Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 13, 1922, Night Extra, Image 21

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.!' si. .'
. i...Mnr!h' nrlcklyltesti eaemi.
staling, and ether skin disorders te
fetch babies are mbject can be quickly
Subdued by Reslnel. Apply this pure,
seething, hellrrf ointment te the al
Jected parts and note hew aoen baby's
fretful crying atepa as its cooling touch
relieves the itching and burning.
Xtttnsl Smp '" bbr'lMlr kMW
With a long coal strike just behind
lu and a long winter just ahead, the
tsk of keeping every one comfort
able and contented is by no means
an easy one.
The great problem is geinj; te be
Ihnt of distribution, nnd it scorns te
Bs that it will rcquire nil the con
sideration, nil the courtesy and nil
the service we can possibly put into
It te meet the requirements.
With its many branches, scattered
for and wide ever the city, the
Kmerican is in the best kind of n
ositien te knew and serve the needs
fa large number of customers.
We hope te meet these needs in
Such a way that everybody gets ab
solutely fair play. We believe xe
(we equipment, capacity and inten
sion sufficient te insure this.
Se, it will only take a moderate
,mount of understanding and co
operation from our geed customers
te make sure that no one suffers
from hick of coal and that no ene
L .
Washington Bsllsvet Wrong
Opinion Fermtd Frem
Hughes' Spsech
Bv AttieclattS Prtti
Constantinople. Nev. M. The Turk
Ish Nationalist lenders yesterday ex
pressed resentment ever whnt they
termed 'American interference in
Turkey's Internal affairs contained In
n note received from Secretary of Stele
Hughe. .
i.I.,.,Ci.Xn.,,enB)'st ,en,,er" "M" Partlru
inrly displeased ever America's Insist
once for the maintenance nf-jnpliuln.
Hen, which they declare must be
snapped forever.
I egnrdlng claims for Indemnity, thev
"imii.T" kcy Jceu,(l net "wen wPen".
sibillty for damage caused American
property by foreign Invaders.
TuJJy. J"' declared, always f.
.,irldii1 tl?,hm f ,!". Straits e(
the Dardanelles, provided ndcmmte
guarantees were given by the rowers
hai such use would net imperil Turk-
JlrtSrVrLVr, Ke,mn,i',t "I'therltles as.
sorted that American schools would be
accorded ample protection, but that
they must submit te Turkish laws and
.,,innr.liU"h nmJ A"lf" cycles deep
Mitlsfnctien was expressed today that
Secretary Hughe,, had taken the op-
pei'tuillt.v te clnrl'v thn nffl.iUI ..l...'l-
of Hie American Government, but regret
mim evmeid Hint the United States vns
net iircjiared te identify- itself mere
closely in the solution of the difficult
inuiiiuiiin hi tee .cnr jiast.
he reached the gibbet, however, an
angry mob of women pounced en him,
attacking him with knives, stones,
clubs, tearing at his clothing .and
slashing his body and head' with cut
Insies. After a few minutes of excrucl
sting torture the victim expired. His
body was dragged through the streets
by the Infuriated mob and exposed te
fiubllc gase en the scaffold for several
leurs. - ,
The editor's death has caused -re
found resentment nnd emotion in Cen
stantineple, where he was known ns
one of Turkey's most enlightened and
most impartial citizens.
Penn Honors Memery
of Dead Football Here
Centlnni frm rase One
third quarter, when Lang was sent Is
at .qunrterbanJc. In the last period
i.ang tackled the plnyer running with
the ball and was burled under his team
mate. He una unable te rise as the
ether players get te their feet, and as
Mien ns the seriousness of his Injury
was discovered he was rushed te a train
for Philadelphia.
Operates te Save Life
Tack Keogh, the coach or the fresh
man team, wired the hospital te have
nn ambulance meet the train nnd no
time was lest In getting the player
under the X-ray. It was found that
the fourth cervlcle vertebrae of Lang's
spine had been dislocated and was
Pinching the spinal cord. Dr. Charles
Harrison Frnxlcr. eminent brain spe
cialist, decided nn operation wns t.ie
only possible chance of saving the foot feet
ball here's life.
At midnight Saturday n week age he
made nn incision nt the base of the
neck nnd removed the dislocated bone,
relieving the pressure en the! spinal
cord. The operation lasted for two
hours nnd forty-five minutes nnd from
a Mirglcnl standpoint was successful.
Lung wns paralyzed and unable te take
ether than n local nnestheHc, but after
the operation seemed te show itnmedi
ntu signs of improvement.
1 1 nad been thought a bleed trans
union weuiti be necessary ami n team
. I 7rT"Tr7" T. -" - -. , 4 y. i, ,.,
William n. Orange, whd.wss tires!
dent of the Philadelphia Stock, EscMinge
in December, 1021, testing that of let
Mcndenhnll had appeared before the
examining committee Chandler had
expressed his satisfaction with the man
ner In which Mcndenhall had outlined
the situation.
The next witness .was P. C. Kirk
bride, who nlse wns a member of the
Investigating committee. When asked
by Mr. , Gllflllnn concerned Menden
hall's alleged Statement of the $ 1.177ti.
000 raised, 'the witness replied thai
no such su te hnd been mentioned.
Mr. Gllnllnrt could net get him te
admit that Mendenhnll hnd said thai
Clark., Chllds & Ce. hnd misused the
Start of Trial Delayed
The trial wns delayed for nearly n
half hour today by the lateness of a
While court officers were telephoning
In nn effort te leente him, Itichnrd
Miller, n Negro, SHOO North Sydenham
street, the missing juror, strolled un
concernedly Inte Judge Stern's court.
Milter, a mechanic, explained that
his automobile broke down at ft" o'clock
this morning while he "was In the coun
try. He was ordered Inte the Jury box
nnd his case held under advisement
Held Unaveldapie
Bes-AHe-V.' astei
Br-.,. v.
utr'i" gfflprfl shy
Catlnur4 from rase On
that'the Republican Parly can move se
fnr te the left as te satisfy In Fellctte,
llroekharl. Frasler. Hhipstesil and per
haps Nnrrls. Hewell nnd Hernh. I'.very
move da nued aims te sntlsfy tlie inriii
ers and Increase the Influence in the
iinrty of the bloc led by Senater Capper.
