IBPPjBPBi AST GOSSIP ABOUT PEOPLE ' Nancy Wynne Tells of Tea Given Yesterday at the Acorn Club Luncheon, Theatre, Parties and Dinner-Dance Take Up Debutantes Time Today Mrs. Brinten ' Gives Tea for Mrs. McFaddcn Till; Acorn Club was again a buoy wiet jpstpnlny afternoon, for Kuilly Ttnrtew and KliMibelh Ilewland wen Introduced at n tea thcrp, nnd n dnnre for the receiving narty and nddltlnnal men guest tt'ns given In the evening, li'mlly. who Ih named for her nutit. Miw foully Smith, )u the daughter of die late Henry H. Harlow. Her mother ws Miss Alice Smith, n ulster of the into Kdwnrd I. Smith of this city. Km h dark nnd ha eeft wavy ball ,ind brown eyes. Sim Ih slender mid dresses exceedingly well. Her frock .esterdny wan a combination nf green iehet and silver cloth. The skirt wits finished In petal Mmpe edged with Kil ter, the girdle being a combination of Mirer cloth and velvet. Tls Hewlnnil'a dress was a lovely rentrnst te Kmlly's green. It wbm of pink aryl silver brocaded metal cloth and was made with a draped skirt, iiutirht at one side with a rhlnesteiie buckle, nnd a bow was en the ether hip. The bodice had the fashionable beat neck nnd no sleeves. Elizabeth Is riving this jenr te things social, but next season she will go te Smith Col lege. Mrs. Bartow received with her ihmchter and Elizabeth. There was a great many people there; In fact, the teas given in town are al ways a crush, It's se much mere con cen tenlent te get te them. Mrs. Bartow Is living at. the Lotigncre for the winter. She and her children spent last year In Europe, Emily having gene te school In Paris. The ether two children are Henry and Alice. THERE Is no dobutnnte tea today, the activities for that "spoiled bit of odaldera" being confined te n luncheon, two theatre parties, n supper and a dinner-dance. Libby Morgan is te be guest of honor nt the luncheon, which her aunt, airs, l'ere vt timer, will give, while her grandmother, Mrs. William Morgan, is giving the matinee party which will fellow. The Tem Tunises arc giving the ether theatre party nnd it Is in the evening and is te be followed by supper, the giieMt of honor being T.ee Tunis, the .Tee Tunis' daughter. The dinner-dunce will be given by Mr. nnd Mrs. William Supplee for their niece, Peggy Legan, at the Phila delphia Country Club. Se much for the debutantes who arc as busy a little bunch as one can And. EVERT ONE is going this afternoon te the tea Mrs. .Tab Brinten is giving te meet the new Mrs. McFatldcn, Mrs. Brlnten'M sister-in-law. .Yeu knew .lack McFadden married Florence Ells Ells wertn back In June or July and they have tnken a house herein Walnut street for the winter. Mrs. McFndden I certainly a beauty and han such harm of manner. Mrs. Ned Brown ing, who was Miss Ellle McFndden; Mr;, van Eghen, the former Alice Mo Me Pflilden Sands, and Mrs. Philip Mc Fadden will receive with Mrs. Brin Brin eon. TO GO back te the Supplees, who are giving Peggy Legan's dance tonight, did you knew that Ellnner Longstreth Sharp is en here from Honolulu, stay ing with her aunt. Mrs. Supplee, for a month or se7 Her husband, wh'i is In the army. Is stationed out In Hawaii nnd will be there some time longer, a i nilaner expects te go bark in a short time. Ellnner did net bring the chil dren en with her, as It was such a trip. The youngest is only fourteen months ' ;'ld. you knew, nnd she has an excel lent nurse for them, se decided net te inn the risks of a long journey, TlTRS. PAUL DEKCKLA, the former "1 Sara Delan. can always be de pended upon te appear In something