Er V' lr.JE&,BMBB&ggBSfflJHmm WTOOn fc. l IUIm Commlsilener of Fisheries Says He Is Unable te C6pe With Schuylkill Situation DEPLORE FISH SLAUGHTER TV rVhnvlldll'niver I polluted from H mouth te its nource and the State Department of Flnhnrlra lias net cneuffli nmver In law te remedy tlie situation, iecerdlnn te X. H. ". Commission. er f Fisheries. , Mr. Bullcr mnile this statement In . let er te Jehn M. Sleklnser, 4M Mnrmlnn street, Mnneytink. who wrote Je TurriSiirit cemptalnlim nheut the &n"hter of Ash by polluted mntter In tn" river. The commissioner's icpl.v, In pert, follews: Dlnrnen Mine Refuse "In the first place, It is bttdly pol pel lilted bv the refuse from the mines, ml under our lows It is useless te weseetite for pollution of this ehnrncter. as several eases were breuRht befer the eeurts which were lest. Aleuit with ll,n pollution from the inln;. thl-j tlream receives tiie effluent from all 1,e tn-lustrlal estnbllshments. teRetliee irlth the sewage from the ritlen whli u line lis bonk throughout the entire Iriistti. "The pollution question Is n slit slit fiemteit one te solve, net only from ihe standpoint of the conservation of the 1M1. but the henlth of Ihe penpK utirl during the years I Imve been Con; Cen; Con; mlwlener of Fisheries I Imve contlnunl centlnunl Jv worked toward securing better Ipfrlt 1st Ien whlrh would ghc us creator pewfrs. The laws gevernlnc pollution lemlnir under the Jurisdiction of this deportment are net ndeimiite te rene n-itli n situation ruch as the Schuylkill ,rrients. At the Inst session of the J.ejrMnture the department had a bill Introduced whleh Inelnded mine pollu tion nnd pnve us brender powers en nil elnsses of pollution (except sewujte, tliis bring a mntter for the Htnte Henlth department). This bill wus wldidv advertised nnd public hearings held, but met with little response from the pub lie throughout the Commemvenltli nnd conseyuently foiled in pussnge. Asks Spertmen's Aid "The department trusts that the pnrtsmen, either Individually or tnreugh the nsorintiens, will nt the r.ext session of the Legislature iisslst this depnrtment or some ether te so me mere ndo(unte legislation en this uibjeet. It Is our thought in the mat ter thnt nleng wih this hill mi tip tip tip proprlslen Mieuld he mnde fur the sur vey of all waters of the Slhtc, show-Ins the location, character nnd extent of pollution en enrh streum se nffeeted." womeFzienFsts te held fair te raise $10,000 Three-Day Affair te Begin Nev. 21 In the Turngemelnde The Philadelphia Chapter of I twins uh. the women's Zionist nreanlziitinn. will held a "county fnlr'.' beBinnln?-! .vovemDer yi nnu continuing for three days in the Turngemelnde. nrend fctrect and Columbia nvenue. . The chapter wnnta $10,000 te outfit en ambulance for Palestine. Side ihews, vaudeville nets, dnnclng nnd motion pictures will be some of the features of the futr. Exhibits of nrt needlework mnde by rhlldren in Palestine nnd ether raer thnndlsc will be no displayed and plneeil en snlc. Sirs. II. Harry Frnnkel, l3 North Bread street, in receiving ex hibits nr thp fair. The opening day will be arranged Mpeclnlly for children. There will be amusements for the youngsters. The i ffcend day will le known as Palestine I nay ana tbe closing any as Uig Thurs day. "We realize that a fair is an educa tion te the people witnessing it and ele the greatest neighborhood gather ing," said Mrs. Frnnkel. "Fer this t-easen we arc sparing no efforts tn bow what our organization strives te l0. "It Is our heat rhnnce te display our erlt, nnd from present indications, 1 en