Wart,. In Mrs. IIa?nr showed her mastery various styles and sentiments de d by tbene diverse compositions, lie tlen was perfect throughout, gh It must be confessed that in she seemed te nacrlflce some of tone te enunciation, especially first numbers. . linear mnda nn excellent inne- by announcing tlie titles of her s and also by explaining In n few some of the leaser-known pengs, van fortunate in having Nicholas at tne piano, air. Ueuty, ns 1h cShew That Remain j , LYRIC "Blessem Time," operetta, based en love affair of BTana Bchu- ""bert QARRICK'the Bunch and Judy," Dillingham musical comedy, -with muste by Jereme Kern. BMVBBRT -Daffy Dill." musical comedy melange, with Prank Tin 'ney, assisted by Geerge O'Ramay, PORREBT "8alfy,",Zlegfeld musi cal comedy aucceaa in final weak. WALNVT'Th Oeldflsh," comedy of New Yerk life, with Marjerla Rambeau. BROAD "Nice People," Rachel Crethera' comedy, featuring Fran Fran clne Larrlmere. ADELPHI "Just. Married," farce comedy of honeymoon mix-ups, with Vivian Martin and Lynns Overman. STANLEY FILM HERO HAS FORWARD VIEW Themas Mslfhan It tht Star In "Man Who Saw Te- , FANNIE BRICE AGAIN SCORES AT KEITH'S Favorite Draw Much Applause With New and Old Hit Keith's Versatile as ever and mere than generous In her response te nu merous e'neercs, Fnnnlc llrlcc, "lie of the "Follies" ns well as of vaudeville, Is the shining light of an unusually geed bill qt Keith's. She mixes humor with pathos and capers about the stage per forming the antics se well known te her host of admirers and rendering 'several new numbers and a few old ones In her peculiar and Inimitable style that has made her n favorite Her "Kiss Me Again" was one of the most amusing of the let and her rendition of the "Spring Seng" drew forth rounds of laughter. Among the former hits she sang "My Man" and "Second -Hnncl Roup" A genuine neveltv was nresented by Wnltcr and Emily Walters, ventrilo quists, who Introduced their dummy players in unique fashion, one en a ve locipede nnd one en roller skates, while n tintiv wfla tmmllail nn In n fvinpn. 'Miss Walters vcered a bit by her imi tatien or tne tot. Miller and Bradford offered a singing and dancing specialty called "Typical, Topical Tales," Introducing a vnriety of characters and singing with much charm. Hipglns and Hates, a pair of vlvncleus and grnceful girls, danced effectively a number of different evo lutions. Jeseph K. Watsen was well received in his monologue offering. Rolls nnd Reycc contributed n sing ing nnd dancing specialty, In which an erlglnnl dance creation was a feature. Other acts of merit were the Ries, daring aerial performers; Freda and Antheny, Italian character comedians, nnd the M. E. O. Lime Trie in an ac robatic novelty that was as funny as It weh sensational.' Orpheum Andrew Mack Showing that he had lest none of the voice or magnetism which he possessed in his starring days, Andrew Mack made a wild hit in an act full of geed songs, stories nnd dances here and there. His yarns wcre new and his metheil of tell ing them is many years in iidvnnce of some of the .lounger generation of monol menol monel ogists. "Fiflv Miles Frem Brond Brend wav." a munical tabloid, presented by C. B. Maddock, pleased In all directions. It wns well staged and carried n con sistent story. Knapp and Cernalla, two of the most erlglnnl comedians in vaude ville, proved that they could de a little of everything and de It well. Fay's Jee Marks' Girls All the ingredients of geed vaudeville are found, here, with Jee Marks and Girls ns the headline nttrnctlen. They nppear In a musical farce called "A Rese of Spain," uhlch is full of geed melody and has bright touches of com cem cilv. The act wns well receUed. Adams nnd Thompson Sisters dlsplajcd much t doubted versatility In n musical act. Alexander and Elinore started laughs in motion in a skit full of funny situations. Others