I it. u i II I) ' Nancy Wynne Speaks, of Mr, and Mrs, Clayten's Dance Last Night She Comments en the Many , and Varied Doings of Today THB Paul Claytons' deife nt.the RIU! last night vi a great auecen, nd all "the deba enjoyed, tlimWM r ttirOUfliiy. unrenrn, ." . y and the guest of honor, looked very Pfc pretty In a drew of silver blende trimmed witn crjatm wi.- -eeminr te her dark lmlr and eyes. Khe carried nn olil-feshloned bouquet which added Just the right teuru m .ur. Mr. Clayten were sapphire blue velvet temblned with geld lnre. Tonight there will be n dance, at the icern Club nle for the debutantes. (1 should think they would be ex hiueted alrendv. and this Is only the JLUS IJ '! l! a- . ---.. .f VAt-emher "pr"" v: ;:., m. k..i . Will be gjven uj en. - --- "Bmythe. of Chestnut Mill, te introduce their younger daughter, Bertlin. Tbtlr eldest daughter, Kditb, mnrricd Themas Ward and lives In Klmhurst, L. I., nrnl Clarle, Bertha's-second sister, innde ' her debut three years age. anil Is new working -hard In the Junier League, of which she is secretary. Among th6se who will giv dinneis before the dance will be Mr. nrnl Mrs. Jehn Edward Zinitiievmaiin. who will !.. .. iviln. nrnl Mr. and Situ. Richard K. Norten, who will enter- tiln In honor of Barbara Clayten. Charlette and MftrgaretU Sharpies bid planned a dinner for Anne II. Townsend, but they have postponed U ... i.- hi ifnrn tha rnnfins Until neceimn-i -u. ...., - dance, when it will be ler Cella Ztm . ...,.. ami tierthm Smyth" as well. Tonight the ex-debs will hnv eemc gayeties, tee, as Mr. and Mrs. Aithur ., . 0...1.U iu iv n dinner. iearueru eumu -- bridge nnd movie party vlhu i.,evle will be shown at their own house, 1 hear), for their daughter, Virginia, nnd for Rbeda Vtoeke, Mrs. Trenclmid Kralen Newbold's daughter. THE Pickering Mum will have ruees nt Mr. nnd Mrs. William .1. Clothiers' farm nt Pheeulxvlllc this afternoon, and certainly there could net be mere beautiful weather ter such nn ent. Afterward Mr. Hiid Mrs. Clothier will give n bullet supper Bell, Jeneph Merganthal'and Hareld Bayler. Thy evening will end up with a play cal ed 'In Winter, In Bummer.'1 In which Mr. and'Mrs. Charles Mitchell will act. it Is interesting le knew that the costumes nud scenery in all the plnvs were designed and painted by members of the club. NANCY WYNNE. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES ,. - wedding of much Interest will he that of Miss Catherine Bradford Knight. XfMf,.eti.MtB- BnMeri Knight, cf J08 Jtlttenheuse street, nnd Mr. Ed ward Cooper, CaasarO, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Llpplncett Cnssard, of Look Leok Loek afar Farm, Chestnut Hill, which will take place very quietly nt neon en Tnes day. November 28, at the home of the brides mother, In the presence of the Immediate families. There will be no attendants. The Rev. Archibald Mc Callum, D. V., of Calvary Presbyterian nurcn, win emciaie. Mr. cassard and his bride will make their home In Wash- luii. u. ,-., wnera Mr. uaisattl will ee in business. Miss i Ellen Harrison, debutante daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles cuatls Harrison, Jr., of Chuckawoed, Vllla Vllla nevn, will be the guest of honor at n valentine, of Uermantewn. will give en Sunday evening, December 31. Mr. und Mr VflianiM ..in i..a .. .i en Saturday evening, December 23, in vtA .t. . 5V ,. ,'H,","e """anier, miss Doiethy E. Valentine. Mr. and Mrs. Quatavus Remak. of Chestnut Hill, will entertain at a thea i.,JJ.art!J I'.1. T"ly. January 2, In ,iTn.?.r ?f VlnK "nrbara U Clayten. i...Iitn,.J1' .daughter ,of Mr. and Mrs. raul Clayten. lnMrA jienry B'"u Iu Pent, of Crest- i .... 't. i ,-"'. iii viuciiuiu hi uinner Bien trlday evening, November 17. ( MTS. AlXntiHui. "Oflmtrnf C9a1.aI 1hm. Svi.JStni?wr!' wl entertain at dinner en I ridiiy evenlnjf, November 17. before the li. m??,llnK of , Mr- Wurts' dancing class. There will be ten guests. ?ll' .a.n,Mr- Qulncy Adams GUI rh..? xnn? nn.d' Seminole avenues, t',"nu,t. H'. will entertain In their J?S," opening night of the Metre- if,VIOvh"!! been 'Pending a short home ' ha" return"d t0 her . i. ?.'