.(S3 lit' . : , . . '.f9:, "v TO V . f "VN, J, m. rt MX? .-r - - t;, VEHEEIOS WONT U-Sff , RE-ENTER POLITICS lEx-Premfer Would Decline Seat In Creek Parliament If Elected DEMANDS U. S. PAY DEBT 7!u Amectnt'd Press Londen. Nev. If!. Klf-iiptherlei Venlieles, cx-Prpmlpr of Oreenee, nml hsad of tlie (ircck clHeirntlen which wilt .attend the Xrnr Knt Pence Conference it Lausanne beginning terlny, ills ruined yesterday the lntcrnnl nffnlrs of reecc In the Ant lensthv Interview he has (riven for severnl months, and 'n1se cntiTii'SPd varleui plisaes of tin Xear Ent Mtuatien as It appears te Greek eje. "The r'lle of Klnc Censtantlne." he aid, "shook the Oreek monarchy te 'the roots, but if a -10 per rent minority we will n.v. wlfli 10 continue tlie reinl institution. I imagine tint a majertj of the (Jrcel.s would (misint tte carry en the pnvi'iit .t,m tirevidi'd the Kfng'a rower be nullified. ' The nircrl statemin nnpnrentllv ha recovered from the severe moral herk 111 lufferel recent! v. bwuue of the 'im'k ilefent In A-.in Miner. Tie leems te be In bettr health, and pen!;4 vtR.ireiHy At the present time he i- tePilh- nl orbed in mnUins iirrmefnenf for i'ie peacp conference, and iiNe In cirinc fei a million mill n lin'f On el: refugcet. Krnenncrs Greek Polities T "I am absolutely divorced forever from (.reek internal politics." he con tinued, "and If elected te l'nr'iament. T will re.lr!i Immediately. If the Ctreek people want a republic, tbev preMblv will show It In the eeniiil? Iertinn. fur j the mnleritv will llldiente it- Will T I,., ninnnrehv K nt tin further U.e ' fO them, they 111 be nble te lenifr that feet ;and if there 1 a ftrene mi- , . it.. .i .!.:.. tn ...,,:,,,... tlm nrnnnf imill, lll'-llliu i. -' ....,..- reirlme. reMent ttnnerl no fieuni uie u.iij" n.i ''" 1 with the provl'e I nave men- "As a -ntter of faet. there is little difference between n demeentle mon men nrchy. where the Kins H rendered pew. ples by the confitiitien, and a re public. "I fine- i:n?'ar.d i ju-t n demeerntie pe'itienllv. theti-h peMbly net seelnlly. uu the t'nited States. The firmer Premier innnuuerd tn-it nt the npprn.iehlne pence conference he -nM linili.rtiike tn unrnrt an e ehanee of the Turk penulnfi n In n pnellrnrpre & cempaNT haw Vi.n f eKiit nt the Oreek Nationals vacancirs roil rmieiiT ALF.lf reeee for that or tne t-reeh. ..minii u-OMl:v VASf yrar. or Tin: nir In Turkey. tpii iypr reit cashiriiinu v- .. I TI' '."J APPLY ANV "ILMR LiL'MN'CI TK I A Matter of Htiimnlty day at hie iil'Iirau or rmpiey- , , ., . ,,,. I,,,. MRNT 5T1I rUKlll, SOl'TH I'fl'.DlMJ Thii, he enid. wax n mutter or mi 1 hauket, inn 10 12TH sTHRRid. manltv. in which he honed the I.eaRiie of Nntien- and the Tnitetl States would CHILDXl.ngc vMle, and te assist witi interest themselves. ' upstairs work. Phune Gtn. 4SS4 betwten "Without ceinc into th pn'ltleil 'l.and P..M nhaes of the matter. I think (Jrercei iheul'd net be judsed tee severely fr CLERICS AND CASHIERS her rnmpaicn In Aia Miner, a it vn- veanf -errcn. 19 te 2S year of ate. for fee the nurne'e of n"-eilins Orrek th pentli r.s of cas'jter-lnspprtere. If jeu 1.1 ' .1.. ...i fi-. ,ni int., ,hie hi llliv e handle HKUres accurately an 1 populations that we firT went lnt ' I ar- irte -,ted In lulnu tralnnd fur a lets Kastern Thrace nnd Asia Miner. Hurer up c 1 and Inquire ateut thn nt Tf nne fr,e liik renuen that 1. n Premier, nent there with our armies, j therefore, whatever mnv be a'd re- i gnrdin? thece ennipnisii1-. the unhnpt" population is net at fault bec:iu-e of governmental action." Te inquiries reardins the future nt Greece, and nl-e rhe pre-peeta of lier securing a lean abroad, Vonlzeles re- i"lel; . ,.t i I in cr.ri.rni rAnr4 i.reeee. iiin ui'i I thrlftv commercial nenulatlnn Will pel en n stable bai-ii if we are able te settle the quc-tinn of refugees and of the minority. At eresent the retugees nre pouring info fireece n nill'len and a half strong. They are without lieme, hence they present a serious menace te internal order, and there may be a huie social ratnfroihe vvlth a tueeter et belshevlsm stalking through our lands. Would Collect Frem United States "Ah te a lean we would net need one If we could collect our debt? from the T'nited States nnd ether allied countries. It Isn't genera' It known, but the United States never paid the S.", I - 000.000 which it agreed te pav in 1017. when with Kneinnd and 1'Minee, it irunranteed Greece a lean of ."50.000 - ,000 te curry en the war by the tide of the Allies. "The arrangement was thit trt heuld be a credit upon which we ceu'd dmw through the National Hanlt of Greece. On the strenarh of this credit. we iiucii i'tiiv-r ruin-in- in inline- !.... . .....n..A. n.n. ..In money fur carr.ving en the great war, and have accounted which wus spent. ter every penny "Then, after paying S14.000 000, the .United States stepped payment be cause of the return of King Corstantine te the throne. When the latter de. mantled the additional S3 1.000 000 due from the T'nited StateH. the Washing ton Government Hated that it never sj 'u notified officially of the death of Klnc Alexander, under whose reign the credit was extended. "Constantine answered this by eny Ini thnt he had never ceacl te reign. then the T'nited