en the bill are the Wheeler Trie, aero bats; Harry Janls nnd company, in European novelty, nnd. 8cetty Welsh nnd girls. The film feature is "More te Be Pitied Than Scorned." morrow' Stanley Til hum In "The Man Who Haw Tomorrow" is endowed by a cer tain hypnotist and Oriental mystic with the power te glimpse his future life m the case he marries either of two girls, between whom he cannot deelde. Judging, by the, hectic existence dis closed In both cases, the natural thing for him te de would have been te re main a bachelor, but, of course, being a film. here, he chose one of the girls, and, presumably profiting by the dream, lived happily ever afterward. As far as we could observe through some, rather murky nnd hasy details, the story of this film Is as follews: Burke Hammend, in the British diplo matic service, rinds himself en a short furlough in an Island In the Seuth Seas. Thrown out nf n bearding house be cause he had no money (this is net explained) he runs into a picturesque trader-pirate en the bench, begs a din ner nnd falls in leve with, the trader's daughter, thereby Incurring the film long enmity of the first-mate en the trader's brig. In the middle of the romance a beautiful yacht anchors near the brig ami Hammend (agsm with little ex planation) gees ever te investigate. He is taken for a beach-comber and slugged" In the head, and when he recovers the yacht Is underway, and he finds him self among old friends from England. The daughter of the yacht'a owner (who, by the wny, is a peer and n political power) is attracted by Burke. In New Yerk the young man is tor mented by n divided affection, which night hnve been worse had he known that his Seuth Sea Island sweetheart and her father were en their way te jnui cuy. uy me way, just wnat Hammend did in New Yerk or why he went there is another of the picture's mysteries. Here it is that the hypno tist (a friend) allows Burke te gnze Inte the future. He finds if he mar ries the English wemnn he will rise through the consular service te become Viceroy of India, but will lack love and 'domestic Impplness. On the ether bnnd, it he marries the'trnJer's daugh ter he will be pursued by the jealous first mate and will suffer mnny dangers, such ns being tied in a bag and thrown into the sea: in fact, in this latter instance, Burke is en the point of being shot when he awakes and flouts the English lady for his Seuth Sea flame, -Who is waiting outside. Therefore, the question which remains is: Dees he have te be trussed In a bag -once again, and will f he finally get shot by his enemies as his dream foretold? Themas Melghnn acts Bemcwhnt ashamed as the here, but struggles nobly with the pert. Lcatrice Jey, one pf the screen's brighter stars, is even'' better .nnd Theodere Roberts is a delight as the trader. Lawrence Wheat and Eva Novak also deserve mention, even though the author does net. The scenett are varied, elaborate and beautifully photographed. Hans Klndler, well-known cellist, gave an excellent program which in cluded Bach's "Arleve' Liszt's "Hun garian Fantasy" and Mciiui'a "Oa "Oa vette." Aldlne Everybody who has a secret hankering for n glimpie nt the notor iously riotous night life bn and around the Uny White Way is going te like Mnc Murray's lutest vehicle, "Broad way Rese," Immensely. Without going tee deeply into the authenticity of the atmef-phere, it can readily be 'dmitted that "Breudway Rase ' coir s scene alter scene or. un- -traphic beauty and gen- Photoplay? EUiwhtt Mimff-"The 'Old HeraejJjfA" Dsnman Thompson stae ciaasie, with Theodere Rebert. , . PALAOB'Vq Mare and te eM. with Bstty Compson, TMrt'Mrtell and Theodora Kosteff. --iAW CAPITOL "The Bin FeeV' with James Xlrkwoed, Richard Dlx and Helens Chadwlck. , MARKET STREET . ''RfL- nranee," witn ciauae uiiunfwuw., OREAT NORTHERN "TM Beat Ot T.lfa ' lth nailnn niaM. ALLEGHENY, COLONIAL. IM