Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 14, 1922, Night Extra, Page 14, Image 14

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W" - " - I
ffir!M,""""'""",,"""" " """""
PFBft iiri . a
omen rie Live en Mean Uessip
iftaau jH re f.s JLfAe L.hatfp.rina StiarmWs
;, JTfy Fi 6ef, Pretending te Be Busy, When All They
'Vfk Jfea"y Ban I Seme Bi e Juicy Slander te Pick Up
SiSw v. .
QUE Is n wealthy woman and ihc has
iff"VO flrls passed nn elder woman,
Wbe bowed with rnther extrn effuleti
, and nodded somewhat stll'.ly te
b ether.
SsV&'Why, don't you knew her?" nsked
Itf&JM. recipient of the cenllnl greeting.
JveWOh, yes," leidlcd the ether alrl
"Wily, she spoke se coldly de you
se she didn't rccnitnlrc you?"
tes. she ropesnlr.ed mn. Huf evnr
Mace father foiled In- business I've no
ticed that she deein't s-eem te wnnt te
peak. She tiied te pretend te he n
rent friend of the whole fmnlly. you
new, hefeteliand, hut new It's nil dif
ferent." There's n fair-weather friend for
Elusive nnd nlnte.t tee friendly .he
Was when this family seemed prosper
us. But the minute the limine failed
er friendship roeled.
'Her vllts stepped, her nod became
Bere distant and much les i-ffu-ivf.
fpHAT could he endured: lie showed
her hnnd, proved that lie n- net i
her satellites
Naturally they fellow her lead, drink
In her delicious nnd malicious slnndcr.
And se several ether women have be
pun te bow utility and stare disdain
fully. Poelish women, te think they count
for e much in the estimation of the
one they seek te hurt I
They de seek te hurt ! what ether mo
tive could they liuve fur such behavior?
It's easy te Imagine the head trouble
maker hurry ins te one of her followers
after I lie encounter en the street.
"I saw that Williams girl today and
she certainly ww well dte.ed for n
Kill whose father litis failed!"
Net nn unUtiil. dtaiureciihle word;
but. eh. tlic Implications In the remark!
It's M'ty imii'li te the William- girl's
credit if she can mtiiiiige te leek well
dressed when things sue In such bad
Inst J ear'', ilethcs can often" he mnde
te leek like this jeur'b, with n skillful
touch here nnd there.
An; Imw. why fcheuldn't she be well
dressed V I'erhapa she liud eme money
of her own, perhaps some one save her
true friend, and the family accented i the Milt she wen, iierhnus but whose
her wenkness as they emu tit the ' business is It but hern?
fclulr"" iknnllM .KtT "" hn?' CMAI.I.OW. superliciul women whose
failed you. has been Inslii'ere and s ,' . ....
want. n i. -.,.. I, ...,i i,.. KJ lives are made mi of nettv trirlnli-
about two afTrents te realize that the ties they are like l.npllsh sparrows
Whole thine In eer. I hatlerniR. lllttitiK about as if the
whole thine li eer.
After that ou nre the one who is
busily encased with Himethlus mi the
ether side of the street when this fail
ure of n friend gees bv.
, ui li it iiini wi-? in . .tilt
But this woman didn't tnp with et!1' blr'1'''
were ilre.idfiillt busy, when all the time
tlie h.ne liutlilli': better te de than i
ilti : t down te iitnebedy's back perch,
and pick tip the fend that is meant for
,1,.,.. l,l.-,lu
nc-iaing encx her own frieiul-liip : Mil
went around talking te ether women
bout the matter.
Through bet the rumor went about
that the business bad failed with 111"
pockets of the president full.
Of course she didn't knew, nnd It
Wasn't like her te repeat Ke-it or
lander or anything like that and s,,,
of course, this needn't he nciepted a
actual fact, but she believed that thie
was "some thins funn about that fail
ure I"
Tliev must be very annoying te the
lest of the bird world.
These women are like them nnd cos ces
sip is their feed. '
They will dart into nny conversation
in order te pick It up nnd then repeat
it with additions of their own.
That's all they live for that and the
attention nnd condescension of some
wealthy women upon whom they gaze
in awe and admiration, that is mis.
t.il en, for she is inwtiiably their own
It's about all they're worth, tee.
