Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 13, 1922, Night Extra, Image 11

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Arch Support Shef
tin crwB
I All wW'hi B ' I
llauiiin jiwiiiini'HIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIWIIlllllllllwlllllimi"
AN invitation te call and
leek ever our line of
fancy leather goods for
the Holidays.
Jewel Bexes
Writing Cues
Sewiif Baskets
Ladies' Hand Bags
Pitted Snh Cases
Wardrobe Trunks
Nut te KUh?$ Tkntn
Don't cry
ever spilled ink
Iren rust, ink spots, medicine
itains una all ether stains con
taining iron, can be removed from
clothing, carpets, furniture, etc.,
immediately with
Iren Rust Seap
Removes All Stains
fell 17 ell Brut. Grocery and Dry Oaed
item 'n 10a and tie titles.
Steamship Lines
Philippines-East Indian
Penaef, Belawan-Deli, Pert Swet-
Unban, Singapore, Satavia,
Samarang, Seerabaya
8.8. "Steel Traveler". . . .Nev. 15
fr retee and particular apply te
.. General Acenti
Benn BMt. VUUdelaaU
Lembard 8078 Main 244S
leuth AmeriA
en u.jevimmentdhips
iNew Reduced Rates
Fastest Time
I- Tin, ,?'; iWi Bail.
5. 3. Southern Cren . . , .Nev. lSth ,
? . American Levlon ..n.u.sm
5. S. Pan America n.r . 7h 1
.. Weittrn World ....Dee. Ml 1
" t"reaner
for rfeeerferrr. beekht. tddrtm
Munson Steamship Linee
...::!'& a.
.S. Shipping Beard
Wle haiik-i
By Baroli Denalitmn BberUkt
I I In ii tr'm iTitr-a a n elL IB
laVw.ulIf .a. 11 LU iltf 1 1
Tir In I
I'uv-iH i i r ii i.. raan i
.. i
' Little Benny i '
Nete Boek
My jra
Walla may either be decorative or
used ai a backrreund te the furnish-1
Inta of a room. Though decorative walls
are mere frequently found In, ballrooms
or rooms of a public character, a cer
tain amount of decoration is permis
sible In smaller houses. In fact, where
furniture Is scant and simple walls of
a decorative character are necessary;
otherwise our rooms would have a leek
of bareness.
The easiest kind of decorative wall
te manage In the ordinary home Is the
pended wall, with Inserts of painted
decorations, of fabrics, or of ornamen ernamen
tnl pnpers. There are a number of Im
ported Japanese papers In geld, silver
and colors which, theueh net Intended
fertwall papers, may be used with geed
Anether method of treating a wall,
which it suitable in many homes, is te
have a frlcxe above woodwork paneling,
or, with an otherwise plain wall, above
a strong rail set two or three feet below
the celling.
Where It Is simply a question of two
or three rooms, brightly colored walls
may be managed, but strong colors
should be used with discretion, aa they
are apt te become tiresome.
Tomorrow Walls as Backgrounds
Can Yeu Tell?
By B. J. and A. W. Bedmt
Who Proved Our Muscles Have Power
te Contract
Before it was known that our mus
cles bave the power within themselves
te contract It was supposed that this
action was controlled by the nerves.
This belief arese because It was found
that when the nerves were excited the
muscles did contract, hence It was only
natural te guess that the ncrrci were
the cause of the action. The difficulty
was that no one had ever undertaken
te dissect the human body iu such u
way as te find out about this faculty
of the muscles.
In the sixteenth century a Belgian
named Vcsa'lus undertook the study or
the human body. By dissecting these
of the dead he proved that many cur
ent ideas of body structure were wrong.
He wanted te make n thorough Rtudy,
but unfortunately while he was one
dav dissecting the body of a Spanish
gentleman who had just died, the on
lookers thought they saw his heart
throb. They accused him of dissecting
a living man and he had te flee the
country te save his life.