States came brick and ftaetareH the Innn wns Innillrl. Vever. theless. It h a real debt, In faet and in uoner. "If we get thU money from the United States, nnd are able te collect our ether ind larger bills, we will be able te finanec our refugee preb'em. What we plan la ret the mere feed ng of these ptop'e. We want te get them provided with homes, and with occupa tion, otherwise it will be ene of the gTeatest taks n email nation ever j undertook. It is as If the Vnltul Sta'-- ' had suddenly te cure for a number of ' refugees ennal te one-fourth of her Utaf population." I Leaves Daughters $19,000 By the will of the late A. V, Itbck fatd. of Abln.'ten, un estate of Sr.i.efxi la left In eiiual dharea te his two daughters. The will of the late Anna .Houpt, of Cheltenham, awards an ei taU of S-lfiOO te her children. FAR KNintN ItlPt Itl ir Fw Amurlfans ivyre aware of the exist no of such a envernm nt. but ss burfer (tats betwaen Meiurlu and .HI tIh It ex. Isted for k short perlud New (abies rrank Hedges It will Jein the Snlnt (levernment and lese Its Identity Such dlspstetie msr the scope and the value of the PereiKti Neiea Bureau matnta'ned by the ITKi.ir Lrpata "Make It a llablt " 1du FARM AND GMIDEN BULBS Fer Spring Bleem We Impert none but tlm finest grown, and our mlectlen Uda year Is lamer than ever before, Hyacinth, Tulip, Narcinni Alse n complete line of Seeds, Farm Implements and Novelties. Windows AT ,S?JLW 628 Chestnut St. EttaHMU tin .fffiStSk m E IJWH E E ikMi E This Beautiful Xmu Heuia Absolutely Free Wlth.Emy Ordsf inn weh $1 Special Combinatiei Offer 1 Chlnea Sewing decorated wun e"""' rings, tassels and ulna Chlnise meniV. . 3 ckes of line perfumed teltet soap. . I box of hlgh-grad fte !ewder ,. . can of fins Ulenm powder. , small vanity cm, with mirror and powder VtM tht for $1.00, pest ,. ....- ..i.....nl. an eceentlnnal YalUP and uily ene' combination will be .old te " A?W. POMEAN & CO. 1640 Germintewn Ave., Pail., Pa. . V i-si W-l i" TTENtATfT I IK. rtlUaliia SOCIALIST! Oritlnnter In this eltv"' 'SWEET AIR" Method cf Paintcii Extraction of Tielb gaff n .Ken N I'i'e "r din Jmr .ft,,, thn thtne f r ni rveus m people. Ne 111 ifTnti fellow it ue. S. E. Cor. 7th & Market Sts. Formerly en ttay of premlnnl ffcwplMH LOST AND FOUND POIt AND 1iOKl.l' Luit. ft kjM watch f b ail lrn..( . with an ill llnuil-h letlu" ?.' ani dlimind rm It, butw.'ii till nt d 1'ear i an 1 Chfiinut st. firrv or en n reHi iwn ire lj cir (.nindcn ltArd. He turn in 411 l'earl t . Csmlen. N ,1 MAC, st at Aid no Theatre Saturday nflernoen Nev 11, bi ailed bt ::ndr ilne r-turn te 3710 N. I'Jth St.: re a-tff !len S'Ke.l. rensrn. cROSs Lest. slHer cress, lat ednesdnv afiernuun, en nrena si. ceiveen i-inn anj PnrUv st". lep 01m I.ecut itlil) ltward, DUJlONU -uLe-t liimnnd nnlltalre with . pct.ullur settlni: en trolley Ne 13. an , a. ur Uuval st.. tv 20 Wrdne-da murnlnit Milualil Ijecauee It was enuaitement rlnit 0! ; ',.,, ,fc.- .nil' ,1,., siiKV.1. lleunnl if te- new tuined te J. L' Caldwell Ce UOC3 Lest, puppy terrier, dark brown. Ne. 11, lcnlty Kith uiid Hpruee. r.eward If returned te V Hi ,1. 270 S. liltli st DtKl Lest, Haturday, Koten Mill mule. lout tall : answers te Phil: chlidren's.?al, reward f.32 Cedar ae Wendund U70 V IJO(l Alrd Je de. answers" n ihenan-e of ftoee, rewnrd. Return te 4129 N llreud st. HELP WANTED rEMALE CASHIERS perunui'i euerei nrv. ihi;.uuiiik ihcum nnd ceed pay. Apply Tureau of Employment WANAMAKRR'S ... . .1 .'nrirr-sj,nii!"-T;i ir veu nave n natural , .iputu In rnr writing ciear. concne inmi e and are 20 te tn,. ut nricn. 3 years uf are. call and se M"s. Patten. Curtis Publishing Ce. 004 Sansom at DRESSMAKERS Wanted, dressmakers experienced oe chil dren's dreees. Apply Bureau of Employment WANMAKER'S FEEDERS Wanted, Jeb and cylinder pt0 feeders. Apply N. W. cer. 23d and Chsstnut sta. (Hntrance en 23d st ) UIRL. experienced, te artdriss envelepes: must b Kenl free-hand writer: In answer c.n.a . ,& n..l ..1... AnrA In.k... .. . . --.... -.-.. . . . . ,., ri umnia ave station i' u tiex 3ui," MIRL. evp unnecessar, J jar of ag: Si per week, Meadj work. 11 u! bilk Mfj rn . ion Dlamet I Kt fifili tlier I OTRLS Are yen Interested In seertng temetrrarr .mnmnlMl fltir -I, ,,. k..U. . . 1 There art both clerical and non- erleal , openings that we can cfter you starting ' this week. The wnik consists of writing and pricing Chrtmaa orders, also Uxht wrapping and prir. In our Toy.Heslerv sriM required ..it'i .Hiniit'i, IE.., ii.icuiQ, e rrevieu ,i. Apply Em QQTmint Tie-,, d SO s. M te 5 P. M ' Saturday HEAna ROERUCK AND CO . 4040 ROOSEVELT COL'LLVAllb OTRLB WANTED APPLT VICTOR TAIJONO MACH1N13 CO, APPLICATION OFFICB IS COOPER ET. CAMDEN. N. J. GIRLS We want some alert, un. -m nt aire who v artlvs atrls. IS tn IT who would be interested In r.erin-nant tjsltlens In our Junier Dseart- rnent. must nave at liast one year' high s huel education or euivaint. 'rv. .ilvtntaili we elfsr Include ceed Day. pleasant associations and surrounding, with .umiiilnn nfifAn. Dees this Interest reu? Then call promptly Apply Eureau of Employment WANAMAKER'S nmi.s If a hay reached Id year of ag and ar willing te atart as meesengera, w can offer in i thorough buelnasa training and promotion as vacancies occur, 9 APPLY EMPLOYMENT BUREAU FOURTH FLOOR OUUIEL UKOTHERef ? '"-T?S?3.eswv (ff if MMLT WAimSD-rBMAUD GIRLS lrentlrl. 