J-5V- ,' rjr.i . w 'v'i'j?. EVENING PUBLIC " LEDGE WATOynA' V!mf7A RPHItADlDLPHt, MOKBAT, NOVMB MEXICAN EMPRESS . Die IH EXILE HERE i Widow of Den Iturbicle Fled te Phlla. Afte: Husband Lest Throne and Life t PAINTINGS AT MUSEUM, The IVtinjIvi'iii:i .Mitie.ini ha ut-i iTeceircil from Mi" leu two pertvnl . these of Den AitsiMiii Hni-biile nml hi wife, Ann Jtarla. ll i u Ions. Jniui from turbulent Meim tn iimiiciiI1 1 "lii adelphin. Imt fln-v I we people wm' oleSl.V reillieeie.l Willi the !ifi ill' I'lill delpbin in I--". Nearly n bundled ve-ir ism I 'mi It if-l-tdc Wfl I "l'i Jfl-i'- of (i'irn for mv rhevt month"-, .-mil paid i'"r tin- puvilii: with hi llfi-. wliiih t'" I" tiii' thsi even in fhe-e fiir-niV i! .n. .Moi--e ili'l iief bell 'Vi n '1.I.1U 'ivi- ttii' Kirs. Iturhble nuil li-ner.il .Iimh i'Pmiiih'i led a revolt m Altaic.', phinnliii: ' v"'m threw tile iiiitherlt m .'pam. mid "" result Ituiliide ii- i ini'ii lliiipi'inr of ii free mi-l independent l-i-e. Vftei- whirlwind entnpiiiiin Ik wiiii I In ( enfiiTci r-it iiti'-r i it nuil sii'tNuii nfti'V jrnniwen, In1 i)!ici'iliil t.i - ii ii ii nffeetimi nf lh" pupiiliiri' .iii-l -outlet v liV In i'i l:niipl--tins mnl vh H " ciff. New ('unit W.l (i:iinl HvoijIjeiI.v v:h h-ipp nml ' . ( ilM'lll'll1 -V-11 -ii-n a i up. .i.iriie,1 .mil Inii-liiil.- m.mnt."l innievvhat iiiii-:i.ij tiimni-'l.r.111- '1 i Ansit'il'i 1 ' thnmzh Mi-Mi-". .'i i eny nml srn-'rfully (hn-tiiiK iihh-i- Hr'i'tf. 1 1 ii tin' RELIC OP IMPERIAL MEXICO ii .-mi" Cm", ii' t" in ll.. -,t 1 ll'l n lull flirew ki-.ii-" t- 'In who lluenis'-il tli" l llBi't- l-tllllll-ill-lll "' ,,,, ehl YV n-td neeub'.rifV mili.-inii '1 iiN liet-i" nml l'H2Scil rlii- pi1 i-in-pnse n'etis .i ntl'M-i tren i'J. th- first il:i 1-. tl 'H'1111'S ''i"-:ti'- IIC peuvt wu lile tlnti ''I vnm In lt cn.iii-'t slur: - -K-'iii tiiiutm-il '" tnme plumed Imt- .imM'li-y milmv. IVmivitie li-'il flu" enter et "' ."is"1 lii tin- mwi'iv i-"rt of riti-si-lly MiMn-r. 11....i lii...'.l u-iii Jill- llltli- I'-lStl "f .-(I'M . " , '1 I' i v nW.1 Tm mimmKKm x jzt v.v e,i Bssm Ki 4 K; 'A- mils HIHII' .''viiBilH ' THREE ARE KILLED IN AUTO MISHAPS Weman, Leaning Out Frem Car, Hits Pele and Fractures Her Skull TWO MEN OTHER VICTIMS ' 'Iwo ineii nuil ii woman were ltllleil , f ntnl two mi'ii liijni'rd In nutumebllc nc- 'ddnit.N In tlie city yi-Htprdar. , i MIm Jlnry Miirtln. thirty yar old, 'MSI Nerlli Sixth strwt, dlnl In St. leM-pli's llniltiil nfter nn automobile ' In wlili'h ,lin wfin rldltiu fitruelc n pole nt llrniiil Ntrni-r ni.d (llrnrd nvenue. M Mm tin wuh li'imlntt from u win- ilmv jif I hi" ear when llie rrimli rmmi nml hi-r head xtrnrk n hex en the pole. ' l.lnlm Wnlnh. nor, North Tweiitr-nlnth I lrll, tin- ilrlver, wnx. nrreMed. I'ollce ay In' ns drlviiiR without a llcehye. William Swnrtley, nlxty-twn v'enr hi. f'lialfimt, died in the Ablneten Marahnll Htreet,' Ji i-nti lent wh arretted nna held without hall by M track, of JitlltK Graenben, 1B14 North BOTS ACCUSED OF ROBBERY ,' jammed mm anaium - fhe railing. 