The JFemanExchanse I The Reckless Age
Frem Brlde-te-Ee
18 th Editor et Wen im's Van" I
Dear Madam Could you tthe me any
Sdvlce as te hew thltiRs should be dnne
at a very quiet home wedding' My
eldest brother Is u "plve me awa"
Should hs wait at th" toot of the talrs
for me or should I come dew n the (
talrs en his arm ' '
What should I de Immediately after I
the congratulations? I
.lmr nitcr, a member of the jmj
Vnuiiyir set, JcMpi te heceme in
9'Wrd te Charley Tunc, net because
she et-rt him, but lecaune then teem
se ,tcll suittH te each ether. Her
flirt lit urn with .lffi'.n Leng, at n
dnnre, infuriates Charley, but when
he specks te Mine about it she tilh
luin she m determined te be free.
ssHsisssssssssssssssssssssK' '. ' tfllBibstfssK 1 ym
sKfssssssssssssssssB Vss4 'Jm
V , 1'4jP,""sj(i(yiajs
KSSK '- '''''' '''ivS'ilSSsW.
kvssV ahIBssV IliMSi
A ssk itr k'a' v sasasv sesaagsL
1 K Vr- k s1.iikHasaaT
BL'-VlifckBaV'lHate. ''''; 'BHB
bbi .Ksafflpaa.
YaiaiaiavsBaiai, 'vaaiaA
KZSRBBaafciMwk. ;- ''lalfaBSBsN
wBdiakAaajaw u m'( '&lfMmikkkk
Please Tell Me
What te De
..Of!" CWWa'e eelumn mml
teriltin m ni Hdt of In tavtr enlit
nna muft t slentd with the wrtur's
ft pubUihtd it (fcff wrtlep ?e$ net Vlfh
" .Vntigntd tetters nnd Ittttrf urlttfn
' urlltrn
II net h
answered. iVrttera who miah virseMil
answers Ihnt mh I. i..m 4m lu
felumit trill please leek there, lis ir ir
tenl lelfrra ere only wrlltett icncn ot et ot
selutelv neeetsnrv.
Te "Faux Pa"
Tour tugcestlena of a meeting place
rer "h-ii veua riait" and "Stulment une
Pltle" cannot be printed. Cynthia win
net be Instrumental in bringing about
a meeting, In fact she has taken pains
ie atop one n she has net been tee late.
About Licenses and Fee
Dear Cynthia I have been reading
your advice In the Evknine Pubmu
l.i:i)OKi( nnd would like you te put me
right en u few things.
Vint. Is It required that birth certifi
cates be shown In order te obtain
mnrrlnge license In Pennsylvania?
Second. Irces n Justice of Peace have
any set fce for performing a marriage
or dj ou use your own Judgment?
Birth certificates are net required, nnd
the fee Is usually left te a person's
judgment, though sotne magistrates set
their own.
Most Girls Don't Want Puppy Leve
Dear Cynthia The flappers may like
"'.'?.". ::"." i"ys ler -a kiss boeu
night." but nice girls don't like It nnd
re iiic.v iciusp. auehl irirm. nt innat ti.
ones I knew, don't want a "puppy love.
They want a companion nnd pa', until
they nie old enough te think of love and
marriage. Why can't boys of the high
school nge wait until they are old enough
te support n wife? Obviously "Senti
mental Sammy" is only n young scatter
briilmil youth who necdn a few hnra
knocks before he will ncqulre the right
degree of sense "Sparrow," who wrete
some tlme age, began te tire of klsseg
se easily gotten; he wnntn te struggle
mere for them. Forbidden fruit l the
sweetest, t iim Just as bad ns the rtst
In some ways, but nl least I don't kNs
eery Tem. Dick nnd Hnrrv rnnrf.nleiit.
nnd I've had plenty of chauccj.
Mrs. Wilsen Discusses Possibilities
of Getting Fresh Vegetables in Winter
With Supplies Frem the Seuth the Markets Have These
Garden Products Almest the Whole Year Through
Het spiced beets nre prepared as fel
iv : Cook beets ns directed, "move
Copurteht, 19tl.bu.Vrt. M, A. Wllaes.
BY THE progress which science lias
brought te bear tipen the n
garden our markets are supplied with
the nsparaglneus, splnaceeus plants, ed
ible marlne plens, nllecemis plenls,
acetarleus plants, edible fungi, legu
minous vegetables, succulent roots, tlie
cabbage tribe, sweet herbs nnd snlnd
Plants. Lately several new varieties
have been ndded te this list.
