Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 13, 1922, Night Extra, Image 7

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Organ playi at , 11 and 5:16 WAMAM Ain?D'C
Mtledr nd Chlmg at Noen. I TT TlII XlVlVJVI2sfV'C
Stere Closes at 5:30
Stere Opens at 9
J 1 I I -ZZ , i 1 1
The Far Cemers of the Earth Are Rushing Their Rarest Preduc
' . . - - rtv
WAXTATVf AK"I?ttC W.?.i '!
T Y '
One May: Be Great in
Little. Faithfulnesses
True greatness is well shown in school
teachers, never impatient, never tee wearied
te miss the least chance te pave the way up for
a little child out of his perplexities and lead
him out te a hill-top.
It is real greatness net te be above doing
little things te help another who is far down.
November 1J, lOii,
Printed Silks Are
Share of
There Is the widest choice of
patterns one can imagine, anil
women like them all the richly
colored Paisley designs, queer
Egyptian prints, the fashionable
Persian effects and ethers which
are simply Oriental.
Sometimes the entire dress,
Sometimes umy mc muusu pa.
or sleeves are made of printed (
Women's Warmly Lined Gloves
Much of a woman's charm lies
fai her hands and se, for beauty's
take as well as for warmth, lined
gloves become almost a necessity.
Such gloves need no longer be
bulky, when linings are se care
fully made.
53.50 two - clasp, pique sewn
Parisienne Corsets
Elastic Medels
In every instance the elastic
is imported, which means it is
of a wonderful fineness and soft
ness. The designs are chiefly
for women of slender and aver
age figures.
A topless broche with elastic
panel in the front and a flat
back is priced $10.
Anether has the elastic in
four sections and short steels,
A heavy and long model is
for plump women. This is re
inforced te insure straight back
lines, $18.
Anether topless of satin
striped broche in orchid color
and with ribbon embroidery, $22.
A novelty clastic for evening
has reinforced back and front,
A particularly fine and thin
silk elastic corset is straight
ami simple and priced $22
(Third Fleer)
Babies' Warm
Leng, soft, warm wrappers arc
, white flannelet, trimmed with
daintily figured flannelet or a nar
row edging.
(Third Fleer)
What Wonder Coats
Luxuriously Fur-Trimmed Coats
for Women at $185
TEAUTIPUL coats that have just made their bow
XJ in the Women's Ceat Salens. They are se much
prettier than ordinary and se generously fur
trimmed that the price seems little, indeed.
Imagine the finest changeable belivia coating
with a sheen like silk and as soft and warm as
anything could be outside of fur. Then a shoulder
yoke which extends te the wide cuff and a hand
wm? snawl ceHar cenng below the waistline of
black fox. Gelden brown or kit fox gray are the
The ether style of coat is straight with a
paneled back, a new type of sleeve and a narrow
pelt. In kit fox, gray, cinder or black with col cel
lar and cuffs of kit fox. Or in brown with dyed
Brown Satin Slippers
Are Highly
even for
with otherwise '
iy uinck costumes. One
Rees t
mi'ill with flu. ..,.. m..i.
levL.lv i7l "m w,.t". the many
times fr(1" ,),OI15!0
!'' uini'ii
Da l?.ine.w ,et brinB Heme
uppers. Ihey are plain slip.
'?TT,,I" i
Claiming a Large
bilks. They arc used for some
of the smartest blouses, for lin-'
itiK.s, millinery, trimmings and
se en.
Printed crepe dc chine, 40
inches wide, $3.50 a yard.
Printed radium .in checks,
blocks and dots, 40 Indies wide,
$4 a yard.
x miiiu jiueay wmuw ui
40 inches wide, $4 a yard
Printed pussy willow tnnetas,
irlace gloves, in black or brown,
have warm wool linings.