unusual and ahead of the styles. If unnt sue were several days age Is any nugury of coming fashions, heaven help in' mi. Kin. aaia ana a wenaerrui ng 're and her costume was most becem me. She were a long, tight-fitting dress of " woeien njarenni in narrow, horizontal rnpea 01 ,reu, green, yeuew and blue, "am mecii iimiuminnung. it gave nnwwnai tnf enect of Reman stripes. I he bottom of the dress was edged with .WJ .1 Vni of dftrtt brown fur with It she were a hat equally remark able, it was made with a peaked ; rewn, from the back of which hung a ... uiunu usiricu irmner. TTNOLB JACK and Uncle Tem were U baring a discussion en all sorts of MiWects, and arguments flew back and 'erth faBt and furious. Small Hepe ;as staying with grandma and It was 'Ime for bed. Well, she said her little iirayers and sang her little songs and rnndma thought she was off te dream land nnd the argumentative voices en i? flner, .,b!w bad net reached her, "hen suddenly from the small bed a wee ;elee spoke up and said Hepe: Ornnma, these men are the fussiest things I ever heard; they Just talk rns and 'Publicans." NANCY WYNNE. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES epM& ".'1 152lan, ebtnte daughter nWiTl ??d Mr!; Clarenee Delan, of i.,,C06?0Use' KM5ent. will be the tuest of honor at a theatre party te be n ltn ,hy .Mr- " Yalp Delan, of 172? 5,l"ti en Wednesday evenlngDe- S, ,he.Ianc which Mr. and Mrs. t Hllnm Wallace Atterbury will give at ','e ne'.ievue-stratferd, In honor of their 'laughter Miss Elizabeth Atterbury. Tlie guests who will attend the luneh- Special The Peacock New Side Lace Slipper A proud little Slipper in finest Black or Bronze Satin and Brocade, showing the vew side lacing. Artistically designed, carefully built. A slipper that can afford te strut proudly beneath Dame Fashion's meat' exquisite gowns. A Royal Wonder Royal Beet Shep 1208-10 Chestnut St. StyleQualityService Footwear SECOND FLOORTAKE ELEVATOR con which Miss Barnh Legan Starr, daUR-lttcr of Mr. nnd Mrs. James Starr. of Olney avenue, Ocrniantewn, will give en Thurstlny nest at the Hedgcley Cluu, In honor of Miss .Sarah K. Hudven, debu tante daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Percy K. Hudsen, of this city and New Yerk, will Include Miss Mnry HaddylTe tur nips, MIh Hllsnbeth V. Merrl.4. Mlvs stisun D. Ooedmnn, MIbb Mary Louise Whitney, Miss Annls V'e Tunis. Miss frorethy K, Valentine, Miss Kmlly K. Hartew, MIph Elizabeth McBlrey, MIsh Kliritbeth Dulu Wiltson and iUe KHz abcth Qarrlncer. The Indies who will preside at the tea table at the tea which Mrs. Alfred Regi nald Allen, of 2013 Spruce street, wilt Klve en Friday afternoon, December 2, te Introduce, her daughter. MIsm Helen Warren Allen, will be Mrs. Leuis F. Hctisen. Mrs. Frederick Woolcy. of New Yerk. Mrs. Allen's sister; Mrs. Isaac It IJuvlu nnd Mrs. Grenvllle Dedge. Montgomery. The receiving pnrty will Inrlude Miss Tlescmary Howe, Miss Ho He bertn Hnwe, Miss Mary Weeley, of New Yerk; .Mrs. Geerge T. Purves, Mrs. Itebert V. Jefferys, Mlsa Betsy warren Dnvls, Miss Kllzabeth Wayne and Miss Kntherlne Dlssten I'erter. The guests who will attend the the atre party which Mrs. Seth Hether Ington, of 2310 Pine street, will give en Monday evening, December IS, In honor of her debutante daughter, Miss Betty Hetherlngten, will Include Miss Maud Hnrrlsen, Miss Barbara L. Clayten, Miss Dorethy B. Valentine, Miss Elisabeth W. Green, Mies Kathryn F. Peace. Miss Mary Carrell Relln, Miss Mary Falek, Miss Klltubcth Caaanave, Miss Mildred Longstreth, Mr. Wllllnm Davis. Mr. Jehn