.' ia,.'.diMr"' Themas . Ashton and Mili du8h,l1e-. Miss Anne Ashton and Mlia Careline Ashton. of Redleaf. Wjnnewoed. and MIbm Helen Hep of ArUrMsfnr-VlilSe'vr SXSES" Zl uiiuvi ..... B..v -..... ...,-, ! OI Aruressan, Villnneva metered es- There will be ether doings this after- j terday te Cambridge, Mass., where t'liey .. .. Sni.lmllnv tl... wnlilltiff nf wln attend the Prlncoten-Harvnrd trneii. tee. includlnc the weddins nf Elaine Knglish in Germuiitewn. She will marry Basil Geiden. of Washing ton, tun of the late Ball Corden, of Baltimore, and Mrs. Ceorge Viirnett, wife of Majer Gencrui Burnett, former commandant of the U. H. M. C. Mer tister, Beatrice English, will art us maid of honor, and there will be four bridesmaids and a little (lower girl. As Basil Corden has friends and con nections in several illffeivnt cities, there game today. mil ee a imir ui uniierif iruiu jitiiniuuiir, Washington aud this city, and the best , man will be u llultlmerean. 1 hear thnt Maine und her'husband are planning te ..' lhc in Washington. y, w... a.a iceivinir cenirraiulu- TX TELLING of today's doings, 1 1 Jlens en the birth of a .Taughter ye. v 1 must net forget te mention the debu- j PurcnaV "e wn" MlM Dey tatlhi lilf.t. la nil! mid ! lu I YumnS5Jtes ,v,, "M nUend he lale-Prlriceten game en Haturday. Ne- tin"1 MV.18MaWl" , Mlsa Evelyn Ma? tin. Ml as Mary de V. Ciearv Afp rnri N. Martin and'Mr. Edward Shebc nfMwf.V;LMrSi-r; ,Ieren Cresman, Jr.. SL aa""ern, Aidincre. entertained at kfln rDla W '""J ,n h2ner et Mr" S '"' $j82r$ Mr. s'" week fron.GreVnwne:s,C.;where she MreEe "net, ,w.e.,ldlni ' "' hrethen invin pE, nald .'a.rneren. and Miss Oc en Octeb?? 4grir,nten- whc '"ok Place Mr. and Mis. Edwin I. At lee. Jr. of Gennantewii, are receiving m.i.V.'.iL' ATTRACTIVE MEMBERS OF E DEBVTAJVTEySET AT A RECENT TEA jSW ' ZZ . LLW ' m flr U' :,-c'J, Vi '- '- V.l ,Siv., . ' -' ;t&.;y taaaaaaaaWYBaaaaW . x. . ';4iht. HamaayRIdKM MORGAN 'fl:; r- : KSE " ! -'l iU1i WeVaw (Taam :'s vVr.v " 'ataKaV; ! ! ijlivH place, necame tne nnae at Mr. awmuns A no awv. u. rfi. miiv.miu.iii . of the Walnut Htreat Preabyterlan Church, Fortieth nnd Walnut atreata, etllclated nt the ceremony. Tha brlda, who wax given In marriage by her father, was attended by ' Mia Helen Gulp, as maid of honor. Mr. Herbert Klnnnlgan served as best man for his brother. The ushers were Mr. Nelsen Cheunutt, Jr. and Mr. Alfred Potts. After a wedding trip.' Mr. and Mrs. Plannlgan will be nt hema at Hansom avenue, Upper Darby. McCLEES GALLERIES f, lMT-alnui ft. or Chrlatmaa Clfta--.. vPnn4 RRONZPS. LAMPS nd ETCHINGS AND MEZZOTINTS for thoie who prlie them enarlk SK. nrnrMfi! u. Uk DpAetSlfm" aarrngrBr;! m In Ih. 4IIJ t clam.. lie will dtaeaaa' the historicity of the Ol will IVa I ha varilBt efTll " ---r -17 '.cr--z-. ii:z.ij rvniircn ana lae sun jpsrvii ai i" ytwi WrSS flM lhM daa wh c.i ... KK ipvnau. , iivi umr church, but by mera, inn. cnurcn. Wt mlanty maaaag aaauranee. . Hii WHKnjP R. 'tt -KS" 2i.g2arf.lK' Jf."isr"s.wejffiwj5j niinin irni vneBT-""f a or eneauraaamMt.aH I vanlna, aaflHiiftM will ial. .w.w..... BnwH TT..V iWU iiretaeantea en tne raaie, ui uvmtBiioeK pBaperf bian tmvwem .fr (laerte Jlmerann flames, ratter. 0 M A. if. "Pr-parln th. tTliuriaiii.f' ,J Children7- nrmen "A 8quar Xa ' ,M ,8 P. M. "The Btrtiaala of Alth.11 J?3 filatln fti tlalan Hi tMfta.fta.e-. ftl.akai aftaaal t A . aotetatsi Vhiijl (sp f.wlK Ml&MA t .MM. .AH ...... in (VIUI.V MN...IU.I Krl Htty, ertantat. nrean st. tioen n.i at piro-e. paatar. The Community Chureh. 11... 