Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 14, 1922, Night Extra, Image 1

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' 4
Clmrtr ml jmettM tonight and
Wednesday rtltli prebatfy ralni mhim
what warmer tonight j moderate win.
tkmi'KkAtuwb at y.wu mum
r'w I n 110 l n I l I 8 I h i 4 i r.f
7? 4H I4 l4 M 157 157 I I "M I
VOL. IX. NO. 53
', "
Filled by Bullets as He Fights
Thug Who Held Up Mes
senger Bey-
Trie Removes $400 X-Ray
Outfit Frem Physician' Of-.
fice in North 5th Street
v '
Patrolman .lames Jolitiven. of (lie
Second nnd Christian streets gallon. Is
dying In the Heward Hospital after
jiving been nlicit early this morning by
gunman. He tried te arrest the man.
who held up anil robbed a Western
Union messenger bqy. A desperate
battle enwed, and Jehnsen only let go
Ui grip ,,is prisoner "ftcr knvlrig
ken'snet three time, once through the
Jehnsen, who is e Negro, lixcs at
09 North Fifty-eighth street. 'I he
Din who shot him is Known In the
Swnten Negro section as "Sydney.
Sidney, according te officials of the
Western Union Telegraph Company, at
Fifteenth and Chestnut street, tele tele
eliened earluy today for n messenger boy
fe meet him at Thirteenth mid Fitz
witer streets. Benjamin Hraddcn, uf
1602 Seuth Fourth street, was ent.
Braddcn reported ut the comer deslg
Dated and was met by Sydney. Tne
nan dragged 1.1m up nu alley unci roll rell
tj him nf SI .SO. .Brnddcn ran tc the
Second and Christian streets police
...ilnn nml ronertc.il his less, and S.vd-
wy sauntered. away, jingling tlie coin?
Jehnsen was sent nfter him. A
pucerby who had seen the rebbciy nnd
Kd followed Sjdney pointed til- man
out te the patrolman. Sjdncy showed
no tlgns of fight, se Jehnsen laid his
fcaaden his shoulder nnd snld: "Come
alee te the station house with me."
Whipping out n revolver, Sydney
shot Jehnsen. TI16.V clinched and rolled
about the fetreet, lighting desperately.
"-Jehnsen, although hit, held nu, ami th"
battle became a struggle for possession
of the reelver. Sydney shot the patrol
man again. Still the light continued,
then, breaking from the fast weakening
patrolman, njuney wen aim ami euez
iiim again, this time through the chest.
Then he ran.
An excited crowd hed gathered, nnd
many gave chnse te Sydney, while the
nut ran te report tuc light at the police
nation mill te telephone for an am-
Sydney ran some paces ahead nf the
(nurd. Finally he turned nnd bran-
iiHra his revolver and his pursuer
fdHack. lie vaulted ecr a fence and
neaped. A determined search Is being
Mile for him today. He Is believed
te be hiding in the neighborhood where
the light took place.
UIIDnCD D rce TA ii m
lYIUnUtn rLbtb IU III. Y.
Eludes Peital Inspector Seekina
Her in Youngstown, O.
The jeung Ionian beuclit In miiiic.
'Hen witli the "poison coke" murder of
W. Sterrett, Deven, accountant, is
liellcred.te liarc lied from Yoiingstewn.
O.. te New erk Cltj. .
restai inspectors uelicw the woman
knows who mailed the cake which
killed Sterrett and mnile Ms Mif t.,..i
nusly ill. roetuthce Inspector Slmnsen
Meat te the Ohie city Suhdnv. Im H...
woman was none.
Tem Infoimatlen gathered bv Simp,
son, the postal inspection eflie'lnls be
.r the mis-lng woman hurried le New
lert tits. Inspectors in that citj were
asked te luek for her.
Mrs. Sterrcu's condition has Im
proved. She cxiipi'Ih In vluli i.n ....!.
era home In Clarenden, l'a., the latter
part of tins week.
Overcharged Radie Sends Metal
Flying into Landing Gear
Don't ride in nn uln, !,., I. ..,....
"M afraid of laxinc tin, .-.... i.i,. i.. ....
automobile. " ' '" ""
nlilr"!:1 ,'i (;b : m
(mm i i "'"". ,"i"i ii lire puni'-
lnO,.lilc ,ljl!'c '"""I'-Pds of Vet
tern, hLr'n "''!? ' ''- miles
wra ti10 jei0 lhq JH Um
t7aralls r"" evc. charged and
mi:u?e!M,r,''r.l1i'''0: "'""'. ! into
jnengi lie; ii, ti ,,11,,.,. J,,,,, ,U !,!,,
e''.i, r" i ,,'""s M,ni" "'" be
m. JT'T- '-'"'""'"lit Cenidl
UI5. He Inth iipiini ,.r
The nrciilem mi'...i .. i i r ..
IM i ii ....VM "'"" ciiuui-
"Sni lir eight V,''' ' ","1' l," ,,,"'
Mry Garden Heartily AnBr-. Li,.
Marrying Walska
Cn urn v....
m It Is ", i 1,'e n, i'i iry. :"'.len
HnreM l' u ,...".s, ""'"'I M be for
JValsKatngn.-n," '"I ""Li''n'!
lw Uai.liii. ,.,' ...w.",,,,'.i-'il.l
i, .i.i. ."""."
iilmi I..., i i . ".' :
M I" the geed oliUfeH i, , 1' " '0,,n,1.v
beked the Pa ",l) ,,ul'Py. and he.
l.-re aml'te'cimr1'" is "' be
t' Chlcag," Open, ! "2,i JN ' nrtlst of
y"..vtlV, -.m.,4i, ti
evirla Frem ne88 He
"" Affairs Frem Hs
Iness, He Directs
bus been
l hi., i. . i ' "'" " ew
1 Ills husiii.w., ...r..t....
ie in Xi. v... '
v -.if nie iieiii
tfr. W.l...,,l' ',",h'
L. i" "" 'tllmi
ill aboard
,. -- iiturulug from Eu
ini HP nr M. u.,,,,,. ,
KmtreJ an Vicnnd-CiiuM Matter at
x"r inu ct ei
$570,000 $EIDEL WILL
Fermer Philadelphia Rial Estate
Man Ignored Them, Left Wife All
An appeal against granting letter
of administration In the estate of Otis-
tnvus O. Seldcl, formerly head of n
real estate firm In Mil. ..ltw ..! n.ti
known In real estate circles here, has
necniiiea in urpnans' Court nt Atlan
tic City by counsel for his brothers,
Uinrles and Theodere Seldcl. The e
late is estimated te be worth $370,000.
