'..'." 'wa!aaaaaaaBaaiiiiiiiiw?fTys - x. irmbay: X X !GA A s ' PS. " RS . te K! i BT Pri IW ir sTO i 1 1 k i ii 1 II v -Si ? 2 j i -, i (!' Ml $ i$ .'ear J! I 19 ' itai I r It ii1 jjj r(J t itf r- li III m I imi s-.tw 8F 1 l. BU yi 'i fUMW llfttOVE I DELAWARE PARK; I0OO Visitors Registered at Washington's Cre33ing This Year, Repert Says NEWS OF OLD YORK ROAD I MAMTBMAKCB aNOlMBBM MASTBB MECHANIC Experleneeel In th eanttmeltan eperutlnna and maintenance! e( 'aieatrlal equipment, Induetrlal and warcheui building! and para t It n and repair of yawar plant and pcmer equipment. op ter poeltlen. A SIS, Ledger Office. Screw Machinessrj rreaucts rant or Assemeica a nicies Accerdlne le roierl jiit tnlmlntnil. tore tlinu Soen vMtur ii-aMi-reil nt the AVmlilnnlen'N 'te-iiii: I'nrk. nlenc the Dplinvnre, lliW yew. I'lnii li Hip 102H comniNxieii, of wliicli (Snvpriw Hpreul Ih tin' Iieml. itirltiilc niimireiis lipttprmpnts te tlip imtk eurlv wl jour. Tlprpntl.v tln StiilP Peri'Mi'v lli'iini mpnt. Stiite ('(illi'se. I lie !!tir!; County Turin llttirnii .'mil i!i" TJin'. t'.iinin TMhIi niul (t.nuip .Wm-inlluu Julrml in m forestry lfiiieiit rntien nt tin- purl.-. anil inure tlinn 1-00 trpp wpre plmm-d. T'lnns as fuiilinn(1 incin tlie tiltlmnti' dpvpteiiinpiit (if n purl nt thN point lvhlih will lutvp national -iRliitiraiH'e from ;tlip lilterir viewpoint. Otlipr nidi nsserintpd with fiovprner Kpreitl en tlie l!":i rotnniiien nrp former .tudjte Illinium Yerlp. DojIp DejIp DojIp tewn: t'lirrely 15. Villliiin. of Phil ailplphin; Arthur P. Tewinnnil. of I.niiKheritp: Samuel C K:Mlmrn, of T.ntiithniiii1: .IiiiIsp Wlllinni ". Kvnn. of Hip Hurl:" Ceitntv inirt: W. Out euro l!nelPtt. of K:i1mi: Still' Sen Sen aeor Clnrelire .1. P.ilrhliiiin. of l.nus l.nus lierne: Alnn'W. Hncsmhi'ik. of Allen Allen tewn: 11. V. rni'heiitlml. Jr.. of Uieir r'svllle. nml Cheviillei' (.'. f. A. Uahll. of Pliil.iiWpliln. Twenlv-five b'.i'ilipn unil pref'" rtii.il men of ll.'ithore, one of (lie DM Yerl: read Ijiiiiiiicli. nttended n "(ireater llntbore" dinner in thai . iteirb. di fited nil uncle of community better inent. and In Id the uueleu for forma tion of mi enjnliiz.'itinn whim villi pro pre mnlf h,iprt'ed liichwii.i. I::r2"r in-t! Imiier v. lien'-, winer Milrwnlk nnu bet -ttr .trert V'tf ti'15. TwrtiM fiw ILiptivl eliui'l' . I"' .11" In two I'llmt'ian eniintii". I'.utl: n'il MnntBniiiff.x are reprerntfil I"; 111" rl-htt'f'itli rnimnl I'oinenl'eii of the V.ux-.Mfit I'l.ien of linptNr Ch'irclie" In vpvtien today ut linIftewn. Twe liliMIlP" 'PW-Idii lire lited, thif a'tei -neon nml ttitilalit SnenK'r nt the eon een eon entien :ire th" U'v.-. Il-ilnli '.. Max -lii-rn. Allien V.. 11K V. S. H-ifh-V'li-li. Dr. .t. P. l!hren.. !'. I'nrke lli-imn nml Will S. IloiiKltten. 