Kfill i I a a l n m II i 1 Ii ill PI Iff; ,11 i i i ffi I in HI Bl Lift & iS iE'.n, . . .. W A Husband at Last, Please Tell Me ' After Years of Struggling', What te De THIE l fifty jenrs old. - 'r knew her years age In the Mt, when we were n i lillil. She Is nil uifilil in By WINXIFItEl) HARI'KU OUI.KY ' quarrel, tin- marriage wen biekcu oft", i The tnnti became iho-ikteim, imitrii'tl' another alrl, nml Killc uliuijs tc;icltcil j im old uifilil in ' , , , . , ,. Vcv mU. itiitl nil ' n"1'1' '"li widower wi"1 mindly Lei1 frith.!" it wnyti wllli '"' I'1" ''l'' I'1"' t n tint iusw; rcf. : In lirr its mul il" ltrntt. :iiitl he .t iUum! a mm.' "Peer Kflie!" tactful :iii(l attractive uem-iti. The? She ekes out u I lived In gient stjlc, anil alits were microscopic Income 1 very Kind te Kffle. In 1I11I112 nil sorts, l.verj nllcv in a while n' would of 'mill modern 1 meet tht bachelor lanlil at mm' tea. i .'fieri Ut ruiitliUii column mint t icrllii! mi eik slfle e the nancr enl'i ruu iiiiisf he t I'M nl trllh the v rl!r ' iiniur emit mlilrvn, fir urine n'llj no. l" MWliW If (lie in iff 'of j i'ii" ii'lin I. fio.emJ Mfri i m nfn'i ei'll'fil e i he v il n It miner i "I m( h" i' cm1. llr n'v i in i uh i rrtiitil MUM' Hi III I lilt N it i . 1 re i.iii r ' It u ii fir7v 1 i ii fit se ml tittni (in" uiv ti'u'dii i li i'l' rtilvU'l'l int. inri. HER VERY OWN DRESS Asks "Nita" if She Dances t tint I tn ttilnl r,t.. n lilW fitirlnP ,,,, i meet the bachelor laniii ut .ime icu. .-,;," . V. ,..,,..,., ..'.".". :...V'.V :'..i.,,V ,,i Jobs, such us K,..!ltli a nendeseilpt mini III tow. I he ' ,, f j . answer tu '.Vita iIiie niinnii-isiiiimiMvri' mi miiiip luiimmu-r tegctiicr una . .U,n, ue." A en MhiiiiiIiii; fnv W'iU abmit for iiiiin weeks: but Ih wOh Chtcr up, old dear. Yen are Just a VJ nut of town m iicrveut mill wrvlle tliut tbp ninn was lltth Miu- Thire arc itltntv of nice jv-imen ami help- rW.M.r.1 y. S!,e wan old and le -. 1IIK 'Ocll'tA WlUllCIl ' ""I" "''. , thntti hh M. Vnn uuv nu wntllrl lll0 Klvi. I'liailty lin-',.,,,.-,,....,,.. V!1M. ,. ,. , 'telHww w!kt.. te meet them. I wlali I WINVIPItrii ::nnr. rillllltlK iJ I v """ '" annw a iimcp. ecr.iuse 1 jure Mu IIARi'UH chelKT a ti i ii in li li I I ! - ii ii'ii. Slu- had ii -iilitlc cviiri"" n" emu f'"3 or tlirnlrr Imws (ill rriliilnlisiniis nil nil li rim' mill aliilliiid n i it iviiviii.I 1 Tills, nml (i.'ltlli . flip lnrome iU'iliil lit barrow Inch' im- Wi' n-Mflj -woeiii'd m tbr -P;bi. Write3 t2 Advise "Nlta Naldl. 2d" ciTtahi. . V"'1 .,,,,",!l wbiMi-rp.1 'M liM. , i-nthlii Here Is im oiiawer for nNN!Fnr:t annr. niniliiK u,T i V II'IMI L'ODl.Kr ii tl I ii iii ii Ii I I n u X a leu ml Kielvinj: Minill -ion f triiiiiiiib: Slu- a iiinsiiin li ki't Mibl. Unlj rcntli ilr-i(l! SIk li.nl a tirlt bti"" i-d, r Ullt il tin x tin ilnnee" f t vncnl ! ' .Mitliln cannot lluredu.l. en. i ' i.et ilenp. T - - I I . .1 i.III'FIIMIILrill II I1I1L1I. (I'l'l 1111111 - X- I 1 .. . I. 1 II .1 ." .. l.1l Mil nvi i or years nc i as rune t no' ins- ,, v i . ... i..i ..ii... i,,,,,,,!,!,.,. ,"" .,v" '- -". ." .". .' f;cd cdcp of M)i-let Uwtewln- te riult 'lil1, flll,,,'l" ''., ,A'"1 "' ,or l'"l",lslu vrry luelty for leek, anil If you would tiles iiiil b ii " ihaiikf for ZZ ni1 u,tllfv ,,,lUi,,,l -'llllllk''- , , , U'"t le.k around Boe,l r inn siire.Neu llll IS, 1111(1 Ullllg UIIIIIKIUI ler an OC- ... ,,, , ,.,, ..... .llOimul. will lliul oil te n tmmlmr nt Iwfllt l)ON s taslennl treat. . Ypn twii wwks hre. Mr. X N a born I In this UiiIp old world. Perluijii evi Hy being a .Hicepluint, slip lias eenie v.,... Yerker Come here, lav dear. ' i,r II K'1' .' "ur twenties a Jr. for m..t.jr;rl.leH. at tl.,. last ninu.eut. TllU , ,;, frwilli wrlfpr.. J".,,0" M?hlnk7S?r"7twfitle""1 no cr dinner., at soi.nphan.Neim. home be- A dapper near-old man with white lJv".0U' ie'n(i, nlab1e iVin'q.Ste cause the hestess1 L'liest ha. . Nif , i .i .. s.,,..l,nr .ri.l.lv n r ..l ,J..E . ,,i" .'