PERIAL; LbCVBT, STRAND a4 0SUretf3V-"Manslaughter," Cecil , I). Da Mill production, with Themas Melghan, Laatriea J03 and l)ls Wilsen. , ... RIVOCI "The Masquerader," with Ouy Dates. WXON'B AMBASSADOR ''Man slaughter," with Themas Melghan. BIXTY.NINTH BTRBET .."Man slaughter," with Themas Melghan. LEADER "The Cowboy and tna rdy," with Tem Moere. JVitBO "The night That Failed," with Bert Lytell. CEDAR "The Leves of Pharaoh," Lubltsch production. COLISEUM "Leves et Pharaoh," LubltBch production. -i. '.IV i ' tax audleaee, , Aa. tatsrsttti rear P'Raga te Rrbnea" U the preftnei; Berelhan usually' capable cast, Nil the the tataftttiei ftafatrt) Waleh ha an arraaahla nartl Ruth RS nick is seen In an attractive reltt Bus sell Simpsen gives onef his sincere character portrayals, aad Eulalle Jensen nd Richard Tucker stand out In ta big upperting"cast. 1 ntmttntTnnn urev Generally writes or tne plains ana mountains 01 our his story In a mythical Spanish king dom. Richard Harding Davis is recalled in this tale or a young American engi neer In charge of oil wells in the King dom of Chlnern and his leve for a rich Spanish girl. A stirring fight at an inn the enemy makes a geed, climax. CI between the here's slde and a party of is enemy makes a geed, climax, uiaire Adams and Carl Uantvoert are tne young people. The unotegrapny anu direction arc both neta UllOtl 1 Die. Keyatene Fred Bewera Pretty nnd well-dressed girls who menn, is one of the lending siiu-'i.ip minnert te Frederick Bewers In n i tne country, and his nccempnni- ,,nusical revue which is fully abreast of i were my beautifully and taste plnyed, ns is perhaps only te be ted from one who knows se well the sole part should be sung. IEEF TRU8T" AT CASINO Ine Billy Watsen's "Beef Trust ies" mnde n splendid impression enthusiastic audience last night. eni himself cavorted about the In his old accustomed manner in comedy called "Kreuseineyer'a nnd received plenty of assist In his fun-making from Billy jaa" Spencer. Other .features of mutually spirited and attractive were ti, jiorette Misters, mubi oral pteterinl interest. One minute It's a Broadway theatre, the next a society ten, and then a display of fine horses at a country estate. The lighting ef fects (Including the night scenes) are of much merit, and Director Rebert Leenard has shown much discretion in his groupings nnd unusual glimpses at settings. "Broadway Rese" resembles ethers of Mae Murray's starring iscrie.s he greatly that the regular fans will be nble te foretell mebt of the action, but, then, these who like Mne and her ece'ic sub jects will welcome this latest addl- the times. The act Is staged amid ten te the list nnd will applaud the tasteful surroundings, which are a big asset in the success of the little produc tion. Mnnv laughs were, aroused by Nixon and Sans in a blackface comedy skit. Manning, Hnll and cempnny also pleased in a comedy offering. The bill nlse included Cnres Brethers, balancers, atid Combe and Nevlns. scenes in "which Miss Murray's dancing abilities are given full scope. The story concerns a country girl who wins fame in New Yerk ns a dancer. She has a love affair with a young society man whose parents op pose the affair. Fer the sake of tnnn she loves (or thinks she docs) (iniicer cunavmi 10 11 Bccrei iniirruiK?i but that is eventually discovered nml the parents insist en their son break ing with the girl, who then conveni ently finds happiness with a country swain who has remained true. The latter role is characteristically well played by Mente Blue, -and the society husband is delineated by Ray Bleemer. A particularly interesting short fea ture eh the bill wns the first, of a new series called "Fun from the Press," which consists of n collection of new jokes and timely news tdpics culled from the Literary Digest. Kariton Many kind words are in order in mentioning "Skin Deep," in which Milten Sills gets one of his best opportunities during a long screen cdreer. . . "Skin Deep" is solid, substantial matter, but it is told with n punchy, mcledfnmntic crlspness that is bound te make entertainment for the lightest minded. Sills hns the role of Bud Deyle, nn underworld Individual, tough na thev make tnem, ana n notorious criminal. He serves with distinction In thn wnr. however, find Htntlds n BOOd chance of "going straight," but. for the censtnnt hounding et tne pence. Finnlly he is railroaded te jail, nnd in effecting his escnpis via railroad train and neronlane. he Is terrlblv injured. A great plece nf plastic surgery net only saves his llf but changes his face entirely. He endenxers te live up te his "new" face and aids the District Attorney in cleaning up the political creeks in his old tough neighborhood, discloses the treachery nf his own life nnd finally marries the daughter of the sura-een who chanced his face. It Is a difficult pnrt that Sills plays, . and his characterization must be in cluded among the finest pieces of film noting of the year. In the first part be is in both make-up nnd noting, the plug-ugly nnd creek, and his regenera tion Is shown by Sir. Sills with nn nrtistry and a subtlety that arc wholly engrossing, incidentally, ne nns in perform a regular serial thriller in leaping from the prison wall te a moving train, nnd thence te n rope ladder attached te nn aereplane. Fine renditions nre supplied by Marcla Manen ns the faithless wife, Florence Vlder ns the sweetheart, Frank Campeau in a tplcally villain ous role and Charles Clary. Arcadia War stories are net espe cially popular right new, and there Is no reason te believe thut "Hener First will help their cause unless by Its splen did acting. The story concerns twin brothers, Frenchmen, one bud, one geed ; one n coward, the ether a brnve man. The latter takes the place of his craven brother en the field et battle and becomes n here. Force of circuinstnnres requires him te step into his brother's household, nnd his situation becomes tin- Klensant when the coward's wife shows er love for him. Then the weakly brother slipws up and has the here thrown into the river, but In the end everything comes out happily. Jack Gilbert does a fine piece of not ing as the here and is really splemtid as the weakling. Renee Aderee and Shannen Day are both acceptable. The scenes of Apache life in Paris contain mnny beautiful and stunningly photo graphed views. Vlrlnrla "Rnc. in lllrdiea" U Mil. story of n rich family's seu who fellows ! n burglar te the latter x haunts nnu has a series of thrilling adventures as a result. It sounds like Horatio Alger mere than anybody else, but because the boy is played by jeung Wesley Bnrrv It is always entertaining. "Freckles" keeps things moving and indulges in a number of stunts that will thrill most Nixon Grand Lea Kid's Jane nnd Katherine Lce headline with aoed results In 11 timely comedy. Their comedy playlet has n laugh for every body. They are well known te screen fans us well ns the vaudeville-goers. Joe Lourle, Jr., is en hand with a comedy monologue which he handles well. Jehn 8. Blendy nnd company show a geed novelty net cnlled A Nevel DUcrslen." urn! Ethel Hepkln plenseH in "Musical Moments." Ander Ander eon nnd Yvel in "Trying te Picnic succeed admirably, as de Redmond nnd Wells In n clever comedy skit. William Penn Oaneeolegy Comedy nnd eng have sway with an abundance of nnelty en the side. Marie Knvannugh nnd Paul Everett lead the bill In n song nnd dance revue and nise an net of the Caspar Sisters and Jack Humphreys. The film feature i "Remembrance," with Claude Clllling water. Other numbers are Walten nnd Brandt, comedy due: Mnzie Cliften and BIHv Rex, comely girls : Three Whirl winds, ncrebats. The hill of the last three days will Include Wilbur C. Sweatmnn, ragtime nnd clarinet .player and iiis company. Film feature will be the "Snowsheo Trail." Broadway "The Sirens" A tuneful mimeul skit of unusual merit, "The Sii-n." It the feature of the program. The cast is composed of n number of Philadelphia favorites who gave a capable performance nnd drew encores from nn enthusiastic audience. Prlnclp-il among the funmnkers of the net were Jay I'lwoed and Clay Hlil. There was mirth galore In the offering of Clark nnd O'Neill. 