Possible support en the farms Is te lie
cut, If -nneslhle. from the bloc led by
Mr. I.n .Follette.
A ulirn nt tin. imiiniiilliiir Westertilr.ii
Hen of Itepublicnii Party control is the j
iniliire or the Knstern unnsern
business men, Including Secretary Mel Mel
eon, te accomplish the appointment of.
(leveriinr llnrditig te the Federal He
serve Heard. I'rcldent Harding Is
nillicr nu fn- l..ut nu Ml Pnlll 101'
ilii' new IiiiiiI n f i lie ItcNerve Heard. '
The farm blpe, in this Instance, hns-.
wen. i
Hennlnr Mr-Cnrmli-k'M Intter oil the
seniority ystem of committee appoint appeint
incuts In the Senate Is net te be tnken
tee serienilv. Tim IIIIihiIk Sennler has
a K'iiiiis ter the IlineliKhr. Hern of u I
tlliu'ritlllliiit fiiliillt liu L'linU'd ImH If! I
get en Hie front 'page better than rtny
one ci.e in (he upper Heuse.
Whenever be docs te Kurenc reports ,
f'lnrenee Wllllnm.. ulm wen irenernt collie back Hint he 1" II spcclnl emissary
inager of Chandler Hrethers & Ce. ; f he Pri-ldent. lie wji !
mnnnDer of I'hiini c. Ilrnlhara I'll.'"' "" iri'iiicnr. lie wuiiif inn, "-
for five years
a,MM.I Tl.M HhM. tll.l t.1
with 'liabilities estimntml n'4.000. ' P lf with the .weight of all the ideas
wns recalled te the ' Seimt.. with his hamN behind him like
failed July S.". 10J1. Pelern ami with his head bent low. .
Questioned About System
It cnntnlnx. He steps slowly wrapped
I.. 4l. n.i-1.1
And de net forget that Mr. McCer-
.. I.!... 1 .... ... . . ..
V.1SIIIII2IIIII. .nr. Il.llt. l I, i I ""' " nn.vrruij M..1. .1 ....- . '" '-tf "! ". -' ' ,r .1 . .. m. ,
The impression apparentjv nrVvnll lnate ,"' rc",n'ncd at the side of the tificates from Hie mnrgin certificates
in Censtnntinnnlc nnd rellecteit v ; "V,u,,nB..lnu,c rcuui IO !-ul)l"-v l.M "?
terdny's news ,lisin..l.nu Vi.. ;. """. -lewever, i.nng siewmi sucn
- -' --., . ikiiiiiiiiin miiii n tutif ui hi. t.
alter the operation that the doctors tie
. - -- .,..',.,.,..
1 niicu Binres hns nent u new note te
..hi mic regarding tne .cnr Knst pence
remanent wns said at the State De
pnrtmenl today te be bned en a mis
uiidcrHnndlng of the facts in the case.
Department officials said the only
American communication en the subject
which is in the li.-milii ..f if..,,. t.i.,.i...i
Hristel, American commissioner 'nt Con Cen
llailllllc'ili'. 1m :i rnnv ..f il. .,..,
(if Amerlcnii position sent en October
. .1. III.' lllllll III .'III "'II.IA UlitlxnM''
te Auibnssadiii'H I In i in.- n, :..i. ...i I
i.ti.i "' """ uini
cided net te make the transfusion. hundreds of shares. Te leek nt a cer
Following the operation, Dr. Frar.ler tlficnte. one couldn't tell whether it
fiiaycd by the side of the Injured boy was n free or a margin certificate."
throughout the night, a thing, his as vmUin 'sn ,wn..f
HOelnte nn hn elnff ..r it- l...nlfel .. ' bsplalns 80S ACCOUnt
Judge Stern questioned the witness ' mlck Is every moment of the time a
.i,.i tk ...,. nn,nt..e.i i uilliin candidate for the iiresldencv. lie tuKes
sleck certificates deposited with the ' ,,1H. ambition seriously, which, is this
Urm only way te take it If you want te be
r, ., . , . A, i.,. itci new. ills strutting seems tunny
Cer ficates were sent te t he ceshlcr s 1 ,,, , , , f f ,tf
"cnge" as received. Mr. Williams wild. . iUIMNMMHH, ,, it
after their receipt was recorded In n T,n i.t.r was- written before the
cash book. Ne marks were placed en ',,ir,.,en rPsll)(!i .c,imenewn; In fact,
the certlflcnte-.. he said, te distinguish , w,n McCermlek. who was mnnnglns
these merely deposited from these given ' t. Hepnblicau vennterlnl campaign,
as collateral for margins. j was Impressed with the size of the
When an account wns .short, the prospective victory of the Admiulstra
witness continued, the mnrtlh clerk no- Hen forces.
titled ether departments. The margin . , i-viirtln nnd llnmli Tnt-set
clerk's record wns the enlv means of ,,'a ' c"cne. a.nd "ern" Targets
Identifying the free or unpledged cer- .. ,""" unueu nieuiy aimed at i.n
nte. trem tne mnrgin certificates. """' "'"' """ ", ""i -
Itnw. ninnv cerllHcntes uvre re- tcr-Htllte (nmincicc. Cnliimlttec of the
celved dally?" the Judge inquired. ' S,,lm,c .n1",1 who. under the seniority
"Frem fifty te 100." said the wit- i ,1,,,'1 W,M. s"Vn l,p if,R 'halrman. nnd
ness. "Tlie cert I cates renresentvu ."""" ""' " e'i"i me i-"fs"
Itclatieus Committee, and who may leek
fi.rward, If the rule prevni's, te u sim
ilar piometloii.