-. '''. .If.. K ..". . ' 1.1 KK'ted us. Iln was i.n.linulh liauiiT. . fe" peer i:tlie. she mi a pIiiiukpiI j wiuii-'i ! Iln- miiII1i. .mil liuinllltv I ' i i .ri mini. Sin" i e'.i i ". ii.mt M. I I i (ll lllll III! 1 ,l ll.i I 'III ill. w.l'H I'lme1' ll i'i. '1,1 ,,, ' I'll. !! !" i. ut mi bid, .is . Li im i ae. Wii baii ii i ii weis, ll'v.ii' s it, aid "- li In1 had wen mil :'Ka..il ln.i. i I'Olnte.l her ami -ln needed an ena veiniin. IMih; a little -elf" te tie lie'i. KHi ' mis (li!ieil te it. i in':i- i . a l . ' l np iriaiie wer Imi .'! ran .. Ill' ll'l'l'l li,! s si.l 'ls. s(l I. inv, iir unit b.it ii . imii'i r-, ir'tt.ii Jl'll'I'V I IstllllU's, lltl.l (H. 11 si, .in) - liiiud mi.'s, treiii the slieii" ih.it iI.miI Hi the ciist-iift liuerj that the mauls of eumpctitinii, and eaptuied ilie sciseiis li llliiiiniiie v uiiii'ii'.i'M. I eiiiiise iIik mis. I'cblltaiitP ' Somehow e .11.1 Hut ft el tress cannot wear a costume mure tli.iiilth.it she luul sold herelf. AIU'eiikIi : cittiiiif eelutnn. I inmt tl'mt xeu will Klv twice, wltluiiit sivmina sbabb . wc ean c her in tlie future, lerdins . ni an cn.lj teply. Jty pnbleui Is I It eer manv who lime caused her in- tnl". i have met a young man te whom Til Ml-ST no, Ire .e hard en peer "'' !""' . . '! , . " "'"r ' "." ' " "olher""? nW't" V: He hail in- niiT Itnhv. tilt lii il t iW n itit ' I 1 IFina Clllll M Illtlll lllllUBI llll'l room, imir II i; Us mi. ' i.ne would hardlv notlee Ills Limeneis Tn affairs of the heart, she was just One cannot lie tee haul en the At first he usemcil te lie nn independent unfortunate as in tinan.'l.il miutirs. world's peer Kflies : tbr.v are fitted for khi lut an time. jirepri-HHOM liu . ems s a Rlri, -lie was rattier hati.Kome, ami netbiim but marrinc1. .ind fe liiank. as 1'iii.iiKcd TlinniKli veiue slight, ful fur )ee in tlielr autumn. V S. V ami life en foreign Flmrei. If inv .tuiluiie-nt Is worth atetliliii; t all t w.i'ild k.ij nlek a ynuni: ni'iii tt!" Is a ii i "i 'i'y ilre.s-- i, netliliiii Mi. Oi : ji l flan 1' . . e lsllily iiiewd- .ie tin ut i ii.' ir pn in ,i '.ue. ii. i l.. . i I l .. l il 1 1 'i" 'i .li -iin ' ' i i , I l.l.l .l She Wonders I V.i- Ontlila Am this Is ife tlri-l time t liae written te jour most iutr- isi ..ii .si net ." i"" i.ai.1 en iKier . i . ., .... ....!,. ..,i WV . ... . .iiii.i inure .'.iiiiiiiiicrnr iiiie i-iiuu'-.' -i-uu- ,,,,-,. iirf in i .i,,.,i VV Hffie. She never had bee,, trained I ,I1S ,.,. ,.,',, ,,, fM, ,,,, s,e is ' irn?vitawhJn an te work, nml had re specialized pre- bettpr ff ,,, ,n hel. IiMlc ,, bed- ''l n!' h u i'ig. m man fessi.m. Mrs. Wilsen Tells . uAbeut Relishes Seme Delicious I'ickles te Help Give Flaver and Tate ' tn the Winter Meal r Mlli. M. . WILSON Cowet.f. ;.' b' u-. v. i. tfii t ' ii. rcscr r, relishes are alwajs ,u I hae siiniii s,i'M(!l.l The Reckless Age lf ll.VKI. DKYO It.VTl Mi:i.tK l:nr I'wtLi: it mimUrr e; Ihr viv mm ii'i r net. ihritlcs In hi cm n iKii il In i'httrhii 'I inn', nil luniuir ic him hi in. In I briu i r t'uii v i in in nil! .ii'itnl le null nthi . .hm'i nli a a) mi rmjinii in nil i" that 'hr miiyl hr fi'ic tn ile in ! r Mr. irinJi iihidi fliiHini iritli nllin mri, mi' i I uili ii ii nut ut nil ,villtinl tu Inn if tlinn,i Iliii ii'ii'i. A ieiv Interest 'N'l'i .Mine's jy, hiidliss jeuns a life !iiili up te tliis time sli,. He. Ii.id SKAStJNAUI.! deiniiml. ami Telislics that will add tnrieix and M'T nude lier own te de as sin HUul w'.il. will net .eiisiim.. ,i srent !"iuth of time ,!.l(' ' l''.,,l1,,,1lnr,1il w.- Interest. Iln ,, , , ,. "islif ..I II. din l!i.i..I.', s part. Allin In the makliiB. i ( (,.,,, ,Ul;, yin.m u ,, ,.i. I"n .h that si,,. Mirle.l with iilm. df.es net mean what it s geupiallj supinscd 1" liie.in. Slie did net iul herself out fe.