lS PW1 Wrfifflffiynm ii$Pf A': . "'. ; BTaTaaTaTMaTaTI$M t ,;,..jULaaj..A.... -.. .,J.' ft,-, N ,7?irgWgPT' w, hub 9 ssKsiam neas FTS FitvT THE STREET ... .i piliit atavtaA tin. -.T? nS: th. rweVk W, Will SKSl immediately beeatm lenteus MtU SS? buHlih. All sorts of possibilities ' Sm adranced as the reason f6r a Ren- SSneward movement of considerable SiUJSens. When the" chllHng news ranneune'ed en Friday with reject , !?!. Belltlcal sltuaten In the Near sUhrsnme'ellment Immediately be- , inually bearish and advised the 2hMe dumplnK of stocks; Irreapec w of their merits or otherwise. U Seme one took the teks thus thrown - some eiiv . stree rn,e avet. SI. Individual running a trading be. Jnt In a brokerage house pays little den te the merits of any par ' i.- ..mirltr or group of securities, i'buy. sell" wlSdry, often being Md I either by suggestions from an $ manager or by the action of the tap. Railroad Consolidations One of the factors In the rttt& rfuntlen which It Is hoped will lend assistance In the development I? mere favorable conditions 1 the pos. bMH of consolidations which will wrrnlt the weaken reads te be taken &jTby the stronger systems. 1 While the financially strong wad, are f averse te such grouping of activities, Hi" will known the Interstate Com Cem meres Commission favors such action, ?Bd therefore It Is retarded as likely itat constructive developments mny fnl iw Already one Important merger has fcm taenght te the public's attention, Sw doubt ethers will fellow later en Seme careful observers of the market lluntlen entertain the opinion railroad Stocks may be purchased at the present T.mIs nl heugh admittedly It Is any rtllread group, as a whole, will touch. Jt. nnnd Market Expected The feeling In Investment circles Is that bend prices are en the yve of a Sit .degree of recovery from the lower Jetton. This assumption Is based al most entirely en a feeling of money being easy throughout the remnlnderef the present calendar year at lenst, al though lest week rates were firm, It being stated demand for commercial ' ourneses Increased materially. Business throughout the country Is gradually getting better and the out out leek Is for a continuance, unless de velopments of an unfavorable character tnke plnce In the meantime. The Eurepcnn situation has, became slightly mere alarming by reason of the activi ties of the Turks, which were entirely unlooked for, following the recent agree ment with the Allies. Foreign Government bends are lr mulnr, influenced te a censidrnble ex tent bv the reactionary tendency In exchange rotes, franc declining sharply j all through the week. French bends told off te the lowest point en record and there was a heavy turnover In these maturities. Mere Government Financing In Sight ' Ever since the United States Govern ment 414 Per cent Treasury bends were put out a fortnight or se age, the trend of prices of Liberties has been downward. Such rallies as have taken place have net been well maintained and the dnlly turnover has been quite a xub'-tantlnl one. It is well known ihe Government will be compelled te enter the market again within a reasonable time for addi tional financing, but the manner In which this will be accomplished has net vet hpnn determined. Seme pre- smmsM& 11 A. - ST3 .." T-.TTTT". mm hi put bui a raen-itrzn note une rather than long-term bends, but It is impossible te obtain any Information in this connection from the capital. The fact remains the Government has large total of maturities falling due within the next year and they wlllhave te be financed through one medium or another. This doubtless will be gov erned largely by the money market as well as the condition of the bend mar ket ever a period of the next several weeks. Weakness