11 comedy team. Peters nnd Lelluff prevented nn ncro ncre ncro Mtle neveltv act of spills nnd falls. The screen offering wnn "Manslaugh ter," with Themas Melghnn. MISS DESMOND'S 'MADAME X1 Famous Imatltnal Drama la Ta anted at Desmond In Stock r...-n j Ma, riaamnnit. in the titular rait of "Madame X," wpperted by the members of her company, waa the attraction last night. t SUM, D mend la eeea as Jacqueline. Floriet, . who maintains the tradition of mother-1 heed, even though a sordid life retards her footsteps. She remaine true te bar instinct, although turned into the streets through the unjust suspicion of her husband and denied the privileges, of a metner's neart. xne eraoueiuu calls for the best In emotional acting, and Miss Desmond is ;iulte acceptable. The play, which is by Alexander Blssen, is presented in an elaborate manner, and the supporting cast has been assigned roles suitable te their ability, all the favorites of the Des mond organization appearing, includ ing Frank Fielder. Qtobe "Barnum Waa Right" Frenks which have gained fame in curie land ure features of n lively comedy, "Bnrnum Was Right," which is the feature of nn excellent bill. All tlie atmosphere of tlw eM-time circus is provided nnd there Is plenty of up-te-date comedy by way of geed measure. The American Four appeared te geed advantage in n sit It, full of harmony nnd comedy. A musical revue cnlled "Fairy Taie" follies brought happy idemerlcs Of childhood nnd scored solidly. Other nets included fleerge Drescy, In a sketch called "Deddy," which wen warm approval ; Jesephine Dnvls nnd company, Cameren and O'Cenner, 'Celly and Wise, In n skit, nnd Rese Shelden and brother In acrobatics. OTVPwawf )ii. Liberty Bends 4 Interett en Bavtnpa Deposits Accepted for a Savings Fund Deposit at Par. yfJKi6mtAatMStnigii National Bank of Commerce 713 Chestnut St StflMa T rahrtll niltfM fflslBW All Week! Special exhibition! Closed cars of the New Oakland 1923 series! Bodies by Fisher! Six cylinder engine guaranteed 15,000 miles! See them without fail! Prices amazingly low! Our salesroom all this week! OAKLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY BeaaaangfBaBBssnsnssaBisi- ..... Dial 6ur Calls ivc tl KEYSTONE TELEPHONE prfrnc for all oat eat oat qeino, calls Ye6 get QUICKER CONNECTIONS and tfils firm will save memy ' j I ! i V: 5 ii aSaaaV I oil aKVVOv Km aaHlllllllllllR taiiiiiiiiiiiii j Keystone .Service is Unlimited Send for as Many Cards as Yeu Need. Mail or Phene, Dial Race 06, and Save Meney and Your Workers' Time THE purpose of the card is te keep before your people the fact that Keystone service is unlimited and that every call dialed ever the Keystone system saves you money and is completed quicker. The card reproduced above, actual size 9"x6", printed in two colors, will be sent free te any Keystone Telephone subscriber desiring it. Keystone Telephone Company 135 S. 2d Street WTKAMiniP NOTIC1BS) HTRAMIIIP NOTICES v- ROYAL MAIL '"Che Comfert Impute" te BERMUDA O' ,UT el New Yerk into clearer (it. aad wider horaet VyentlMtunwtUitieliaef AKAUUAYA. Ihelim! ehtp mime f Bemud -1 7,500 leu dapleeeacat. Firrt wiliai Dec. 21 and waeklr Satuidarilbtfcahtf. Ne Pauperis RtquirtA The Royal Mall Steam Paekal Ce. Sandkisen & Sen, Inc., Agente 26 Bretdrray New Yerk or any iteamihip agent CCrmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmMMMMMMMMMMOlMX MEDITERRANEAN WEST