mzmMmMXZM )mmrwssmmevfpmm I Nancy Wynne Speaks of Miss Barten? $ Tea This Afternoon She Tells of Miss Remaks College Career and Sees Seme Becoming Dresses TIH8 afternoon there will be an hr Bttrnctlre ten nt the Acorn , h'nnulr Bartow will be the bud of &&' Si ni nbnmil Inst summer, tee. 'ihe Bsrtews spent th. autumn at Sf olice nt Gwyncdd Valley, but i'i hve nn apartment nt the J.en. SJ Well Is feiwcnlMitlr located for AC,.C; 5 the dances. Kmliy Ih n niece yS .late Sir .Edward B. Smith, Miss fimll? and Betty Bmttli. Mrs. Jehn S5r of New rk nnd Mr. feslah Statiwril Bartow, of Chestnut Hill. Thecnrd of Elisabeth Ilewland, Mrs. v.!lck Ilewland'a debutante daugh 5rff Inclesed In the Invitation, and be'w II relve, as well as about fifteen 3 the season' debs. A small dance will fellow for them nnd some addi tions! guests. IVEUV enr there seem te be mere i i.i. .hn Mle nnmlnff nnfc te ft E K ..., .1.-. bninntlifniy a1ui Iip ,,rtB n Minn, "' ......... , Mh Careline Kcmak, Mr. and Mrs. oSttive ltemnk's daughter, must be ffii Ntrenueus winter going te S and te a let of parties, tee. Her parents gnve n thentre party for her last Friday befere Barbara Clay "n'l dance, nnd are planning ether hlngs for her. though whether they n tnd te keep her ten date for Decern Yn II haven't henrd yet. They spoke of It last spring. I knew. Carrie, ns went every one calls her, Ij n foplie!iiro nt Bryn Mnwr (. ellege, and just last wcclc she was elected president of her class, which, of course. s great honor. She was graduated from Miss Irwin's school three years , end then she took a year at Ilosc Ilesc mtrt Hall. Sounds highbrow, doesn't t' But Carrie Is hardly that. Though nh'i is a geed student, she is very much interested in hockey and basketball and tther activities. T.ERTHA SMTTHE looked yery well D at her dance en Saturday night. J Iwr parents, air. ami .urn Nevlll Smyth, gnve the party nt the Acorn Club nnd there were nbnut 300 tiMts. She were an nttrnctive light Mae dress of crepe dp chine made with an eversklrt of silver lnce nnd with hoops at the sides. Clnrie, her ster, who came out three years age, were sapphire blue velvet made en plain lines, and Mrs. Hmythe n hand Mime pewn of Mack velvet which iiad I draped skirt caught at the side with nn ornament. The drcses at the Jeseph Flcli Flcli thern's' tea that afternoon were very liretty. tee. Marlen, their daughter, for whom the tea was given, were n lovely diess of cloth of geld nnd Mr'. richthnrne sapphire blue velvet. Marlen, who went te Baldwin's te school, N artistic nnd expects te take n course In art next year. All the drN Mem te want te de something (Infinite after they come out these days, don't the ? TONIKUT the Bartews' will be the only dance, ns Dr. nnd Mrs. Themns Aiken hnvp postponed the one 'vhlch they had planned for this date. Th.v will piw fine for their debutante daughter. Marie Louise Adams, en Tsnmirv 8 at the Ritz; and next week, N'eveniber 1X1. te he exact, Marie Louise's grandmother. Mr1.'