Net until two centuries later was a
rareful study, with the aid of dissec
tion, made by any one. In 1753 Al
bert Heller published his set of draw
ings of parts of the body, made from
anatomical 6tudlei. Thwe very no
curate charts made possible the dis
covery of the forniatleu nnd function of
nany parts of the body. Among these
was the power of contraction of the
muscles en their own account. Ilaller's
nlatcs were the first te show the dif
ferent nerves ami vessels attached in
their proper positions and he added te
each plate the use of the parts shown In
the drawing. He made these drawings
se accurate and spent se much time en
each minute detail, that even with help
he was net able in seventeen years te
complete the description of the whole
human body.
Tomorrow Hew De Plants Breathe?!
I herd some man tawkina te another
man today, saying. Hay, At, would you
like te knew a geed way te get cebij
and the 2nd man soil. I sura would and
the ferst man sed, Be would I, ha ha
Being a Jeak, and I went home and
tried it en ma, saying, Hay ma, would
you like te knew a easy way te get
coal? ' , A
I cereny would. Ive been trying te
act seme for 2 weeks, and judging by
i the way the cealmen ' tawk you mite
, think the strike hadent started yet in-
' aAMf f liAlnsi nil nva Inns fisVrt. VAI1
mile think coal was diamonds set in
platnum the way they keep It te them
selves. Wy, wat de you knew about
tny way te get it easy sne sea.
would you MKe te unew a wayr
Certeny X would, wat de you slppese
Vn bin saying all this Urn e emrM
I would, ma sed, and I aed. He wmrtl I.
Yeu silly thing, in uitni "".
father, he'll apprlclate It rjjejuaeif
theres eny thing he cant stand lta a cow
houre In winter, ma aed.
Wlch pritty seen .pep came neme.
saying. Burr, burr, I dontbeleeve I
take en my oversea ai , -v
ideer of Imitating the grate outdeore in
theiheuse? and ma sed, We ha te go
Jajiy with the coal. Willyum, goednlss
knows ware the nextten Is coming
from," it it aees, ana ey ins ."";
ypm, hee hee, III tell you a geed way ,
a.A aiAtttat nsta1 it at
Well lets have it by all means, yea ,
Gods, pep sea, anu ma sea, be
'Merry 'CJrlsmas. pep .aed, and tna
sed, O, I must of get that rang, O I
remember, would you like te knew a
geed easy way te get seme geed coal
Be would you, pep sed. ." ??;
O. no wonder you guessed It, I gave u
aWl"ll 'say you did. burr, burr, de you
knew eny morn jeaks, 1 mite ns we"
take off my overcoat I gess and mane
myself at home, burr, burr.
Wlch be did.
Because Bell Telephone Operating is pleasant, well
paid, congenial. Here is an opportunity for am
bitious young women. See Miss Stevenson at 1631
Arch St. between 8:30 A. M. and 7 P. M.
AJHBW StSk HWaMBfflaHyrfiSf??iJj5i TJTmttxp
r tr-nw;mmw.
W a iW- M aTI J "&i
Wanamakers Down stairs Mere
Has Remarkable Winter Sports Coats
for as Little as $10
And Luxurious Fur-Trimmed Ones for as
Little as $25
Sfrikinry evei'v note in the whole scale of Winter-.
coats from swagger, rough-and-ready tweeds te lux
urious fur-trimmed wraps of beautiful pile fabrics.
Sports Coats, $10
Nice woolly tweed ones with rainbow fleckings. Blues,
browns and grays; quarter lined.
Tan Chinchilla Coats, $16.75
Remarkably fine chinchilla coats in chew and lighter
tans; silk lined throughout.
Sports Coats and Coats With Furs, $25
Unusual veleurs and belivias with beaver-dyed ceney
cellars, or cellars and cuffs, or cellars, cuffs and pockets;
blues and browns. Plaid-back sports coats half- lined with
suede cloth; browns and tans.
Coats With Furs, $38.50
Seft, high-pile belivia with trimmings of nutria, fitch
opossum or Manchurian wolf-deg. Straight-line belted and
blouse-back models. Many embroidered.
