Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 13, 1922, Night Extra, Image 1
ipVH riwmmi .-- - WF'-: : t- lf 1 l . fT- yitflGMT f'teudv fenhthti TMiAw rata anal uenma (eirtewhar warmer t moderate easterly winds, TKMPKRATUBK AT BACH IIOl'B I s i i i it i2 i i r 2 i :i i 4 .-.' ir.u ine (se i i a I j 47 mi m b VOL. IX. NO. 52 Batsrtd u eteee4- ,. vsusrsfftA" t Fhllsditphla, Fa. PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1922 PablUhtd Sailr Eacspt San4ar. Bebserlptlen Prles Ma Teat Copyright. 183. by Publle Ltdttr Oempaar. PRICE TWO CBNTfJ 1 3 BADLY HURT III DOWNTOWN TROLLEY CRASH Many Others Injured When Cars Collide at Sixth and Federal Streets ACCIDENT OCCURS DURING MORNING RUSH HOUR Passengers Imprisoned as Car Strikes Anether and Turns It en Side FIRE ADDS TO PANIC Women Are Extricated First When Police and Firemen ReachvScene Thirteen persons were seriously In Jnrrd and innn.v ethers were Might)? cut by glass when n Federal street 'trolley enr crashed Inte the rear of a Sixth street enr shortly before 7 o'clock . this morning. The Sixth street enr wns knocked from the track nnd over turned. In overturning the enr struck Arc nlnrin box nnd cnlled out much nf the fire-fighting apparatus in Seuth Phila delphia. Tltee seriously Injured, nil of whom were Inken te the Pennsylvania Hos Hes pltnl, were : llaymentl Kellelier. twenty -three enrs old, 2.".1!) Cedar street. Jeseph Dunlevy. thirty-two years old. IM32 (joiiIeii street. Jehn Teber, thirty-four' years old, 1724 North Frent street. James Kelly, twenty-five years old, SOS Federal street. Rosreo Adern, twenty-c'lght years old, 139 Whnrten street. WilJam Kcllehcr, 2432 East Gorden street. ' Peter Grlndel, 10,"0 North Palctherp street. Football Here Dies Stefane Dcller, street. 853 North Third Jehn Otte, forty-four years old. 2337 East Mosten avenue. ,J5.ep" Harris, nineteen years old, 123 Heed street. Benjamin Vasman, Twentieth nnd Heed streets. Simen Stnfaste. twenty-eight year-, old, 114 Lehman street. v b.i vfaine ,1,a',",. tJt'rty years old, S17 lederni street. Passengers Are Imprisoned Tlic,SIxtli street car, crowded with ?!in m .?'""!"" 0M iMr w"y te work. Ml with the deer en the underside. Ini Ini prisening the hundred or mere passed eers. A small lire broke out and, ni ni theugh quickly extinguished bv the con cen con ducier, drove passengers i frclrtv ns smoke filled the enr. Kxclted men cllmlu.,! ... i.. .... timed seats and the persons who had ANDREW LANG University of Pennsylvania athlete, who succumbed te Injuries sus tained In a football game 'CONFESSION' READ Tl ) CHANDLER JURY Breker Leses Fight te Bar Ad missions Clients' Stock Was Sold TRIED TO BLAMESl. Y. FIRM i Admissions thnt Chandler Bres. & Ce. was insolvent seven months before it crashed in July. 1021. with debts of $4,000,000 and that they "sold cus cus temcrs' stocks without authority were made by I'arl Mcndcnhnll nnd Fred T. Chandler, Jr.. a Commonwealth witness asserted at their trial today. Mr. Chandler's face flushed a fiery red and Mr. Mcndenhall paled as this testimony was given by M. F. Middle Middle Ien, president of the Philadelphia Stock (exchange who headed the exchange' special committee whleji investigated i lie inuure ALL PENN HONORS MEMORY OF DEAD FOOTJBALLPLAYER Classes at University Sus pended te Mourn Andrew Lang's Death , GAMES ON FRESHMAN Dr. Penniman Pays Tribute te Student Who Broke Neck . en Playing Field . GIRL ASKS $100,000 IN HEART BALM SUIT Suet Manufacturer. Charging Breach of Premise te Wed Suit for $100,000 for alleged breach of premise has been filed by Miss Agnes Cavannugh, twcnty-nlne yenrs old, of West Philadelphia, against Geerge 11. Knoell, wealth) furniture manufac turer, of 3")4 North Bread street. According te the young woman's, at torney, Merris Des Pnsses, Miss Cav annugh has been keeping company with Mr. Knoell since 1010. She were nn ; engagement ring given her by I lie tie j fendnnt, her counsel says, nnd was In j I reduced frequently te friends by Knoell SCHEDULE CALLED OFF , nsn' '',''' n. nf.tMav... Mr. d,, I'nsfees said, his client demanded Mr. Knoell fulfill his premise of marriage, but he refused, according te the lawyer. Pnpera in the suit, which was lied In Common Pleas Court Ne. 1, were served en the defendant Thursday. Judge Hurtlett held Knoell In 8 