mwmmw riw 3fnmmw,7SBmm'iwimLmgss i I''rw.vfl; ... ..,.; T6WM.TMk;iiv.!i Ti 'TiV gyi iV t J irs; i8 li'flTf SB I I . I I i Nl, 5 km t ffl StiU 1 i- & h rimmiM CUR E FOR CANCER British Scientist Finds Intrave- & 1 neus Injections Result in Sev- w rai suggestive recoveries SUPER X-RAY ALSO TRIED Ntyvta vmyfru hh, v ri I'M w .)?$ &rZSJ---ZmlemmeMmm UaiaMMMilkMi I Londen, Xer. 1.1. Intravenous Injec tions of colleliluY combinations of lend, used for the Inst three yenrt by Prof. Blair TJcll, of Liverpool, In tlie treat ment of enncer, linve led te n ainnll per centage of "wrcscstive recoveries" In cases whti'li liltlierte !ml lieen Riven tip as herde.1-. Pr. Belt, who Is pro fessor of R.itiei'oleRy in Liverpool unt Tersltr, belici en lie. Ims nilepted n method which may. after several mere years of experimentation, lend te n treatment which may he termed a "cure." The theory followed by him started from the fai-t that certain nintnN like recrenrv and nntlmetiy have ft faculty t breaking down innlicinitit orennienis In the nnmnn nedy. i.cwi mis ieiik ncen known te linvn a destructive effect en, certain healthy cell growths e Dr. Bell's task has been te determine whether in certain combinations it mitflit' net be made te break up uuicr cells. . Out of a total number of fifty caeq ' treated ever a period of three years. feun nrn believed te hnve been cured and eleven Improved. The work in yet is only in a preliminary stage, for fifty- five different preparation of lend have j neen uei, mm no ceiiciu?nn nns jrc been reached a te the bet combination or done required te be effective without danger te life. PINCHeYlsSUirAPPEAL IN AID OF RED CROSS Praise Werk of Organization and Urges Rellcall Support Gilferd Plnrhet urge surpert of the Tied Cres rellcall in the following let ter: . ... "The -plrlt of true Americanism should prompt every citizen te respond te the appeal of the Ked t'rn. We nil remember the. valiant and lndls lndls jicnsable service of the Ited ("res in the war. That service did net cease with the fighting. The Ited Cres is till the soldier . frleml. 'I lie resources of Its treasury, the skill of its trained workers, and the manifold services of Its organization nre today nt the dis posal of tlintiKinds of ilnbled men mIie nre attempting te readjust themselves 10 a new order of life. "Mfe K s:i1't cerywhere becaue of ihe Red Cre. Our communities are jireteeted by Its vigilance in the can""!' nf health. Applied selence for the cure of disease, and . -tenia! ied fnrewnrn Ings te prevent It. are brought Inte our homes and schoolrooms by the lied t'roes. , ! "Wherever there is need and sutler- , Jilg, there is the field of the Red Cress. its purpose la te maki- W betier. safer li nd happier. That is why we nil ewe. It our sunnert. I urze ou te answer the Red Cress rellcall and ally yourself j with that great and practical agency . 'f protection nnd relief in America and throughout the world." i Canvassing for new members will be -intlnucd with redoubled energy today , ly the 2300 volunteer workers in 1'hil rdelphla, Montgomery, Rucks, Dehi- i vnr. and Chc-ter Counties, which comprise the territory of the rnmtb- ( fiistern Pennsylvania Chapter of the , American Red Cress. a wGmns Blue-jay te your druggist The simplest way te end a corn is Blue-jay. A touch steps the pain instantly. Then the corn loosens and comes out. Made in a colorless clear liquid (one drop does it I) and in thin platers. The action is the same, Pain Steps Instantly 11 - euexuiitti1 Sixty Cents BEOSINTCINO TODAT A tA-'lUX BABY II UN N V. K OK A PLATTUIt THAT J IT S T SUITS THE h I O H T NOONDAY API'KTITE CP THE UL'.SY MAN. TItF. QUALITY IB JVST THE HA.UE