INDIES Wheleitle ft Servle 31tt & Dauphin Sti. Columbia 6100 Retail Stere 911 North Bread St. Poplar 0407 TheNe ADRIATIC (24.541 tens) Jan. 6, Feb. 24, 1923 LAPLAND (18,565 tens) Jan. 18, Mar. 10, 1923 World -fameui for tteadlneti, de luxe quarter!, cuiiine and tcrvicc. MEGANTIC (20,000 tens displacement) Jan. 15, Feb. 17, Mar. 22, 1923 Macnificent cruising thlp of admirable) conitruetien for tropic veyagea. Raits S2S0 Upwards Duration of each cruitc, 28 dayi. xWltm Star Lmuf Inquire for beck- fa aUaaaW Tnavir.f. tL .'filSlJ- AjtaWCAMlOTVala.tiyattDtrAKlllig ll,and d,t,4 fatTSBNATieMAiMtmcajmts MaajNS C.airaJiT 1310 Wnlnut St, or local dgenta information Oakland Six 1923 & enes Walten Reef White Way Trie A breesy style, comhined with Reed Teices, enabled the White Wny Trie te Nenre thn hit of an nll-nreutul geed hill. Their- senits are fresh from ntitherland nnd' have the element of novelty, which 1 n.li!u tn flintr aanamX nnnnliirit . Tlilll t who diMllllVed nrnilelenpt' en ten Hn. fnmnnrlv with Wliltc' Ki'rituliilx. ' at instruments; rtnlrc Sliuw, nle possesses thnt unset of megni'tlam. ' denna, who rendeied a number which W essential in lniidintr In this odd' os mid led the chorus in splendid style of entertninment. The jlnenii und Sweeney mul Keeney, who Dixen Keen offered n brand-new ien n eccentric dancing Hneeiaity thnt ertelre of bonus nnd scleral odd musical ten-notch. There were twenty ' fenturett which struck a popular chord. nnu ennoble chorus alrls, and turning and scenery were new moeraie 1 Keys "Mistakes of 1922" plte its mlnature proportions Is everything- nbeut the review, akes of Wl'i" te warrant its culled pretentious nnd.ltH peel it tlie head of this week's bill is mistake, judclnt; by the whole a upprevnl of the audience. In 1" te 11 number of funmakers is a bevy of wintome mnlds w anil sinfj ndmlrnbly. Raymond 'lle provide melody nnd sprlitht- with their acts and the Wheeler Jtrrr Rn acrobatic act thnt In dlf- Nixon Musle, Comedy Mian and White, veeaUsts, fea m, hi ?Pr,Rtlc selections. O'Nell Iunkett, in n blackface dialogue, laughs, as de Gary and Baldl Id a y fklt, Klizubeth and Nelsen with tongs and dances, and Mar d Moere are tliere with the thrills iii ..,.,,., 800(1 "''rebntic number. ni. "Vest of Chicago," tells n e-llfe story and is full of timely i...i 1prc,,en,ed y ent of I'inal ebilit, nnd has that very ary element of suspense Trocadere'a New Shew n ""len nt thin burlewjue ,1 .M".'nd. c,evcr lnnclng. if. ..i.,aiter lePttment is Mile. mm . u" 1 trpslcherean spe- 2S Mf be.t.h out of the era' i ,l.ntttrnctUe- '! two-act V, which cemprlBcs the main part 'iew, enlists a large cast. Wreck Uncovers Liquor te H,rlnB.,breuBnt n 1" anrt 1?, Ht,tentlen ' VeUee of the ihi,. i?klnMn ",roe,.N Bten jnn the motertruck car'rTiiig It S.viLth tt urfce car at Fourth' P took te flight imruadiatalv ncaeed. Pelka rs. jte tie atatleav hitm. Travesties at Oument'a Uument's "Nerthenst'B Met Pop ular Uentitj" is the title of the satire which ls the feature of the bill presented bv the Dumont minstrels this week. There is plenty of fun in this. burlesque and it in put across in customary fnhhlen by the favorites of the organi zation. Other features of the program include Alpeglni, the magician; Riifs Kelly nnd Happy Thompson, in. a droll sketch cnlled "Sellin' Irtu" ; America's Comedy Four, composed of Hnrnes, La Mar, Ashwood and Frnnklin, in songs nnd patter. Cuticura Talcum It SeRefreihing A few grains of this, saquiiltely scented powder dusted en tbt kit) oethea and coela, and oveiceiuat heavy ptrepiratien. It U an Ideal face, akin, baby and deattaf powder and ukee the place of ether pedUm for the akin. ffi k4Maj"psNBl ls7i3lkf3aiSE iHHtrnut iiwifl dL .iJ2s The new scientific way . te insure white, healthy teeth NAWSCO LINES Will Lead Twe Express Freight Steamers for Pacific Coast Ports, Week of November 13 te 18. S. S. Neponset new leading. We are in a position te handle your shipments without delay. Fer Ratf and Information NORTH ATLANTIC & WESTERN S. S. CO. Oxenera ant Aqenti V. S. Shipping Benn! Stenmeri 136 S. Fourth St, Thila. Phene Lembard 5791-2-3; Main 7781-2 riJUJARD - ANCHOR 1 I V-1 Winter Voyages te the Sunny J II V MEDITERRANEAN S?4fc New f'!nirnr 8. 