'rect M"nttrnte Tough- ill in nwMll action of the rorener. A motorcar driven by Traitls Itllcy, of 871fi Walluce Htreet, and one driven bv Frank Meran, of Weat Mannjrttnk. were in collUlen at llidge nvenue and Main afreet rcnterday. With Itlley wan .lumen l.wlng, of 0810 Mellen nirpi. Hllcr'a tnoterenr wax erer- I Itirned and Mnlnt wim pinned beneath the wreckage. lie wna taken te the 1 Memerial Itespltnl. Ills nkull was frne- ittired. UlleyV idieuldcr blade waa broken, lietn drirei were placed unuer technical arrest. U' x Never 1 ' Uiri- linm or Offlc wltheul one nf ll, ens Miliar Ttit-peckH bexit nt ixwcntii inc r. for ralMtln; of wife of Knipeinr iieiisIIiii- Ilurhlde. X McaUe. Iui died ill I'lillaileliihlii. The paiutliiK I new In the rhifvdelplia Atutieiim I'Ultl'l nl.ii.. Iiii. imtnrhM l.ltPl 111' -''" ' ".' . .1 . . .t. was liei-l.-u-eil a t'.t m "t i"" pn-i-'- Ktupi'ie- "va- dep'i'-eil ami -"-nf te Italy uilll llir lii1- of "Ml rti-'lifiiey. ii lieiiMiin .1 S'J.i.ikmi a war. ami a ".no- . Ins iirvt.- ie ri-t-n-n. '" T.iit the i ill of .li-n-i v-. srett mm Ii., n e:n- lnti-r lie n-tiini"! .i ' '' i-lnivil '-te -lii" en rln" ".e'.l th.ir s.'ve tin- liirth." ami "Ii" '" ''d. , "." had no hieiiit lanili-ii than an "de-i t il'.im w:i. -isn-l mid In- "i- '""., 'I:" iliiew i-i-feivii :l P"-ieii "' ""J1" !l ir.ir rrisliii-ncl In ih" tat" i tn-i 'eiMha .1 -m. i.l.Mi-Ue.l en t'.i- in-r I f,llt of MnI. . -di'ih In ''ll line ."-i beuml for !'l ila-1'lplii:'. I'liran te Ueiirdins lleuv tli" rejal fni'iil) 'oil . m a nniet Iwut nnii- i -i" Mr-. i'hseI FLASK-PADDED HIPS ARE DERNIER CRI IN WET CIRCLES Jcivi'h'i-s Say 'Me' atui '!' Buy Mere Than De Flapper Daughters or ) etuifl Sens of the Family TliK-ldtitl early today. His ektill wim I i iriiiiiiied late Snturdiiy nicht when nn mtiimiibili" Ktrnek lilm in Chnlferit. Po Pe ,ln xay the marhlne wan driven bv 'l.'il"Mrd Plj , of thnt berntivlt. AVillimn ('. (lardner. ilftyfeur years Iil. 11' Carpenter street. Camden, died In (lie TVnnsylviit.la Hospital. lie -va-. mulii'd hrtwepfi a frm-K and n ferry in-idw.-iy rnllliiK at the Market street whaif. tlaidne:- wns xteppinR .ibeniil ilie Jerrybeat Salem when' the Vegetable Dinner Mere nnd mere we are recognizing the feed value of vegetables. Yeu can make them seappe-tiziugwith leu IndilunMd In ulnicri tml -pfiVm. SOe. LLEWELLYN'S l-hlldlphli' StMdird nnn Sttra 1518 Chaitnut Street Had Autemeblla AeetHerlts Cen eaaltd In Shaek Naar Frankford Charged with the tnrcenjr of auto mobile areeswrlea, Jeaaph Barcuakl, of Melrose ttrtet, and William Oxlmlk, of Thceny street, wera arrested yea terday by Frankford police. The boys, who ara only thirteen years old, are aald te have confessed te thtMnsfta, and. conducted drtrtlTe te n ahaek en a let near Frankford nnd Olenwced avenues, where five aiitomo aiitemo aiitome bile rebea, n lady's' geld wntche flash lights nnd ether goods were found. They were taken te the Heuse of Detention. lea ARRKSTft. FOR Hi IOPI.ll TINd hepllfllnt, liana thai mad In en PCS' A ftjlmpi Inte the ersinlrt bulnaa of iirnni, A tlnnlr srllela, whleh Ptrs uhlrll haa attallli tlen that in anev d aueli crotier- nuniBar or arrtiia wire ar in a iintia larse atpan mtnt ster. A tlrrnlr artleu, wriien apwaj tie Lsixisr. "JUkd It a Habit." Aev. lU&mlBBQklBU Tlmss Ssusre (Sejithwait) INDIVIDUALITY vm Sural eitiaJ raBBBBBBBBaaaiaaaaaBBBBBBaBaaMaa f ' III' ' aca; .- n -ui I I' nidi ii Mips for men. Thi is tmt fashion's ilei-ree, Imt it the sr;,l" in vogue, mid ji'wehr in l-liil.iilelpliiii .ifsnrt priiliiiiiuen i v"feiisilili.. "' that the jewelert mifid, hee.inse I Veni Arriviu- het-., in ji -i i.'iil"m beiiM". nin Ik it h i- mea-it a sneili'll iiu-ri'.-lse in a ilmiiii'l tee peeKi-r llas;.- tlask" of all i' nnd prP-i's. but maiulv for tl:is, thai can tit nucl.v upon the mn-uliiii- hip and nor make tee miieh of ,i huU". seen nfier prohibition went en the -intiit'- 1" e'. tlie demand for IlisK jumpcil. Tin u cum" a iliimp, bill imw tli' deiiiiiiid lias rcai'livd the ""teai'i" i stas". "It . mt the yeuns man about i ten n or tin' il"iiiitiiiit' who lm tli" ' cip,'ii"!lv( articles," .aid a Cie-.tiuit what of a hitler buns from tne peui'i iiud pe'vit of an impiriiil .Mesicnn nt the Ceers-t-cvn Visitation Ceiueill st,v,tj--M'Ier. "If i- the I iither or iiien '. T..;t ::...., n.t 1t ill. ni '" '' n.elh.'.- who ,,-.pen.:bl. "...:. i ....Tl ,ier in In the ..rlW "f for '" ma ..rity el the n.e. II' MM 1 illl-l l ' " ' Will- in i iry nan 1. llnvl ln .O "' ''' . . .-- I Tin" -v ill n- drawn up in i-., :mn In it tli- Pinp-rer's daushtcr di.po.e of ,7.(iini. (b.e her from th" Mexican Levrnimrit. nml of pci'enal ffc-l" i" treat details linsv. pin-. brn-Ieti .in ml her, jeuelr.i. inclndms one bow , tentlitiick. , , ... Her wardiebe. eacli dre .peeifii'd. .! civen te .eiv.mt-" -ii" mini. Cat It erin". drew .'i blue shot -ill; dris, a velvet mantill.i and thr" best Inc (.illiirs. Anether rceix"! a 1"11'" (olen-'l ii'"rine and a cresM-h.irreil .ilk , r, jts-..;ii,. stjli another .as willed ii bares-' dre.s and n plai'l summer sill; The nil' r-ail- like a l.whien bfieW of t 3(.,r,. in iarts tt and muff an-i te a si.ter te ' mi' at h'-r dlserei mi. Il-spO" fhe intrii-i' ameus the p Kmpress Died When Sexenty-nlne ftei- n 'e!i2 'if" of si..nt -nine v;ai-. the r.tniire.s Ann Mnri-i -li-d i'1 Mai-'li l'",'l 'j" 'he r imblins-. of tie Civil War were growing lemler a'i' louder- she died as she had liied, it war and lie ruinn'. f war llei tones-, nnd 'hose ef two of her children jc-t in ii ran1' in 'In Church of S-. .Jehn the I'.vi nirelist en Thirteenth -trcet. bctw-'cn I'hctiiur and Marker. And ll is tin' pictures of tliene per Kitl that have arrived 'n the I'enus-Tl-inni;i Museum the main act-ir m the trasi comedy. Kmpres Ann Maria, "vl-n? glossy black eui'h frame an amiable, unin teresting face, i.s weighted down w-th jewelry, fine sm.ill tinker of her al most bemdi'sx hand l covered with the rng of imperial imdsnin. , ' Den Ausuitin. self-mad Kinprer, t7ts at in" from narrow ejei, ! neal Ii finelj penciled brews. He . clad )it rich rwl vlvet nml 'lie pearl en rruated crown upon his head tx-an the Tilexiean e.ile mid tin- ere. His soft I Inee-cevere i 'int.d clut.-he Ilrmly a epy of the Mexican Constitution. HU bidie-i rest in the I'athednil of Me:;iee City and evi-ij vear Ills anni er'lry is celebrated ns a heliviaj in . Mexico, where he t new hailed ni the "Fsther of His Country." SAY WATER IS HEALTHY City Official Admit Ground feri Complaint, but Assure Citizens The effenHlve taste nnd odor" in the drinking water furnished by th- it lu the IVit Philadelphia. dUtrii-t. wlib-l, i supplied from the Schuylkill, has entied many complaints te .- l-deed with the Department of Public Works in the last ten days. It it admitted' hy the eflleials that the .emplnints ar well founded, but tln-y kit" a-ssiirauce that the water N fr(u from dlsensi ' tiearlnc germs ami at no time nees u rnntain any matter or Is it In n condi tion te jeopardize health. The taste and odor in th- w.i'er, se It is explained by C-uleten 11. Diimn, Chief of the llurcnu of Water, arise from two wiuri-r-. decninposi'len of organic matter and ns leaves and etln r refutation, which tlml tln-ii- way into the river, and trade win-te, parnnjlu'lv from sis and coke work" These pin duclng nihstftiices, he declares, are rinphalzvl mid llieir pr'-sence eMicis-r-I ated when th" water In the river Is low. ENDS LIFE AFTER ROW ' Man Quarrela With Sweetheart, hoots 8elf in Friend's Heme , Worried ever a rinnrrel wit It lu" weethcart, Ceiie YoIietiIw"!. iwentj ne yearn old. l.nwrem-n street neitr JeeTeraen, .shot ami hilinl hlin"lf ,Mr terday ufternoen in the home of August fame, IJenner smet, l.awiuliil", te lOm no nun nom- i"i ciih-imiiiihii, II"- ln te tin ice. ohenlzch iiinllded hl troubles In In' ind, who told him net te worn. A. t time later 1 nine, who nml let' ienUen nlene in th'i parlor, heard abet, anil round ionenir.es lying en ' aela ulth'u bullut in his head. Vohe- H was pronounced ticau at cue lAkferd Hospital and the body was " Ii- hi- thile been this -eat 111 ele.l.e in tie .'lie l"f tiles" .Ittic'i-.'.' II, ,. ui-i' it is hard te teach new babi's te alter the ire u-nenied living condi tion, of a man in the middle age who ha- become mere or Ies-n set in hi. wajs, ''Al'VtlVs u. ed in Ills ceel.tml liefe:'.' dinner, beiau.e the law in i!.cs !i nn nn jie..i'ie ler Ii i i.i te pun h.ie it in manv pl.iie-. i lhar going te mal.e him de u-iheiit irV It i imt I Hence the enlarged I'Ockef flll-h. the ll.'l-l. for ilie .ide iinrkcl of the -into or for traveling bag. Hl wife, d-'sinuie , f new nl..i ter intthd.ij. CIh-isti,i,i. or aii'iu'-r-niy. finds .1 happv sulutien in tli" h.'ind-eme shaker or tin -! lieslde the regii'atieu hal;ers and 5 t n..r.i,n-. wtie luni neti'ins te no iui m ven lifle waj. of linlillg "the stuff." These "inventors" have mil.- tin-cat!- wi'h tic- hollow head, the foun tain ,en..l iped container and ether unve'Me I he the little electric liu'b 111 1 lie bottom of n Mask e till' owner may knew exactly hew much of the 1 pr cleus tl 1 1 Is I remains te him. And 1 hey all soil. CAMDEN MARKS ARMISTICE Services Observing Day Are Con ducted in Churches ArmipM-v" Sunday wiim observed ve.s-. lerday in several Cmmlcn chiii-i-lies. Memlien of ItnyiiHind C. Theirs I'esf. Amevican I.t'sieii, last, niglir atteiided M-riiees; in tlic Virat I're-bvt-'n.iii Church. The llev. Ceorge It. Hi-mius-w.iv. pil.Uer of tln (huri-li. deliven-d -i P'llrielu sermon, In which Corpenl Itnymeud C. Theirs, for whom tln-t'am-den pesi was iiaiiud and who died from injuries received In battle, was eiilo eiile gbed. Armistice D-iy services were held in r.iMiidway Methodist Kpidt'ifpnl Clmn-li. Patriotic engs atui hymns vvcie iilus- tl-lled With Cll'el'cd .tel'eeptbl'll silnex. ' HONORS WAR DEAD Camden Y. M. H. A. Holds Services for 105 Here Members In honor of 10." members who served in i.ie ..nun v.ii- mm In li.i'i'K. of ti-i vhe gave their lives, members e' fii Camden V M. H. A. J (-.tenia. nftertiiien ar the V M. II. A. head quiTter.. SKUi and "'al.iut "treels. (.... 1. iM ,.i,inl 1,., -.erici".. The program was opened hr Uahhi lli.'tf. I.ieutei'mil I. -wis l.ichcHiiuun told of the aiiivilies of tin- Cnnideu Hebrew be,' s who fought In the war. .'lis" flora iic!il)isy spo',e. Address,'", also were made hr Ilahliis Sn 111111 Frledmiin and Harry S. la la v'.'.evviu. belli of whom nerved in tht war aa chaplains Mure than -'lilO mem bers of tin" V M. II, A. attended. LEA&PEtffllNS SAUCE THl CRI3INAL W0CCeTMmE LARGEST ASSORTMENT of (Cijristmas Carbs in PHILADELPHIA Headquarters for Waterman's "IDEAL" Fountain Pen 904-906 Chutnut St. araagfff Evening CletKes When the night comes te wear them, won't your husband be wild if his are recking ei camphor, mussed and soiled? The social season is en. Send bis evening clothes and dinner jacket for Hereg cleaning, then watch his smile ei satisfaction when he finds them ready when they're wanted. He'll appreciate this rheughtfulness. 0 We have no connection with any firm of similar name. I. HERZOG if CO. .1 articles insured ajreinsf fire nnd theft until delivered te yei Germantown's Dyers Cleaners 5904 Germantown Avenue Phene: Gcr. 03-91 WHY PA Y$400 for any Player-Piane, if you can buy a new. high-grade and guaranteed instru ment for less, en easy weekly or monthly paymenta, with several dozen music roils, a bench and cabinet thrown in? A well-made Player-Piane, if carefully handled, will last from 25 te 35 years and be a constant source nf pleasure and entertainment te Its owners. The Cunningham Player-Piane is manufactured with the celebrated REO STYLE patents owned and controlled exclusively by us, in our modern, well ftjuipped factory. Se perfect in construction is this Instrument that a child ess play with all the expression of the master composer himself. Every Player-Piane we manufacture has a double valve action and metal tubing. De net let anybody talk you into buying an instrument with n single valve clien, as it has net the power or endurance if it had, why should we spend twice as much money in developing a double valve action? The very fact that for ever a quarter of a century we have been offering $10,000.00 for a better phne than the MATCHLESS CUNNINGHAM uheuld ha sufficient proof of its quality! All our Instruments arc priced from 20 te 30 per cent, lower than any dealer anywhere (whether large or small) can aferd te sell. Terms arranged te suit the purchaser. CASH, OPEN BOOK ACCOUNT OR EASY PAYMENTS IT PAYS TO THINK! -JL: HKB. 4nf knti: dbll el m &JB Sivy. Ii IAISIO CO 11 th and Chestnut Sts. Opea Ereniajs (Factery: SOth antf Pmrhiide Avenut) 40 HeJiMt TalUBf Manilla at B4tBt4 FrltM. We are fAa Only Piane MmrtU' fecrurars in Pmnm. Pmtnmua tmr Stlllng from Fmetery te Hern Dlrict mrenTnna. DEstaxEns axd makkrn nr women's a.vj cntLDnKS's apparei, OP THE mailEHT OUAPAOrEll I'Oti MONK THAX TWESTY'SEYBX YEA118 Silk Stockings 1.95 Majority are our 2.95 values. Imported, nov elty effects and plain. All colon, and! black. Xr Chestnut Cerner Twelfth Envelope Chemises Special, 2J9S Of 'excellent quality crepe de chine. Plain tailored and trimmed, geme with Inserts of real filet. A gift suggestion. Dresses: Drastic Reductions 19M 29f 39:50 175M Values 29 se te 225 oe As Indication of the Unusual Values Dresses, 35 Values te 69.50 Of Canten crepe, Peiret twill and velvet. Styles for street, and after noon. All fashionable colors. Dresses, 49-50 Values te 85.00 Of Peiret twill of fine quality; man tailored with panels, embroidered and fur trimmed. Mostly one of a kind. 75- 00 Fur -Trimmed Coats Positive Values te 110.00 Coats of ermandale, fashena and panvelainc. An array of unusual styles the creations of master designers. Trimming of