Se fnr as It tins nny effect it will be
the opposite from Hint Mr. McCbrmiuk
he hns never been known te de before. "Whnt was the Ne. "i02 account?" j Intended. It will bring mi the question
Doctors said yesfcrdav Hint Lang's asked the Judge. "t seniority npiieintments just nt tin-
physical condition wns perfect nnd that , "Thtit (represented certificates sold by i time when the radical blur will have
he fought a brave battle for life with Clark Child''. & Ce. en forced sales," (he balance of power In both houses nnd
the odds nirainst him. i Mr. Williams said. , i) held up the i.i-gMtii'iitleii until it
Almet (emple'clv nnrnivycil he smll'-.i Heplylng te Assistant District At, obtains the lepresetitutlen en com-
and asked if he would be able le play terney ex. tne witness said the firm , niittecs tun it iieMres.
lift Off with Fingers
V y 1 A
.. .i ..i. i.
Admiral Hristel. in common nidi -" Hi's team next year. Complication. i--" -" i "" 'm,rK,. ...,.,...,.... ,, ,,: ,,, v
diplomatic represei tntlves of th te ' '" n,,,l although up until Thursday Jehn W. Fry. who was margin clerk ' u," ' P"bubJy have written no letter
eminent nt ether capital,. hnS nutheHM- Phy?lclans had a slight liope that he for the firm, wns questioned about the j "' ",r '' v dlfterciit one tnmi Hint
te mnkejire of his com- of the ?ni,i "dRht pull through h.s stngth besnn free and the margined securities held " '." ,,",,""ll-v "11- " "!. " betl1
memelre" and it "is "isBumed he I I X fa.' -day the doctors knew by Chandler Hros. sides pi He fence in the radical-con-
done se te correct mi "nnnreuenslen n thnt llls dt'a,h waa ncar- In ""'l"' y" took care of the ;M'natlv. ,iBi un wns i.r()Bi;l.?sivr.
a ...iJ. t". """"PPreuensien as . , ... .. . fi . ,.-., . , , ,... . ,,,., s tlunigh he unit the imitv in llil" He
In the nricinnl nnli1tain .1 ,i.. I sity. visited the hesnitnl severnl times
American communication in Ktirepe ! ,lay "'t0'' thc accident nnd then
some of the points emphanixetl bv Secre- l,vilT' ,0 5r- and Mrs. Andrew I.ang.
tary Hughes, including the iWiiimtinni. i "' IJInghamten. notifying them of the
regnrdiiig the capitulations nnd in !,wi."fnt- , They hurried te Philadelphia.
demnity, were emitted
arriving Sunday night, nnd were at
At about the same time garbled nub- ""H1" l'0",'l '""dside when he died,
ntiens were said here te have been ! ,i ,''v;,'t.lliB l'e.lMe vm done te save
ide abroad of Secretnrv IIiiBlie" I lh" r!,etba" Player's life. Physicians
renin i ks in his sneech nt H.i'ti..i .tn,.i
itig with the American altitude en Near
I'.astern (tuestlnns.
It is believed in Washington thnt
these incomplete accounts, purporting te
give the American viewpoint, have been
in circulation In Constantinople nnd
tnnt Admiral Bristel has made use of
his discretionary authority te publish
n correct text of the "aide memelre"
ami perhaps te hand a cepv of it te the
Ivemnlist authorities.
There Is no question but that the
demand of the Turkish Nationalists for
iilinlitien of the regime of capitulations
Is viewed with concern in Washington,
although State Dcpntinuui officials have
been reticent .in view of the complex
nnd difficult situation in which the
amen governments nnu themselves in
free stock cu'temeis?" asked' the Judge.
"Yes," said Fry.
Prosecution and defense wrangled
ever a point of law when J. Heward
iieeer wns catieii te testlryr. Sir
ui vn Iimh twirklh niht mlti'Ant. But
linrd work' le Mart nt this MfM."
And Sheriff Thaxton resents' the Im
putation of radicalism.
"We are no anarchists down here."
says the Sheriff, nnd for n moment the
ntnlnble crew's feet nt his eyes harden.
"We nre Just regular people. And
we will give these men a fair trial."
"Full- trial," however, in Wllllnm Wllllnm
sen County spells "acquittal," In the
guarded opinion of Herrln's chief of
police, Ernie Herring. lie did net go
in the scene of the riot because It was
out of his territory, lie is reticent
stout youth, pleasant, who whittles
''I don't approve of mob rule," hi!
says. "Hut If you were in thee men's
beets, nnd somebody was grubbing your
job, wouldn't you have done thc same
thing? I would, 1 used te be a miner
And Corener William J. McOewn.
before whom a jury rendered n verdict
blunting tl lne operators for the I
massacre, indirectly suggested the snmc
"We've been criticized and lied nbeut.
hut I did my duty." He Is n lenti. i
brown -faced mnn. with brns.s-rlmmed
glasses and yellow teeth. He chuckles ,
" inl beside, everv knock is n
13 Badly Injured
in Trelley Collision
(cnlinufd from P.if On
fused le give his name, escaped almost I
certain death by Jumping back into tlie i
cer when he saw n collision wns in '
has swung one way and the ether since
lie has been in the Senate. He has -i
geed deal of radical sentiment te reckon
wiiii in ins own suite, especially ini
Chicaee. Yeu cannot tell which bloc!
The Federal Micet car was badly
damaged. The reef was partly tern
away and the front smashed in. Per
sons who saw the Occident sav the car
was traveling at such speed when the
crash came that it continued half n
block down Federal street before
Traffic Held Up for Heur
Traffic en both Sixth and Federal
streets was tied up for mere than nn
hour while the p. I'. T. wrecking ar
heisted up Hi" mcrturncd car and
..Infil'Hil ttin Irnnt'u V.iI.I,hh 1. a....
..... .. .., n, ..T-,iiici II liur lilt
Federal street trolley was able te pro
ceed under Its own power, and both had
te ue iewei ie tne enr darn.
Meanwhile a long string of cars, filled
with persons en their way te work,
stretched out along both Sixth street
and Federal street.
The lire iilurni box struck by the
overturned street car was completely
demolished nnd hnd te be replaced. A
police box was ule damaged.
..'Ien 111 111., .ni. ... !.:..!. ...... .U.l.1.
