nsssEzz i i jBl li 4f'l rV U.t'fn..i . - Wi-. --,- ill NEW YORK BOND TRANSACTIONS , llHSSn ttlFLttl RIWlMfi I'tSSMU SSSSE!5 .-c . e fes ? 1 i s k$ IN' Liberty Bends 4 Xferf en , gavinps Depeiltj Accepted for n Savings Fund Deposit nt Par. y National Bank of Commerce 713 Chcrrhiut St LIBERTY BONDS AND YICTOllY NOTRS Rn Since Data of tasu TTIith fin 10.1 02 Oct. Ill, '22 t OB, "li dot, l'l, '22 1111. IN July 1!S, 'fi 101. M July 24, '22 1O0.S0 July a,1. 'SI! 1 W. (il July U. '2. los.iie juiv in, 'S3 llll.-S .Tulr S3, '23 let 40 July '.'4, '.".' nil. 011 ju'v '.'4, :.' imi.Mi July 2.1. '22 liil.oe July an, ':.' 10II.SH July !, '22 mi.sii Juiv st, ';b 101.H2 July 2H, '22 ion (IS M-.iv 10. '22 100.110 API. 8. '22 Lew hil.OO Ml. 14 M.00 HI. SO bat June a, 'St Juiv 11. '21 Mnv 111. '20 May 111, '20 lunoe. '.. Illsli Lew M, III Mny an, M, mi Mnv .1, ill BO, 0(1 Junn 4 20 si.ne mv ai. 'an M.IIO July Ml. '20 amy ::n. -an Dec. a:i. 'te Poe, 20. '20 Mas' in, 'ae Mny 20, 'ae May 8ii, '20 XflV 20, '20 May 21. '20 (1 te KI..-.0 s.vw S2 III S2 It Sl'.oe (l,iO I I. OS 103 OB 11)2 70 101, IW 1111 !, 1110 111 inn r.4 1112 00 llll.TM 101.40 mi. (111 1llil.SH 1 1ll. fill ino.se 101,1(1 101 113 100 IIS 100.110 mut l'l N2 11.1 7ii H7 "II ic. r.e 11,-. .-.II (is no 1111,00 (i.l 1 l'l OH li.l. ill mi, 71 V4.7B (..1 se Ji.1,70 100.02 Vl'.M I.tbrty fts, 10:12-47 l.ltwrty !l4s, reulstrred ... Mlierty 1st cv 4e. 111.12-17 .. Liberty lt cr 4s, registered ... Lllrrtv Bit 41, 1H37 4B Liberty 2.1 4, registered , . . I.llKTlr 1st cv 4J4. 1H3S-47 . Liberty 1st cv 4V4 w rcKlntered l.ltwrty 1st Bd cv 4U, 1(132-1. Liberty 2d vv lUs, 1U27-4S .. Liberty 2,1 cy 4i riKl-icred . i.itx-rty :i.i 4';s, m: Liberty 3.1 I'm, reil.tered . . Liberty 4th 4l.s, ni.1.1-,1 .... Liberty 4th 4V4 e rculeteted ... Victory 4.4Jn, 11122-23 Victory 4. nitlstercd High Lew 1:119 Net. P.M. Chse. 100.03 1QO.S0 ioe.r,o ..".. 'iiV.iiu '6V.82 'ti's'.si 6s'.74 '6!e4 'i'i si A us. mi 'ejlsd 'lis'. M 100.32 J00.30 'ojae 'lislse" "6s',82 ieh'.ii 1 Cumnrupy RuChleaire A Nth ! Inc 7a wl 1 Wn Ca '87 Vrce lWc 7s Onp't mmft rar.rvt.70nn M i ' I 1"" ,04 ' I I .. 100 Wl It 74s rein I luiry Of Cntimrn Nth rt.rhlciiire Hall T IHVT.KA TN t itM.nl veur.t-v iieNn G t. Vf. BOND SALESMEN A large, well-established Philadelphia Investment Heuse has openings for salesmen of proven merits with an established clien tele. Fer the right men the basis of compensation will be liberal A 722, Ledger Office. H.Ti 27 (18H P.l'il 7 149 ei'il ii,..." ni, O.'l'.l 1 (li i li I Ifjuuensliifll 7s US' 1.... IDS l'2"t iRmublla Bell. I2 via 81 i.. . u I Chlnesi Oevu't 1" li- niy : . .1 . . 52 4. City Herd'T t ,1, 1 7il 14. 7 70 10. City of Cepcn-I 1. hnurn Bt 1. C SS IC!ne't rrcneh 1., .. ''ii Hftubils Hi li (i4 ''Ity Ureater P l"il,il 2 tu rrscue d4 , 4 .... im It (.hllc f 'id .1 .... 71 1 I"l 1 ... lt5 7 70", 1 t'O'nl U. .. 102 1 70i4, le inn, .,.. 1021 City Lyerm m 1. .. I"1 Tt Chlln i 'It 1... T7i, 2 !' M ... I0.1i, City Miim'H i' S . . t"i'i 1 ... ln.V, . . 7'lSi Hrllanil-Au n ) ,. U'3 l tow , l.ini Oi i ie:'"i ty rile d .! 2.. .. S0il a 1eii ,IO I' 4 7'i (H S4 (14 Cuba 11 III .19 1 81 1.. 1.. 10., 0.t rets 1.... 112 : Ha i 4 CatiaH'n .N' 7 1 7S !.... iu" rhi nook i a i,.,. 1011 1.... Uti-i r.10 M 4" 2.... 100T 1. . lll'il 1 82tDen t n O M rana'n I'ne 4 10...,. 82' 1 44' S 7!ii 22 &2li 2 4M3 1 7li'a 2(ai3) N2;lpn . IX O 1 (1 7l"4 .. 2i 2 75 1 7H'-) Chi Iteclt I &,ncn & U (J rs in.. .. 7Ul Pnclfie 4 10 M 1 7iHij 2 r; I , R.'i, C.inaila Ste.im r, RlVDerry Cerp 7a chip Mil 7 Chl V llaute 2 (114 4.. ,. O'Ji; ,4 i;'i, es I i... . 0.11., Cfl of Cla ili i 82 Dct 1MI fii "I" 1.... llnl5l m Hn jfj s1j Ctl Leather ,1i chlcaee Union' "n" Kill' O 1 i" "7 S ,i 4Ui i n.. . iiit 7 13 1 2.. Gulf A !4 I r.1 2R.. n 8r I 2.... Mcrhy Clie- ' .. celat? Ce is f,,. 1 0S (10 00 (inn (10 no ceh The New Yerk Curb Etchange has ndmlttnl IMrelt Etlliien rights, when, eh mid If Issued, under the plan fin iieiinted en November 10. The Mnlthvln Iiocemotlvo Works has tnken enlcrs for two locomotives for the Government of Slnrn and live for tin .lernev Central. Tlic average price of the twenty c tivc lndusirliils declined 1.02 per cent en Saturday, te 05.83, and the twenty nillreadi declined 1.80 per cent, te SS.i-U The interstate commerce commission plnrcd a valuation of $7,201,388 en the property of New Orleans, Great North cm Uiiilreitd Company as of June 00, 11) HI. A hlnrk of fiO.000 shares of the l in new capital vteck of the Standard Oil 1 7AH Cemimiiy of Kansas, par value $25, 8tL A a Fran dj ei 784 Del t It fi'i Huilien A Man M Kan U Tex 1.... 1001, i ndJ Cn Ra a wl In ei it 00 I 2 Mill a... 8 f,9i' r.(cils) M4 I"... 2 (10 M Knn & Tex 1... 1 00 I Os C wl In... r. ,ii; mm in... Hudsen & .Man, A iOi; 10,,. fil Oh I 1 '."I1; ' 4... 17.. .. M'4 Me Tcillc 4 ' !... sai.. in fj3s, . jn New Terfc, Ner. 18. The market was Irregular after the opening with trading en an increased scale. Schulte Stores after advancing 891 points re noted 19.1 en nreflt-tnktni:. National 774 ' le nffVred hv Hlalr Ce. for nubile nub- Illseult moved un Vi. Arneld Constable 1 77 l vviltiilun. (in n when InhupiI hnHls. lit n rnn off n nnlnt. lVerlewi Meters 1OS0 StL 4 a Vtin ,.!,, ,;t nlimit Sl.'t n shnre. I IV,. nttd Oulf Oil vlelded lVi. The Otli Steel Cempitny for the first I The Standard Oil cubsldlarles were nine menlliH of ill-- reports the com-1 fairly active in spots, especially tstanu puny showed dciielt of $70,", 471 after I ard Oil of Indiana which, after yield INCREASED raYSffi OF CURB SHARES Market Irregular 3 e h u 1 1 e Stores Advances, Then Re acts en Profit-Taking AS 4 03 U 03 i eliarpes niul reMrve of Mibniillarles but 03U i before tleprcelntlen, ngalnst $1,214,CS0 03i. in ill,, siiiiie nerleil of 1021. its' i p'te the middle of Octoeer, Londen 25'" bank rlcn rings had lncreaned mere than ; ZU' - ei'.V"" Si"' reri.MixiiidliiK period of 1021 by V vV.i !i ni'st( "i's "?," i i'2.rt-.07l),00, or 10 per cent. This a.:": 5K ' .::::: Slll8H.8liii",,l compare, lll. decrease of 8 per iiivn la M2 i . . cut c s'4 tent for the full year IBM. nerle ct 8 Jai Hpven I 4 II (.li.'e 1 MO- Ct I J'ac lnt ,.s je (JO Oct Tuii'l l's n 1 y,i a . . -ii 1.1 .. 