Southern produce comes te the nerths
ern markets early in December, nnd
then there fellows In close rotetlon h
harvest, working northward, until out
iwn crops are ready In the early sum
mer. While this feed Is n little higher
in price than what wc have paid for li
during the summer season, the prudent
housewife will hesitate before consider
ing tills difference In price, against the
purchase of n fair portion of the winter
cRctnble supply in these fresh, succu
lent reuthem vegetables.
The artichoke Is prepared for the
table ei follews: Trim the artichoke,
cutting off about one inch of the tip
end of the leaves; trim the root end
discarding any bruised or wilted leavts :
plunge into n large pan of water and
nuse up nnd down, te remeve sand;
tie In piece of cheese cloth, and plunge
into boiling water and cook, allowing
twentv-flve minutes after the water
starts boiling with the artichoke In ket
tle. Lift, dr.iln nnd remeve from sauce
pan, and serve with cither Hellandnlse
sauce, pnrslev sauce, French dressing
heated te boiling point, or cheese sauce.
If Hie iirtlehette Is lnrife remove some
of the leaves, and just use the heart.
There nre two vnrlctlcs of artichoke,
the clebe and the tuber or Jerusalem
artichoke. The cleb nrtlchoke !. h
lenfv variety, while the .Jerusalem is n
hihep varletv end resembles In shape
n small sweet potato without the point -
ed ends. The tuber variety is pared
nnd cooked 'n boiling water and served
with sauce, in similar manner te the
Antoinette Dennelly tells of Alice Joyce's beauty and hew she keeps
her lijure
cr m
life, Mrs. James B. ICesnn. Jr..
' Miss Neysa McMcln. famous illustrator,
A LIXi; as well ns all the ether girls ;a"- " ' w"c ;e " "
fi i. l,nr t i,n,i ..in.,,,. f iiK- Iienieii. all I would ask for would be te
' '.v..... V tUlil,l .
Tour brother should conie down the
fairs with yiil If the RUe'ts are In th
hall where they can se ou come down
If net. he may wait and meet ynu mst
eutsldn the room where the (.-'lemony therefore
Will laiVV 11IU. , , i llllVMli ..; ..III. vub JU3I l-.UHI,l .tllllb
After t!i8 congratulations comes tnc "'" ' "-i nwiiim, ioke tne train vxeiild inspire one woman te renuest,
'.ss slap!" c.ieus!: te slip
be made like Alice Joyce."
curious te nnd out Just exactly what
upper or breakfast for the bridal party. Inte town and meet Masen Leng In the j as the rewnrd of n life's labor, te be
2bff,oVeomre1irwdafanAls!,Nthe Iob the Grnjmerc. Her thoughts remodeled after the design of another
bride and bridegroom may sit down did net go b"end the cvcnlne itself et ,,icr !"VX' , se,,"!,lt out Ml Joyce
.. , .i. .i , . .... ... . nun ciiiiKiu iier nueiii ie cniuurii en n
with the Buesta Soen afttr this they 1""" "1L l"""St '"at be minlit be de- ,r,.M Kht. seeing jaunt, that gloiieus
ms an unfair thing te Charley did nastlme which never palls nor wearies,
net occur te r.er. Charley was n con- "r whn it does there is every liimcu
Where they are and have their breakfast
With the BUesta been nrtcr mis
should leave en their wedding trip
About a Wedding
te th Editor of WnimH'i Prn"
Dear .Maaam w iu jeu kiiuu
B"? And
i '
venience. te be used when it was mv-
cvMrj, but etliernise she was fre.
tu iln her credit. Aline would
tlen that hone were well abandoned
Mish Joyce Is live feet seven inches,
the dentist often enough te word off
nny inroads en her lovely teeth, n pre
caution which would prolong the beauty
of many another mouth.
In her boudoir a charming color
scheme was noted In the plain golden
blown chet rug, Chinese blue pnlnted
furniture, lavender silk coverlets. Here.