1. "Oil ball. Knoell reluscil today te discics the cave. ZBANDITSHOLDUP CIGAR STORE AT 15TH AND I CHESTNUT Force United Stores' Cashier te Hand Over Cash in Safe , Estimated at $1213 . V' THIRD SIMILAR ROBBERY HERE IN RECENT MONTHS Victim of Attack Tells Police Armed Men Bound, Then Gagged Him Herrin Miners Won't Be Convicted of Massacre, Pre-Union County Beast Selection of Jury, Which Began Today, May Take Weeks Prosecutor Expects Trials te Drag A long for Years Bv n staff Correspondent te murder. Seventy-seven men were .Minion, III.. Nev. 13. Ne crown indicted. fl" "-" :"""1 ' ""7" ,? , Kr J&3TC S kmft S8 & the Ilerriu inns-acre trial before r- HefTiiian. n stenra shovel worker, of cult .Fudge Dcw;tt C. llnrtwell. And i Huntingdon, Intl. Originally forty- nc Jurers were selecteil this imirnlni?. eight union men were indicted: forty 1000 KILLED;-?! BY CHILE QIIElt RELIEF RUSHED! Death and Destruction In Watt of Mountainous Tidal Wave ' Tribute beyond mere words te the memory of Andrew Leng, of theMrcdi mnn football team, who died as a result of Injuries In n game with Mercers burg Academy, was paid today by sev eral thousand University of Pennsyl vnnla students, who thronged the "gym" and echoed the sentiment ex pressed by college officials. Thnt spirit of loyalty for which Penu is renowned was in evidence nt the demonstration. Many of the students were suits of mourning and the only touch of color was the red nnd blue, appropriate te the memory of the young nthlcte. Members of the vnrslty team and gridiron heroes of former yenrs were scattered through the grent throng of students. Penniman In Tears Acting Provest Jeslah H. Penniman was tearful when he reviewed the rec ord of the dead player. At times his voice trembled as nc strove te hide bis emotion. He said the name of Lang would stand out ns one of the big men of I'. of P. for liis bravery in helping te carry the Ited and Blue te victory. He spoke of Lang's self-sacrifice nnd his endenver te make Unlit of the lnlurv pvlilch carried him te dentil. IJr. Penniman spoke of Lang's devo tion te liis mother and his desire te spare her suffering nnd his interest in her welfare rather than liis own. He said I.aug was a student of premise and had the spirit which spells success in these duys of keen competi tion. Dr. Jehn Keogh. trainer of the fresh men team, al'-e praised the fnllen wnr wnr rier of the gridiron. He said Lang would sacrifice atilvhiinr for the clerv of Penn nnd obeyed orders te the letter cndenMhnlUatid Chandler, .who were mnt1thAta tit flm liMi.l.AH.,n ?..... ... trial before Judse Stern en chnrBcs of ' which was the real asset in any athlete. L "Tll .I',,,m,rin' Court Ltiw," Mr censpirary and friiiidiilent conversion. I telephone message was received I favw said, lias lieen unfair and un Mr. Middlcten live sin Camden, ha,f,m Dr. William Mann Erwin, of Just, nnd there Is no need or a pluce been In the stock and bund business fer.l Mcrcersburg Acndeiny, in which be said ' for, " ' Kansas. There have been thirty years and was elected president . ,lmt delegation of the academy student "' a Tew cases before it. and none of of the Philadelphia Stock 13 x eh nice last wnntr would attend the funeral of them has teen settled satisfactorily. tr I. a 1 T n.tt ... lll.iwlin.ii.t. LfA nl.n MAn . t "Tim Htfltf. tiepflu ntttnnm tlfiA .fill .iiiirun. i i"h "v i.iiiisiiiiiiinMi. ...- uiiu mu- i ... ," ---. " i luiinuiiK one l'n.....l 4l.n .nmnta nf lln U,llf1.m. l...i. ltV(i.t tllf U'llflltllV ll!l,l n Mllfr.lfll n .1 ' !..... ...!... 1 lelh or ulz ny neartl f ti)0 academy. I the peer man. and then the public will They found McCenncll se frightened He tesiilled he had been p member of Lang was nineteen years old, a respect officers of the law and laws will nnd exhausted bv Ills struggle te break the Investigating Committee of the freshman In the prc-medlcal course, be obeyed. " the twine which bound him that 'he exchange before, whom Mcndcnhnll .ami UN body will be sent te his home In Olcioxieus lnws cannot exist ns long could hardly tell what had happened. Chandler were summoned in December, i lllnghamten, N. Y., tomorrow, and will "s I am (lovcrner. The Industrial Court A man who had stnrtctl work en n 1021. i be accompanied by Captain Dlehl, of Law is one of them." I building operation across the