THV QUASTtTY IS A TRIFLE LESS. In Addition te Our tfsual Service We recommend this new Luncheon for thete laiie who meet in town before the matinee. cAFE' LUB1N " "m TMAx-a CTX WALNUT STREET ABOVE TWELFTH 1922 ATLAS With Maps of New Europe ' FREE Te the readers of The Public Ledger who take advantage of this offer new made m connection Webster's New International The Only Grand Prize '7KT "SS tloeMlM at the PasuMaa-racllle International KspetttlM was panted te Wbiter'i New mtrnntlenal and the Merrlam Herlei for tnpetlerity nf edneatlenalmerlt. VW15 Ji iVsssssassssssssssssV m U w iHVI m PLSAJhi Words of Recent Interest Ansae, m, barrat e, Hertha, bllfhtr, Ssehe, Balthetlhl, ramenflate. Lewli un. Liberty band, Hammy, asvtet, tank, war btida. These are but ft few from the thous ands of lata words all clearly defined In this Great Werk. 'Te have this work in the home is like sending the whole family te college" The only dictionary with the New Divided Page, characterized as "A Stroke nf Genius." "The Supreme Autherity'' lh Merriam Webster Ma5imni!5,?5!,2r?.M l,b'y n Dictionary Ferm with nearly 8000 2-KE? mattr,,u,vInt t0 tS-Voteme Kneyelapedla, all In LihrrJ n?l'?J"l. '""a PPer. bound In Itlch. PUII Red Leather or bn .SSS "hlTiJK en R'tTMlw Taper In strenif Kabrlkeld. can new nblaily twnw PebI" " en ,ne wlnt rcmark- The entire work (with complete 1922 Atlas) DELIVERED for $1. 00 "O sftsy monthly payment (In TJnlted Alates and Canada) en SUPERIOR INDIA PAPER Reduced About ONE-HALF In Thtclnm and Wtlit India-Paper EDITION Printed en thin, emnia, utranv. euoerler India rnner. It has an-oxcellt'iit prlntlna surface, resulting In re markably clear Impressions of type and Illustrations. What n satisfaction te en the new Merrlam M'ebter In a form be light nnd se convenient te use I This edi tion Is only about one-hair the thickness and weight of the regular edition. Stze 12H In. x 914 in.3c2K in. Weight t lbs. Regular-Paper EDITION Printed en strenr book paper of tha hlghf-st quality. Hire 1IH In. x 9fc In. x 5'i In. Weight 16 U lbs. Beth Kdttlenn are printed from the same platei and Indexed. Over 400,000 Vocabulary Terms, and, in addition, 12,000 Biographical Names, nearly 30,000 Geo graphical Subjects, besides, thousands of ether Rcfer enccs. Nearly 3000 Pages. Over 6000 Illustrations. THE ATLAS It the 1955 "New Reference Atlas of the World." containing 14S rages, with 98 page of mnps, beautifully printed In colors, Including changes brought nleut by tht Orent Wnr, New Census flcures. Parcel Pest Guide, eta, all handsomely bound In red cloth, slze Te these who mail this coupon at once! ": Springfield, Mass. G. & C. MERRIAM CO. m!?? iriibllihen of Oenulnf-Wehntcr !)!ctlonerl for eyer "5 ycniM riinp srnd m ttm of nil ebllcnllcin or eitiente a ropy of "IHrtlennry Wrltiklr." (uutalnlnir an imutlnit Tet In Pronunciatien'1 (with krr) n tltli'il "The Amerlran)2tlen of Carter:" hIki K'.t "Inlereatlng guettleni,'' Willi ri.frinpM tn their anwcr, nnd Hrlkln "Kncnlmllt CeleP'l'Iate" of the new tilnllnei. l'leite Include anerlmen vw "t India and Iteeulir paper xltli t.rtiK f jour l'CBtte I.kceib Free Atla eiTer oe Webiter'i New International I'iotlenary. VMrrw ,,,., .STffTk tatfsspaaawaajsi syfi vjty.evcf "i ' "I tW'jfi "fxfi. JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER, JR., , PLEADSJFORJDRY LAW'i Refsra te Violations In Addreaa te. His Bible Class .Veir Tork, Ner. 33. Violation of! 1 iiiliibitien lawn was nttributed hy . .lelin D. Roekef flier. .Tr., in speaking t. his men's J?ilile cliua nt fln Fifth i Avonne Bnptiet Churrli. resterday te n liresiimptien en thi part e ctti.cru t" Ih'ore which lav.N te obierre and which i break. Mr. lter,l:efellr enumerated the "four fumliiuiiMitnl nf geed -itlzen-f.liii" as work, tliiift, r'hpivt for mylierity nnd law and reverence for i .things sacred nnd holy. "The first of tln'v fuiulamentnls In ' work, jn.t plain, everydav work," lie i laid. "Werk W gettiag unCnthienabl', , AVhen work gnivt out of ctyle we may isppct clvlliatleii te tetti'i- and fall." 