I was admitted te the secret of n for
mal headdress which tdie Is populariz
ing. She takes n band of ribbon about
six Inches wide (one wns pink brocaded
in slher, another jade embroidered
in geld), pins one end In the hair at
the nape of the neck; brings it around
ever the light ear te the middle of the
forehead, whence it is curried back
nldien directly te meet the piece
with dark brown hair, beautifully already pinned; around it gees ngnln
. ... n I --., .( .... Ill IL II . -llllt' l fill III
m seme or your vamaeie iiuuec; i Ilet ,n , . , ,- ,.l J .indied brews, nnd n pair of eyes which te the I hint, nut tins time n lew inches
RmliTttc;Lt0M,MdKr"n,his' none S it '''"- '" ether girl out te Hlj?nHr I '"' rasl,-v '""idre the same tlnnu- of , higher than the right car. down te the
UrtSfM STV iffSr ju" hl.ir ..- rnili.r -lanlilcant If al... ha.i .Iwtlnn n'- tlu.-e .if the Iud who middle of the forehead nnd en down
Itfr family ami friends. It is te h at Mopped te think thins, out I.etuhed off the lmmeitnl "Drink te meeer the left ear. forming in the liii.i-
4 e'clccl: in the afternoon Wh.u would' Mbr hf.irt leaped in her huast when ' nlv with thine ces." Idle of the forehead n drape as in the
be suitable for me te war? I am ,i she knw M.inn inn. .min. .. .... l'irii,.iiliirlv Imnlv nri. bnr i. Hindu's henddrcss, lrem the left enr It
young (,'lrl.
eenieen yeirs em nnn nve ... hn, ,. ,,....,. u .,. ., , ,,,, i......... i rntn.
.. -- ........ u, ..,m hill llll llllil I llili'V -.. ..-...,
feet five und one-half Inches tall and
welirh 120 Duunds, havlncr liuht brown
Doeoea hair and urewn yes
What la the correct thlnir te say te lndilrerein.c.
the brldn and bridegroom nfter the Yet, as tl.p followed him into the
ceremeny? i dining room, si)e was somehow net se
Please give a few suggestions ns te ur e , :, , ,Vite te be
a present. Net tee epens ve. Te whom . 'ri,, . ,.,, ,,,, "'l"cp" IO te.
heuld it be given and when- ' i' s tlnJa" ii'ad " wn of making her
TOOTSir i absurdly young, and she didn't
iwls"' Iikn It.
TVear a Usht sillc afternoon dress .ind Aline w.i'i clever nt dlsenlsin- i,..
a dressv hat. If you hn.! a Keerctt ,..,,.. p ... , cl,n pr nt ,"',:S'".':lng Iht
crepe, car.
with the llcht
ns niilte iree Inim
n,1d, she had assumed her usual mal: of 1 Her full, warm mouth discloses beau
li Ive i VlwV unne ,,',"1 cTc'r nt 'S''':lng her
'.ten ere,?,, or i-rope ft. chin- ''f' "f ' ' f h" consulted the menu
dre3i wear th.it. w-.th a ha ,,UUl "'T u,u'"l self-iisir,,nce, stating
that will bi nni'mnri.iti'. sui'i
black lacy or net h..t or one 1 1 n , h
the dress. A tan drss would 1 becom becem
Inar. or henna.
Merely congratulate the brid and
tirldegroem as ou hnk- h.ind.t wlt't
them, and tell the irld- hew ,!! su
uer iireieiiT.i'i'-. niid then threw in.: it
aside with siin-rb iiidiflcrence. While
lie was consulting the waiter she had
a i hence te stu,jj. him, but she was en
'he akrt for liim te leek up and when
tlulr eyes fmnlly met, Bhe showed net
leeks, nr sav t'nit ion wish thorn ;i unit ' 'l train Of LOUtllsien
deal of happiness, ell, what s the verdict :" he nsked
Presents that are net trribly pxpn- with a smile.
alve are a pretty (lower vie, n maen- "l sunnese it wouldn't de nnr i,
Tialse bowl, a deer step u fruit dish. ,0 ltV f, ,!ff" 1 i, !
one piece of odd silver, a pair of urtutlc n?,iniT favorable, she returned
book ends or some artitlclal fruit They 'iujcmj .
should be sent te the brlde as scen , l nm nattered, he said still with
as jeu recthe jour inv.tatten te the 'hat smile tl at seemed te lighten his
Jin TTareKt nemiMsen FMrlein
d.irl: features nnd make Ills fnen nlmn.i
boyish. Aline judged that he wns about
thirty -four, pel hups u Uttl" elder than
thai, it was difficult te tell, bit Ids
tiful even white teeth, nnd lovely con
tour of cheek and chin rounds out the
She wns nuite tnnneil from a sum
mer spent at the senshere. where she
hnd gene in for golf nnd swimming, the
til st time In her life she had had a real
chance nt outdoor sports, heretofore I
having had te report caily nnd late fur j
studio work. Hut new become a stout
swimming iIeetei bavin:; tasted the
fruits of this most ecellent form of
exercise, immediately she get in town
s,e signed up with n gjranasium with
swimming pel attached.