$4.50 imported brown buck
suede gloves have seamless wool
$4.75 two styles. One a soft
gray mocha with seamless wool
lining. The ether a strap-wrist
54-Inch Blue Serge
Special, $2 a Yard
It is really a wonderful quality
of all-wool serge for $2 a yard,
and in this extremely wide width
it cuts te the best advantage.
Alse the weight is the best for
women's and children's dresses. In
an extremely pretty navy blue.
(Flmt Fleer)
Overdraperies Take
Their Places
Among the materials whose
eclers de net fade are plain mad
ras at $1.75 a yard; artificial silks
in beautiful colors, either plain or
fancy, $2.75 te $4.75 a yard.
Heps and armures arc particu
larly attractive. $3 te $4.50 a
Damasks are in a geed assort
ment, including the new designs
and the lovely old things that go
se well with antique furniture.
$5.75 te $7.50 a yard.
Cotten and silk veleurs arc
always well liked. $3.75 te $15 a
(Fifth Fleer)
pers, en slender lines, yet with
ini new meuiuiii-niiuiv umjj
mid sliRhtly rounded tee. They
have modified Ficnch heels.
$11 n miir.
Cut bieiuucl huiMes ttans-
feun them Inte affairs of
MM.! .! , ,
?u te .fin u pair.
A New Mesh Bag
Opens Rather
It can't be opened while
suspended from the hand
or arm. But it is easily un
clasped when the chain is
hanging down. Fer this
reason it is a safe bag te
carry valuables in.
In the attractive green green
geld finish, long and nar
row, balloon shaped or
square, some with fringe,
ethers with tassels, and, all
with n jeweled clasp, .$21
te $31.
(Mnln fleer)
Crepe de Chine
Tailored styles, one with small
sleeves and the ether with sheulde
Each comes in peach, pink and
orchid and is priced 5.
(Third Fleer)
1 $fiW
Women's Gowns of the
New Geld-Flecked Fabric
TT IS a soft silk jersey, with flecks of geld or silver
x lighting the color of the ground brown, grays,
henna, bluebird or black with charming effect.
One model is a day dress with long sleeves and
deep pointed overskirt.
Anether having elbow sleeves with fur will be
used for afternoon.
A third, sleeveless, is made with circular skirt
and fur borders en its girdle 'ends. This, of course,
is for evening.
Prices, $G5 te $105.
rirt lloer)
te Wear or
Her Winter Ceat Means Much
te the Yeung Weman
TF SHE is wise she will take many pains te have it
just right and as handsome as possible. After all,
the coat is mere in evidence than any ether gar
ment in her wardrobe.
There could be no chance of a mistake in
cheesing any one of many newly arrived styles.
All are made of the most beautiful silk-finished
belivia and all are trimmed with fashionable furs
beaver, dyed squirrel, kit fox, black fox, taupe
or platinum wolf.
Many have the youthful bloused back, some
are the new and pretty straight flaring models.
In Malay brown, kit fox, gray, navy or black, from
$110 te $185. Sizes 16 te 20 years.
(Keieml I lour)
Kimonos With the
Very Charm of Japan
Special, $4.50
Just out of the boxes that
brought them from Japan, and
they are lovely both in colerinu
anl embreiilcrv.
The Japanese crepe is escellnnt
' quality and the kimonos are cut
I especially full, with Japanese
, sleeves, and are in beautiful tints
'of jri-ay rose, lipht blue, sun glow,
' d, dark blue and se en.
The hanil.nmhvnlrlpri' is liniieiml
at the price storks i'n flight, ex
quisitely done.
, , v , iTIUrU lr)
Lapis Lazuli Jewelry
Frem the Orient
This is the dark Russian lapis
lazuli, and a knotted necklace of
the beads is priced $125; hnt-pinsj
825 each, earrings, $45 and $52.50;
a tiny bear a charm is ?6 -and
unset stones of vaiicd shapes and
sizes, $22.50 each.