'l"he (.tend of the fiiiidainciitnl' , thrift Mr. Uerkcfeller mUI. had fallen into disrepute among the people. In regard- te the third re.p"et for l.iw Mr. Ueckefellpr f-nld he referred I te the nutherity residing In parents, i t achers and public eriicialH. i Mr. Rockefeller Raid that the fourth roveretice for thing that nre jarred ii nU holy was sadly lacking, specially ' in the modern attitude toward family i life. FIGHT TO FREE HEIRESS Dorethy Davis Gorden Still Held In ( Insane Hospital I Bosten, Nev. J" -The Massnrhu helts Coinnils'ileii wi Menial Disrae vlll cenduet an inq'iiry into the eom eem jiiitrnent of Dorethy Davi (..onion, heiress te mere than Sliiii.nOn. 1 the McLean Infime Hospital it 'verl. vliere she Is kept while her guardian William 1'. .Tarding, and her uiiele. 7elm Gardiner, of New erk. battle in the courts ever the queMlen of her contiel. (Jnrdiner l. Feeklng te lrnvi .Tnrding removed nnd himelt appointed Miss Cierilun, airerding te I)r. Fred erie H. 1'aeknrd, superintendent nf M"' J.ean HeHpltui, was u mental defeetive from birth, nnd sinee beeeming an in jnnte of the InRtltutlen has hud a vio lent suicidal mania nt times, has tried tn gouge out her eyes, bite herself, dig her flesh out ever The le.ns and strike nt nurxecj. ?em&m In i n 4 v !2fe r LEWISTOWN I BRIDGE UNSAFE Engineer Recommends New Strue-, ture Over Juniata Ijevrlstetrn, Pa., Nev. 13. .Tnme M. Leng, of Norrhtewn, l'n., a civil engineer, reports the bridge ever the .lunlata Iliver hern unsafe und rccom rccem iiiends n new structure. The bridge has licen In service since l'.l, when It was lehuilt following the ravages of the flood of that yenr. Shamekln Water Supply Lew Sliauieliln. Pa., Nev. 111. Willi water Jn the huge reservoirs the lowest In history, the Hear Valley Water (Jemniiny. which f-encs the' entire com cem miinity, including .Mount ("unnel and Shnmekln, today gave wiirning te con sumers that cure uii.K be uteil with the water and every precaution must be taken se that shut down of nuthracite mines, r-ilk mllln and ether big water users is net forced. State Police Get Convictions taneattter, Pa,, Nev, .'. One chance in n liuudred is what nnjeiiu has in escaping conviction if arretted by the Htnte nellce of Treen II. according te the. October report just issued, which Pi id 'A a r a m v CrewLevick MOTOR OILS and GASOLINE make your car's work easier if a! An Si . lUPVVVVaLLaak 219 North Bread Street tyQ niMi . mum aai -mmr m WUIW W " W Uim -saiiBsm"' 8(SJfflSigw i : m icKcccfecraas i a k v READ THE ADS ON THE CLASSIFIED PAGES 1 ra ASCO 29 HIP1M HM'al jWillVjTU VWWrei5 ASCO IMMHaMMaMaValaaMHpllaWiMaayatsUMt Ju$t taste the difference I Veu Can Save Meney fcy buying Ac ceflba. Why piy blf prictt tot etttf that eant cewpara wHh Aee In flaret and aroma? Beat thli In mind q Only en price; only one brand; only one qualityand that the beat. OSCO TEAS WWWWMWWWWWW WW lW V4- ftt 12c 23c Five Quality Blende Hkpkf HS,SSti Sugai- 7c Beeanaa of tha raccees of last waak'a broom speeial and in order te fire all our customers a chance te jet one or mere broema, we are continuing the sale for this week. Riplir 50c Refular 65e Regular 75 c BROOMSSii CUanlineu is a Virtue Herm it a Hit of Wath'-Day Nitd. tllna (for washing elsttiM).-. pfcg Btar. rtapmha rewasr .pug iTery naap ruin peg lie Irery Heap . 