Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 13, 1922, Night Extra, Image 25

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    ITT litnfi'-' -tf--" ' ' iiiiiim'i i it'n 'hi n iii
'A Deferred Excuse
By A. W. Pch
' -ft '- - '-
"'" " J,
nlIKI 'irrMCHHHMIirK .jFjBur..asssssssssssaMsr aa ummMm
MKI!WMrf'WS y"wH
wrwMtjr r. - -. if- -- '- JM
Letters te the Editor
tt WAS net hPPy werid t0 Je'"?
... ii irjinK vu "
1, breikfflst. Ills housekeeper had
S suddenly called away, and he was,
S, Mpwdw ha. it, "en his own."
a. tM,A the" kitchen deer had blown
-La and wintry gusts of anew were
SSdiBg In. He closed the deer and
want abftUt nis inuurn, ..;.. .. -
liukable "me-ew" warned mm ina.
til hid 0 TWKOr. a diwuib ' -".-
L I revealed the visitor In his atudy,
i kitten, decorated with a crimson
ribbon. Evidently she had clipped In
tbe L.tcnen .., ; v,;...
jUter some. bkhui '"' "--
UM net mne u" ""'" "" "" "'
" ..... A. 1.1..... tf l.nt
.l.f, be cerncrca e nin--. "
Lien te believe It belonged next deer,
, he decided te drop It ever the fence;
it. oerfermed this net with due Cere-
inii re ir emeu iu " uc.ettu
menj . . ... .t. t.u.i.
brWt. A9 no enwreu "" ....-..
, doorbell ran and he hastened
through the bungalow.
"Nine O CIOCK. nn(l urenuiaai mum
nllel own' """
BUI" ""' , .,. ,. nm tnunA him.
M!('fcing a blight figure muffed in
"i wenilcr if you linve seen my kit
ten? nsweet voice .lucrird.
KTiptlen ever tin' bnekynnl fence." he
finlied with come coldness ns befutin.
Z time of the jenr, the subject, and
brekfartlc" num.
"Oh, jeii did!" the sweet voice said
with increasing chill. "I thnnk you!
Het, If I " net mwnhen, i jusc baw
wmarkeil that netliing seemed te be
impossible that morning; nnd It crr
t!nly V.0S probable thnt the kitten,
dropped ever the feiice, bnd found some
famillnr lmle and tagged him straight
into the house again.
lie lOOKCd nreuiiu, rxiienr(i u mini
tiplrtive in his mind, p notched the kit
ten from under n davenport, suspended
It br the nnpe of its neck nnd extended
It te its mistress.
"Yeu need net be quite be snvace
about it!" she said ns she recplved the
kitten, nnd turning shnrply nbetif went
down the snowy wulks, her small ever-
Ffces leaving quicu unprintH bcninii
lie closed the deer nnd retrentcd te
his belated breakfast. As be nte, the
unhappy world took en n rosier ns-
tiect, nmi lie smincni.v rcniucn unit me
flwner of the kitten nlse pessenswi
brown eyes of n reinniknble depth nnd
teauty, nnii nsr eycurewn, ami tne curve
of her cheeks above the furs
"By jee, she was downright pretty,
and I'm just nwake te the fact!" he
ndrised himself.
He was n newcomer in the neigh-
terhyd l'rebnbly slip lived in the
attractive house just back of bis en
lie ether street. As for the kitten.
((was willing te wager that his house-
Iwper hud fed the youngster.
".Vew, if that kitten should come
ajaln I'll hnvc nn excuse for going
nrr, and perhaps I can make n better
Impression thnu I did this morning,"
be 'heilglit te him-elf.
He made his usual morning trip te
(be potelliee and returned by way
if the street en which the prettv own ewn
r of the kitten lhed. Her borne was
attractive, there was no ileulit abeir
that. lie wondered if he could cnlch
I ilimpvc of her.
The eirert te ile se was fatal. The
Jwntlte snow sheltered nn lev streteh
aide mere icy bv the sliding feet of
Khoelhojs, and Jehn ensealled down
eewalk in front of her house with mere
ipewl than grace.
He catheri'd nn tlii r.nlunrf.n.1 llmlfu
Kf his si feet of extensive proportions
ml thought us he ilid se: "This is a
rleveus day. The Uilde is rieht ncain :
'He wns temnted nml he fell!" I'll
ulte tracks for home and stay there!"
uncc mere in nis snug ami comfort cemfort comfert
ille B.udy he set himbelf te work but
t wns uE little use. in front of the
)aje he saw brown ejes no deep his
dance could net fathom them; the curve
f rosy cliuiks nml the hint of Imnvv
oils of brown hair under the fur cup.
, i urn gene there's no doubt or it :
ew, if thnt blessed kitten would only
wtaraaajn, he communed wi h him
(". He een made, te hi ilUvrnc.
I number of trips te the kitchen deer,
rat no kitten appeared.
The afternoon were en te evening.
s prepared nnd made wny with a
try tatlsfnctnry repnst nnd was amok
l a pleasing cignr when his heart
Umped, At thn ldtelmn ilnnr ihen.
Bended nn unmistakable "Me-ew 1"
e runlied te the deer nnd gathered te
unueii tne ititten that was te be his
urred excuse.
tie dunned the proper gnrb nnd
trtcd. Up iil;e,l hrlsklv until be
inie In fnin ,,f ii,,r Imnci 'i'i.,,n ).,.
ud, reniembering. In tlie uhndews
e taw peinetliing dark, stretched across
ne walk wheru he had fallen. He
Wepped the kitten nnd bent ever. It
raa the clrl, unconscious from the force
Lit It1 en thp i-now-cevercd, icy
ii," Ue Wthered her in his arms,
inrilled nt the sense of the firm, sligh.
Wre in his nrmu; then he went te the
Her father rami, in ru .w Thsrn
WW exeitenient nnd confusion for n
, uui nitern minutes Inter the trou treu
1M wateiH were quiet and Jehn wbh
mint ; Inte brown eyes that regarded
"i n,.;. , ,.,. .... ....... ...
Ifci," "" iiiinuie eui mere mis
awrnoen mul T it..i..u.i ,t.n
Vi.imuc,.i of y"!" Bh'3 laughed.
iti tllen,1, l""1 t0 1 ft t0'
kllT,1!1 rl? " fnr l),'lnB " disagree-
,DIt0 JOII tilth morning "
I in nfrnlil T .t.ni.i .,i i. t
neaald 8H "ly ew" brcuUfaKt!"
We smiled. "Tlmf .i.i... .
am fn,.t. ..-n. a ihiiiii it; you
!- " , BllllHIe -HIT
unrnJ ""M"K ''J'" ,u'r" "l"1" bim-"I
appose Lecnuse the kitten likts you
'f " 1 eugnt te"
ter0e,ini,iri'.!0:1 Ah clRr father
Veclslnn .,J l ""' nH '"' h1"'1 wit"
nisiOli:' "1 UL'ren u 1 1. i t
wWnl,jraleVhi'Mt,VV"' "'"
Chleherln Criticize. Allien for en.
posing Juat Demands
MfllftniK - .. ...
p ,,, .,,,V, ,;j tj,
!l mtlsfv i,' u ,u Hl,"'',,, wish
"ed" f Vim ,r?,,,!ll,"1,e leinnni! nml
ieeraeTcl. herh'1'11' . lieenle. says
I "Wlmt te il0". Mlntater.
calleii fnr.ii, .Y "" "ug nnii wnnt
tii Sf, th0 urath "f the West-
r,pr!"'' fTurkeT-Veimen':
Pltal in ii?,"' 1n",1lnf,,',, l" Turkey's
' free" i,,',.,'lrlil' people must
pasters," y um tlii'lr own
AIe Turks j.n. .t ,
lerriipt fiiiirie ,i .i """ own the
id Ju."Hrc "! t he eultnnnte nn.l the
Rltuteif '"no ,.! I;"!l ."? 've. in.
lCn T.