- bin., she .lid net let him knew thai he was tin. i, tin man in the loom who In. !!.., ,. I.,,.. ........ll...... :.. ..... i.. in granite presenilis k-ttle. ,,. tar, ,,,, 'w.;s' tlltlu;r Imir iiirci. man usual, nut tliis was enm.ni tlllBi ras-. reiMii's and entailments, if imr ,,,nis(. 1 w(I ten luulil.i 'piled, are real Mim tlmi te ui'pri tin Ilie appetite, and ale add wiri'" t" the menu. HimI Cnhhacr KpIMi f'li.iii one small head of ted cahl'iise Une; place and n.iil Our ci e finelii iiejpcf eijI'ui. Om ciji nf th' finely rhnmml 'n""l toil if 'i".'v of cilery. Tirn nl)'r;)'ieiM nf iilrni iffj, I i,n i 'uhlriiienni ut imii'imi irrn. nil" ifuai I ir i''i il fhtil tpirrt.. '! u n r ip m i lilri rim ;Mr. Heat te hnillns: point, and nm1; fur flc minute-', cool, and lill into half pint nil Kin' Jar. ad,m-t the rubber, ami lid anil seal spenreh. I'lsicc in hut trnter balh and process for rwentv min tttes. having the water just le the Seek of the bottle. pple faisup 1 riiiee In preserving kettle 1 Screw rup of venj thick apple wac, Our cup e eiiler rmi ;ir. Unr unit one-half eup of hrnirn ttuiw. Our ternpean of p'tpriUa, Our trn.ipoen of uiiitr prp;,cr. One mid enr-half tnltripeiim of "nil. Onr.hnlf tempoen of nlUpicr, One 1rnp'i'in of cinnamon. One trnipoen of nlnpcr. Onr hi el tiiliteiperm of winf'tid, , Onr cup of finrlu chopper! onions, Tinii hit of garlic. Tie the Rpirrs. onions and enrlie in tilecp of ( heesi'leth. Cook until thick like apple snare ana '.Tj.;, II. I'll 111. III." l-l.'l UI.VII IF'HIII-., I llll" a new man ami sei'inid tu be "i'v dependent. Me lii.s a geed t'.ii'e tils inetlii-r is one wlie tninii in 1 ,ici iewa.il Iilm as If h" could net . ', te lirusplf. ttls mntlier, lis we' a nv nv,:i, and ether peepli Hi "iU ' am -.tiw li eMsh te marry him IP "1.1. nn ii.eii. Is any money en me 11" i il.ilms )t liar te h"lp nt'iienii. Tliat ii ill vrv w.'l, hut, ".Mitlila. he Is lusirlj v 'ii-elRli: yeais of ag, and mreh night tn he able te tal;.- cirs of him .If Nev. I'jnthla. should t'l !. ' -.is.i'metil lie broken, tih'.di one Mk uld lii.it. !i the man ei mjself I1 li.Uc been told by teine that I de r.et r rllv ei mm. I tlilnl: I .in. I ami .Hi v twuttwe ears of age lie ililms that In all the iwnt -seven .t-s nf h',. 1 fu 1 am his Uret glil due i his so.idltlen He al5e h.iy.s be loves tie T'lls s truly a hard problem te .il'.". .ir i .In net ll!;e te hurt any one, i wl"'i the e duiim tin. grt.itest success Teat'!. J oil for jour geed adUie. Tin: i:i;r min. I'r.ibr.bb the man's mother has cot- ti iiin th" 1 ..bit of planning irythlng for him and he needs te be thrown en b's own rlii.i out pesltlil If he has) I i h-dp at home or If you can Iho by i yni'ijelws, lie iry mie you Uc him mil de net eendi mn him for net spend- it c nun li irurey : lie ettglit le lne s mill 'i as he cm. j Scolds at "Saracen" I BSrT, 1 1 ISifliHi JKmm 1 1 IaaVHaaaJ b s 7x NBBiiiaaaaaaaaaaaaaanraaaaaB r'h&aBBBBBWhBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK l- 3w3flaaaaaaaaaaaBBBl&hBBB iBBI VMBaaajsaaaaaaavMi iBiaaaaaaaaaaaaaTTaaaai ZssaaBvaLV9Siii9Rl"vlSSp4. ''KBPJBkiaaaaaaaaaaaVLaaaB LaV 11 ImKm -. saw s -s3 imr A Drunkard's Daughter Is Bitter . About the Selfishness of Parents And When They Are Like Her Father They Forfeit the Respect of the Children Whom They Expect te Serve Them itrW)VLVS"r you "By yumrtliliig." J begged n gltl rorrcjpenilMtt . "abeul the nrlHMinPFR of paictilH.' Hew (bev cxppi't tliPlr flilldrcli le iln I'Vrryr thing for them nml tukp anything tliey carp te give thorn In return? This bIt!k father l n diiinkanl. nml bpr llfp l a linnl eiip. In order te bp loyal te Iilm mie has had te five up nil lier own friends, for of course It is Impossible te have nnvbedv nt hr house when there li nl ways that dread of having lier -father conic In. . Hpr natural pride makes her want te krep her head high, hi plte of the ills crnce In her house. . , , And (lint make- everything much harder f-jr