1S I i" ;"' C'IiIcoke Vnlen, 1 " riy Sae Taule 2 . 7'1'm if. lf'.lj "-ii lac "' SI ct OHf I) M.IHH T'H t" 07 J.iP lieierr.'t R ( i.l,. ts '"I . -;"" '" .,..' 111.... 113 ' 7... K'7 1st Jii ,'... ("I I " M' 1.. . 11.1 'D il" Nemeuri r. .... i It. e f luiu com lis ras u riiifaae a wn 1'wiir 7'if. Ill 1 "' Me l'ae C '2.1 1. ... 8CI '.'.. .. el4 1 fi7ii SIL A: H Fren UN fen 4 M.'i Mh rnel.tg flu Series C On 2 2'4 1 u4 il..., 1004 .1 .... 81 , 10 . in'-. .1 dtl4 , Merles D Rjn llln Cen'I R'suM ii. O txt flu' 2 04 1.... ion's f..... 101 ,StL Swncn lll Steel 44 1( 4.... 101 Drexel it Ce. nnnoiince they are prepiii-eil te deliver l'bllndelphia Kleo Klee trii; 1st lien mid refundinK mertgage . , ... i t....l .1.. ml? iu .. . i.n Oil V e V. ' U ,B I"'1 CI'Ill UUIUII5, U1IO XVII, 111 11V- Illlliitl viiii vavuuiigx v itivi. 1 term eertlnVatcs. i Tut' OlH .Steel Company reports for, 77a the iimirler elided September aw, cicttcit r Beles e-WESTWOdD Members Phibieck-Exchanfie INVESTMENT SECURXTIE -r landTitte Bl, Philadelphia PHONE- LOCUST 4721 I 'Ity 'if &els- ser.n ia ,. 7H 2. . . 70 r. . . 7'i i a . City Zurich bn, 2 Cep'r S 1 Alten Ry. Gat & Elcc. Si. 1939 Atlintic City Gai 5i, 1960 Hetel Traymcre 6i, 1927 Central Dili. Tel 5s, 1943 ISAAC STARR, JR., & CO. 16th (ind Sanaem Streets I'lilluileliihlii l v: ii v K n-lclum ii 3 .. 00 : .... en .. . .:e".L3 i.. K Hc'.B'm 7'ii Mil! Ille ' R-. a .. . fl'' uj s-m S' 3.. ion 1. .. I"-1 U.. 1 toy ' 1 PJ", r i; rr: un n . ..e.ilin-BUivak 1 .100 A I fi .0 1. Hep e ! 1 lliluluin b(i 2 ..1 '"i f. . . 1P 1 ... 100 1.. . I'1''-' L'ept Seine ; II.... tee 1 .. 1 1 7 . .. 1 ' 2.... 100 ' K Oil 1'r.t 3 . . s.t ' 1 . . 103 4. I J'jn .17 1 . -a". ttlndem U-n-i 2 lii'ji, Pu fun 5h ".'Ii in-irlk i! le.. . 1"J li , ii'tij 2 . ftii 2 . i'.- 1 De Can's '2f'' :i .... ''' t . . . 1 1 - 'i 1' 1 101 r 1'iSl 1 . l'H'i 1 Pu (.an t.H '31 2 . . '."'"i1 2 . 1: 1 1 .. 0i4 Klnj.lem H-n. t; s Uraill 7 R D ('.in Rh 5:1 mar!, ct ' 1 . . .ivj -' 10 lift i 1. .. In,i t'r.'J H llrasll 1 ., .. v . . - ...... .,,.. ,, ...- n I ,in-i '.II ' t Itli V"3P I l"1 Ifc-.S , 4 H'.i I 2 '' 10 . .. 4 Chi fc Alt'n i l)em lli-p . ,1 K nt Nether- i 3 .... i". ft 01'il l.'ifi'li t)a "1 I' S llraill Indiana in 1.... 10i fit llnnl-rt tf. KalM, T. Un,.,!. Pi ' . .- W- "1(1 nflu,- Inlflfnul .,. Ltif tin. lipi, :i 7.1 i.... ie', ';,., 'I1, 7H 1 70 fi.,. depredation, against 82.VJ.037, the UP ,ChlMic West-Du-4 UBlit 'Is ''" M'r' .;" Mentfl Tram- c 78 lir,.vif ill, ipiarter and S.'KW.ISS In the ,'ISi-1 '"M'i I ? ll-, "" ieJi. T '.wsAiVwi". un,,. I.T emled March 31. ilSN ;:::: ies !DuVLt1i!rntV.Vo1M.Me;r;;ico;.V4 '-The Central Leather Vemr w.. 114 C'hlle Cep'r On 1. 11141 1. Ch-iiMl-r M 7f 2. :t.. .. 7i l. Cheb A. O 44s! 1. a.... s.i 4 1 p. Cien 1 4- 12. 1 . S74! 1.1. c li ev fiii . 1'iTV, 107, , 107 Pl I' IV t'l. 11 IV His. Jl4 2S IH1 I . . . nniti a . OH It; B'r.n V'l & uji, tli en irtV 5 ft'i intilinplre Oaf. H lifli. I I'ljel 7 4" (OS ... 1-iHi I'll lld'.i lid till R 1. s.. 1.. II. . 4.. 014 1'1'i !'l 4 I'I4 '.1 1 4 l'l (it 4 Put. h K Ind'i 7.. .. HI1; r-ti Qi '17 ' I. . . . I'IS. 11 oil; Klnedem N01-1 il pi n y Us u 1 1 1'ii'eli i: Ind'a! ( .. If'O 1 tit V.2 fi . . . 101 U . . HI I" .. 100 , . . fi.l" Kini'lera Ne-ri rnmii Iniusi iny rt si n 7 'i.r IKV 10.. 110 I 1.1. . . ."' a . . i'7 1 . ,.,'., 7lFOll ) '.''1 .1 (111, ''7 15 IflaO (.7 ; s Mcxl; ' r. . .. v Alan A. Alexander & Ce. Stocks and Bends Colonial Trust. DUlg., Phila. Send for Cep of Our Werl.ly Market I-ctler. "lv nril IIemiii" 1 I If r ml I I k f im Ir5 Bends for Investment SiMt.-lteni Upen Rrqiml The National City Company eenccs in menc THi4 pirrf ciTira WIEGHER.R3GKEY&CD. Certified Public Accountants Drexel Building, Philadelphia Ricipnecai Au0"00"- TwsufANes Mesa 2,S00 having Pennsylvania Indemnity Exchange uresu St. it be. fucn buuari H01U.STIC itesns l h. C.vr't II s' II OP I, i: U '( M! 2 MW "S W Va 4 I . (l'l OI I .... M4 1 .. 7" 3-. , li") !,2 1 t-4 BJlt & O-iIj 3 I .. 'i.l nal 2 i'4 Wn 343 .11' .... (10.42'Ucb. T A. S r. 1.... 02 .1' .... l'l. I" 1 cv (a 11 i e Tel li II .. '..'I n,. 2 10141 1 07 4 II !i sn tch Ti-.p i. i" 2 .... 07 f .. H'l -il Vn i 1 "..I11! 1 .. If. -2 1 . . 10741 ." . i'.i'4 1 1 lei 12 V C I.ln 44 h Hnrnprtall oil 2 !'! " 1 .. .s- re-i A f-J 7 . ,.'i7l t Ceat r. 7a 1 . 104', Li . '' s . leR1 JN. TMenhune 1 7- U c Tiult 7a ' f'l 7s 27 '..1 7i". 2 . .. 37 J 10-4 At 'c lletV .'.1 I'"'h Ktil D'l A:nT.can Asil i l'Si; vC 'JO CV:n is 1 . . M ." 01 1 &(' 4 1 . . 07 "s lie h. Mivl tin Ar Tk'jti Axr l. . . 97,t I 1 ... de ("hem 74 1 Ha d 11 L W ii 1 . v04 1 101 v . . :01s, J .. or,4 .m'n Sreci t t;a . & 0 31, 1 , hjii, iff .: 5i 2 M 'fir r Illll !! 'i't 1. . .. 014 c f. m wl A- I'.tOl.r.a 1 !U4 I" 100 3 . . 'H'-j Hr'i '"ity r,s .'.... . HP- 1 01 'id I A Uhl 4. Hitn 1. 1! li 7 7.. . '24 2 103 . '.". nun nap t ; 1 ... -2 4 1 134 i H (tar T ct 7 10. 10 2 . . . .13 1 ."; Chi . Alt 3I4. iv- . . 31 a n i: y r, i ... !'04 1 Cf. .'nKO II A Q Cn, U 1 17 Chi .u;e A C.'n tlln la '11 ' . . 11 M14 ! .... 104 a ... se 4 : . v04 ha i:-i. t 1 ... (..1 Clil & e V 4sl : . . r.e 1. ... r.e 4, Chile Cep'r 7.Er!e Cler.l I.l'ti 114 If. 1.. In.. 10.. li.. R. . 1 .. 10. 11041 1104 111 111 111 R-. Ill 1.. 111U Krle 11041 1. 110 1. 110 R.. loin; r.. 110 i mi 4 il'u 4114 , 404 , 4'. , 104 e-.- A . 4.14 , 414 . 4.14 . hi .'. ... . .i ct 44n n'.'d , pany 4ija S u .' lemplalei no liiiaiieliig. UnnU leans in 1 7, r. s'it; s Air u aj .1. ' Angiipt Mere down $0,000,000 and have ia ' a S04 1 24i' I ti further reduced since. This rein-1 UtlO nt the cese nt 000 nt the peak. Tie lertnme. October 18 shows :it. 1 no .. nni tint mi ions 01 keki into ureat uru- 2.'.(si"i 7.14 Hfale) d7i 10. . 1004 iiln (Inrins; (lie present year up te that "1 73 n y ct'i fi4 a..., 1004 ilnte mie -(1.3!l!,051 and experts for "' 7ai,i n .... 