1 t nflUBTF. Urn There are ever TOO churche Itev H. P. There are In this city A aa lhaw n aa.lt. lnT thai rAlfartttiai tiaavtlai nt nit(ln.lkf. t.lata. a. .. iiuril'iii.i a aval i iurni-ii coal mintp .who, tj vMM iu vi. rnuh of .ft: te this rhurch problem dlaeuja h ..or. jenn MeDeweu, Youthful Corsets can be worn by the larger woman provid ed they arc fitted as we fit them. The Corset Shep 121 S. Thirteenth St. Aroend the Cerner en Saateai St. Evtry fitting rtemivt the pergenal attention of Miss Pauline Campbell matter. ;r New TerK, eecretarr Free livtarlan Beard of Hema Ml t slam, apeak nt 7:ifl. Tau'tl n1ey tha miiilc. Th Paster pht. at 1A.SA .n n'rt.a nn nttl of Tr'rth." Chureh choel 12-li Btudents' Oulld, rTmXIND PrWhVTRRIAN ciitrhcH lit anil Wslnut m. Iev. ALEXANDER MarCOt.U D. O. ...nr. n.i.n r. uuriF. uii ltr: Mln. KF.Mr.IOU3 NOTICES Slav. aaavitsi fi,iaiaa m ! nr ;vr iir .!. v z::siz' '.v. .v"U".. i si " "ww "fc A a Mi an Si'IP'S sermon "Pre-war Mlnee at a Peat-War World." t Mualcal aervtce at 7n Un.,-l;?,r-u,,J,"d m-mbera of tha W!!!?1"1 9rIh,,,rJ.' un1r "he rc iJ?..L5J' !'l",'"ay Nerden. will raaaar f-tPAr?m of Nerwfalan mualc. Inatualna: ir..m ri?m1,t0 Sacrifice." Btsrnhamaiar, Hark the Vesper Hymn," Kjeruif. i"il?.I" "'."..n-ulanatrind. ,.?.'?? s Paae ! paca Eternal," Orleg. 1 leltorycerdlally welcomed at all eer-le., IIKTIir.KHEM PREMtYTEHIAJr cicVcil Tlread I nfn .Diamond atVT " .! WILI-,I.A?f - Mccormick. Paster. ',tn.qVvmuJ..,,. Curry. Asalatant. . se Sabbath Pehoel. x! uT " Tht Never nl'" eb. . All r.iWa free at all rvlf Prteatant Kotaeettai 4VHB ANP THE 1A. Buntlet CLUBWOMEN PLAN USUAL BUSY WEEK Red Cress Drive and Special Programs Are en List of Activities iaiiiv icu. wiiiiru is unuyn nun un xnis niternoen tue uuu win ee .uurien Fichtherne, and her parents will give the tea for her ut their home in Merlen. The receiving putty wilt be Agnes l'ar nail, Ellzubetu Barrlnger, Margaret Xcwlln, Betty Wilsen, Mary Carrell Kelin, Itetty Oteen, Peggy Mi-Ailoe. Verncr Petersen und Mary Virginia Hall. Afterward there will be a dinner (lanci for them mid semu additional gUl'itH. Tla ir..... . Inrt KnJh.U!C A"ar"nent- ever the we" Zr i,i Sn" ,ca,"e te attend the mnrrlairu of Miss Elaine Knglluli nnd Mr .Basil noen.0"' W " W'" Xal ,,,nce W" - v.JI'11 Walter M. .Tiimes. of '"Ge Seuth Ninth street and Stent-yciMlt Pnrm Bel. '?IJ-Eff?ri"i''9?' 'l aa-ara attack w- -..wMinai .iiuuirjunia Manny of the women's clubs which iinve ncrn netive in tne welfare Federa tion Drive nrc plunuing le take part In the lteil Cress Itnll Cull Drive Cen tral committee chairmen have been ap pointed, nnd sub-committees have chnree of the cnmmiurn anions the club members and in certain districts. The I'hllemuslan Club A program of literature and art will he given Tuesday under the direction et Mm. Montrese Graham 'J'ull. KcvIeAy of the following recent books will be jsiven: I.yttun Strnchey's 'Beeks and Chnracters." by Mrs. Herman II. Blr ney; William J. Lecke's "Tale et L'rinea." by Mrs. Wnlt.-r AVlllurd ; Slni-lnlr Lewis' "Babbitt." b.v -Mrs. Harry C. Beden: Huch Wulpele s "Cathedral," by Mix. T. Wilsen iieti lev, nnd A. S. M. Hutchinson's "This ..' ' . ,, I... 1,. . ItMltt tt U.,.ill. rieeiieiiii i'y .um. itinuiui . ...... .. Weduestlay the current events class will hear .Tallies Warwick Price speak The guest of honor and tome of the receiving party at the tea which Mr. and Mrs. Reed A. Morgan, of Chestnut Hill, gave at their home en Thursday afternoon te introduce their daughter, Miss Elizabeth Morgan and Mrs. fcan,Up .T. Williamson, of r6tJ hpragup i,tret. will become the bride of Mr Charles ndward Coffin Beltleld, pen of Air and Mra. Percv C. Belllelrt, rf Snrthmeie, Pa. The cere mony will he )i formed by the Bev. T-fent.i; l.1 W'lll.l.. .1.1. K-i.i- -..in t . - ... . .......v. jim- 114 mr- will uu given ill m.irrlage by her father, and I her winter Miu Ur.l.. .. if tLMtlt....- Hen. will be bridesmaid. Mr. Henry Uelfleld, brother of the bridegroom, will be best man, whlle Mr ndwnrd .Tenes, of Narberth, Mr. Hntry Walters, of Bywood; Mr. Arthur Culllna, of Swarth Swarth mere, and Mr Walter Kecd, of German town, will .ict asi iislieis FI.AXNIGAX CHBSNUTT A pretty weiidliifr took place today at necn In the Fourth Presbyterian Church, Forty-seventh street and Klngsesslng avenue, when Miss Mnrjerle Clarke Chesnutt, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. ' THK TKMPtB JJrend and Berks at. (1800 N.) nnoe rest Heme of the Grsre Tlaptlat Church. , RUSSHLIj H. rONWULL. Paater Wm, Dyre McCurdy, Associate Paater. J. Marvin Hannn. Musical