her. It Is a 300.I dral easier te bear dls urine when you don't enre. Yeu just sink down Inte Hip depths and give up nil pretenc of being a re vpeetPil citizen. . . , Hut the girl who tries te keep her self above the ierdldncss; of het sur sur teumlliifs has n longer struggle. KKKPINU up nppeninncps is se des perately linnl. , , ii'j siini'L-le in ItM'lf te go en leek- j lug as if nethliiS bin happeueil. when till (lie tlllle )lll Ilie HHiriMiiim i-mm-- 'l.lng that is .".ut iibiitii li-enlilu? eui ' Anil there Is 11 great deal in tills lateiiii'iil of the diuiiliiird's .laughter I'lbeut patents seine parents, nm. 101- Minintely. the innjetiiy. ,i.,.lnrs de net leek m, uell and yet we de "-" """ I ..... nil I ile tlm l.illllel- Minis lllll n 1328 CHESTNUT STREET 1 . ...... ... ... H.W.VWI ; f. i!7 the pnrpnt who ride roughshod ever his i. 11. !...... ..i.i.iu nrlt'lleirei.'. fet'lillgs. mid pleadings te gtntlfy hli own de-. nrpi. There 11 re mothers like Unit. tee. It wems diendful for n girl Je turn against lier piirpnls, but wIipii tlipv arc of this type you cannot entirely blame They have forfeited her respect, and they nre net worthy of her consider ation. This man who Ignores his .laughter's desire for n home, her right te n geed home, and his responsibility le her. nml te himself In kpeplng her honor nml respect for him. Is 11" ""ire her (unit it mere stranger. It Is 110 wonder slm has such bitter ideas about selfish parents, when she has given Up her life and friends and hnppincFi, everything that she consider!, living, te take care of this man who has completely stepped out from under any responsibility toward her. He doesn't deserve the name of 'utiinr! Iip'm bint a drunkard. Ami the daughter who renmlni leval In spite eH his, behat ler is a pretty ime woman. Adventures With a Purse EVIDKXTl.Y high hoots will net In. worn tills liar either, because 1 have Ten n1nin?t none of limn ills- , plated. I.nw Mine of fiery l.iud. uler ml description : ami that means woolen. or silk and wool stockings. Drab cel Pint Aid' Broken Delk Dell Hospital atraawn nii. :r:!i xd w MWHii Mwmm w.. ' Pmrt$, Wig; Rubber, e, Frank Kieslins 213 Gar mania wa Ava. nmpfQ f"$fij Laraa Atiertmant of De Toys, leachat, Etc, Tbev de expect euTjlliins children. , , ,, , .... Tbev seem te feel that their children ewe tliem a debt for the care and train ing they have received at home. Orntitude is the price they exact for tlielr love. ... 1 And the gratitude must be epresed in terms of service; their children must be willing nnd nnxleus te mnke up te them for the money they have spent '.ml the time they have given te edu cation. ,, "After all that I have done for jeu. tliis is r.ne of their favorite remntk". uttered In wounded, mart red tones. net all like the louder kinds. Il.it a shop in town is having a special sale of wool stockings, some plain colors, ethers with a hit of design running through them. They nre pileed at $1.08 reduced from SI.CO. Somehow I have never lest a liking for colored handkerchiefs. Once I went In for n very "wild" variety, queer, colors with detH nnd designs and .thing,' but new I've gotten down te the plnln c Inrs. The ether dav I came across' some very nlcp ones, there were various colors, pink. blue, yellow, lavender and i...... ... ......-.----. . - ... ... i.,.i 1,'nl ivlint. vnn nre: is tun miiup wniie ones. 100. 11 jour insie ir ci'atltiidp for tbp loving kindness of your 1 mere censeivative, -mid they were hut parents"'" I ,rM (('",s '''"'" I That kind of loving kindness doesn't I ) u.11 forth anv "SMImw1,' rAwVra.nlt'aaea'irTSali! Sl I lie i.utbuists of gratitude Hid sen ice. .,., lhl hours of 0 nnd S. I as .1 rule. ! i . Don't Bake Raitin Pies when you can get delicious ones ready-baked for you by master bakers in your town. Simply phone your grocer or a neighborhood bake shop and have one delivered, fresh delicious, and all ready for our table. Serve one te your men folks and hear what they say, Luscious, juicy, tempting made with Sun-Maid Raisins Had Teur Iren Today? SEE OUR EXHIBIT AT THE BIO T000 FAIR, COMMERCIAL MUSEUM, NOVEMBER 13TK TO StTR Her moneginm in the contrasting uner wl.iib edges her pe. kets and . 