70 te SB year, aceus- timed te standing: for temporary Inssrtlngi S JJ a ent'r -'a salaryl call at ericft Mrs. Prnten CURTI1 FURLlSlllNO CO., 004 SANSOM STREET MtnLS WANTED ever 1" reara. with papers ptevlnn are If under 81, for llrM.fscterv werl! experience nut neceeaarr. Call 7:30 A, .M. prepared fur work. NATIOVAIj 1I1SCUIT COMrAST 1301 GlenwoeJ no. Uilltfl ever 10 yean of ,te te loam veavlnc en nnrrew edalnre. F. V. Muiirer & Hene Ce., 4311 Wayne av,, nenr 1 t ii nnl HTintminw-n tna, UIHUS l" psck wlTee. ten and Dl'e. mLM i" ever 111 Apply 113B N Trent t, OLOVr.9 HEAD OK STOCK WE nKOUlMR AN RXPRtltRN'CKD AND c'Ai'Ai'i.i: ai.evR woman roil m:u or steck: kaiihic suction, an un- USUAU OITOIITUNITY 13 OITEHUD. N. BNRLI.RNUUnO & CO. MA11KRT, 11TH TO 12TI1 STS. IIOl'HKKRRI'RIt In fumllv af a ndu'.tn will In anil tninhle worker I1A re" weelt. Bieref?. Add regit Q tt4. P. O. Itex 314S ife 'HRwTlKK In family of ".' white woman. 30 In 3 xeirn: K'mernl houeewerk. wneh InK and coeklnei nil electrical convenience", leep In. own room with nrlvnte bath: Reed ilnce for woman wantltin heti e, $10 i'"r weelt: l afternoon and every ether Sunday ff. Call 4120 laarchw-oed Ae. or phene Wnertlnn.t nl4 W. IIOL'HRWOKK White tlrl te elecp In. one appri'clatlmc a aeO'l home with 'J adults In fnmlh. Apply by letter. itatln references. Aiinr--" ii :m ! Hes ;il7. . HOt'SRWOllK - Coekln. and dewnsUIre ' werK. no waxnina: aieep in: reierence. ue ; Ijine etn BTOB 15th st. INSPRCTRRSSKS We offer excel tlenal oppertunttle for alrls sna women te learn lsnetln nnd wrappinx. 1,-oed oidiertunlty te qu illfy for advanced ve- Itlcns. N. SNKM.RNBRP.O & CO. tn-let 11th tn 12th st. LADT'S MAID, French or Pls: xeed sewer and ther. comp. In duties as maid, rers required from last e.npljyer: hlthest wages 'e proper person. A 71M, Ledger tiff OPERATORS experienced operators en power scwing maehlnet. Wanted Apply Dureau of Employment A.-iA.Miitii a OPERATORS The Rell Telephone Cempanv offers TODNQ WOMEN we are tenkin for the cleanest, pleasant eet work tn the city ANi OPPORTUNITY te learn telephone eperattne. YOU ARE PAID IIS A WEEK while learning and 114 fO per week for part eenlrB work after 6 weeks. Ten will have te act quick te get Inte thi new tralnlnc class new fermlnc Mls Ptevcnsea 7 P. M. Is at 1C31 Arch st. un til OPERATORS wanted en wash dre.-es: geed operators delred: special propes.'lon f r van! workers, come investigate pur Plant th! Is for permanent emplejment nnd no lark easen: lst sanitary factors with re Pne.i cIh of girl Applv at once te HIHElt- r imes dayliuiit biiei'. utn and M t Vernen s tB, 'AT.KM.ADlLh Married women who would d'hete 1 or 2 days a week selling undi pies -ant conditiens: must have a pleaslnx rerer.iIlty and aturcar.ince: te these who in re uly sell tli Is their opportunity I rmr co-werKers desired. Applv suverln tenlent's eflce niBiiner's, Vl Mirket st SALESWOMEN Wsntd a few bright saleswomen for agree-abl- holiday positiens: th fiuallftcatlens nr- Intelligence re nenvnt of appearance and manner; nr. 1 a genuine Interest In sell Ins merchandise particularly OLOVrp TOYS. PTiOKS. TOILET GOODS HANDKERCHIEFS eleasant nevttlens an! sur'eundlngs and the en- -j-e aarantagen inciuee gpea pay Jement or trie special mreirr arencici extended te our regular empleies. Dees tht Interest you? Then call promptly Apply ru'eau of Eriplevment WANAMAICEIV3 RALEWOM-N WF ARE NOW se'.If'tTINO APPT.TPA- i.kvBArnn uiirsnvmirx np THE HKT- ItdT'ttr ix3R the iollewino de partments: art needlework tot? INFANTS,1 WEAR CHINA JEWELRY STATIONERY AI.O .. HVVR VArANrlEx In "Tlir.K IJl.t-Aiw- ivy TIML P B su lilt. "- ", "!:.;:. i- i:mi-i'6y.ment. stii ploer. t-uf-ni IllILD Sii II QTST.T.IeVntlTlO A CO.. 1 i.-iiii ' j.v :... ;. . .-...., MARKET. 11TH TO 12TH hT3. SALESWOMEN FOR THB HOLIDAY DEPARTMENTS De net hssltat te apply because cf In experience our ichoel of salesmanship makes the work easy! tn rase ou de net car te call, writ u and we will giadl rive any Information desired or arrst.ts a private jJrx-ntT RPREAU FOURTH FtOR aUIIlEL RROTHEns SALE.'mVttrEN FOR PASTRY DELICATESSEN ANX TELEPHONE WtOCEKY ORDER Experlenre net necessary, but atpllesnti must be of neat ajipeurance te re-e. f.ver. able consideration Apply Pure Poed Stere. Chestnut Street Annex .nesin QIMBEL HKOTltERS SHOE SALESWOMEN WB HAVE SEVERAL DE-IlUm.E VA. CaV-IES IN OUR WOMTN s MtOF: ,i;. PARTMKNT FOR TllUHei.i".V LXPE. KIENCED AND CAPAULU dlluP, aALEd WOMEN. N. BNELLENni'RO 4 CO MARKET. 11TH TO 12TH 8TH. SHOES -Yeung gin for n-.srklrg tips tn cutting room. Apply Lalr-j, .Si hubee i Ce., 3 2d and Market sts.. eecenJ Cor. HAROLD TEEN fJrnir:N i: tvu-i.ntial" i-Lii MVNENT POSITION'O Al0 TWO AND Tiiitri-- DAY a week: w; wu.i, mv i. T""rti .'nslDERATtriv TO .thes-i: I wii 1 II VVC HEEN A6h'IVTKD Willi I IV rill- I'V-f LIlllIRM. "ALMIV IN It r EMENTi no TIIOXE prj-.EHbIN TIIE UV ,,;ili'.v VvfTii.tfn-'iTttiNs applv i : i.1 r-a l0Ot! -loot! , S ' $ P86! HeeJ I I fALeaet 4fefM I ' K7. II , CJU, n Xe.-s fc. .