. Cyrus , iterftner. will cue n iinncr-tinnie ter her at the Philadelphia Country Club. The debs must have n wild time keeplnc all their dates straight nnd net going te the wrong party en the Mreng night. I've heard nmuslng tales of some of them doing lust that thing, lowever. NANCY WYNNE. Secial Activities An engagement of Interest In this city will New Yerk Is thut of MIn Grace KtelnbrugKe, daughter of 'Ira IMnnnl KtUntiruitKe, of SO Avenuu Klbr. 1'arln, te C'emte Jean de IiUUkUt J Warn. Mr. nnd Mrs. Marcel Site-In-hruuge, of 1 1 East Sixtieth atrect, .Vcw lerk. Will sail for FruncM In thn urnr future te attend the wedding, which Willi tain plate early In December. Mr. and Mr Oeorsre Breeke, of At At nendbury Heuse, Ithun, linve Issued In vitations for ,i thentre party en Friday 'venlntr. Uecember S, In honor of Mlm Hlta Uelan, debutante daughter of Mr. m Mrs. Clarence Delnn, of Glcncoe H?u,e, Hcscnient, befere the dance which the Ilov. and .Mrs. CJoergo Cal x.ert .Carter will kIve In honor of their daughter, Miss Mary Kldgely Carter. Miss Llllle Ktewnit, debutante daugh r of Mr. Hubert !. Le Cente, of 2000 iprtice street, will be the guest of honor nt a dinner which Dr. and Mrs. I;"1 a Urtren eimlmni. of 1713 (Spruce wet, will le en TtiuMlny eenlns, DwepiKr 12 befere the ball Mr. and urf:, LdlV;1"1, -rezer, of 203G Locust fnrf S w " Rhe Ilt ,he Bellevue-Strat-noren'o'croler.01 the,r d,lUBhler' M,M rVJfnui M,, Wft" Vetterleln 2. recellnB conei.uulntlenH en the ..n?in 'tU H"n' xV'yne Smallwood Vet t vi.r- ,"" November 11. Mr. and Jhitr i,? ,1'-,i'.are Ilt present multlng mI mJ" Vth. MrH- vetterlcln'e par par e'll"l.'Mr.s' Kredeilck II. Bliel l?; v ,rJ!li ,' euth. 'Twclity.tliHt ritreet. lk-ifii.01'1'!" nl" .b0 "-'"ivmbcrcd ns "iss Helen Hart Shclteii. fhtiarf? w.he ,i"i nU(,nd h "'- brLu ,.'. lr- f1" l-e'wner, of Over H, ",,,'ll0,,hlH evenlnu In honor "Wfr Br.iiiddaUKhii.r, Miss Marie Lou'se Themii V."1;'"'0 daughter of Mrs. r nnJ e .i ",t '"',. iis.i .unrKueriie Blacky VrM1.rM Mill'. Vaku- Ml- I-OKan llim 't Vr- 'lu,t;la'r Murdock. Mr. Wll lam Lengstreli and Mr. Genrge Al- &Jhl.CT,v,sts ,'ltul IllU,r attend the ew of . ? ' iM"' UwTy "lackwell MIm v, I' i'rn ,hu"0,;,ef 1,cr dauBhter, nilMbe lj r.",1'11!' rt"w. nmt Miss Frertfrinir it! n a"A d,auBhter of Mis. Jn ,,V5(.M,f:''l" Hew land. Mr. J. Nel. Ifarlien fr, ,?' i ',l "llint'r nt the -'n l"r Mnf 'i'e'' 'y tt. theatre party, ll, a !. 'ftyn'Jw s: in h.ner of w vis ,'..."? "a,,i:e u, ev. ' V It, mum ..' S i;i,Ue,i t'"' ter. of fFMMjMw rrrgzrr THE FIRST EDITION OF ARTHUR SOMERS ROCHE'S NOVEL, A MORE HONORABLE MAN, WHICH THE PHIL ADELPHIA PUBLIC LEDGER SAYS IS THE MOST ABSORBING NOVEL OF THE FALL, IS NOW IN THE HANDS OF THE BOOK SELLERS. THE SEC OND EDITION WILL BE READY NEXT WEEK. THE EARLY REVIEWS OF H1LB00K INDICATE THAT HERE IS ir?J0RY F0R ALL TYPES OF READ. "PHILOSOPHY IN FASCINATING UjPIf0N" "HISTORY IN DRAMATIC FORM," "AN ENTERTAINING STORY." WS READING IS "A VERY GREAT PLEASURE." I the mts-Carlten, in honor of their daughter, Miss Alary Hldgely Carter, Among thn guesta who will attend the dinner which Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Daniel Doneghue, of 149 Pelham read, Oer Oer mantewn, will give en Tuesday, No vember 28, In honor of Miss Letltla dreth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bur Bur nett Landrcth, of Chestnut Hill, before the dance Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Mel, Fnlck will give at the Bcllevue-Btrat-ferd, In honor of their debutante daugh ter. Miss Slary Falck, will be Miss Anna 8. Newbold, Mlsu Mary Loulse Whitney. Miss Kathatlne K. Smith, Miss Mary nanmanClnrk. of Ht. Leuis: Miss Marlen Cahlr Doneghue, Mr. Churchill Williams, Mr. Burnett Indreth, 3d, Mr. Oeorge A. Armlstead and Mr. Perry Campbell. Miss Dcnmnn-plark is spend lug a fortnight as the uuest of Miss Doneghue. Mr. and Mrs, James H. Wttle, 2d, of 2210 Rlttenheuse street, will enter, tain at eupper followed by bridge at their home this evening, nfter the wed ding rehearsal of Mrs. Little's sister, Miss Beatrice Haskard Cerbenl, of Sev enteenth nnd Chestnut streets, whose marriage te Mr. Charles H. OberhelUer, of Pheenlxvllle, Pa., will take place en Wednesday at St. Stephen'H Protestant Kplsccpal Church, Tenth , Btreet above Chestnut. The. guests will Include the bridal party. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge C. Carsen, of Plymouth Meeting, enter tained nt dinner at their home en bat; urday evening In honor of Miss Cerbenl and Mr. Oberheltscr. Invitations have been lssuedfer the Junier Cinderella Dances en Wednes day, January 3; Wednesday, April t, and Wednesday, June 27, at 8:30 o'clock, at the Merlen Cricket Club. The committee Includes Mrs. Matthew Hatrd, Jr.. chairman ; Mrs. Themas O. Ashtan, Mr. Hei ace Bulleck, Mrs. II. Bartel nrazlcr. Mrs. Arthur P. Bough. Mrs. .Inmei Carntalra, MrN Isaac H. Clothier, Jr., Mrs. Percy II. Clark, Mrs. J. Ken Ken eon Elscnbrey, Mrs. Edwin H. Fitter, Mrs. Oeorge Kendrlck, 3d. Mrs. Charles Mcllvain and Mrs. Richard B. Norten. Mies Ellr.abeth Casanave, debutante daughter of Mr. and Mra Jehn H. Casanave, of Twenty-first and Pine streets, will be the guest of honor at a dinner which Mr. and Mrs. Bernard ;Blech will give at their home, Malwyn Heuse, Merlen, followed by a theatre party, cany in uccemDer. Mrs. Brooks Snow, of dermantewn, has recalled the Invitations for the din ner which she had planned te give en Wednesday, November 29. In honor of her debutante daughter. Mis? Constnnce .Snow, befere Mr. nnd Mrs. Jeseph It. Carpenter's and Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur V. Morten's dunce, slnce the invitations for the dance have also- been recalled. MIsh .Snow will be Introduced at a tea which her mother will give en Wednes day afternoon, November 22. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Drexcl Blddte, who have " been spending some tlme at the Hetel Lorrnlne. New Yerk, have re turned te this city. Mr. nnd Mrs. Leul.i Redman Page, of Aramlnk Farm, Bryn Mnwr, have left for a visit te Atlantic City, where they expect te remaln nbout-twe weeks. Miss Anncs Allen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Perry S. Allen, of 212 Spruce street, will entertain Informally at her home en Friday evening next. Mrc. Kllsha T,ee, who has been spend ing a few days In North Carolina, will return te her home,. 1709 Locust street, today, Mr. nnd Mrs. Jehn Frederick Lewis and thslr family, who have been occu pying their country place near West Chester, will return te their town house, 1914 Spruce street, today. Mrs. Geerge Barnett and her daugh ter, MIhh Anne Corden, and Miss Ruth Hitchcock, daughter of Senuter and Mrs. Hitchcock, of Washington, are srtndlng a few days at the Bellevue Bellevuo Bellevue Stratferd. They came te attend the wedding of Mrs. Harnett's son. Mr. Basil Gorden, and Miss Klalne Tayler English, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. English, which took place en Saturday afternoon In St. Luke's Protestant Episcopal Church. German town. Miss Gorden and Miss Hitch cock attended Miss Engllrh as brides maids. Miss Jane Tayler, who Is spend ing the winter nt Chelsea, also came te this city te attend the wedding of her cousin, Miss English, unci Mr. Gorden. Miss Tayler Is the guest for a lew daya of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Whltwell W. Cese, of 2041 Spruce street. Mr. and Mrs. Andersen Polk nnd their son nnd daughter, Miss Julia N. Polk and Mr. D. Stewart Polk, who lived formerly at 2310 Pine street, nre new In their new home at 2312 Locust atrect. The marriage of Miss Helen Alice Trigg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Themas Trigg, and Mr. Charles James Swain. Jr., will take place en Wednes day, November 29, at Overbroek. Dr. and Mra O. Oram Ring, of 1327 Spruce street, entertained at dinner Saturday evening, followed by a box party at the theatre, In honor of their nlece, MIbs Dorethy Clendennlng, new a senior at Swarthmere College. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Harding, of B940 Overbroek avenue. Ovcrbroek, left by meter en Friday for Cambridge. Maes., where they attended the Princeton-Harvard game en Saturday. Mr. and Mra Henry Cenner Weeks, of 7S02 Lincoln Drlvp. Chestnut Hill, ac companied by Mr. nnd Mrs. Jehn Arthur Brown, will leave by meter en Friday ntfxt for Princeton, where they will attend the Yalc-Prlnceten game en Saturday. Mr. and Mru. Jeseph N. Snellenburg nnd their Ben and daughter are occu pying apart ments at the Bellovuc Bellevuc Bellovuc Str.itferd for the winter. Mr. nnd Mrs. T. Frank Miller, of Old Firm Comfert, Hatboro, are at Atlantis City for a few days' lslt. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Prlnce Cooper, of 124 East Mnple avenue, Merchant llle, N. J,, are lecclvlng congratula tions en the birth of a daughter, Nellle llalg Cooper, en Saturday, November 11, Mrs. Cooper wai Miss Ella Lilian llalg. West Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. Rey Gaison, of B033 Brown street, nre receiving congratu lations en the birth of a daughter. Thn wedding of Mlrs Bertha Peele, riniitfhtpr fit Wrti Mnrv Pnnln nt .11 North Fifty-ninth stuet, te Mr. Alex-I nnuer uitmen, or 2231 Aspen street, will take place en Thanksgiving Day. n ' .-m nma Engagement Announced imti Hill MISS EUGENIA VANSANT Daughter- of Dr. and Mrs. Eu gene Larue Vansarit, of iOS8 Spruce street, whose engage ment ia announced today te Dr. Edward Saundcra Dillen Germanteivn Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Baker, Jr., et BOO West Hertter street, have returned front a six months' tour te the Philip pine Islands, China and Japan. Mra L. C. Hudsen, of Sharpnack street, will entertain the members of her card club at a luncheon at her home en Wednesday afternoon. Seuth Philadelphia Mrs. Walter Calhoun, of Chester, ha returned te her home after a week spent with her nlece, Mrs. Jennie C Bell, of Twenty-flrst and Jacksen etreeta. A dinner nnd enkn cutting party was held yesterday by Mr. and Mrs. Benja min Levit. of nil Seuth Sixth street, in honor of their snii-ln-luw and daugh ter. Mr and Mrs. David Londen. The ether guestrt were MIsh Pnu Ine Levlt, MIsh Hetty Lelt, Mis Pauline Llfslus, Miss Mary Cehen, Miss Anne Llpslus, Miss Sarah Conden, Mis Pauline Levlt, Miss Sephie Louden, Mr. Mat Good Goed Geed friend. Mr. Ervlnir Cnrtnn. Mr. aeldman, Mr. Sam Cooper, Mr. Fred erick Londen, Mr. BenJ'imln Zahludeff, Mr Allied Ley, Mr. Alfred Levlt, Miss jtose L,Qvit, iur. .10-cph ii Pesuer, Mr. Max Levlt and Mr. Jack Isvlt. The Phi Sigma Tau Sorority will en tertain at cartls next Saturday after noon, Neeniber IS, In "The Bex" at the Klttcnhnuse Hetel, Twenty-second and Chestnut streets. The committee 111 charge Include) Mlis Florence Jerdan, Miss Kathleen Mullln. Miss Helen Jen- -W f t V F What a soft fuszy rattle u; this one of eiderdown with its dell's head, jingling belle and pink or blue ribbons! $1.50. Such a funny Dutch dell, all dressed up in orange and red or yellow and green I And he can't possibly be