'lifts In braid makes nil added bit of . .oration en a useful, simple street frock. At this lime of enr 11 wool liel.iiue dress like this Is Ideal, as It may he worn Instead of a suit or with a fur unit en cold dajs The Weman's Exchange a- Very Anxious Girl" ' '?e"n h,er ,1,ln- !il,;,w ,kaJ sh '? ,,, , , ,.,i, piettj and nema sav fhu Isti t. What will help you. Ti iblH , Jtu, ihmuv yiand close enough te Which am eensldeiv.1 nicttlcst. dath. ..in" Imi te touch It with your tees or light cempleMcneil? Cmi'I.i.1 ICIndlv .. 1 m,t me t.. , win .1 wu r. a Ii J our lie out as straight " nat Is it, meamng or UiacK ejeu Te "A I'.m n l-e i.ri nlglit. su-an and pliu-appleV n : v nil ( nit .n iiinr umu ,,i'iti. . 1-1 . 1 ..,., 1.1., r. ,..., i.. i... iriiA.. ui..aI,.i. " ". - i-'v .-i... .. ,. umn 'fiJ.i its uorrtenti lit me.iiv " '" "" "V"' """"'': . ".. ' . '.. .. l '''"e. li.Ur grewlnff. en my . upper ierv tt nlii" I (tit nr.: one 1001 men ine einer i mp up Mitnetinies 1 pinch 11 en Willi my Tae c.'iiet 1 1 tciidenev ut. r waf. all the name of Saracen's the ulge of Iho bed with your tees De implied mr ll.l .l! 1 1 em inlredtlntliin tn eiitiehtnli.ti. lilrls in the younger spf have Ven ii"j t i n simi (r full i.tntv te 1'irtitig iIe'.mi te an art. I hey dent "iU and l..ngiiili, ihey go out after a man. ami u-u.i l hmd htm. And s,i when llflen lentiilrd te Aline ;;',il. 1 1 in i that Mii'iui l.nii'.' was 1.1 be there, .Masen 1.0 ii. the writ) r. im dear, jen ilillst liute sefii hi. wurk," Aline detrr iiiiiiiiI te make him aware of hei pie eiiiiie. and -he s.n ci'de.l with appar enth ir little ttellhle. He hail asked her te dame, nnd when the ei. lustra had stepped, lie had net released her. Thej had stmlled mit tn the iunch Iniwl, ,.nd wlien ill" music had start'. i again, her eje answered the .pierj it. his. It was in tins war tlia im iitislli ' 'iiiii'i'.iment l".i, who told veu th.tt jeu possess r.n "aitistl' iimpi-rament" An- jm, 1 tialn ,( u 11 tot n Mim ,,' sl'Ii- ..lt itleu lliing aitisile im .ins tie. e-.s'ng a pu. er or iiu.illty of perceiving . il liau sulilm; tin beantltu: In 11 mile. ''i 1 asl jour es en the uieil.ru gili i'l. jipel) aid il..ir.ietirlze her .is ugeu, itMBi stie, i ulgar this .is many times as you can without ;,-ettlng tired, ttilng te Increase tlie iiiimti. : of times bv one or two each lur.'lr. This will ic.luee you. Is there .itiv beauty in .iuc'i di erlp- , ' tiDii" .Mn union is mere nii.cn iruin 1 in our -tit' meat' Vet v little. nd h" ts It tlm' miu knew fe much of thu 1 modern girl' In jeu p member tint old -aim., 'Uirds of a fiallicr Heck tutretlier"? Truthful y speaking, I will bet nny- nine ieu iin)w a riw nuppei-d wne .in- All About Complexions ,) itnei of tl'iiiiimi's I'ii'."': Iii.ir Madam I nm a dutli tender nf j our lultiful celuniii. I'lt.i-e answer tii'i' iiuesileiia 'for me. Mi- friend has a erv dark com-1 .! ssir 11. (lriik hail and cvif. She has hI sui.iil bfitut.i mark en each cheeN and these two plants' te nnu imin. mils. Will that de anv harm? 1 hae a white vehet hat. Could I wear it this winter? D. il. Well, really It wouldn't be possible .0 viy whether she Is pretty or net ' ithet.t seeing her. Her expression, her .uures .mil tin; leek In her eyes have much te iln with it. And it's foolish ei -ay which Is prctttei, as some prefer 1 kIiI complexions, ethers like dark, and 1 eh l.s sometimes ptctty and sometime." plain. It all depends en the girl herself THl'X therp's the pnvent whose love Is se grent that it falls ever back wind and becomes selfish. Tills is usually the mother who can not bear te have her child go away from In r. even for a day. It makes her almost 111 just te think, of such n thing and her behaiien makes her child unhnppv and nervous. ' Hut she thinks she Is indicating deepj mother love. . 