On Pellta Trellay Conductere
Te l'i dller e the Evtntoe Public Ltdattr:
Sir People in public office usually
become a llttle cresa, especially be when
they deal with nil kinds of people every
day. But this in net true of Philadel
phia's trolley car force. The ether
day I noticed n very old lady get en
a crowded car. The passengers steed
by and looked as ahe climbed up the
steps, but when the conductor saw her,
he came nnd helped her through, the
On another day, I new a conductor
help n lady through the aisle with a
heavy suitcase. All of them line up
te the motte: "Politeness nnd Safety
First." B. II.
Philadelphia, November 9, 1022.
American "Procenaula" Uaeful
Te th A'cflter e the Evtntoe Pubtle Lttatrt
Mir When Amcrlcens want a Jeb
done properly they habitually select the
best nvnlleble mnn nnd eny "Ge te It!"
Thus we huve M,r..Hays running the
movies nml Judge Landls the benevolent
despot of bnscbell. Admiral Slraa has
said thnt Secretary of Wnr Baker
Hheuld have for an epitaph ns the state
mrnt of his greatest claim te fame:
"Pershing, It's up te you."
In times of stress in Heme the peo
ple appointed u dictator; and te rule
her fnr-flung colonies, proconsuls with
full civil nml military powers were sent
out. In n similar manner America gov
erns her dependencies.
With this phase of our national cle
vninnmnnt nnv iicenle nre tee llttlp con
cerned. Yet our "proconsuls" deserve
tribute, for eti the wnoie tuey ue -
ccedingly well.
The nuvy governs the Virgin Islands,
nn.l ,ii.. N'nvnl tioverner rules ns nn
enlightened despot. There baby shows
nre held under the tropical foliage; inc
band plnjs nnd pink lemonade Is served
while the ndmirnl distributes the prlr.es
te the proud mothers of America's new
est outpost. This U net an Innocent
idiosyncrasy en the part of the Naval
(ioverner, but n carefully calculated
step in the Interests of the people. The
infant mortality rnte hns been reduced
by the new from 5135 te 207 per thou
wind. In the capital city the rate hnR
been reduced te about cighty-five per
thousand. ..... ,
similar success has attended the rule
bv the nnvy In Hnmen. The United
States governs only n portion of the
Samoan Islands, but our success has
wen the ndmlrntlen of these who ad
minister the rest. American Snmen, un
der an American naval "proconsul,'
is ns nenr te Utopia ns this vule of tears
enn show.
(iunin tells a simllnr story. Trepicnl
dUenscs bnve been stnmped out. Laat
ear net n sincle case of leprosy ex
isted In that Island.
Itiit the navy is nor niene in giving
freely te our dependencies the best that
American civilization enn offer. As n
lesult of the devoted service of the
nrmy doctors. In Perte Rice mere lives
nre tnved annually than were leBt in
battle or from wounds throughout the
Sinnish-Amerlcnn War. The nrmy of
occupation in Cuba stnmped out the
dreaded yellow fever, thus net only
benefiting that nation, but nhe protect
ing enr senperts from Infection and pre
venting financial losses due te quaran
tinrHi Hnvc we fully nppreclnted this phase
of the work of our nrmed forces' When
if comes te getting things done, we
might try our generals and ndmlrnls
nt ether jobs than these of colonial nd nd
inliiUiriitlen or "budrct directors.'
There fire .it-ores of able retired officers
v, he nre bored from inactivity and whose
ability is net being innde use of. lluven t
L letters te the Editor shout b m
brief and te the point as possible,
nveldlng anything that would open
ft denominational or sectarian uls
Ne attention will be paid te, anony
mous, letters. Names and addrssaes
must be signed, as an evldence or
froed faith, although names will net
pe printed If request Is made that
they be emitted. . , ..
, The publication of a letter U net
te be taken ns nn Indersement of Its
vlewifby this paper. .
Communications will net be re
turned unless accompanied by post pest
axe, nor will manuscript 1e saved.
descriptive work ilurlnt his strvlee as Min
uter te Turker n In travels ihreush tne
Hely Land and the Hast.
Peemt, Songs Detlred H
we any mere work for vlcereya or pro
consuls out of a job? J. C. C.
Washington, November 6, 1022.
Net In the Immediate Future
Te the Miler of the Kventne tUUfe Ltdairi
Sir Will sprightly bnthlng girls sup
plant the graceful seals en Artie Ocenn
shores In the future? A person gifted
with imagination might almost conclude
this after rending the reports of cllmnte
rhnnges in that heretofore cold nnd
dreary part of the world. The ecenu
temperature never has been se warm,
If lu iinl.l. nml nnti flnpn nnd fnlinR Ore
appearing. Few senls have been found
in suctions formerly swarming with
If this is net merely a seasonal change
nml the land of the midnight sun is te
become warmer, u new s'egnn, "Ge
north, young mnn," mny be expected.
Fer, In addition te the summer girl,
who nlwnjs seeks new lands te conquer,
there nre stories of hidden wealth which
heretofore, because of the great ice
Holds, could net be mined. Such dis
coveries would mere than offset the less
in senlskln revenue. With, plenty of
fish nnd candles. te subsist en and elec
tricity unnecessary, the cost of living
should be negligible.
Desnlte tin. bright nicturc. It Is un
likely that nny i.ummer hotel:) will ndern
the Fur Xertii in the neur future or
thnt nny het line stnnds will open for
Philadelphia, November 10, 1022.
Questions Answered
Urn l'raple' Forum will HUPeur dullr
In the Kvrnlng I'uhlle .Lrdsiir. and alM
in the Mindiy Publlr ; IilT. Ifttrr
dUrttMlns tlmrly tenlr nlll he printed.
in, well it irnurKtcd nnema. and nnritlena
et cenerM tnterewt trill he nnnwerefl.
The "Grand Remenatranee"
Te the Editor et the Erenlne Publte Ledger:
Sir Will you kindly abliira a dally reader
ef the People's Forum by Informing- m what
lh "Qranl Ilcmenatruncq" w&s and Iv a
hltery of It? SAMUKr B. 8KILLEBN.
Ilarrlnburs, Nn ember 10. lO'.'S.
Th Grand Htmenxtrancft en a document
of pretest against mlsaeernment drawn up
by tha Heuse of Commens en November -i,
1041. and i:eTit"! tu ctinrlca I of Knslnnd
en December 1, 1041.
It was In efftuinn Indictment of the
Kin, and Its rrsuntntlen and adoption were
hastened by tlv out br cult of rebellion In
Irelnnd. King Chnrlei ridiculed the Grand
Remenstrance at flrit and then answered It
In .'hnt was regarded by the remonstrant
ns nn extremely evasle manner. loiter he
Impesrhed In the Heuse et Lords the leaders
In the Commens unci uern opposed te mm.
and subsequently he Invaded the Heuse with
a company of nrmed men In an effort te ar
rest Oe et the members.
Ellis Island
Tt. A. C," Philadelphia Kllta Island ts
situated In New Yerk Hay, one mile south
west et the Battery. It Is In charge et the
United States Coinmlslenr of Immigration,
R. K. Ted, te whom uu should 'A rite for the
Information you der. ImmlKrnnta detained
for ln estimation ns te rempilunce with the
United mates Immigration laws nre kept
at the Island until they wcre allowed te
land or ure deported.
First Glass Factory In U. S.
Te the Editor of the Evenlittf PtiMfe I.edaer:
Sir Please etnte where the first glass
factory In the United States was situs ted.
JJ. t I.
Olatabore. N. J., November 10, 1S22.
The earliest record of such a plant la
the glass house, erected at Balem, Mass,, In
"Ben Hur"
Te thilUtiter of the Evening PuMlu Ledaer:
ptrtW"hat length of time did CJenernl Lew
Wallace occupy In writing his great novel
"Hen Ilui"? J. C. C.
Philadelphia. November 9. 1D22.
General Lew Wallace made a statement
te the effect that the writing of this book
extended ever a p-rled of seen years. He
gathered much of his data and material for
"Down Went MeQInty"
re ta Editor of the Rvtntne Ptthlte ttietrt
BIr I have a phonograph record that con
tains the chorus of the old poem "Down
Went McOlnty." The ersen were new when
I was a boy. and I'd anerectal It If you
would print the entire poem or song complete
at your convenience.
Wilmington. Del,, November , 1922.
Bunder memlng, just at nine,
Dan McOlnty. dressed ae fine.
Btoed gating at a very high stone wall,
When hi young friend, Pat MaCann.