broken. ftt.QS. imiiiiiiillWjfiMrTTiiiiiiiiiimMlli JJaafmiA. imiiiiifiSrnnMLviiniiiiiimii w s iiiiin n- fi rn J X1. ' y w. ctlKCll Willi 1-iniKVtJ. l.'i,i. I -SiltlSfi THIRD FLOOR ... V ijmsjjjMtfjSJ 'MmaauBZ&jm klneen and Klsr ceeii KMnyMHfU4 by the ether membera of the orerlty. , The Bwanee Club of this aeetlen and Gratersferd, Pa., will held lt .third annual dance In the Knight of Co lumbus Hall, Thirty-eighth and Market streets, en Monday evening, Noyemeer 20. The committee In charge InfHi'8 Mr. William Denn, Mr. C. Jehn Mr. Rebert J. Helnse, Mr. Jeseph-J. Mc nuckln, Mr. J. H. McNamee and Mr. F. Tayler. "Mrs. MeOady's Bearding Heuse," a musical comedy In two acts, will tejr sented by the Ladles' Auxiliary of Key- ,nna ttrannh IK?. Matlnnitt Association Letter Carriers, at their headeuarters, 1801 Spring Garden street, en, Thursday evening, November 23, at S o'clock. On Thursday evening, November SJ. there will be a card Party and nance given at Meese Hall, 1814 North Bread street, for the benefit of St. Paula Church, Tenth and Christian , streets. The commlttee In charge of the arrair includes Mr. Frank J. Smith, Jfjneral chairman: Mr. Jehn J. McDbvltt. Mr. Jehn J. Hawkins, Mr. James P. MM ew. Mr. Frank M. McQurk, Mr. P. J. O'Brien, Mr. James J. Mooney. Mr. Ter ence Lynch, Mr. .Tames H. Wa'sh, Mr. Jehn Cunningham. Mr. Albert Johnsten, Mr. J. F. de Putren, Mr. Jeseph Burchlll. Mr. Geerge McConemy, Mr. Josepn Brady. Mr. Edward Bryson, Miss Mar raret Hyland. Miss Mary B. Finnegan, Mrs. Jeseph Keffer, Mrs James s wwij Miss Klien ftiaynes, miss mur " Miss Ann Stuart, Miss Isabel Btuart, Miss Helen Flynn, Miss Helen, Kelly. Miss Mary McNulty. Mlsa Helen Levett, Miss Margaret Henley. Norristetvn The first birthday anniversary of Miss Ruth Adcle Heftner. small daughter of M H.a - .. tl.i,-. n T1A KAlh ir. MIU ana, Jiujr ntuiici! ,-- - - street, was celebrated last week with a cntiarens party. The marriage of Miss Katherlne ard Leedom Foulke. of 113 Stanbrldge street, ana ir. itenry meivin vm. Jr., non of Mr. Henry M. Olllln, of Mlllvllle, N. J will tnke place en. Wednesday In the Oak Street Memerial Church, The ceremony will be per formed by the Rev. t. D. Benjamin, pastor of the church. The brlde will be attended by Mrs. Hareld Frame as matron of honor. Mr. Paul Ktrnub will be the best man. Mr. W. H. Freas and Mr. Harry Sacks will be ushers. Mr. and Mra. Glllln will live at C40 Colum bia avenue, Mlllvllle, N. J. Announcement is made of the mar riage of Mlsa Helen Antoinette Luch singer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wi Luchstnger. of Housatente, Maw, and Mr. Donald S. Harding, son of Mr. and Mra. J. Wllmer Harding, of 635 Neble street, en Saturday, November 4, at the home of the bride. Mr. and Mrs, Harding will llve In Norrlstewn. Furs back of litUe dvertuement i our big reputation for stylish and superior Furs. All work made in our own Vep and sold at moderate prices. JACQUES FERBER FURRIER 1316 Walnut St ' - Geerge Allen, inc. 1214 Chestnut Street 1214 Paris Established A Wonderful Importation of Hand-Made French Baby Dresses At Remarkably Lew Prices, $1.85 te $5.00 The baby at the left wears one of our Imported hand-made dresses. Every stitch in these tiny garments is handwork, seams, embroidery and hemstitching. There are both short and long dresses in a Wonderfully varied assortment, there are, literally scores, of styles from which te cheese. Every one was imported directly by us. The long dresses are 3.25 te $5.00; the short dresses,'$1.85 te $5.00. There