Fer mrire tlmn tlilrtv nr Me. stl.5. i
nns head of the realty linn bearing his
iittinc at Fourth nnd Cnllewhlll street.
in inn inst iittecn years or his life he
ivcjl In Atlantic City. He died Sep
tcmbcr 2.1.
' Most of thn estntn warn lft in t
NeldeTa second wife, while hln brother
Dunnes was ignored in tnc will.
"We shall seek te break the win en
me grounds tnat Air. Heidel was of un
sound mind when tlm dnoemsnt n ...
ceiitcd," said D. J. Delan, .Philadelphia
attorney, counsel for thcMiretherw. in.
' "we also will attempt te show
iiiiil iiiiiiiip inuuencc was exerted by
Mrs. Seldel." '
"It is Indeed a joke." nid Mrs.
frrlilH, when asked about tlie litigation.
ui view 01 ine leeK-nue win or my
nimmiiii, uie runienueus in my Jirotli-ers-hi-lnw
ate ridiculous."
Hearing en the appeal has been set
by the court for Net ember 117.
0 ' ---
Striking Bfunettq, Whose Meney
Is "Tied Up," Held for
Grand Jury
Homewhero in the United Slates Mrs.
Jane O'Reurke, a H liking looking fur
duel woman of twenty-Mx, has many
thousands of dollars tied up by her
bankers, according te her story. Hut
the strings around the roll could net be
cut today te save her from jail en thp
ehnrge of larceny.
Mrs. O'Reurke, also known as Mrs.
P. T. Goodwin, wns charged with ob
taining rugs valued nt $2420 from O. K.
Havldyan, a dealer, of Fifteenth below
Chestnut. In addition te net nnying
for the rugs, it is charged, she disposed
of them nfter ehtenibly buying them te
furnish nn apartment at 2018 Chestnut
street. '
She wns held In S2fl()0 bail for the
lirnnii jury alter 1'nviiiyan told in de
tail hew Mrs. O'Reurke ebtnlned pos pes pos
seseon of the furnishinss. Incidentally
the police say the prisoner secmed te
make n habit of bu.Wng furniture for
apartments in various cities nnd then
rcHlri); it nnd Using the money for her
own pleasure.
It is charged that some time age she
worked this plan In New Yerk, nnd
after answering the charge against her
here she will be sent there te explain.
Her Bankers "Stingy"
About four weeks age she went te
Dnvldyan's establishment and picked
ml sexernl rug. Her attire and gen-
im"'' deportment bespoke wealth. When
! - o ! - e said, with a slight awn. that she
weu ui puy iaier ami nKen ier a mil
ef sale no objection was raised.
She told Mr. Dnvldjnn kIic had nn
income of .$00,000, but her bankers
were "close," and did net allow the
money she required. Would he please
give her n receipt for a Inrge sum,
say. twenty thousand dollars, te give
tlie impression thnt she hud spout thnt.
much money? As the woman had
spoken with apparent sineerltj.. Sir.
lnlil.nn gave her the bill requested.
Then Sirs. Goodwin disappeared.
Mr. David) an told the police he made
several atempts te obtain pajment for
the rugs, nilsf thnt finallv Sirs, tiundwin
heiame "mrrTeil" by the demnnd for
Ihe mene,, nnd said she would ictuvii
the rugs. Hut they were net forth
coming. Toek Mitten "Automobile"
Detectives Kminnnuel nnd Slnleney
accompanied the rug merchant te the
niiHrtment of Sirs. Goodwin jesterday.
I A girl cle1tter operator said Sirs.
I Goodwin wns out nnd It would be use
less te call at her apartment.
'J lie deteclUcs said they would take
a chance. They knocked nt the deer,
and when It was opened they saw Sirs.
Goodwin leriining comfortably en a
large iHk touch.
She wns indignant en being ordered
te City Hall. After caiefully donning
her most becoming lint and grat fur
coat, she linnlly agieeil te go. prewding
an uutoir.eliile was engaged.
As they did net knew her special
taste is automobiles. I'. It. T. Ne. 34
wns engaged te mnke the trip te rtread
and Chestnut streets, and the lemiiiuder
of the trip wna made en feel.
Bey Dashes In Frent of Machine
Speeding te Fire
Tlie automobile of It.ittiilieu Fire
Chief Geerge Wade, bpeeding te a fire
in Camden last night, struck and fa
tally injured six-year-old Kdwanl
Geutsch. of 1211 Atlantic avenue, thnt
clt. The boy died at 5 o'clock this
morning In the Homeopathic Hospital
from n fractured skull.
William Harrimr was driving Hade's
car. with the chief as a passenger. Atte (00r of tli University of .Montreal
Hese street and Mount hphrnim five- f)l(, ,inmr, estimated at MOll.OOO. A
turn the boy darted arrows the street In .......ly f radluin nnrclins..,! l tlmi!...
ireni ei in" . ..I..........
j .. tl... m(i i-tlil tin Hnitln
swerved the car but could net meld
hitting him. , . , . '
Corener I loll said he understood the
luiv nm from in back of another ma
chine into the pnth of that driven by
Wade. V
Returns With Wlfe te "Leve Nest
After Leng Moter Tour
.Mr. and Sirs. Annstnsn Andrevlreh
Vonslntbkt-Venslntskoy leturned late
Sunday evening te Ihelr "Love Nest."
al r.0.1 Swartlinieie incline, Ridley
Paik. after an extended meter tour,
in Ihe course of which llicj touched
cMi) Stale in the count rj nnd also
points in Canada nnd .Mexico.