7s4 1.... 11.04 the j.crled iM.0 17.0S5, leaving a net : .... 7.14 1 7i 4.,.. loeii'outpi of 7,"i47,734. In the full cal- 1' ... 7.14' S 74 Sinclair rrtlilK .... ,.!,.. .l.m. 11101 flroet ltrltnln Im. :,,4 7 7S4 O 1 Ce R4S rflll:il!OT ..n1.l n,l .Ttwpl.,l I , - - ." 1;.. .'.''l. B" - v,..- " in NH lUllwny SpiibM A 1. 0 ' p.'iren with SS.nOO.OOl !. '! of Me R4a 1 ;C4 vj ,.m ,S 10,000,000 Int-rbn-e (,.p 1 nT. Sinclair C Oil ' "1 -it oil ii eeilif Tranf.l.1a NV-EndTU Cnrp 7, rem ''' tL .1 734 A Tel 6s '2 0(14 " Mllteliieilt HH Ot 1 in a sharp fraction, turned linn. Standard Oil of Kansas yielded 10 points, nreUSTBIAM . . lllch Lew 1 P.M. 1000 Aemi Ceal ...... Rfle Rip Rfle 1en,mal Leather PT. Rej R0 no 1100 Arneld t'omtable 214 204 204 line iimyn city Iiy.... " BJ4 njt Hen llrll-Am Toe coup. 1U4 lii'a urn Iiu.ldy Iltida 1V 1 4oe Cent Tereaa sue .. 14 200 ('lew-land Aute .. 2W4 1R0O Colombia Kmcrnld. OOe Un, (J. nt Mctera 104 100 He,ier Ille U pf. OOp 200 I )uii nt Met Intl.. R loe 11 iv iirimtn . 1O0 tlnrilner Meters 30 lllllettn H It 201 loe (lien Alrin Ceal.. RR ROO Hudsen Ce pf .... 124 100 nudum Man .... U i0OH"lPilt Millien its. 14 2011 Kldcltty l'hcnlx ... JHH 100 Inland Hteel 4R4 IOO.Mesh IJert Stores. 02'i in, .Macy 1.0 4100 Nat nixcult ., IHO New Klctlnn . 3000 l'rlinn Itndle . ion Meralil Iren . 30,1 Packard Muter 111 l'lrkar.! Mnfnp nf. 11' Sirie I'ec.'leai Moter! . . li.Hi 200 l'hllln Merla 184 L'iIOO Itiullc com 44 2R(U Srhultn Sterea ... 00s '.'(ion Seuth Ceal A Iren. 40e fr. o'ie ,. R0i ... M 1104 3H4 104 lsH 1 24 R.Vi 10U 00e new 114 2R(, R.I 12 II .1 no "-71 mil: 1IHS 1 wI RRc 10 4 OOe R0 4 144 (14 2RI CI V4 1 0(1 17... I .. I"... OR... I... .17... 1... le. 73 4 N Y Ctl n 4al " UN ,-.. me u 7.14 2 HO .Sinclair Mr,., i'i.',.i-.i". ., .. . , 73 1 ne1;' Ltni Ce . ' Tciimniary negoueuons ter tne D2, lUliiling ei iiumnniu H .ti-ii .innMani wnr ra't N Y Cent'l ,1S' 2. M 7.1 7.1 7:i4 7.1 7.141 I. . in 3.. 1 'r": 1 0.. ii ft-.' Vxln It I'll 14 il ?i 1 ?.? ' i" IVi' '1 id'i Cttnc'l lllee ' 1 lll'll, '. . 10 ' Kl'11 3.. . 101 I 1104 OnT'l Moter Un C-i -l'-is 1 1104 4. ... ) 1104 Cen'I llefrac- 110 4 1 turlea ct il Mil 1. I'-'i 1 Interbnre Ititi, 13. 1.14 I "rar.a Id tt 2 j.. . mi. S Hell Tel R, 1 il, lit te this country, Ineludtnc $r,000, te'.1 I - .... (114 1100 itilire.it due. probably will be con -Jill!? lSnn 1,A0 ce1 4 dui'ted tliis week by Secretary Mellen, ' ' "'a 1 ..li.iltni.in nf thn Amerlpnn Ilelit htiml. 1, 1. . ... itiK ( iimmlssien, pending tne retuni te W.i-lilnyten of ether American ceimnis- (1,14 Sn I'ac cv li .'17 I.. 4.. 3" . 11.. 1. !lfl, 004 I H1, nr.41 Hi! 4 1 nf- 73' 7.1 7.14. 73 4 N Y Cent'l m 714' .'I .. 10.1 7.1 1 IS.. . in.1i, 7.1 2.... in.14 mi. a un, a 014 a 91 S(sale) 1114 4 UP a in1, S V Term' I 4 15 S2 4 4 s'm: 7.14 21..., 10.1 .Seuth I'orte K 714 1..., 10.14 Suitar " 7.14 ,.N Yk Djcls 4a 1 P14 stoat rs. There has licen admitted te the un listed department of the Philadelphia Stock Kxrhange the Tenth National H.111K, Philadelphiii, Mibscrlptien war rant 1 for hole and fractional sliures (eiering right te subscribe te the In-) 'retted eapitnl bteck pf the hauls, an-, theil.ed Nevemlter 10, by stockholder.! 01 recenl November 1. "Oil Kliinil.ini Mm H lenatuu Moter 174 21,0 .ivlft Inter 2ii 2i!0 Tudd Hhlp 10 100 US niitrlhutltiB . 31 2700 u s I. II 1 7e'i 1'nlted Kt Candy. 04 30 1 Wttyns Ceal 3 lOOltepettl Candy ... li line t' a ltaltv rta... 1J RL'i) WIntlir Jloters . . 10' NT.VM1ARD OII.H Hlqh 400Ar.le-Am Oil .... 211 4DH Atlantle Lettos lRO(lalina Slanal 0:0 ltm oil Can 7.1 Illinois PI .. 2.1 Indiana I'ipe 10 Ohie Oil .... in l'r.ilrle O A a 41 I'rnlrli, I'lpe . Id S lVnn till ... Hen rt oil of Ky . S3H(i S Oil of N J 114 M till of Ind . 20 S Oil of X Y eoe S Oil of N V 1(1 vacuum Oil .. 400 Vacuum Oil 1 IMCunt Oil lloe S oil of Calif 11 S Oil of Kan . 0(i4 8?5? .0$ lsU 112 1124 is!i 4 r7'-i 40e--3 1714 20 110 31 1 04 24 li 14 104 8R4 1'2 os ; 1SV. 4 no 40a 3 1M 211 00 al.. '? (14 : 104 Lew Cloe 1" 111" n .in wi . r.r. R.i nr. .112 lit 1114 .174 172 172 . OS OH US ..ion .tee nmi ,000 000 Olie .200 2SII 2IHI .17H 17R 17R .1074 107. 1074 . 40 3'J .10 4 .117 110 117 .871 R71 671 .184 47 47; .eun 000 ene . 42U 4li 41T4 .11.1 143 143 . RH fill's Rli'i .61,0 ObO CS1 REDUCED APPROPRIATION Hsarlngt en III tln Today ie ie fer Heuit Commlttee WashlnHen. Nev. 13. The navy te day will fire the opening gun In Its campaign for appropriations auffl dent te carry en present opera tiens, even though the American fleet will fall short of the B.53 ratio established for the United States, Great Britain and Japan by the flve-pewcr naval treaty. Hearings en the Navy Appropriation Bill, which begin before a sub-committee of the Heuse Appre priatlen Committee, premise te de velop the same bitter tight In Congress as was waged between the se-called "big" and "little" navy men, last sprlnjg. The estimates, as they will go te Congress, have been reduced by tne Bureau of the Budget te a point, where, navy officers say, further cuts will Im peril the national defense. The total will be between .$.100,000,000 and $82S, 000,000 and provide for 80.000 men, but the exact figure agreed upon as the re sult of a series of conferences between Secretary Dcnby and General Lord, Di rector of the Budget, has been kept secret. The amount, however, Is con siderably less than that made available after a hard battle In Congress. TWO STATES SUPPORT AND 2 OTHERS KILL "DRY" BILLS an en Sunday 8hewa la Voted, Alie Aid for Farmer Chicago. Nev. 13. TBr shifting po litical opinion of country's voters re corded as widely divetgent views en leg islative proposals as en candidates In volved in last Tuesday's elections, ac cording te the latest returns from all parts of the Natien today. On the prohibition listte, while Illi nois was polling an almost two-te-one vote in favor et neer ami ugnt wines, Ohie defeated the fcemn preposition, but by n smaller majority. While Massachusetts rejected n measure pro viding for mere stringent State prohibi tion enforcement, California voted in fnver of a simitar proposal. Five of the six States In which the question was up polled heavy votes for the soldiers' bonus, while in the sixth, Oklahoma, the result was close. In .Seuth Dakota Sunday amuse ments were banned by a two-te-one vote. Minnesota voted te lean the State credit te help Its farmers. Mich igan opposed a State income tax. Seuth Dakota rejected a preposition that it engage in the banking business and Nebraska Indorsed an anti-plckctiug law. MRS. HARKNESS OFFERS $750,000 FOR CHURCH WORK Donatien Is Conditional en $250,000 Being Raised New Yerk, Nev. 13. (By A. P.) Mr. Stephen Hnrkness lias premised conditionally te give $750,000 te the nuUMt'Thiu la Ma kl..J .a If ........ ...... .. .,. yWm v, mir-ei New Yerk, Nev. 13. (By A, p.)-. There Is no need of a third party and he intends te remain a Demecrnt, Ber nard M. Baruch,. former chairman of the war industries beard and personal friend of former President Woodrew Wilsen, declared today. He made lim statement In reply te one of Colens! Ilebcrt H. Montgomery, a Republican former general controller of the United States Shipping Benrd, and who serve',! with Mr. Baruch en the war Industries beard. .. Colonel Montgomery had suggested that the manufacturers and farmers be brought together, with Mr. Baruch In charge of the organization of a third party. FINANCIAL LATRqBE.CONNEIAfcVIIAB COAl. 1 the MtertCaM, dated Juns 1. 1011. 03 0f 4 K fllrSK COMPANY. FIRSf MORTnAr.8 in-VRAR . H1NKINO Vllvn'S.Sl'l! BONUS. "uu . Netice Is hereby. tlvsn that puriuinl t 80. 10D1 IStA llu POO 109(1 1321 1RI3 nor 1112 mm Via S40 1121 1S7S liisi 0.14 1184 1387 IBM SO llflf. 140(1 im,j 2112 18 112? "M 11JA " 1432 1024 144S M 141(1 1MN 1488 ieei abeve Iwndii. each for 11,000. have h...i drawn for ledemptlen en December 1, I9jj QUI vi muiir uui.i liinn III (I1Q nillKln Flin4 1 1037 atid nccruid jntersst te mat Siii! The bends drawn and numbered is twin. with nil unmatured coupons attached, iheald b preeentcd for payment at the oltlce of thi Commercial Trust Company, Trustee, ciVJ Hall Hquare. rhlladeluhla, en or after dZ cembep 1, 1B22. whin all Interest tliartM will ceaiie. """, 111 1:110 ou 22 841 0S0 41 .100 703 R4 SOO 717 74 00.1 72S 10(1 4.1.1 74H 143 470 7flt OSS 11(11 147 471 700 102S 1201 ies nes son ies.i 1202 174 RR7 SI7 1070 1203 202 OOS sad 1071 1230 203 (toil S.1.1 10C2 1240 2flt COS SSS 1083 1284 9SS COMMEnCIAI. TntTST COMPANY Tmrtti JOHN' H. MASON, frre'in? LATRIinR -1 ONNKIXSVIM.K COAL a CORK i'OMPANY. FIRST MOUTllAOfi 20.YKAR 0 81NKINO FfND OOXU . Netice In hereby nlven that pu-uant ta the Hlnlilh Fund Prevision of the Mertcan dated June 1, 1011, 80 et the nbeve bendt ach for SI, 000, have been drawn for rJi derrptlen en December 1, 1022, at 102 an accrued Interest le that dale. The henai drawn and numbered an below, with all matured coupons attached. rdieuM be in. sented for pavment nt the office of Cemmer. rial Trut Company, Truiten, City Hs'I Square. Philadelphia, en or nfter DecembiV 1. 1022. when all Interest thereon will ceiM At .A. AIM ..I ,V, .M.n . . . - " iiui n.v i,i,i iiiu laaj lf.l RdO S40 DSII HT7 1342 1441 Mill S.12 HR1 117S ia.11 lsia 1147 8.1S H7 1 1217 1831 IMS 077 SOO (182 1227 1870 1RH 713 874 W 1230 1881 ISni 720 SSI 004 1283 1303 leaf 7S1 8(13 1004 123H 180,1 lrj9 7S3 8(17 1071 1277 1817 7XS (103 1015 1204 1401 703 (104 1008 1801 1405 an (iir 1102 ism 1430 1440 (13 ss 10H 144 1411 102 04 844 804 400 411 COMMERCIAL TRUST COMPANY. Trusts JOHN It. MABON. Pr-sld'nt; rnrAiieNTArt conselidatkh teu.tni. IKH COMPANY INCORI'IIRATFII FIFTV. notice is nercnv imen. pursuant te the terlna of the Mortunice dited Juiv int. 11107 that the iinderluiipd ni Truitea will recelv nealed proposals unto 2 P. SI., en the 8th dav cf December. 1922. for th sale te It ei bendn an nboe decilbed. eufflclrnt te ua fhn Klim of till. n3N.fiO. Th ..n,l.,.I...I reserves (hn rlKht te reject any or all tenders In whole, or In part ' TlIK NEW YOllK TRUST COSIPANT. TruMtv. By A. C. DOWNINfJ. .Te . Assistant Secretary. New Tork. November B. 1022. . ' iSil 1..... n. I- 'l'l, l.ifili VvmiiiA rnni.h ritiiniint. ) . ., .... .... .. .II.- ..lit, .,,. wuu. 1, .v, ,..,...., .'iftL....-rB. a n I " .. n.....L it mipriinrn icnt.., K i.ii'i.r u un T.n...... .- . .... . ., ., i.iiirdi..uxii ...iv. T cm ind a. i.1 .-. IS' "", . , Tran -flui p.iwn i r. ., , 'Perainis ti.c I'litu Avciiuc-uiversiuc 100 4rk Nat fa. m mi 0. I- UtM Avenue I'resbyterlan C hurcli te- 'a Me: 'rt,i ;c N V 44'iie 04a ,ct ; ijm ..i l " J jJ: ' ,, i.nP, earned in twelve months .loecarib'Und".::::: 4t "k 44 ' ward a building fund for the erection' Proposals I rj eVfiil'sl a"". 104, : n.14 Nw Y n u A (,.:".: ,17 (iiileil.ltme ?.0 .l,107,flS, an increase -P'l1," '"'"(;" 'SJiJi "ifc "eS , ei n len-stery structure te house in- sioe.000 VENTNnit CITY. N. J scZ m'-iiVMlri .? 10SH a "l'l " ;,:' " ' 1 .... oe'i "f f--77 ever the preceding year., J!3 r S fe'rvS."?? : 7. 704 ftltntlennl work of any church in the ' , M,AE51,0p , I "Al" Colerado Fuel 'e eivear T te l--. 11 78 1.1 1,14 Itevrlltie from operation amounted le 4e l-Vdernl Oil ,?...' sse' 8f 88c world, if ether members of the parish I caUc?wVbT?hi .''""... r ,... -.. 1 ,.hT Ml 2.1 ... t'.-V N V Steam Oi R itm. S.-,.!t!iil..tt.1. nn innrensn nf SI 01 .471). 2O0 (I llllund Oil 44 44 44 ...ill ,I,,,.n 8.in nnn h. ..c. 1. : ' f?Ilc;Lf.?.,,.y r V?mC , .v.L? ra.?,,B. f ..'"; " ". , ...1. 10 .. m: 20 n ft i.,. .. ..u' ', "V ..i . ....:." .. "e ( lenroek e 1 .... i 14 14 - ".; "''";"' ". '..-. v"" v: " . .'.""Vh T-, 7. 1 rhn,,V i, V- X." ?.i '?r,:vj ".-!:. ' b-:;..;: .-.. - xnuy , Ta. "anVt M107.171." ? Se Kaeii' :::::,? , i, "ti pose, buimr i ss. "cie S'r, 4, 1 t;:. Inc;r';Vs7",,N.rv1ti;c8t,; 'n-- ';-.t -D!reeter8 of the Kir Wulkrt Dry 'iyVrV'."'."