htreet tnai was mi id ny .iieiiueniiail nnd.nin rresumun lenni. represcniauves et i supplied (lie information that the two Twe armed bandits entered the United I Cigar store nt the northeast corner of Fifteenth nnd Chestnut streets nt 7:25 clock this morning, held up the clerk, bound him hand ami feet, gagged him and escaped with $1213 from the safe. Alexander J. McCenncll, of 2044 Chestnut street, is clerk of the store. In relating the story of the held-up he says : "I opened the store nt 7:lf o'clock and went back of the counter. I henrd the exhaust of an automobile In Fif teenth street, and as F looked out to ward it two men entered the store. "The men looked out toward the street and then one started te enter a telephone booth. He looked around and motioned te the ether mnn, who drew two revolvers nnd said he would blew my bend off if I made any noise. "HIn companion came bnck of the counter nnd picked up a piece of rope lying there. He tied my hands and feet. heved a handkerchief In my mouth and laid me face downward en the fleer. Then lie took my kcja and opened the -afe." Escaped in Automobile Then. McCenncll says, they walked Irem the store and escaped in an auto mobile. A workman saw the carspced cast en Chestnut street. Jonathan M. Davis Intends te Have '1''" "nutcs after the held-up ec- Unfair" Law R.ni. ctirreu .mci (jnneii treed nimselt. nc- uniair Law Repealed ,-.ir,iii ,. i,iu ttr...t. m h ,.ii,, Lawrence. Kan.. Nev. 13. .Tnnntlinn ! intil nimiiiriiiml tin.' iinll.m h. tnl.itiliivn M. Davis, Democratic Oovcrner-clect ' The robbery is Identical with two pf Kansas, will start a rneye as seen as 'ethers in the la-t few months in which no iimes emcc in repeal tnc industrial United Cigar Stere clerks have been i ii.ini. i.ii.. . .11- itmi-n lllH PIl'CIIOIl BS linlil llti I lirill'' tlm -ir v innrfllm- linncc In the Meres nt Bread and Sansom streets and Tenth nnd Chestnut streets in two held-ups the clerks were bound nnd gagged while the bandits escaped with the contents of the safes. Motorcycle Patrolmen Gleasen nnd Lanahau off the Fifteenth nnd Locust streets station arrived at the store this morning one mintue after the cull hud JAPANESE INELIGIBLE TO BE CJITIZENS OF U. S. Supreme Court Rules They Cannet , Be Naturalized Washington, Nev. 13. (By A.vP.) Japanese are net eligible ter natural ization in the. United States, it was held today by the Supreme Court. In Its finding the court deposed of two enses, one brought from Hawaii by Take Ozawa agulnst the United States and the ether brought by Tn kuji Yumashita and Charles Ilie Koke against the Secretary of State of Wash ington. In the latter case both Japa nese hnd been naturalized by a court of the State of Washington, but were refused iucorperation -as a real estate firm enthe ground that their naturali zation had been illcgel. The lower Federal courts denied nat uralization in betli cases. The question largely turned upon whether Section 2101) of the Itcviscd Statutes, restrict ing naturalization te "free white per sons" nnd these of African descent was still in force. KANSAS GOVERNOfTeLECT FIGHTS INDUSTRIAL COURT but ten veniremen were excused for cause en objections of the prosecution. Only the special venire nf I.'IO men, thirteen altnniejs. .Sheriff Melvln Thaxton, the five d"fndntifH, the court officers nnd a few stracelers waited in I the courtroom when Judge Hurlwcll put, in u neinieii appenrance. Yesterday there reached town a long train of "empties" and censeuentlv there is weik at the mines today te keep the curious aiy. And, tee, the .VI . "n"c ,mv "'"' t,ie ""H beckon. It a no secret which way the sym pathy of the community gees," says Angus W.vKerr, in chnrge of the de fense. And, Indeed, ft in't. One hears en th etreet corners that Williamson County is "100 per cent union" : that the indicted miners will never be convicted. til "I expect it will take weeks te get a jury," is the way State's Attorney Dcles L. Duty puts It. Nearly 200 Indictments Charges growing out of the killing of twenty non-union men an'd three union men during June 22 nnd 23 at the LcMer strip mine, about four miles from Herrin, present a criss-cress of indictments wlmve number has never been efliclallj announced. It is esti mated that thej touch the 200 mark. Tlicy Involve charges of murder, con spiracy