.... ... .... ..a,, ihikii iii.-. iiruunDiy
due te an overheated meter, was quickly
extinguished befete the firemen ar-
nveii. ii inn eniy sugnt damage.
After being detained at the hospital
n short time several of the injured per
sons were discharged. They were suf
fering from cuts, bruises nnd nervous
Quake and Tidal
Wave Kill Thousand
were in constant attendance at his bed
'.uie. tii room wns filled with beauti
ful (lowers sent by his classmates. The
Athletic Association snureil nnthini In
j giving him the best of treatment. Tues-
uny it was thought that Lang would
rest nsler If n water mattress weie
provided. There was none in the hns
puul and officials of thc Athletic Ax
nidatien rceured the city until one was
teiind. This was only one of the many
Jhings done te show the University's
love for Andrew I.ang.
Jesiah II. Peunliunii. nctini Prnmti
i ine i niver.iiy
Itches wns attorney for the Chandler ' Mil nrnuck will belong te until well.
Company receiver and later for the ""' ""' -peciul session which will bej
trustees. (iiilleil net spring. He owns u line herd,
While nctine fee the tr..slpe ..ml , ''". ..,'h,l,1 '.'n,.1''- A 1,!,.,' hllii
in advance of n hearing held by them. "V 'i,H ,;"s.'-' wmiiii he n
.Mr. Keber summoned Mcndenhnll In,1111 " admission te the fnrn. bloc
ClmndTer te his office. They made . , ' . T 7"
stnten.ents concerning their business ! KXDeCt ACClU.lt ttll
e trust " ww
of Herrin Miners
which were turned ever in the
tees. Mr. Iteber exulnined that he eh
ll.il.Pl1 till. klntamnn.u (-. n.i I.a.im i
whet-ens two or three weeks would have '
been required te draw out the same ' 'entlnufd from Pace On
i.i.......i.ien ej- crossiexaminnuen ue- Us nn ludient en of their neint nf view
fore the trustees.
Trj- te Seek Immunity
Mr. Fex offered in evidence the sta..
'They are net all miners, hut the ma
jerity ei them are union men.
"Practically all the county officers
said State s Attorney
Cuntlnued from Pace One
eter the central meridian e- the solar
Tlie sun spot made Its appearance en
November S and was the largest ob
served this year.
At Valparaiso. It was pointed out by
Hear Admiral Martin, director of the
r.nvy meteorological service, that the
earthquake came just as the conjunc
tions of Mercury hnd Jupiter nnd Nep
tune and the sun were approaching, and
he declared this was significant.
Already twenty-four bodies have been
.'-vuw-n-vtw-ft-n 'i'whhvh. wm i
tr.Uk.M. " aMMI . lul'):
MIlOTI. IIITIV W-3 V-r Wl. H1V1B 1irM-
President Alessandrl has erdensJ tne
various Oeverninent (lepartinents.tu tukn
nil measures possible ler the relief of
the sufferers in the stricken districts,
these most sorely afflicted lying between
Coqulmbe nnd Coplape. The Nnvy De
partment has sent ships along the coast
te aid in the work.
Antofagasta". Chile, Ner, 13. (By
A. P.) The city of Cejilnpn wns de
streyed and the pert of Cnlders 'wns
greatly damnged by the tidal wnves.
The waters cut off nil the electric
power, nnd Hie pnpulncc. were terllfied
us tliii city grew completely dark. Most
of Hie cemmerctnl section of Coplape
wns carried a way by the waters and
the pert of "'hnnnrnl wan destroyed, ac
cording te reports which nre just reach
ing here.
F.vcry kind of communication line
leading Inte Antefagusta hns broken
down, and there is no news from the
pert of Coriulluhe, severely lilt by the
disturbances. The people herp are cnlm.
The sea continues rough.
Ceqiiinilm. Chile, Nev. 13. Hly A.
P.I The pert of Coqulmbe 'was
nttnkened ut 11:5." o'clock Friday
night by violent curth shocks nnd In
a few mluutc.s the populace wns run
tilng nbeut the streets In terror, only
partly clothed nnd seeking the nearby
hills. The panic was incrensed when
the electric lights went out in some
parts of the town.
Coincident with the shocks- the B;y
was illuminated by electrical discharges
and fires broke out. After thc first
shocks the sen receded for n consider
uble distance and then swept bnck in
an Immense wave, extending from Ce
iiuimhe te I.n Serena, fi'vpn .miles te
the northeast, flooding the town nnd
the whole const line and doing much
The tldai wave added te the terrors
of thc people, many of whom cried
out for nid. Again the sen receded
for a distance of 300 ynrds beyond the
low tide murk ; then seemed te gather
force nnd enme back in an immense
tvnvn estimated nt 100 feet ln height,
which completely destroyed the baquc baquc
dane quarter. A number of big light
ers were picked up like chips nnd cur
ried beyond the railway bridge, which
is five blocks from the low-tide mark.
Valparaiso. Chile, Nev. 13. (By
A. P.) A curious feature of the
earthquake was the tidal wave which
occurred two hours later. Indicating a
terrific disturbance beneath the Pacific.
Tlie waters were first sucked away
from the coast nnd then hurled back.
This phenomenon was repeated five
times at Antefngasta before the equi
librium of the sea wus restored. A
similar occurrence took place at ether
Itenr Admiral Martin. Director of the
Navy Meteorological Service, discussing
the earthquake, said it was significant
that it hnd occurred just as the con
junctions of Mercury and Jupiter and
Neptune nnd the sun were approach
ing. The conjunction of Mercury and
Jupiter occurred st 1 :30 Saturday
morning and the ether some hours
Buenes Aires. Ner. 13. (By A. P.)
Slight disturbances were again noted
yesterday by the seismographs In Buenes
Aires. They were of Chilean origin.
Washington. Nev. 13. (By A. P.I
The American Red Cress hns taken
steps te extend nid te these stricken by
the earthquake In Chile. Cables have
been sent te two chapters of the Red
Cress, one nt Santiage nnd the ether
ut Chuqulcnnnta. asking what aid is
needed. The latter chapter is in thc
utevince of Antofagasta, near theaf
fected area.