!?? SSe :tMlotheslteeft& i?fe.Sl i$$JiZ T. l ?; 1c u,i 'il i:":: .4 ' V a'.::: e.V :.edH Company. Kt .I.els. l.avengree,l .Vlfe ::::.:? Jg $ um. InWrst rifty-tlftl. street ut the tsl v&r ft&AVvi!& , ,:'i, i:i4 I,t 5, l , in'r'i a. errat 4. .. 31 3.... ion. t suliuilt te stockholders a propn-ltten ' ftelnSen" " 51 ?.'' ?.! ce-t of SI .000.000. city Council. y venmer i. ..: :;.i7:i v.". : V ':::': : ;v"'"v'"ili;? '': mt .,!,,,,,,,pe ".,: lml1 pcr,c,;nt s!ni',: 'Vr::::::: $? sm mm. liarkncs, who is the widow et . irAnMtltoefn , .... rt'H.Ciiu-r.bia ,i Atteo,i..- Tins -' l's .- 74 sum lard Mill- dl idend en the coiiimeti stock and te ltyii Mammoth 44H 43 43 one of the earliest pnrtners of Jehn li. duted auku-i l. 102a. tc , bi-Xr intSreit it a.... .-..-a, n :is:'.i , a nub'r '.i . v-i N . inn Ce R, y.lit Meck P into four 'new share, of rf 'ou iTr ..... 6oe 60e 6je i ,.,., hS- long been active in ft,", -i.JKnSISiiJ'en 'AS'aKf e1"".""? . .... .,..- . ';,.,' I J''' , .:,, - .,, .. .'.'. ' f-'i par rni'ii miiiic ul iirvviii um-i i i.ivinnstnn l'ct ... ii .. ,104 .com cable, is i.... 11.14 ... ": ,'" ''' , siu?,'i' L" "' 1 par Med: se that holders of one share pe" Lyens ivt ...,,:L, "h'V thuek of V :rj r" c;?"f 7. Jf tll pn.rent common . will receive VJW 1 5 . ; 't i n t 'ii 1 a. -' 1 .!.. -... " n - . -. a -. j 1 d . 1 . .. m T-l Si Tel r : Is .. 014 T-l A Te- 1. f'74 Power O3 .. .. 80'i 1 ... s4 remji K Tab iV RC'.r I ff t!rt 13 . Mil Can C.i ret 1.... 1024 :.. iej'i Or'u Trunk of CinaCa 7 .1 1 in-, r 11 11 a'er 11 . e cv t C- ' 1 . IWACKIeA fnvestmsn. CROUSE Ce: ? p fd 141 I . . C.I '. '21 1 J7, 1 l!. I; 1 i'ji, Cen. I Ccal Ce c,'"!', -,t!rt"1 Chi ep Mil A of Ml Is '?" C",s P CV ".111 . SO1, I ,01 1 ... 73 I 1 . Si X- lf'1 1 . 71 I I . S'J ! I"1 . 724 Croup. Cerk A' 3 1fl""" 1 .. 724 Sal r fireit Nert.i'n .. 74, 1 . . P34 R."y '3 .1 . .. 72 '"aban A P s,( ".... 1H': T 1 MJ.... ... .1 mil' T...l n r. ' II -ii Snares OI I1CW SII'PK. a. .-.'ii, New Terie T of si l is I he (Jraiid Trunk Itailway of ( .in- 1 . . mi'j e of me 1 ... se , tula has placed an order, according te 1 . .. '', I".'. Tenn'l n R A , 11 report te llie Department of Cem- n . sUi. N Yk Vf : of st L .11 ' meice. for 2.1.O0II Ions of steel rails int 1 i'p a r.i lines ,h. 1 ... ui'. le. Illt'l T4p ) ,',3 2 1 . -71- a. . . s74 a . . ;,., .. . n7 Ni.i. Kills 1" fii Imlniibi'. oil 1 IHI4 Tpx 4. I' in 12 . . IM Third A a J Ri - .IS'., '- r 1.. .. r7 4 R R74 1 r.71. with tin- British Umpire Steel Corpo ration, Sjilney. N. S. This order, with e'liefs en hand, is -aid te insure con tinuous operation of the Sydney works, i.iiiIi.mii ' JliiH) linnii.- all winter. ' A s-yndiente compo-ed of Hemphill. Nejes & Ce., Stroud.,!- Ce.. Inc., Cnllin & IltiiT, Inc., and Otis ,V Ce., ion .itoitce en 2(nii Mldn it Tejcai .. 4110 Muuiitnlii Pred . CMiu Miituul frf aim N lltitr l'ual ... ion New Mcx Land .. 40('UNurthu-st .... Iioei) em.ir Oil 12O0 Silt Cnelt l'm.l. ami SiMbeard r.oe .-'hill fnlnn w I. 701 Mmme Pit loon Seuth I' 1- R lee Seuth tsits oil . 4iHie Texan U & L .. . laoe Turmnn dUolVllcex Oil . ... 1 1 1 fl.le Ofin O.le 111 1S4 in 4; i; 44 1 A, 1 A 1 A 2He Ee 21,0 HI4 101; 1114 H4 114 114 07 Oil 0,1 . 24 .24 24 1.1c 1.-,,. lfc 14 14 14 14 1S4 is'. 24 2" 24 11-4 114 114 114 114 114 lfie IRe lRc m; id"; in 1 !i7c 37e 07c I 14 14 1A 54 64 64 1 Charles W. Ifarkness, of the class of 1. .., who tuea m tliis city in May, milnerlc.'il .nes lui, i').. im, jut nnn ion, sssrs sssrs BelltiB llie thousand dollars (tnnoei en tl.s III st day of AURiiht, 102.1. and thesi! bendi nf the next sucici-.llniT numbers nuaresatlnr the sum ei i:i iiiiiueanu unniui, t;,inoe) or. r-sisfe- M. ,,-... " Ithii Ilrst (lay of Ausust In eiieli nmi (,V5r; SENATE SENIORITY OPPOSED eru'tHa.'0 tt:ia lncluJ",b' lhe ' i;,.ch bid must be In ft sil,-d envelnfl Mi.rm.nM'. C.--J a 1 1 . ninr.eil. "in Jer wilier lien M" nmi neeem. IVICCOrmlCK'S Stand Against Rule innn-d by a certined rheck en n nntlenel nr itnte batik or trust cninpany 10 Niev .l...- i.fi.-..,li1n tn tliu t.rder of Knoeh m 'ri,.n.. Wnslienctnn. Nev IB. T, !. ifi-'y 'ircusvter. ler two per wnt (2,-p) ,, ... ." ; -- - -suss Hi' iiiiii. Opens Fight en La Follette 14 1A muddle already besetting Bepithlicans ' 'l'ae liends will bn delivered with the C4 6!. nr.d Democrats ever their problems of .?u wVefk? tetfir iaViV.iti'-1- iriuii'isiiii in me new 1 nngress ncnater "n nmetim nccisnry 10 no i.ii.j u ntH 4 :i . . "4 , S4 2 .... sn, Hi,,e:t'n '.'nlei1 A li T & 3 Te 1 ' I! ! 1st .' !t alj -ta I 1 814, ' ... S..4, cm. 1 c" 1 s. 1.. X 1 ... ". Iiwle, i., 'Un I'Oai,',! r .... 724 ; 1,.7V ' J" X ..... snij unit ar Usui, . 1... ri , ...... t. , uei te fin, ..... , ..., fVn,., .. tf, . . ,, , . ..- 1 Tine l nier rower 1 empany nrsc lien . s en i ,ZW : . ."." s.,' sV V :," ;.."....""... """ .Vt- mi bid arc k ft- llJlrtTe"'! 4 x"a'i '' lfl4, .. .V,'cv" ... ' J"" ,.,'J 1.. 30 INii Loekpept TldewatLr 611 I "ad ii'funding mertgiiRiM. Series A, snf.n n..st & Meniani Se s sc 1 jemisi one 01 1110 most troublesome 1 bidder come V SeCUritl88 I .? 4 ....! :??.,'n.kn. !."1 Ci':f?" .Nl" '"A:. ":-vA " J Julius leaver Ontjs P ITclV. P" sinking fund Vm- cent mh bends, at, atoeilost Ment Cens .. 7S, 77,1 7ae of all nuostims-belitioii e the bPIlIer. ffln "X I ll .... rs :i .. J 1 .i-H sivstii ir v-uij-i 1. t euk v .' li itiii u ,,-.. --. . -... i. i i... . -.. !.ii te- lump t h ui 'ui a: ,inr ... 1 - iij ij in riiin 111 t in Snnn e 1 :'.:-"" . RF-4L F.TATF. TR. ni.nn. ! , Xl lu ' ' v,u ' 'nit' ' in is . 1-4 " 50,! N' Wn f Trl City Hly fi. , rent. The bends, dated October L', t'OU. Ca delSrla P.I .r. J, " - "sa tu.... im,. 1 ... ii 10.... ss 1.4 ,, . 1() , ssi. Light B. ,!-,-. arc .la,. October 1. 10 1'J. aim" 'e,.s Sev yh . . 40 10 4e ' Ledge, majority leader, that chairmen '.1, bend"" t. . -, K..nCFiBa. n . .. j;,.l'---- ". -W. A. llarri.iian & Ce., Inc.. and s"n "n InS" iiv!?P . I : ! 40" Se Z? ''f ""n h hand-picked by n 1 n- te pjv - n sis.M- ----- , 1 - ' M'",:' ".n v1.;''. .v.s'' S?J" "Is A Cus-ait & Ce. are offering a new Issue .'