11 ivmildirt mnke miv difference whether she were a mother or net, she would still hnve that deep Ievp. be-1 cam.' It is net for her children, but fer1 herself. . ' She cannot bear te be without them! because she wants them all te lier-eit: tlielr happiness Is net .her first thought, as Is usual in tbp light kind of mother love ; her own happiness is. BUT then there's that third kind of selfish parent who Is like the father of the girl who wrote this sad letter; ".'.in anj reader tell the meanings of 1 J1.1 ve net been able WHAVS WHAT Ihi Helen IJevie. ie had (latiecl four dances straight j""' a bit etln r than what ou say. iv it li li i 111 nnd h:nl .-at mil iwe mere, whli b fmi had been the ause of ( 'hur ley's jealous . ecrtheless, although ihi. iind hap pen d. ami alrimii'.'h Helen, in nn n- 'iisijiinllv. I am aciiualnted with mu'iy fl.ippe"s who are as geed as geld de MJi'e III" f U they bale bnbbe.l hair and wiar abbivii.Udl -klits Meweier, I am ,'erri tn i.iv (tulte ,1 tew cynical . enle v. 'il uplmM j our .ugtllilMlt Yeu luien slntie .'nlilwlei,, .. iiliit.. ll,., mi. n,.U !,.,,! tllev s.ll "misery leVea OlIIIIMIlV, ippiired 10 ecu's room te powder ''-eii.il'j. t tlilnK li is almost n-itu-tliei- noses (nil told Mine ileli-ln.. Hi-' r:U f"r f'ple pes.sesslnu' siuh ten 1. ia 1. .1, ' ini.,iiti.u i.t ,,s dispiayrd In join I. tier te junge that ".Mnsnn was cu..v about I1.1. he 1 , vv, , t muiig flappers h.ushlv. l-n't li'i.ln t paid any attention te ativ unfit mis,udging them t" lenslder them "se." Aline wasn't sati-tiu'. , snnhblsli, hard-hearuil and ..ominen .' Thi.pn In. I been semel Inti- il.,.n- "ewel 1 r "he Is lien of these Oil the mere nail been -.111. nun. .Umu, , , , , ,B thf. mllilr,,s, of u Masen Leng s attitude tliat .ml vaguely' .I1K,ljm ,,ii hr.r own. physic, ly quecn tiuiibleil her. omeiiev.' she couldn't jnK 11 auietig herslstei. Yes, 'finder 'ii'lieve that lie was netiinlh a- howled ..ii.i.IIKi shielding drab garments fr m ever bv lier as he seemed tn be and .is hr shoulders, appealing most wonder. (Mentions would liad anj one tettulh .nr.ijeil. siiBKing arm nrr shins tile (lull pl'Sl nne ineiwi a luiuif niuiii .it. n.. . lr.e. .1 "i Wtl.K K"" V tbp bottles in vater bath with th wnter uuring tne tune 111.1t uir Had been Your Pttcr was placed In the -vreng lust te the neck of the bottles nnd '"Sethcr. she bnd brought out all In 1 fib by mistake and way, then-fore, net process for twentv-five minutes ' after little tricks one by one. She had nn- 1 published "H "ew- t... ..... ,.... utl,., .1,... .,. lers.s seriously With llllll (ill tnlilis ti.lt 1 ll' "air, 1.1111V-. .unlink, iihii i.-iii...... . , ,, , Peal seeurelj and when cold dip the for the most part did nm intrr.t hm. tops of the bottles In melted paraffin. m ..Itheugli h.; had s.rmed intete.te,l. Rr.ir In ennl drv t.lnee. ,"'""""""'" '"" 'w " ." " "IM'ie.ia i a i"MSl la 1 1 Ne, this will net huit veu. If you de net de it tee r uglily. Wear the while hat bv all means. It would leek well with a black elvet band and rosette Might In front, don't mu think se? sljP T1 toeJi a hun- dred years te develop Tetley's Orange Pekoe. Every cup is tea perfection. , WEDDING . I imi KMiKAVKO S11 .60 I I wv ANMIl N KMKNTS I I Other StTlpi Net Knirnred nt I I 8.1.00 ptr tee I Writ or pliene Walnut S.1-2S for I I litem simpl and correct forms. I! SretbI Kmrmlni Shep, flit Walnut StVj TETLEYS Makes geed TEA a certainty Country Chew Chew j tivelj en her ev.pusjte face, sn had Iviiewn with tliat strange woman s in. tuition lliat ..111 .ens.' si tr.nni tlitn.r. Open a can of shoe peg canned corn tliat he wis net stirred She felt intli'T nnd drain well. Or jeu