i" minder, rioting and assault .!..... i....mwmm hfit?A hnfin "nnllnn hv the tirosccutlen. The five men who are standing trinl are Otis Clark, Leva Mann, Peter Hiller, Jeseph Carnaghl and Burt Grace. Beth towns of Marlen and Herrin. the two larget in Williamson County. talg n great deal about the trial. , They are the sort of towns where tall, , sleched-hnt, bronze men may be ween , in little groups en street corners nt any hour of the day, smoking, chewing, talking. Approached by a stranger, these men at first close their mouths grimly and stare. But they are kindly. ihey have been stung Inte a sullen silence by newspapers which have called their ' county "dangerous" and "lawless." Nearly All Are Union Men "Might think from some of the pa pers that a man can't walk the streets in this county without getting n bullet In the back," they say. "This is a quiet, peaceful place, until somebody from away off comes here te take the bread from out our mouths nnd the I reef from ever our heads then a body i gets desperate and rights." ' They point te the recent election of i Sheriff Thaxton, who is a member of n union and who was charged with having i marked time while hundreds of striking ' union men attacked the labor imported j by the Southern Illinois Ceal Cempnny, I Continue,) nn race Twent-me. Column File TOWNS ARE WIPED OUT BY 0NRUSHING FLOODS Fierce Undersea Upheaval Causes Wall of Water te ; ' Hit Coast DAMAGE INTO MILLIONS Government Hastens te AW Stricken Few Bodies Are Recovered LAST-MINUTE NEWS a repudiation of the lnw. passed under guidance of (iovcruer Henry J. Allen. Clinndler as te the course nf IiuUhpvi' the athletic council and University stu regarding free and marginal securities?" i dents. Announcement wns also made asked As-L-iiint DNtrict Attorney Fex. I of cancellation of all remaining games Fermer Sheriff (iiltllbin. defense en the Freshmnn schedule. council, (.hjectcd but was overruled. Icing's death is the first fatality re MAN'S SKULL FRACTURED Andrew Schnapps Run Down by Car en Glrard Avenue Near 28th u limn nuiieii ....:. i.. ... a . L.1111111M t titrt a mm nn i rrnniA im r it a .n-T . .iiriiiiriiiiiiii m.i i i ii iivu iir rii riiiiiii ii iiu u iuui un huiuu in inc .!.. lj..i.u- u. l I :i ,1 s, L:'"?'1 l.PHtle,, ,nu Mr.Middle.en " 1, ' history of the University's athletics. , lr,i '" North T vl " 7 r eet 11 Sereanw rf men . .M T w' ' ,in,Vl,p'" ,,m"- & t'- " wM se-, Swcrnl iron age a freshman was fa-. i lt bv"'Ves t hound I "rellev car w- lie blecl-r'md , a "" "j, l'P h,"r,, '" "irlllea hel.,ngh.ff te custe.ners without ally injured while practicing en the "linMr rd ,v " ue alec Twc v- f!r?rf 5? """ ,i0,"" ' ZTb: !"effif gan'r'have b,' rare!' "SW "'" f--sin.t,. I a u fh" S, iS thes ZT Ut '"V1 b!V V I T" "" " Mw'""! "8 ""hC He "was' lake , te St. Jeseph's He,- ...,'-. !'tt C'lmbeil te the untiirneil I witlmul the xule f ..m.liu ,... t i ' I nin til All rkli i t. 1 r Msved WOIni. ,..,.., ,,, V "" lifsidelils of a iienrliv l.n..... ' I 'He told us thai imiiln. in Mnr..li lf)!il . It U'!I4 iwiitiiwk.ii. ,.. ..!! ...I.ll.t.,....! i , . I " ''Hi,, li.n-l.illlllllllllllll1 nnakeiied In ii,, . r "" were --'-" ier inc same reason, nt wiiici wn!.!; ,,,'.,, , '"''teT." ","1 ,l1" tlle HKMMH shares wee sold, lie told , . t. . . i , i nr uprn vn. u iiiiii tli lti- ill ...Llli l.... I " Me'n ..rir"':!.."'?"!:".. . . m.i i.".. Vi- .v.-..; fr 'Zr,Z,"Z, fn.ni ii h ',. "mil v re , .,,'m,, "''" ' !" ,,".li,, l",r" ,,f ,"," sepiirltlcs that the .Ml,. f I,.' " '. ., I l ' l"BI""V I '"" 'I'''" f""-V l",i'1 f,,r b '" '""'-' of L-ciii,,.! ,,,'... .".."'. .',""' '"! work and al-n dlMie-ed of. He ,M ..M l,.,i - " r 'n,ri,K,.n IJIIt, ULSTER 10 GO DRY, W. CI U. IS MO RI SHIP L 'LOVE STOWAWAY' Wenitii Taken Out f.-j,t ""rJ:"!"!":'1. .'!"" "'' "l.turnnl ... ....,,,,, , ,,,,.,, n iSsellL'eis 'ill and llrst. the additional proved itlch hi: I iti..i... ........... ....A ... .1 .! no. ZXZVZ": English Delegate Stirs Conven- 13-Year-Old Sister Causes Ar- ick. mi fmac weie bought back. I , ... b J!-: ' . . ui t.n.- iiuii uy rieuiiiuii i teeiui vvuillclll WHO niQ TO llic i f the M.ats mil tt(,re ir, ere iftP, i,i . , , ',, ii - ! Kuihs i iini renin ln...l 1.. 1 'i,i!! were em in. New Yerhcrs Kan Aflalr', "lie also told n-. tluii from .Ma 10 until the failure Clark, Child- -&' Ce. the in.'