(.en j-jur-Ka crcisus .. 200 ide 2.0 "Pedal steering committee "ri'presen- -or City. N, fai " ' k... . .0 NU... .M f?l.taK,.0.H,efRii pereen. equipment H .":: r."": "."S 4e 4S fflnr tvT'Plm l "? ! It I w. Pii' v ti,si. 11 .- r'iAn r.. ... mist "111 .wtlfi-it4 Ctf thi, lVnnv . limn UoMfieM Pler ... le 1. 1.'.'! I"! Oilcan 1 lUtV 111 the .11(0." Te "l'-l ' l tt.ltf 11 l "II . 10 All f the btlev (Uiifkatts ,;in bttn sold, tl.i; ndvfrtiscmitt tpitar; a s wz'iir 0 rusri riy. New Iasu $1,600,000 Pennsylvania Ceal and Coke Corporation Eqnipment Trust 5Vz Geld Certificates (NON-CALLABLE) Te be dated November 15, 1922 Te mature 6 months ta 15 years Dividend warrants payable May 15 and November 15 Certificates payable te bearer in $1,000 denomination, rercir.terable as te principal. Principal and dividends payable at the office of Commercial Trust Company, Philadelphia, Trustee, or at it3 agency in the City of New Verk. ISSUED UNDER THE PHILADELPHIA PLAN Principal and Dividends Unconditionally Guaranteed by Pennsylvania Ceal and Coke Corporation Mr. T. H. Wat kins, President of the Pennsylvania Ceal and Coke Corporation, lummarizes from' his letter te us in connection with these certificates as follews: Fer the security of the payment of these certificates, principal and divi dends, the title without incumbrance te one thousand fifty-ten new all-steel coal cars. Standard specifications, will be vested in the Trustee, and will se remain as long as anv of the certificates are outstanding. The total cost of tliis equipment is 52.000,000. of which 20T. or $400,000, will be paid in cash. Equipment is te be leased te the Pennsylvania Ceal and Coke Corpora tion by the Trustee for annual rental sufficient te cover the semi-annual maturities of principal and the semi-annual dividend warrants of the certificates. Pennsylvania Ceal and Coke Corporation lias no funded debt of its own. Annual net earnings for this period Hat three months estimated) after depreciation, depletion and amortization reserves, but before Federal Taxes, averaged $1,251,322.49. The Balance Sheet as of September 30, 1922, as reported by the Cor poration, shows Current Assets of $4,305,337.62 (including invested reserves) and Current Liabilities of $1,327,817.90, leaving Net Current Assets of $2,977,519.72. MATURITIES 954,000 semi-annually May 15, 1923 te Nerember IS, 1927 inclusive 953,000 aemi. annually May 15, 1928 te November 15, 1037 inclusive PRICES TO YIELD Fer 1923 Maturities, 5.50 Fer Maturities 1924 te 1937 inclusive, 8.78 These certificates are offered, subject te issue as planned and subject te approval of counsel. Delivery it-Si be made in the form of temporary certificates of the Truitee, when, as and if issued and received by us. la i)i 024 venin Cn.il and Coke Corpetallnn at 3 P24 .prices te vied fi.iiO nor cent for ma- K.iiy sninc'di l i.74 5 (2; turiiv lUl'.". te !:I7. anil 5.7." for ma- T,"0 '" .,. I,clfl0 'LHtV";: f'- turltic IHU'4 te 1037. The cerilllcates 1 .. 107 10.... 107V Union V cv Is .....11..1.1. -...1 . i.,..i ...i .. .1.. Union P fdS4s ' Phllatle'phla plan. 0..... 85 i A new issue of $1,000,000 of 84 per Unt'd Dru Ss cent sinking fund geld bends of Lien 1.... 1124 Cellars anil Milrts, inc., is ticlne of-1 21,(11, Hard Shell limn Kartnlll 1 1011 iifrpla Mlnlnie ... SDMI Hill Tep Ncv Plic Sr Sli vim !!SSll!llCi tn atrilcn nri,..n,.ll,. .1 :.. , capacity through age, under" the rule one of seniority, but what Mr. McCermlck K-ku' . Des a..., 1074 Ri'Jlncs 6j 1,.,. I07i 03 iNth. S Pwr Ss r. 02 Kir.gi County Kl i I'.'d 4s 1 744 Klr.ner O II & Ce 74 1 3. 1 02 Ore & Calif Rs 2.... 1004 1.... 1004 8.... 1004 7.... 10O ..... .. iuil.in 111111 i-uiii, jiiv.., 10 ucillR 01- BineN T Pert Unfa Fuel ft ! fered at !7l2 and Interest te yield about ' 1000 Richmond 1 0.7." Der e, nt by l W. Chapman ft 4 Ce. The bends are dated November 1, 1004 Oresen Q Lln Impv'e Ss si 6s 8.. US Realty & jr,oe , (hlP November 1. l!ll'. They are iif,r.aaiianie ler ten jears ami re- 1024 2 ... 1034'tT r m.h-r s. ileemani" ;n wneie or 111 part en or a.... 102 Otis Steel 74 a g4 ulter November 1. I'J.I-, at 1O.1. U . . l'CH ren 2.....' RS4 A ceniiiiiltei' of stockhelili', -, of the L A. Mvr7s 2.... 01 UH nub 74s "heate Ul Cnrporatleii has nddr, sed a r ", ,, Vd' v.;,V"n 0,J " 108'- ,,,t"''' I" all stockholders outlining a L,,,u " " ,4,"' "?.n" A V T'.S tmli U .,!., fr ,lU.h,e of the assets uf tin. one et seniority, but whnt Mr. Mnpn.n.ini, ffflffiilaSunn"::::: H:i & '! dually has .lone Is te precipitate the lrien Indenend IyeaU ... 2n Sde 0e leng-ucierred party row ever the riuhr. 0000 Lena Btar Oc e 00 of itebcrt M. La Follette and William lii'c ! Ij- nern te succeed te the two most we Important Senate chairmanships for rile w,',0,h pJ,ch new hM b"t one mere step 2e te climb. He lie 1000 llutte N T 2Re 1000 Cerk Prevlnes , . .. 2(e ane Dean Cens ...... eja BeoHenrietta ., 'OJ 8100 N T Porcuplne . . . se ..,u iirita vai nn euaruns 5 nnit n , aii 1 ,. .a... , . . '- 1 SO", Elee CS IMInVl. L lid II In '37 1 01-, 1.... 101 i " ' United Btat-s W. A. HARRIMAN & CO. IMCOIIPOUATBD CASSATT & CO. iv v 4 We de net guarantee the statements and figures presented herein, but they are taken from sources which we believe reliable. oriinratieii when it is put un under .cceier.hli sale en November L'j. This L u j Hds" ii !.... iji, steel fia ' eliin piuuiles fur subscription by stock- 2 .... sei, I'ec T ft T 6s 1..., 102, 'inlileis te an issue of 7 per cent bends I.... seu 1 .. 1,7 31,.... 1021, I .ihiiii will be a lirht mortgage 011 the r. Ses? im m 5t U 1 J'"' 102Sl "leperty purchased. A total of jfiae,- e SS ,T.J,J ,0 VI 'n of tl.e bends is offered. xut N..h. 1 ' : : : : Si "'At IT - - "' suas-oeo of th,. pint villa Di Pac'Kurd Moter 1 oe, Carolina .lelni Stock Land Hank's r 1.... 10S Car co ha n nes, ' jier rear farm limn bends Is being 1: ... 10214 1.... 107', r. 00', offered In a tyndlcate composed of Jfnratl Sua-ar -' . 