( - -. ) tOrAPPTiTlOfi D Sl 17tl I 1 It""1 U '6. --.. -.... J jw& sett s& .. ar$& w & m. v TXQ&yVX br rm .ff&,felKfe, 1 V l . ' QTr . i v MreBkmiiW vi - -vb -t Swyusmiw . ifl i vp .j- iWRl M" y r : i' sW - T , 5fe dr si . ji i r-M -eAvrr f "i m n . . 8&srr. c j.j r i b--xx- s r r - 'I I m HI II "C skT ,':''.:: 1 W U -rvl-lT-Z7-t i , "NsaBfl)SlP - --------.- .... ',(A'.--i-v. --r., !-,-. -y-ffgrnMmriSmu 'ni f ' "n 7 rfsM KT i" ':; ibiaMggKKmUmmmu XMLT WAimnX-TWlALl 1 btenoerapherb TYPISTS We have asvtral permanent position te offer bright, experienced or .Inexperienced ete- negraphera and typist. Tneee petition! offer etceuent opperiuniuee. Saturday 13 BRAR8, ROE11UCK AND CO., 4010 HOOSBVLJLT UOULEVARD BTKNOOnAPirEIl thoreuxhty experienced, for credit and cob iter department of lnrxe clethlnc manufac tery. A. II. hlmclibaum Ce,, Uread and Car pmter st. SlKNOGItAI'llKU .Kith ame Vhmi.j m benltkeeplnxi ealary 120 per week! with cuns KrewlnK bualti neie. Write P si A. l.e.Uer nrnce. STRNOOUAI'llRIl. general office werk: muet l-i rxpcriencci. Apply Oerl.at A Ludlum Cn , Inc.. ISO N. Ill et. TTPt9T tf veu are a little abein thn iv,h h,N y u are the , I etnr, I Mr whom we are loeklnx. and a position ' abne the avermta l what we have te offer i Tite years' hlth school education, experi ence speed, accuracy, with Heme knowledge ul l.iu n HuiiuiiiviM . me me requirements. . . .Mrs. Patten. Curtis Publishing- Ce. U04 Sanaem st WAITRESS, white, exp., who can de plain t-uuttu.K, i" m'p uii irii in bpi, jer lady IMnic alone. I'hene Monday, locust 0307 l WOMAN, rellned. wuntid. best rcferenceT Mnnniv 10 iTirtny eacn week. m.niMud ". mernlnKi only, te de telephoning;, some wrltlnt. msnd- ims. erdlnarv sewmir, etc., for 2 people In an Overhroek apartment. Address reply te A 702. Ledger Ofllce. '" '" uM "N with itend social or business con cen con nrcMers can use same advnntateeusly sell Inn rewns for specialty house; part time If eslri1. P nr.3. Ledger Office. M VK75 educated, ambitious, Interested In book selHmc, and free te leave Phils with in the. next few weeks, should lnvetlte nn attracMie opportunity new In the hand of a wen annwn i-iuin, wieiness woman. Thla Is let nn e-dlntry sales preposition, but dlrnl- I ne-1 hlsh irrade work with steady ealary. plus commission nna txperaes. Pew of our eople earn les than $R0 per week. Write fu.lv. Blvlna- nire experience and nearest .hen number tn Margaret E. Nerrell. U4U8 i v una (tsrden et. WOMEN 2,"i years of are. for ahnp work ' HeM-ttrlght Mft. Ce. .Frent aV Erlaave WOMEN w can (rive full or part time employment n several emhltleua women ever 25 ve-irs of ice who wish te make some extra mnnev fie this fnll and winter: this Is selling nn r-mmlv!en bisls. Call Tudav night at i o'clock, aharp. 702 Van Dam Bide.. 1001 Market t. l" I TOUNQ WOMEN We want only ambitious young women who are Ueklns for permanent positions. Te them we offer clean, well-paid, pleasant BELL TELEPHONE OPERATINO f.l? " p.1uk aeaaent. Te work Is eteadj "" 118 A WEEK whl'e learning and $14.80 a week for part evening work after 8 weeks. Advancement Is rapid. Miss St teV'f 'pn' M3 Arch " from 8 A XL te ,30 U'C.SO LADY, experienced clerk and prl. I vate branch operater: state age. experi ence 'efsrence and ealary desired. P 214, 1 e liter t ftlce. (ieneral WOMAN. EDUCATED. FOR A RESPON- MHIJ: POSITION In an eatabllshed bus -r.e experience net necessary: determination und bncrfbnne essential: position eteady and bura It ou qualify. APPLY PERSONALLY 710 BUILD INO WIDENER MVKE MONEY AT HOME Yeu can earn from 11 te 13 an hour In your spare time writing show-cards: quickly and easily lenrred by our new simple methed: no can u'slne or rellc'tlng, we tench you hew, sell ut work and pay ou cash each week: full pjrtlculnrs and booklet free Write today te the AMERICAN SHOWCARD SCHOOL. 230 Adims llldu.. Kins and Pudertck sta., Terente. Canada. IP YOU CAN OrVE US YOUR SPARE TIML, we'll show seu hew te turn It Inte ' money, we have a wonderful offer te make i 'e ambitious people who will de a little work for us among their friends and neigh- ) t"ir no exrerlcncii or money neeiary, we furnish evervthliiB, Write today before our i.ffer Is withdrawn American Products Ce., 'lS.T Ann.rlc.ui Hide Cincinnati. O. MILL L'.T Miur spare Ime; nu cin earn 11", te JS0 weekly wltlne sliewcarde at rem: no carivasslra: pbasant. profitable rrefesslnn, mrlly, quickly leTtned by our mple uraphlc bl ick system: ai Untie ability Mnniceisary; we mMruct and supply work W ilsen Malhedi, Limited Dept. 47, 04 East Itl hmend, Terente Canada. .DIES, unvvhrr, um earn 12 te in dally rk'.ns hosne coloring lamp rhades; nn merlenca mc.esary Apply by mall only nine a-cent s-anip for Instructions. Par- r le Nevulty (.e.. 5 Jleeknmn ct.. New , lerk ; V i.m.vn, hUh schrwii graduite. former -eucher prtferred, Initiative and geed per per senaljty for position paying 1200 monthly iard te right persen: permanency. Write Jet, n W. Branrh 17 E 42d t-. New Yerk EARN i:e weekly spare lime at home. d- dressing, mailing musle circulars: asnd at once for Information, etc. American Musle ' e um rireadway. New Yerk. WOMEN wanted te de fancy work at horn. s;ar hours matsrlal furnished! geed pay: stamped em elope brings particulars. Under weed Art fleeda Cn . Porfmeuth. Ohie, IT.MALE HELP Married women, earn II. 25 te t2 an hour. light work, spare time: nr. heme: exp, unnecessary: pay starts st ores Dept, fl.