rrWriiiTi vWAmmmmBmi&m?iF'&wF$ ?&mmzi w. i 1 1 -Ymm.yj y .aiwyjA, mmmmmmmmmmm lvi tjf ytiKi.,iiw;iwKtfir'wriwj ' A . .i'..".'v iwxT.'vvyiwiETBnK ? it sx wisi.h 2 vv .a.7,.Tim.F !,,.' ". t...vi f'vin"i;rr'W7rrw"ra pss.L, ir p"v?Y8fiaK '. . ;b ' smry 'mm piggag fe&i&,.4fc vr " ' aes; Atm .rwi mx: JLV 3" r - - , jij w lijil 11 VT aj j jl.ja. J - iuiMm 3r,B ,i A J ffiC Vl:.A Philadelphia, Tuesday, ,Nevembr 14, 1922 Stare Onun 8 A. M. n R3ft P. M. Gimbel Brethers .t . it i .... ii i ri 101 II Mere goods than in any ether Philadelphia store and Wednesday reasonably priced. We are net seeing hew rnuch the tratnc win qear, dui , r q we are net seeing nun ,.. .... ..-...- - - hew much, in real value and fashion, we can- give for the dollars you spend. ' Wedneiday MARKET 'CHESTNUT tt EIGHTH NINTH ) ' ;' S&fcJ Oil Holiday Shopping Has Started Early Thiis Year Our best efforts have been put into the work te make Three ways in which we help Haven't an account at Gimbels? Mere than a hundred holiday shopping newly comfortable for our customers and Holiday goods and gift things are ready ten-million- thousand families have. .We offer this convenience te you. newly easy for the thousands of ou fellow workers. They'll dollar stocks. Ne trouble just ask any aisle manager or the salesperson serve you, no matter when you come faithfully, helpfully; We new wrap gift things in gift-fashion pretty boxes who is waiting en you. with the simple courtesy of geed manners backed by knewl- and all that. We haye, this year, te the first of this mently served edge. But won't you join the larger army that is Christmas- We charge purchases made new en bill te be sent you 1 ,024,402 mere customers than during same period of last shopping new? the first of January. year. 5J Diamond Wrist Watches Half Price or Belter And Se iXear Christinas! VS? ui- r sS3 (iimbeh took out the stocks of a line e( i'mi ilis-elMiiir partnership. liuaruntee'l meemuiit-. in .-elid plat - turn esi-e-i set with beautifully cut, lnu hit" iluimeml. Fifteen style! $120 for $250 Value $175 for $375 Value $150 for $325 Value $200 for $400 and $450 Values Olmbrb, Jewelry Stere, first fioer. r Shawl-Cellar Pull-Over And Crew-Neck Styles in Men's Fine All-Weel Sweaters The Pull-ever Sweaters nie best of heay all worsted yarn; big shawl cellar: vide purlin? at bottom; the Reed colors and white; ?Q TC at The Crew -neck Sweaters (as pictured), pull eer the head, but the ribbed neck tits close up; neck and cuffs show contrasting colors; purled but- SQ QC tem; for sports wear; at Gimbels, First fioer, Ninth Street. ,. Crvs 'm ft iii v ' J !i& The Big Tey Stere "Tep e' the World" Is for the Children Bring the children every day as often as nViy be. And if you plan te dress 'the dells you intend te give Christmas it is Time te Start Making Dell Dresses Thousands of perfectly-made little creations, undressed, full ball jointed, arc We at half Inst -eusen's prices. Undressed dells at .