may oak and that Im wii' studying her. ami giv'n." cook until tender one cup of dried com. wry little of li'm-elf dining the piueess, , Wash and s,,ak overnight one cup of j.,,, she wa- tee clever te show anv small lima beans, and in the morning nniuiniice. Her lieautiful fa. . Inn i. cook until just tender. Prntn. mnimd as , aim and unpeiturmil 11s Separate one medium size head of tlieiub one man or another meant neth- eaulitlewer into tlnwerets ami cook K n, he,, nf,., ,m, . was gl.id. des. until tender. Drain. pemt.'l.i glud, when ether men nit 111 Cever one quart of tiny silver onions en her dances. She wnut.d .Masen l.eng Tith boiling water. Let stand until cold in Knew 1 lint she was pnpulnr. that sue and then remove the skins, was 'note in ilea. and than anv etiiei girl Cut In inch pieces six red nnd six in the room whether it meant amtlung green sweet peppers, te him nr net. Cut six large sour pickles in inea All) f(1 ,, t)lP ,i afte,- her tall. Works . . , ... , with Clmi"le. Mn-en 1 ailed m r en the Place all In the preserving kettle and tpleplmni.. Aline was thrilled, almost ml cMili.tnt. She feuld liardlv l.iep her Tice paits cider vineiir te one pill u,ir" st,,,lll wI", answcreil him. tenter '""I " vn' 1'lf' nifHl difficult thing in the ' world te maintain lit r u-ual blase ntti- Have tins mixture juh te wuinn one unic tow aid lite. cmt b, fore had sh Sew Frecks Often Given Girdle Sheiver Inch of the top of the preserving kettle Bring te boiling point and add One cup of flour, One cup of mintard (utine the dry farkagt mustard). One cup of Ireicn sugar, One clove of garlic, chopped fine-. Twe tablespoons of white pepper, four tablripoens of paprilej, Onc'half cup of salt, iJi.c teaspoon of cinnamon, One -half teitspoen of allspice, 7'ire teaspoons of ginger, One tablespoon of tumeric, One eup of vinegar, One-half cup of wafer. felt this win about nn man. She hud alwajs ac. epted I'lviinunns as lier due. ' but new lis she iniiig up tne rcciiwr, she sat absolute ly still ler a moment, her eyes shining, lier lips parted soft jr. At that moment, she was net Aline Fester, a product of the reckless nprta, no one who could haie seen her then would have thought of her as lilafe, She was an e'iiitei little girl, thrilled nt the prospect of an engagement wltn a man sue iikpii mere man eniinnrlly wen, .nu yet, live minutes later, as she sat befme the mirror of her dress ing table, her face hart resumed its so phisticated smile, and die was planning 1 he same that she would nlnv tomorrow Mix te smooth blend, and then add te evening whpn she wus te have dinner the mixture in the preserving kettle, 1 witli Masen r.eng. irlth , One ounce of mustard seed, Tomorrow Dinner In Town ' Twe tablespoons of celery seed, . One.half cup of pickling spices. , W iQf fp fi . KHr with wooden snoen. until the . . , . J "" ---- - -,, -, , iiii enmi nei nnf t ma hnby. were th Instructions h the k ?. w If B ii fr: 'tiPK ixture conies te buillus point, watch . !! . A- I fPl. SekXUn?te1 minZs: fill inie'a . ? lnttBUrr?vV,a lass jars, and adjust the rubbers nnd wft'nkaLd ?,,, T eri ? fids ami seal securely. When cold dip L$f ''el ' nH ,.t.e tl, nlnk" h tens of the iars in melted paraffin. "'" y.t'v... ' "!.."'..! "I . . Btere in epel dry place. , ,, ,)l)egt pln. ,bnt It veu desire te give this chew a little inff ',.,, im iinwi u ketter and mere apicy tweng, add Kruff t(mt wits tucked In .v another l'ka' aaaKiSBaaaaEC aaaVir 'i nDBIII litem TlFa MJi j JnR ff R'' KM H y In 1 very laige city "trarrtc cetis" nre stationed te legulnte the alternate pass mg of lehiclc and of pedestrians, and in (.potato and enforce the safety sig nals. In the hl.cks between the.se cor ner eresslnps -ignals bio Inoperative, M. Unit a man or woman who dashes across the street In the pathway of . Meedlng motercais does se ai me ri-u 'I'lieKe Interble.l; dashes are called ' liuU