-l. Harlay Ce . Davtnn.0 YOUNO WOMEN, with 1 year high school te learn nursing: registered school 8 years eeire, llfcernl allowance. Superlntendvnt Nurses, Mt f-'lnnl Hospital. Phljjdcjphla EARN n-fie weekly addressing, mailing circulars end stnmped envelepe for par t'culsrs I'alsce Milling Ce., Teledo. O. PHOTOPLAYS Bioe Ideas needed: working cirl raid MO 000 for Idea she theuBht werthltn, dctnlls free. Writ Producers' Lejgue, lSTJjt. Ixiuls. I !!ARv" I"l weekfv enar time, writing for pewepapere. mixaxlnea: exp. unnee,: details I free'rei Syndicate. 123. St. Leuis. Me, I OIRLH wrantM Oevt positiens: 1120 me,, tr.anv Micancles- examinations Nev and I Dee Write for tes eren. P 1421 Led Off HUMNE'.S SERVICD CO., 111B Ijvnd Title, I STLNOS PIC Ol-RS.. high-grade Clerks HELP WANTED MALE HANK 1'L-Hl.li-ITV SALESMEN Leading financial advertising concern haa terrlie. rles open fjr exceptional representailves, unusual credentials In th way, of rharartei and ability rerjulr4. net a peddling proposi preposi propesi tion: salesmen inns' give banks counsel based un our Inn eiptrlance tn thlsfteld: under sinned will meet applicant In Eastetn cities aleit mlldle uf month. Addreja Harvey A Iiledgett, Harvev llledgett Company, St. Paul. Minn t s s s s , 3. wuwu'e' : xCV6" mm. ub.uiI B 1 "" -"- j ri e - iFsiu-3He& Jl '-' ' ,' . . . 0 .,- .. , .fc, I ' t . r siiB-' t XML9 fTAWtm-XAtM AN WITH epxmxei A FUTUBB A yeunavman (net ever SO) with tilth echoel Education or aeatvaltnt and knack for (lauret can tecufe a peiltlen with a leadlnx.publlihlnt heute. wbere hit future i, will be tpvtrned entirely by lit. ability and lalllattve: a moder meder moder en talary te atart. y 101, LBDOER OFFICB. ASSISTANT SALES MANAGER UNMStfAIj OPPenTtTNTT Uh.HUii1inAilUi itv AND ADVANCEMENT NATIONALLY KNOWN OP ItlUMKOT 8TANDINO, APPUCANT MtTST pKSCRIBH I'lIIAT 8AI.E8 OR MApAOERIA ADDRESS LUDC1KU OFTICa A 705. uoeKK-Ki'-na -sintie men. 21-2J. with rnccnt mercnandUe sales ledxer experience: must write n teod hand and be extwrlenced I otT-Hurreuth't addlnt machine: sure a. rcn leiin?. experience and ealary desired. Address Chief Clerk. Bin Widens? Bid". ijenNiiKiii-piii Teunr man te assist In Af'l'X'rerfTce1''"1'" A!" ,ie1 ."'-. JM?I,I, Wperheuw: must " '" .S" i", V.'.0.""' "'.'" Prwrtu- nn iu n-rti ii uusmeaa or secure ndvance- meiii, ,.iine. ..j itivr eniy, eiatinsT ate. jchoeUn an reference. Wnltlng-Pattcrfen HOY wanted for after school and SnturdaTsi Tildrm'."nNWC7th' st y &U', 300, Dr,a HOY, 10 te 17. te work In office of whole- ile heuse; geed chnnce for right party: give rpf. Postetflce Ilex P nig. '" BOT Beyt 16 yean of at Tha work consist of receiving, sertlnx anl delivering mall throughout our general ntnees. Advancement within a short time. Ne previous experience necessary, Klndlr brine Proof of age. Apply Rmpleyment Dept., 0.30 A. M te n P. M. Saturday 12. SEARS. ROERRCK AND CO. 4C.40 ROOSEVELT UOULEVARD BOYS IS te 18 year If you arc ambitious. Intelligent, courteous. reat-appearlng and a grammar school grad uate, call and aee me about a position for the real llv wire OCT AHEAD I type of boy Mr. Yeung CURTIS PUnLISlTfNO CO. 04 SANSOM STREET Bring proof of age RCITS in YEARS OF AOB, liRIOHT AND DESIROUS who Ann UliSlltUUH Of LEAU.N INO A TRADE WHICH HAS A FUTURB TO IT. APPLY EMPLOYMENT DEPART MENT. THOS, E. DROWN ft SONS. 2D AND WESTMORELAND BTS. (.'AlllNETMAIvERS wanted for casket work. Apply James A. Kenny. Heward A Nerrla. CALICO PRINTER wanted: must be rtrst class en all classes of werk: permanent position for suitable man: applications will be censldcied confidentially. Acme Finishing Cnintianv. IKfl Frent st.. I'awtucket. R. 1. CAP OPERATORS. 2. and 1 cutter wanted; union shop. Apply Derf ft Ce., S18-21 E. Paltltnere at,. Hultlmere. Md CARPENTERS wanted for form work. Apply 7th nnd feansem, sts.. the new Ledger Hldg. CARPENTERS J0.BO day. 5,U week; rough wnrk. all winter. 7IB Vine st. CHEMIST wanted for laboratory In small faciiiry. capable of atialvln and con trnllng ZNCL-2; a te a test' per dayj state wnres P. O. Bex Ne. 12 Wilmington. Del. COLLECTOR CatholTei Philadelphia ana suburbs; $20 starting, advancement te llv wire, write, stating age and experience, if any. LANOAN ft BRO.. 9B Chamber t., N. T. DETAILERB Experienced structural steel detaller. C. D. Prudjn Corporation, Bayard and Warner sts,, Ualtlmere. Md. Draftsman, architectural wanted: geed destgnsr: stau experience and salary ex pected. H. E. Y.ssler. Archltset, Yerk, Pa. ' ENGRAVERS nrecISld0 VKnj BTBADT POSITION. PNREPLT STATE EXPERIENCE AND SALARY DE- ruvi kf .si ply. uc.4Jvtiiii it r tr. FURNTTURB FINISirER Wanted, experienced furniture finisher: geed waxes Apply Bureau of Employment WANAMAKER'S FURNITURE PACKER Wanted, packer, experienced la paektng fine furniture. Apply Bureau of Employment WANAMAKER'S FURNITURE FINISHERS KXPERrENCED IN BURNINO IN AND TOUCHING UP ALL KIND OF lfURNt- Tunc. Ai'i'LY iu vtrnju, N. 8NELLBNBURC1 ft CO WHSE.. 10TH BERKS BT3. If Bb M MoraiaMe aa MjgPJj work, we have a .poamea ra? reu tanjltea an Inveftment wnleh e Tavaater ran afford te patt upi njakaea prove it i experience net neceeeary. P 04.Tideitr OfiUce. JANITOR af naat