are ether hand-made baby dresse.s, some with lace and em broidery, ethers smocked, as high as $17.50. The quilted mho of Chinn silk shown at the right is $7.50 and comes in blue or pink. Similar robes may be hnd in crepe de Chine, at $10.00 and $12.00. Bibs A bib that tie, snugly around the waist is embroidered unci trimmed with lace. $a.25. There are bibs without beltsr some em broidered, with scalloped edges, and some lace trimmed, at ?1.25 te $n,00. Dresses and Sweaters The small brunette- at the left wears a becoming dress of vellew or orange with crisp white cellar and cuffs. Tiny no.-s stitch motifs add distinction. 2 te 4 year sizes. $3.75. Other dresses are pink, blue, green and tan. at $3.00 te $3.75. Iru ported dresses with smocking are $7.50 and $9.50. A hand-made tan sweater with brown cellar and cuffs makes thn warmest playtime garment. 3 and 4 year size. $5.50. Hand-made sweaters in pink, blue" nnd white, in 1 te 3 year sizes, Arc v47e Bennets The most becoming cap imagin able is made of pink or white cord ed silk with white Irish lnce and pleated net te frame the face. It Is cketched below at the left. $6.75. A crepe de Chine cap with tiny rows of shirring is shown nt the right belew. It conies in pink or blue, at $2.50. THIRD FLOOR u f A 'Pi' 5Lr J'V.' North Philadelphia ' The marriage is announced of Miss Marcelle F. Nachman, daughter of Mrs. Arthur B. Nachman, of the Norfolk Apartments, te Mr. Sidney 8. Mosko Mesko Moske wlts, of this city, en November 2. Mr, and Mrs. Moskewlta will be at home Sunday, December 3. at 0328 North Camae street, Oak Lane. At, tknA Jtmm ltril,-. n..IKaal,. a North Nineteenth street: will entertain ' "... . r OI l"eir menus at tneir nenw en Wednesdny evenlng In honor of Mrs. Heward Brldgely, of Ithaca, N. Y who Is spending several weeks In this city. Mr. and Mrs. Leenard B. Gels, of Farmlngten, Me., are visiting their Pitt?" $?, Mr- and Mrs. Moses Sels. of 1901 Erie avenue, with whom they will spend several weeks. Miss Florence T. Keber, at Fifteenth nnl Dauphin street, Is spending a short tlme In Reading, Pa., where she Is the guet of her cousin, Mlsa Bcrnlce Richards. Mr. and Mra Milten L. Rcinhelmer, 1 . ' ALL THIS WEEK H0RET0BE J. G1END0N k EITH'S THEATRE FANNIE BRtCE Lt Star Zl'tifli "FeIUm" WALTFR & EMILY WALTERS Helen Hinrlni It NtUUe BttM Freda It Anthenv Jei. X. Watien Miller It Bradford A- Other! NOVEMBER SO ELSIE JAN IS M ' -r.w m Jh U A i. i 1837 Londen Rompers The jeunc student en the right wears serviceable colored crepe rompers with a smart white cellar, cuiTs and belt. In pink or blue, sizes 6 months te 2 yenrs. $2.50. Other styles et" lempers arc $1.50 te $3.00. And Other Things A frisky little deg in tan, blue or pink is S5c. The pillewslip sketched below has Madeiia embroidery. $3.75. The quilted carriage cover mntches the rebe nbeve. $7.50. flO.OO and $12.00. Knitted bootees of pink or blue have little tesibuds. $1.50, Eiderdown ulippcrs of tan, blue or pink are lined with white and edged with WMien, $1,75. mM FRANK eV l4 ' Herth "Wnttiiiitlif &iig'Jit reeelving eongratulatlena upon the Wrth or a aaugnter, jane Lenimran " helmer. Mr. Heward Beeley, of North Six teenth street, has left for the West, where he will spend some time In travel. Mrs. Frances Furth has returned from a visit with her aen-ln-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Elwood Flemlnr, of Flerida, and Is new with her children, Mr. nnd Mrs. Eugene Nathan, at 1928 West Erie avenue. Frankford Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cresaan, of 