Bays. "I'll bet five dollars, Dan.
I can take you te the top "Itheut a fall."
On Ma aheuldera he took Dan.
Te climb the ladder he began)
lie mounted up till vrv nnar the top.
Whan McOlnty. cuts old feet
Te win the wager he 1st go,
Never thinking Juat hew far he bad te
Then down went McOlnty te the bottom of
the wall.
And altheurh he wen the five, he waa mers
lead than nllve:
Ills head nnd bark nnd legs war lame from
getting such a fall.
Dressed in his best ault of clothe.
Frem the hospital Dan earns hems.
When they'd fixed his broken bones.
Fer te And himself th father of a child.
He te celebrate It right,
HI friends he did Invite.
And he enen was drinking whisky fast and
As he wandered down th street
In hi Sunday suit se neat.
Hi head held proudly as Jehn I. the arrest
In the sidewalk was a hele te recetv a lead
of coal. '
Which McOlnty rever taw until tee 1st.
Then down went McOlnty te the bottom ef
ths hole.
And ths (.rlver of the cart gave ths lead of
coal a start:
It took n halt hour te dig MeOlnty from the
Dressed In his best milt of clothes.
New McOlnty raved nnd swore.
About his clothes he felt se serej
He vowed that he would kill that man or
die. '
Be he tightly grasped his stick
And fnve the driver ft lick
That raised an nlmaii' yli i"ty ever his ere.
Twe policemen saw the rnuas.
And they seen joined In thu fuss.
They took McOlnty In for helm, drunl.
The Judge said with a smile:
"Wi will keep you for a while
In a cell te sleep upon a prison bnnlc"
Ml beard it cost Mm nlc l rmtalasi Mmt
until sis . -
Dig long months, for nobody went his ball.
Dressed In his heat ault of rlethes,
Then McOlnty, thin and pal.
On fin day cams out of Jalli
With Jey te see his hey. was nearly wild.
Te his home he, quickly ran,
Ker te find Iledclla Ann
Hud skipped auay and with bar took th
Then he gave up In despair
And he madly ters his hair.
And one day as he steed upon ths shore,
Knewing he could net swim,
lln did foolishly jump In,
Though water he hud never took before.
Then dewn went McOlnty te the) bottom et
tha n;
He hasn't corns up yet, I'm afraid hs's Set
ting weti
On the si nre every night his ghost, thin snd
Walks dresaid In his best salt of elethis.
Te the Editor ef the Evening PuWe Ledger:
BIr Sema time nite I s.iw ens vri?e of th
song Daddy" In tl,., l'eople's Keium. Wbuld
you kindly print the entire song? Hy. "O
doing von will nre.itly eMIitn me. It. M.
Math, Pu Noveniber 7. 1022.
Take my head en your shoulder, dadfcr.
Turn your fa'e te the west!
It I Just the hour when ths sky turn
The hour that mother loved best. '
Th day has been long without you. daddy:
Teu'vs been such n whlli away,
And new jou're no tired of jour weric
A I am tired of my r!a5.
But l've get veu and vmi'vn gat me.
He ev'rvthlng sccim right:
I wonder If mother li thinking of u.
Hecauie It !! my blrtlnKy night.
Why de your big tears fall, daddyf
Mether's net far away.
I often seem te henr her voles
Falling ncrei :nv play.
And It fetnetlmi mnVes me cry, daddy.
Te think It's non.) of It true.
Till I fall nnlnep te dream, daddy.
Of home nnd mother nnd you.
Fer I've get veu and vou've pet me.
He everything may ne:
We're nil the world te each ether, dad.
Fer mother, dear mother, once told me se.
susnJtEWlr At Tesnen. ra.. en nor. iv, i
JUT.IA H.. widow of W. II. Andrew, aged
S"",?,"''"SB"BassB TTT "' ..!, Jl Wi-Ti
t te' aitend " Bdar
MiAiBsaai J-
Oi tibial la mmA HmuIs. alas.
ef tVvuttu.nr. V. 1.. ere Invllait' te I
Z-- ..-.---. ... w.. - ---A " .A .....
runerai, Aren,, met. je. " i r.j iron.
residence of his son-in-law. cmarles Bhryeck.
i Tears. Puneal services and" interment Hunter St.. Woedoury. j. J. ine. uresu
PrAKMBTRO?tn. On Nev. 11, MK.. 1J?t , COONET. Ner. 10. ! LEWMt
MAM If. ARMBTnONO, brother of .Mrs. COONHY. Relative and friend are Invited
Wlllard Hall Perter. Service en Tuesday te nttend funeral rvlca, Tus., a 30 P, M.,
nfiernenn, nt 2-4B o'clock, nt Chanel of ai0 residence, I6W Margiret t.. 1 rankferd.
tltn.lntM mwA ll,.il.lti. e.MltPV. Wll-
mlnnten, Del. Friends mnv call Monday
evening, at th Oliver It. Ifalr llldg.. Ib20
Chestnut st. m .
AhCH. Nev. B, CltARLr.B, son of Han
nah and lag Charles Arch, aged 1. Rela
tives and friends also Jerusalem Ledge, no.
finil, F. nnd A. M , llth District Police Sta
tion, and all eecl.tlus of which ht was a
member, are invifu te rnnarai, Ainn. "
SJ , late reldfncr.
-On Nev.
4.-,f t:
Te preeeed te Palmer Ceni. vault,
iVIIdey M.
11. IliJJ. ANNA M.,
wife or J. Themas Ilsker. Relatives ana
friends may call .Monday evening, from 7 te
H o'clock, M Imr latii residence, 2.0 8.
Fratler St. Herviees fciid itilermem privnxe.
Int. private. Friends may call Men. eve-
CRAWFORD. On Nev. . 1022, JOHN,
hueband of Henrietta Crawford (nee De
UrnfT). Hetstlve and friends, also, liny liny
nelds Pest. Nn. 71. tl. A. 'R.. are Invited te
the service, Monday evening, at. H o'clock.
at his late reslderce, 2122 H. Oeuld at, (O.'.tti
and Woellttiid ave.V Interment at Pough Peugh
keepsle, N. Y.. vu Tuesday.
M'.HNtm. On "ev. 12. 122. MART.
w)f, of Paul Dehner. aged SO years. Rela
tives and friends lnvlte.1 te aitend the fu
nerul nn Wednesday, at 2 !. M.. from .her
I a li, r, wldenrrf. B70 1.1th ave.. Moores. Del.
Ce., Pa. Interment Iiwncrett Orneterv.
Autes will meet train at Norwood Station,
cjervire.3 HIIil lTliermeill ui.rmw, euiv, yii mi'i v.ni.i ,.fc ,., ,"" ."'..
liwiel) Wuv. 10. (IKOIU)S; hu'band of , leaving llread Bt. ."tatlen at 10-15 and 12.37
Martha Rloed, In his 7th ear. Reiatlvea DOYI.K. VnV. 0, 1022. rATHAHlNn K.
nnd friends, ntse members of Baklma Tribe. I jjeYLI;. Relative and friends, ulsj II V.
Ne. tl, I. O. R. M., are Invlttd te funeral 1 M, Bedalitv of Ht Rita's Church and all
services, Men., 2 P. M.. nt late residence, (),hef ,c,tes of which she wss 11 member,
21.12 K. Clcarneld at. Int, private at Oak ,, nvltnl te attend funeral. Tues., :.10 A.
,anil rfJSr. v. . . . . !M, from lute residence, 1331 P. leth st.
llltADFORD. Nev, 10, 1022. nt hl 1 resl- solemn r-qulem mses at .Church of Ht. Rita
denes. 245 8, 4.1th St., CflARf.Cs STDNKY. ,0 A- M int, sti AUry'a Ctm.. Gloucester,
Rlin Ol ll. i.a tfuiiicn icniiiiHfl .,m .. - j
Hewsen Hradferd, In ths AOtli 5 ear of his
age. Funeral services nt 4 o'clock Monday
afternoon, at the Church of the Havleur,
88th and Chestnut, Men Nev. 13. 11)22.