Director. Frederic): II. Htarke, Organist. All vlaltera te our city he wlh te hear Mr. CenwU en Sunday at 10.30 or 7:48 may eccure cat In advance by phentne Diamond 0G37. lTaptlm.il m rvlce Sunday memlnr. Tem ple Chorus slnrn both eervlecs. Jllbl Scheel, Jere L. Creste, Rupt.. 2.80 P. JI. Junier nnd Senior Youna Peepla'a meet Insa at 7 V. M. Itetrular church prayer meetlna Friday t H 7' M. MctlimlNt Kiilsrepal MISS AONKS K. SI.tK HrltHh W r. T r kmler will ipeak In Saera Mmerlal M. K. Chureh. Hint ami Catharln t 10'SO A. M. Priendii CONFKRKNCK TI.AS8. ISth and nc Ate. J.dlth N. Winder, leader. Vlaltera wel- reme. '' MeAIpin, of the Knickerbocker Club f Speech KendlnL', New erk City, will ecture en "California Gardens," with lantern illustrations. Women's Club of Oermantewn A musical ten will be given Monday ir . '" " ' ut me oem ui Mrs. Geerge L. Kstnbroek. 020 West . ..,,..,11 uvenue. ine presram will be e i;.Y,,r "nrry " Butterworth. te I u ,rs- "'mner Beeber of 1907 T VK been hearing of the fashion show J"'""1 'eet, have tnken an apartment 1 nlilchMra. .lehn Fortescue. of Len-j main until & Where lhey w, "' den, gave in New Yerk en Tlmrsdny for ' ' "pr'"s' the benefit of the Seldiew und Sailors' I i,,'1. n"d ,Mr8- William Webb eiiter Club there. Ven knew Mrs. Fertcseue ai? evening "ierh Rt tl,e. ""-Carlten Is te have charge of a similar show here I i?a. dauahfer 2f m't eiiA?ra?,,as0n j-ii Tuesday at the Bread Street Theatre of WuaWnitSJ who i.?i ?S )vi(,0r. In aid f the Charlette Cushuiun Club, i .esenu ti Henry W Wat,e of "tiJi" life? Meily" Vi,lcr- F,lrp Blnnc.VClty win take place 'thi, a fte'i noen1 t J.W""? and such attractive girls ns home of the btlde cmisina ut 1'eiBT Tiavnr Kli n..iu ti....i .... and Mrs. Arthur nin-.i- vJ!!!." wr: MrV' Walter WaVlnJ pklns' "m brH,k. Paol.: -""-- 8"' at RVt ns mntinlklna If f n... .... ...tu. ... set ns inaunlkins. If I nm net nils taken, the dresses which nre te he shown here are the same as were shown in Ae- lerk, and they Bound fascinating. . la 'bat e.v actresses were models In the afternoon, while debutantes took part in the evening. One of the most spectacular dresses, called Les Chi Chi Jieises, was of black silk, heavllv em broidered in geld nnd colored flowers, worn with a shawl-like cape of the same material and colors. Anether was a jnc frock of turquoise blue veUet . edged with ermine, and a third, which mut have been equally attractive, was M black aud geld silk, which rippled us -n m tri nuincu i air. ana Mra. Geeice s. Fielder ,.r "llT W,U glV' dlnwr fhuivS! TinLi nn?, Mra. Harry l.liirk, of 6617 Jin'.lc.n dTi-' Ormantewn. aim tlieir dautrliter, Mlas Freda Llnsk. wll be Sntll ?en-i?emSrr0Wr "rnoen from 3 ant nf .l0Ck Ne n''' bave been !-'" .Th8 rigagemcnt of Ml r.lnsk 2uv HZ M,aurlca w- Aaren. al,e of this ui. has been announced Mr. Allrt Xf.a TA1. t.. e........ .. - . i. ui:,,- " -"nn r. jjKeiiv, .Mr. .lehn y. Skelly. Jr.. and Miss Maiyi Skelly - ... nti tha .j"0"'1 Traymeic. Atlantic or -longer th'y P'an ,n ,ema,n in 'Debt. Debtors und IluU." ii.,1 ,V ml' ' oprnne; Mrs. It. K. Faculty Tea Club of the Univ. of I'. I Ml ' f ce,ntrn": Miss Blance Hub The bi-monthly meeting will beheld u,l"l harpist; Miss Irene Hubbard, Tuewlnv nt 8 o'clock lit Sergeant Hall, 'enisr. Mis. H. II. Fernuls will be hostess und I'lillerlrlnlila Rjdtllite rinh Mrn. Hiidellih Illnnlieiiberg will speak " ,r,,,"M ""n ." Kthlcal rnlter ArADEJIV (IF MCRIC. 11 A. M.. ALFRED W MAUTI.V en AN lSTHtCAli CODE OF IN-TKHNATrONAI. ItELATIONB. VARIOUS WEDDINGS Ar CITY AND SUBURBS. Mr. Hudelph Illnnkeiiberg will speak .. ,..m.. U.....LI I..I " III! llie er?Hln--i:iln-mii. The New Cenlury Club Mm. CL...I.... I ...... ii .. ... . ,. :; ,"" "'"'' -iiuier will give in iiiferiiul vupprr for the member of -- ------ . ,.... .,,.,.,, ,.r nuine. iuuii l'lne street The Monday Morning lass will pre- Monday evening. Mrs. Chandler will wit the following pregram: "lVnusyl-1 tell of her recent visit te Brazil Ht'Iir lilt IOIIOW1I1S llKi" ' ""'c'."' vaniu XewM," Mrs. K. V. McCntilley; i.fl'U- T..l.L.c. nn.l )lin SiflfUU.1' Mrfi. A. XIlC 4Ultn tllltl ' r'B" ..