8128 Elberc-n avenue, are receiving con gratulations upon the birth of a son. Miss Margaret Masen, of Arrett street, entertained at a luncheon and card party at her home en Friday after noon In honor of Miss Marie Jacksen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jacksen, of Scranton, Pa, PITIED THAN SCORMEft tvHh ALICE LAKE ROSfNARY THIBY ACADEMY OF MUSIC FOYER Thursday Eve., Nev. 10, 8:15 KOCIAN CZECH VIOLINIST Ticket NOW ni Ilrppe'i, 1119 Cheitnv.. itreet. tnd Academy. .5... r w r v- fs .1 dttcfc that can be played with in ene'ft tub is a joy indeed. 73c. And there are celluloid swans as well in two sizes, $1.C0 nul 75c. uz A Puss tn Beets that is alme' as tall as one's self is all made of shtny black oilcloth with trimmings of bright red or yellow. (2.25. V- H - -i.? A j 77 fiXiM: v ''i tTyr-" ' " '- z tMMtwsi sswm Mrs. Edmund Palmer, of Chester ave nue, entertained a few friends at bridge en Thursday afternoon. Mrs. J. Clement Hepkins, of West !.. .. -... I eitnffnlti ItlfAPmnllV this afternoon, at cards te meet Mrs. Walsh and Mrst Waring. Mrs. Harry Mlddleten gave a bridge party Inst week te meet he members et the Egg Harber Yacht Club Auxiliary, f Bench Havtn, at her home en Chcster avenue. About forty guests were pres ent, Mrs- Prank Lawrence, of Trenten wm ( a guest OI miss iiicj. nuin nil ,.v...n., and Thursday of last week. Church Dedicates New Organ A pipe organ was dedicated teMcrday ... A ' L,...i...t Mni,n,itt. Ftilupetinl rhurrh. Ocrinnntewn. 'ihe Rev. I-rank i M. Cirav preacneii en tnu iiivim.-, ..-..-ship "With Instrtitncnts." In the eve ning C. Stanley Champien conducted un organ rccltnl. Jee Mack & Girls In "THE ROSE Or BPAIH" ADAMS & THOMPSON SISTERS "HOVEtTY MUSICAL TREAT" SCOTTY WELSCH & GIRLS SINGING PIANOLOOUE ALEXANDER & ELIMOR In "A D1STUIIBANCE" WHEELER TRIO "ACROBATS SUPREME" HARRY JAMS EUROPEAN NOVELTY BIG TWO.PART COMEDY LARRY SEMON la "PASSING THE BUCK" FEATURE. EDUCATIONAL AND NEWS FEATURES Price SUttne. 15e A 20e. rhii.,..- 1I.A. Vlhl, 111- 1I- ... .."., M, . ...v, ",-, e'k ami iim icpt Siturdays ana llellitj: Wer Tux miluun., f IIIIBFDT THI WORLDS BEST DAILT MATS., 2:15 EVES. AT 8:15 "GIMME A THRILL" Beview Thriller, Hcvl'ndent With Glorious Olrls THE GARDINER TRIO Ilancln their wjr into the hmrta of AmeHra Ocn. Braet & Ce. Herbert & Bafrett SOKEL & QUICK TIP TOP TQUR BRYON & lANODEN 20 LOVELY THRILLS 20 MASON & KELER LYRIC NIOHTS AT 8-15 8HART POP. MAT. WEDNESDAY THE MUSirAI urr ne r I BLOSSOM DiucrnaMA TIME lTk ORIGINAL WAKSUNAT .',D PMOuOlfli "A glorious rstival 'usic." ItllCOllD. of bcauttul AUELPHI Evet. COe te S3 (Exc. Sat ) $1 MAT. THURS. "5 b e w Centemet 1 8 0 Minutes of Jules Hurti With Messr Shulcrt pres-nt Time; of These 180 vmm Any Nermal Audience it Bound te Spend 175 in Liuthter." Eft. Public Ledfer. VIVIAN MARTIN I.VVVF nvFRMAN artM CLIIIDsVE-r T.i it U.V..I, Last Fop, Mat. Wed Ti IN A w iCxceriEDV "DAFFY DILL" GEORGIA O'RAMEY ?E.?T WEEK SEATS" THURSDAY w...v wrucn i- r T imnhi' JULIA SANDERSON (i TANGERINE" Frnnk Crui-lt Fr-nk L-lr (t 0' r nM c.' GARRICK EVE.VINOi AT 15 i MTIN-' ts CHARLES OILLINtfltAM pJSentt ----- -..-.,.., muFir i mar j THE BUNCH AP JUDY Xtu.lp bT Jeremo h r., I.fTUt) r Arinn i",i,lni """.i..11 .Xnn 0 M.