Other Fine Coats With Furs, $15 te $65
Smartly new models, some with fur-cloth jacquctte
tops and belivia skirts. Other straight-line and wrappy
model belivias with wolf, nutria, beaver or caracul.
Exclusive Coats, $75 te $150
Of the finest trade-marked coatings with cellars, and
some, according te price, with cellars and cuffs of squirrel,
taupe, brown or black fox and beaver. Brown, navy,
Sorrento and black.
(Down Htalrs Ster. Murkct)
' Clethes Won't Dry in the Rain
A Fable for the Fair
There was once a woman whose
heart was clothed in diaphanous veil
fugs. This proving popular, she tried
draping her body in an obundance of
fine raiment.
Of course she get a let of candy and
flowers and dinner engagements. Yet
there never came n suitor who offered te
endow her with his worldly goods or
te take out n Joint account for her at
his tunings bank.
Day after day her fate line kept look
ing morn und mere like a clethca'lne.
And the longer and mere dazzling the
IIiia KrtStdtiiA tins mnrn en I lv'fli'tltill fitfl
the Fair One get from her own re- !
Hut that was the end of her satisfac
tion. Fer what she failed te get was a line
en the inward reflections of her ad
mire. Fer, though they admired her
beauty, they silently counted the cost
of her Queen Ann effect nnd splendor.
Meral: If you are trjing te catch a
man s eye, deck yourself in some cing
lug creation. If you want te held a
man's heart, try donning a gingham
apron nnd creating something culinary.
CepyWffhf, lilt, tv VvWe UiiO'T Company
Last Monday it rained. It
may rain next wash day.
But these wise woman who
avail themselves of the ad
vantages and economy of
Economy Family Laundry Service
never have te worry about
"wash day weather."
A postal or phone call will
bring a demonstration bundle
te your deer, with story of
this wonderful service.
Pennsylvania Laundry Company
313-327 N.32d St. Phenes
1111. IViten SMS
Keytteae. Weal MftS
Things You'll Leve te MaJte
r.nEt..?J' .ewywe te PKRO
Fln.tf"?..!S?" Caal.
of .r..;:7SiKw '??"!
loom,. UnetctUadcuisiM.
ltaiJ.BJ SBh .
rn-S9uth.Amrtm T
Baqta Tareia Met. 18
RB a"1 ? v. as
lB.8.BnU Lull Bee.tl
JO lluneirr He,, Net,
WW. iir Litrnl Asent
(Oprruttnu t'j.S OeW. Ship,)
jzrz ?."-
'", "vbu Maw (eia
A Little Sealing Wax and Ribbon
Makes a Handsome list urnament.
Cut out a circle of buckram about
five Inches in diameter. Cut a ribbon
of the chosen color into pieces three
inches long. Point encb piece at the
top, Place seme seuling wax of a color
that will go well with that of the rib
bon, Inte a shallow pan. Allew it te
melt ever n email flame, but de net
let it get tee soft. Dip the pieces of
ribbon Inlo the wax; ena piece at a
time. Gather the straight end of each
piece of the ribbon, lleglnnlng at the
center of the buckram circle, sew tbe
-ll.l .lnl. t It. Aftfllth ttlAtl. n.
thn lower edge only. Stitch them en
in circles until the outer edge Is cev
ered. This forms an attractive chrya
anthemum flewerlike ornament.
Hosiery te Match
Your Gewn and Shoes
WHATEVER color hosiery you
wish te harmonize with your
gown and shoes ask for Cadet 920
Line the hosiery of discriminating
women the country ever, because of
its irresistible chirpi and style.
The Cadet 1C920 Line of Hosiery is built
for WEAR and DOES wear. It is
scientifically strengthtntd and reinforced.
The tops are doubly re-inferced te resist
garter strain.
Yeu will find the color you want in the
fifteen exquisite new shades of browns
and graysfifteen of the most popular
colors ter Fall frocks and shoes.