appearance, txporttneed in Mff. Olin nvrR. nwiy -, MLa wa Alaa U....tl.lallt Ce.. Frent ana srie ava, J-WhUif SALESiviftN FOR WATCHESTOOtD JBWbLRY AND DIAMONDS: IN REPI,T STATE AOE AND KX PERIKNCB. M B10. LBDOER OFFICE. LAIIOREhS. ApBlrHerman .Mayer Ce, New Power Plant, Frankford Arsenal. LABORERS I8.B0 day: conatruetlon werki all-winter job. TH Vina at. LtNOIBtTM RANp PRINTERS WANTED APPLY il Sit, LBDOER OFFICB LTTHOORAPHBRS Wanted. . flrit-elasf color efftet preaeman and alto a teod tranaferer: eteady work. Mall tettera. Mat ing ate, reference! and wana expected, te M MO. Ledger Office. MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS OAR REPAIR.DtN FOR RAILROAD WORK STEADY BMPlArtM-WP.AT STANDARD PLSNTT OP OVERTIMB FREE BOARD AND TRANSPORTATION ArPLT TO COMPANT OFFICB 1SS N. 1BTH ST. PHILADELPHIA.' PA. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF NEW JERSEY OPEN DAILT, 7 A. M. TO S P. M. MACHINIST Experienced man en tool and general repair work. Apply Hii-Brlht Mfg. Ce.. Frent and Erie av. MAN Teuni cellg man wanted te de cleri cal and accounting work In tha office of a large corperation: excellent opportunity for advancement! writ giving scnunnng, previ eus experience. If any. and reference. P. O. 8877; MAN. whit te run Mlnnlch baling press, cotton and woolen waste. 120. 834 N. American St. MANAOER WANTED Fer Installment fur niture heuse: Hunt be qualllled te fske rnmniet ei-,iege uf an entire establishment i In every detail, cow tne Buying and selling, lam ..i' euucct.uiis: store Is located In . 1'ennsytvanla. about 1B0 miles from Phlla I delphla. In a city of 35,000 population; un usual opportunity for nn ambitious man who Is net nfrald of werk: must state refer ences, and In application set forth ex perience, and with whom, for the last live )cars, nnd hew presently situated: state salary expected: all applications will be treated in commence, fli ei. i-euger muce. MECHANICS, bench hands wanted for sheet steel bench werk: this Is an opportunity for jeung mechanics te become experienced in the profitable aereplane trad. Apply P. O. Zimmermnnn. Aeremarlne Plans and Moter Ce.. Keyport. N. J. MECHANICAL DRAFTSMAN Recent grad uate In mechanical engineering preferred: excellent opportunity for an energetic young 'man te work Inte a permanent and respon sible position with large manufacturing rnneern. Address P. O. Iix 8.-J4. Phlla, KEN WAMT-D TO DELXVER TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES HOST BB XNDUBTIIIOUS. AFPLT T A . TO 1 P. U, THB BELL TELEFRONB CO. OH PA. WAREHOUBBl S. W. DELAWARE AVE. AND PINE ST. MEN WANTED CABINETMAKERS OIL AND, WATER RUDDERS. EXPER-C'D WOODWORKING MACHINE HANDS APPLY VICTOR TALRXVO MACHINE CO. APPLICATION OPFICa ri COOPER ST. CAMDEN. MEW JERSBT KEN An H-eerUbllshed firm dslr r. "te. of 8 NIUU men te tak. eJaericV household nesltl: 10 week and monthly benus: reference Muulred. Apply between a and B A. M. or B and u P. M nmu ,.. ket at., second fleer. See Mr. King or Mr. nainwiuru. MEN " W can 1T full or part tlm employment te several ambitious men ever 38 year of ag who wlah te make soine extra money for this fall and w nter: this la sslesmanshlp and en a. commlaslen basis. Call Monday night at B o'clock ahpp. 70a Vandara Bldg.. 1001 Market st '"' sknv. .?. v PH -. li4 . who... vis: ores.wn. e, .w-v.,slu,1 can make a i..BHU rnnnafitlen with a. p ann n.VL?-.K and prefltabl bualnesjl w. prefer men who Rave been aceuatemeT te earning jnoeo Si mere per year, but w are willing te help any ambltleu man te get Inte that dais; plenty of ehane for advancement. Call 2 y Monday at Roem 3B, 10U Chjtn' ,t MEN We ar; looking for men who will listen and thereby team of th best opper tunlty theyhav ever had See Mr, n,au. m-n. -" 'r.".'" "".'., y v . el. PACKERS KXPERrENCED CHINA AND HOIISEFttR. NISHINO PACKERS; DAYLIGHT PACK. INO ROOMS. N. BNELLENRTrRO ft CO., MARKET. UTH TO 12TH ST. Cyclone PIANO TOMBRl OeM OMfdwrs for rtaaa jn.rl ,flfa playtilae mtehanlcs or oemblnatlon i for m. Apply Buru of Emplermwt WANAMAKER'S SALESMAN A RECENT EXPANSION OP OCR BUSINESS NECBSSI TATES THB IMMEDIATE ADDITION OP TWO EXPERT SALEBMEN FROM 2T TO 41. THBT MOST BB ABLE TO CONVTNCINOLT PRESENT TO 0 IMPORTANT CONCERNS A METHOD FOR STIMULATING SALES AND INCREA8INO PRESENT ACCOUNTS. SALESMANSHIP OF A HIOH ORDER 18 ESSENTIAL AND IB ADEQUATELY REMUNER ATED: COMMISSIONS SHOULD EXCEED I60OO THB FIRST YEAR, DUB TO RE. NEWALS. WHICH MAKE THIS A PERMANENT CONNEC TION. TRIPS FROM 60 TO SO DATS ARE NECESSARY. APPLI CATIONS ARB INVITED ONLY PROM THOSE WHO WILL BE AVAILABLE WITH IN ONE WEEK. STATE SALES EXPERIENCE. AOE AND GIVE PHONE NUMBER. Address M BIB LEDOER OFF, PLAYER-PIANO REPAIRMAN AND TUNER Apply Employment Uureau. fourth fleer OUUIEL BROTHERS PRINTERS, linotype operator, machtnst- operators, fleer men for Oiita eubllpAiInn ic wnicn is iceing en ine American plan. Ad dress M 1 '.,. ien dger Office. REPAIR MAN en truck who understands his business thoroughly. Anrdv rennlr hnn. the Herg Ce.. Ontario st, below Richmond. We need ambitious nv-n who expect te earn at least 13000 a year: we have tralned many te make m.re than this: our best silesmen become office munnKers and are fixed com fortably for life Pheno Spruce 0491 for In terview, or