CAIim". Nev. 12. lt'22. UEOROK W.,
husband of Mi F. ( arey, nifil ."2 huneral
services Wed . 2 P, M Ills residence, 201
vv Mnple ave.. Men hnntv Ille. N. t. Int
Itarlelslt Cam. rrlendi may call Tu.. 7
'"cAvAril'UOIf. Bnldenly, Nev. 10.
CATHARINK (ncs McrullfitKh). beloved wlfs
of Timethy CavnnsuKh, Heietlves, friends,
league of Hacred lfnirt and Hlesed VlrKln
Mary Bednllly of the Assumption Invited te
funernl, WeI 8 31 A M , residence bt sin-
je Mn Thrimrie Ollle.ntn. entll Mnrlnu Onr
tien at, Melemn retiiilem mans Church of tin
Assumption 10 A. M int Hely Cress Cem
.CHAPMAN. At the Prethvterliin Heme,
nala, I'a.. Nev. 11 HARRY CHAPMAN.
Bervfces at the Hern". Tue- , 10 30 A, M.
Int Westminster i'mii
CLARK, vvlfe of Kdwln T Clark. Relative
and friends nr Itivlter te attend me funeral
services, en Wert., nt 2 P Jl , nt her latn
DIJNI.ttAVT Nev. It. rRANK J., he
loved husland.it Mary Dunlesvv and son
of Patrick J and Hrldget Dunleavy (nee
Deve-), formerly of McAdoo. Pa. Ila
tlves and friends, also all societies of which
he was 11 memle r are Invlteit te attend fu
neral, Wed , S 30 A. M., from his 1st resi
dence, 2121 N Newklrk st. Solemn re-itile-m
msj Church of the Must Precious
Rloed 10 A M. Int. t. Denis' (m
KtJ-'tGK. Nev. 11, 1U22, ISABEMA
BhYI'ERT, widow of Hen. Themas R HI
cock Belemn requiem msss at the r'hurch
if Our .Metnnr of Consolation, Chestnut Hill,
'lues., 10 A. Jl. Int. private.. .
IIKTH (nee Hplel), widow of the late Jehn
J.uintr. itinues anu irienas inviie it, tu
ini.nsT, v, Mwwmi sm
HmM Matlam (
ttelatlvea end friends ere Invited
!" " ": . M...--T ... .. k 1.1. 1
eunerui. ue.. n. .. " nr ,. rj
dence, 192B Dudlev at. High mass at fj
anient at Bt. Tnorae' Church :I0 it-il
lnt.VItely Cress.
MKJOWAN. KDWARD J., non of le
TAhn .T. end Hlisan M. McOewan.
netke of the fun, nil will he given from
latn residence. Sail CAinnrine t. r
nrnri;itiiii "- ., k t.r... w. Bn ii
KK.VSA' ItehKlvfa mt friends) InVtteeTUr "
funural. Wed., n A, M . sister' residence)..)-''
Mrs lnvld Weir, 847 H. nam at. neisnrn.
requiem msss, Church of ths Trsnsflgure
tlen nt ID'.KI A. Jl. Int, Hely Cress .,
Wnshnlgten, J). C, paiers please copy.
JtCCI.KNON. Nev. 11, MARY R.. wlfs of
James Jlecltnnn. Relatives nnd friend nrs
Invited te nttend funeral eervlces, Tues , J
P. Jl . nt hr, late resldsnce, 44 W. HfclnS
st., Oermantmvn. Int, prlvs.'e. Ramaln
:rny be viewed Jlen . M te in P, M
JIKRRtTT On NuV. II, 1023, MalOf
Nii:iIi:.MIAII, seu of the Int Oeerge ant
Jan.. 1:, Merrltt. Friends are Invited te ths
pervlrc, Mnnd iy afterrioen, ut 1 o'clock, at
the Oliver II (Hlr llldg.. 1NJ0 Chestnut st.
Interment at Washington, V. C.
Jtenltn. -vintdenly, Nev. 10, I92J.
A N.NIK K JlenilH (nee Alburaer), wlfs f
jHmes Jloere. FunerMi services Tues., 3 v
P. M., reslrtenee, Willow Orevs, Pa. Int.
private, Ilathore Cem,
MYHRS Nev. 11. OKOROK S. hushanrt
of Dmtr.a .Myers (muv Blnienl. Relative and
friends nre Invited te ntfnd funeial serr-.
Ices. Wed . 2 P M., at his sen-ln-Uw's rel
dince 5114 N. 13th at. Int. Trinity
Lutheran Cem . .
NIM.MO Nev. 0. JIARY H.. wif of the)
late Oeerga A. Nlmmc Relatives and
friends are lnvlte.1 te attend funeral rv
iret, Jlen. 2 1' M., at ths residence of hsr
sen. 21.17 N 13th at. Int. Fcrnwoed Crn.
Ptl'MS-Al O'sssl-nrn N. J., Nev. 10.
16J2. J KI.I.IS PAUI.IN, ag-.l fli Rle
tuet nnd friends are Invited te nttend fu
neral. Tues . Nev 14 Services nt house,
8 P M Resldence, 221 N, Ilrend st., Glass-
l.-irrt. M. .r
rillilN "NOV , 1PJS, JAAII-.f! Jl., DS-
tnie.! husband of Rcse Phelan (nee ymllh)
ti-ral, en I uesday at s .10 A. JT . from her ' Iteintives ami rnena. aise porce nmcer or
la-e resldenci.. S102 N. Ifsmbrev et sj deinn I 17th district and emplevcs of tha ilurre
reauletn mass at 10 o'clock, at Corpus Crlsli Mf. Ce , and all societies of which lie was
Chnreh. Int. Hely Sepulchre Cem s mmlr, Invited te funeral, Tyes., R SO A.
PAY Nev. 11. JAMKS P., husband of , jf , from his mte re-lrtcnrci, 12J1 H. 21st st,
Jt.ir Iiavldsun Fay. Relative i.nd friends, I Solemn hlKh mass of requiem nt St. Charles'
n'se emplejes of ItldK' ave, diel. P. It T., church in A M Int at Hely C'res fern.
nn.l Ilelv "am Society of M Columbus rril'T.I.OS At New Yerk, nn Nev. !!1.
services, en "ert.. nt j : 1 m , nt ier iai n Uiurch. Invited 10 tun, ral. Tus.. S..10 A. Jl . lh.i.iaN It PeULU)S nice Ilestaln). wlfs
residence. J410SJun'i"'r at. Retiinlns may from his lateresldence !M5 .V Uambrev st. of Harrv 1'oulles uxM 20 vears. Relative's
,t ,,c-.v. .... .-v. ...u , . u i..v. ..... ....- solemn rfiuieni muss m ni. unenuis nnl trienas invue.i te runerai en vve(inesiat
vale. ..,.-.. u...,.. Church 10 A. M. Int brlvste 1 .,, 1 ,m., from her meth-r's residence.
..j.r.irv. ,-.., ... 111., yA.111.0, Muaeiiii'i FKRRAI. r.nv 10. WIL.I.IAM J.. hUS- f.S1T Cnesler aH Interment K.'rnwoed CSIIl-
of Jlnrc I'a
-Nev. 0,
1A22, JAMnS, husband
Hci.ittH and friends
dsinl 9 If nask Is (fit I ts nsa tn mnlinl It !. Il r slna rt i I. a i Inn a I Tu. a.l.i AOa
are Invited te nttend fun' ral. Wed, 8'30 A. , n..ttves nnd friends, also empleres of ths l I'liin I V . AN.- en Nev lu. '1HOMAH 1J.
ai., win iraiunii", ,.., i. i''nni , , Kenihera man scri.i. mviteii te runerai.
Airy, noieiiiu in e, r-quiem neiy virgin
Church. 10 A. M. Int. Hrli Cress Cem.
CLOUD. Suddenlv nt We dburv. N. J.,
Nev. 10. 1022 DANIi:t. P. CI.OfD. aged
Then down went McOlnty te ths bottom of
ths Jail:
After-Dinncr Tricks
is k
I? FI6 2 - T
Dlreetiy eaa Its Ossa Fst
The) Aassricsn Plan Hetel par-sgcslls s
of th Atlantic Coast.