- 1 .T. Ilewland: "America for Me." Echoe of Travel, Mrs. J. H. Crs Mr B. Leuvitt. Mrs. II. C. Tewle: A e7 - " - : . Lindsay's "Johnny Applcseed, Lewis 'R. Dick. rs. C. 'nchel by Mrs. parliamentary j Tha innmiitiee en nai'iiaineniary practice will meet at U o'clock Tuesday ' m innuuurnte work for the club year. I Miss Anna II. Markley is leader of this work. . . . Tin. members will discuss books AVedtiesdav nt 3 o'clock. Mrs. A . H Is interesting te note that thelhaum Zuilftr ., "i, '"' Ba.en drtmta reached t. the ankle' u7 even I Ma?Sn,h.SSfP.0. J?.1!. "n'l Mra. Sel Vj'- Merrla Schwaraman took plate at ! -Me:c"n"8 'l en Tuesday evening VEItV year some dee -,eeni8 le suffer S i illJiu P, A' . -N'Buninn, Rabbi a casualty from hockey LZ AptiTTSLX, f 'i S5SK?K M 'UVM28 L?U,sf Asi'l"'t, new I V,"" ,5ll1ewa " ceremen " Mvilld wrs. Butler Sinytbe. at her i-eiiiing. I "? v"'hwarxnmn are spendlntr tlieir out ten with several black and blue weU(ll"r rlp in Bermuda. K '"" pets up her arm, the result or n tee- itrentieus Sunday afternoon hockey d.:.i . i r i "fl , Bridge and Luncheons The latest victim is Sue Geedman. f r . ' Mm? weVum B0,f11 ,0 ,a," ,""' "" Occupy Mam Liners a...ML uargeilHcke.ve. Sue, Mr .1IdXI. ,.,,,,. . . Payed Rr.vn Ma r Cel e; ' e, e of' Players ran Inte her ,rlng the aame? nd hence the wounded ee. ' en. .'i1 5,',,rH ag" ",i,lriide Dough Deugh t, who came out last winter, was gCleKnTft l,lt " ,1,c ' '' W" .,"; hnmet lines the Ka:nvs are pretty Win. but as rule perfectly safe. .. i hope Sue will e0rtn iccevcr- the blew must have heenV.y imlarul.' THE Plays and I'lajds will give a at HS"""""!" for the member Ti,P'a5fl8.hl1 80n' .'Pest Inlerestina Sfil'SVfci Wednesday nt a e cieck. n. a. Haines Llpplncett is chaiiniiin of the meeting. Mlsti Mary C.iahuin Tjler and Miss Amy Ztillck will be at the ten iaules- . ....in. A reception and te.i will lie held lit fi o'clock in the clubhouse in honor of the delegates te the W. T. I .con mention. Mrs. A. Humes Llpplncett . ... -t- i.i. .i fr...iMw nf lm will club recoil 1' Willi till! omens ui nil- Tl'iinsibiv. nt It o'clock, theie will be n clubwemen's conference en the Con trol of Cancer." In ui-upeiatlun with the nut Ien -wide cnnipulgn iigulnst can cer. Membeis of the ether clubs are in- There will be a club supper I' riday at 7 o'clock. A phiy. : luderena, n Silver Slipper for the New emun, bv Winifred A. Hepe mi I l" presented bv the junior section et the Camden Olenelden Club M,.T' Fx- M- Kenwll will be heetess Mrs. William Smith will rend from her own short stories. Mrs. . G. Turner of Moere, l'a., will sing. rner' Slaterheml I of Redepli Shalem Congregation ,m i?irt Hhe':' ,""frrtinment and tea will be opened te the public, under the nuspices of the Sisterhood Wednes- Halhaiiuy Shakespeare Club 'I'lm tfi.,1. ....... UI.. I . i i . "". ""uncspenra uiub will held a recent en Frldnv . ..... - "J l':30 o'clock. Heceiving with the nresi- Will law Leiereu! Mrs! .fehn T.'Mltr,: ell. .Ir., nnd Mrs. 1. H. O'HarVu w 8r'2? .:?". irr fditSJ'ei h; uui,hi i.irnnvu hiii .11 ..-." and Letters." ' ""C"M Men A wedding of Interest te this city and tVashlnBten will take place at 4 o'clock this afternoon in SL T-tike's Protestant Episcopal Church, German- ' town, when Mlts Klnlne Tayler EnBllsh, ' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. English, of L'2 West Scheel Heu'-e lane. Gennantewn. will become the bride of Mr. Basil Gorden, son of the Inte Mr. Basil Geiden. of Baltimore, and of I Mra ilnrvrir,-. rtnrnal, ,.? ir..Ll.lnn.r... wife of Majer-General Georqe B.irnett." 1 former Commandant of the United P- ninies .Marine rerp.s The. ceremenv will be performed b the Bev. Samuel . TTnlnliii Tl 1) .i.m- nt t.. ..1.......1. wi'Ww -' -' -w, uk i.m Vliuitll. The bride, who will be k1cii In marriage by her father, will be attired in a white point lace gown, made en simple lined with a long court train of tulle edged with point lace extending from the shoulders. Her f II of tulle will be nrmnged with sprays of eranse blnscems and she will carry a small whlte pinei' book, iier sister. Miss piHiUl!iM! Quaker Ideals S " " "c nenry i . vilUCU, BH. U, Practicing Physician of Oxford, Eng. In Industrial Life j03. Rewntree Gillett Member of English Laber Party, Oxford, Eng. In International Life Jesse H. Helmes. Ph. D. Professer Swarthmore College, Pa. Seuth Bread Street Theatre Sunday Afternoon, November 12th, 19223 o'clock An Invitation Is Extended te All afliiiii c,tt;K.w r .'