Stenheuae, Mr. Heward Butcher, Sd. Mr. Charles Yeung. Mr. Hareld Hentz, Mr. Francis B. Reeves, 3d, Mr. Themas Mlkell, Mr. Philip Lee, Mr. Rebert Hamilton, Mr. Victer Barry, Mr. Fraser Brooks, Mr, Morrison Clement, Mr. Jeseph Chapman, Mr. Stewart Polk and Mr. Herbert Calves. Anienr ! n..t. , hi attend h dinner which Mrs. Jehn E. Jefferds wlll nlvn nn Tir.n..... .,..nin rrsm. bcr 27. ut her home, 2300 De Lancey A. dinner fallowed, after which Mr. and nlncc, In honor of her grand-daughter. ' Mrs. Frelhen left en their wedding trip Miss MnrKUerlte Jefferds Beyle, debu- through the New England States. They tante daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel ara expected te return tomorrow. 7im.nm,,Wlllti.b. aM.'."-8 tAnnv,SiniT The 0 Alpha Kappa held Its MiT. nmni-' fil,inSt"i -"-tf-JXJS8. v r.r8t nnnual masquerade en Saturday a Miss Ottllle Merris. Miss Kathryn . the Bummer home of Mr. P. J. Donahue, f &M,r,1JiegAn Biac?' Alr- IVSl? ,h0 Vllla Hwettt. Among the guests Chapman. Mr. Gorden Jest. Mr. Hamll- wcre M,,8 Vera Harper, of Margate '. Mr. Thomaa R. Robb. City, N. J.. Miss Ir?nS Eenahan. Miss 3d, and Mr."Theren Clement. The din- Madeline Lenahan, MUs Grace Michaels, ncrwlll be chaperoned by Mr. and Mra. Miss Clara Hchmleg and Mlsa Mary Jehn Kenten Elsenbrey. The sjueata Hillsbury. Mr. J. Clifferd Lenahan. Mr. will tater attend the dance which Mr. K. Reginald Lenahan. Mr. Franc s K. and Mrs William Wallace Atterbury. of Deyle Air. Jelm A McCameyVMr; WU WU WU Boudlnet. Radner, will give at the Bel- Ham stever, Mr. F. Carrell Beyer. Mr. lcvue-Stratferd, In honor of their pebu- Albert Fratis and Mr. Jeseph B. Qulnn. tante daughter. Miss Elisabeth Atter-.0f this city. -ui burj. I a .i x. -...-'. The SM Club neI1 it annual Hal- Among the guests who will attend leween party at the home of Mr. Arthur the breakfast which Mrs. Geerge Faies Uettcsfeid at 3618 North Nlnetecntn Raker will give at neon In the North street, en Saturday evening last. Among Garden of the Bcllevue-Stratferd In the guests were Miss Yetta Dtssik. Miss honor of Mm Jehn Fortescue will be Careline Gersen, Miss Ethel Kushner, Mrs. Jehn- B. Thayer, Mrs. Walter Miss Bertha Lentz, .Miss Elizabeth Ros Res Wnrlng Hopklnsen. Mrs. Randal Mer- encranz. Miss Hannah Halke, Miss Esther (tan, Mrs. C. A. Heckscher Wctherlll. Samtt, Miss Hannah Weyl, Mr. Jeseph Mrs. Dobsen Altemus, Mrs. Geerge Mun- Bergsman, Mr. Marcus Bergsman, Mr. son, Mrs. Albert A. Jacksen. Mrs. Sam- Milten Brooks, Mr. Alex Gottesfeld. Mr. ucl Chew, Mrs. James R. H. Cromwell, Arthur Oettesfeld, Mr. Emanuel Karp. Mrs. Perslfer Frazer. 3d. Mlsa Frances Mr. Jeseph A. Katz. Mr. Philip Kur Rogers, Mrs. Philemen Dickinsen. Miss nits, Mr. Samuel Kushner, Mr. Jeseph Peggy Thayer, Miss Ellen Douglas Lltvln and Mr. Julius Telsen. Lloyd, Mlsa Louise Weed, Mlsa Frances The hostesses of the card party ai unscem.vMiss xneoaera noun uiiuc. Miss Peggy Rosengarten, Miss Marilyn Miller, Mlsa Falre Blnney and Miss Marjerie Rambeau. The guesU will later participate In the Fashion Shew at the Bread Street Theatre this after- neon for the benefit of the Charlette , Cushman Club. . ... . ... The guests who will attendtha the- ntre party ana supper at tne nui-uyxi- ten wnicn nir, and Mrs. William Wal lace, of Overbroek, will five tomorrow evenlnv in honor of their nteee. Miss Mariraret McAdoo, debutante daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William McAdoo, of Kin sawn, Fert waamngten, win in clude Miss Anna Cecilia Zimmerman. CIUUO iIBB Anna JeCUIB ""'"""' MIm Lillian Ferausen. Mlsa Elisabeth Slter. Miss Mary Radclyffe Fumess, Miss mjkb, iuiaa nuiaiftuwiia tf. jrav. ...inn Bertha F. Smythe. Miss Terrlll Austin. Miss Lucylle Austin. Mlas Elisabeth Ponceast Huey, Mr. Philip Lee. Mr. T ri.. r... .,-. T B.l. ?;" i Nathaniel Knowles, Jr., Mr. Jehn Reed, Mr. Lester Comley, Mr. Rebert Parkin son, Mr. Runcle Tatnall, Mr. Jeseph Tayler. Mr. Rebert Cernier, Mr. James Walten, Mr. Jehn Falkner Arndt. Mr. Jeseph Chapman, Mr. Legan Black, Mr. Richard Hulburd, Mr. Allen Carrlgan nnd Mr. Burke Wllferd. Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Sehwarts, of E03 Aliens lane. Chestnut H11L have Issued Invitations for a theatre party, te be followed by a supper at the Rltt- Carlten In honor of their niece Miss Anna Schwartz and Miss Katharine Schwartz, daughters of Mrs. Charles William Schwartz, of West Walnut lane, Germantown, Mrs. Schwartz will give a tea te Introduce her daughters en Wednesday, November 28. i Mrs. Jehn B. Hamlll, of 800 West1 Willow Greve avenue. Chestnut Hill. will entertain at dinner at the Green Dragen en Friday evening next In honor of her daughter. Miss Agnes B. Hamlll, before the first meeting of Mrs. Charles Stewart Wurts' Dancing Class. Mrs. Chancellor C. English, of 8108 Spruce street, will glve a. theatre party followed by a supper at the Rlts-Carl-ten en Wednesday evening, January 3, In honor of Mlsa Lucylle Austin, debu tante daughter of Mr. Richard L. Aus tin. Mlsa Austin will also be the guest of honor at a luncheon which her cousin, Miss Agnes Bell Austin, of 2114 De Lancey place, will give early In De cember, Mr. and Mrs. William N. Merlce, 'of Ballner, Chestnut Hill, will give a din ner during Chrlstnine week In honor of their daughter, Miss Alice Merlce, and Miss Emma Blddle Nerrls, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nqrrla. Mrs. Merlce will also give a children's party en Tuesday aftornoen, November 28. fmm a until 8 o'clock. In honor of the tenth birthday of her daughter, MUs Eliner Merlce. Mr. Samuel Ewlng and Mr. Van Hern Ely will lead the cotillen at the first meeting of Mrs. Charles Stewart Wurts' Regular $12 Values $ 8 Value here at $8. MMW&diaStttW tlflU Y Attractive Matren &JtSf?A s-A-i'm Photo by William Hhewell Bills' MRS. L. STAUFFER OLIVER Who will take part in one of the plays which the Playe and Play er$ will give this evening at their new clubhouse, the former Littli Theatre en Friday evening next Mr. and Mrs. Jehn Thompson Dor Der ranee, of Pomona Farms, Rlverten, N. J., have Issued Invitations for a theatre party te be followed by a sup per and dance at the Rltz-Carlten en Saturday evening, December 30. at 8:16 o'clock. In honor of their daughter, Miss Ethel Dorrance. The merris nf Mlaa nertruria, fturkln. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Surkln. and Mr. Samuel II. Frcihen took place " November 6 at the Auditorium Draw- ItlK Recffls. Rnhhl PnntllT efllelatea ins aeuevue-airuiiera, wnicn was given by the Weman's Club of Philadelphia. ter the benefit of Crippled Children, were Mrs. Geerge W. Yeung, Mrs. Walter At- weed. Mrs. Alfred Bracher, Mrs. Charles F. Bonser, Mrs. Cernelia. H. Perr.lne, Mrs. Frederick S. Park. Mrs. I. Webster KiaP' ,&'?,.. JIary ; 'a!