Brisk Oarsas es WALTER J. rtUIBT.
prepsny unsraasi
ui ias eesB i rent Alrsys upta
Het anil t old hsit Water Ilntjis
Runnlsg Water. U CO ptr prrtoe
Hath, le ID aid IT VO per persea
Ocean Cerner Keem and Itath
. two persers, 114.00 per Day
l Atlantic city HIS Ol
FA1.T, AM) WINTr.tt RKriOKTr)
ABHF.VII.tr., N. C.
fsrerably known te a dlicmnlnailng ciknts'., I
Ideal hilltop location, otirlueklng ths city ana I
mtmn'aln peaks en trtrr tela Twe inperter IS- I
npla Onlf Courses llanl narre. meter reeee I
Opensllyesr. WILIit'lt I" v S vrK'Hf, Mrr
IjrilvNa Sunshine City
Ne. 317 The Magnetic Mm
Cut a disc, slightly larger than n
quarter, out of a piece of unper. Rell
the pnper Inte n tube nml lieM this
tube above the tllv.'. Jn jour left hiirtil
held n quurter in between. (Fig. 1.)
Ask seme mm te make the disc rls?
up te the coin. The spectator will try
tu de it by drawing his breath through
the tube, but will be unsuccessful.
Te de the trick, blew through the
tube. The dUc will then jump up ami
touch the coin. (Fig. 2.)
Copyright, JJIf. lu PuWe Ledger Cemtanu
vODlillSlltdl readyt term modereas
&tjc veaUerei
On Oecsn Creat
American Si Lurepesa Plans. Oolf Club pfteV
ssges. ear, itnineen ran and winter tssssv
SEASIDE HOUSE 0'nl:r,0.cie,anT,f.rr?t
I.AKEWOnll. n. .
Open for Winter Season
Invigorating climate. 18-hel self
course. Saddle horses. Fine walks.
Dally concerts and dancing. Superior
rends for metering.
A slice of weettrlil trtttidllnni tnd .
tkeuund wekemei, A sellcktfsl clnr Sr
fKanra and recreatles.
Cliant alia asaeqjiblr. Fleweri. trsna. btnti
ana sweet ocean luetic, all ) eat.
The ene slice waere ill rrciettleni art eilrrttf
set-eMeert tell, fisbinr. steatisf, twtraalat.
Ssetlna . rqqe, qaelu. bw:lnr. bure.IL oewrlar.
Iplenaid sccemmti,i3-., t3 m ererreae.
Write ssr booklet! nn th: Cltrorea 8enssas
aecreatlenj. Any Inlorsi.ties en rrquert.
F.A.Lawrence, Chamber el CoceaurM
St. Fcttribura. Merida
Weil.. S'.IO A. il late resilience. L'T14 M.
lath st. Solemn -eeulein ma, St. Menica's
Chnrrh 10 A. M let private
l-'l.YNN (nee Tleh). Nev. 10, '022.
KATHP.KINK R wife of Themas J Flvnn
ltelatlves nml frlen'ls a se H V. if ?.kIi Ity
of Our I.a'!y of Teaee Cliurcli, tnvltd te
funsral, Tus S nn A Jf , from rs dence
8 Jncksen nv" . HMlejr iMrK lleignti, ri
Heletnn requieiu mass at 10 A,
ellne's Churrh Hid ey l"nrk,
IJenls' m.. Ardmerx.
KHKNlMI. Nev in 1013. NEI.T.IF; E.
FRUNCH (mc Streep.;r). widow of Willi mi
T Trench. runeral servicer at Kirk
Nllcn's, 0301 Orrmantewn u,-., Men.. 2 1'.
M. Int. urlvat.
OI.UCK Nev. 11. MAIlIi: vvlfe of II. nrv
tlluck (in IJengler) siteJ 4 ltelatlves
nil friends nle Ijidles' AI 1 of 'nnan
l.utnernn i nurcn nr franKriru nre lnvi
I'ltUTTYMAN (vrv Ices en Mendas at U
I'. M . at li late rnsldence, 834 H. 49th Ht. '
Int private .
rnici: Nev. . eva jhan. wife nt
rieeme W Price (ne Lewis). ltelatlves and
frl(ids ut tnn fnmllv Invited te funeral j
"ervltes Men , 2 V M precisely, from Mr 1
late resldn" 121 N, Hid st.
Qimji.i.Y Nev. ii i:i.izai-t:tii r wife,
nt Int., l?ltv:ird Otllirlev flelnt ves nnrl
M bt. Mad- friends Invited te funeral, Tues., S 80 A. M.,
int. at Ht. , iesiinc" r.'-'i r itnnn at. ."'einnn niglt
ins se ut the Church of the .Most Hles.ed fec
ramnt in A .M Int Hely Cress Cem.
HAI.STON- On Ml 11. 11122. JAMRH
XI , husband of Iuls.i M. Ralston. ltela
tlves arid friends ure Invited tu thn service,
Tudav afternoon nt 1 o'clock, at his late.
reidm.e, C"ii Klr.KscssIn tve. Interment
ni:.. On Nev ii, ins:, mi.man '
I Ni:i.I.f wife of Harry J. Itfii. Service en
te nttend funeral. W d . I I AI.. from her Tuesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at her resl-
inyj rrsiu-u.r, . . u.,,.? a., i e-ivitci m aence, .Mureruuiv iiii.v, ...... .uu, 1 rt, inier
tl church, 2 1'. XI Int nsklnnd Civ . mnt private.
Prlends mnv call Tues . s te 10 I' XI Hi:TTIG On Nev 0. W22 MARY. wfj
nlltltlfIN Suddenly, Nev fl .t.WfT.S. I .e lnhn Rettla- and rtAUahtsr of IhA la,
I husband of the Ivte lennle CJ.-ibl'in 'n" La-v- Iesic nnd hanh MacIC'.'ver. Services en
ier). rtidatlves find friends r.nd tr.r.inve. Mnndsv afternoon at 2 o'clock, at neon
of Amerlcrfn 1'ulley Works. Invited te nt- Chester nve Interment Kenwood Cemetery,
tend funeral, lii'i S30 A M. from his I lllDnKLI. Nev. 12, 122 MAHUAltCT
Inte nsldence. 121S l.veetnlrg st. H iemn H , wit., or trie ist.v vvait-r Iliadeii. nr.
requiem rnas at Ht .Stephen',. Church 10 Relative, and friends nre Invited e attend
wtt.st paiai nr-rn. n..
Writ for Booklet West Palm Reach. Pla.
Hetel FRASCAT1 figrmtsefsi
A meat delightful water front locating.
Coel breests. lier-midi's fnest ea natblig
free te guests. llentlng. risMng. Tennta.
Psnrtnr Twe golf i-enr.es rnnvenlent. Ossa
an year. Levu R Doi-tdsess. afgrT
8 J
a -t 1h 11. ... ...w.i.tn. - , 1 fnaeb sariteus nt, l'aiti.i1 .
ST., .11, Alls, nun r-r-,"i(i;.i'- 'lT(li i ,uii-it " " .' s uses - r ni, e 4
Ol'NniHl.M VN.N - Nev. 1) l'J2. JOHN ' 1". Xt . at the parlors rf t I' Krankennala
OUNDUnxtANN nee I 71 II li ,ve and ' & Hen.. 3'uh and St.r'ng riir,!en Ms. Int.
friends also Xl-llt, Ixulg" Ne LOJ r una I l'"'n0'l ; em Friends call Tuesday ave-
A. M.. nre Invited f) funeral services. Men. 1 ninir rreni .1 te hi ocieck
Tha Ontwoed uVa ."" ":- Modern. Ideal
S DC vniWUOU n, ,!. imeelsl fall asl
nlntet fates, tloeklet. B. r & E. V. Artrasn
for Etaltimere
lar llfle one way. 13.00 round trltv
Dally at S P. XI.. s o'clock Hturari.
rtteamer atop at Iletterten. leaving inZi
J Hevith Delaware Ave. wr
fend for PampMrt
RL'MI.KY .Nev 'i 1032 XfATinATtrT.
wife of the la'- Wtl lm Rumley Relative!)
nnd friends ar Invited tn attend funernl,
Tus . N.H0 A. XI.. from her late residence,
Mverlncten and eMvenvwd aves , Mana
-unit Solemn renulem mass at Hely Fam
ily Church 10 A. XI Int st llarv'e Cem.