of the Fraae The great mystery among the con tinuous foreign exchange problems last week was what happened te the French franc. There were any number of ak assffie'ii'isteifr-'' sTssilfcWaBei leek attractive." " . Nnrkamr. Heaaersea m Lstftt "In the week's conflicting tad at times con fusing variations there Is te be found llttle direct testimony which could be accented as indleatin an nniltlve or permanent change in the fundamental position or tne security maraets. xnere is stiii lacaing tne assurance or tne ac complishment of the adjustments found imperative te correct the ever-extended speculative account. The weaker ele ment of the market structure no doubt haa been te a large extent eliminated, but it is obvious the market house cleaning Is yet unfinished. Signs are present indicating the position of the peels and ether speculative combina tions are net any tee strong and the aj ate mere or less intelligent theories as tevttltude of the banking institutions re Jra?f Viih 5. wM..a0 ,"? fluted in the distinct firmer tendency of 9"9i ?" iJZr, S,L"' ",nu,d money rates foreshadows retrenchment mii ait .TlfiES W?1 of ,0n account. We are going te SnVLfli7.vWifh - .Ainf L.m-?dJelhav Prosperity inr this country" but it ?rMlii,rltViA ?fl0in(,i?lw,n take time for adjustments te be ?M .S3drW atlrtewJ . i w believe the market has ihm. In nnin. en S wi.v a .f "dvanced sufflclently te warrant a mn mn r&MfAeSt'm ne'fnt's &A i?r"d!en of iSng stock, and think the franc. Belgian exchange suffered ILJ th 2. a JTw . .Ce'iYi nnried equally, afeanwfille, sterling Is changed I f rfrrnafh .r,j $i2Bm PM P Ai . .id,, .nniAn tnnrC. n. .!... or strength and activity." enlv a slleht fraction, marks are down 3-10 en the week, and lire, which rallied te the highest figure en this movement, are, up nearly 10 points. The theories for the decline in French exchange Included a reiteration of the previous peller of the British treasury in utilising the france te pre vent decline in sterling, in connection with the payment of the second $r0. 000,000 Installment en the British debt te be made en November IS. Alse the confused, and at times somewhat threat ening, situation in the Near East as a result of the alleged growing arro gance of the Turkish Government. Then a pessimistic speech by 31, Leucheur was cited as .causing the weakness, together with the possibility that no reparations will be received from Ger many ler an indefinite period. There has also been a theory in some quarters that the British Govern ment might have been bringing political pressure en the French Government by strategy against the franc in the foreign exchange market. There can be no question but that speculators of high caliber were behind these and ether movements in exchange, and the prospect ef a French budget deficit JJJE .SEP1." ycar estimated at 4,000.000,000 francs would account for a geed deal of pressure against French exchange. It was reported that French orders for merchandise were being can celed in Great Britain and in some cases transferred te Germany. In French financial circles there was ap prehension that the pound sterling would rise te seventy -five francs, the highest quotation ever reached in ster ling with regard te francs. Brokers' Opinions West & Ce. "The months of Sep tember and October have each witnessed sharp rallies and subsequent declines In the stock market. We believe there Is new a much greater tendency en the irnrt of the public te play safe, and con cen ipqucntly leek for a smaller volume of trading and less violent fluctuations. "We adhere te our recently expjgaesed opinion that many stocks are at such low levels that purchases can be made without undue risk, and that ethers nre being held up by manipulative