.Mr. Venslnlski plans te relitrn within
a few dais le hi- duties, til the Bald
win Lucn'iiiolhe Winks. During their
absence, their lumic s i.ceuple.1 by
ihe Rev, Dr. nnd Mrs. Iteman Ixach
mursky rector of the St. Nicholas Hus-.
sinn Cluircn, vi m.
the Poslefflca'atS Philadelphia. Pa.
warcn . ibtb
Hopes HaYding Will Name Jus
tice Ven Meschzisker te
U. S. Supreme Bench
James Cay Corden, Jr., and
Charles Sinkler Considered
Likely for Lecal Frosts
Governer Sproul mny have mid It Is
understood he thinks he will have
two vacauclcs le 1111 en tire bench of
the Courts of Common Pleas In Phila
delphia as the result of the elevation
of Chief .Justice Rebert von Slosch Slesch
silKKcrt of the Supreme Court of Penn
sylvania, te the Supreme Court of the
ijiilted States and Mhe subsequent
elevation of President .ludge .T. Willis
Mnrtln, of Court Ne. t", te the Supreme
Court of Pennsylvania.
According te reports filtering through
from 1 la rrishurg tednj this Is the rea
son for fhe:deliiy in tilling the vacancy
en the local bench caused by the death
of Judge Jeseph p. Rogers. The Gov Gov
ereor Is hoping mid expecting that
President Harding will appoint Penn
sjIvanln'H.Chlef Justice te the Supreme
Court in-;Wnshlngten. Governer Sproul
Jms a high regard for Judge Slurtin nnd
would be glad of the opportunity te
round out Judge SlnrtlsVs carer en the
bench by nn nnnelntmcnt te the
Supreme Court te fellow up Chief Jus
tice von .Meschzisker.
If the President tclects Chief Jlis Jlis
tlce von Slesehzlskcr, then it Ih mere
than likely, according te the best In
formation, thnt Governer Sproul will
appoint Judgi Slartln te succeed the
Chief Justice. In thut event, of course,
two vacancies would exist en the local
Common Pleas bench.
Favers Gorden and Sinkler
While Ihe Governer has net' finally
made up his mind, se far as iinv nn-
neuncemeiit Is concerned, it is known
thut he is favorably disposed te James
liny Gorden, Jr.. son of former Judge
Gorden, for one of the places, and te
Charles Sinkler for the ether. It would
suiprlse no one If the Governer were
te tinluncc tnc se-called political ap
pointment of Sir. Gorden by the lien-
political selection of Sir. Sinkler. Like
Mr. Gorden. Mr. Sinkler is u member
or tne junior luir of Philadelphia. Sir.
Sinkler saw service under fire for the
lied Cress in France durlnc tie World
War. He Is n member of the. firm of
William & Sinkler, and is well known
Several significant suggestions as te
candidacies for Spcnker of the Slate
j louse ei icepreentntives came today
from high Pinchot kidcrs. In the first
place, the -.word Was passed out that
it would be unfortunate if anv nttenint
was made te force the new 'Governer
le inherit the factional feuds of the hist
session by insistence en the candidacies
of cither Rebert S. Spnngier. of Yerk,
or of Samuel A. Whltaker. of Che-ter
County, who were tlie central figure in
the unprecedented uiisatin-; of Sir.
Spnnglr in the session of 11)21.
While nothing llnnl was said en (lie
subject. Pinchot leaders discussed with
Interest as available material for
Speaker, such men as Slate Represent
ative Charles F. ItldcUpnchcr and
Wnrrcu CIde Ilnrcr. of William-pert,
Lycoming County, nnd of C. Jnj Good Geod Goed
noiiitli. of Cameren County. It was
nlse intimated that Sir. Goeilnmigli
would be eercptiibh te the Grundy
leaders who hnve been pushing Sir.
Still another Idea was lliat Ibe l'liil.
ndelphiii organization would plcn-c tlie
lricnus or tnc lioverner-eiect it tlie
local delegation, for u start ni least,
united behind the candidacy of Stale
Representative Franklin Siiencer IM-
r.ieiuls, of Germnutewn, nu Independ
ent, who is close te both Sir. Pinchot
mid Inst session, wns fuverubl ic
sardc.l by the Grundy element.
P. S. Stnhlnecker. private secretary
te cioierner-elect Pinchot, went in
Harrisbiirg today te engage in house heuse
hunting as nu antidote te the job-hunting
te which he Is being subjected,
Cnmuel V, Fester, who was lir-t en
gineer In the State Highway Dcmii
inenl under Governer Tener and
new engaged in similar work for Alii
gheny County, had u ceufercme al
neon with A. Nevin Detrich, uf the
Pinchot stnff, in the office of the Govereor-elect
in the Renl F.-tale Trust
Ruihllng. It Is understood that Sir.
Fester has his lightning red up for
appointment as State Highway Com
missioner. The Governer-elect will return te
Philadelphia en Weiliicsda, of nel
week and will at once piling into iln
conferences denling with the Cabinet
nnd Speakership situations. 1I has
accepted i;p invitation te nttcml the
mini dinner of the lVnu lvniiin So
ciety of New Yerk next menili
Montreal University Damage $3000,
but Giant's Remains Unslnged
Slentreal. Nev. 14. (Bv A. PA
Fire which started early tedav en the
pnniient nun placed with tlie
. . '
tlen for research weik was ,-acd
The mummy of llciinpre, the inmeiis
itr.i.mi. i '.i (..i.ii.ii, . .......I .... ... i.e.t.t
....). ,,.. ii ..... , nil ' 1,11,11 11,11 ,
I.. .1... It.... i t '
,ii ,nv in,' iii.-ii, ,, nei i-ifii tlllgClt
by the Humes, Htraugclj enough It
esenped cremivtlen when lire swept the
University building three )ear nge.