- Charles Wclld, Mrs. Bartram O. Frasler, Mrs. Charles G. Oartllng. Mrs. Lee jsetieen. airs. Albert wo:stenheime and Mlsa Marie Semer. West Philadelphia Mrs. Charles I. Purnell and Mrs. Jeb T. Push will be In charae of the lunch. , ,Ti .l..Bn nn Mnnitav Vnt..mh.V 52" A0 .E? JK.?n5. -Men.?.aly iftY.mS! !,"$," M DlbSS T of Johnstown Pa? ni fn fniftnr nr nnnnr. Mr, and Mrs. A. Rlbner entertained at their home, 3065 Fennsgreve street, en Saturday evening last. In honor of McCLEES GALLERIES 1607 Walnut St. RARE ETCHINGS A MEZZOTINTS I1RONZKS UIRR0n8 LAMPS Fine framing 1'ulntlngi lleitertd WEDDING. ENGRAVED n80 11-" I for I mi. I mt . rsnvsi EMKNTM Irrlfs Net KngrsTed 88.00 per 100 phone Walnut SB-IS mplei and cornet form LTlnt Shep, 814 Walnut HAIR NETS 75c a Dezen New rtduced prices en hair nets: Single mesh, cap and straight shape, 75c a deren, 8 for $2.00. Deuble meah, cap and straight shape, 11.00 a dozen, S for 12.60. White and Gray nets, 16c each, $1.60 a deg. SCISSORS 85c Each All ear geed steel scissors in a geed variety are offered at this low price. There are medium and small scissors, straight and nail scissors. All of them are worth a geed deal mere than 86c each. SCRAP BASKETS $1.00 Each Medium sized wicker scrap baskets. They are blue or green with geld trimming, A pretty basket for bed room or sun parlor. A real value at only $1.00 each. r vnrin., S.0C v,SMkWkWBkm& . am" - 'SkMWWm :' MialllsBBBBBBBBBSBlsBBBBB ,&29hLbbbbbbbbbb ysv;Bi IjjSjjMmltMMMMMMMMMMMa - f i ''mSi t'ra ii . their daughter, Miss Lillian Rlbner, who has Just returned home after an absence or a year. The guests were Miss Kitty Persh, Miss Reba Brown, Miss Anne Dlctch, Miss Shirley Rlbner, Miss Grace Cherry, Miss LI II Inn- Rlbner, Miss Sadie Cherry, Miss Fay Kcssler, Miss Sara Goldstein. Miss Anne Chary. Mr, Al. Bishop, Mr. Merris Goetman, Mr. Leui Canter, Mr. David Kornblum. . Mr. Ir ving Rotberg, Mr, Frank Kornblum, Mr. Maurice Cherneff. Mr. Edward Rlbner. Mr Harry cherneff. Mr. Leuis Robinson, Mr. Mnurlce Stnlberg, Mr. and Mrs. H. Sel Gressman, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Beckett ajtd Mr, and Mrs. David a. Chary. North Philadelphia Miss Ruth WftJrath, of 3627 North Bread street. entVrtnlncd the members of the Delta Tnu Sigma Sorority at her home last evening . The members are Miss Sara Sweeney, Miss Beatrice Al varez, Miss Marlen Brannan, Miss Re tina Clarke, Mis Catherine Cenwiiy, MIps Lerettn Dagney, Mist Miriam Deeley, Miss Kathrync Hern, Miss Marlp Krler, Miss Annn Larkln, MIki Mht Mht guerlte Larkln, Miss N'neml Ledge, Mls Agnes JlcCnfrrpy, Miss Margaret JIc Menamy, Miss Annette Median and Mis Elizabeth Miller. Mrs. Henry N. Wessel has moved from the Hetel Majestle te the Latham Apartments, nt 135 Seuth Seventeenth street. The Junier Dancing Class held Its first meeting of the season en Saturday evening nt Columbia Hall, Bread und Oxford streets. Mr, and Mrs. Samuel L'nterberger, of 8760 Uermantewn avenue, will be at home en Sunday, November 19, from 3 JUST READY The Remance of World History in the New Boek $4.00 wherever books are sold The MACMILLAN COMPANY 64-66 Fifth Avenue New Yerk Geerge Allen, inc. 1214 Chestnut Street 1214 Established AlleiVs Offers These Unmatchable Values Chesen Frem All Departments ' MATELASSE at 56.00 a Yard Very flne matela3se in black and nvy with silver and brown with cold threads. $0.00 a yard. We have also a Reed line of metal 2F2ci!?e8 in 1!nt and d" shades, $12.00 and $18.00 a yard. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS 25c te 75c Each Women's pure linen handkerchiefs f.frractVely .Packed in a box of six. with block letter initials, 26c each, fi for $1.60. With initials or embroidered corners, 85c each, S2.00 for a box of C- 1400 " fr $C,75; 75c each 6 f" ki Mient'8i Pure linen handkerchiefs with block letters, 35c each, $2.00 for attrac tive box of 6j 60 each, 6 for $2.70: "Gc each, 6 for $i. ' TREFOUSSE 1-CLASP GLOVES, Special at $1.95 Tref eusse kid gloves, P. K. sewn, in Mack, white, tan. brown and gray Regular $2.75 quelity at $1.95 a paTr JW S?0C?f LNGS WITH SILK CLOCKS. $1.95 a Pair nnv. i'i.0,,1Pfr nfc'lieh we"l "teckingh with hand embroidercd silk clocks and a ffir? y ' rrCat Varlcty ,,f colelinKs nnd st,Ics- A real value at STEEL ENGRAVED AND DIE STAMPED CHRISTMAS CARDS At. !ftp ii Tln'nn .rr.vi.2 SCSutjul !icien 1" 'these attractive greeting cards, every pfate are? 8t'Pcd- Prices for engraving from your pertbm Fer 25 carda arid 81JIK fn k. a. -.. Fer 100 cards add $2.75 te the cost of m. fM'Xty until 8 o'clock, te relatives and friend In honor of their daughters, whose en gagements have recently been announced. Miss Hannah Unterberger Is engaged te Mr. Leuis Fein, of Atlantic City, and Miss Melba Unterberger te Air. William M. Dattner, of Wilkes iiarre. , , MI.-h VVrna Custer entertained at a bridge pnrty and shower last Tuesday cvmlng In honor of Miss G. Lennetli I ten fuss, whose marrlage te Mr, Rebert L. Oanoe will take place In April, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bergman, of 4886 North Eleventh street, Legan, enter tained en Saturday last In honor of the sixteenth birthday of their daughter, Miss Helen Bergman. . Mr. and Mrs. N. Rosenkeff, of 120D West Columbia Avenue, announce the betrothal of their sister. Miss Esther Krug.ln te Mr. Harry J. Flelsher, of Cleveland, O. Germantewh , Mr. nnd .Mrs. Henry It Carey ana t nclr smoll'Hen, who have been making their home In New Yerk City, have tnken a house at 6211 Greene street. Mrs. nrey will be remembered ns Miss Mar garet Baren, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Warder Bacen, of 162 Queen lane. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Dudley formerly of Quren Lane Maner, have moved te New Yerk City. Hebncsburg Mr. mul Mrs. Rudelnh Snvder. of S041 Frankford avenue, are visiting In Smyrna, Del., for a short stay. The Ladles' Auxiliary of the Charles by BHgiMBi3g3BEt 1837 COLORED CHIFFON VELVET $6.75 a Yard This chiffon velvet is very popular for the new aftornoen and evening frowns. It is oil silk and drapes beau tifully. It comes in all the best liked light and dark shades, 42 inches wide, at $6.75 a yard. HORSMAN TALKING DOLLS At $3.00 All the children love these "Ma Ma" dells and they make the nicest Christ mas ptfts in the world. They are dressed in 6 different styles of dresses and rompers in various colors. Regular values up te $3.00 at $3.00. TREFOUSSE 2-CLASP GLOVES at $1.50 Trcfeusse kid gloves, everseam sewn, in black, whit and navy. This is our regular $2.50 stock which we have reduced te $1.50. One strnl nn. peribnal calling card ,- the cards. ". :" mapr'ntm .' ;,!.t;?.?Tv ''-ijytaiLmk P. McMenamy Pest, American Legien, will held a rummage sate at 8113 Frank, ford avenue, en Friday next. Mr. and Mrs, Reman Schlelnkefcr entertained en Saturday evening In honor of Mrs. Schtelnkefer's birthday at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Rebert Crowthers, "of Terreatlale. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. William Riley, Mr. and Mrs. William MacAdams, Mlrs Adeline Neuber, Miss Frances White, Miss Irene Crowthers, Mr. and Mrs. Itebert Crowthers, Mr, Rebert Crowthers, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Themas Ivtrft, Mr. and Mrs. Leenard Neuber, Mr. Bnd Mrs. Mrs. Samuel Crowthers. Mr. Heward Crowthers, Mr. Jeseph Hannsburg, Mr. William Jehnsen, Mr. Ray Harding. Mr. und Mrs. Arthur Schlelnkefcr, Mrs O. Schlelnkefer, Mr. and Mrn. C. Knmpe, Miss Louisa Rllev, Mr. and Mrs. Clnrence Crowthers, Mr, Clarence Crowthers, Mr. Harvey Crowthers and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Crowthers. Delaware County Mrs. Ofinnle Rhodes Friable, of Media, will leave en November 21 en a trip around the werl 1 accompanied by friends from Columbus, O, Mr. nnd Mrs. William Tayler Vnlllcr. of Swarthmere, nre receiving congratu lations en the birth of a son, William Tayler Vnlllcr, Jr. November 2. Frankford Mr. and Mr. Charles Henry Butten, ' Jr., are en their wedding trip te Wash ington. I'lKin their teturn they will be, at home after Fbiuarv 1 at 1631 Al Al Al lengrove street. Mrs. Butten before her MM M iDmjmr WASH CLOTHS 3 for 2ec Very Reed quality wash cloths in various attractive designs of white with pink or blue. Many of them are 20c values, se it is a geed idea te lay in a supply at this low price, 3 for LTic. LINEN TOWELING 25c a Yard A very fine quality pure linen toweling nt today's price for cot ton. White tewelinc with blue or red cress bars or borders, also in all white. Will wear well and leave no lint 25c a yard. TOWELS 38c Each Serviceable white hand towels of pure linen. These towels are worth n great deal were. It is a geed idea te get them by the dozen at this low price, 88c each, marriage en November 8, at the North' Frankford Baptist Churcn, was Miss Maud Ethel Ycagle. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge It. Ycagle, of 164U Howarth street. I Mr. and Mrs. Jeseph Keely, of Wll Wll mlnaten. Iiivd 'hren vlnltlne Mr. and Mrs. Jehn U Herner, of Fouikred street i Norristown Miss Miriam Gress, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Gress, of 116 West weed street, and Mr. Harry A. McDer- matt, nn nt Mr. ami Mm. Ttpnrv J. McDermott, of J 413 DcKnlb street, will be married tomorrow In St. Patrick's Chutch. Mrs. Cenrad Bennett, sister of the bride, will be the matron of honor, j The best man will be Mr. Francis Mc-' Dermott, brother of the bridegroom. Miss Marie Oanser, of Fernanco street, en(crtnlnid nt bridge en Friday evening at her home. There were twolve guests. , Mlsi Eleaner Shoemaker, of DeKnlb street, lma rit.irncd from a lslt In New Yerk. I Mr. F. Edward Malmberg. of Chain street. Iwi left for Pasadena, Cnllf., where lie will M'nd the next few weeks with Ills parents, Mr. and Mr.. A. II. Maltnbcl g. SnUU!uDE.VILLE '""SiSitat' a thrK'" Xtvltw Thriller, Rainlitnctent With .- Glnrlcui OIrI THE GARDINER TRIO fln Btrn.t & Ce. ' Herbert ti Bacectt oer.i m wiuck 'op Four I Bvron It I,pn(rdn '.OVELV THKIttS-20 M,.t ,N & KEELER Sti Nowfer Thankic'vlng Mt. & Nlht VDI HinilTB AT 8:15 SHARP a. aaav POp. MAT. TOMOR. BLOSSOM WkW TlriR NV CAST1 BEATS NOW FOR THAMKSOIVINODAY 11IZJI ..".. J'.H.Ml AHCi BUI Etci. JOe t, S2 iv,- r.. SL. - $1 MAT THURS. "SBOW CeniABM Jul:. HurtiK with t a !!.-. - ".Sh8bcrt present Tiait, of Thtie 180, Any Nerail AeditBc ii Baaad Iff 1.1 '11 J r te Sptnd 175 ia Unvlilcr." F.. PnhTie !..) VZ1AV MARTIN raeiie Ld(tr. lysine everman Stt New f-r ThutikfT vinir Wt & Night i SHUBERT T.aat R fiianltn.. " Mat. Tflmnrrew T! I" "HNCY FRANK H A MUSIOIRU COMEDV "DAFFY DILL" OEORCIA ORAMEY Carle Ctrlten'e Tr'umph of Triumph! 1 JULIA SANDERSON . "TANGERINE" Fnnk Crumlt. Frank Laler Sc Original Caat Seata New for Thankirlvlnif Mat. Nlht GARRICK EVEKINOS fT 8:15 ffi tan lint' CHARLES BILLINOHAM ft.nt ..