!?.. ' :w'"'. "' '""ipii'l Hitrnl of Chandler i -.i 1 1110 tilers i. Ce. Thej liihl iik thnl Rift 1 r 1 1 1 ,.!... ,.. . M 1 w nliijlnw- ,m ,M,V .,,,.,. Imll( 11.u,r.""lieth free and margimsl ecnritie hail 1. "!.'"'r;1" ,''.'''-,,,k ,""t'"g and Ceil- ,',',,',.,.!;,,ltl "vrr iUi1 I"'1' " 1 .' '"'" ''"iilniger were tlu la -1 "What wa- -aid inuccruiiis their 111 i..ie the c.t,.. , knowledge of the firm's -vcnc V" As- 1...1 1 "v,,"" were mure or Ic.sw , Kls" Htsirict Alieruc. C., asked. l"n-l. injured were imsseiiLr....u ....I "Mr. Meml nlmll iiiliiil...l llu.i ., I line. nt.it. 1.'..., , . V !!" "II , , . -. --.;' :. ".V"-. "- "" n.,,1 .. . " '""'"" si reel car. n ... ueceuiDer L'U ('liamllcr lln.tliers & Ce. of Change CONVENTION Be Near Skipper OPENS JEALOUSY AND LIQUOR MIX men Imu wallicil from the store nnd stepped into an nute. He Mild the car sped east en Che-tnut street and turned Inte ISrnad. He did net take the license number as be hail net suspected thnt there had been a held-up. Aute Bandits Frustrated A dozen shots were fired nt 3:10 'o'clock this morning, when Bertram ' Fl-lier frustrated automobile banditii who were trying te force 1111 cntiaticu te bis tailor shop at 7.'!U Seuth Twen tieth street. Five men in n large green touring car stepped in front of the shop. They were battering at the dour when Fisher, who live- nlinve the -hop, awoke. He opened a window and shouted a warn ing te the men who were working nt the dour te "get a way or he'd open file." Ju-t then two men leaned from the auto and bhueil away at. Fisher, the bulet- -pincring the glass f the win dew a- 1 i-lier jumped back. As t,,. 'Hindu- 'eaped te their ear Fisher tired four -huts nt them. Their car darted un Twentieth -trcet and disappeared 1 Fi-aer -cut a rail te the nelle ' .1... i Twentieth and Fitwater streets station. ' IKTERNATIOriALE WOULD COMBAT FACISM MOSCOW. Mew id. -The 1iiul Iutri.at.uaale in ceus'.cler. it:;; lac".i:'j te cilm ihc wave of faci&m which is reported te be ir.a!:lug tremendous strides in Gcrnsany, Poland, Hunaar.ia, Eon Een navy tu. J Czechoslovakia. The newsrjapc-r Piavda says the ttuntjih c the FabvlEti is hereialn inteuiatleuaT, both po litically and economically. SURVEYS DRY ENFORCEMENT IN WESTERN PENNA. TITTSBUKGE. Nev. 13. Saul Grill, :;tfw divlbienal chief l. tl. . ji-.-ohihitlen enforcement staff in I'tnusylvunia, today '.r.i j ::v y ul ti j ftituatie-. 1:. tb- -a 'stare &.ctien vt the 2I- jahl tiir iij cliang were co... i!)lfit-.(i at jtrc-aem I". ' .. :.: .. i.t .iM'.iit- Earthquake Death Tell In Largest Catastrophes Killed. Han Francisce, April 18. WOO 4B2 Valparaiso, Aug. 10. 100(1.. 1,500 Kingsten, Jamaica, Jan. 14, lf07 1,100 Sicily nnd Calabria, Dec. 28, M08 : 5,483 Cartage, Cesta Rice, May C, 1010 1.B0O Turkey, Aug. D. 1012 3,000 Sicily, May 8-fl, 1014 200 Central Italy, Jan. l.'J, l!ll... 20,078 Guatemala City, Dec. 24-.'Jl, 1!17 2.C0O Mugello Valley, Italy, June 20. 1010 100 Perte Itice. Oct. 11, 1010... 110 Orizaba, Mexico, Jan. 3, 1020 3,000 China, Dec. 10, 1021 2,000 .; M irr- SPEAKERASPIRANTS SPECAL SESSION TO TRACK PINCHOT; HELD UNAVOIDABLE City Organization Leaders Get Appeals for Help Frem Rival Candidates Senators Tell President Con gress Will Have te Be Sum moned in Spring GRUNDY FAVORS SPANGLER, RADICALS BALK AT DELAY When Jlineriier ele. t I'iiiihut back In the cit net wek. nftcr Mi-s Agnes Slnck. nt Kuglaud, An eightceu-ycar-eld girl in imp nj, sketched the modern lil-mrj of iirinu " captain et the schooner l.lllip' in every civilized country 111 the world '''i 1 smuggled her-clf aboard tli te 1 he 2(100 fore irn and American dele- "'' '" .amal 1:. lie ve- hi- re" -election ..catii.n. In- -nunnrr will' , in- 1. un. in mi .i rciMirieii last yen. ' i . 1 11 1 t. -P mg north en Ilr.md Mre et. -', be me-t engerU m.iu'h ' .Mil ciiiiili- Twe window smashers threw- brick '''"V ,"" M-akcr-l the Mate H,.,.-c till. nigh the wit w front of the Harris "' . U7"''1"",""",u' "I u !" ''.ic ,ilre.id sliup. Twelfth and Chestnut street! ",l,I,,,rl:'" "" n '' ! 'H"!' "-" "r u'u" at 2 eM.-k this morning nml c'?i . ,,"""li: ,h" ""' member, with a fur coat vnlued at SSOO " ' 'I''"' ' "I"' ''' f '" ' '"'lv w '"'" " 1 wa- Ic.irncd that mend.. ill lit s delegallell el I" of the Mate llen-e i-i . 1 in t' I'liilmie!