Benupre. seven feet fivu Inches in
height, and weighing -10(1 pounds, died
lift een ycurs.nge in St. Leuis, Me, )n
had nppcaed In the sideshows of
circuses for years.
Mlscha Elman te Wed December 24
Xeur Yerk. Nev. 1 I.- SfUelm l'li,,,,.
the violinist, will he luiirrled te Slii
Slll.lrcd Stene oil Chi-i-tma:. eve in ,M
..ii. All.,.. .. .... .I....I ... V.
ni,. .,,i.i ,,'. ii.,,, r rut,. , ,j
. inline uiy .nicy win leavi
luiitle (llytiey wll leave ler lliclr' William t.'lbbs SleAdoe. former NeA
boneymeon trip te the Nerlhwest , .(. of Ihe Tieas.ir.v. ii-n.lcd te ih,
the laclth; coast, where Mr. Llmuu has police leilnj Hint while he was nn,.!'
Verles of concert engngctiienls. (U)(,,. ing un aiiloinebile -hew hist nig hi V
they will go te l-.uix.pe. .motorcar wa.i stolen, l '"
Youngest M. P.
This yeuifg woman Is Just out
of her teens and Is the youngest
member of the British Parliament.
She Is n Censenntlve from the
Ludlow Division of Shrepshire and
just twenty years old. Before her
marriage In HUM she was Lady
Irene Clmrtcrls
English Delegates Tell W. C.
T. U. He May Come Here
te Convert England
In the belief that Lloyd Geerge is
coming back ns a power in Hnglnnd,
tempcrnnce forces there are endeavor-1
ing le bring the e.x-prcmier te this
ceuntiy te study American prohibition.
It Is bclieicd th.it Lloyd Geerge Is
the big. rugged figure In the British
Isles who could Mving the nation for
or against ptolilbitieii. It is thought
persible thnt the ex-Premier will come
and will return te his shores in the
cause of a dry Knglnml.
This became public during the course
of the second dny's session of the
World W. C. T. I'., in session witW
2000 foreign nnd American delegates
in the Bellevuc-Strntferd.
Speaking from the platform this
morning the Rev. Albert Iviiw. noted
tintlennl F.ngllsh figure, caused In the
packed flag-decked room when in it
strong urgent evv lie called eut:
"Lloyd Geerge is coming back."
Back as World Power
A few minutes later beseiged by
tho&e who wanted te knew what he
meant. Sir. Ivins said :
'i i i
"I de net mean that Lloyd Georae
is coming back ns a premier, but
hen n he is coming back ns a world
power. Sir Geerge Younger is going
bnc'v te the consenutlve power nnd
this will leave Lloyd Geerge, free le
de as he will.
"W lire of the belief th.U Llejil
Geerge can sway Knglnml for or ngaiiiri
prohibition, if he came te America I
nm sure he would lie favorably ini
nressed. I rather think he will come
and that he will go back and well;
for prohibit ion.
SIKs Gorden Is President
Sliss Agnes Slack world seciciaiy
of the W. C. T. U. and herself u
frequent visitor- at the home of' ihe
Llejd Geerges Ul Wle, advanced lie
role the noted iirltislier might piny In
the world history of temperance when
n tew moments later. speaKiug fiein ,
the platform, she said: I
"1 asked Sirs, L'e.d Geerge te come '
ever here and speak at tlie meeting, i
but she said she would have te nsk her I
husband's permission. She said b"
would come, tee. some time, nnd thut if
ltn .11.1 I.- ...!. 1 1... ......1. I.!-. 1,.. .... I
pass tUreugh n village where there were
...- .i. .1 nuiuii i...- uuiui inw uie iii
Welshmen ami net step off and speak
le them." 1
Sliss Slack, who received a cable
gram of success and geed wishes, from
Slargarct Llejd Geerge oil her arrival
here in this country, expressed the
hope thnt the Wife of the former nrn.
mier would be present in this eniinirv!
nt tne juliilee of the W. C. T. V:
and she mid she hoped America would
see Llejd Geerge ul-u at that time or
in tlm near future.
Slbs Anna A. Geidmi. formerly vice
president of (lie world organisatien,
was elected, presideul bj acclamation
tliis morning.
Dnig dcalcis l,e stand nmnml
fciiueiH nt the recess hour teach chil-
. . -...--.....
errn hi use m)wciiui narcotics and in
uiui muuiier Keep up the drug evil In
America. Sirs. Carl Frances Steddait! , '
runt rummer Keep up the drug evil in
Head et tlie Sclentim- Temiierance D,'-
piirtment of the Semen's Chilstiiiii
Temperance Fnien. -aid this morning.
Sirs. Stoddard, who is considered nu
authority en the drug ex 11. is attendiii"
the convention. '
"Strict enforcement of the Federal
narcotic law." kI,. t.ii.l "m.i., tin....
trnlhe in drugs higlilj pretituhle, ju-t
as it has made bootlegging in whi-Uv
I prehtable,' and te inen-use tiieir 'inar-
m-i. iiciiiers icaeh the vile habits te
innocent :.choel children.
"The average age at which the habit
Is formed is between siMeen nnd twenty-two
j ears."
Admits Drug Increase
After making two surveys of the
prevalence of the us,, of drugs In the
I nitcd States, in which chiefs of police
Federal narcotic officers and beards of
health co-operated, Sirs. Steddnrt made
the assertion that the drug liublt has
net Increased since the advent of pro pre
Libit inn.
She ndlllilleil that in Ihe lni-p e!.:.
there has been n slight increase in the
I u-e of drugs, but said that the drcrens,. .
'reported from siua l.-r com i ....
mere than offset this
-.. ,t ft" . ... " -1
I lie strict enforcement of (rl...
laws, which was begun in 1IUII," U,"
said, "revealed the picvuleiice of muni
mom users tluiu had been thought tii
exist, but that was ,c-,tusc no accurate
figures en the extent of the evil had
been kept prier te that time.