tac tics and should be avoided or sold en bulges." Hiecker A Ce. "Disappointment eyer the election returns has been the chief factor m the market In view of the fact that the radical clement will have the balance of power In the lower body of the National Legislature. Al though the new Congress will net meet for a year, threats of bonus legislation, attacks en corporation and regulation of railroads are causing much uneasl- THE TKADEH. ACQUITTED, OF "MASHING" Elderly Privy Council Clerk Fined $25 Wlna en Appeal Londen, Nev. 18. r8lr Almerlc Fltz Fltz rey, formerly clerk of the privy coun cil, who some time age was fined S25 en a charge of flirting with women in Hyde Park was vindicated Saturday, when his conviction was quashed en npneal. Sir Almerlc, who is seventy, was. said by the pollen te have accosted sev eral women in the park after dark. It was noticed that when the charge was brought ngalnst him some one else Im mediately took ever his duties at the privy council because his presence was necessary at court. The question is whether yesterday'ti acquittal will seethe the Puritan minds of the royal family sufficiently te bring about his reinstatement. PRELATE ASSAILS K. K. K. Archbishop Says Stupid Population Tolerates Klan Baltimore, Nev. 13. Archlblshep Curley In yesterday's sermon severely condemned the "divorce evil," the Public Scheel Bill adopted In Oregon nt the last election, the Scottish Rites Masens and the Ku Klux Klnn for support he said they had given the school measure. The Archbishop said: "America Is becoming Mermen. I think I would have mere respect for the Mermen who marries, keeps and supports four wives at one time than the man who marries women in tandem fashion, discarding them one after another. "America, I think, has one of the most stupid populations In the world because it allows such organizations as the Ku Klux Klan te exist. "The Masonic body Is directly op posed te Catholicism and has at last thrown off the mask." Twitty-twe Yuri Aft la 1900 Philadelphia bends sold en a 2.90 basis. Today the City's 4 bends, due 1952, can be bought at 101J4, and interest, te .yield' about 3.935. A Price Chart and Circular will be sent en request, Harris, FeriistCi Pine it, Car. WIHIam NIW YORK PHILADELPHIA OPFIOI WMener BeJs Telephone Spruce 7040 m NBSBBSBBBBHUPjr ., H SPf! I II II TZ'rT. tWA SSSSSSSSS1 I III I l ''-'" - - - '. -. .-r- ..... .MJ. rr. ' j .' ' 'i. '. '.i '-. . i .jiw ra-.vasrr-y.r: i .-; ,.-v.n,t.1w.-,.y -. ,. .--..,,,.., , Iff rr , u iyf v '-i ''Vci NewJ$tm $1,000,000 efcijjW? SPECIALISTS We eaake atapaselaUa anarket la all luuee of ' UNITED STATVS GOVERNMENT CURITIlt COMMERCIAL TRUST COMPANY Missfcst Mtral Rater SyMtss Clt Hall Square " Lien Cellars & Shirts, Inc. (Oldeet Brand ia Amnim) First Mortgage Twenty-Year Six and One-half Per Cent Sinking Fund Geld Bends DateJ NaTanabew 1. I 22 Dm rleraaabsw 1, 1P4S Nenmailable for Ten Years Xtdeemble in whole or rn part ea or after Nevetdber 1, 1932, at 105 and accrued interest apea thirty dayt sartWelni notice. Regiaterable aa te principal only. Interest payable without adduction for normal Federal InceBM Tax, net in excess of two per cent Permeylvanla and Connecticut four mills tax refunded en application by resident holders. Authored $1,000,000 IemW $ 1,000,000 DoaesniMtrooa $1,000, $S00 aa4 $100 Principal and Semi-annual Interest (May 1 and November 1) payable at National Bank of Cemhesce m Nkw Yesjc or The Mancfactuxexs National Bank or Tbet, Taesta Mr, ftmtk R. Btme, PrtMtmi ef Uen CeOars 5 SUrU, tne Us nmwmiud tkt eti at tvuew: with raaeect f law Cmp$my, icrsTFAYr&trsrcar- Bend NtlKMaer te SAILER a STEVENSON r Mrmhfru Phlla. Wtaffc Ktfhanay. MONEY Private investor can obtain large return by leaning; $26; 