Loek for them in the Oriental
(Mnln Tloer)
Mahogany Mantel
Clocks Chiming Each
Quarter Heur
They arc one of the finest Amer
ican clocks made and every one
has the beautiful Westminster
chime en bars. It is the favorite
of all the chimes with most people.
Hut besides the excellent time
keeping qualities, these clocks arc
a delight te the eye and a most
appropriate piece of furnishing for
a mantelpiece or low bookcase.
They are in mahogany cases in
tambour or Colonial designs, dig
nified and simple in lines.
The prices are $55, $60, $65 and
(Main Fleer)
te See!
Special, 1.85 te $2.35
'I he vmbreldei y is even finer
than usual and there is nuich of
tlu wondeifull executed solid
work. Indeed, both the fine scal
llinK and the designs aiu even
better than usual.
One may cheese nightgowns 0f
soft, fine batiste or of durable,
finely woven heavy muslin. All
aie made entirely by hand.
' , (Tlijrd rutr)
,. ' " ' .
Seme of the Finest
that have come out of the West
mny be seen Just new in the Lamp
Weeden lamps, bridge and junior
sizes, finished in geld and black or
silver and black, and priced $32.50
te $37.50.
Appropriate shades, $25 te
(Fourth Fler)
Personal Greeting
Christmas Cards
Yeu can have cards with gay
reasonable design? in colors and
your name printed en them for
iuc and COc a dozen.
Or you can choe.se from a fine
assortment of die stamped and en
graved cards, your name being
placed thereon by a secret process
that imitates plate printing se
that" none but an expert can tell
the difference between it and an
engraved plate.
Prices range from $3.25 te $8
for the first twenty-five cards.
(Main Fleer)
Leather Jewel Cases
Make Thoughtful
Gifts are all the mere appre
ciated when they arc the kind net
always thought of.
Jewel 'cases may be simple or
may nearly approach the mag
nificent. In every case, they are
pleasingly lined.
Most of them aie of glazed
leathers in tan, brown, gray, rose,
iignt or aarK eiue. lavender, etc.
One shows a delectable- lemon
velvet lining and many delightful
little trays and pads.
Snuare, oblong and oval shapes i
arc here and some cases like regu
lar little suitcases. $3.50 te $40.
(Main Fleur)
Amber and Shell That
Never Saw Sea or
Actually celluloid, but perfect
simulations of the real sea-amber
and tortoise shell effects.
The most atti active dressing
table fittings this year are made
of them.
Translucent amber effect dec
orated in actual geld is lovely in
biuhes, combs, mirrors, puff
boxes and all the ether daintv
paraphernalia. Frem a button
hook at $.. te a miner at $10.7.",,
or a hair-brush at $12.25.
Undecorated amber effect from
SI for the buttonhook te $8 for
the mirror.
And the clever imitation of toi-teise-shell
from $1 te $7.75.
They are sold either separately
or in complete sets.
(Mnln lloer)
What Are the Best 50c
Linen Towels Yeu
Knew Of?
Here aie three grades in par- I
ticular which we are certain it
would be hard te improve upon. j
When we say linen towels, we
mean all-linen and nothing but '
We lu-ue heavy huckaback towels
with damask border at 50c in size
18.'!4 inches that are a reliable
Other-, in the huckaback weave,
m.:e ISs.'iG inches, of equal excel -Ieiue
at the same price.
And we thewa wenderfullv geed
guest towel, 15xL'2 inches,' with
damasi; bolder and monogram
'"piiie ."iOe.
And of towels at $ each we
hew.a niet attractive gieup, hem
stitched, beautifully woven,
blcnihed and finished, lustrous as a
piece tif .-atin and in handsome
floral ami sniped patteins, the size
hems: 2I."D inihes.
(I lr-t rlimr)
Belated Bales of Indian
Blankets Just In
They emehmv get. lest en
uiuRus uiuiii an me mere welcome.
Culled Indian because of typically Indian pattern.-
even with an all-wool weft and cotton warp.
Warm, serviceable and decorative. Seme people call thrm
robes and use them net only as such but as emich-threw., ami
what net.'
Priced according te fineness,
18 and $20 ouch.
"Columbia" Bicycles Are Better
Than Ever
And the prices lower than ever.
'Columbia.''3 " btHtCl biCye, " Ule ,,,,wl lh thu
We de net believe there i one as geed.
See the latest models for men, women bevs nml !,.
in the Sporting Goods Store. ' ' unU ttUb
Prices, from $32.50 for Juvenile models te VM -,n iv,,-'
men's and women's models. l,,w"eis te ..eO ier
(Th Galltrr)
The Gracefully Easy Loek
About a Sports Suit
Has Wen Men
AT THE club, metering, anywhere outdoors and even for busi
ness the three-piece sports suit has become the daytime attire
for the smartly dressed man.
It has no age limits, it has no "occasion" limits, but its non
chalant naturalness has carried the air of buoyant geed-fellowship
It always has a belt, sometimes the tacked-down type with
the pleated back; again it will be a revival of the old-time Nor
folk with belt all around. ,
The prices are from $35 te $50.
Day After Day
a Tweed Hat
Stands the
Neither drenching rain nor
blazing sun seem te have any
effect upon it. Seil and dirt
roll off unnoticed and rum
pling and crushing and toss
ing hither and there never
even wrinkles the gracefully
cureless shape that men like
.se well.
Naturally the best tweed
hats are the hand-tailored
ones from England. A
dozen smart colorings, in a
new shape that is widely
liked and priced. $6.
(Main I luiir)
Small and Medium Sized
Nobedv uilh eun the remotest interest in
the things that sjive charm and color te a
home can pass them by without slopping te
admire the strange and striking combinations
of blue and orange and golden tan. and some
times peach and mulberry tones.
The furnishing effect is rich and positive
and the quality is the finest that comes from
the looms of China.
the way, but tht
delav unly
size and beauty at $1, .si.').
fy r 'J-lr t J)
(riilrd Fleer)
Couldn't Find Such Geed
Mufflers Cleser Than
Every thread silk. And the finest silk. heaw. nH. ...
warm. '
! Seme are just plain colors usually dark ethers have one
, side one plain color and the ether side in contrast, while still
j ethers have gay Reman stripes close te the ends. AH have
I fringe.
The price is $14.
The Shee That a Man Will
Wear in the Evening
Te dance in or for any formal occasion.
It must be a plain shoe, it must be light and easy, but it
must be smart as well.
A shoe that many men like is here. Plain from front te
back, with the straight, tipless tee, light soles and low heels.
It is in either patent leather or dull finish
Price $6.40.
(Main 1 luur)
a Delight te
("vNtli I ler
"Ready te Ge Heme New, Dear?"
Asked a Mether of Her Small Sen in
the Tey Stere.
itall"ve ThS?! ! ! iV;U hftve?,,t HK(;,N '' -'
hates te miss anv of the
55..!e !!5ylhJ.n b"1
nictures. nil ihn ii
wid-.ev,i ., ,f" . ':',: ..""";" ,,H '"tie
-.""- V1.lll.'l
1$3evs and TOYS and TOYS!
, ' leys from nil ever the world such eyl
Chinese Rugs
Don't be satisfied with just looking at
them, but feel them and mark the wonderful
substance and heaviness.
Mark also hew moderate are the prices for
such quality.
Size l. I te 2.i U ft., at $25 te $;I3.
Size .Jx.") ft. approximately, $1.1 te Sti.".
Size (5x9 ft. annrevimatelv. SI. 10 te sm.v
nWrrethaf make a3 K
"!. Then, there arV-nVivtai
-.. V . ' ' 7".f u,e ""eyili
Te say nothing of
erntli Fleer)
JJiTi i ii V i ' ii' i"i " 1 11 1 v-