RT.VM Nev. 11 MART A . vvlf r,f WII-lln-n
II Ryan Itelativs nnd friends, also
De Ii Sulle i euneil N.. sin,. K. of C and
all ether societies of which h wan a mem
her, ur- Invited te funeral. Wed.. 8:30
A M , lain residence, 30 itiirlhoreugh rnait
(Oflth and Chestnut sts ). Solemn requiem
man at M CvrthaKe's t hurch 10 A. M. Int.
New ( athi'drnl
SAY Nev 11 JAXtEl r.. husband of
XIARY DA IDhuN AY. Relatives and
frlends. a.'i mpi(iHs Kldge Ave. Depot and
P It. T. and Hely Name Society of Ht.
Column i's (.'liurch. Invite l te funeral, en
Tues , 30 A M Solemn reuulem mass at
ht f'ulumhn Church 10 A. XI. Int. rrlvat.
bCIH.IXI.ML. Nev 10 ll22. I.UW IM H.
SCHMX1.MK, Hr. ReUtlves nnd friends are
invited tJ nttend funeial ecrvlri-s, Men., a
P. M m th. r.'ldcnce e his son, William
F. bihltrrme, 141 Rlckley live, Gl-r.s'de.
Int tulvite, ct XIontEemery Scuare, Pa.
husband of i.ejrgemma Schwartz. Rela
tlv 's am' fr.ends. also Oriental Ledge, Ne.
315 I' and A M . and nil ether organl erganl organl
zatler.M of which he was a member, are In
vited te attend fune-il services, Xlen., tJH
I M t.t bis late ruldenc, 2UU W'St ave..
JtriKintewii, Pa, Int. Tues . at cvinvenlenca
et fanil'y.
HHAW Nw. 12. ARTHt'R M husband
of Susanna Mian fne.i XIHIs). Relative,
nnd friends, n'.n .rnnlees nf I R T . Cum
herland M. shop, mvltfl id ntterd funeral
eerv.cee Wed , 2 P XI la' rei J. nee, 2062
Nurth ceaar jui.i
The Man Who Knew Everything
HE WASN'T popular.
THAT HE thought.
HE KNEW everything.
THERE WAS te knew.
ABOUT NEARLY everything.
I MET him en day.
I A8KED him.
REALLY DID itnev,.
WHERE IN all Philadelphia.
I COULD buy.
A QOOD. , . ,
cwne. , , ,
AND QUICK. fts a las.
WHY AT se and so'e,
AND TO my surprise.
I FOUND he wns right
60 THE next time.
I TRIED Mm with another.
A8 I thought
WHERE A friend.
COULD QET ft decent.
'CLEAN ROOM and rath,
AT A moderate price.
AND ONCE mere.
AND WHAT'S mere.
CORRECT n.i could tf.
SO I thought I'd.
HE LEARNED thine UKa that,
SO THE very next time.
I MET him.
HOW DO you de It?
AND YOU could have
WITH A feather.
WHEN HE answered.
WHY I let'
ALL MY knowledge
OF WHAT te buy.
AND WHERE te buy .
PROM THE Classified Celumrui.
OF THE Publte Ledger (Msrn
Ing nnd Evenlne).
AND 8INCE then
THAT HIS way wnn tliu
EASIEST AND simplest,
WHEN I want?
ROOMS OR nigs.
OR HELP or hardware
OR SERVINQ maids or
TO THE Publle Ledger
AND I get them.
SO WHY don't.
UglffwVf f
P M, resl'. nee i',l Harrison t.ve , Ulen
slde, P.i. Int r.-i ', '
HANSr.N .Nev 10. OLVjROK hUBbnnn
of late xinrl" A Hansen (tie.. Ottrbachl.
aged 1)1 Relatives and frlen's mae nn
Uluyes of Umbel Hros R celvlnic I)ept., In
vited te fun' ral service Tun 2 ! M.,
resident. 2Md W Lleatun ave inr, pr.
vate, Mt. Peace Cern. i'rlenda tr.iy call
Men. tve.
HANaON Sudder.lv Nev 1! 1022, KD
WARD son .f Him Inte Jirefi and Hllra
heth Hinsen. Ratlvi anu friends, nlse
Lit Rretheri llenflclul Sufetv, Invited te
fuieral mrvlcw. rj-.. 2 p M , late resi
dence. 41i;U N lith ki Irt Greenwood
(K. of P.) Cem. i'rliirls may call Men.
ltAI'01IVEV Or N'nv in. nninOET c.
wife et Hte Jehn Hiiunr.T. P.e'atlves and
ftlends Invited te fur'ts en Tuesday, at
H-'AU A Xt Inte resn n ices N Hutehin
f n st Solemn r iu em iiays nt i-t
MHlfirhy's fhutch 10 A, M , Int. New- Ca
th'drsl remererj
linil.IiJMANN V It. r.U&TAVC A.
hnsband i f Jncel.lre lfe"lTmnn (nee Oeh
lerj. Tte uilv s i,r I 'ri nis alie all ortan ertan
latlnns f which l was a muniii. art In-vllc-l
funernl ktwe. 'lu-s 1 P. M . at
his lete r'Hidenre 1,11 W" W'lshii't s-. Ir.t.
ilrlvuc fV'n. I'ricnn ma call Alen , S te
10 P XI
IIHN'lir Nev 11, i:i.nANOR M. daugh
ter of Jehn J. and Catharine K Henry (ne
Delvln) Relatives srd frljnds. also H. V.
M H dtllty, am invited tn utthd funeral.
Wed s :i(i A. XI 'r.mi her tiarents" resl
denc 3401 IVvereuu st . vVisslnemlng
Solemn requiem mass it. Rirtholemew's
Chur h p) A. M lit St Deiiin ic's ivrn
HI.WIIT N, II 1U2J 11 VRllY 11.
hu-' in I nf th i'e Atn.ir 1 Hewitt and
K.i, f I Iia i. I'r. Imrlfi nn 1 V.-OT1I m I
ll" ", nrfed ;.; r.e at.ves an I friends are I i: Am at, Int I'liat"
In .! l. ettei I funeral Hr ' Men J I c-n l i..itk, r.,. . u..
P. XI at hN u.e r si l.rie, .3Cl 1. Ahi-iikei .iHFRiDAN- -Sei 11. i:DU'AIlI J., sen
" ..'.'3,. l""lHr. " ' f'''m -. . ff lac and th late lijward herldin. Dim
HII.T- At her rsd n-e i;i Dlan'eid n.,n - of furnl will iv riven from resi
st en Niv. 12 lt'22 1.IZX.1K vvldeiv of uenr of meti-er, .'.HO Master st
v. 1 lam W llllt .'en m c" Wenresday M.OAN" : i 12 1H22. XIART RLIEXt
aft.rnenn ut 2 30 ocieck. ut the Oliver II i Y(i" wife nf William U Mean Relative
ll.i r Ride, lpjg Lhestnut st. Interment ' nnd frit nils ar irvitel te attend services,
IT vale Tu. 1 P XI late r-nldenre. 1S22 N UtU
mivii;s .Ni-v hi jami.m nusear I ' : , st Int rriva'e. Wel Uuiertuwn, ra.
(Under Contract With Bermuda Gev't)
8 Day Vacation Tours $83
and Up, Until Nev. 30, Including All Expenses
Sailings Twice Weeklv
Mailing psssengeri directly at Hamilton Deck, avoiding 'jcvn
venlcnce of transfer by tender.
Tickets Geed en Either Steamer
,. Itwirlng Unenualed Express Hcrrlre
. , PUstlal TwIn-Screw, Oll.niirnln stesmert
m ViWitiS&ygiV'i BAT.
Leaving New Yerk Dee. 20, 23 & 30
Ter Chrhtmaj or Kew Year's In Bermuda
S S-,5S,RJ HAMv,N"JLev,nf New Yerk Dec. 23d
Otvtng On Week in Bermuda Arriving N. V Jan. 1st
OUTDOOR "'.'Twe 18 Hele Peuraes). Tennis. Sailing. MDnFRM HflTPt e
COriDTC P",M."f'. Tiuinhcntlng. Herse Having. Psh. VHJL'fc.KN HOTELS
SPORTS leg, lading, irlvlng.rcllng. etc NO PASSPORTS
Boek New for Winter d Holiday Sailing.