000.00 te manufacturing; con cern. Ample assets te secure principal. ' Business is a prosperous one, Bhewing large possibili ties, will pay reasonable bonus for this lean en one year's time. Meney required for actual orders en hand. A 721, LEDGER OFFICE ii'ikiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiillllaj,! wnwiwinnsmnnnnnnfimnmfiwiiwf 100000 MAINand COMPANY 1 CertHed Public Accountants H TlMAMce Ann riwiDuii AfitiBu uuatjuuuuuuuuuuuui NEW ISSUE "Exemfit from all Federal, State and 7W Taxation, excepjtng only Estate and Inheritance laxes $1,125,000 The First Carolinas Joint Stock Land Bank (North and Seeth Carolina) 5 Farm Lean Bends ISSUED UNDER THE FEDERAL FAKM LOAN ACT Dated "ay 1, 1922 Net radeemabk) befera Ma 1. 10512 .....-.. . 2JW-Wite Cipea and retiaterad bend. lntar.ha-.-Ki. -,.,' aa iNfcasA j.a.-i . - r -----b)-w nBmaumuM AK HUtmry: The United Shirt & Cellar Ce the immc "" diate predecessor of Lien Cellars & Shirts, Inc., was incorporated in 1892, being a consolidation of several companies operating in and about Trey. The business being advertised and nationally known . under its trademark name, "Lien", rather than its corporate name, the title of the present Com pany was incorporated as "Lien Cellars it Shirts, Inc." Its brands are the eldest in the trade in America. JEarningtt The Company since the original incer- notation has had a successful record of earnings, as shown by the average yearly net profits, before interest and before inventory losses adjusted for the years 1920-1921, but after depredation charges, as follews: Fer kat 30 years an average of $203,979.31 Fer laat 25 years an average of 224,124.11 Fer laat 20 years an average of 238,335.58 Fer last 15 years an average of 252,209.94 Fer laat 10 years an average of 298,325.44 Fer last 5 years an average of 416.39M5 Maximim mmml hUemt chtrgts en thit issue, f 65000 Manufactured goods new in hand or in process of manufacture all of which are readily and profitably marketable are carried at cost or market, whichever is the lower. Based en orders new in hand and the demand for future deliveries, the earnings available for interest are estimated at about $300,000 for the next twelve months, or equal te ever four times the maximum requirements of this issue. Security t The issue is secured by a first mortgage "" en all fixed assets. As "shown by the bal ance sheet of September 30th, 1922, after giving effect te this financing, total assets equal $3,039,616.20, or ever $3,000 for each $1,000 bend of this issue, and net current assets $1,557214.28, or ever one and one half times the total bended indebtedness. Sinking Fund: Prevision has been made for the T retirement of this issue through purchases in the open market prier te November 1, 1932, and thereafter by purchase or call and publica tion at 105 and accrued interest. Mmnmgement: Manufacturing has been under the m same direction for many years and the managers are recognized as among the most effi cient in the industry. The sales department is com plete and well organized, being under the direction of men nationally known in the trade by reason of their long and successful records. Products are distributed from eight centers, with the executive sales offices in New Yerk City and branch offices in Bosten, Baltimore, Cleveland, Chicago, St. Leuis, New Orleans and Les Angeles. Fer mere than thirty years "Lien" products have been accepted as representing the best in quality and manufacture. Purpete: The proceeds of this issue will be used for the retirement of current bank indebt edness and providing additional working capital suffi cient for the requirements of a $5,000,000 gross busi ness per year, whkh is the immediate schedule of operations. par and (May Heeds, 11,000 each, felly regiaterable. Canpea and reciatarad bends ... accrued interest en May 1? 