107Hi 2 l'0j . lliml-n. ".Mone & Ce.. Redmond & T ' l '' v 3'jii 1 net. ! i ,.,,.1 vr,,.i i.. x. rVi 1,1 111'H,. ...i .,, M,. ' -". " .".- y ."' ;- . "' ""'.' 'i accnieil inteiest, te yield aneut 4.t;ii te. imiin elk., if Dlv ... 14a undo Marsh Mln 1J 100 Masen Valley .... 1J lOOM'.therlede old ... J'i neon National Tin .... 2- 1 ,mii -vi,iiL ODhlr ... 1.0 . 2.. . . ,1 37e IVi Cu is, si 1-0 "S" :, tee Nlils4lne 2000 Ohie Copper j'.ne riny Hercules .... (100(1 Hex Cens HieO ltechestcr Sller . ft'jne Spearhead 1000 Huccess MliJ ;. i-400 Tnnupah Divide . . tinn ...nnnuh 1 .V tt.n.UlIl fl iTnneii.th Midway.. 10': H00 Unity Geld 4' 200 United Hftftern .. 14 Kine IT B Centliientai.. SSOOIVVst i;nu k. 100 Yulien t'Oia . nesns A, HI.- 7U(J e.i) 2re 20c OOe 72c nr.c 2'lc Ille I'C iv; 14 12c ?' 37c IS (ic IM 7e 4Sc 7c TOO DEPAKTMr.M' OF l'l III. IC HllUiTU DIKKCTOK'M (IIKIC'E CS4 City Hall Philadelphia, October 2T, 19!t Bealsfl proposals will be received at this office until 12 o'clock neon, Wednesday. Neirmber 15. 1US2. when bids will bs opened and scheduled as rollens: CUHKAU OP HOHl'lTALB U4TII AND WNK BTS. rer the construction uf n bulldlnt ter tubercular women patients, Includlaf Dlumblns, heatltnc and electrlcal worn. Fer the instuiiauea ei a steam sttrlimr. !;! CHILDREN EAT RAT POISON i.WSiiT.tc:." for ,h.-"Labe;8v0vr.ri 2S(j I Hpcclticatiens, blueprints, forms of pri 2'.'e. Orehana Herns Inmii.. m...i.. i oe3als and information relatlvs te th for ;.', r -v" mi.iasse K0ni may be hud upon application te Phlll 37c PewrJ.p 1nt Rsn.. no' , New Yerli, Nev. 13. Six little rirls 'J-, ; 1 Inmates of the St. Mlelmel " Orphnn is j Ifotne nt Oreen Ridge. Siateri Island. V4 ' .,m' ? Vex et rnt Poifeii ,esterdav i,V while playing around an ash barrel near tne Heme. 'lliey thought it Ves eendv HI 7. ,0" and ate it. One of tliem died last night w, limner is-net expected te recover and iiie inner lour are Ferieusiy m. The (lend child was Mav I)nr( t 100 joe ' years old, and Elizabeth Appleby.' ten H. jnhnHeu. L'm.i urchltrct. Presser lillf., 171:1 Hansom hi. Hlds f nun ethers than thns engaged or established In bus'ness for which propeuls am iiHked ulll net be entertained or con sidered, Hlds are Imltnl, subject te future appropriation by Council All bids must b. accompanied ty a cr titlrtite fiem tlie City b'elicltnr that security has been furr.laluU In accordance with ttis prev sienu of the erdlnanca of Councils, approved May 25. lS'iO. The Director reseries the rlcht te acMsl any proposal. In whele or In pert, or tejict all the bids, as he may deem bc-t for the ls terest of the city. When n bid or acire- .nn nn. A r.lee ils.ien ioe inn ears eiii. and ,ur.aictli Annlehv n ..,, m nt 1,1,1. ,...,i n nut., nt ttnn. it m loeoo Am Bm u lief r m .J m )s the one who is net expected te live i necessary for a contract te by enlerid BOtieAlumlnum 7h. '25.1 MJ, less, irnj, , f , W VO ,,,,, ,,,, ,,, Inferinaiwn irm m i-rtiiiTi wn "in, s--j t j t - -j .. n no An-Amtr Oil 7V.S.10.1 l(i:t 10S. . 'Jill! police 1 .. ,'i I B7', '-.. P7'-. r. ... S2W Va-C Ch et t.7i. i 'a ltd en Vfi 3 pe1. 1 .... !'7 1 Mi. VsKsvCe Market Kt Illy l' K tin I'll 1 07 Vrw.. .,,..! ,.. ,. I,..,1 ,ln,A n.,,1 T. .I,- 1 IVI 1 HI I" lJ,lll'l!ll HHH I'll.. I, 'l.l I mn lati r. fiiii 1 enu 7 f'l S'I'-j V A S Wn en 10 M .'! mi, j H24 e f"'1. P'-nna II II :i Wabash II d 10 M4 I-... 100'; 1st Ss 1 nr, &.... loon, 3 os ( '.'O'. 1 -. l',ei. 1 li (iip. ' ... loe's 2 (S 7 . .. 1,0'j l'i rii IM H'-.i fi (,8 Marland O.l I .. lmt' Warner Sugar ct 7'ja I'enna II It 71 Itef'ir ss 1 ... K.'.ij 2.... lien ;,.,. tesn 7.... 10.', 2.... 110 I j.,., 10.14 Mk Petr'm Si 2.... llfi'4 1.. , 034 2.... 1013 I 4,... no iVH"n niee Os Marl'd Oil hs 3 ... 110 14 1,,.. 100 1.... 10a Puree. Oil Hs W'n NTtF tlch B Tel nV 2 . ., flO'i, It It 1st 10 00", IIMad'a Cem- 80 Of Mldvale. Etel & pany fd ,'1 a 00i Ord'e Cs 1 OD'iff Union n'-. J SO Pitt Shenan ft I..,. 100H, 4 SO 1 L nrl .is WestlnithB'e II M'd It II New 2 .... OnV ft Mfc 7s Jfrey Ss Punta Aliegra, 1.... 107 1.. . (..". Hiajir 7s I 1.... 107 Mil KIca Ity i (i . , 105 Vllsen Coin. I.'Klit Ka 'fil HwiJlnif Ce 4 pany cv Os -' or; 1 .... s.'l 10 00 I , .inn . 01 1, 11 r,,.., sa-i 'wusen worn- ...... .' , 1. ... p.l'H pany is, 'in I ,m nn- a: a Hte lleidlnir a Jsy n,,.. 100 Maris Is I ct'I CI 4s 74 6 .... 87U M Ksn ft Texlrtem Arms Os aji wl , 1 9ftU ! 8 (104 1. ... eai,; 1 Is OO'i neblbns M 7h . 1 "f (IC'i 10 084 1 10'; StL I Mt & 81 ' 1 (10U Illy Oi 20 HO'i 2 .... OBH cent therenftir. The bends are dated May 1. r.iL".', due May 1, HIM, optional after .May I, 1!32, but net redeecinable before that date. -import- of iron and steel into this country during th twenty -one dajs 01 Sciiieiiib'T. before the new tariff law list; 1 went into loree, aggregated tli.iIlM tens lis Thin was ."J per cunt in f, ess of tin learned the poison bnH eulrv at the efflcu of the city beiicltsr, ine "can rncine iis...,ie'S leif-, inc; '" seierai dajs age after a rnt ex- Director or tu. iwrriimt. leiicSS fia Halt r,M,s ejj, ., , ,,,. terminating company had been at Werl. 5?"albh i'iteius.i. wn.iJ niTStt r.0,,0 CopperUx S- 'J5 0r.S 1 IJ, 1, at the 10me. ".Vid at lloe'r 1 al. city Hall, until l ltlOOreere ' t.7..""in;. ' ,.-' i -J . e'elaik r.uen. en Neiemlwr 14. 102J. nl ""P" Trlli W 1 u, i m.aj. a...,. e.u, . opened at that tlme In Itoem II.IO. City lisll. -'.'i'J 'jr?.ndr.7i 7 1011 lni? ie-ii? McAdOO Boosts Soldier Benus Ker Mrnlslilnu- niiD and llslu and n- 40(ie;lulf OU 7..-...l j 1 . H j lr,.ll.Hn.. rlif v.. is ,T sary maintenance for iniiie and fur furnish. eoneHood "!'"; ".,; Sjjj n'.'2 n lTlllenen, Calif., Nev. IS. py. )ntf and ixtlimulshliiB the anw, sucn IHM 8O000 Inte- 11 1 H,.r"8'1J.1,' ,!J 1n ment of AdjUbtrd compensation te fur- 10 l" "su ''" Illumination of the strMtJi ii!5! K?n,"rV . rlV.: '.1011 it? ' mer soldiers and suitors at ihnZ avenues, beuievardH. bdewaik3. ., .t. ,ViMiir,lr. j Hteel ss l'l HO'a "00(10 Kan '' I' l Bs M' " ' ,IMl S!!S'(5!i .:.ty Tseni fls.ini 101 101' .'inen I'll r.ic--."jj: .": "'.. '"" of beneficiaries of the Fnnlnnv.M... Cumliep Tnrlff 11(11 irai n.,,,l ':.. .. Armistice Day address here by William 'd.Yers'iii neV"ihTnepart l..l.,.n. nn, I, .... pin. ,r lil.llnHlttlil.i. fruin .Innnnri lit te Derenincr )ii. I'.'