- ,'rwen Jiimciil Cemurtr THE BUNCH AND JUDY 3111. Ir hi' Ta.A. t.irln. h. :. '"S-.'T?. Kern Boewitbhy!,H,nl;:i' S8"iif,h F.ra FORREST EfV08 AT " " M"t Tnp-orrew LAST 7 TIMES "A'RVmaTn'inp.ncr" 2IEGFELD Tiiirsirii MARILYN MILLER LEON ERROL Vm f-.l-!" scata Thuri. tomes "tally's" Successor I- star Mii.riul CuuihiIj nit "Geed morning, dearie" nrer 400 n-in... .il i.i i,, n.... v BROAD rVENING- AT V20 AT. TOMORROW FRANC1NE lARRIMlE in the New Smart Corned NICE PEOPLE RAriiEi. rnnTMrne. OUn.MI'sT sfi-f e,s3 " !'ni Mini Nn L'O Scan Waaki Mau. Weitn i,. n. ,ii ..'"-. '"" upainv iM , .. a par. RUTH CHATTERTON la llenn I (nt. i iti i -.... tn... fppt " "' -. . inn i u v WJI LA TENDRESSE iTKMiK'IM's METROPOLITAN OPERA 2 Weeks Slarting Next Monday neus: .SANCARIO COMS1NV W:.YeSlXnfhU,,Di,:JUPi,SL''OI.ETT0: PAOLIACCI 21Nww! ?" CAVAILrniAl KEITH'S THEATRE ANNIE BRICE Heltn HlK.-ln, ftM.uiT.Sia 1 "&1& AB,fc"l7i'Vt.a &aV vnvrvTirn ti.ul"?n. NOVEMBER SO-ELSIE JANia CASINO h A. Walnut ?lnt. Itnlt. W ill w J Billy Watsen n'-rv rn p m- , TPq Aeailcmj -teata Arnil ,V Hi.p.',, jjl!) Clie.t PHILADELPHIA sat. itw ORCHESTRA - ,-.t "Mf i" VI n', mMMISUESSSSSSSSM. Guaranteed EGGS l 37 dez They are big and meatv and selected just the thine te make children grew in body and mind. s iiKANDOFERA fw. 1 In all our Stores f i ..: "a n MWHT mtw m V8f p mm tKATRICE ffiffi. 'tWJUL ,!$) hk t.vneui7 a "Tfte Kl'Whe Saw Tomorrow" 3 Tl".?is;f. T'n,,,"1 ''' K"1' 'muiari HANS KINDLER Th Met T'nitaitnl 1'let Ktrr tmtftajel ; f wont,T).r.F,;ewNEn ectttST mmmm I0TII AND MAttKF.T '' 11:.W, l.p.d, 8:30. R.an. 7:80, 8:8t A I'AIIAMOt'NT rtCTUUB .11 ADAl'TII!) K1IMM ItKNMAN TIKIHFWM'f irTHEOLD HOMESTEAD WITH THEODORE ROBERTS. OEOROE FAWCXXT nnd FKITZI HjmOWAY NEXT WEEK WM. FOX PRODUCTION NERO THE SCREEN'S SUPREME SPECTACLE ALDINE leth and Cheatnat 11 te 11 METRO Frettnta Mae Murray With MONTE BLUE IN FIRST SHOWm Broadway Rese PRIZE ESSAY CONTEST FOR LADIES A liaruN itie ejn U efffn-it lir De Mar. the bin il.-n1itlen nf the eimna worn IS I hi .ny milt lint ixrii-il 300 wert;. written mi nnr. ., of tit- panr nnlr S3 nt f. ihn .Minng.r Alllne Theatre. M W BROAD & CHESTNUT FIRST NATIONAL ATTRACTION SKIN DEEP WITH MILTON SILLS and FLORENCE VIDOR PALACE Ji'lH A MAIIKKT PARAMOUNT PICTURE "Te Have and te Held" Itli ?ETTY COMPSON & BERT LYTEtt ViCTO.IIA '.ni f. MMtKr.T i . M Til 11 13 P. . "RAGS TO RICHES" FEATURING WESLEY BARRY Next Week First Showing "SHADOWS" with LON CHANEY ARCAdlA 1UTH AMI I IIKSTNTIT 10 A. JI. TO 11:18 P. K. 'HONOR FIRST" DHN r ik. tuirra mm and makk trt 1 Va"THE SIN FLOOD" GLOBE JU.NifEE AND " HivET O II THE BIG SHOW! "Barnum Was Right" (iiunrni iti'xi rm: Mn. im'.v BROAUWAV Ut.ll.Mi M, S.SilHJIt lu n .it u I', JU, VA 111 tl I V A -kit 1L. "MANSI.AI ir.HTFR" De Mij.Lt a . . . . ., with THOMAS MEIGHAN ALLEGHENY CECIL M. DE MIT' 1 Miikfunl A Allenhin7 nrnrr te rw .... ". " MANSLAUGHTER' v.v.a. j. .c miL.i.1. -j With THOMAS MEIOIIAN ADDED MOTION PICTURE3 OF "N 'rOHD I ( FLV.nRATlaH GROSS K-TS li maiim;i "MISTAKES OF 1922" iVftl.HU; Nilhtt at 8: IS Slurs Mat.Tomer.,50c te $1.59 "I.lTellcat Shew of ths Seaiea." N. Am. ACADCMY OF MUSIC wmm HOLMES FRIDAY 7, SATURDAY P PRESENT DAY TSf tl SI ae nt lipi"' siie at Doer ACADEMY OF MUSIC ?? NOVEMBER 23 A lift h KVUUK CEi.rnriAUD VIOLINIST MISCHA ELMAN l;jt applahance tiiih reason '.fy1 75c, $t.oet $i.se, $a!oe At ACADItiY A llEPPE'H I0 Che.tnut St. Acadtny of Mntic Tkuri. Ei Nv. M NEW YORK SVMPHOMV DAMROSCHT WAONE MrtriMTaiaalu mUMfiU A3 tf 3 fii 'A m A i l J "WfPliJaE 'J BWRiffaicw Z . UKY. SKUiaMia aV.Sat Jt amKXfHr' , A aaa m-J.. i1 Vl,.r1, .1 . il J 'JVjJIEJb 'Jk8 V3 M "' I I - ' J ". v,' , &&i'ik' w.U2 . l $Zi, if AM 'J'.'V-'.- j.ti':