8. SCYTHIA Net. St. NeY3sCAlA " P8 S CARONIA Feb. 10. Information local agent or CUNARD and ANCHOR LINES, 1300 Walnut St., Philadelphia :35f ii W DENTISTS everywhere .are recommending a new and mere thorough method of caring for the teeth. Why? Because they knew that people today are paying tell with the health and beauty of their teeth te two deadly enemies. And protection from one alone ia net enough. One destructive force is dental mucin, often called film. It attacks the surfaces of the teeth, making them yellow and ugly. The second is the acid decay that comes from the fermentation of tiny feed particles in the crevices between teeth. The Sanitel method new offers protection from both these dread forces. Clears away film By removing this filmy coating it restores the whiteness te teeth that have elreadybegun te yellow. It contains nothing that will in jure the teeth. Counteracts fermentation Sanitel Liquid Antiseptic floods into all nooks and crevices cleans ing them antlseptically . checking the decay from acids of fermen tation. Besides it makes gums firmer nnd healthier, sweetens the breath and is an excellent gargle for the threat. MALLORY TRANSPORT LINES, Inc. Operating V. S, Gov. Ship GENOA, NAPLES, BARCELONIA USSB SS "CITY OF EUREKA," NOVEMBER 23 GEYELIN ft CO., Inc. vhtia. Aati. 108 S. Fourth St., Phila. mnLembard 8144 Main 7791mm. You'll actually enjeyuslng both. Yeu will seen see your teeth grew whiter. 4-fcreifiTiTU TOOtll PBStB tmev$tumlgMyfln Liquid Antisiptic ch., Sanitel Teeth Paste keeps the teeth smooth and beautifully white. First, the glycerine in Sanitel soft ens, then the fine chalk entirely clears away the ugly dental mucin. Melcera of the fameut Sanitel Teeth Peu'drr and ether toilet preparations I -wu etc'lt-'u(:' 3i"ii7ic3 rncct ITrr the complete dental treatment that dentlt ta everywhere art nderalnc. i Let ut tend you trial elie of both Sanitel Teeth Pule aniYLIqutd Antlteptlc. I I ADDKBSS. SAIN 1 1 UJ, VHRMlCAb LABORATORY COMPANY I Dept. .. 404 Seuth Fourth it., St. LouleVlde. Try two samples at our ex pense. Fill out the coupon! 1 BALTIMORE LINE Regular Service) PHILADELPHIA te GLASGOW &AVONMOUTH USSB SS "Monmouth". Nev. 20 GEYELIN CO., Ine. 108 S. 4th St., PbiU. Lembard 6144 Main 7791 . . -?Wl!tlP' 4na for BALTIMORE STEAMSHIP CO, Operating U. S, Gov. Shtpi I Wlit- a-iS SM P Police w I mWfi tuilnj, . i rixa&nci Bv w eW HII BaSBF FLORIDA BY SEA FHILADEtrHIA TO JACKSONVILLE Oae Wa CTU ATA1'AB mtmM . $Di4.38 mSS Including meal, aad etateroera eeeenfaocMtlema. i Kxtm rliargea ter ceferrad BMO0. Hetmd-Trlp TtckaU Ooed te lUtart) VrnM i June IB. Ini'a. i Steamers wnlneeilaya and BatmrAaye, V. SL 1 Make Reservation New ' Merchants & Miners TranspertttiM Ct I Pier . 8. DeL At. Tl, LaaiaaH lees fBLAKE LIN ESI Regular Sejrvice PHILADELPHIA te MANCHESTER USSB SS "Cee.k.Me" Nev. H GEYELIN A CO., Inc. 10S S. 4th St., Phil. Lembard 8144 Main 7791 Philadelphia Amnta far W. A. BtAKE V CO.. Ine. Operating U, 5. Cm, 7T I VOLE NOOK MOTT r.'i UNI NEW YORK TO ROTTERDAM iV YeeiT"'. .HeTtr. "j"" Rut ::::::.:&. ,tB ' r" I f. f.5.-k ml - ....... ,--, ie.s.iiui.vi! I W TMpM. . .Ft raiieaiar eaiaa, im te TUB ONLY HOTOOKAVnaS BKCT10N I'rlnteil In plaaalne ten of wela. t roteicravura prece.f. with pleturaa "f llmalj evenle. lntereet. Uia lntereet. tha enh llehad by any. nit Bil.VNV w aSej M m. j&a.vjK .,3n iVI'il a m ,m r 'a wi M m at vf I '! m Mli If J, m Mffk r . hlviLt i A i '&k . nk J- -'-"-' Ut-"" . .Uffr VT..J i y. h 5i v tv.