$1.75 and many price steps up te 517.30. Clrer jointed dells, undressed 16 inches, $1.45: 18 inches, $1.95; 24 inches, $2.95. They have thick glossy ringlets (mohair), sleeping eyes fringed with real lashes, and pink-ehceked, delicately modeled face. ml YJ1S VEWtf OP f Jelly Mr. Punch Whacks His Enemies "Tope' the World" Ride en the Little Ponies Free And Talk te .Merry Old Santa Claus en His Glittering Throne Come and see the myriads of beautiful, new, interesting toys tee many te describe here. Yeu must come see them. OlmbeU, Tep e' the World, Fourth fleer. Net Only Women's Coats r JJ i V rsS V though most wonderful variety in Ceat-Styles But Wraps and Capes, Toe, in a Glory Grouping of Fur-Trimmed Medels at $59 Values $75, $100 te $125 Belivia de lue the particular weaves known ns "Saxonia," "Delysia," "Normandy" and "Vclvcr ettc." Draped Wraps. Slim-line Coats. Circular-skirt Coats. All-enveloping Wraps. Shaped Capes. Cellars (some with cuffs, tee), of mole, Per sian lamb, wolf, fox, beaver or squirrel fur. Glmteli, Salens of Srcii, Third fleer. International Gleve Makef Imported Toe Many Women's Washable Gloves He chose Gimbels as distributors of large lets. Winter-weight, winter-fashions. And very acceptable especially when Christmas boxed at Gimbels. White, Mede, Beaver, Gray, Pongee, Brown, Biscuit. Spearpeint and novelty ailk embroidered backs. Single and Deuble Texture in Most Groups for $1.25 te $2 85c 85c 68c Gloves, 12 and 16 Butten Lengths for $1.25 te $2 Gloves, Strap Wrist for 85c te $1.50 Gloves, Twe-Clasp 78c te $1.35 te $2 Deuble Silk Gloves Silk inside-and out. Twe-clasp. Celers and white and black. Oimbelf, Fint fleer Oleva flectien and Grand Aisle. 39c te 75c Cretonnes at 28c a Yard New colorings. New designs. Dainty effects. And darker tenings, tee. 36 inches wide. 500 Madras Curtain Panels, Special at $1.25 36 inches wide. 2U yards lenp. Made the eareful way you'd make them yeuii-elf! Dotted Marquisette Curtaining, Special at 45c a Yard "C inches wide. Snowy-white dots and all. Hand-Made Oil Shades at $1.25 Value $1.85 All color?. All with guaranteed rollers. All complete with "pull" 'nVcrj thing. English Lockstitch Curtain Set Made te Wear and Wear and Wear! at 60c te $1.85 a Yard 50 inches wide. Made in Kngland and imported direct by Gimbels. Olmbels, UpheUterr Ster, Tiftb Joer mi fWwm 1 f r: I .1(1 r , ' '-' $ ' t 1 1 Pd ... I nt Vf Just About 700 Odd Pieces! Women's $3.95 te $10 Hand Bags at $2.95 Indeed They Are "Nice Enough te Give." Taken Frem Our Regular Stock te Clese Out Short Lines. Ne "Mussed" Goods! Of pin seaK shark-grain seal, velvet calf, cobra grain, goat and vachette leathers. In carriage, side handle, vanity, shopping and dress styles. All daintily lined and variously' fitted. Hlack, brown, gray, tan and navy. Olmbels, First fleer. .&.. IjS& tWM , ;'ffi33?l I5 ir Tj7'ii' Vt3jlTiiBmijijI fvty . aJ Imported Dinner Sets pl. Beautiful "Guest Chinaw Ready ler Your Thanksgiving At $59.50 $3550: VI j a " 'in ' a gi iiTa 107 Pieces $95 Value for $59.50 Dainty translucent china in a medallion de sign with delicate border te match. Burnished Burnished geld handles; Rold-lined edges. Full service for 12 persons. And open bteck easily replenished in case of accident. New In "Tea-wa re 1" Beautiful Luster Tea Sets. Shimmering iridescent effects it's just. jv like drinking out of a bit of the rainbow! iieia, mauve anci pcaen colorings. tievciy gift ware! 23-picce sets at $13.50 and $17.30 a set. Olmbeli, China Stere, Fourth' fleer. Big Maker Retiring Frem Business Sold Gimbels Thousands of Baby Garments Half-Price Sale All daintily fresh ready te take their place among Baby's prettiest things. Babies' Silk Kimonos Half Price At $3.95 and $4.95 .i V J -' ' s : h v. 3 r (s i iN . $1.50 $1 Baliie' Cashmere Kimene, lialf price at $1, $1.95, S2.95 and S.1.9:.. Babies' Cashmere Sacqucs, half price at $1.50, $1.93 and $2.9.