3 eakca aoe Yeunr Berat Bea Big eak la leung-e hhuhi rewatr VaanaT'a Hnap Chloe Bnbbltt's Beraa Seap ... eakea kkea 28' Wherm Quality Counts Spetlaaaly elaan dairies, aanltary ma chinery, experienced hands In the making, and contented oewa all go te make .SSyfltVa Butter ft 5gc ! Anett watt aaMtr aSS' thm finett you er tmtted. Richland Butter " 50c Batter than many bests. Purs creamery print. Don't Gamble! """ Buy where yeu kmew ciuallty counts. Among hundreds of article that we sell and that yeu can be absolutely aur of are our big, meaty, aelected 37c qtM&ui Eggs carton ef twlr 63c The pick of the nestsl Buy Where Cleanliness Reigns and Where Quality Counts &SCO Oleomargarine ib 23r iutter aubstltuts A pure butter i ex eur stores. bstltute sold In hundred Atco Bacen Dry sugar cured. psekag 17c OSCO Peanut Butter 15c This is an idetl spread en crackerg or bread for the children. They like it and it's geed fer'them. Quality Items mt Quantity Prices nckwaeat pVg 10c Paacake Fleer .....pkf 10c GeMss Sjre caa e Perk sad Beam 3 cans 25e Tkreadsd Cedfiik 3 pbgs 2Se Victer Bread The Qaallty Seaf e JUgnlar Van leaf V Bread Supreme E,:etBUr 9c Our master bakers' masterplece! Here's peme mighty geed Mince Meat for that most delicious of pies. Alt Mine Meat lb 21c Xi X .25c X O'Cedar PellsTV 1 9c bat PWal far f X. One X Geld Sea! Macaroni 3pkw25 Geld Seal Spaghetti 3 25 Take Your Scissors and Clip This Wholesome List MMWVW Tender Peae can 120 Aee Peas (yellow label) ....can 17c Choice String Beans can 12c Large Green Lima Beans .....can 18c Choice Lima Beans ...can 12'e Rett Cern Meal Ib 2e Pearl Heminy Ib 2c Asserted Jellies tumbler 10c Geld Seal Oats pkg 9c King Wheat Cereal pkg 15c Aice Cern Starch pkg 7c Aice Bread Crumbs pkg 10c Pur Vanilla Eatracta ....het 12c, 22c Choice Grape Fruit each 7c Large Grape Fruit ch 10c Asce Tomate Catsup big het lSe Asce Grape Juice pt bet 20e Asce 'Ginger Ale bet 10c New Norway Mackerel . , . .each 7c, 15c Kraft's Cheddar Cheese tin 15c Candv Slttrefetirnm V 8tSt Bitter Sweets 33" Asserted Mint Trinkets lb " 35 Atco Caramels ,h 39 Henhey't Kisses " 20" Chocolate Almend Bars Mh 4 Cough Dreps vbg 4 Aace Seedleaa Raiaina f Ac Pkg 1U Think of thee in geed home-made cin namon buns and rice pudding. SCC Hair Nets Single Mesh jic each Geld Seal Fleur 5-lb bag 12-lbJbagj 52c. The 'hlcheut grade flour milled. I.udrn'a Menthel J SyCfcjcl ets ,s Pfcas lQc Cake Specials for the Week N Strawberry B. Puff. RlltU C.m. C.Coeki lb .b 27 23c Hawaii a Sliced PiassesU em 19c, 25c Hssraiis Craisis' Platspyla seed earn 19c Red Ripe Cranberries lb 14c 'Delicious Plum Pudding can 30c Extra Fancy Glace Citren, - Vzjh 30c Orange and Lemen OCc Peel LO liars la dalteacr both nutritious and temptingly, palatable. Keiffer Pears 15 hit-can New Crep of Luscious Fruits Fancy Muir Peaches. fJ.. . 2Sc New Datea u 21c Big Sunsweet Prunea " 19c Solid, Juicy, Red-Cheeked Annie Jn,t P.rkH"c Tt for geed eaea. Baking Apple, 1 ) Selected dez O C c Eting Applea ...... OO Here is a List of Geed Meats SpeciaU for Tueday and Wedneidav Quality Beef Steak RUMP & ROUND '.V,WIHMA lb 25c Roast k 25c , .. 1... I . .. . .,lnriArU) RUMP OR ROUND - - . -j- All r... n..a cTii a i "v;"1 - ... - wei dinwn eieaxt. lb w. www Fresh Beef Liver, lb A I Prhc- j r " ;v ' ' '-' 'li aadsVMi FRESH KILLED jUWiVi ""i'i'irwiyiL c lMWW ?!!SU2!K ''"'" i n-ir , .n MIWW;'1" . wxwmmmx ASCO Hard He.d. Nearby CabbJTuru; WtMm aCa.iL. I Mil . .. '" ew rauseaiiaia a rj a. . u . . . 1 I n n A 51 m i. Fl 88 i H '4 ti nt' r i l it i 21 a Oil convictions out of .ml ut- anawssssaii wcm.w-7 ,, Minnir " amtn wsi aiarkeeji ASCO : -m At v T mmm0m Hr ''HMiY I J m