- ie member 111 the morn- H.v CLINTON W. C.IIJtKItT -titr Cnrr.rmnclen Ihenlnir I'til.llr l.nlsfr iuria,,,. JV!:, by ruli,c IlJu . rmnlinu Uusliliigtun, Nev. i::. I'ri.-ideni Harding 1ms Lad M-veral com. rencs with vnriens Senators n the ,, ....vts of the cei,,u. Session of CeiKi.-N j,i: oil tile n. (.tif 1. ..r ....n. ' '" i-aiiiii'.' nn i tra M'-len after March 4 II. u ...1..1.. 1 By Assertited Prta '' Santiage, Chile, N'ev. 13. Relief forces te aid the thousands madj homeless by the earthquake? throughout Chile early Saturday' morning and the flooding, waves which followed the shocks were being mobilized today. The death tell will probably be at 'l least 1000, it is estimated, and the property less will run into the rail- liens, as several towns were almost 1 entirely wiped out and heavy dam- I age te buildings and communication 1 lines and particularly ships along; the 1400 miles of coast affected by the huge waves has resulted from the violent upheavals of nature. The extent of the casualties, property damages nnd di.-tre.-s wrought by the ! catastrophic disturbances lias net yat been learned except in a general way, as many communication lines, both eierland and under water, were put out of operation, Ships Swept Ashore (irndual reopening of the telegraph lines te the north is bringing In ad ditional details of the catastrophe cen 1 tering in A tn cam a province. I The inland town of Vnllenar is i ruins with .'tHO dead and about OCX) in jured. In the cnllap-e of the pr!en, twelve Inmates were killed nnd ether--inj'urcd. The entire population is with out fend or adequate lucdicnl as-lstance. At Coiiuimbe. where 10(1 ere killed, earth tremor.- were eentjnuiiii: yester day, hut the population was sea'rchlnc the ruins for bodies and succoring the injured. At Cliannral, neitb of I.a Seiena, the tidal wave swept away the entire district in which the stores were situ ated and the inhabitants are without feed. I'en bodies have been reeeiercd. I'aldera is In ruins. The -en swept ..v.T ih,. town, carrying away even railroad cars. All along the mint little -l,i,,v ,.i lips were swent oil shore, imnn.ll a sat nst Hie rocks or left high and dry. jf jl n en uiitM'Piinen hni. tic.. .. w "' - "niviwi ; ' : ; . '; ... t- "1"' "Ml ,'"" uiat nn e?r. ""i niui iiit'ti 1111 rfn.ii 11.... , , - 4 it . , i ! ii, ij.. pi vii 1 f. i... ..... jh-i, 11 ... -. mi? tiini m :iTiin!i 4 tin it 11 inn nife "i -"hiii fiiniier r, n,,, , . -Z":isrzr-""",--''r"' H5S:S,lis'';,a."a wife bets divorce ie5fra V.lK'..T,.aV-. w'fcss ha iWARP "S5P. " MSP- 5 BS-;i;: '- -WJftaa-s. -- -- , i: &jji&2i S i:TZ;t,iyz.sis:r'' """' ,uu" ""' ""VJ".i:! 'si!-'; -"ir." K'i:..,::'! ijS! s; , ..E,'r.",d'':..".8l.' e,mt.':'" skiK1, .:;"';": S,.;,fcfc.uTV ilia m..i, . - . . ---- i -., . , , . un i wiiii 11 . iiiiii ii 1 1 in i . in i'" , ,.i " ' nrii i no vnu. iii'i'ii n" 'i nii-iNiiiii ripn r nrr nt-A. ai- mi ,.. u -. i . . . . ... .. huii-tji i r r i- rrrr:! ? w & iwtw. .czu t,w- Ti.ncJ n nnr,,'""nn8,V W ;"(, V V V, r, ym, - ' " a- Wmm-f, "ln l''.'.'i taken before Cel- ' m her F ehnen "c hl.en:" has Kj ! 'e reeeip, of these le-r.n-, an-ed or- san . " TILDEN LEAVES H0SPITAI '.l.T?" Thc'WiMt'eV t. IV. 'i .! '- "'- '"" "t"1 tefi it W.A ',?. ?. Il-.tl r.,,tM a .la.. ..." "" bnn Ki '"iiiKr, .S mH-S: iV? "TIR""" " the Fresl- .. .. i. i i i i .. .- l ill iinur i. i'i I'liiiiiini rn in,.,i .1.. w.i,.iiie.nuii f ii f uniHn !.:.... 1 . .---.. ,., -..., . .., ... ....,, ou i-in. win inn i wrnni . i ikit s son. r n riri'ii with t in ' ,M "" ,, iinimr in n Lm...ii i i...v ." ". '"i"" nv '" - "- "." iji"c'rcfi te i. !:,...,..,.... ii....i i (...uni. i - -.. . . -. ", "" infected Finger Heallnn nu,. ,- mur.ler of Claren-e I'clcrs iHt sti ., . A., ernnge-t.ir.mne.i v -11m; m.m icy- ,,,.,- ,;. ''" in Phlln- support., g their large family, his ob- ... 1" '', J i j , .,Li, . , i,. .ilY",.: YT . "'"'. " the , , . '-""r, nis, .....1 ....... ... .. u-,1 en, 1 ... ii ,"'. ion sin en tnc irnni row. .sc 10 unit 1 ,:..,.. ,.i "'" """ innuetl with jectieiis u-.iai j icing couched n terms .... 1 1 i.i 1 r . i""-'aiu ami t ie ethei Physician Savs .. ".'"' . ','. ' '?: '. r .',..c",n,'i "I1 was a dark-skinned woman in her mi- I ,0K"'1. .. . .. . " 1 nf ,,ln- ,1 v ielenc when .vl' ...U'",,S and isrecd with the knew ,,. ..