safely say that the event will be a (i eat success. In every department of the fair will be some of the things that are found in the homes in Palestine, as well as the modern implements nnd the kind of work engaged in there, most of which has been brought about through cur movement." These in charge of the nffalr are Mrs. I.. Moskewltz, chalrmnn ; Mrs. T. turnlm, Mrs. Geerge Ileseraan, Mrs. II. (linns, Mrs. K. Schachmun, Mra. A. (olden, Mrs. H. Josephs, Mrs. M Hehrend, Mrs. II. Vcrblt, Mrs. H. Brnv nnd Mrs. Frankel. PHILADlTPHIAlliAMiED TO STATE LEGION PLACES Pour Head Important Committees Appointed by New 8tate Commander ppntntments te seven committees or thii IVunsylv.uiln Department Anion- an Li;ieii' were announced ut depart" , tuent headquarters here by W'lllliim H. I''. mum cuniiiiujnRT. iuc upiini" meats fellow : ..MMIcil AM and plahtv Fnlrtlere -Dr. J. m V. Raken. (hpfrmtn. Phllailelphiu: Wllllnm It. DuPrrv. riillk'lphl.i: .Mxrii Si .MeOevtrn. WIUcee-Barr: pi. A. O. IJ,1!VJrJc'.,1'(1. rittitun. I, a. (ler Jen V-Vreter, ' !lphl: lr. Jehn 1". Hurley, Wllllum. fnrli Dr A. J. JluU. Pliteburgh; Mr. Quln S?i, Arner, Allentevtn. Jehn I.. Hiibliimm, Iiilonten! Dr. Jehn 1,. llurkheUler. Jtt. Ryimnt. Mi'i1?'!c?:7",,Q,,Ilh n- WlneKur. chairman. iliiJ .sl".V RolenJ f ITnlitti r. fhlln.e. E1'' Mfi-..'- Y""' rhllRJlulnhln Teit Ht-tl- new MLUeiutfrne. Wllke-ILurej UaxnUl K.I Jl0,k'..r.1'! J. III". Plttaburitli; I rhal7m.n"V-7iC;e,n.?" IMUm H Mn.eHn j'1la'tewn: rt-unk I,. Plimla, wilkcs-llarr-, W'ttkV: nH.""V. yrantn: hiuceu Smith, cSm?,r.!f ''""Ehlln. Wliken.TUrr. . n 3ehn,,f"S'le' .Wllke-Haire. rhnli- Ainerl Jjilrma Am.V&'.'Si.Zf.1' .. J!i iW '.. Lebanon, . wn.vB,ufl TJ.J1' U1" ' . "v. il'.'tw. t Mcr.l- reun ir;;, .1. '."'.' . S.V1'"? . ." nienu A thn.dei;,;r:T!i: JV WW. chairman tfnranier: Mi?ei. nerM!rs,y.l,lin w- J"1,," Winter, WlikpJ.HVVr,,,,.0f,.A,1,l,n0l''; rnul M Union, r",c't!l'Vtr JfS'.f SJcOMisn. Waah. wiillmnu?t, .aiB,lU' u"'1 ,lruce A- 'n'. Perrvbeat i. ,.. B ?-- --t'Bi ncicuea ''rrybUHMliv.,Vnn,71,v"nil, Knllreail lln . ,r.UI , V I"1':' "'.'.' from Its IP en the .,''."" 'T ""J" Vs fiver limt ni,; i"b nine op tne fall and iumne,i'' ,nn,n ruRhe' " 'ranleves &1 ,everb,"fd. Hnilread MpltBrwi?i. ,,,l,n '" '," .THToreh years old. U,Mer,cc. twentytlin-e WnJ0 21,k,eyW'llRe7e"ver te in uS?,kfe 1,,,,t,,i, ft.l.u-hi den TiM,r'dny,.ln ."" autemcblle "aid tednv, ' n,,em,l'B phjsicians HSFOlLlMIN Dougherty's Faultiest Bedding 1632 CHESTNUT STREET Chicago San Francisce SOFT, PURE tAMEL HAIR BATH and HOUSE ROBES for boys and girls. MAY BE HAD IN THE NATURAL TAN SHADE, FALLOW OR SEAL BROWN 19.00 te $0.00 By sfee and weight effabtte IIGHT, yet warm and as cesy as can be desired. - these fine'eamel hair Heuse Coats are designed en full graceful lines and custom tailored in the Jaeger Erivate workrooms. Twe styles are presented eund with grosgrain ribbon or silk cord with cellars that may be worn high or low. Fer practicability, re finement of style and quality they typify the exacting standards observed by Jaeger. Children imported Gauntlet Cleves of Natural Tan $ft Camel's Hair. White Weel Lined Cuff aWe Mail Orders and Inquiries Invited. Illustrated Booklet of Jaeger Apparel Mailed Upen Request 1701 CHESTNUT STREET Cerner 17th r saH lamuy ja H .fcsV sH -this winter and every travel-comfort reason forgoing via the Santa le YOU CAN meter every day ever perfect highways by the sea or along the base of grccn-clad mountains. There are big resort hotels and cozy inns or you can rent a bungalow and enjoy your own rose garden. Gelf links galore