There Is a lovely miturni wave te I
Miss Joyce's hair, which ordinarily she
wears parted In simplest fashion en
the side and drawn into n knot nt the
back. Sometimes for evening wear she
does it up into n modernized French
roll, which is most becoming.
She weighs about 125 pounds, which,
with her live feet seven nnd the cen
distribution of her weight, previihs a
graceful, lsnutlfully rounded figure
She has charming poise nnd ease of
continues en te be pinned in and the
end tucked away where she started out,
A little draping of the ribbon close te
the crown Is necessary te suit the shape
of the Individual head, but It does
mnkc quite an elaborate headpiece for
every formal wear.
The Hey. Orletta Stedd'ird, a four-tinn-yenr-eld
gill of Miami, Okln.,
is a rt'gu'arly licensed preacher of the
Methodist Episcepnl church.
In the United States there are 1.1.000
girls, fifteen yenis old, legally married.
fldlie nrtlclieke
Is Leve a Gift Frem Ged? Iteans Many varieties of the benn
iiur rvnthin?...' i.... .. i funillv find their way te mnraets ami
a gift from tied? Because It is divine I then te the Inble. These of the pod
isn't It eternal? Then why divorce-: I variety nre classified ns the string or
., ny uiiiidiipy marriages-; isn't it pp. -nim bean, which are prepnrca ler tne
table in two wiys :
Pirst String the beans nnd cut in
Mnall pieces; cover with boiling water
nnd cook until tender; drain, season
with salt nnd pepper and serve with
either plain butter added or a cream
Second Cook with fnt. salt meat;
they are then served without nny addi
tional dressing.
The pod nrletics, ns for einmple, nre
lima, or butter benn, nnd kidney benn.
and aie prepared by first shelling frr'u
the pod. nnd then covering with boiling
wnter. and looking until tender. Many
varieties of these beans nre found in our
markets nnd nil lire cooked In some
manner. Te serve : Drain, season with
alt nnd pepper nnd add little melted
butter or cover with cream sauce.
The correct time nllewnncc ter coeit-
cnuse se many of us nre undcsenlng of
Hl.s blessing, love, nnd nre deceived by
nn Imitation conceived of the deH7
Hew is mini te knew when he Is pos
sessed of love clean, true, divine?
Many of us agree that true love U
Indeed n gift from Ged, whene loe for
u Is eternal. And many of us love te
think and firmly believe that real love
started here en earth will last through
PlMirce nnd unhappy marriages are
due te human frailty and Inck of self
control With real love, which Is a
true giving and taking en both sloes,
dltorce does net occur.
Don't worry about hew you will ree ree
egn'K.i true love; you'll knew It when It
comes. ,
She Seems Fickle
Dear Cynthia Since you have helped
se many young glr.s and boy In their I nc ,Pnn8 is ns follews: Yeung and ten ten ten
a4rte"effnSeif,a'ltodteMhamttortcrbcW twenty te thirty-live mln
I am a girl eighteen years of aB..Ut(. Old beans, from thirty-five te
engaged te a man twenty-four. We fiftv minutes. Ie cook longer than this
were suppeaed te be married last June, time allowance will cause the vegetables
but due te the fact that he is in the I t0 )0 ever-cooked.
service, nnd was ordered te China at thst ' ,, , ., . .. . v.
time. n both decided te wait until h I Beets Many varieties of the beet
came back, which he thought would buifnmilv are found in the markets, nnd
two years or mero. I hear from mm all are cooked in the following man
darlv ' V lfneS """'''er: Cut the green lops from the bee,
lWlilie en mv vacation In the Seuth ' "."owing about two inches te prevent
I met an old friend of mine who tnee the fiee-flewlng juices of the beet from
te persuade inn te give my sailor friend escaping while cooking. ash and
up. nnd marry him. I like this tellewi ,m.u. itli tinlllntr unrcp. nnd coel: lliii
In the Seuth very niueh. but de you ,..:,- mlntn. rn. ,.- ,( and
fifty minutes for old beets. Coel and
remove skins and serve ns follews: Cut
in thin slices nnd cover with vinegar.