"That whisky does net lead ie dm"
is lest proved by the fact that the druc
habit is contracted almost wholly i,v
jeuug people who me net old eneuL'ii
te be leiiuimed ll.pier userN."
..ii" niisi-ies, .xiiv. .1. fv A I v
' 'SlSlSlSlSlBt' tBtBtv eSilLLBIBlVbY "1
iv ' iBJi ,,vi tPKs i
Widow of Slain Recter Has
Asked Permission te Tell
Her Story Before Bedy
Attempt te Break Down Mrs.
Gibsen's Story of Murder
Are of Ne Avail
New niniiswlclt. N. ,1.. Nev. 11.
The Somerset Count) Grand Juip has
been summoned le nieei Slewlay for the
Hali-SIllls murder case, the call being
Issued today by Sheriff Jeseph Han Han
Ien. About fifty witnesses nre te be ex
amined before the Grand Jury at Som Sem
erville. sent of the county, in which
the old Phillips farm is located. The
bodies of the Rev. Edward Wheeler
Hall and Sirs. i:u.,,iiur R. Stills were
found en the farm September 10.
Sheriff Ilnnleii. elected last Tues
day, took the oath of office today.
Deputy Attorney General SIntt bad
planned te call tlie (it and Juip en
Thursday, but the change In the sher
iff's office made n slight delay ad
visable. The new sheriff, immediately after
Inking the enth. said he had been in
structed te 1-sue r-iihpeenas for the
Grand Jury session Sleivlny. Clerks
in Ills office begun the task seen after
ward. Mrs. Hail Wants te Testify
Sirs. Hall, widow of the rector, has
written the foreman of the Somerset
County Grnnil Jury, declaring her In
nocents of the crime nnd requesting
ih.tiiiis.-mui te appear oerere tne uranu
y.urj'. wm" n convenes next Monday
Tnr lint, iini.m.i - i- : . w,
She bns agreed te waive immunity If
pernuueu ie leu ncr sterv.
Prosecutor Slett sold tedny he had
net received the letter from Alfred
Oibb. the Grand Jury foreman, and
therefore was net in n position te
dircuss It.
Other officials in close touch with the
case, however, said it wns extremely
unlikely Sirs. Hall would be allowed
te appear, as her purpose, they sn.v. Is
te clear herself of suspicion rather than
nid tjie Grand Jury in its investiga
tion. Counter Attack of Ne At ail
The ceunter-nttnek en tlm eve-witness
story of the murder, told by Sirs.
Gibsen, collapsed tednj, inestignters
Sirs. Nellie Rus-ell. a Negress, nnd
neighbor i.f tlie "pig woman." declared
in an nm, fax It tluit .Mr:'. Gibsen nas
at Sirs. UliHsnU'M limiin tlm niirlit ..I
j September II. when Hall and it. Mill
weie murdered. -
litis uthilinit, signed in New Yerk,
wns -jlvc-t te the iiuiheiities b Timetbv
,. PfeifTer. counsel for Sir. Hall.
It wiih legnnled ns a liurd jolt te Sirs.
ttibsen s .statement en the undeniable
basis tint she could net be in two I
places nt once.
But Slr. Gibsen today, while ad- '
mining sue inn make a night w-lt in
Sirs. Russell'- I ic. declared it win nn
September !l nnd net four dn)s later.
as the affidavit mers. Te prove it
she produced a uilendnr. '
Tim "pig woman" npparcntlv is a
crj iiictheillc.il person, fei-instend of
tearing u lc:f fnmi the calendar each I
I . ...... -. . '
iiiiMHil sac inert , re - u iiacK. i an tlie
calendar beside the dnte of September
0 she liiul written thnt she li.-id re.
turned n des te Mrs. Russell that day.
Written .Months Age
Dctcctiics who examined the nota
tion found marks en tlie pap-r which
in their opinion proved It was written
nt least two months age. Thej said
they were convinced that Sirs. Russell,
at the cr. least, is much mistaken.
The official im estimators nl-e point
nut thut .Mi Pfelffer had Sirs. Rus.
sell sgn ih,. utiidutlt in New Yerk
City. Thai fact, ihey ald, would pre
vent I hem 1 1 nm preM'fiitlng hep in New
Jer-ey ler jm i im j if tier story is dl-np-preved.
Slis. iiiii-eu. in cpinlulng the l-it
te the IC11--1II l.irm, siii, 1 that mi
"'"1 "' feui-iie-r .- sue niw 11 uinu
KV,,lMcr ,nwn ""'' Ml- t-H'-' deg. I
tugiii 01 M'piemiier '. she saw a mnn
Mie overtook 111 in . tee
OIK L'lllltL'lll It llll'lv III I
XI. f,.tt ,k ,1.1 in i. ......l i... m...
...I, ...1 I I' iM'l I lllll . -1 I, ,S. ,
Russell's sim-vil Over tlie tclenl.nin. .
from hi- etliri' In Newark today hi. said
be bus "a number of interesting 'iiics 'iiics
tiens te a-k Mrs, Rtiscll nbeiit licr
"It is ipteei." he s;i,, "that sir.
Pfelffer wnii ie ;i notary public in
Kings Count v New Yerk, te secure his
affidavit. It i- n far crj from tills
jurisdiction ei tan imagine hew
difficult it v ni1.! lie for me te Sllli Sllli
peenii I b.-.i iieiurv as a witness,"
Sir. Slet i ri lii-eil te ili-clu-c the
ideiitltj of the witness,, w, Nv D0
brought in fore the (iinilil Jill),
Fiery Cress. With Warning Sign,
Erected Near Lansdale
l-aiisdiilc. Ph.. Nev 14. Tlie North
V'."n. M:,""" '' '''I'. I'J'ii'J "f Laiis-
uuif i.n.i lis scen . iu ivmx ixinii deni
oiistraiieu iiim n ;ni. wni-u a iier.v cre
..IILI..I, ,
wns feiiuil IiIii.ik in n lield inidwa.v be
tween Lutisil.ile i ml llatlield.