- . ...ust.mni f.")r4Ce nfUf Id
FURNESS BERMUDA LINE, 34 Whitehall St., N. Y.
I Fnrnnt.Wlt'iv ts Ce, ltd,, Bourse Bid,. Phlla. Or ,.. t.i t . ... .
1ST. OE0R0E HOTEL, Bermuda UeneTate. ani unTrnlsl ed r.ufm.Ti.ur . AcT't ,
I fSivlnunhiJlenkmBs. rurnei. Bermuda line" Wt J 'Yerk! '""
: , s-.w ..., ,UUa inca rums of Peru; no scenerv
excels m grandeur and beauty that of Chile's tremendous Andean
RanRe; no words can picture the vastness of Argentina's plains the
Borgeeus tropical verdure of Brazil's river basins.
S. S. SANTA I.LISA" -Sailing Februsrf 8, Rstamln, April 14
TINA. Uruguay and BRAZiL-Centennia IxrvSewl lerl
JANEiRO-nrc included in the itinerary. &P3,"en nl- K0 OB
Iifernfure. and full infrmatien en ,,,
s 4JU uuuiu .Jin encct. rrllLAnPinuti XS
sSS. Telcphime Spruce 8S10 &
. Hull, fe. Jfc.h"hr;.
lit i: len S Himea iTd son i f la' It. n'tmin
and Klli illr-Vis Tuieral. te wnui rela.
tlves nnd fri nis als . '.tith Itett J's .1 .
Anna M Re.s I'nst Ne IM (1 A it
Invl'ed T a 1' M from Ills
dence. Su'.'j P.irrls' st In' ' rl .i'e i e'".
weed Ten. R.iuutn ma tx vli-isvl .ilu i ,
nfii r n r M
lMRNKKITH At l.er resldene- IQtn
Moten st en Nev In li'.'.' KI.IAliKTII
IIORNKKITH. iiKid il'i ve.irs -e- i .! en
Wiwlni'sil i morning ..t i 10 o'e'.m r it St
M'chael'8 Cli.ii'Ci, u 1. ui a l.emb.'.r. . . Il
terment tirivit
HiiUI.UIAS' Nev 12 C'KCKl.IA vrfe
et Jehn Heullhuu '"' v. .L.tgher Rela
tives and frlinds It -d t attend 'ineral.
Wed., T:H0 A. .M Jn r''rt"nre SIi: I--
cust st. Solemn ritilm mas ,.t t' lamee
tnurch n a. M. In' nv i'res cem
HUDEH. Nev. It. TRVNK husu ilid of
Mary (nee ICnrl) Hu iee , i - v.ars Re'n
tlvei nnd friends nv.tM t .ttrid fucjnl
services, en Tues nt 1 1' M nt Via
sen'H residence H.irr Hi ' i .1s.1l v Tin
st. Int private at Alt l'e.. ir I'rleridi
mas- call Men . 7 te i 1' M
i jaud Nev 10. e t v.s- rir.nrnr:
JAt'l), f. S M C. (Rtdt i 'iuiVHnrt ' Kate
Jnud Relatives und ti .1 i fu.
neral. Tues a P M w r. ,'e r. 1. n
"M3 1 i sr(,.,, Bt 1'rierN i t 'dun
lifter S r M Int Vertl 1 i -
JQNi:s. Nev. in, t r.JiilMti; rm
iiard of C Anna Jenes R ..tn..., r l
frlenls are Invited te nrvces rue no
T It . at his restdenie il'i) S lis' st Int
Mt Merlah Cem. l'rlcnds m..v i i Mjn
KANi: Su.lde.ilv. Nev. f) JAMRS hus
hird of the lt.t Run, Mini Crnle Karu Re a
tiven nnl frlendn of th fnmlly r. i mem.
1 . rs rf thu I'ltKrsun Memnrlil Pr slvertan
i-tiur h emp eves of AmMitAn . r.M nnj
i" A. IJ, Vsse Invited tn funeral ber .
lu.'H N- U at '.' V M jirecl.e.j ,t .ti
l'lit ti rnn Memerial I'reshvterUn CU irrh
dll and Vine t Reiriilns may he nr
Men pvenlnir from S u 10 a' thn r-si.
I deiive of Ins srn Jhn ICane, 1UJ N- Hist
bt Int Weslmltster Cm '
KKI.l. Niv II .i:VINA J ,r(. ..
n- -es V Ne aired ,', Ueliulvci. nnl
frenls a- Irv tel tu attund funeral sen
Ices Tues , I I M Inte residence ".'8'", S
Hieks st in N isir.cM.d Cem
KI.VWOMHV -N i 11 j.,..e JOsri'H
I inl fn nls j, j iisvlvimln I.e.jm v
hs. ! ant M I .. -Mtv R A I'hin.
I ier N I."'" ..11.1 th"! MKt.'tiert f llrn
. he May ,t in mi. r Inilt.d ii r,,,,r.
ave v st Ph. In '"r ' d.n."
Ki-i lnitRii -n i: m.irAHrjTH mi,
'. .liitn h.ttir i R. nt es nnd frlTid
nre UiMle t. nit. ll Uiel s,.,v,,,. efi
I J ! J I' M i..s.lei... .'M S sitr nt ut
1 !i ' itiv ne I'm id. uv ! !,i ew
!I HM'l.i: On Nji I" 1,JIM JRs.qtls
f ll.inlel S hlllUle Re.ltHi". nml
nn M iduy.
fi e! 0. llvited te ,ltt"P I eniv
..' . I' M . Jl.'T S r,",l
K.ll-Nll) .N. l l VIVI.li: Mire .f ,H.
ri lv enl li her TTth v. ir T'unei rv .
' - Mm '.' r l in i len e if H.m
I I es KiO(l, -.'Jl I.i i 1)St lnt ijrtr'.
in Ceni
T VTMIU HV At Ids re.M nee, ; f pr.
vi, 1VHI I'hennut et . N .' 11 Hi'
' ,'r,, "'NJAMIN IIRi:.N-TNVl.T. T AMI.
V It. 1
1-illTII. .Nev 11, 1.I32. CATimitlNB IS..
d.i iBht. r of Mkhnel anl the late Catherine.
Smith ni.M 1 17 I'ulfil i.u nnrl friends, ailai.
aril ., t,.ni.. i, ' v l v,iul.l.v nnrl niinllw
n m r. .1. , . ,.,..,,.. hi.- 'st.."! ,'P Incited te at.
tend funeral, Wed . 3u A M . from rsl
dmce of her aunt, Mrs Sarah Raxter, 811
.V at'tu t Heleinn reuulirn mass ut at.
dumev Church 11 A. AI Int. Hely Cress
C.i"lITII v-udden y Nev 0 CHARLES
C. hushind uf Itebeeca Smith Reiatlvea
nnl frlendn Invited te funeral. Tuet,, a
1 M lilt njd. r ave int. KveraTet
Cem Trlends tn call Men. v
HVIITH Nev II 111.'? SfANLET lui.
nCJ.NAl.n MITH. eon of It.te Cel. I.. Heber
Smith, l'uneral sunken ut Ids lute rests
dence. Housten r id. Rtdner. Tues.. Ner.
H, 11I2S at J .in I' M Hit private.
STAKrullD -mi Nev P. 11.-2. CHARLES
C. . husbind et Martha f StuiTerd. aied II
:ears. Relatives and friends Invited te tu
ne ral services en Monday at -j:30 i- M..
his latn resldenc. 110 Rast Park ave.
flentleid m. j intsrment pnv.it".
hl'RKKT. Ni.v IB W2.'. ANNIE, daufilj
ter of Jehn and lAVenla .Street. In her 216)
var Kunsral services Thurs 2 I. M , as
th residence of tier parents. 2.17 N Prevls
rince reHd, Me lln I. Int Mt Heps Cera.
1 nnls may en 'I tVid 7 te (i I' M
M'LIS On Nev. 12 lfl'.'-' .IANT. Sl'UI,
Ke.itiv.-a und friends are Invited te the
uneral en Vednesdar tiinrmne at H.80
K frira the reildence nf her soil lnlaw,
V J VVh-lan r.nsu Wei'dhlns ave. Iselemn
'Tiil-in mess at Our I.aJ of Leurdaa)
chJrih at 1U c clock
s M,l;m Nev 10. WILLIAM Jf.