.'th .anil Mt. Vernen (In WKricejtb "lluncu W,T" A WARM HEV. JAMEH c. cnosse.v. necter. Piinnav 8ervlee. Nev. is! i?,.?J a' ?' Chiiaren'i Chureh. niv4. Pir-rirnn. S'rV'C''- Pr,"h,r' cu3m: M,Church Sch001 ana B,bl Jiii ;HC Ber Scout Service. The Recter Wilt tV&K.h KVERTBODT WKIOJIE, iimr.u IUIIK KTttENDM. COMB AND CHl'KCH OP TIIR IIOI.Y APOSTI.BB Hint anrt rhrlatlsn t Rev. OKOnOB If. TOOP. ntcter. .''2 A. M. Hely fjommunlen. 2.?iS.? A"..&,7rMer.nln"' P'ayer and aarmen. siibleet "KllewhlD. 2.30 P. M. Sundiiy Scheel. Sn'.cJ"l. Ar.m'"Ji"' D"y Prearam 4ilr' P..Sf. Kvnln Prayer and Sermon, object Th- Watered Clnrdan." Ednyfel Lewis. tner solelit. 7:30 P. M. Teunir Peepl' gtrvlrs TjJjnue. KUbJect "PaTrtetlsm." ST. PF.TEK'H rilUKCII Sd nnil Tine sta, 1,;,,;E.dWwr'1 M Jefferys. S. T. D.. Beeler 7:SOA. M Hely Communion. i1,0SA M. Mernlnir Servlee and Sarremi bv Illahnp Klneelvlng, of Braill. 'Die crelr will tins: Te n.um In B nat-; . . . .Htalnt r "Bleislnc. Hener. Olery and Power." ;, P M. SPKCIAt, ARMISTICK "dV? SKRVICE of Pout Ne. 405. Amarlesi I-ecien nnd Military Order of World War. AddreM by the Chaplain. Dr. Jtffary. 'Hie Choir will ulnit: "Hlmt Are the Departed" gpe'er . ...un. a r v.u ... ... ..... nrtf-'n Hew Blent Are Th'. .Taehalkewrl.' Dsv' i(-iiil n-miei ys,'ll"M tV ST. PETKR8 CHCRCH. GUMANTeWn i Wayne ave. and Harvey at. (car 61). Bev. Stewart P. Keellnr. Reeter. Munday Services: 7:80 and 11 A. M. P. M. The Recter will preach at the 11 n-ciecK rvic. LUAUKGUATIUNAI INO. Unitarian FIKKT UNITARIAN CHL'RCII. Cheatnt at. wet r.f 3tat Ttev. FRUDCRICK R. ORIPFIN. Mlalittr 11 A. M. Mr. Orlftln will preach. Hubjecl "Th Growth of tha Idea of Ced. Oed an Precresalv Creater. Hew the Iden of the Trinity Arese." H P. M. Lecture by Mra. f.uey L. W. Wilsen, "PaenUtorle Planta and Anl- itibih. I'MTABIAX VHVHCn OF OKnMArTOTTN Oreene t. and W Chelten ave. Sunday, Nemher 12. .Service at 11 A. M. The Mlnlnter, Rev RIX3ER 8. FOHBKH will preach. .Subject, "The Orla-lnil t'hrlitlnnj." Church Scheel In the Parlrn Huute nt mhw hour. All are Invited. PHOTOPLAYS rilOTOI'LAVS PHOTOPLAYS Photoplay Guide Week of Nev. 13 te Nev. 18. Subject te Change Tile following thenrres nhfntn tV.al .!...-.- 41. v a.-- &TAJJLt,V Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America nattm !' ' itci niDLVr ilSH aaaaaaaaMaaaaBBiaBnHweieMBaaaBa,BipHMBBaiaBiiiaH S?lrLlSr; ALHAMBRA "im n of Washington, a sister of the bride- ,M Mary Miles 51 " owhey and Hie l.lj groom; mv. siuurt uuinvnnt, Mrs. Fil. .'. -"jr -inns i i i.nmiy unu me muiul W Ollnln ar.'1 Ml llnth m.,' ' w- Mary JIIIm M ' r t nubey and the I Cec of Washington Tl.ev- h.n,,ltei; Ten. Mix ... I ur Ilk Make. .iidv Lady sinillntly nttlred in frwks e'f cloth of siiur, ..ii wife n.ici lima, irimmeu with MUer lace and havlnir lone L.u.m.F. The.. wilt ... "". '"l I-. -.urn .11 i i nr mc -iiiHea t Tem silx ill ler Ilk Muke a nr i r quetV ,-f 'ral.X-lliW- ThaTlttlemfl0Dr " X ' 'NU: ,,A"'V plrl will be Miss Nancy Montffemerv -' K. Mai D..na i. -irmiKer Thun Flrtl. DiilUin. iliiughter of Mis D. Enillah I X." K- i"""en"1' 'traiier IIme Flctlc nallnrn Jr She will wear Bii. w Mm N.uimm . Iiell't. lleue ufl led li merle frec'nnd wm ft...lt. X -? ,VF , T""' .V!.'Vi'.':.'r,"r allxe. basket of white ' fleww.. SrT .