An Inscription In m-iitli the ciess in-
tlmntes that in -eiue of the public I
A j ear age M'verul parents of ,.,. ,
ili-en intending s.h..s In that, section ,
objected te having their enMirhgHalute
tlie Ha.;. 'I lie matter was hushed up in
tlieinie, but th, Kit Ixliix'deinenstra- '
tleu Ii.hI ulgbl sec ns te indicate that
the matter has net been s,.,.,, , s ,
sill. I inn. sunn- in im- 1'ii, en. who eh- '
jei'tcd le tnc mi'; ccrcuieil) in 1 1 , , .
schools icslde near the section vvbeie
the cress and the wnrulns were erected.
bi found In ih ileli Vnntt4 celunthi am
Published Delly Kxcept Sunday.
f.'npyrlsht. lUi'lt.
LaFellette Again Facing
boss of Radical Leadership
Senater 8 Thunder Id
Likely te Be Stelenl
Once Mere, This
' Time by Berah '
Progressives" Said te
Be Planning te Give
Wall Street Night-
mare Every Night
Hlan Cirreinmlrnt l.'trnlnir 1'tiblle l.ftlcfr
Cqpirtffrf, 1132, hj l',it, (.' J.nlgcr c'eiifiany
Washington. Nev. II. Progressive is '
n blessed word like .Me-opetatnln.
Yeu arc geln;' te hear 'i geed den) '
of it In tlie ne.t two j iit. it" net!
afterward. Politically. H i- a veiy
geed word, because it has come n lie
unconsciously almost s numinous with
American, ion can case .Miiirself grad
ually into any inevuiupi called pro
gressive without .'iu Meli-nt blench of
mental habits,
A man went te buj n tombstone the
ether day en Leng I .land, and con
sulted with the Geiniun-Amerlciin su-pc-rintemljuit
of the cemetery. "Don't
jeu go te dot feller ecr d"re. IIij's n
messbnek. His is a btngresshe ceme
tery. Ve vnnl nitt Iilms ni it. tie te
Prewn dere down ilcr sti-et. Il glf
jeu nn up-te-date stone."
Progressive has a fundable connota
tion from tombstone,, up te political
meemcnl. Psjcholegunlly every
thing is in fnter of it. Ven may have
the habit of being a Republican or u
l)cme(;int, but jm i.ue tluit habit only
once a year. Bui jeu have the habit of
biing pregiesslve wi'li a smnll initial
eiery day in ihe n.ir. All that. Sen Sen
aeor' Ln I'eliette. with his little bloc,
wl I have te de i- t capitalize the
initial of tlie presressiw in jeu and
the trick is done. Ii is tlie line of least
CLEVELAND, N-.v. 14. The lrke passenger season be
tween Cleveland and Buffalo ends tonight xvlth the sailing from
here of the steamer Ctty of Buffalo. The steamer City of Erie
made its last trip te Buffalo Inst night. It will retuin here to
morrow nud the City ew Buffalo will return heie Thursday.
DETROIT, MICH., Nev. 14. Circuit Cemt juiers here me
talking- of a btiike. Their grievance ib lack of work rather than
overwork or inadequate pay. Lnst xveek the court calendars
wue crowded, but this week the jureis weie placcff en u two-day-a-week
basis at &2.50 a aay.
BUT HAD 1300,1
Menclenhall Asserts Creditors'
Securities Were Takcrj. Over
by Trustees
There weie SliOtl.tiOii n cuditeis"
feciiritics In po-se-sieii of Chandler
Brntbei.s Ce.. when 11 became bank
rupt. '
This was announce! .ps. te tieuu
011s obiectietis of tli- Cmi 1 '"iwi.ilth b.
I'crl Slriiilenlinll ledni .Iiulg,-
s'leril. v'.herc .Menileuh.ill im 1 I re,-
cricu f. 1 Handler, ,n.. ui-" a m, mner
"" ','ieculnr pn,.ri-..., . "' MP '""
"f. ."", buiikrupt concern n. Imtged , "'"r (, 1 r -0 is. hir, ,,f , slmM
tlie deg iiwuv'w'tu embezzlement and muici-ieu of
Ihe owner. W0 Ip Meck belonging te !.m,s V.
iltotot - iltetot - iltotet -
MeiidenhnH's testiniein w
i f 111
te a ouestleii of In- , m-el.
.insepn w , liiitiiiau. It innu m tin
form ef'n Niirprine. Assistnti' lii-tini
Atternej Fex ebjreted -tiemi.i l te
the witness reiiljing te tlie ., -t en,
but Slenilenhnll managed te u e the
answer while Mr. Fex was el.i . .,
"This will show the jurj." ! -ml
"tlint the firm would net trv t. em
br7y.le vlrtiinll) SllHMi when it I,-. I w
S.100.000 in safe keeping." SI- i.l
llllnn asserted."
State lienes Its Objections
The objection was ever i tiled bv .1- ,.
Stern, who said:
"I demnnd the right te cre--eif
ine the witness as te hew he l.n.u
there was .100.0(10 en hand." ner'e.
Sir. Fex. Then, addressing SI. ml, m
hall, he asked: "Where did veu s.v ,i,.
"I saw tliein handed ever te ti.
Continued en Tiue Klglil. I'eIiii.hi T.Mr
Abbatemaggle, Italian War Here,
;r.:d ',;,"?',. ,.
jl0 h "'""""
't heugh playing a higliU imnerlaut
l.art in the conviction of the mem i
of the Cnmerra for the Cuecnl,, iunrilr
be wes himself found guill ami sen'
Inicid lopiisen. When tl.e war bieue
out ln was allowed te enlist in m,!,.,-
i'.iii iinoecii, ie -ervul wll1'
distill, lien uiui was dcerute,
War Cre-s,
with tiif
,11.. I i".; "I nun, ,. rtOllllieiUllggle I'll
.ri... ii... ,ni..Liu.. .ii
tend mev.ig i.iclure v ,:k'""7 ." V
Ms enterprises was , limM . ,,f ,i1(,
. " ' '. " win in i
..r .i.