ire.'liigs" as indicating unfa ' 111lll.il ll with Ihi" wavs of a great Ity. md ahe beciuse sUch a crossing Is a Idlsoeurti eii'U "be(b" Interference with thu M'hleles' light of way. A well bred woman does net make an cm 'barrasslng apectaele of herself by an ' awkward nili arinii the mldbloek of a downtown thoreughfme. It is mere iliaiilllnl and less ddiigereus te obey 'he tratlle laws; t cress a busy sticet milv at ihe eenier, and then only when the" sunaphote is set with the "rtetp , sKnal against veludea ready te cress j he. ) de.Url ill's path. Net Merely FURS BUT FUR ART-THAT SOMETHING GIVING A NOTE OF DISTINCTION. SUCH MR. ANDRASSY AND ONLY A FEW OTHER AMERICAN DESIGNERS ACHIEVE. 0 Modest Prices ANDRASSV 1310 WALNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB " B! aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasal aaaaaV ' aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaT f?BlfH 1 fSjBMJl P, BaBBBmnA """IBaP' (ll '"mRKv.1"' W JwfliKM w One small bottle of Worcestershire lining of white china silk. And nreiinu twee, , the neck, sleeves nnd edged was a bind- One bottle of Chinese shey sauce, lug finished with tiny wool cress-sf itches pile bottle of icalnut catsup, . of the same soft color. It was se pretty mperteu cuews anii.1011 uirsei mac 11 wns 111-0 going in prove very, ery uteiui, nv COKINNK U)VK The girdle pla nn Important role In prevent -day costuming. Apparently w are Insatiable regarding thai stuffed or twisted or rolled iicccssniy which was launched some seasons age, and when wc reject It at the waliillne we make up for this slight bj adopting It at the neckline. This t.ipe nf Krdle is at its best en one of the straight line, draped effects siieli us he jmvi) pictured today. And freiuentl It gains distinction from the hupplemuitnry aid of a second belt this without any of Its own p.ituen ciinrueierlsties. Thus I en thu above afternoon model of brown 1 mem .!...i .1.. ..:.-.. ... ress, this littla, ' V' .. ...,1.1 V.. . .V." .? '" " .'l"r,, Ith some warm '," ,",.'" '," 1 ."""i""'," " s""" ' ii'iik null- pnneiH art) 01 The au brown )" repeated n the sttiMnict) large cub attached te a long tight fitting sleeve. It is well te remember that the st.ile of many n new model h achieved solely by some such whin skill sleeve its we beheld here. JJ.Sheppacd &Sens Cheese Thanksgiving Linens Frem the World's Best HE netf linens are ready thorough- breds in their sturdy quality, ex quisite fineness and perfect taste the traditional linens of this house and the sort that, may well become treasured heir looms in your own. Embroidery Orders for Chrittmas Table Linens should be placed NOW te insure delivery en time 100$ (BhcstnutStreet S Our Exhibit, aTeetn 5, Phitadelphia Feed Fair Since 1857 Over half a century age, when your grandparents were young,' Hcardsley s threaded Codfish w as an established favorite. Fer sixty hve years this splendid fish product has been used in American homes. Fer breakfast, for luncheon, for dinner or supper nothing is su perior te Shredded Codfish. Codfish balls, light and crisp, fried te a deep brown, are the pride of geed cooks. But there are many tempting wavs te use Shredded Cednsn ether than in the well known codfish ball-au gratin, deviled, timbale, fritters, en casserole, creamed, and a la creele are a few of the attractive wavs of preparing luncheon and dinner dishes. And a threaded Lednsh Rarebit made according te our recipe is one of the surest te please. Kif Cedfi,h is se. eas' d iuick te prcPare- in from ten te hftcen minute, you can have a meal ready for five people. And this s from one package-costing fifte-n cents. with ?MTr K f?r ardley';, Shrdded Codfish. The box SSv fW ""(1, vAsk .l?.,m' V5.0' f?r our book of recipes "The Daily Question". Yeu will find it a help. J. W. Beardiliy't Sens, Ntwark, Niw Jerity BEARDSLEYiS Shredded CODFISH j V If VM 'ijj ,! ,li. J -