wrlte us personally. A 707, i.uticr vuiw SALESMAN Paper manufactory has open ing for active man acquainted with con sumers of printing, wrapping, lining and ether coarse papers In Ph ladelphla; etate age. experience, recent emplesment and s.il- srv aesiren. p ana, Ledger Office SALESMAN We hav an opening for an experienced truck salesman. Apply Monday morning. FEDERAL MOTOR TRUCK CO. OF PHILA. if 1 1 spring inrn-n at., rnua.. fa. SALESMAN Immediate position for sales man of education and refinement te fellow up lead secured from newspaper advt. and mall inquiries: article In big demand at Mil tlm of ear. W. E. Cook, tlOtf-7-8 Van Dam Bldg- 1008 Market at. SALESMAN, high class, for read work, te ssll high-grade advertising service man with car preferred. Call after 8 P. M.. Roem zen. 3 s, 17th at. SALESMAN Sell dairy and poultry feed. Pennsylvania and New Jersey; en with car preferred, hut that net necessary: refer. ence exchanged: cenrtdentlsl. A 710. Led. Off. salesman, Masonle: plessant, steady. premapie employment, -call mornings, Weed, 40 S. 7th. SALESMAN wanted, merchandise brokers' office te call en Jobbers ely: gen line rsfs. : answers confidential. A 718, Led. Off SALESMEN t.arg New Yerk financial house Just open ing Philadelphia branch has opening for Si high-grade men between the ages of ar, and SO years: you will be given an oppor tunity te present In a dignified way a limited amount of preferred stock In a bend nnd mortgage company, whose Beard of Director represents sems of the biggest Interests In New Yerk: you will work en a strictly commission basis with no drawing account, but we can come as near furnish ing you with lead a any house In Phila delphia. We wen t show you hew te make triOO a week, premts u u managership tn a short space of time, nor attempt te teach ou this business ever night. We will. hew. ever, give ou every possible co-operation, nnd the manager In charge has the ability te Instruct you properly If ou nr with out experience. Unless you cn give th best of references and care te work under theae conditions, don't answer this ad. Your let ter will be considered confidential and we feel that nn Interview will be te your ad vantage. Cllve telephone number If possi ble. P 224 Ledger Offlc. m ' SALEBMEN WANTED. 8 EXPERIENCED SALESMEN WITH AUTOMOBILES FOR HIOH-CLABS EDUCATIONAL SBLLINO COUNTRY AND CITY TRADE. SEE MR nOOKRB, 1312 LIBERTY 11LDQ.. MONDAY SALESMEN " Yeu are offered the, opportunity of entering th galea tore of a new ; orgsn'iatlen wher you will be asksd te sell securltles of only a high-grade Investment nature; you will b paid for ,our servlees en a liberal commls cemmls commls slen bails. Ihe men w ar seeking must have a elean record, character nnd the deslre te grew with us: selling xperlence Is desirable, hut net necessary: Immediate training will lie arranged Ask for Mr. Bradley, FRENCH A CO.. Roem 704, Flenders Bldg., 15th and Walnut sts.. Philadelphia. Pa m nrm SALESMEN W have an opening for sev eral energetle salesmen te de some srecnl advance publicity work In cnuneetlfin with the Official Source Recerds: the work la en a commission basis and Is extremely rn. muneratlv te a man who can tnlk Intelli. gently te the highest grade of leads, which are furnished; position will be permanent see Mr. UH, McKes. Press Syndic!. 803 Flandera Bldg.. 18th and Walnut sta. hit twttn 10 add 18 or 1 and 8. ,u" " Slips Hareld the "Bird" irt n I SALESMEN 3. IT HAS COMB PERIOD OF BU81 INWTOMiV it -. f)IU WITH CO 3... IT. IS TOD RWUSiXiNiTT -a. -sinuuT A T HJ THE UARKKT A MM Attn,! frt, iu hNeH.. LVJ-'V' epiftN'T: v- II. ITS BUSINESS IS ONE OF Ttrsi l RtOHT ESSeK-TIAL IN TB COW . ' ! 'tflHBlB TI5ARB IT till M BBmmfim iu .J . HAI ffl,Sn,TaisWpmTa.Ki neNi OAN ifflBfifflL i&jffiVtiMrm 5- Yir ONM OF TIB! ntrp a-kfSKJS.J,0.0 DUSTHIAL . iTirj 'jural IUNTRY. mwmVi SI m If E Titia uei S. IT V w.mm Ar?Y f ACTIVELY MA: PJf3K&tVniW.KHa.A!!-l .5tteJ?3SS i:T.,.fiiiK.-,.-? ury w&aTeii PARTICULAR PHASE OF INDtflP TIIV mkn tintn iiive "JHVs; POSSIBLE SnME OF i..--r-;--i' Z'.'.-' ,rTK. Man mi iPi.m FOR EXAft .PLL: A lluss-ll Bend, formal uains; eauer ex m SelentlncAmwi: elentlflc'A Dr. Cha. P. Htelnmets. ehltf cm. ultln enetneae nen-J-i i i..-' f. --...... ciscxrs ,v,.ip' MeLauthHn, .form -' ,I'.Uea,rlinneCn",r 'U' M , s .rh,sr?."H. w'&.'iate '- uJebfle.0' th W" B E-ST and thirty-ana ether of equal eaw. ber nnd cblilty. w "'' These men hav placed this ees. roratlen en n sound financial hala and nre seeking salrs executives ft expand their business; """ " Mote than thnt and perhaps ,. sennlly concerning you Its business bcltiK of en esientlnl character. Is requiring msterlnl expansion and a rorrcspetid nu Incrense In tales and manuiierlal persnnnel. " Fer exnmpli) During th past mnnth we have promoted ten of our bsXss. men le resnenslble executive peah tlens: vve rcuulre net only men h ran tlll'-the vacancies thus rr?at,T but who can similarly be intrants' with niannKcrlal positions, which our expanding business requires that vr In 'order te show you some tangible achievement of men who have con. nectlen wlUi this organlittlen. resS these: " R. P. Campbell started as salts. man Janusry. 