Buhxrlptlen Prlrn $fl n Year by Mall,
by 1'ublle lil,ct CeniDimy.
May Depose Ledge
" as Senate Leader
Washington. Nev. H. One Idea
for "l'l'orgatiizntien of the Senate
which is being discussed in Admin
istration eludes Is for Senater Cum
mins ti, icwi','n ns president pre tern
and be suicccded by Scmiter Ledge.
This would dispose of Sir. Ledge,
whose leadership is much criticized.
It would open the way te the elec
tion of a Westerner, acceptable te
the farm bloc, ns leader. Fer the
pest Senater Lenroot. of Wisconsin,
is suggested. Sir. Lenroot wiis once
a Progressive' and has net been unite
absorbed Inte tlie old guard. Sir.
Lenroot is nn able man and tine
parliamentarian. But when Len
root is brought forward, the party
bumps up against Senater La Fol Fel
lette and bin bloc. Tlicic Is no
one In the Senate whom La Follette
hntfs move than his colleague nnd
former supporter. lie seems te
have the veto en this plan.
resistance politically. It wns Sir. Ln
Follette. who, mere than fifteen jcars
age, invented progressivism. He hud
'the. misfortune te ee his meiement
stolen nwny from him by Theodere
Roosevelt, n mere persuasive figure. He
may see his present movement stolen
away from Jiim by Senater Berah, again
n mere persuasive ligute.
La Follette Political Extremist
We seldom go te extremes in this
country and the Wisconsin Senater is
the political extreme. .Mr. Iluruh is
better placed strategically.
President Harding is net reneminated
and the Republicans wish te reduce as
much ns possible I. a Follette's cup-icily
te harm them. They might go as far
as Berah in search of (andidnte. Sup
pose, en the contrary. Sir. Harding is
Centlnurd cn I'iiip Klcht. Column Tne
Death List Between 1500 and
2000 in Wake of Great
Tidal Waves
Rv .ltoc(etril frr-
af"U. t'hUe. Nev. n u..MMJ
Tin, ,,l'!'!', '"Kether with new- of
? en Mm rnr,,'I "''!'-- nnd .ml., a
t. -.11,,, ,,e ealumity bus leaUi-si ...
mlllng propertion.s fnUs0,i ,,, , , ,
.merntn,,,, ,e,,(iJ tl) ,.elliU1(it. ;" ;
usalilUtj et s,.ndiiii,i imeps , r
qulnibfi , Alnen,,,,, ... ..:..,..'' .
'"..'P'' with the situation and a.,1
relief wPi, "
. i . - ri .-'inr. I, innu .1, hi.,'i- tjitjt grown
iiiiiinwrv liroKe out last night in the!"'" ,,c ' ''emniuniiy of interest for gen-
fiem il,.. ,,, '.."." ..'""V. -uneier
..', ii.uii- micro It s os(l.
filing..; no, ,,,;, : :; "yz,Z
-Iisclssiir the large tow nefi-rern: J,,
uicntlng grcatlj ,h(. ,,.,. rf" ',;'; ,
ensnalt cs wliici, nre new varets is
';nte. between I.,, and L' !( e , ,
wiih numberless injured and homeless
New Mieck Is Felt
Advices from Antefiicnst,. m i
0:.'tOlas, night sal, la '" I eug'i J tl S
""MM OI Mk'U ... r . ....
" I II 111 1 ffl 1
us l.ving at tin.
t lie no, t nf i .... . i- .r
Slav or of Autfii..,iv, t, ' : ..
. e.vnl n llle-inge from
me .Mm,.,. ,,f
I nlltlnilexil nn -. . . " -
- Km. luliimn one i
ur.p ioe mucn in Rainy Weather,!
a,,y iniimeurne Residents
M.llel) bllttonweod treiw ,l,..i i .. , ,
tlie sir, es of
. - -. . , , , . , ..run.
rcnlnceil In .
....Illi.liu . .., ... ...
loeici out nn,
ciiii-i He llllttouweods til jp In ,,.....
wuithe, nd -lain tlie clothes ,,f ,i
be.iim v i
Ihe .Ic s,ou te leplaie t. , . ,,,.s
wii- .... I. ill llie last n t,,K r ,
Buieiisl. i euui-ll Leading lesldcn fc
I'l l.lll III.'-. Iill
' '".'.' f. . ...... "' 7"' ''V ""
wue eiijm t te in,, present ,...- .......
in - in mnr II Mil liMI'I'li I in u
M..i.... t i..i.'. '
plaints hi n ceuvlucln
g milliner. Te re.
ui ,eii mhsi of the Inhabitants perished These miner , nie unusual, tee, in
e .e r'em Nf '' ',,0rirs n"1 ''"''I-" "ir,r t"1-'' X ,-",'" through SIn'rien
il" ' ' ' '',I,"'S '" "", iifleet,.,! !'rr"'s ideii'iini lutle bungalows nevvlr
'"r,.."1- . , built. Other bmg.ilews in process til
i ne arrival of wn- es-rs nl ,i ' '-"nstruc'leti line ewrv htrcet. And
northern ..eris f einle hreimin .,...., most of these attractive homes ...
1 1..,.
i several thousand population , , I x P--Ldmei,d l'oiree. ete, French
tew miles from AntefaLmstn. "', " i'V,","1' ',iml llls '" nichanlciaiiM wire
lie town of Crrlal. censh(ini: ' f ,l1, ' .,n,ln "" Ills maclitn,. crushed
stl. e underground dwellings , ,,,i ' ,,,"" '':""'- "'" 'oinpetitiou fnr the
"l.per mines. ,,,,, P(! () JlM '"'" t.rnmi Prix fei , emuiem,,! .-iiiphines
, I'lenr.d. but no mention ,,, ,), ( Ks f Ihe ii.cldetit was due te Hi,, break-.
i "".i'Vil,ini,i i.1'1'" '"''"'""ant- number ,I,B ,"f "'" .-.ir pn.p-ller of I'elree'e
"ii -00 and then. in,. ;t:,D i,,!,,,.. ...' inri.l me, wlmh in through iim ,.,..