'Imrelit" M'prt'wnti'il bv m'mlrr!' n in I lie union and by iHi'g.ite- te the fonventien Ilie the l'.aptit e uill'PS.t uill'PS.t tlen l fated In i;leiiide. Ha'iiore. Weem!' I a"-in'e. Newtown, eitli V'nlt"-, t'n'vnrj. of "o:nlewi : "1 1 f . of Nor"i'.eMi : l"irt. of N'orri-tewn : Point P'ea-.int. Drelnnd. Xev I'.rliain. Slontf;emerv . .lenhlntewn. Lewer I'riv ltlenep. llil'tewu. l)'yleiicn. IavN--Tille. Coiihehoe!,pi. I 'old Point. P.ridse P.ridse tiert. Ambler. IlnHinsominse nml Jtribtel. Well-hiiewn women of eiumiinitlPt In lliieh'' County were -elrft ii nt the mililinl meetlns of Hi" ltunc- County l.eajrup of Women Veter- le he nflielaN iid dlreeler- for 'lie en-U'tur jeiir. Mr. IIiiRh H. n.'i-tlitirn. of HrUtel. wa elei'trd lir".!di'iit. and ether eflielaN nm: Viee president-. Mr-. Themas lle . Tloyle-tewii : .Mr- Wll'iiiin It. Stin kert. Newtewn: Mr-. K. K. I'ewnnll. Ith'li Ith'li Ith'li lore; seerftnrie-, Ir-. Wiliiain Per-l.iu-. l.nnshenn'. and .Mr. S. P. I.an lii'th. Hrltil : if".'i -liter. Mrs Henry t A. .fame.-. Iiejle-tnwn : iiii-inhei- of t!ie l.enrd tif (!iip"iiei . Mr-, lleraee Pffrls. Newlev.n; Mr". T. Sidney (,'nd ivallnder. Yanlle-. : Mr-. Irwin M. James and Mr-. William Mnreer lloyle-tewn: I'luiirm.m of I'inani'e Com Cem mitten. Mr-. I'ranlc 1. Iiman. ISri-tul. PHILADELPHIA ARTIST ILL J. W. Server Victim of Nervous Breakdown In Paris Jehn Wll'ia'ii Sener. a I'liilndflphia ruin who wfiil t. Pari in Apr'i ami uppiiftl a Mitille. iia bail a nervou nerveu tireakilnwn, aenuiliiis te lettpri received hy aterlate here. .Air. Server, who N f:'t.v ,"lir- '''' hail a -eimel and -tudie nt !." Seuth Tightcenth htreft Me wa- graduated from thi- Selinel of lniluitri.il Art in V.H14 nml then enteretl the Academy of the Fine Art. where lie attuteted at tention because of hi- iiinilt'rmi tyle In It 10! I he made bi- tir-t i rip abroad, retiirnins te thi-i lu I'.il" te re'unie hi- ilutie-- as prim it nl of the !raphle Sketch Cub. H mute te Specifications I PREMIER RADIO MFG. CO. S lOnn Ntrlti Rlh SI. 3 reltimlila .l" I'JJ HOMES WIRED INCLUDING FIXTURES 15 MONTHS WHALEN-CROSBY UP TO TO PAY Vil, tE0 - 'r- tiAlt aa.i . It"- Oinn My EtcBlnt : art. Afttrnoea E??n,lrtttM Tfllli the StVr"" . Thl wenderful rtprillun keep fear tmlr Jimt liew run want It. Nuthln llkn It en the idtkrt. Kvtpt the tnmt con cen trijrjr tilr in nv peoltlen.. ... ,,.e?"lc ".." S'"!!"!88-!'1" with .the tleil Stnr en the laM. ..There la nu Jttat na Benit. Ter ute nt nit Drug and Depart. went atnrM. . . Mantifarttirril lit .Uarrcl AttldM Ce., tne.. MT Fnnrth Ate.. Plttahiirin. p. .- " f . i-mMm i mrif M'tf'' Wi-rffc.; ,- :Witp3fcjr?' v ''wt!egi'xya fiSt Whiten Your Teeth Nature's Way! Tin aitlte elimfnt In JIMP I 0r.E,r ?Jatur'a Ovn B'.och ',iii ilr Jiniu r nl.t 'il in ii mul.t linn inil niiU"il im il'i li ii'iiimK turmr. i.'lui a- tlie i -I'lh nml wwiuw tie ir lit it't.irn'ilreii llnrnilr. AT '0VR DnttOOIST. J85 MiiHi n"il ,fi""i'i'l bT Sfhuvlltll'. ri.entcul Ci . t'n Wllliw S . Ph'li.. P. "It im'lv 41 f (mrl it Jlm.i trun7" X 1 . 