- ..a- of 1 determination f ,,.. r.,.n'L it'll n.... nt ' iti.ii.- .iiiiii! ue- t ..ui 1 niT.wcn Jinp. :,. ........ ...,., 1 .. 1... 1 -i Msli.i Cilliwl .ii ....' ".' un- .Mr. 1 1 1 vee 11 111 . leden i I. I . i i . I i.h t. ..... .... - -.-.-., . "iiiiiiiu 1, 1 1 ,., tennis el.n...nin Mdiiuiver lu.re lednv and nfln l.-i..f "ve cesiuuie. iu ncr iiii-iuiini, n - "rwiuus 11 lull avriei . .;- i,:. , ,. , .. '. ,, , 1. ri ... ".' ,vl" s(-M,,i, LV-1 ..'.fc.."-"!"'""-;. ,IlV,r.l,I"r(KlSS: arKS.,,waVSUurnedHunUin n V'W l,."1( L? nnJ&Tn "f "l lrr presence :'' ' ' t W. when. rtbee' ! itha l ' , of'..'. i! eN I U'V.!:!:'" ! nl... ellll .S.J'irr. '': 'ili?v., fa,,; Monday. ?' . l'i ' '." , u ' " " ! cus ms'tT. "" , u'' hy the ' .' ",,r.'." "", ..."' . J"?. W. , -. including Mr. ..liver , .. Mr. ' U i ' , , ' " ,.'.'" ;'li.;init i,.n,. V. V,'. '" '.""" ""''f hs ni,vs. rtiijeuHimenl was taken en reeiiest "," L ",' .""".., .""'"V .'. ..."'. - .VJ'." was 1 lr'.' : ,,' T ", lil r.uclln " '" ".- iirrm.i im.l her (irundv. feel thatMhe wen, 1 ' !, r,.V .t 1.." " ' .V l"'" ", l"i' '" -t '... !' "Will ev, of I) str ct AtterneV Weeks nft.m .. "in iiisie. raves 110111 nm hi-hhi. ninmi . " nun iiiiii anil had nl 1...1 ill-HI 1(1 ne 1 pen .111 ses en her because 1 ,..i..,..-i. ...!,, ..t i,,,nnii,, , 1, i,, 1 .. nn, ine power of the . Mr. Tilden said il,...e . L,V.i.....V,A" ...?,. ilVA x.nri'.T.. " listened eacerlv te MI- Slack's message. I '?t he (like her te this ....'.. '' "' of ... '1 1 Kelilc- huv. h,. .,, ,. 'L' ,V. ' " ,1V)Uunit, V'1 support ng I lie I .... let ,. )k,mi1 . . 1 ' ' m fe '.ri' 'h.' ' ' -' ! jS' -- -F if' f'-i ifm't "7JH,(lN enlv l0. Pro.b.,.en bv ' Si' S ' '""YOUTH SEVERELY BURNED , pftafhta T.'rV ;"" ' K n HV Vb .RfcSfcr 'V ,,, tt" iX.,1.: TA ..n,;ii,,,!111,J.wt '" l'"" "e further " j; j ' j- , V;,1, ',7' ''xiHrniVi'.V1- fort? Hk,uku1 t thlnJ Vll-c. ten. .siM. ' t, TI". .vuuL v'an had , ' ' MELTING BABBITT METAL li lS. !"S ''l ii: ;f """" i'(""-"":'' " - s'.i ",t ! "..'''''rV M'V' f' '"'' .1. 'nnler""?;! WnS, ""'" Preserve AMen.'y replied 1 !il ,...., 1 1" A M """r,1' "?tml """ ,'"" "'"" ''P ' rVakwater'"!,!"" "mawr Ml! ' AL "h v.."l" mVtl.-uI ." l" " I . ,' ' ,' rZ "u '''"" wl" ,e.V' ' ' , ' diV " ,, ran ver? Vi brJ errs.b,i,..:rt'!''.,," 'h5 e JYhy the. case could no. go e trial '"''' Her... . W..l"' t. .retedi;, ' Brether Injured In Tearing Flam- ""nn. of Krankfeid, one ,,f . m ., "V.!. ' m r , ,'..' U .KlV '''I'Ik Andes'! 'Vhe Me..:' reW c 77: VU'CKS, III anger, reiiisc.i 10 answer. Sees a Dr.v I'lslcr I ,,),. ... .1... ; ...' .... ",'. ". nenillng for . euii... rn. e.. ... .. 'ueiniiers 01 llie Meuse, wlm w . ' 1 1 .1 evtr., :.,. .. -ri.. . ". """ . '"I'lig an announced Hint II ..Pt I, ..1 1, "r-w Tl, 1,1, Itrltlshere.vl.n cuiVe .. '"'..' ... "'. !"! When ' " " . w. '." . " ' ;." ' " .".. n0re '" .'" V !'" ". .- ''- I" ' ' I...I1I s . n, , I H ".."'. '"" ."'l.ll.-l' ... I,.,, ., ,. , assume t ,'..?' '"JH -, ler lie e lice ut .. illinium of . ,.. I'I,, "'" "" u-.i h . . - i At iiinnv hinall ports, whartcn and euajs utted Ul.r4 destreed. Today naval shiM gram were steaming up nnd down the coast 'teri 1 stepping at arleus pliu es te send land ' mg parues in me rencr nl sufferera, many et whom are without feed and Turmoil Under Sea The tidal waves which followed ttta cnrthutinke indicated a clcumin ftiyi.K. extra nnce beneath the PiielUe 'i'i... .. .. cav.vMirst were drawn nwnv from tl,,,-.. . "Is thclbelew the low-fide mark, and then ther n in , i-.i.ue running iiiick in 1, i.,mi ,f... ... w- 111 ., n,B J v.iicli some ebservcri, said wm fiftv up a 1 meters In height. At Ani,,fn,.,,e.. .ui'. ration , queer nnd frightful movement of Mi. means sen was repented five limes ,,,,u. ,1.. radical ' city was battered almost te ruins nnd J"?' liirli tlaVtr,;, :il'!,,,srV lma.lleap the e-s of , ', '. ' r ! ' J''"" IU l. le the . Iiiiiiiu n , L 1 ",0 fl,,B,,l' "ftWllllie. it " M 1 I "un, !' Cn"nnt be piny. Nl"1, u""1 " resumes . FOUND ASLEEP IN AUTO " R' R' 0tfl,al Held by Merlen Po Pe Po n."f?.?n.lntex'Mtlon Charea R"m of ii, !'.' '""'"'nut purchnslng " lie I UuZn1" ""llremfc farth... i,..,r.T. I"il ' ''".morning f..i- Man Found Wandering In Streets A man who gave the name of Isaac Tayler, thirty years old, about flve feet four inches tall, and dressed In a dark' suit, waa found wandering in Hie vicinity et tin Italtiinere and Ohie llailrer I tracks and Mlffln streets, lj0 was unable fe give his address and was temevi'il te the Philadelphia Hes-pital. Robbery en Powelton Avenue ...... t ""'a In A 11 ,'. 