Second Day of Examination for
Jurers Opens With Net
One hi Bex
Prosecution Apparently Won't
Demand Death Penalty
for Massacre
Miners Are Proud of ThJr
ThriftLarge Number'
Own Hemes.
tl'J n atalf Corrtttiendtnt
Slaiieu. III... Nev. 14. The secead
day of the examination for jurors in the
Herrin mns,sacre trinl, wliieh opened
Inst week in the. Williamson County
courthouse, before Circuit Judge Hart-
well, began this morning with net one
juror in the box. There remain 110
men in the special venire te be el
nmiiied. The panel of four tentative jurera
which State's Attorney Duty tendered
late yesterday was broken by the de
fense's peremptory challenge of Jim
Huggins fanner and former school
teacher of ( red Springs. III.
It was the first peremptory chal
lenge mud,, by the defense m this trial
of the fire men accused bv "the people"
-s ,jt is expressed In these parts of
the killing of Heward Heffman, n sheTfl
worker imported with sixty ethers last
June by the .Southern Illinois Ceal
Company from Huntington. Ind. He
was one of the twenty strike-breakers
slain by a mob of infurlnted miners.
Huggins challenged by defense At
torney Rufus Neely. is net n miner nor
a member of the United .Mine Werkera
of America He is a friend of Oris
Clark, one of the defendants. The ether
eefendnnts are Leva Slnnn. Peter
Hlllcr, Jeseph Carnnghi nnd Bu
All Four Are Farmers
Tlm three tentative jurors tendered
with Huggins by the State, and ae.
cepted tentatively by the defense, are
Oscar bwunner, tlfty-twe. n farmer,
Who never was n miner nor n union
mnn. and who does net believe in capi
tal punishment; Tem Weuber. fjftv
five, a farmer, who Js no miner nor
member of tlie union, and Henrv O.
Riddle, thirty-three, a farmer. ' who
use, ie ne n miner and a union inna.
Tlicsp three men were in etistedv erer
'I he State has used -ix of Its 100 per
emptory ihnllenges, the defei.se one.
t There have been twejuj-twe lenlretnen
c.vcii-ed for mtue or by ng-ecnicnt of
I ounsel
I Neither defense nor prosecution nor
J Judge is sanguine of speed in the col cel
, pletien of a juij. .Most of tlm accused
.ire liiiewn liy the xcuiremen, nnd most
of the veniremen are members of some
local union wbethir miners or other
wise. Appui-Mitly niemoership jn a union la
net considered sufficient reason for re
jection -'for cause" of a member of a
union, although the trinl bus taken en
' much of the nspret of a struggle be
tween unionism nnd non-unionism.
Lven men who ar- net members,
lewever. have undoubted respect for
i Lp union. At en time or ether most
i of tlieni hnve worked in tlm uilne.
. Man) nre farmers in the summer time,
miners in jhe winter.
Population Respects the Union
I'e the union, examination i.f i.nin.
-non revealed, the population leek for
nfetv and improved conditions In their
vv ei I. .
I m net a union man." .sm, Sw.ia Sw.ia
ter one of tlie tentative jurors, "and
I never vas a miner. But I have no
'ei litg against men boi-nuse tliex- ar
nieii men
The situation is umqu,. t that union-
in lie,i. has net as-eciated m the mind
"f tin- population vith radicalisiii in
an) sons,, of the wen! Te thene men It
' '.''".. '.'"' .".""" '" ' ,v" improve-
. inenv iisseriiiiii.u.
' nit tin. I I.i ...;.....
" Uf I lt liUIM'I .
"On ii stmt in .Marlen ten blocks
long i here .ne enlj ilniteen families
('enlinui-il uu Vmt Kljrlit. reliHmTTwJi
Noted French Aviator and
Mechanicians Die
Bourget. Kriiure, N i i
Peiree I.e, aim- famous us n daring
pilot bi fore tin- Wet Id War leek,, out,
finil in 1 ..("iiiiil...i lilt I i... 1..A i
I .......... i.. i , ,,,- euipci or-
' I. ii. ,,. t.n . ...I .: . T .
""' '!" iieriui MM, ion ei in,, tvar a
armies f,t,.r ,vjt, ,. iv,.,,,.), nrinles
he distinguished himself ua u bembard-llli-llt
and olisi'i-valien tlier Afn.r tli.
i war he continued Ins Hying, entering in
.i.iiiij iiiicriiiiiieuai coliticlltieus In
August, iii-'i. he wen the Prix Sllch-
elm. covering .".(Mill Mlemclcrs In
Ihill.v -even limit h rind fe ...i...
- -.-.-. -r . V V. I I II''
"ll'S, I, III III.- tie, isleii was levcrs,., jty
i'1"' I'l'-ieh iiei eiiiuit iml fttlcrulieH In
, favor of C.ipUiin Sli.itinetti, an Italian
' . int-i l.iltliilinl dlspul,. ,me w ,j,.;
via- denied liv Ihe heinl f iM. Spnnhh
ii'-i-enauUciil fcileialleu, an in bit nil or,
in tnver ei reiree. a ,,ur i,.,- ii..
. ' ,.,,:ll r;li;i-ntiiti levcrscd the decision
I um "w ",,u l,"'t M"' "Hua hud vvea.
, -1M
'J s
- -wwjiv.
en pavei SS and 13. Ativ,
0W, U was
f i M
tH.- . t
A .?
want, yeu'll Ml ,
t. 4w'
. - J
L.V')1 ,
f .