-iS "taih V i KnKll'h. mother of the bride, W wear I a new ii of black velvet, ti Immed with ! bands of sable fur and a hat of black ' ARDMORF Lvv'' elvet Mrs. Oeerirti Harnatt wilt ...7. I ArvLVlVlVJIXC THOMPSON BT3. en leu I lie llr.iml Hie llrund ORIFMT '"'oeJland Ave. at Bid St. "lt-1 MATINKB DAILY M. -Kodelph V.ilenimi) m llloert and Hand r xtodeiph nlentlne In llloed and Hnnd t 7.1J'V?el".h ,va'entlie In Uloed and Hani i ''hHril Il.irtlielimss in lel'uble Ha) Id 5'Z-' TR,'mn.!i,-... The lriniltHe Ixner a' t-. lulmadic. The Primitive Ier OVERBROOK C3D &'Tlk iij1 .'i'T.l llarthe'm in Henny A."'Fhnrd Ilurlheliiii.iia m nny rr ..:' T,'""-"7 .nein in lie iiirtiiter i-Il);,"acS M,'1 111 The Dldnler s ZIr:i,?JiK ."'"nKen In Her lilliled lt " uler' Hnnimen n Her dllded Ce I VU THEATRES f&f 1 MXO.NS AHDACDtrmn....... .. T CtiSST" .11lhan In.ManalaaBhtar rCiM!. A'Ufhan In Man.lauVht.r PHI'- n'tiri"' 5.tnn " nf hNa1hwet hHv" S.Sr!cn- rhsnn Ins ef the Nerthe.t B K. O'Brien. C-liannlnS ef the SSfthw?! , BALTIMORE 0,5T "altuieri: I.. "-" iWILi Kre. 8 80. S.l ll.i T-K- .pr""W. Hraneer Than letle-i M.ffiSSriJ!EK palm "w"D ave. jrdtuK?rhi.nme.l,r,r -r'h." W" i-VL.1V! MJKKIS hTRKET' a -nichard IlartlwImeM n ti 523 H'l innuera inriilde Ur. and Mra. rcinn "' 'f.il Mis. ThnniHs Hell , nr. und Mis. Neiniaii .Tamieen, Mr and Airs Hamuel McUreary. Mr. and M? CleS U"d Mr "nd "" " W. Me. Mrs. W. V. (loedall, of N'arbeith enterWiied her luiieheeit.brldBe cluli at her home yesteidiiv Hfteinenn Tiil members are Mrs. H. K. Hradleir Jin. Wllllarn U. Clughern. Mrs. It cf Jleff.' inun. Mm Jehn H. Ketehatn. Wii. Klen ii n. Pelhvmus. Mis. Charles K, Ooedman, who lias ...i i-P ... n iiiuiiiii m HOStOn will leturn te her home In Bryn Wawr next Women's Club. Weman's Club ut lla-Cynwil "HiiIm in the Dn.s of Mnilnme Se ts the siiUjiit of tlie talk which i Ifflle Miss Anne Mngnus Knile will ,g 1 ve be fore the club WedneMliiy nt 'J ",,,lc"ln the lectute mom of Hie I'resbv erlan ('hiin-h at t'ynwyd. Mis. Charles Ilnr M .1 Abbett. SSI" 3'iSJ'V Mr, anil M Jud,, Teh TlVr.e7,? ZT"' ..BSKiraaTvJELK!! ir";,m' Mmit MciwrTiCa.1 Surprise Parties and Bridge " Lure Seuth Philadclphians A surprise birthday paity wua w Mrs., William HnlneH. of S4"" nh Hie s htreet. en Friday evening by h luaband. Mr. William' Hull.. Xwlnl the RuestM wete Mr. and Mra. Hinrii? Moeie.-Mrs. Emtnii Crenay, Mr. nnd m,, Dabuaa. Mr. and Mrs. Jehn b0b Mr nnd Mra. MeCatin. Mra. Mary Jenii'lnia Mlsa Rae neaenfeldt. Mlaa Ji,ui t'Sx Mr. Jehn Crenn, Mr. Uhailea Shaver' and Mr. William Halnaa. Hi'uver Mrs. Jnmea Duffy will be bestesN nt' j. card party and dance te ba given 2!;a;8s.rc..?.0.1' Hal1' W.M Mrs. K. Wanting, af Daretown, N, J . waa tha guest of her mother, ilia, i r..uy:i::i'n:nT.;i - nni wa i .:.. ..Ill . nif jenes, soiirsue. -.. .. ... The Junier mm-uuh i .. - "... meet nt the home of .Mrs. htlgiir H. Gardner, 4:in Hryn Mnr avenue, Cyn wU, Memlny evening. . CUIc C'luii Miss Clam MliliHetmi will be in ilmi-Be. of the wuiil iiifuirs meeting Memlny morning. 'Hie chnlrmnn of encli word bnimh r reiirescntntive wlll-nttend the iiieetim.'. Tiiesduy nt 11 ',lIl";,:,.,,h,,,re w I1 ii meetlnu' of the Secial "elinre Cem mittee. This, the tirM meeiiiiK et tne jear, will be l'W ' ,t" e"iCt ,of tl,e Jletliers' Asslsteni'i ruml, HIT Locust tit rpt The' Amerlcftiilutien Committee, under the direction of Miss Mnbel A. Senile, will meet nt . ..10 Wednesday. MIsb Olice Steeile, of Ibe . . C. A will tell of their Heik iiineng foreign women nnd slrls in Philadelphia. Phlla. Club of Advertising Women Tuesday lit S :H0 o'clock ut the Uelle-wio-Htrutfeid. the club will begin its series of six lecture classes, te be conducted by l)r. Sllus 8. Neff. The lectures will include nn Intensive study of mind development. self-epreKsien, phraseology and public speaking, Y. W. V. A. ut ermaiitewn A uin-lil fellnuslllli ba linnet ulll . held Tucsdny at tl:S0 o'clock. JlH. William Boyd will be the speaker of IUO ctciiiiiki ." 'ivi,vii wt tut gun quet will be Riven te empuert the work J fl.. !- rlnlr Willi. V n Informal Entertainments in West Philadelphia Miss Grace K Lull, of COM slnisn street, entertained informally at her home rai8t eP'n- -'"enf the gtieata fffi PJ.ga W. Denike. Mlaa Deiiv wi1 ?." nuts Ciertrude l.vneh, Mian Marv Men. ' 'tersen. MIsh Huth He'ffer. Miss orethJ ' Hnndni-B -iiuu !....... vv!'" xjoreiny , MlM . Adele Klnuen. Mr. &.""& Cm fbmeye', Mr. and Mra. Bell Mr Michael. Mr. Allllaid P. White v, gmln,Hellbm,Rh, Mr. QeoSe'Srewn hHrr.,T" ?!'