Ter pickled beets you mny ndd thinly
diced onions and finely chopped green
think It would be rlaht te dlaiinnelnt tii
one away? I think 1 low him mere.
I nlse hae a friend eighteen yenrs
e'd here In Camden, but 1 sei m te he
havlnK trouble with him new. Here's
just the kind of fellow he Is Hi-'ll m.iKn
n"5a? nrn" . ile. .Jct'9 . :? c.": I .w rl et npnners wIBi little finely
ir no iieenn l. lie II . , , r ' '
Ins un. he'll come
stay away, and come wncn lie gets ready.
Should I continue keeping company wltn
him, or just what shall I de?
hrieiit nvns.
Yeu certainly should net be coins
about exclusively with one man, while
engaged te another. And If you lealy
Iee this mnn you line premised te
marry you will net want te think of
minced parsley.
20 S. 18th St.
11 H
skins nnd cut In small pieces; new
place In small jnucepnn
One-half cup of vlnrpar,
Ttce labtespeniii of flour,
Htlr te dissolve and add .
One-half cup of tcalcr In which the
hcet tccre cooked, . . A .
Stir well te blend nnd .bring te bell.
Ing point ; cook for five minutes and ndd
One teaspoon of all,
One-half tcatpoen of pepper,
One-eighth teaspoon of mustara.
Wend well and ndd ......
7'nrcc teaspoon of melted flutter.
Pour ever six nicely cut cooked beets.
I'lain boiled beets nre prepared by
cooking ns directed, then removing O.e
skins, cutting In dices nnd adding; salt
and pepper te taste, then adding three
tablespoons of melted butter
By Jlilen Decie
Adventures With a Purs
rnHBY had been dancing and en his
com, jubi wnrre uer arm nad been
wns a mnrk of powder, And nny nun '
will tell you that It Is meat difficult te
brush powder from even a sack suit ts
sny nothing of his tuxedo. Besides '
really de net like te hare the powder
brush off and knew that the note, fn
Instance, has n shine en it. There Is
liquid lotion which seethes and refreshes
the skin, Is used In place of powder ami
does net rub off. It cornea In whlts
pink and cream In two size bettl.'
$1.25 or $2.60. l "'
With the weekly card parties or th
son having the fraternity meeting tt
his house a goodly supply of ash trail
is needed. Of course you will aat
tilco-leoklng ones and you will net want
expensive ones, but you can get tray,
of colored glass in various shapes whlel.
nre very nice looking. And, tee. fee
your own card parties, a tray en ll
table filled wlllf candy weuiS b, nVe.
because they come in the shape of!
heart, club, spade or diamond. Oratn
blue and orange, they are only ten centJ
each. ""
Far names of
iceiter or. n
twn the
When nn unmarried man has been
the recipient of social courtesies, It In
net often possible for him te return .hos
pitality In kind. If he were married,
he niid his wlfe would give dinner for
dinner, etc. Hut no one expects a bache
lor te entertain unle.s he has a large
apartment and nmpte means. The giv
ing of a hotel or restaurant dinner In
letmn for the hejpltnllty of a home
tavers tee much cf money payment.
What a bachelor can de is te send
flowers or candy te his hostess. If lie Is
mre of her taste In books, nnd knows
that she does net possess a certain
newly published volume, he mny send
th'it book. But. en the whela. It Is
safer te send flowers. Renes pre al
ways acceptable, but crysnnthemums
are ns welcome In November ns daffo
dils In February. The sender's visit
ing card should be inclesed with the
box of flowers.
Shut-In Exchange
Xmag iftg anb Carte
205 S. 16th Street
Sold Everywhere
I Het Chocolate
I with whipped cream the
1 kindyeugetatHuyler's will
renew your energy en a cold,
r raw day. Get a thermos bottle j
(I filled at a Huyler store for 1
I the football game. 1
U ' 1I!0 Chestnut Strtet I
'j m a
. p Special tint week: II
J "Fresh Every Heur" 1
If Mixture ti
The Largest Sale in America
. I , In W. limit r Mslieian
"Yr- - for III In Iternn. lln.
iiik iiMMin. nan. iim
tiui'tlti' Individual nnd
I'ttrrinPlr ri'srnnhle.