1 -ZZZzrzuT 1 " T, '"" a"a p""p w'm em enp at hi i'ep i im7 Ihe Mdii Wfje firjt'fediiced the BxtortieMtePvKefunmh 1 Will Furnith a Benutiful and Complete Funeral: ; l liii aaara a g r Rh Themas W k 'MINSTER I L if a3rr' h lf U" 4-Heur Red Chime Cleck fr ) iV (1IH1 S'trr'td Vei Hi ' k l (it'll Chrfi ni V; f ' f.Vmai iU:lnwr en neit' I? L Charles Muth & Sens K f . jr tlt-r A turn fe'rf lferrhn P- Ue'.iir.ib'.i At. at 17th St. U Ne. i 3. ElirVh St . , .Ve. 25'. S. riihth S.. fix) LONG i Keepers Funeral With Metal Casket, $500 and up Complete f Siiian neIIiI iiiMnl enlit. Mulily jinllnliril, uplinlaten-d with illk, aeparntn ntllewii T'? Ill TvVViT """ lianillM. plate niBtniMi I'UIIK HTBKI, VAPl.T (IHAK- .i.mi.mi .in ij..ltsj liiMrni' nnil three tiiiiiln. embalming tindr. pay for nnfntns yrnie, ilreiwii h.v. Mnnktt nml allk liamlkfuhlrf. rhnlra nml crape, ntlrertl" n fun-rnl In in-n-pnpcru, '"ii iHinuii $275.00 Complete Sipiarij ellil mnliecnnr hlithl; pelMie.l ranker. npheMerril with allk. aenarate pillow mi. I nintlreiiP,, uer Imr Inmlli. plate engraie.1; eutuhle litinlwoert mllalini in..', .upper liiiiutilml, eneMnut er .mk. Iieni.e nml 3 llmnii.ln... cinhalmliicl Wir ' M . i'.r ;:,.: i: t:; T;:::..'ir,-"- v .,j",, : .y1 "v.1 ".,,,.,.",.n5,,."r".1'.'- 'iirn"' " i? ?amitJ v " " tiinirj jiiki t niii', uut'-ri iiiik iiiii'thi in neWKIlrllHTlf, Call and See the Caskets Yeu Will Be Better Satisfied Nil . !iare for the ti.n nf urn I'iiih r.-il I'nrler. i i.hii. iei. iwi nmi inning my ehii ininplel Hi" i.bee niiywliere within the iltx limit-.. .. etlie i'f iniitrtalH mlJii-lH t(ir, tin.e prh'fs will be reiliiceil neccrillnglj- Onlnff lit tiintiiirnffiirliiw m . . .. "7 -.-........ ...f. ..... unit Ainu LiNilpiiient I ii m nble te furnl.li WiliiamH. JrVUftNAihnvnAH ? ! Sell Phene; TteAa 2667-68 lmcuamds 'ib V ----------------- avji atnuinnirnnirinfiriniinninininTtTw FYJIUlail'""!"""""1 i'M"1fl""illlfLlilllUilUtf'"III"! li' ''.'.i'. . ' i , . ' 1 ''liv' jkiC 1 4 '.:''.' 9a ".i;--"i"ai ijWi:liiXitri7BMl:'.:' Jim Hill Apples keep their goodness indefinitely. They come from the finest single apple growing section in the world Wenatchee Dis trict, Washington. Besides, they are picked, graded and packed under the most exacting stand ards. When they reach you they are in the finest condition possible.Yeur dealer has Jim Hill Apples. Be sure the Jim Hill jlabelisonthebex. WlKATCHri DllTttCT CoertMTivt Ajiociatiex Aanvprcit oriinUt'eu ef jre. eriepetu if t:,eoe actcief mia- tain.uirfa appie eTCCBrai Gtn;rl Olcti, Wcnitcbet Waihingtes Jim Hill QApples "fym ftanre's chosen -JffIclcmi San Francisce Cress the Bay te Sausalito. Ride en the "croekedest railroad in the world" te the top of Mt. Tamalpais Guard ian of the Gelden Gate. View the Pacific and the Bay region. Then coast down te Muir Weeds with its big trees, centuries old. There are many such fascinating trips from San Francisce but only ! Overland Reute te carry you te thii nature-favored play-ipet. Shortest ;'n both miles and time, it's the route of this world famous train San Francisce Overland Limited Leaves Chicago (C. & N. W. Terminal) SilO p.m. daily. Solid Pullman train with ebser- at ion, buffet-club and dining cart. Pacific Limited Leaves Chicago 'C. M. &St. P. Station) 10 1 45 a.m. daily. Observation, standard and tour ist sleepers, reclining chair car and diner. Reduced Round Trip Fares Fer leietvatient, complete Information anl deKrleUrt boekleu, uk F. T rcnkln. General Aaent Inlen I'iu'IIIc tein. SOS I'nmi Trunt littler. 