-ll in i il d rrn With, II l.ll.nt ( t n '. . bl. tSR l.v I'r.,1 i',,,'""1"' .. .'tv.i ajumr i' mei'r FORREST EVOS AT 10 Mat. Wed i Bat LAST a TiMr?: HariWn M ltr Will Pn.'tivelv Appear At All Rfirainlnr Perfermanr ZIEGFELD till' MI'H MARILYN MILLER LEON ERROL BROAD HTVTVft" -k 7i matS wnn sat. FRANCINE LARflMOl NICE PEOPLE w TtAritnr. rr.nTiiniw emrvirsT 1 1 r-s METROPOLITAN OrERA HOUhE 2 Weeks Siartini? Next Monday BAN CARLO COMB1UU Wi.".V TOAfV, AIDit; 'J:u'', niOOLETTO S.VI 4.JJ?2PA' Ttuirs. M t M'RTHA Tv WHBHSBHu R4Sai FOX-TROT CONTEST LAST OPEN NIGHT ?0UICISAMY0N WFvffSSiffl DON'T MISH IT 'WEIlH THE CASTLE 2HI S Ilr,,l (it Ne Panclnr Tuesdqy Nev, 14th CASINO Billy Watsen Mat Dnllf m QUNDOPERA MIIOTBRMTH J IIAft.K THOMAS . ia A mi w ii AJ'nAMQVaT LEATBICE JOY JUNE CtVIOOX "The Man Who i Saw Tomorrow" The Mnt t'niniinl I'lut Krer tmlnd ' , A NOTABLE JHWfltPAT. rPAT'TflE HANS KINDLER WOJILD-RENOWNED CELLIST 1BTII Avn xraittrtrr . 11:10. 1.30. 8:20. nan. 7:80, 0:14 AltAMOt'NT I'ICTI ItlZATION. IiK.MIA.if THOMPSON'S Li-irr- "LD IWFCt.,. " kb. - "er mm Mt iv: Theodare ReberU, Geerge hwceth T Rey Barnes, Harrison Fere) Fritxi Rldgway NEXT WEEK NERD 111 t I 1 i I Mill IS ALDINE UKIi nnd enmnut SOe' 11:30 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30. 0:30 !0, 5:30, 7:30. METHO P METRO Present Mae Murray AND MONTE BLUE IN PIRST SHOWING Broadway Rese V StrY of Urnadirnr I)ln-cte1 by llfbert .. Leenard l. it IIIISV rOAVKLt.. Hnnni PRIZE ESSAY CONTEST FOR LADIES A bnml mi' reuii If effiTi il nn a prtl bv !)' tnv. tli ip11 kner. n iri'iillnti', of l!ii:s A ii Unit Stmt t" tti" Imly writln Un b.t .l.'i. uf tin elatiemte eew .i worn by Mlaj Mutniy In this lim'lurtlrn rin .'y must net pxred oe werdu, until n en i rip Mile of tin pri!r only nml . nt tn Ihp Miinnsir. Abllni Tb atre. Tn ' Iv". if r'init will bi- "II known in . writer uf lMiilaJi'lpliU new. IJp,TH il in l 'in :vin in 10 n 10 elfcZriftrr, 10 A. M. ti, 11 P. IL g V BROO.D & CHESTNTJT BRCVD It CHESTN 3T NATIONAL ATTR PIP.3T NATIONAL ATTRACTION ZfcrtMffneA -5 SKIN -rvrjrntd EEP WITH MILTON SILLS and FLORENCE VIDOR DAB Aflfc" i-'M ,v m .m:t rHLnwb 10 A M 10 11 15 P. M. PA-RAMntTNT PTCTtirV "Te Have and te Held" With BETTY COMPSON A- BERT T.YTELL VICTORIA Hill .1. Jl MM I r 'i A M pi li in ! M. "RAGS TO RICHES" rEAT"RINO WESLEY BARRY Nexl Week First Showing "SHADOWS" with LON CHANEY AI)j,V I0IM AMMIIWM sHilWHaflH 10 A. M 10 1' IS P. M OHN t nrf.T "HONOR FJRST" OAOITOI -HI M. I(;f.T i ii M M H mW BBBBl '"THE SIN FLOOD" QLOBE ANU w It ET ' T0 11 THE BIG SHOW! "Barnum Was Right" (i'iIH I ' III I .1 b s iibvhuMi ll..U.ll ,11 !-.lJ,a . i: i, b tj p ii i wi, , VliTl s "MANSLAUGHTER" THOMAS MC1GHAN ALLEGHENY tr:nv crcir. d de miit.1 ;" MANSLAUGHTER, With THOMAS KI KiHAN ADDED MO1I0N PI TUIlEb OP IRANI 10HI) ' 1 ( I LI II RATION CROSSKETS v.',1 ''"i "MISTAKES OF 1922" WALNUT NIOHTS ATlh HHARP MAT. WED. "Liveliest Shew nf the Reason " N. Am. S.-Tlf AKJrfBl in ACADJ. UY Ol il U H I O P HiLAfiLLPHIA GRCHESTRi 1 rni'OI Ii HTdl IIWKM Inmlurlnr -ilIII Mil I SOUS NIH IT T mi "iAlIlliU IM.NIM N( ii, at H 1-1 RROMhLAW HUUrilMAN VlsllVlafe BLETHO.EN . .Gunrrite in b major, for . v In anil Orchestra LIBZT ... . HunirarUn Rhapieily jf0 t Ht-ati. AiHikmy ft II 'im' ,, g. YON TONIOHT lis r. u. nriTir Aim walnut ht mitmeir DESMOND 1 -jaiai K,,".,.AT- fc Cumbaitant WMfhlly et d-lft Mats Tn . ti,,... a.. fAE DESMOND -- ... S.IMIW, m.9 "MADAME X" 'in Tr,'' tihi M W-. -PIOTUK SfAMTONl Jk-MXJ VXi a. - "fc -" 1E n sfftMElEAII gCastOTJ :m iri .M jfn .;l at A tl tj I XA M w tVXSITROCADERO "5$v MACHUft lM , i W.,,. . ' mtPM?&Mffr,iPvVVh -( -r ? ..-.., a. ,..i. .e, tXrJ .,i.JH. .,.. ii; . . miiB$k!i&&rtib.iAi . L ,. . t ''A.-.;J-J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers