Hwssfs w r fffi eursfrte By HAROLD MacGRATH WkrltHw tf t'JhL,0r fT0.000mni m beautiful girl', tout by rairtiir "The Man an the Bem," Lwk af the t'l.h," .re. CessrlsM. lift, tv Baroli lac(7rafh for. ylikjk? maw n bis "- - - i imr. te ffir'X.VV.,'W: blinking n (inner in mi world like a child MlMfMflll muHMl JSLfK ..VSKMUf ffit wTcmfwf 7 . iMiaan r w. Vi em Pipeif. reJ l "' "'" i ! wtt ?r. ....i.,.t. ultk ifi iMii!sasb 'irnivsiiwM ' fJ!trk- JiktMiflrM. HI !""" atk Thsntht LeM te Nancy AN'CnOrTnew regretted that he had I,v ... .. .-4 i li anil ?rit5r;rh; no iitm Bn '"":: -llmn. , ,i,e At even uave " - - " : u an.nrt'a conduct ill KMrnriJed Instead be had warned ffS ?. Had he, llnnereft, been ft ffi wanted te be honest with raJ HC W.fl were nfral.1 of (Stewart itmstii. ....i,...! knew. Hut TW"? ."c .,: ...1, !i rmilrt find no umentef fear back et his action. IaV ''P ill iHmn.l nt the first thought V'.'S'intBM.l Mb head and . missed HI " " ir.i . . Mtuu-nrK 1a nr mnuun" : T "...j.i lllit n tHO SUUtirn ;! - - . . n in , hand .?' "t' ,i.,i i thn nnntr.v : iiml rt'ef the fun would hove been te wit- .. umu'ari i'aiiiiiivi --'- h a ludlcrem situation ; and in lift u or chagrin tbe man might have ex .'. 1.1,1 ..r two. Toe Krecn, tee Erwn Bancroft sighed ; hU bruins were Km 'se much lumber. Htcwurt was 'te the alley rumpus bad been chance Inrffcyi geed-by te hi- tlellrfr watch, Te.nVrahK.aml I.N several i"""". And he nugiu novo .-,,:.. v . CrtVi ThanksgUing turkey! Om thing, heweven was believable: k. would be the recipient of no mero Sitnn. That phase of the game was Blwed out; nnd Stewart would rccog rcceg nUe the fact readily from the cheerful iBTlttttlen ,te enter. But if only lm hid thought te let the man in and then tarned ea the light! Funny hew the llflt thing came inie one iii-uu nnui (Mi tee late. But If one always thought the right tiling te up nt mc ifht time uumnii ueingi weiim uu i-. -;ect anil there wouldn't be a laugh left la tht world. Bit thought leaped bni'k te Nuney; It would always be leaping buck te her then any ether thought began te lese i. nlmulnnt. It was the most com- selling thought he had. Whenever he encountered resistance In tlih queer kittle In the dark he turned buck te thu thought of her. Itather n melancholy rtfuge, te bp Kiue. but (citified, nunc- empanted ey iimiei''-. iu luvi-u ner. nut r nerer thought, of her In the itx rtwlre tense : loveil her ok he luwil tlic i!iwn, the sunset, the ntnrf, the linpes- ubility of peescibing them or her lie lie leg obvious. He had read of the maddening nt- traction of the theatre, nm Nancy Hreuld always be en the stage or pre Mring for it. Iu n jcar or m-r-ac- trdln te Jenny Naney would become bewolef the town that lm te say, the Idel of the continent nnd CollingKweod Immlah Bauereft (It wax his habit nt naming liimnelf in full when he was twltal) would become te her recullcu recullcu Hen an inconsiderable mete. Aiall true men me, lie was skeptical ibeut hid newers of attructiun. Ah. Bcnbllng Iiih feature, he had a face, sd that wns all he could sec in the nlrrer. Even. nose, mouth nnd chin. locked In with flesh; none of that dis- fneue uiclauchely which drew wom an's glances toward Craig ! Hang him ! ne mere nancreit thought it ever the lore he became convinced that his face W8 merely a sketch nnd that the Artist had net cared te develop it. .Ind yet Nancy and Jenny could hare tnld him that he pesmw.,1 wint many vieuun neuld have offered theit wills for an utter complexion, a benr- , nne n under wUich the clean loed eame flood und vhh in m nn.n. tlens. II could still blush. He could even blush In the dark; ns he did when Nancy called te hltu through the deer, after midnight. He had slent Atfullv. fW teundlyj se when she knocked awoke Initnutlr. shoes. She was gene. Hhe had been hating fun with lilm: null no doubt, from new en, she would be giving him sly digs regarding that harmless klfm. All nt ence the colossal mistake of his confession enme home te him. He hed told the woman he leed that he had deliberately kissed another t Oh, the double-dyed ass that he was! On thu contrary, rate had played him n kindly stroke. The naive confession hed caused the evanlsnment of all doubt relating te the kiss from Nancy's mind. Jenny had told the truth, that ha hadn't meant It. He hadn't, or he wouldn't have jested about it. (Net that It mattered!) The little .comedy had made away with much of her depression ; nnd there was new apathy rather than misery in her heart as she constructed tomor row's defense of what she considered her abominable conduct. Craig was te call at 4 the coming afternoon. Precisely at 4 Nancy opened the deer for him. With terror in his heart and n stnllc en his face he entered nnd laid his hnt nnd coat en a chair ; then he offered his hand. "I ought net te tnke it," she said arnvely, "I have done n beastly thing." "Ne. I should say that you were n young lady who hed been thinking tee much of late." He sat down. He knew exactly what this interview signified the. wreck of his dreams. He had had n premonition of this hour im mediately after he had left her at the stage entrance and returned for his aunt. Why? Because all his life he had been unlucky; nnd It did net seem pos sible that fate should relent se unex pectedly. The girl's manner at his house, the artificiality of her laughteri the unchanging pallor en her face, had put this premonition into his conscious no. Ah he picked up her telephone calls nnd later saw Mannheim, this premonition became absolute. convictien: Nuncy wanted te get out of it, te break her premise. Never in nil hU life had he known tueh hurt; and never would the future held anything like It. But the thing uppermost in his mind just new was te let her get out of it with all the honors, subtly te draw the onus upon his own shoulders. He re called the exact wording of his pro posal. Fortunately he had net actually spoken of love. He, then, te lie cheer fully but adroitly. He could net held her ; se why waste his breath in trying? But, nh. dear Oed, hew it was going te hurt ! Strange, but he knew this child better thtm any ether man would ever knew her. She wan made up of all uctals, and the geld was constantly working its way out through the baser in the melting pet of her conscience. "Well?" he said. "It was all base and vile of me," she began, her fingers locked. "I want ed the thinRt you could etve. nor veu. I I have debased nnself. 1 shall never he clean again. I could hate written you nnd ended it that way; but that would hu(! been cowardly. I am going te hurt you, but I'm going te hurt nixself, tee." "Then ou didn't mean it?" "Ne. I was full of fury against the world, against myself. 1 thought, if .Miti cnuip here, I could mnke you un derstand better the basis of my mad ness." She rose from the lounge, crossed te the window, and beckoned te him. Shn pointed te the dingy back jnrds and the cluttered clotheslines. "Wherever them was n window, that was the vista. tSe long ns I had inv am bition these inta1 only vaguely op pressed me. But new I haven't any nmbitien. Honest folk have told me that I whs wasting my time, that I could never reach any but subordinate heights ns a singer. Se new I see all that yonder the ash cuns, the sodden clothes, the hodge-pedge with a clear eye. It ii n part of my life, and niuy always be." "De you love any one else?" "Nenvcnse! Your success " But she interrupted him. "Oh, yes ! I -se Munnheim mere was a am u bem cemcdlennc- 'Jerry? ''Who is It?" nt called. Ifcncy." ai.. p.. "VS. ".'untg. xeu want r?ft.V Th? ty?"1 ' "necked. Open M, JIM and I'll drop him te the IfiZ? nJib!. buf,',neM WM ccempllahed ftney asked: "Hew nre yen?" 'gLth?Bh:m a11 W.. Head nch"' bt VHlDl te speak of." ''the b?.ndn"!0 n11 right?" aTaV,v.r.i',. ' . "r swereu, eag wrtantlally afraid she inlult effe iaji-, se they all say touch of fmy in her gesture. "Hut what if I haled tin. stiieeV thn toenail 'grade of it? Supposing you weren't quite gteut enough te plnv in concert, and Mippesiv en were offered u pinnu in a mevlug picture theater, would viii accept it that Is. if you didn't depend upon your rnlent for bread nnd butter? ou would laugh nnd shake your head. Wait!" Hhe ran te (he wall stand nnd fetched the Jaipur enameled brass box, opening It. "Here H a little box of brass; inside, a little geld chain. Ah, dear Ged, If these could speak I But they can't. I am a foundling, Mr. Craig. I don't knew where I came from or te whom I beleng. They might be terrible people; I may have inherited dreadful things." Craig forced n laugh. "Neve- !n this world ! The .trouble Is, you are wiper sensitive; mountains out of molehills. But 1 understand." "Because you nre a geed man. But en Thanksgiving day, recollecting all these things, a bitter madness laid held of me. and I went te veur home. Iienlne te I eu'd say the very words jeii did. Oh. ueaven knows! "Oot the But your deer ought te he A n... . ... Urn i!.. . ul mecKing reckless- i Wiled ever him. "I tni,Lu inr..i. "."'. ,!,1!W ev" be bandage: lit was diMiicable! I never thought of sr- "nil hit minerI initei-iii ul,..,, , i, i. ;,i-.. i ,,,:i,. i. .i.,i , ,. i, ..,.., eiil, after the perieimnncc that the -liecl; of what I had iletiu came te me. Yeu will i'orxive me?" "De you levp an) body else?" "Oh, no!" She was perfectly honest. "If 1 had loved any one should never Iinvtt known this shame." "And you wnnt me te release you from your premise?" "Yes." Craig began te tramp about, making a pretense of luhpectln,; the pictures en the wulls, mostly photographs of fa mous comtiesers end opera stars. Isn't she? 1 ' finally he Housed at the window, out of men can resist klsilmr which he stated for it moment or two. Mill jeu lersfivu me: He turned, offering a klndlr smile. "Why net, you peer child? I'm glad you heiit for me, that jeu did net write. I can understand new. I 'onfesbieu in geed for the soul; se I'll mnke mine, rni u lonely man, something of a self made etttcnbt. 1 dtank some. I hud no anchor. Then I bnw jeu and you caught my fancy. Yeu were dif ferent; ou hud charm and manner; jour omlrennunt irked ou. My heuss was empty; you would have gruced it; I bnw mjM'If no longer a kind of Ancient Milliner. IVrhupi there was tome utility, tee. Yeu nie beautiful, nnd veu ime talent, and the town beginning te talk ubeut vm." "Then it isn't going te hurt." "Net half se much as It urU you te tell me these facts. Besides, I nm almost twic. ns old. Just a little flaw In the nshes thnt would probably have died out in n week or mi." "I want te cry!" she suid, sitting down and covering her face. ''Yeu mustn't de that, ' hn cried, alarmed. He might spoil it all it he uw her in teats, "undeistiind, I de net held ou te jour premise. Yeu ur free upon ene lotidltien." That brought her fuoe up. "And whnt ia that?" Oh. if It wcra only his Aenlty that she had hurl ! "Well, that 1 may drop In enee In n while for lea nnd thnt jeu will tnhe tea with me some afternoons." "Oh, ni thing Hk'1 that!" she rilul eagerlv. "Just friends I hum se few." '1i hced tied.'"' , Medy will bother me." 3?rr.r"a vr1lng tonight?" nhent'a .TanB.iii timing ether peepla't candlas for S'&JMr Mfc of urn .mi i.r:r ,"-.-" u?w m..eMi u JrV; V.1'".."" F00 'nk"." fcs'V.ei unninf, - dlu iiiiiir w. 1(Jr ver kl,, h.r mere than "Why net?" Hatpins." "Oh! iii.i .i.. .... ... Nil?" "" "" ""' ei Inte e." ht, eic,;.. "" "'. ."hat! Yen kiu,i i,..tn B0.7 ."" '10 OS fu of hntnln mcilCQ ler n rr,n,... Via' "'... t . " -' I1IUIIIC1I I. - .-I ' -W JWI .- Ii S, V"et H"1"' and tell!" ha was !, . y m teI""IC "n n mVHi.?neC8nt byt.inder." n..;; "But I four moral i?cu her enlv ""I'm afrai i."' beu ,""" i "Ian , , m cad." once, and stab of him tell? k"U 0UW b Jenny had kissed L:7ell, a eVU HSa Ta. "v. "' i ,0'u you.' "W.n .. UJ I tol-eV, ..'" Pte." don't e need te. Jennv rsste" TOIL"" tll?,?.0,n,l t0 wttr hP" "W.iV .V""!. I wouldn't " B Pre ty ;Ht0tT,,1,m,?,ntary AnI Ms JL,r)r "s Jennr?" a iitti t. WV arl,, of ""' MeVaxr,;".":,ne.d.'1 " neW m;iitMPtmMM-Whsmi'BU"tm:MM'v-iiUttmiiat M..13vj5'5Ta Wi, ,i,,r: . W WW- v ymffWW', m oeorjLrwtM KrWVN 0J OOM'T WPtCT AMI RtwatO W. SOMfL , f FOinS IN tM VSMb.f fiT OUST SUV THIS II QOO IN, OUB. M&t TOtHtt Hb B)N SOaAt CfcW Q Tt r HVS- . wiH 61H(MWMN. WAT JN"T MtCttteMlW Sf WfcVt NOW M k twtv re m. TKCf MM OVU. COVNtHN- WMU't SUCH e At CkWOKTt- I'M rH6 UTTU Ott 0.TTt,eMV i 0) pidHLD A TEV COU! rlWW. NOV) sun NV 90ST- I'M MO" CtfcSY LOi)Wl CUE. eVlt WE Mim N NHS. ftlRtCT AMD WD 10 MNU-"Mf8 A Mvr4 fMO STAND OUT UCE A. CisCTMS PUNT M TMt PtStUT- . MAM AMOMCa MtW- A. M1UH0M t0UAC3 WOWNM y .. 50NAUTN ?WS( rrv I'M JVST A FeUNtClM DON'T DtWM IT- AMO op SUCCtSSFVJV veu'tictM- BUT NVltN CAN VCX VY fAN B KHD NWtN VMON't f ND rVNH "SPONS OH 1 l ?VCKt NOV) .tCUkVJSt 5NtVM NOV) Nt V50MN- SAV I'M KliHT- MS C0WSTVTUIKT5 MA VOOVi TOR NVvtM t(3Wl ' I'LL I ?r.OeSfct NVVAN 1 SNt VT I OWt NHEM 1HV LU TVtlHK CVtANtT) NWtM NHV CON6RCSS STUff S ONV.V K STHLVPVNO STONt- MV IS ONUN rtMtEROAVl'T;M STUFF VJiTVV Mt- ri - 0 Ul jT e 7 Sidney iVrTjaii, SOMEBODY'S STENOGA Temporary Stock IU. sintered Futmt Offlie By Hayward T (Sues t was a 6oed Buy WOU MADE TOBr-THATS ,re(?e-si6HT Nlfi I tfABMD KM SHAW&r, Of P0W-WOW OLt . THfs A Solid mvestmeht. STROflG COMPAH. TE.AI HtARftTROM MOW I'LL BE A RICH MAM r v it (4A'M Jill I al II n e!T. f"" ' i hi &u, LELL-F7EV 7 H teVrB fc riEiE i a a. iiiniiw ' ! i . - " I is ' SS KW SADIES, WMt: I ' -5ET M r hnr Mk MiAiVt ',-. . . fm wnuiMvN Kick 3BV it' awt that- 9ir r Gcxau aupuu OUT OF THOE WSC SOVS ! THAT BoeBV UWHO WAS Our Gl OH SAlb HG HeuCHT STOCK H PoW-WOV3teLD COMPAM'- yZyr- HE SAYS ITS SURE. Te HAVE A Bt FUTURE. - heg-hee -gosh he's Liable Te Blew aais Time - IP He HAb AaV Eies he coule see : PLOOkf ! IT5AYS RI6HT HCR6 UWDER THEIR Heb POW-WOYJ 3OL0 CO. LIMITED- V 7 i -S' n SJk. trs'l y $&m fi'tfr i r a6- ' "I CeryHfkt. IHt, rtM( IMf Ce The Yeung Lady Acress the Way 5 There Ought te Be a Special Set of Rule for Vacant Let Football By Fontaine Fex 7 The young lady across the way says a horrible grade-crossing, ac cident Is reported from sotnewheie nearly every day and won't peepla ever learn te drive faster when they see a train coming and bent It ncrehs? fjjg CXMt AlMjr tiiote in A filrtT WHIM " fHt CATAlrf of tHt HUM'DlaeH5 ChAlMtP TXAT f Hi feWAe Pa s Had eT gacM "GRovHVte DAYS ve !Ue fwMts and pvce r: PETEYThis System's All Wrong WPTj -:- -:- Ru ( , S f TtL. JaSn BbSbI RU BU aSI FflkaafiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawkCl W fitjfSaiWplaWKj yaWjT!v JSJmM tttamwawm JalaSHaHaaSaSBSVVaSaTsSasVCSx kmfkm sflKjsSjBatf 5lfh itA WKEmtt7aWSSSYaWklam&.x- 545 the- OrifefttHAfeS 'A. A By C. A. Voight iu'uinnr n;,m ji t i.i. i.wr 1 .siBsaMsaiiiMeaaiMsBMaaaiBBHaMspn a . . a ifsssa . . r"" - 'Omt SLr a AftUK l&i of AMPihwe en jeMmmc HUlli CZTZZTtZ I' JlHl SfSrWi 1K 14 ANAIPOU- I'U CO M I IT'S MO 0S-1 SIMHVrAWrJ5ii(T f HtWT MlUIOMlHJTRwsAMD ( MATTER- AKCMTg M-HHasVaaSasSaMHaSlHW GASOLINE ALLEY On the Q. T. By King , iu . ' WPLL. I'M IN fOtt IT NOWlV ' HATe TO TIP OFF ANY OP THESES f " v - 7 ! 3 , - f MRS. BLOSSOM HAS ACCEPTED WV Y" I ALLEV OS, BUT tVe COTTOtfETf NTCO SPILLING ) 1 r: 'NOT 04 VCvfZ. UPE, ) INVITATION rO OlNNEft THURSDAY M SL S0MC HAVErfT 8EEN ZS 'S AROUND THE U '"J C' ET BYOiNOO. I STILL KNOW J UlflHT. WHERE VH 18 OlCKCNS V VAROUMD HUC LATCLY. j ". U. BUT 9' ME 0F E WCLL Of-P a f AM ,CO.HO TO TAKE fj - .UUL ,'m TAKING MRS. J "LOWEwl V jfl, V "Y ' ,, 'X Jf 1 ) "" QL0S5OM OUT TO SOFTmu.iC AMD ALL I N g ... I "'"""ssssssi dwiq Tr 'iwcii.1r V: "!lr nenru a ew fM . J ,1,e ,!8,,t Patt et CONTINI'KD TOMOHROW W1i I&K ,u. l i 1 V iiKV'a ur-tw ..