The Chilean Ambassador, Sener
Mnthieu, conferred today with Jehn
Barten Payne, president of the Red
Cress, relative te relief work.
. was much moved incuts made te Mr. Iteber. hut the d... ", mv b Auerney
wiien ne learned or l.atigs death. "! fense objected en the ground nn net ,," ' '.-" T""' "" T,mng n"!n 'V
urn very, very sorry ever this news." I of Congress protected witnesses hefn.. ' ,lllsrlf '" nn' a m,len man- '' don't '
Dr. Peiinln.ni, y,M. -'Andrew I.ang ' s?ee In taikn W S knew what I nm going te de. This riot .
v.us one of the finest boys that ever se of their test n njnln thJ In ' wnB '" n rfwp n rnsP f cold-blooded
matriculated nt Fcuiisy vnnln. In tl... ..:.!. ..ii. "unienj against them ..,.,.. ... Mn-.j.ptirs n-l.!.0 xm. Ti,r
. ..-- ----"" !... ,1.1 111 111. I -. --. .. ......H ...... . A..v. ,,
CiaSIOOm llllll Oil tlie lirlllnttc Ul.l.l h .. ' v.fl. n m.n.nrrannn.1 ni,n.iilii!.. -c.
their efforts te work out a peaceful showed the finest sort or character. "r- nvsued that the statement f ,.,. from ai counties In the vlcinl' '
solution at I.nusnnne. He was frank and courageous in everv- wns mnf1' ,n. M.r' Iebcr "" " e the.,,. (.euniies in tne ticinl-
, - . T. ,liinP- Tlle niu.'y which resulted 'in i'1"' ""' tm,t ,'he act of Congress! ' ,0 snl,j0). .,m,r I
Paris. Nev. 13.-(I.v A, P.)-"The his death was one or these nccidents ''"' n". "PP'y- Mr. C.ilfillnn insisted ''n knewTs I'm ,elnr te d mr
conference is adjourned, yen sny? Well, which might happen te any student, hut ,"',f,,1',j:' f,,l,p 8,n,,'n,nt must .!.. i,L vv ' A ? ilfl y
your governments are assuming a grave though none tb less rcgrettnble en that ''?. ''.''"'JJ- "' J.vldcnce. Judge Stem S's Vrterne? ami I Cf T SI I
responsibility." " iicfeunt. He made a brave light agnlnst udnJ'-'d ,'he entire stntement. f. ",!;, 0"'j,; " ?',, IMptPt ,0 bp
.TIiuh spoke Ismet Pasha, the Turkish ' death and was courageous te the end. ' ..M',:ri", '?' hat en December ' , '!,,?" l et tl,ese caies "P t0
Nationalist Foreign Minister and head ' exiimple in life nnd Illness was an I -;'v -"V0', ' j was told by the defendants ' ,'",' m,' , .'' ,,,,,. . . .
of the Tuiklsh delegation te the Lnu- ln-nlrntluii n his fellew-sludents." thn Clark. Chllds & Ce. had sold se- ... '' ''?!. ',) "tv C11 '"'lay spent a half,
! , .'VJ .,... .. "'...L"'.."'..."' Chandler Hrethers & Ce. In Aii.iV.. 'llt pre.-erutinn. He kimtvs most of the ,
bravely. Tlireuuli the lern hnms n-i..n ' TKKnte . the securities of customers . "vn ln " 1,"!,rI: "Is searching ques-
......... i.-i... . . .-. .i" i ti.nl ii nn. t.e.1 ...i.i liens ns te iv iciner tiuv i.nrn fl,i
ui-iiii. whs iieni in ine nnm.icn. ir mm .snei.
snnne peace conference, te the fiirelsn
editor of the Matin en benrd the Orient
I e.)re.s.s en which he wns traveling te
1 1.nunii!ie.
i "I tell ion it is a dangerous pro
ceeding, ' Ismet continued, "because
!ou cannot easily held an entire pce I
inc. un enure nrmv. in tun nrnnnrn
uncertainty of an armistice. There l''n"S Raid her son's cheery smile gave1
are no uermnl relations between the i '-"cu. uepc for tne nest. IJeth Ills mother
Defense Wins a Point
. ' (vintiuiiii w-i s."vii I Hi"
heesn"t hurt n hit! Drep a ' vprs an" ns am' t',,, whole of our
linle Treewnie" en mi iiclilng corn, jM,,,i;l' being kept in a state of
Instantly tli.it coin steps hurting. ' '"."'lerable nervous tension.
then shortly you lift it right oft .
v. lh lingers. Truly: Ijnisanne. Nev. 13. (By A. P.)
nr druggist s,.! u ti, i,iP The delegntes of tli Turkish Nation Natien
" "frerwuie" for n few coins. nlM Government hnvc come te I.nu
siillieient te remove every hard wuine as victors, and their mood is
"in. soft emu ,, corn b-iw'een the wholly different than that of the crushed
'"". and the r.illiiM.. witlinnt representatives of the Sultan who het.
gen ter mercy wnen tlie nc.ny of
Skill I AC It'll .Ixnfl A.I Ittin.t ... ...
Their lender. Ismet pnsin. ben-ts of '.Vf ,n?.c'1 ,,ln, ,!"?' "w '"'l'"l
'import trem the Hush , in -evleis nml , "" .."."" reinicii.
reipss or irritation. Adv.
I f . ' ''Z"ii -... j'. ri i
i . - ' i
and father seemed te realize the tin
aveidabllity of the- accident, nnd ex
messed their appreciation of the efforts
le save their son's life.
Chandler Jury Gets
His "Confession"
Centlnu'd from Pace One
Anether dispute hegnn when Arthur ll,lv,
I. Henry, nttnrney for I.euis W. Reycr. ''"
opinions cnneerniiiK the' Eiiilt of tlie
, defendants" biing nn invnilnble nfflrm-
.1. Henry, nttnrney for I.euis W. Revr.. Te expedite matters, the men ari
. .. ....ii.. i ... '....... . M. .'.:-' i.j r. ... - ... . . ..