and excellent schools for your children. The Santa F operate; four daily trains te California. One ei them tha California Limited i exclusively for firitelit travel. Fred Harvey icrvsi til tba meals "all tba way." - ' Spiek'aad'ipaa eer iteel cquipmtat en tba California Limited. There are PullmaM via Grand Canyon National Park te Les Anfetti en both the California Limited and the Minleaarr. We will arrange your Pullman reiervatiem te you ean stay at ine ianyen any numesr 01 aaye and be aured of ipaee when reiumiu Journey. Why net visit Southern Arizona (elaf or returning? It it delllbtful at Cattle Het Sprinf 1, Inleilde end Chandler. May I send you our deteriptive booklet! and srranfe details el your tripP n. P. Rmlth. Oen. Ant e. c. nuuru. nii. r"s. ai. A. T. H. F. Hy. ' 10a Flnsiic nidn.. rhllmtfiphls. Pa. l'hui: I.ecuat 43i Grand Canyon , " . .. 1 . . . . WllAf l. .. -.. .-..-. ,.,.. ...J, .,.,.,.. - wansirm mm ,-. . . ii X ,t ui -,- piA,i" . ( Luxurious Bex Springs Hair. Mattresses. The peerless quality, work manship and continuing luxury of Dougherty Bex Springs and Hair Mattresses have beceme Household words with dis criminating people nil ever this bread land, who have net yet found any te equal these famous bedding specialties in any particular. Yeu will never realize the heights te which bedding luxury can attain until you have installed the Dougherty productions. l.uinrleus no Spring,, Reliable llnlr Mattresses, Mahogany Bed steads, Khgllah Down Furniture, I.nmpa and Nursery Furniture, Bosten New Yerk s 50 Street there is every out-of-deer reason for taking your anna 2sf. Sm line y, ..' ,' ? ,"." . .,...-..,. .. -A t :'.-. ji ISA I Midii STRAWBRIDGE &. . . lliaMrnafMr w-anr l iu .BBBBBBBBBWSBBBaWai4aWsSPH .'.Vf. I jBtBBBMKtBaiWIj -AV.jMJN tvSW ' jl.'i'VS aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBBBBBBBBUaSBES 'CjLS. xrvaBBBBBBBBBSi SST V AKvwMn .' "li S.1 & iVvl lnEnnnnnnnnnnnn fililllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHt Balllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll&BllillilllBiKlBft -"''V- ' SMallBaBiBlSZliflBlllBlllllBlllHl I aiiHiiiiii9Bvll ' ' I BaaaaHaaaHHaflRsaw .JbMc1'M ' agSBBBBBBrBBBBBBBBalBBBBlBBBBBS ",W !E Fine Fur Coats are Out in All Their Wintry Glory Before the frost is en the lowlands, Fur Coats appear in all the hij?h places of fashion. This cool snap haa changed the whole appearance of fashionable assemblages they are fur-clad, fur-beautified; enhanced by the most wonderful furs- yet produced, furs exquisitely soft and pliant, that fellow every line of fashion with slendering effect. See the new Coats te-morrow note the sleeves, the cellars, the graceful side closings ; note the sportiveness of the short models, and the distinction of the new Blouses. Only the finest furs are price : Persian Lamb Ceat tightly curled skins, 45-inch. medul, handsome cellar and cuffs of dark natural mink $495.00. ' Black Caracal Ceat one of our newest models, beautifully lined; trnrmed with genuine black lynx $49e.C0. Natural Leepard Ceata charming short model, of beautifully marked skins, trimmed with natural beaver S485. Natural Australian Opossum Ceat full-furred skins, 40-inch model, ler-re rolling self cellar and deep turn-back cuffs $435.00. Broadtail Caracal Ceat very beautiful combination of broadtail caracal and Hudsen seal S525.00. Hudsen Seal Wrap (dyed muskrat) won derful imported model, full length; handsome natural hkunk cellar $900.00. Hudsen Seal Wrap-Ceat (AycA musk rat) exquisitely manipulated skins, trimmed with natural skunk $100.00. Maids' and Nurses' Newest Uniforms ARE STRAIGHT OF LINE Uniforms that meet the de mands for comfort and neat ness, smartly tailored and carefully finished te the small est detail. Blue Chambray Uniforms Special at $2.00 New, and nt a special price. Straight and slender in effect, plaited from a yoke and belted, with long sleeves nnd convertible cellar or with flat pointed cellar. Waist - line models $3.00 and, $3.50. White Uniforms On straight lines, of nurses' cloth, Indian-head muslin, or poplin, plaited from a yoke and belted $3 te $7.50. Waist-line models $3.00 te $7.50. Black Uniforms Straight-line models of cot ton pongee, $3.00. Of seisette, $5.00; of Irish poplin $7.50. Waist-line models of cotton pongee, $3.00; seisette, $5.75, and mohair $6.00 and $7.50. Strnwbrlrtfe & Clothier Thlffl Fleer, I'llbert Street, West The Warmest of Bed Blankets Needless te say they are fine in quality, the softest, warm est Blankets made. All in double-bed sue. Pure Weel Blankets, 70x80 inches, in white- with colored borders or beautiful plaids $13.50 a pair. Seft WhUe Blankets, with colored borders, extra large, 78x84 inches, bound singly $15.00 a pair. The finest of white or plaid Weel Blnnkets, 72x84 inches, boxed in pairs $20.00 a pair. Htrntrl4ce ft Clothier Alle 11, Filbert Street Oh, What a Difference Music Makes in a Heme! Dees your family hear geed music at home? Can the husband or wife sit for a moment te vest and relax under the magic influence of piano music? Can you supply a lively fox trot for an impromptu dance given' bv your daughter when a few friends arrive unexpectedlv? With the ifctmris SJarmt Player-IMane or Reproducing Piane all this is possible. The sort of music you like best whenever you want it in your own home! And at small cost, toe: Francis Bacen Player-Pianos $."G0, $575 and $600. Francis Bacen Reproducing Pianos S000 Francis Bacen Reproducing Grand Pianos $1600 Actp"AX,ma "'"' ",c A'" de r,uxe MV"e "''"'" Francis Bacen Upright Pianos $1150, $75, $400 1 rancis Bacen Baby Grand Pianos $700 Suitable terms of convenient payment can be arranged. A liberal allowance will be made en your old Piane or Player-Piane taken in part-nay ment. If you lime a charge account the menthli amounts may be added te your hill. 'inij (rr-V Hlranhrldie A 1'letliler Fifth Fleer, Weit ywt. vr. 0,?ill.l here tne hnest at each price, i Natural Beaver Ceat in the 40-inch length new, youthful, handsome self cellar and turnback cuffs $515.00. Kelinsky Wrap-Ceat richly blended skins; 45-inch model a beauty; elaborately trimmed with tuils $1175.00. Natural Nutria Ceat one of our imported Coats, and unusually distinctive $750.00. Natural Black Muskrat very durable, geed black natural hkins, reverse border, hand some cellar and cuffs of natural .skunk $195.00. Alaska Seal Ceat soft and pliant as satin; one of our best models, 4-inch length, large shawl self cellar and tuin-back cuffs $975.00. Siberian Squirrel Cape lovely dark natural skins; made with smart high chin cellar $(125.00. Natural Black Muskrat Wrap a charm ingWran, skins evenly matched, full cellar, wide iiunnK bivc BirauniuiEP Leggins Keep Children Warm - A pair of snug-fitting Leg gins will help wonderfully te keep the youngster warmer and freer from danger of catching cold in winter weather. They're very dressy looking, tee. Leggins of all-wool jersey in drawers style $3.25 te $5.25, according te size. Of part-wool jersey cloth in drawers style $2.00 te $2.50, depending en the size. Tan leather Leggins, reach ing te the knees $3.50, $3.00 and $6.00. Strnwlrlii: & Clithler AUle 0. StnrLet Street Silk Underwear Luxuriously Beautiful And when you are cheesing your own dainty Silk Under garments, remember thnt the feminine love of such exquisite Underwear is universal, and that as gifts, any of these will be received with delight. Night Gowns of crepe de chine, $3.93 and $5.00; of Jessica silk in tnilered style, $3.00. Many ether models $5.93 te $25.00. Envelope Chemises, in pink, blue, orchid and honeydew, are of crepe de chine, tailored or lacc-trimmed $1.93 and $2.93. Petticoats of pink washable satin $3.95. Bodies of white or pink satin $1.00 and $1.25. Pink Satin Bleemers $2.95. Jersey Silk Vests $1.95 te $3.50. Costume Slips, pink, white, navy blue or brown $3.00 te $9.75. Boudoir Caps, in the pret tlcst of new styles 65c te $3.95. StrnntirMga X Clothier Third Fleer, Wen une each et these, at each wiwi lurn-uucK CUHS StjeU.OO. v umiiuer SVreml Klimr. FIIImti Mirnn, Neck Furs Yeu Will See Where The Best Fashions Congregate They arc all ready and wait ing here te go out into the most select gatherings of winter's fashions. The as sortments, seem unlimited: . Natural Miuk Scarfs $10.00 te $JSe.OO Twe - skin Animal Scarfs, Shawl Cellars and Novelties. Alaska Fex Scarfs t.lS.OO Je S3T.-j.00 Full-size Animal Scarfs, in black, blown, taup gray, natural silver, natural blue. Natural Skuvk Scarfs Sl.JSr, (e H1TS..Z0 Animal Scarfs, Shawl Cel- lars, elaborately trimmed cape effects, and smart small pieces in cellar style?. Black L'jiir Scarfs $f0.00 te $105.00 Beautiful, lustrous, long silky fur, made up in several different fashionable models. sinwlzMce A rietlilir Second Flo,or, FllbirtVirpet and Ontre Flannels for Winter Needs Imported Pajama Flannels are striped in pretty colorings 50c and 65c n yard. Eiderdown, for making the softest of warn1 bathrobes 60c, 73c and $1.00 a vard. Bath Rebe Blankets are ready for skillful lingers te fashion into pnuH'cal gar ments. Yeu should sec the lovely designs! A uirdle in eluded $5.00 and .'ii.50. Strnwbrl s K l.tlilrr Al.le J Ti I t Street Umbrellas Acquire Unusually Smart Handles In anticipation of ( lvit mas, Umbrellas put en their smartest handle, whicl' 1 ash ion insists must be ju as t-mnrt as nny detail of dress accessories and they are. And the UmbreUas thm selves are like a ray of sun shine en a rainy day beauti tul blues, greens, purple, gar net and black; with short foi fei foi rule and white or amber tips, and bakelite handles, .sonic silver-capped, ilnishcd with cords, straps or rings. A surprisingly beautiful assortment $8.f0 te $1.1.00. Ptrnhrili;e A Cii ,.r Alele ". Market Slret Transformations,- Wavy Switches Half Price, 2.75 Switches or Transforma tions that will match anv shade of hair except gray. At less than half pVlcc, $''.75 Hrt Fleer, llnl-Un. Filbert Htreet ttf.', ' .f 'r -tl'jf f 1 it f "V v a f " y . M ' . ... , a "J Ji- .' .ti ,,,,1'L JJIIUM CLOTHIEF1 . , : m Continuing the Sale of Shoes for Men, Women, Children Such a remarkable Sale of high-jrradc Footwear has met with a jrreat response, but we made such extensive preparations determined that all our customers should have an opportunity te share in the Sale that there is still an excellent range of choice in these desirable groups. Shoes from regular stock and special purchases from makers of the best Footwear. Women' Strap Pump and Oxfords, $2.95 Women's Pumps, welted soles and military heels, $3.05 Women's Twe-strap Pumps and Smart Oxfords, $4.85 Women's Black Glazed Kid Lace Shoes, $5.75 IVemcrt'a Fine Oxfords, from regular stock, $0.00 Women's Finest Strap Pumps and Oxfords, $5.00 Women's Welted-sole Oxfords, Lalrd-Scheber, $7.00 Men's Lace Shoes and Brogue Oxfords, $5.1,5 Men's Banister Shoes, many models, $9.75 Children's Lace Shoes, $.1.15; Misses' sizes, $S,G5 Grewing Girls' Black Wing-tip Oxfords, $3.95 Beys' Tan Calf Lnce Shoes, all sizes, $J,.1,5 $!