1515 and at
Walnut St. Strafford. Pa.
L I IS i
manner toward her wns certain h n.n movement.
diffi'ient from the ilefrence that men I don't helleve Miss Joyce has hail te
i UMinll; panl te her. She i euhl net secin !e imuli werryiiic hi far nluut Keep
. te impress- him, anil inasmuch n -he ' lug her lii;urc "Once in .i .vhlle." sin
i hnd iiethins hut her bmuty and her ' leniided, however, "if I feel a pound
i charm, and had never lnen forced te, or two weighing down upon un-, I just
diK very deeplj Inte her mentality In ,,v ff sweets nnd fattenlne thimfs.
order te held n man s Interest. Mie wasli IieVer let myself get meie than thro thre
i ""'''VV''"""'0 ul,thl,uB" he did net ler four pounds ever. My system of diet
" vn hndVJJ?.'-! .. . ,M I is nnnH-jear-reun.1 one. and Ithm.nl.
. '',10 hfl "l1'"(,r.0I tlmt. like ..rntlen of feed nnd no second helping.
.nm ,ri i, .emseives. and ner next i i ,..,,. ,i10 BCCOnd lielulncs de the
iinner wus te nj him ,i," ..
Ihl attempt failed i ;.,.Ln.t tr. h !, ,,-nv u,n
as she has never had te wear corsets,
that was sufficient nrsument.
Hers l u round form of mender pre
move ilurln
about his work
utterly. i
I m irere interested In talking about
ynu," he (eutiteiij cleverly. "Tell me
about jeuiself I nnt te hear nbeut
jour Idtiii. of life What de you think
it't. nl! about anvwaj '"
.Mine vvas llnttertfl nnd h'can te he
1W i J .-sf'-IK U"H ""' uniterni nmi b'can te be
P -S f -XzrA.X- t expans;e She Kav. him Mine of her
r- '.h V S"'-Jjf' ,,',"s ab"'ir ','" ffedein of the mil-
It- ;-yJI V i.fe. -J jhlunl, and he let h,.r talk, brlnKlng
ti the mnjenty of cases, P.,i ,liat Eeme one ,0i( ,,. se lhp etl,cr ' n tone which whi
: than te treat them from evening." Wvca the appeur
e point of Mew. I'apered, Allne did net flush. She met his i nnd which suits I
Jy present themselves first cubical we .-lite franklv. , She Is most ci
Walls as U.ichgreunds
The treatment of wall as a hncli
ground Is, In the mnjerity of cases,
mere feasible
the decorative
walls naturnll
te our ml ml. wniis in the whites, nni
trals and soft light shades of color are
the most practical, tl.euith there Is evi
dent a slight leaning tewurd brighter
colors lately.
Berne people hnve n thee'y that white
walls contrast tee s-trengly with the
furnishings of a room, but If we will
consider thin for n moment we will mc
that, except In a hare room, their- i
no sueh thing ns n dead while wn'l
Immediately the windows hnve I-
her up tirmlly with a remark that for
portions. Her hones nre Miinll, sniall
hnnds with shapely fingen and lovely
fiet nnd ankles.
I.Ike most ether professional stnj;e
persons, she h,as that clear geed skin
which I think must he attributed in
the constant ue of unl rlmnMii,;
a moment tlirratened te rob her of her creams. Instead et a rouge ler street,
assurance 'Mis Joyce buys n bright led pewdei
",Vren't you engaged1 I seem te re- i "h'1 n white, mixes them until Hie pets
n tone which worn iippm-n m uie mce
runce et healthy tun,
her olive skin exactly.
enrcful nbeut geimt te
es, i nuppesf jeu would call it nn
engagement. ' she sft, jeftitj . "Char
lev Tjne and I deiided te try it out
Ulld see hew- it weikcd."