1 7,r ""B'tlrnle Still- I The home or l-rntiK .IiiIiiin, Thirty- liivtuK ii,, Vi.m""".",; ,'i,'-K'I will, flflh street and I'owelteu nvenue. wa- '"lea as f i."'i w,,il"lile.lea tel entered la-l night and jewelry aiid 'Wd 1 Wlls'm ' 1 'r1 "'' by Ser" money valued al S1I10 was taken; The .'', asleep i!. u ,'!, 'VV''1' M'Tlmi pe- .lehus family bad been away from home ??' drl en m , Ji'l11"'' v,ll'l liinl and did net dl-cevcr, the less until their WowJiey nven 11V i,.i ' '" .V"' ''"'I 'f return. The house had been ransacked f'f an his wivtr i,il ! ' Hp, ""I'I he from top te butlem and coiiHlderuble ilumage was none 10 cieuiing and furni has been entertained lV Kings and Queens nnd had uiulien.es with Presl dent HnrdliiB, caused a stir in her audience by saying that Ulster in Ireland would In all probability go dry In the near future. "I have been there lately." she added "and if things go the way thev ..seem te be going It Is only n quest Ien 01 lime. Half the population in France, she said, lived en selling wine or drink, or making 11. Thirl. out of every hun dred deaths In l'arls were due te alcohol, according tn the speaker. Norway smuggles In liquor, she declared, nnd the go eminent is sub. sldizlng the W. C. T. I te help fight tlie evil. Huglnnd has Its church doers pes tered red with temperunee literature. In Italy the W. C. T. U. has.cstnb- BOY, 7, MOONSHINE VICTIM 9 Flam' Shere I'hilpet. sclent .11 'enr- old, was scer burned lib., it the body this morning w lieu in- i nn, is in-. -iiiiie giiM loin Lad Found Unconacle... i . m-e whici. becauie d sci.iiiiect,., f,.,,,,, n .. " empty , iem'ii Beiler en Street . Stnnley (irnham. seven .... round unconscious by policemen u.'ll Might is i . Ie...,syh!lui,ittem,pl t lOp night, is It, the I'lMinli'niiltt no. 'M llnniing eln.l,, . f.en. KII. was bur.iTsi suffering from acute alcoholism ! ' "' ! "ands and ...in-. ihc brother we.-,. was u-iug in a machine where ie is mpievei . His brut her, Wirliani I'lillpet, (wen (.-,...... ,..,,. 1,1 .,,,11 ... , !.. I., -nil.-.- ...".- ' , 111 leiiriug in,, n : i.,ii.. . i'ir.,1, l-'tt i....V .'" tlelplila dclegat m. I'lnl.i iclplutu III e Male organ. .iliun appeal I,, ine with Slate Chairman linker t li.ti .Ii next Speaker sliniild net come f i either I'liillldelphia or Allegheny i'iiumm but from one of the inteiinr 'in ,nt'i- At tlnyb.ime tlliie. thin argue that tin (.--ii-incs as a ,. .,.,,., action in ih. m,i,.. M.s Meicnier. as a a-t i,.Mirt ... gles-Vcs will if .,, I, .,f iLi.,,1, ,,", """,: ... .. . ' -."."'".".i u.iis uiem-e v "' ueliijlngi i emiimru en I'.iKn Trnl enr, Celunia OSCAR II AGROUND pre. as I.. ...akc an nlru session ,,ec .Ml tlie-.. cuiisidenitieiis hal es su i-siirv. ie. Ii Twe Steamships Ge te Aid of Pee I'airelmen Feul and Men,., .'.. .u , ! engaged at the tune in melting liahbn . .. 1 .11 i .t tIIII. Ill I .1 1.1..... " ' ' an.i iiriMiai, streetK nei,.. the Second station, found (he r i... ..iiii'iit. etu ....I. ni.tiii in .....i.,.n. ml ... ...l""".0 ' The wcie taken le a hesnlinl ,. an empty boiler en Water street .... A1.' ' ,:li """ l,,lll",l il,,n " ''th of' blear Mtzwnter. - """ heiiate of -, da His condition is regarded as serious Whether there will lie need of shin grafting cannot he determined at 'the pie-ent time, William 1'hllpet Is suffering from nerieus shock. I'uder treatment al the linHAt,, ... recovered somewhat, hut has .,, J .. gained censclnusness nim,lHutlv V ,Yi where he get the liquor. I M ,',., told the police a store near 8 eceml n. l Seuth streets ba.Khul.1 him m, Lm '' ;-m t.ut ",r,j'.,.:"t.,! ; . .r'' . "".":! i... f.r .v.. :r. ."a. .".v"'1 . . M ,"."m..weird i ..,.,,....,,. , , ,,, .,,., , ,iiun, nun (ei- lint nil- l,. i., ,1,, f. """ Wis IXIIIUIin. .MlV. . -I If I' rVhm CJiJSfc SfaTll.'M.S l uver MmiirIit as Speaker "l if it Is pcrmiitcd i" ,!, . '". "j ! I '"Penhagen. This bani.euy view ii,- w ,., . ' 'ii'.''- !" ''nst -,, his adilsers .,,., I , "" ""ni,J'rM ''"v VM te (h U in the tlruudy headquarters, where .,11 ,.., :;,'. uh" interpret Senater m'.' Hm""p "f. I1"; "'yvn passengeie' , r5 S!