-.. Babies' paddrd Silk Afghans, half price at $3.95, $1.93 and $fi.9.". Ilnnd-cmbreidercd, or tufted, or plain. Little children's Bath Rebe?, half price at $1.95. Beacon cloth, corduroy and dainty cotton crepes. Ages '-' te i5. Babies' Bibs, half price at li3c, 30c and $1. Dainty kinds hand- or machinc-embieideied. Olmoeli, Second fleer. Beys' Overcoats $9.85, $12.50, $16.50 Deuble - hieastcd: cemertibie cellar; all around belt; upper muff pockets. 1 or boys 3 te 10. Beys' Mackinaw3, $10 and $12.50 Made of heavy, all - we e 1 blanket cloths; shawl cellars, Ages 0 te lh. Norfolk Suits at $8.50 and Sin. Qr, wlth extra pair of trousers at $10.-0 and SI 2.50. Olmlifn, Third fleer. Fashion But at a Price! & Sale of $4 Silk Petticoats at $2.95 Including heavy, hcavfc satins (they're really $5 petticoats,! with Vanko inserts en the deep flounce the inserts in the fashionable paisley colorings. Striped Tussah silks firm and rich and tailery. And jerseys with accordion-pleated flounces. S2.93. $6.95 Silk Petticoats at $5 All copies of expensive novelty styles. Heavy satins. And wonderful Milanese silks. Gorgeous and conservative colorings, OlmMs, Second fleer. Needed for Your Car Electric Household Appliances : Save a Third "Locomotive" Electric Washing macninc '89.50 ',ulf I'entlnuuus llsur" S inutleii, Dquiiipe'l villi htiiiul.'iiiJ meter and untiT liMtine iv Icp htprlllzfT ,an It bells anil wanlus Ceiiih bte It ili'Tn mibtratcU. J2 n 8 y term jj (r3 : Don't drudge in this age of wonders nhpn plertrimi i.ni..hnu Munlinnti ere within reach of the Hlimmet purbc. White Creu Electric Grill $7 OR HfIrl7 199 $12 C'enjplMn with train CcxtUn a full meal. "Thef" Vacuum Cleaner Electric X 0O QC Teaster ; v.30 1 mplrte nith cerrt rtml plus Nlckrt pintril '27.50 6-lb. Electric Iren IQ 7C RuUrlr 0ID $6.25 Complete with drtarhalil. I erd and auuid. Uuuranteed. Liberty Electric Het Plates M.65 Complete with cord and Plu. A cl.an, odorless hrat lllht .ecket Majestic Electric Heaters $4.95 ' an Fn atachrd te any elcctrlc -Oimt.lt, reurth fleer. Rtgvlarlf $44.50 I'oiunlete with at- lariimciit for clean ing oeryuhere that illit lolleets. Iluhbcr tlivmil fiinilluie pro pre pro tPL'ieiri, WelKlm only .'i lbs. Thoroughly KUHrantccU. i:iUlpied wtili Heneral Klcc Klcc trie meter. J m mmmmmm Step Lights Glebe step lights, complete with switch and fittings, at $1.25. Robes Stroeck Plush Robes y number of different colors and styles, at $3.25 te $20. Ever-Ready Flashlights Twe-cell tubular, 1!4x6', gun metal or nickel-finish, complete with battery and pocket clip. Regular $1,50 value, at 85c. Oimb.li' Aute Btnrict, Veurth fleer. i I ,i.'y f , i Li r' $225 for $375 Persian Serapi Rugs They are about 9x12 feet Oriental rugs de net run te our exact measures, or te anybody's. Heavy, beautiful specimens in every way worth wriile. $285 for $400 Fine Deep Pile Chinese Rugs this JTef ;.9X '2 ft' ThC9C 3rC '" dP rich t, typical of $62.50 for $95 Kazak and Cabistan Rugs lliese are about 7 ft. x 4 ft. 6, and are geed, fine pieces. Persian and Chinese Rugs-One of a Kind Antique Bidjar (old Kurdistan weave)' Rug. Size 1 5 x 6 ft 5 ar tS85 E!ir :: LandTve d Ch'nesc Ru -" 3 ' . : . : : : : : :SSS hxtra-fine Lavar Kirman Rug. Se 12 ft. 4 x 9 ft., at $750 Ami :Tn ife '?- 3 'e H.. .::::;:::;: :Le tan). si,: rrrr :: .vvee,y. 8,,kya 8eiic w f AfBh Fine heavy Chinese Rug. Size 1 3 x i'fi,', 'ul. '.'.'.'.'. anis- $275 $465 Qlmb.li, Fifth fleer.