"And hew does it work? De von
find that it Interfiles with nny' of
jenrl'lena of fiedeinV"
"N'et in the least. We nre both
fnir'v -ensible "
"I'ut v.-lint nbnitt love? Don't jeu
find iii.it UIiik In Jove makes n mun
ir lyniiiiii inuic tunii uiuiuurily posses
Your Father
Xe, he hasn't nsked you
Hint's Father but he docs
wnnt a geed picture of the
children and Mether. Let's
surprise him. It will brinj?
teans of joy te his world
weary eyes en Christmas
Morning. But hew about
your picture for Mether and
the children, Dad? They
knew you're busy and they
hnve waited but show them
j.eu'rc en the job in every
thing. We are featuring te
suitably solve your Gift Prob
lems. Six Large Portraits,
CxlO in3., finished Sepia en
Grey, moderately priced, $0
only te these who show this
ad at our Studies before Dec.
1. Tell your friends.
Phene Wtlnut 1919
Brown satin
with inlaid tongue
of brown suede.
Hetitry te match exactly at $2.36 a pah
CLAFLIN, 1107 Chestnut
Ceniiittntly Fine Footwear Since 1868
Cunuuieii mm me turriiiuru piuce n ii ti, ,.,,,.,! i,f- ,n , . ,
position, nothing remains of a true , derV, ' hl,r,IBS';(1 hcr Mm '" sheul-
wniieness em uie iiignesi iigius. i ne . ..(- if,VMiii .), .ni,i ji,,,,,,,. ,,, ,
abadews nnd half-tones shade off te ' ulm,'0f Teve :ou m" ", A S
rav. The fart Is that In nny room i ,,v,i,in.. .,i,,,V t "... . i ' , " l Knew '
Mtntslnlne furniture, rugs, unhelsterv . .V.'.i Vui. Vi.,.'"" ' ."". " Persen
and hangings there nre refractions of
color upon n white wnll modifying it te
the tones in the room.
Te return te neutral-colored wn'l
the are reposeful : they nllew of
neater variety of color for the fur
nishings of the toem ; and they give n
feeling of unity te n house, Neutral
colors have, therefore, much te recom
mend them, especially the lighter
abides, though of course, a room or
reemt flooded with lUht mnv require
tin use of darker tones of color. IIuv
imm made uti our minds thou, what
fliaW 1 best suited te our needs, we
vssaeaat meat consider the various trace of
7WjSktm taalr suitability.
te de foolish things, and I want nl
ways te be mjstlf."
Aline telt rathir elated nnd very
superior ns she piiiil thu ht , .
because bhe did net knew what Masen
a i.u:i was ininiung
Tomorrow Family Inlerference
A Man's Jeb
A jeung vmnari who i r-allr doing
u man's Jeb is .Miss Mingaret Naylor,
the woman diver, engaged in recover
ing the treasure from n sunken Spanish
galleon off the Scottish Coast. She
was the first woman te tuke up deep
sea divine as a Drofesalen. anil ah ha
at reasonable prices will solve
your Christmas problems, but
their quality demands time and care
orrangcueur appointment now new
before it is tee late.
1626 Chestnut St. PHILADELPHIA
Mum fmcmg
j Fer Holidays
) and Other Days
Y Nat graced American
M tables for fifty years
CA Always delicious and wholesome.
Made after a famous recipe from
( I the finest ingredients obtainable,
V ' 5"' Creat's
sBJSsBf "ryeducm of Delicious R 6-R Bened Chtchn
Pleases the most exacting tastes.
Quality Economy Purity Flaver
Always Assured.
The Carpenter,
The Painter,
N a kindergarten class of
Temple University Training
Scheel, last week one of the
teachers asked the children
te name some men whose
work was a benefit te mankind.
One little tot replied, "A carpenter, because
he builds houses for us te live in."
Anether little boy raised his hand and said,
"A painter." Then, in answer te the query as te
why, replied, "Because he makes our neuses
leek pretty."
T tmrd little cl"p te speak called out,
The American Stores' Man, 'cause he gives us
geed groceries cheap."
We are recounting this incident just as it
happened. That a tiny tot should leek upon
this business that has always steed for service
as one man who helps humanity is among the
many proofs that we built our foundation en
the proper bedrock and that our efforts have
borne fruit.
"NH.rifijmyif.Yi . t .
s.k v " - n s.r "j . N. M i . . . . . A-i I.
'"vfc.v. ... if.rj-fi.
,VW.. it t..Wi!6H'K.Vi'.
MalhyV' -i -t -r i .V'..?tVVlA'i,iLif;-.n. ,.