.... wiiirii un n tviiuess. me indict- iniiuuen iii piineis ei lour, aim ciiattenges
nients en which the defendants' are en for cause de net break the panels. If
trial tvere based en nn affidavit bv Mr. " n'""'1 "'" fn"r Is gotten by the !
ItpvA. TliA 1,AH !... n.-i -i . t ..... .. .l. ,.n...l iii u. i! . .
inimri iiiniii. me I'niii. win ue unnueu
ever te the defense; Rufiis Necly. who!
wears glnsses, pulls his words and who i
knows nl lthe men in the neighborhood, '
examines for the defence. j
Judge Hart well knows many in the
panel. He calls them by their first I
Yeu nil Knew Heb Carter." said
the Judge, "lie's net tit te serve. He's .
Itever. Thn Inner hail inn .h...l ! .'
t ...-. -- 3111111,-3 111 jt
railway stock -with the firm. H0 man
aged te obtain the stock nftcr the fail
ure. Hgning an agreement net te prose
cute. i 1
Mr. Fex offered the agreement in
evidence, but it det eloped Mr. Hmv
had net personally taken the paper te
Mem enhnll .I'liii.i.iini. c... ........ '.."
1 .,,.,,.. it - '.v:r""v " ..""' "'-
l.........., 4I(. i-uiiiu I'm
...iii.teu in ,i. im. ...i,i..i. ...... "Wlint further stntement wns made' ."1" .... V. ' "'"" '.'"' i'lhh who (IIiI
'wen'r,u';r,v,ef1H!eV:,Vr "'M' ' ' " r'M X . Neeiy aeed te' K TteC'cffiS T
iSPr -WuVn SK 01 nnn - f":-' . n furinei, carpen-
r rv5ed'Jfrl TZ ft-fttft $L000J00 MISTAKE IN 'M n'Tn a unieT'SIX
' M "M, inniire." f'MJnrrD ininrm ene vw
"Hew mtipli sppni'liliw uapa inti --r-v-rfi s 1 uj j 1 w f
, ..
nreat hygiene is ,
vital te health
A clhan threat defies itv
lectien. Medem physi.
pKJtreyiig flctfc.
Jl-cscdclightlul little
rablcts dissolve slowly in
he mouth and release a
re-cnt, yet harmless germ-
kwc thai- mixes with thc
Mltva, thoteughly disinfeef
'"8 every fold and pocket
w the threat.
At all drui; stoics.
w.V,'l' m""""' AUrmThfUMt
"t-lv'u'. "I . iSil.Sl .N.V.Qi,
II '
II '
1 M J
Londen. Nev. 13. (l!.v A. P. 1
New that the I.nusnnne cnnfeieuce has
v liethcr It will he possible le maintain
HOW llltlcll sPPIM'tlllw HAI'n in.)
hciiKht back by them en May 1( nnd
'po'p'ened HSm E thcfollev.1,,,. ,;,,, Sir: l.x-.,sked:
"What did Chandler sny about all
Testimony given in a -nit pciidiii he f,'''i
fore Supreme Court Justice Wnedict In ""l1
iinii,,ii, iiiviiiviMK ine
lit 1011 Hint lie has never worked
in the inliii". he Is like uine-teiitlis of
the venire. lie has a ruu'cerf. bronzed
free, 110 tie. a inuch-wriiikled suit.
bis hands a"e Knotted nnd brown.
lln .t .1.11 iil'ilil Si. .,e u lllilKluil' f.11.,.
. ...- mi.". 'i .'..... ...ii. ,.11., .111.,
nntilirupt hi statins; that he had a detinite opinion
11 imi wit. Y.iiuiiiiit'r sii a ii 1111111 nn !. . ii. rt t. . ......
1.. i'..,.. .. ..nin I .. i... ....!... . - -.-... -' .-----... iiiinriinH it Pill n.i inai f '1.11.
Kc ter Hen of conimunlctlens has re" h.,.ii ..,,., .,.. ..... f New Yerk, revealed that a Sl.en.rn .V. . ?!"."'. .'r ,k.' ""-..V ... I"".,?A V".?.!"!!!)
Hiilid such nn ugly dtuatlen there that inents of Mr. Men.lcnlm I 'nu Ze ?" X "inT'n ' ' Ju .- .u . lis r ' ""
It is evident the utmost tact and skill He said. 'ye,, they ttere1 ith the ex L'i "efKI Toe" tn, L- L lt ' ir,n ' .n Hefme the exainliiiilhm of jurors the
I be necesHiny m prevent violent c.ptien of certain statements made by flVjHind with Hie ct?n.lu-Snt..,,, l'i.-".-uii.i ibiiihtcl clitlii mere wit
" . '," nt;, . ,- ,!,., n1"' "1'",1?11 Jri.liiH another pnrly " , n ", handler Brethers ,'1(sM.s , - uit.( . ,). anneu.,...d
'I he HrilUh (inverninent is insisting . and another flnn which they dlsasrced mi"nn 1. i. , list ,.f l.'il
fiti some cert of consultation with the upon." The nroeklyn suit was bretiRht by 1 ;rr jn ..hnrce ,.f the de
eihcr allies, either through persenal1 " Ite you recall a aieciiug of the Heard vv,fir,n,;i ,,,,i,"t Hi tirn.s ti. ,,.,P ,1 ... ", Ue j ,H ,, ihat iV
inlkN or. rnilhiK that, by means of 'f (iuvernera ten days Inter" T,c?,,1 Z s,"' , " wn,..a '""imr of, ,. ' ", ,.,., , "T 1, e
im.es in, ei'der .,, Icnri, cutct y tvhetc . .....,,,, , ..!"' fc Sll ."". .U'W " ' ,- "'"nnneumed H tinTready!
i,i(.ii. i.i 1111111 niuiiii.-. wi ..... ... iini-in .... - , . ... ; . -"".. ii 111,1
the conference. e"i ' made my report te the gev , " name. cepailneis in the Chandler
1 Complete iiki cement among the Allies erners then. Mendenhnll and Chandler ''rm s busiuc-i. The s,jt has been in
niid a iliMday of unity In Hie nature of 1 "''''' Present. They were . ailed, the ' Progress before .lustice Benedict ut
graiiHiig full authority te their fwin-, V 1 ' 11 . 1 " '" ami .Mr. .Men .'-". 1.. 1., ami in nroeklyn. jt
llillllilt'l'.- Ill l olistnniinepie te co-op I ,"."" "" " ," iiiiniiiiiue 111111 lit 1 "'," ' '.. "' iiKii-ii iii'iore. .Iiistice
crate In 11 11 v emergency would remove '""J" n"1 '"'' hnw It could hine been Hcnediet Nnicinber '2i.
iin.ietv. it h contended, and gunr.in "'jide etlicrwNe. Mr. Cliiindler agreed ' de'epb M I'rnsl,.iuer. who nprenred
tea Mnhlllty during the dlwussieiiM with wlt, Him. as counsel for the Clark. Chllds firm.