5W vl.lnv Hr in hlx POth year Relative
snd t lend ulse Klremn' Ren Ass'n am
inv 'e! . funeral eervlie., Mnn . 2 30 I 11.,
,h" i".ilenn 1 74a roulkreil at, l"ranlc
(ill Ii tiuate
111 RNTON Nev 11. 1022 FtllN'K W.
TlliiRNriN f.theref Mrs i: . Ce . of
tre M hi .s. A; ir'ments fi.lj tnj Oxford
H, In' .t T.t eit-vill" N f.
Till sr siitd. r Nev 10, MART E,,
vlfe of i i mn I Tr st and d.iuditer of
Arth ir ani Miry Vn.il, Relatives anil
fllenls. also Reeerve iinircll N i Ul, IV eC
I. are nv''iil tj niiend funeral i-ervlce.
Tues ; ! VI redei ce 1.1 .'. Rcblnaeu
i. Int A-l iiii'ia
TRlVlliiRI -nn Nev 10 imNRT II.,
h'lsliind f 1.1. l M Inimhjre jd 70
ii'.irH He i.t 'ii nrl fr emla i e L li
InUer 1' N SUA R Inilled te fu-
i.il S'-v " n vi ny nt s P M rest.
Hs.'H N 2.'4 HI Itit. IHlVM u. Mt.
V iti nn i em
1 NaWDlll'II -At Ulhhshore, ; j Ker.
ie ni2. iiARRiin-rr wife ,t wiiiiam
I'tlSVVOrth Ued H7 Serilees Tins 1 l M
nt Ht. Jehn's tu thi VI leinesH I hurch
Dlhhshnri N J. Riiinaliis rn he Vlwe4
Men eve
I'RIIVN Nev fi 1P22 MAHflAIIKT J..
ir.i cf ileesic Urban, i. i je Relative
nnd rrl.'nds Invited te furieral, Mnn 2 P
' 1'ilnrs of V J. I'hllllt's dm M ieti.
s Int Sey CHIIldsn I'em i'.,,.ri,n V t
UAl.KKR At her restdeni.. mil p-rkt.
st oil Nev 12 1U22 f HAN C wife,
latn JiiineH UsIKer riir.fil ....I..
,. .. . .... -. .. "? "--.
in , tin.'i.y n i ,1'rii"'.!!, Ill . p le.'lf .
... i.,.. if ii.. - in. i.. i.'i. .;.. .,l m
,.... - ..... .. .... "iu. . in.tj Lrriinui
1 nf lh.
prlai I.
R RmIi.iHch and frlentia ,,te invlt 1 t.. Interim nt r
iv . vim, , 2 P M It th , Oliver tf WVI.TI'II'
nul.dim,-, 1.'0 Chestnut h'. Int j.n. hniidtt 1 . u VVullfrs I'un. rul net vice at
i vvr intTr'rt.tV"' ver,i0n
Bookkeeping and Pre-Accounting
FOR MEN Atiu.wuain
New class tcill begin
ilendau, .Viutmbcr Ii. 1:30 P. II,
Intensive, ntni-Uuil IS. weeks' course.
Class and Imllvldtnl intnictlea.
Fer furlliir iiirtlculars call
Y. M. C. A.
1421 Arch St.
Pir..tAtlL,'.i'.sS!''''.n. tlem. tcunen
. - .-n. ..rrara.i.i HH IMIKltne DUO, i
STRAYER'S JI S0'.'-" .'im " i '
reiltjens trvisrawtsed i sntss uri d.T nr nlS?
,,. I..,..
-Nev 11 fnrtnerlv of llm.t ... lues II
l ii .xr.. i i. i.i.... ... i iri T I i. if - .in. .I.,. , ' , ...
I I LllUellS RxllMV.'H nn.l M.n I. n'..,l"I-I. Mllt.I'l.Mtlllt Im.K.n.l t .,"..""
1' i vv mincer I nee VV If nil ll"lat Ve end frt.nrf.
sih invll.d te iitteni runerai, 'I lies t g .
M frc in his late r.l lenee. r,:i v Indiana
i.vk Solemn hlsli iihs at Ht Ilonaven Ilenaven
turi.'s 1'hutv.ti tl 3M A M Int Hely Oepul
ilir Pen'
VNM". n.i 1'ievenili Menth Klaventn
duv llii.'.' IIRiMA's W1NN-I. me.1 fu
ellr S rv n mid Ir eiinent n' the cm,
.eiil.'iue f 'I fstni en l'lurd day four
i ftnlh J rl. ii n in.v in He itid day evenlne
Hie rhr'e. lilh. fl'.lll 7 III II lllw.k. Ills
n'n t slilence MM Media rt
i.i m:n
i in
"l te f. tt- lid fun. rhl V, .1
I'tce nr in r i ii WiI'Imi l 1.1,1.....
ii W Sulls t I 1 I -in I 11 ili. I) iir, !
i' i us llii.J Uj iemd lues , S W 10 1' M
I rKim.
1 ' PinV V'v 10. U'22 IHl.Iti I
- I I if M in L'lpten ubh! ', ),,, lal
.' 1 M reeldeiKe. I.'l- v Srtili m
i l.auri.1 mn C,in Hmiu'in um L..
i l hi ifi. r 7 1" XI
MVRI.1N -Nev U 1'122 C THARINtH-
re or. Merris Martin and duukhier i f
, toek.sseptst h Uertkaad. dtr alekt elai
I naK. !.. .f.,i... .u... .. : .
. oserset ,
vhnn Bftlment 4811
B ft detlriitr anJ vaturumaker and rn
a.. sii smua
avaA'tJ? Cbutaut Street
.?, 4ett and Tork Sesd
tleatl Bank andlrl,rt.n,a?.
( Mew. 14k.
HO te $150 a vveek. Special courses In ll.n's, I PHlLAa MUSICAL ACAlifcrVl'v
Women's and Clilldreu's carrniiits. Sstlifse. " wgjVIUi AXfJWCM I
3niy ikiueusu, fJSU day. .. . ... VsrsnaBiasvai ifaaMiai
09 N. ft2d street, ' ft Wrniu l-ani" therU Ut SSSS
0lrT "" r?,(.'.T, JPsssttM HWMI rilll.A... CONHhUVATOBV I
r, MiHiii
u.ei and th late Dennis Katun luu
. und frlBiiils nie Invited tu uttui I fu
iV. I. ' w . . ' Ir.en' "'r lute resl.
e .IJJ IVnnsdule st . Uuiuureuisli Hnl
, r 'iiilniii mas, Ht Jehn th. Haptisi
ih rrh K A. M. Int. Westminster Cm
,vv ..?;ijJ,Ir.,;,y-.,.v. ". maki.a.
V Sl;' frr'e?- ,,. r,te! U65 Frankford Avenue
I ei ir'h reul ne.ir btiitu lead Ciil'Wil I'a I s .. c
I van rianniuru vuu
1 e
1 V
le n"
th. i.
muss nt si Mi.i.i,, .. ........
'LXr.;M. I'.' tlO'V bl'MUChrO C ,V, '"
N.' l'l Nev . II ANN'Ii: ill IN
.".. "'-' " J"" ""''"Is Ivl" Invtid1
.... ...Mv.r.,, nit., i .up A . rrnni
!'"''.,. L "or ''rethsr-lii Itvv Ldward
'.". - ei neieinn reeii e'n
Asrwksrs ssy bIscs, asv ftias
ir se r.i i luriss' cnurcii I) A M, ln He
It t. a t '.ltsj
M. DOMlt'OH Nev. 11, MAUciAllf'T
Mcln NHt'llH Relative, Knd frlemlM nv ed
t i iiUen I funeru), Tui's , H A, M , from res.
Idenci. nt her bruther.ln.Iuvv, Jehn ilrennan
afilJ ltman st.. Pall of facliuyikll Tllsli
mats at flt. ISrtdvst'a Cauruta B.ae A il
Hit UuIvj atrukhre Cm. " " M
. .VI
' At
v '