1.1th nml Market Streets I'heiin l.u.ust 4765, rhUudelphln, Ta. Union Pacific !16Ii Founded in 186.) The Heuse that Heppe built Inaururated the One-Price System In 1881 C. J. Heppe & Sen. Central Stere 1 117-11 19 Chestnut Street Uptown Stere N.W.Cer. 6th&Thompsen Sts. 4 I fjfl ijS November is Our Easy Term Menth en a VICTjRPLJI Te all persons who give us their Victrela order new we will deliver the Victrela new or at Christ mas time but you de net start your monthly pay ments until January, Yeu merely make your down payment new, te cover the records. November has ether advantages you cannot get in December. Help us lighten the Christmas rush. Order your Victrela new. Victrela 80 With !flO in Records $110 Payable fl.50 Weekly Victrela 280 With $10 in Records $210 Payable $2,50 Wetkly Victrela 100 With $10 in Records $160 Payable fS.OO Weekly Victrela 300 With ?10 in Records $260 eVMe 43.00 Weekly The Outpost of Quality Pianos Because the FRANCESCA represents our "first line of defense" against cheap pianos, it probably offers mere proportionate value than any ether instrument. FRANCESQ3 Piane $370 Yeu cannot buy a worth while instrument for less nor match its quality at anything near its price. We knew its construction and the material used. The FRANCESCA is an excellent piano in every sense of the "word. Sold en Our 3-Year Rental-Payment Plan We. are nle honored in bring the Philadelphia Representative of the two finret grand pianet in the world th Maten & Hamlin and Henry F. Miller. Baa I " -fTYeaaBaBSaWl i.j - -rfjtiBeeeeeeeej IHaTaTaTaTJaTeTeTaTBTeteTBBBBLkeV C-' I W- "' -r ''-gjaMaaWl f ' pi I'.ll 1;J ;4 5 1 i i a M i . s r TOS ' '& iMitPmwm rrrmim mw'-i-:.: u SfSll .:;j Wil rnr EUS 11: m twmw 1 Jt'tsT tlL f 1 " , Vf' I mi' i. n 1 1 biHBkli Alii ! i ' ii b i, 'i'i mm i!' WmWfwwk f .n amaTlli'lJlvHI' 1 if lliwilliifc 'kaUJrTi M1TWyffaf!'''l ! ,Wl,',i,! 1 1 KimtmVM iii iiiM'ti i'iti,(.i'!:ti!)ii:iit;iiiiH;i.t:tiii'itifiiiiiiit:fit!i!iti.!ii:r.t'i!iii:i t.it.i! ;iiaii.t -itiiiiiimi!tiiii:ii:tiiimiiiiiiiii! :i;i' .tii-tii- u ana '' nt:'-'st;: ii.:iiuiiitiu4;i;.;iuuti:ti!(!iititJuuuiiistitiuiiii'i:i:uitti!iJii!iTiiti'it , P lifcliaiil!!!i 'iiiiniliiji!iiijil'1i I '''''"Tl' , m,; IplllillillBflgliM Cremr making purchetet during this Sele have the privilege tl ttaHng thiir weekly peymenti eJttr Dtc. IS.. FURS MuMkrat trimmed trtth rne rne rne coen. First qunlltu dark tovth tevth ern top akin. Cape cottar, bell cuffs, belt, silk Hnlnn. '23S .00 Make it a Gift That Lasts A Diamond Gift for Christmas There is nothing that gives such lasting enjoy ment as a diamond gift. Fer these who desire te de their shopping v before Christmas, a small "deposit will held any article until it is called for. Aail&k $13500 rerfect blue white IS Iff. ieA(0 geld. ti.OO iceekhj Mk. ;s?gajjjKv. 