.hi. tiiiniinu ' ' "iiiiinirii 1 ne .- ,uiii 1, 1 nn 1 error innilc kr
I tie marcili clerk lie vnl.l . ' "J
1 'in 1101 .Mr. .Mellileiilliill tell
the Turks ut Lausanne. Without such '"' I'ross.exnnilnntlen
. . . . ... nu.'m
complete co-operation, it is argued lne ..i;
conference had better net be held.
nie 111111 nnu rniseu m, 1 1.1, nun ni .Mnv.
tDL'l. and did net Mr. .Mciidcnhuil tell
you Clarke. Chllds & Ce. were te huve
bought b.iik the stock" and that is the
reuien they took held of Chandler
Hros, h (.'h liusinesn nnd thnt they
uied the money for ether piirpOK-s''"
The witness was unable te recall
, iiu.tthtng of the sort. Vnnther member
Constantinople. Ner. 13. (By A.
I 1 Mi Keiiuil Ilev. editor of the nntl.
Nationalist ncwsinper hntinn, who was , 1 f the Investigating Committee,
nirctfil at Ismid en I he charge of sub- I ,S. Fnrk. of Htrnlfuid. wus culled
vei.ive action.. wa Klileil h,t 11 meb1 "Mr. Mendeiilnill," '.cgan Mr. Hark
nncr nnving 1 n ' " ' "icieiiiiicii . "utiu urn tiaiiiiier 1110s. v in. wei.
Ife was taken before (ienernl
te denlh
Nitrcddln I'lishu, military inventor of
Hin run. new 011 n tour of Inspection of
the Nntnliuillst troops nt IniuIiI, who
pronounced Hie death sentence drn
maticully :
"In the nnnie of Islam, In the nnme
1 of the Turkisli nation. I condemn you
1 te death as n traitor te the country."
All Kcnml remained passive, utter
IliHeltriil ; iliiii iIh nml mi!iI securlHcs
ami had had Clark, Chllds A. Ce. de
mi le enable them le make up their
marginal accounts te Chirk, Chllds ,;
Othei-s Tell of luulry
Mr. I'nrk coirebornted the testiuieiiv
of Mr. Middleton. hut Insisted that,
ns fnr ns he could remember. Mr.
Mcudrnhnll had net made a direct
for trial.
"We iiiiiinuiii ed we were ready lust
weili." s.iiil Attorney Kerr. "The-c '
witnise.s iiiil't imi lie accepted unles '
pi 'ctitiuti intend-, te tell us. broadly '
whnt the fiini in prove with them."
.lllile Main elt leek thc mutter ill
his own liiiii'l , ' When these witness. 1
cs nie presented I'll decide then
whether their teMimejiy is ndiuif-subic ,
or net." he said. 1
Marlen, the (etinty sent, is built 1
error of our mnrsln clerk the Chiindle. ",1""1"1 " larseuricK paved square, in I
llrm's necniii.i im ..h.I.h.. ... "."V-1 the center el this Miutirn W the cenn.
about S1.000.000. We sent them li Jle,,,,;,' ,1,ll, M',',"1"1 fl"01' ,lf lh r,,,l
el this, npd the mill. Is that thev hn ' J,,VU . tl--' ,,l '," eotirtreom. long
known for month', according te their ' '"."' lmr'' "lul ,,M-V l,.,,str,',Ml wilh
bankruptcy teslimeut. thnt our Ntat,!: "n" ' "V!1 "" ! "' "."nr Piward.
meats bad contained nn error nnd I , ,,mlK., ,,"r,w',,, wlm wears horn
they deliberately concealed the' ,1," '. rlmined spctin les and tin gown, rarely
'very ,,f thnt eirc f.-en. ,ls becnusl. ITI,mlns '', lli" , vel-chalr. lie b. hi
they did net wnul te shake eiti- ,.,. '.'wu '''elilei. When a ii.otien is hiihIc
hdeiice in thein." he records 11 in leng-hniid in n gicnt
lr. Hreshnuer said that nbeut n !"" ! "!".' I1"' ,,"rl 'n"" waif. He
week after the mlstnke wns isn,,.1.,..i u',"f' 1"" hench. nnd confers with the
'that account had been tcpleilshr , ,,','!",!',f' i1,1 iher tables. He h .,
In tiiiirglii just ,i nm,. 1,1, "7",v.,'lsli',htl built, smooth. ,uitcn man. who
Sl.000;00n." ' "M,ltr rnrely smile-
' Attorney Kerr, for the defense, tnet-eil '
YOUTH VICTIM OF AMNESIA I l'i'" if"mi1?' "'"' '" Mnri"' te begin
Suiiliui-y. Pa.. vv. iaJ:,,..?.,A. ,.1i".vi.n.',,'rmL.,,.,,"l',!''K. He.
hUBiBilm. ki. n.,.. " -"imnie 111 ih n grrni niim m 11 mini, wilt a geed.
I?.'.w?"t.n'" ntm young nuia natured round face.
:r::.:r:T.i.?"7"ir"Leu' n a. "What I want, te say first Is th.t
I in no rndlesl," he a-serted, "I'm n
"III Deceinher. 1!"0. n ,llt .
for the first time that thrnn.t. ii.'
of our margin clerk the Chntidler
passenger station here yesterday.