beaver, squirrel, caracul, wolf and mole. Lined with Canten crepe and warmly interlined. The winter's great est fur opportunity. Three-Piece Suits $7Z Specially Priced , Of panvelaine and veldyne; squirrel and beaver cellars. The newest style thoughtsbleuses of Canten crepe in harmonizing shade. ,We Specialize in Apparel That Slenderizes the Larger Weman- Steres: Bosten Philadelphia Cleveland Italtimerc Thresher Bres. The Specialty Silk Stere 1322 Chestnut St. Samples Mailed en Request With Pleasure New Seasonable Merchandise Priced Advantageously SILKS AND VELVETS FOURTH FLOOR ' 33-Inch Imported Japanese Pongee, natural color, bright finish, frce from rice powder; auitable for all kinds of garments, draperies, etc. S.leprice.Jj JQ&JJ jgyd. 36-Inch Imported White HabuUi Wash Silk, close flne weave, bright luster, auitable for dresses, men'", shirts, undergarments and lin ings; a silk that will give geed wear and launder perfectly, in all the wanted weights. p"" 88c t0 $2.25 yd 30-Inch Undee Crepe in medium weight, bright nnisn, wantiBDie; aecs net. require ireninp. Sale price fc- eg yd. FOURTH FLOOR 10-Inch Printed Crepes; the season's new pat terns of cretonne, Arab, paisley and caravan prints in medium and heavy-weight crepe; the much-wanted silk for trimmings, linings and combining with plain silks for the new f QE te (O OC yd. style dresser. . P 1 tVD ty&VD 40-Inch Crepe Satin, soft supnle finish, high luster, in the new evening shades; suitable for dresses, kimonos and undergarmcnt3. onto price 0O Oc yd. $3.25 $1.35 THIRD FLOOR 3fi-Inch Velvet (corduroy) in a desirable weight, geed luster, wldn wale; suitable for dressea, suits, coats, children's wear, house robes, jackets and kimonos; full line of colors, including white and black. qp rd Sale price 70C 27-Ineh Velveteen, twill back, fast pile, soft finish, medium luster, in all the wanted street shades, plenty of black. & -a & d Sal price $ 1 .DO ' 4U.inch Hat Crepe, the Omega of them all, elose fine even weave, semi-bright finish; the most suitable fabric for draping the new length Sa'lifjrice. . . . $2.55 t0 $4.95 jd' THIRD FLOOR 36 and 3s Inch Silk Durctyne, soft close pile, in all the most-wanted colors, plenty of black; auitabli" for dresses, capes nnd f,pparate skirts. ' l"ce cjrk A(ji d. 3 1-Inch Imported Weel Broadcloth, medium weight, iroed luster, in a geed line of the wanted colors; suitable for dresrea, suits, etc., plenty el brown and black. j ftCj vd. Sale price PO .20 COTTON WAISTS Of Dimity and French Voile, beautifully em em em broidercd with real filet edging and 'laces, every stitch hand done. Retail value, $u.5. Sale price a e q Hand-Made Waists of Dimity, Peter Pan ami tuxedo models; nn ideal waist for sweaters, etc. Retail value, $4.00. 9 OR Sale price Ps.SIO BLOOMERS s,'.irte'&y K;1i,rvjac'r,,i..,l,' in "pkMi ' $2 95 SILK UNDERSKIRTS Made from a heavy quality of sntin messallne ln nn,i u , , effect.) (extra size). Retail valui; JgS" sSe "n'L"?011 1,no of co," (changeable e QC ""Me" Oar Mail Order Department u "liy " iT iresitt tail cfidaai . .M...I.. . t.s rtqulr.B.iiti of ear odt-ef-towa patreai. largest Importers and Distributors of Silks Thresher Building 1322 Chestnut St. Bosten Stere: Cleveland stm. 1148 Euclid Ave. Telephene: Walnut 2035 2036 19 Temple Place Baltimore Stere 1 17 W. Lexington St. rtaver! 1 te the morgue. M&k v,' I i i ffit.. Ct.4