1021. had never sSiS tinythlng before, promoted censeci. lively, nnd Is new director of uSS, In charge of our cntlre salts or ganlxitlen. r R. Stenrel started as sattamsn April. 1031. promoted. te assistant sa es manager June. 1821, and te July" 1922."""' rh",dclpnl of,1. t. Merris)' started as salesman last December after eljlit years In -nal.' cnl career, made district snles man tiger in February, promoted te ul.. innnager. opening new offices, en ( icteber S W II. Vheeter. engineer and eat. lege graduate, started hete a reV aee. promoted last December te dis trict sales manager, promoted In Tebruary te assistant tc the prest. dent, anl assured of a most brll. Ilant future. Yc he,5? net n unlimited number of positions te fill, but our need Is sufficiently diversified te require that we Interview a number of tnem we have net get a master key which open every man's deer te success: what we have is a real and unusual opportunity for the business mnn who ran hr, ... iZ this organization; we want men el substance nnd ability, between 21 nmi iv fears or age. We shall engnge n limited number of men of that type this weekTn our Financial Department: these three things In nn unusual degrt I . ,...- ... nu- ii iiicii; AN ATTAINAIU.E OPPORTUNITY lO MAKE A LlROE INCOMti A HUHSTANTIAL AND WORTH WHILE PERMANENT FUTURE MORE IMMEDIATE THAN IS OH. DINARILY AVAILABLE AN ORGANIZATION AND MAN. AOEMENT WHICH A MAN CAN UNRESERVEDLY ENDOW WITH W,i.SKE"lU CONVICTION AD J fMl X LTY. Wrlte promptly for an appoint, ment te M SOU. Ledger efflc. ,. , . SALESMEN Llneeln and Ferd car,; mnimiHiM geed opportunity for energetic man te ces nect with, one of th eldest and largest sj clustve Lincoln and Ferd aginclss in u city with reputation for excellent strvki very asslstance given te right man te nuJ goedi previous experience net necessary i much a ambition and large acquaints new undertaking advertising and mtllli campaign for 100 pr cent Increase In ssll whleli wilt directly benent iuw saleses applicants must be resident of Phlladtlttl with .privilege of sellln privilege of wiling cars anywhere I th viw M viviiuijr, tl)DT or vicinity: apply between 8 A. I and 0 P. M. TH"e' SOUTHWESTERN AGENCY aw ane iiammere nvi. SALESMEN wanted, te present stanal medical books te physicians enly: we hi Just Issued, nad new have In proper! many new book that are meeting with ii pounced faver: successful book mean si cessf ul salesman, geed Income, ngreeabla e cupatlen, permanent, exclustve. pretecti territory. Addnss, vvlth fullest details business refa. 1. O Ilex U17U. Phlla., Pi SALESMEN' Three live-wire lalesmia (J th quickest selling real estate dsviltj ment In Seuth Jersey: SO houses new en ul preperty: 100 morn going up. Call betwti '30 ana in a. m., uavia w. emitn, llreadw'ay. Camden. N J. SALESNrEN, Italian and Pelish: 175 aaaj earned In commissions following live Ins selling budding let In a booming lecslltsj i.aii peiween ie ana , in.-t untsuiui I Roem 814. SALESMEN I7H easily earned In Ions following llv leads, selling butUisl let In a booming locality. Call betwsai 1 ana ie.i cnestnut st., room en. 8ALESMEN and solicitors Rssl estate I business brekers: educated, neat swevi ance; liberal commission. Kirk ft ftnsi i20 cnestntu. sEcuRrrr salesman W ar seeking th right man t assist in th capital expansion of car soundly established, high claw, profitable mortgage, banking bail Bess. Financial sslltn experience la sat essential te ram high commlaeleni, but as we select our representatives carefully, you must possess certain ether qualifications; wrlte brltfiT your experlenc and qualifications. me: Tne. Aiiir.iiuein - l iRTOAOB AND DISCOUNT C0W.I 600 FRANKLIN TRUST 1ILDU. BECURITY SALESMAN i&Hnaa..n.. u..aaa.l,lu ...U.retll1S VArryviibtivii uviiw-eiuu vy-i -. . ,- highly regarded Is offering Isefferlai l treasury sieck. Attracnve nmiami". ell.-lve lnllnM, Hhsrnl elMlimlflrflODS. ..L" .'. . . "--Vr '. j. ' ,..-.. t.nilBllin unraiien. unilK aepusus bi M"JT1 heavy. Select territory new and aPJ'r 1 particulars. . BON I U II ft ALVORD Fiscal Agents fihrevepert. Lunlslana. BvT?ALoBR,Tev?-,a ."S.CHEiTE'ATAM SURFAW1Q CAR 87, UiUtaci e. SHEET METAL WORKERS On ateejt.1 net work. Apply Bernstein ills. snd Allegheny ave, BHIPPINa CLEItTc in manufactures ul ilsnmcnt: give age, rcierenc; '.,'' 'iZmM ice; apply by letter only. B; us-" ence Ben ft Ce,, ntn ana uanewnm sts BHOEMAKERS Experienced cutiafi ladles' tine shoes. Apply Laird BcMI Ce., 22,1 and Market st.. eerondneor. BTENOQRAPHUR. xpNencd Ljuaasener i.umnsr ue.. vi It. and Delaware River, i' r iu nnn Assisiani, um.-. , -. sj te develop freUhl rales from tsrinij point within 800-400 miles fremP'Kl rhli aetual xprlng i squired j""!,,! leum work or In wjll-oested irsff'e ,V.M M ment of a commercial heuse: . 'J ii bchoellnjr experience, salary df',',t, t what office appllames you can epr-rsi'j.j, dress Chief iClerk. old Wldener " II inieuTiyiii. t-B,, WANTED Respetislbl position of trust f tt'ricisj 25 years of agei must corns" "3 mended: no experience required ' fl Byrs. between 10 A. M. and 4 V. "l t-umniai 'trust iiiaa. e WOOD TlTRNICl wan-J. Ars7 Oit ft Ce., 112a Washington v i'3rtf, vi A TlfBrvt' DOLLAR OF PERT. 4, IT HAH SUBSTANTIAL FINaM RANk. ""M W Jilt H IT HAH Titnmn Mnntim. ' PEVEL, "sW tetitetii W.U-1-eJ ,''! it,i,-lia!'.u