TO CPvEATE subtle,
kindly humor, te
cause two smiles
te grew where one
grew before te held
the mirror up te Na
ture's cheerful aspect,
is declared by the artist
te be his purpose in
drawing the "HUMAN
ZOO." "We are all
mere or less cageel,
even though some of
us are unmarried."
Familiar traits, well
known eccentricities e"
human conduct, gentle
digs at changing styles
and customs, are united
in this unusual series
of striking, highly en
joyable cartoons.
"'-- -- - -t3ss3fflUslAsJSS5Bl7SZMCSrf3BSSSSSSS
t,n?? " mAuRg0 Ctj Knnaas. in 1888. Claims that hii
tie.nd toward humor 111 nrt must be attributed te the fact
that he was born en April Foel's Dav.
A n schoolboy he attracted nttentien by chalk-slate
drawings for the Snlina Journal.
..ttei! P.rirp offered by AnuTicnn Medical Association for
:CiV,Medai3?TeZnl,bliC hPa,th themCS' "UbUshe" ?"
YerkuairS'Md inu00" N
Turn each morning te the Weman's Page
The "Human Zoe"
will seen become a habit
"Make It a Habit"
Continent frem Fan (me
eheuld be reelected speaker. J
mere than likely that the (Iruudy.l
era, promptly upon the return Of
I'lnchet te this city, will urge tne
(Hilary of Hnangler upon the Oerer
eicci. uriiniiy iraeerH nr inm "S'.'M
....nu.I..M nt tUn mmnhnmUtt ut.nlll.l tatfr.'
iiiii.iiiwii .l III. n.T,.v. n..., niiui.H. "-Wi,3 iTi
I.n .t.,lMliiiwl li tlinftA Mitln lt tUtt ftll. &J-?fvI
I l..J.. ..- .!. ..... IJJVS
nni.iu r. 1, . a, ...... a.,...... ..i.. ...v. ...... -.t..i
Menu iioiiilniitleti.Dini'o who eiipperteil, KiA
Alter nrc urnliiK "emc one from nn In- tff
tcr or ceuniv. wnn nun no neiiner .1
1 Ulifim.t.iM mil. W lit (! tinp. l&m
1 Coincident with Him "interior county, V3
iintt-v nitnker. niiii-panier" pre 'j
' (i ii 1.1 ni'rniirii iiiiiii.i 1111 miiiniiui' .
I iiiiimiiil nf tr.i.utii fi Inm I Ilia fltrnllntfttl. 'v
ity of State lteire.eutntive (leerge W.
I W'tlllimiu 11 ilfi nf Tl.iitfi f'.imilv. tp. (it1
Wlllln ii.u Iiiiu nflnii li.iat. uti.ilfuft nf It. .. f?
n.'it.l hi'svIiiiim fin- Hi.nnker. lint linn nevr )lri
1 lauded. Ill. boom wiim greeted wltl 'SS&jS
m'iuii n.v ine iirii.ii.,v ii'Uiii'. inn nriuvw ( .ufl
te lind faier in oi'Kiiiilziitlen circles, 'tfy m
11 .iiuiii .n. iistier, leriner nunc uiu
ini Coinml.tsiener nnd n friend of Mr.
; (ii'iiudy. should be appointed Attorney
Ceiierul. the stock of Mr. SpnnglVr for
I t'lienker would nt once rine. Therefore.
' many nf the leaders nee nu intimate
connection between Cnbinet npimlnl
ineiitu nnd tlie pregrnm or tne tJevcr
iierelect for organization of the Heue,
May Werk for Deadlock
If the Governer-elect holds off en
letting ills choice for Speaker be known.'
then the I'hilndelpbin delegate will
probably help te keep condltieim dead
locked ns a matter of Strategy by unlt
iti'nn n Philadelphia candidate. These
mentioned are State ltcprcHcntntive.x
Dunn. Sterling and (.elder, with tlie
possibility thnt the Orgnnissntinn might
try te win fuver with the Governor Governer
elect by supporting, ler a time at leaah
I Mate Representative Franklin Spencer
I IMniemls, an Independent member. 3
( CengriKinnn Vnre left this afternoon
1 for Wnshlnxfen, where he bus some
work te de en n subcommittee of tlie
I Heuse Appropriations Committee. Mr.
Vnre Miid nil wns unlet en the rinlte.
it" did State Chnirmnn linker. There
f wa. revival of reports tedny that Mr.
linker may reslun ns Stnte Chnirman
te accept the .?1I).0(M) office of Pro Pre
thnnntnry of tlie Supreme Court. Thl
possibility has led the leaders te tulk
of paying Mr. Raker n knlnry as Stalje
Chairman se as te keep him nt the
steering wheel.
.Tehn S. Fixher. former Stnte TtanW
ing Commissioner, was in the city teda.v
and clearly indicated te .lese friends in
the course of an informal interview
thnt he wns 11 highly receptive candi
date for Attorney (ienernl In thc cabinet
eg Gifferd I'lnchet.
"Of course." snid Mr. Fisher, "T
hnve net bee,u offered the pnt; nor hns
nny one with authority spoken te me 011
the subject. I hnve net the slightest
Idea what is in the mind of thn Govereor-elect
in the matter. My thought
I that we should all co-operate te make
hns task ns light ns possible, and net
hinder him with tee many su agent lena'
The nppearnnce of Mr. Fisher here
was regarded as interesting in the light
or tne recent geip thnt .Te-eph H.
Taulanc. former nsltant District At
; terney. wns being considered fnr At
torney General. It i understood thn I
some of Mr. Fisher's friends become
1 alarmed ever the spread of the Taulanc
I nit-
Governer Sproul Is expected te re
turn te thc city today from his post pest post
electeon vacation at VUferd nnd mny
announce the nppeintnient of a sue sue
cesser te the lute Judge Rogers. .Tames
Gay Gorden. .T-., arpenrs te be the
Governer's choice. '
ui'MH , if.
r!MS $.&!)(,
u. X. t
- U tl.X: f"jTt A