1932 or any faSerast dataaaaCfLSplwiS ?!?!!:? "-frg"" a 1 and November 1) payable at ChSLicaT Naeaaal TtaakTrlewer Joint Stack Land Bank. ChJ37 alllu VS,,??' Tb CareUnaj , wmu vanMina- nee betsda are declared te ha iinlimiiaalaliiiaa mi that Cnramma.1 e the United Stataa, by an Act of CetlaTaaTVrUeh w2Sma3 te bothcentutioShr d UaaKnd. Court of the United State, rendered February 28, 1921. These bends are secured by deposit of first mort gages en farm lands, or United States sbends or certificates of indebtedness. Pledged mortgages are protected by an equity of at least 100 of additional land value. The Bends are further protected by paid-in capital stock carrying double liability and paid-in surplus. The Bank operates under a charter granted by the Federal Farm Lean Beard which approves all leans before authorizing the issuance of bends against them. ' The Territory served is one of the richest, eldest and most thoroughly established agricultural territories in the United States and is recognized as one of the most desirable fields for joint stock land bank operation. HSJSFl Carelina8 J0i,nt Stock &d Bank ii rSSSlJ an "Ty 8trenK management, numbering among its Directers: A. F. LEVER, Prudnt, who, aa Representative in Congress from Seath CareUai, wm aiaaatbw a4 th. Heuse Agricultural Ceaun f" iKS d 2 1 P5P MATTHEWS. VJc-mMit. President of the Palmetto National Bank of CehuablaTtTc. H' !v,Set?0tVTr'm',!fmr'JenaaT Senior Land Bank Examiner of the entire Farm Lean gynj. K W,n.MNCAN, Pntidtnt' "" Bank of Lumber W BSSSfh. frc." National K M:.ilUMPKlN' m""0 ""PWa, who for thirty years have been engaged m tbabwaaSntiM I Fam Lean mortgage mmUe We recommend that bends for investment emd offer Me tame rjbjttt te the approval of att letm metUn by our attorneys, and further subject te delhmy U m if, wken and atterned. Price 97.50 and interest te net about 6.75 per cent. A P.W.CHAPMAN&COL 115 Broadway NEWYORK 116 S. La Salle St. CHICAGO dnKf wff$fWStwH thou stathtks, vhMe net guaranteed, keve been med by m m the Purchase of thorn and have been approved for publication by Uen Cotters & Shku, In7 , til Jurisdiction efthe Fedaral Gevarnmant and Acceptabia ma Smemritl for Peatal Savtnge and car tain ethar Dapetita of Government Fund Wa otter these bend when, no, and it ieeued and received by as Price 10216 and accrued interest PTe yield about 4.66 te 1932 and 5$, thereof tr HAYDEN, STONE & CO. REDMOND & CO. WATKINS & CO. SttttaMafej mmae sWi. fat est tsersaNal tat Art Hut mm Ufumilia hUi as as amnts sa4 missis art um vkWs w7aMt7l7 tksTSmlftasM xnfe n m uUu , AACH STHCET DDD MARKET STR ULj nn in Hn EET MAIN OFFICE FIRST NATIONAL HANK 3B Chestnut Street SERVING WHOLESALE OOCERSr. DRUGfcvnaDOCZ TsHDfiS UNSUSAWCB. TRWSremnON.SHIPPTNO BANKING RROATs CTDDCr Arnm. FIRST NATIONAL BANK ma Mnsea Streets .. SERVING SSJP BUI-D!N0 SECTION Atrr SHOPPING "w voweiLB. KAILROAD , .S, . ,-Liyeg.yrAitr ' e 1 EOTu I ISI IKl li 1 H nn WMNUT STREET nn STB fPT I iMflMVXt U U LJu iladcLbkia I I -fl im ' " CaWter W --isaaamwamJ NeL 4m ' Cd II n i hi 1 rL I i fsiy t ii1" Uiua: "3 ll a- il eryincj n I OWLWiWk n I I I NATIONAL BANK OF PHIL AnPTDUT a BAYUK BROS. lit i Ml Pli. ttNki Beuaht Sold Quoted Stene Presscr & Doty GE0.A.HUHN&S0NS 810CK8 A BUNDS UtiN Court TdS.' MIS Wa Wahnl aa NEWBUR6ER, HENDERSON ft LOEB MvnbtTB Ntw Yerk mud WW Walnut St Graad Rapids k lad. Ry. 2d Mtg. 4 PRICE TO YIELD i.SOr. l H , m 1 i a & m 1 i VJ ril j ,h Is 'I' tk. - I wuuaa as, a. i. aaaem tlU J . Vf'l b$s . ' i --.-- wii mt. r Litf i ';& n SBF. -. dAlfii ..aMMttsm iXl A-l, v !.i. rt.-tiTs -i .!.- Qfi WftftSSaaiira F, j, yjititrnj. Hti a kva j? m tMmmLwmmmm