.'.i inciumic. 4110 vn. ment Is. tin- anon vim f'i si i ': ; ;-.-1 ,'" , ;t ' .ui-.iueu, leiineri.v secretary of flu ib 0 te state tn amount ni money aiaiisn loon Bhef Karres O'is .''', 1, '-. Treiismv. Mr. .McAden .ln,.l,...l tl ..' for this work but .this adurtl-emviit .hmadii tela iiip..n. of August and h statf, 1""" S'VlW., r ii' ii.-.sJ i ,,'X iV? "hlieer livimei'luv" . .. .1 v . ,, "",l '""'ract win be awuruci sui.jei. . i 1 , , 1 1 lutie Helviiy " t-n ps .111.n1 ii'.iN i,iin Miei 1 npeciih 1,1 sav the Natien , future nuMotirlutlen te be iiliUj by (.a in the 11 ii Made te have been a larger J , south 111 7 .....!. l"'-", i:i cannot hear the tains 'imr, ,, "1 "11 illiperllllWl thill, ill llliy Single mouth llOOOH O k V T 25. . JJ ; -its, ln; "'' , '"....V ' . In "' '" W h,; Inltructle,,, te blddOH. speeineatlens snd hliiii. tin- hue elulitlrs Of the ImnnrtN 1000 H O N Y 71 M . 14, 1 ,41-. 10 u , -. h''ul''arilS are triinteU te private blank fuima upon which bids mut be mt. Mini' IOC lute 1'ij.niics. ui mi liiipeitH 1000 H O N Y 7 2S ...Ht'l', 1 iilj, lei illtereMts lit the expense of the neenli. can be ebtalni-d uimn nin catien at tM 111 per cent weiv pig lien, .(.. per cent moo h e N V'"aV"W i ..& ,s and for purposes which cannot be m enic of th Uureuu of LUihtlns, ltoem 330, ,.cn,p iron and various materials and. sjjoe e n v .. 3l;;i,S, i ,,,,,. cefSfullyP dePf2mled ' Cnm,0t U HW' tr n.n. only -1 per tent finished goods. Joen swift ft co .... .wis in', it 1 v nirei-ter. Arranyeineiil- for handling $02:.. lnim slft fc t'p Ta Sl.ljisS, ijijt, tn .. , Bn.n nnMn. ,,...... "1 W0.00U of war savings eerillicates of 1J"0, YBtau.'e'r s.1: 'Ss ' "'Iv! nr" . 0NDS WINNING $,,m.noe school iiihTMCT or Till! lfUS. which mature Januury 1. were I tow 8uif Bta,t" .' .'"', "4 Trenten, Nev. 13. With slxtv.ti.m,. Timn.hlii of I'lileieniiiiiii. sionisemur aiming who t fOBS 1 te-. r ,04u c,oct,en dlstrl"'8 e H a?, S'VWM said the v,ere in the hands 0 mil- ."o'rNeth'e's''. Sat 88 Kl, s,lU u"hear,, eiii the voters ef.V lir."'l.rrih liens of holders, "for thilr eenveni- , 0 KinS of Herbs 8s., 72 71't 7111 l apparently passed fw,... Keiiii.er.iu.iii. Wvc'y. Eikm Park, Pa., mr -i...kW t iri'i jin .... iiri 1 lit'. ir.i 1. i.nr nn n ..... . i. a .. 1,111 u .i.uiii. a ' ,.niT '' ''4 '. "II II IHUllUMll If) IRSIirt iiumi I t ' in a!! 00u wertl' '"nils for I. ghwnv . 1 ,"., ""- ui ... 1" .. nrnvn.ni'iii 'i'i. 1 .... . ""."'.'' ' ' Annua Meetings 2 !S Vllij U.owHaie:052 InfuvermV. SIVIK?'"' U.l". i'.i; f... r. ""' UU'IH once,- inc btatement sum, tne rrcas-' ,1,U"V v v ii i " " dry is elT, ring upeciul facilitiei for J 1000' Pauilsta Ity Ti .. rash redetnpilun or exchange into I 51000 itti of cni 7.... lr,Tn,V ;.'.""L.c,cFV,f!?l.e.s.. ?.f. .": , iS'u'SII 1iiuS"M2xc4V.c.,.,r. nn l'l I...II, lliuillillllh I'li'llll'lll nil I pri'seiiiotleii before January 1, 11123." l'reeeeils ,.f the forthcoming is.-ue of IJetielt l.dlseii 0 per cent debenture;) will net he uied te rellre present out standing debentures of company, ns re- ported in some of tlie morning papers posed. The Classic Cheer Leader -Byj.p, IT USED te make my heart kerplep Te see the classle dancers hop, Relchsbank Increases Discount Rate llerUa. Nev. 13. Dy A. P.) Ttis Ililchi. bank today Increased t discount rate from 3 per cent te 10 pr cent 100 Wilsen Com pany 74 s ll,... 105 Tin. autherled nmeunt of the Issue rni,.i. mnaeiilir dcxterltv JSiS Is Sin.OOII.OTlO. of which It Is estl- ?D T , Jtssv 1,,.. 104. ..,,.i i..,,. en arm d,w nn.i t rnn 1 Excited me te ecsiHsy, H... , 101i .,1, ,...11 .,- , '' ',i' luu,,,-! ,,,,..i.'. ,.' 1 1 ,.i,l tn pasn. I UBed te stare, Winchester II '".'"""." '" "V' .'..' ''. '''.".",. ,"'t : t.-.'" ' ,W. wn ild tenm nr.7;ri ,t- -. Arms Ce 7js lerins 01 niescnntum m aiiiciiaeiticrs 11 "" "v' 1.ii.11. 41. M " r, U. . . 103 1 of record N, ember 20. and tlie balance I Ami 1 waa da-iW by th 1 grace reserved for future use. j "i eacu wuu. - 1 -. bank ri fariner And then I went te football games BANK CLEAMINUS , yjllirp heroes climbed each ether's fiaun (lenriliss luuay vuni,..," Wlia OOr- fraWCB .oeo MT.MT4 I aaw a ri.peaaln.jd.jj ,ait twe.irii Ad OB thi H.JPlnt high, roil... lll'U,ugg,oe ITS.' tupe&deus guy MeEVOY With hinges in his vertebrae Ilia bent and twisted every ,vny, With ruler lu.nr . 1. i.i.."i-, " And hidden springs at ether points, And then the thought of Adelph Helm And ether dancers left mu calm: l-eklne, unnat (ind nifty stepper NiJInskv. full nf HI,,..U .,:.. "" l ,,tr M-t,iV,t,S!,t.,0f tl,Pm ""' Ml, "Ah I 'l.e think they gave mu vmu,v " Cemtinrcil tn Mm ,. ,...i.... . ' Who lead, yen frantic football cheen near, uumb and blind and paralyzed." me, v,v.xNr..V MKLTiNti or thi: m""; lini'ii'i" ct urn iire.iu eiriri -.- i.mniii.y will Im In hi tit th ntlUi' .' f I'eii.l'.uiy. Hiead stieel and dlranl A,JnuJ'i nn Vnlnfnlu) i:rnlnK, lleeeii.l'rr I J. " I u't'lerk, tn call the tlctlliei of W'')'1 and any ether business V.I1IU1 m M,B" tcferu the meet Itm. II. J. McC'aully, Sccrelarr. rhlladelphla, Pa., Neieinbcr 1. H1--.. 9s WKhT KSU 'IBUHT COMl'ANf. 3' Philadelphia, NevLtnber Slh.ll'-;, The Annuul Met Unit of lli HlecltlniIJere K the West Knd Trust Company lll ,w,n!, ut the fiillcn of 1 he Ceniiniiv. llri'sd tf"i and Seuth Venn Niume, Mmidii), .ef'1" 20tli, tWii at P! u'rleik noun. ,. CUAKI.US J, OI,lli:HT. Hecrctrii ?.r-"'riiV: Axxii.TiTliiKKriMi ei; T.?. i" 'IX; 1411,, 1023, at 51J Chutnut nsw -" ,'iintillumi.rt uf St. rlirlsleinier s -r i)liil for C'lilldreii will l. held Tuerijp .-luieinnir miii, 11 , at :.i Phlladelphla, at ViliO V, M irinlii. lladelr Uy erdir MWxceaj,, I V wi I .!' . i&tii sV'i4t-ft tn . ,. . hi. j.'.. sLr:iri-fss'.,rt..:i3i'ri