-- Htriinbrlrtie A Clotliler Klghth ml Filbert RlreeU The New French Lingerie Is of Surpassing Beauty A new shipment just unpacked is new shown in the French Sale'n. Such Lingerie as a woman views with admiration, delight ing in the exquisite needlework, the novelty in design and in such trimmings as real laces, applique work with Turkish point em broidery, colored piping .and binding, soft ribbon run thneugh net headings. Batiste, Nainsoek, Crepe de Chine, Triple Silk Voile and Handkerchief Linen arc fashioned into these beautifiul Under garments, se beautiful that they will simply captivate) feminine fancy. And hew quickly they will be transferred te gift boxes. Envelope Chemises of sturdy Night Gowns, bound and ap- nainsoek for as little as $2.25, pliqucd in color at $4.85, te a te a model of fine batiste trim- rarely lovely model cmbroider cmbreider med with real Valenciennes lace ed and lace-trimmed with ex at $11.50. quisitc delicacy at $37.50 These arc only av indication of the loveliness in the French Salen. Snowy piles of Lingerie vie with hues delicate or vivid. And there is the finest of Silk I'vderwcar as well, from a Vest at $6.75 te a Night Gewn at $',0.00. K- StranlirMKP S- ( lethler French Snli.n Third Fleer, Went New! 1000 Men's and Yeung Men's Smart New Suits With Extra Trousers $23.50, $29.50, $32.50 'Only in Philadelphia's greatest Clothing Stere for Men can you find such an important collection of geed Suits with extra trousers, at three such popular prices. The smartest et' this season's youthful and conserva tive models are included, perfectly tailored of fine all wool fabrics in up-te-the-minute patterns and shades. Mea of every type can be properly fitted, for there are all sizes, regular, stout, short, tall and slender. The value is unusual in each price-group $23.50. $29.50 and $32.50. New Additions Speed Up the Sale of Overcoats at $24.50, $28.50, $38 and $44 Se fast are these matchless Overcoats going out en the backs of Philadelphia's business men, we find it hard te keep our stocks apace! Jim this morning we brought in a thousand mere Ulsters, Ulsterettc3. i avian and box model , te renew and refreshen our collection. Te-morrow, an almost unbieken choice of fine models, excellent fabrics and sought-for colorings and patterns will be available te these men who come early. The values me supreme at S24.50, .$28.50, $.18.00 and $44.00. .Str.iwbrl.l d. Clothier- Second Fleer, Kait Men's Silk Neckties, 65c Of geed, strongly woven silk in an endless variety of pat terns and shades, with the additional feature of "didc-easy" bands te make them even mere uttiactuc, at C.'ic. -V H Iran Whig- A Clothier Al.le I Merket Street Men's Capeskin Gloves, $1.95 Well-dressed men prefer Cnpeskin Gloves for their wearing qualities as well as appearance. Thise are made with great care and skill, nicely finished, and in shades of brown and tan. An excel lent Gleve- for general, nil-mound usage, at a substantial saving in pneer $l.i5. .. -Sim !,.,-Is- A CKthler-Al.le 1.1 u.rlet r,, Men's Blanket Bath Robes, $5 te $7 Comfortable Hath Rubes made of geed, warm blanket material, in attractive patterns and coloring -$5.00, $f,.0() nd $7.00. ' r- Ktrunlirliliu A. Uetliler i:t Hln , Kiflilli xtru t WK'U.g':! .r., -..WVV.l'- IS feftli i ' m . --X ..ttK.iV.V?.