Ruiiian Calf
Oeldtn Tan
African Brown
Gun Metal
Especially reinforced silk top.
fgze full FASHIONED.
Twe pairs will wear six months.
i4ze-Scientifically strengthened.
Originated, tManufacturcd and Guaranteed 7
Cadet Knitting Company : Philadelphia, Pa.
laks Bw'BmP i$s5mlBlmf xsV
1 vr9&L-&U cut V u wu r "mlAL u
ihJ ID v ' k
l 1 P . 1 i m
1 ST '
Interesting Groups of Moderately Priced Smart Frecks
$5 $9.75 $15 $16.50
Including many purchased te sell at a third te half less than regular. Others price-lowered because there are only
one or two of a kind or size. Others just new and very advantageously marked te demonstrate the always-existing
advantage of buying in the Down Stairs Fashion Stere.
pleated skirts.
Dresses at $5
jersey with lenir ovcreiouses
Five or six desirable styles I
in tailored sorge and a special group of very
pretty crepe
de chine afternoon dresses.
estly in sizes up te 38.
Dresses at $9.75
Strikingly smart twill-back velveteens,
with Paisley crepe bodices. Alse fine crepe
de chine and Canten crepe frocks with bead
in?, draperies, graceful panel treatments.
Blues and blacks.
Dresses at $15
Lavishly embroidered Peiret twills and
fine tricetines. Charmeuse afternoon dresses
gracefully draped and ornamented. Fine
Canten crepe and exceptional twill-back vel
veteens with beading or embroidery.
Dresses at $16.50
Speciully notable model in wool crepe for
bteut women. They are embroidered ami
narrowly belted and come in sizes 42 te 52.
Navy blue and brown.
(Iloue Stalra ritere, Mnrlict)
New jersey dresses with long-line tuck
ing and flying side panels und a novel braid
ed belt in sizes 30 te 14 come in navy and
Twi'I back velveteen frocks sometimes
have embroidered crepe blouses.
Kmbreidered Canten crepe frocks have
draped skirtH. Exceptional tailored frocks
of Peiret twill have the new circular skirt.
Paneled models of hatin-back Canten
crepe and charmeuse gowns are fagetted or
draped. Navy, black nnd brown in the
'When Manufacturers Ask Hew It's'
Possible te Sell Such Shoes as These at $5 te $6.50
then you may knew the shoes are out of the ordinary.
And certainly these Wanamaker standard shoes for
men and women are decidedly out of the ordinary.
Before we introduced them te Philadelphia we made
sure they were the best manufactured in the United
States at about these prices.
Since we put them into our Down Stairs Stere we
have compared them ever and ever again with all sorts
of "specials" and these shoes are still the best wc can
(Women Down Malrs Mere rhestnut)
' finH in newnpsc nf i vIp. in (med Ipntliprs in rnraful mnlra
nnd finish.
They are amazing shoes and their prices arc down
te Ihe pre-war level!
Men's low and high shoes in four styles with rubber
j heels attached, all $5.
Women's low shoes in nearly twenty styles and
various leathers, $3 te $6.50.
Plenty of all sizes.
(.Mcn'n Dunn Stair terr for Men Uallrry, Market;
Sale of Geed Corsets
at Less Than Half
Price, $2.50
Ones and twos of particularly geed
trade-marked corsets, marked less
than half price because the models are
discontinued or they show signs of
handling. Mavis, Gossard, Medart
and Bien Jolie in the let. Frent or
back lace and topless or medium-bust
Sizes 22 te 35 in the let.
(ten Htalra Htera, Central)
Princess Slips
of Radium or Satin,
Seldom has there been any
thing created quite se comfortable and
nice te slip en as a princess slip. It
takes the place of two garments a
camisole and petticoat. It is also all
the lining one requires for a cloth or
silk frock.
These $5 slips are of particularly
geed sPks and made in the tailored
self-shoulder strap style that every ene
Radium silk . slips in black, brown and
Satin ilips in black, brown, navy, flesh
and white.
Size Stl te -U.
(t)iin Stair Mere, Central)
Warmly Welcome
Bathrobes, $5.50
Much better in every
way than any we have
had at about this price.
Made of a specially well
Hkecl kind of soft cotton
blanketing which is
particularly downy and
warm. Cut full with a
larsre shawl cellar edsred
with satin and with
matching trimmings at
pocket-tops and cuffs.
Silk cord girdle. Pretty
figured patterns en
Copenhagen blue, gray,
lighter gray, creen. wink
or dark blue grounds,
regular sizes for women.
(I)nwn htalra Stere, Central)
jqbb3 as
Lapis-Blue Jewelry
Most satisfactory, perhaps,
of all the imitations of real
gems are the copies of lapis
J tt- The Necklaces, $2 te $9
2 $ are in plain or graduated
aiytea. eiuuui.ii upuque uuen,
sparkling cut ones. Small
beads, large beads, round
bead s. elongated bead r.
;, 5 Lengths nil the way from 127 te
$ M inches.
The Earrings, $1 te $4
in many instances may be chosen te match
the necklace. Drep and pendant styles,
iltnttn Stairs Mere, Central)
Warm White Chinchilla
Coats for Wee
Tots, $5.50
Made of soft woolly
feeling vhite chinchilla,
double breasted and lined
throughout. Belted a 1 1
'round, as the picture shows.
Aren't they at tractive 'r
And they a.uredly are
warm and moderately priced !
White Chinchilla
roie iiais, .i ste
Te match the ceai aiv round, ule-.e-tiuing
little toques with protecting car tabs.
(Iluen silr. Mure, OntritM
L i
saw i
Frames and Dainty
Heads for Night
Lights, $1 and $1.25
Wire frames in several styles, all com
plete with cord and socket, are $1 and $1.23.
Pretty bisaue luadn, or heads with
elaborately coiffed hair, nru $1.
(Down htalra Mere, rl rclli Werlt Shep,
Lacy Nightgowns
and Chemises, $1, $1.50
Pretty lacy chemises already packed in
Christmas boxes, $1.
Lace trimmed empire nightgowns, $1.50,
V-neck muslin gowns edged with imita imita
tien Cluny, $1.
(Down Mai re Mere, Central)
M an Find Much te
iTien Commend in
Wanamaker All-Weel
Overcoats, $25 te $37.50
First there
is the quality
of the over ever
coatings. C hemic ally
tested and
proved a 1 1 -wool.
silky - feeling
cheviets, fuzzy
tweeds and in
teresting nov
elties. Second, there
is the style-iC
Big storm ul
sters and ul
sterettes, belt
ed or semi
belted. All with
a fine biir air
of substantiality and masculinity
about their bread shoulders and huge,
pockets and cellars.
Third, there is the price. A man
may .step almost anywhere between
$25 and 537.50 and get the sort of an
overcoat lie's mighty proud te buy and
Pwn Malr. Mere for Men,
in the Uiillrry, Market)
Children's Warm
Gloves, 50c te $1.65
Correct kinds for every sort of wear
school, play or "best."
Jersey and Woolen Gloves, 50c te 85c
50c pair for tkeco-lined jersey cloth gaunt
lets with star or shield-trimmed cuffs.
0,ric for knitted heathe. wool gloves.
85c for ribbed-cuff henthcr gauntlets,
some sizes large enough for small women.
Leather (ileves, 85c te $1.65
Sen and $ 1 .2.1 for fleece-llncd leather
guuntlets, Keme witli fringed cuffs.
Jl.uO for youths' flencn-lined leather
gauntlets in tan and brown.
$l.jr and 51.05 for soft fleerc-linrd suede
gloves in gray and brown.
?1.2." and HIM for fleece-lined brown
capeskin gloves.
(Down Staira Stere, Central)
l,.,. .MkkMtkSi
iU-fr&.!l.Att , .X&feiA.n-i