1000 Diamond let in pierced arem tt.OO weekly w W $75.00 Pir.reed white a old mewittnp Large diamond. tt.OO weekly vV $180-oe $350-00 PrnftM.LMt tan. O old trteunflitff, 1 Diamond ts.n eeeMy riatlaum Tn an tittrn n Diamond ts.te weekly 1 tappMre, S diamond. ,OreA geld. tt.OO weekly $140-00 -2 f tmvnm- It mnlf diamond set in platinum. tx.BQ weekly -- '': wpA ' FURS - $140) One 0 many beautiful breiehe. Thi one ha three diamonds set in platinum, with geld bate. $3.00 Weekly ' $125-00 Three large stones, platinum top. 11.50 iceekly n kjkfJet eafBBBBBBBBBBBBei ISaeHft IT Buy Seal (St aline) Cape. Full sweep, Jt tit. lettff, CMn-Chin col cel lar, arm tilt, all silk tinittp. 00 125M Christmas Toys are Here Carpenters and plumbers have just finished building a great fire place and chimney en the first fleer and Santa Claus has just left sled lead after sled lead of toys of every description here until he gets time te deliver them te the homes of geed beya and girls. A Big Balloon Free te Every Bey and Girl jflij. Ba VICTROLAS Fer many years we have been North Philadelphia's largest distributor of Victer products. We have net confined our efforts te this section only, but we are here te serve you no matter where you live. Incidentally we are the only depart ment store in the city selling Victrelas exclusively. NO MONEY DOWN KpffPHft UmdhR I lieMKHIW ItiiTrmiTi l llilHT1irH''Saij I VICTOR RECORDS Ne matter where you live, we will deliver any record you wish, free of charge. Our stock .is the largest outside of the central shopping district and if by chance we de net have in our filet the record you want, we will order it for you at once. Visit our enlarged show rooms and hear your favorite records. NO INTEREST CHARGES j-4-i iTt'ij iflpgi 121 lBSaWv7)rmlfll BWHJjt ejaaiiiaiBealTuS& l8ltl7?iew'ASHfc5jlBl''Jr till IrWrlSSflirlriii I ir ji J 1 fjlrm ,50 will make you the owner of this Ten-Piece American Walnut Dining-Roem Suite. Queen Anne period. Round or oblong table. Price $225.00. Comforts $QJ9 These are regular $6.50 comforts priced special for our Anniversary Sale. Filled with all white cot ton and covered with figured satine. Only one te a customer Nene Delivered $3-29 Vslis $7.50 Annivcrtary Special Gelden kitchen chair, brown leather seat. ffl " ' Anniversary Special $1 QiM w!" de!lver th Fur.Piece American Walnut Bedroom Suite te your home within twenty-four hour. Queen Anne eericd rU.iem pvim ieic.nn. Queen Anne period design. Price, $195.00. TJ I Pn tituniay, Friday and Saturday Evenings Until 9.30 o'Cleck I il 1 PDA An CTffFFTat INhllFH AMM READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS ON THE CLASSIFIED PAGES m $. HfWJWp'?B,"",lp W: .!'' M, -( , , i :sj,L AM .JYV, ,v