!. .T5arJicnMS'"5. Mr WIN J-miia "Tlwler '"Mr Tfil2E$?- & Lew b Herschel, Mr Paul t iISJk' Mr S-SKMSr.lSK.rVi end. '""mm rer the week- .Tl.hn tli....Au. . t .... . .. . -luhh i .7..'. " '" ""rrieK Heme -lehn i-.r5Tner ' ""'rlerli Helme, iim," '.'."levnere in sherlm 1. Helme, BELMONT, "O AlJOVr: MAIlKpr t 3. n tx a i.ia n .. tit A ffVIII i --.- a4iu i i nemas .v ciuceu arm sir. waiter i MeiitJBiie, of Unltlmere; Mr. Jehii KrederUk Hey and Mr. I.uclnn if. Van Van deian .f Washington, and Mr. Alfred rose il ijilu nnd sir. LMmund w un. pin. of this city. " INOKHSOLU WAI.I. A yediiiiiff of Interest will take uiace r r t n t lfipl thin a i a !.. i Uithernti Church of the Incarnation. Fer-tv-stnth street nnd (Vilnr n i. ' ASTOR i:uih"ii Various Activities Mark UAlin AVK. i I li v ll. v M Hiular. kiulith 1 tit- .iiiiiIie .. iiu.itiiit ivii'iniK h 1...' i.i.i.i.iri- IV. It HimLeH' I'le.lu T H llilk'lieV Piudu ' P. It. llunhun' Pirj.lui !.--H lluglies' I'lO.lmtl ";'-'""'ttoer.. The .Mern, , W. Thej nn; Mei.he'l, $&&.' MARKCT ST. lie, ,. hZiSSSi: ?W" ".iShur , .- "(iKUtTDrrr fl. itintiiliva nsa K nit mtiraiire Hi iiM'inlirurifti Kt ineiuhnim BLUEBIRD BT! Qiitlmnn .' null 11 tle Mnriratvt Wall .li...rCi,,,... '. i. " I M. Marlen Dut.ea In I lie uiiiib II.iii. .!,r te i'lInFl- i' ii"f,1,ter- of Mr T. Mnrluti Ii..Mh In The nuin: lliiiiia IV ! '",. VmrUs 1-, Wall, of Drexel I W. Tmn MuiKlmn If im llelleie ll. It e Hill, "ill become thu bridM nr m- . T. Tem .M..Tliall. If l..l llrllrie II It'a he Heward Jlebertcu Incersell. son of n ' V- AJ,ul Wrwnr Willi the 111111? mid Mrs. W. If. lV.7.li " .'.H'.- I . Hb il' H rolls W llli the M 1.1111 11? - -.it-. "VHi Ut 1UUA. I RFP.FWT 10 A. M te 11 1 M - 1 .air Admni In (inhlrn Ireain T- i.'r. ,AA"".ln ,Whi Dream ,'. !. "r A'l-iii'S lii liuieii llreuniN l-i lure a.Uiiih In (ieldrn Ireaiii. H 1 hur rt.n In The leetlcc of Wpi'le. CEDAR CT" CRAn AVBNU W AMti HlMHari Tl. w- "f ,h'rlh T -Anita it-we., I The wSSan !" J-le.l F- Mrv Mllei Mi.T.,' ""I'"". "". Marrtfil ! -Mile.. Mlt,r . sSJiB of Z'xl RIALTO "CRMANTOWNmeKe- I 2JZ2' 2JJL-JSlB of SSJ2 '"rtL1U AT TL1.1-EHOCKE.V ST. fYM ICCI 1M rTI7T"" -.. Pei, A M4.1 Moe,,. The Storm COLISEUM ''V IW T. Hnuse l',.er 4 .utt t r!' ? I 2 ?fj? M t!rn.. . ' . Mnd ' T anl .'-i.i.L r..i,--i, i nt. iiuv. ur, David ' it Melherii, pastor of the church, ulll PDI OMIAI CJln ''' ai. nerferin the cciemeii). The brlda will I v'v-' ',l sun .' .1.. m- ; ft u be chen III mairl.iee l.i h., ...... 'M-.Ti.nm.. miui. ... .., m. ....,.., ... - '. v. j an 1 1 1 - - imimir -Kit it ( .lun-iiiiiKMiri Mri I.UiUlR P. VelltTH nrnl M. t T. Thenian .M-lnliari In Miiiul.iu.liirr he bride will i -r VJ":i .rl'L'1." ." .V ,"".l'"'k ",r -.JlUZSL Mrl:. "? A. Dedd. iv. , . . 1 . ... l.. - .. ,M4 ire. I. ,.t...,i ..a ,,,ai, "i "i."""e' .u.'" T Theinm Meiahan In Muii.lii.iuliier hriit wn.VlVu will in, 1.. 1 V""ur-. The r Tiiuiiia. .M.iKlmu in MuiLlaucliLr I bliliHii In will IntUlUrt Mrs. Uenald , Ihemaa Mlshan In Mun.lauliirr e ShrlKlv. MIsb Catharlim liuit-r. - uidii .mik .lehn Whltlnir i. i.h..i' v. aiu rtiri rv 1 -mn ut. 1 1, r w u, 1 . .... " - IV ' .llunr.r:. ? wterni iti,".".("".lt' ' " "" ,'11""' Hreakcr n Hliar Mreiiic lth (he Uemen? w 1 llldll Mir ,u iemiwirB UOURfv Life ,,i 1 ". r. w,,!.Bm " l,"r"'- Jr. ..... . - "."'. i limn 1 no usiieih will in su-b;.!,..;;"' ....'"juu.".?.i..j"id, of,,," r v. ,v.-..",..'.,"'.,.a,.r'.i"'ris it. brnerd's. -Inwhvanl, WiHun 'kImk A .en " T'SSTn ,fi . - 1 1 11 11 in' .it 1 nit I'm riitMiui.1.. s, ..1 elid wVlnut atlMta ","" " ,uu ''U,leth Mrs. Charlee i;disard.,"'0f Pit tabu rJh for a few .lnvfc '1'iuiirBII, Mra. Leuis It. Chapman, of put. burgh, has been the tueat for a. fiw duys of her parents. Mr. and Mrs w-vi A. Batcheler, of MeylanT ' War1 ,Mla Kathleen Wetherill. of n,...,,.. will entertain the niemberV of hJr brldge-luncheen club en Monday after neon. They v. ill Include Jin Lmn.; fipreul Illnkaeit, Mra. jmL i?''1 Mrs. T. Jay Hpreul, Mrs Joien). rif lr,f,Mra Bennelt V.' Wllibr.. Mra Hail: lett Hall nnd Miss Nell Wetherill Gennantewn College Girl te Mahe Debut in Seuth WATSON BAM, weddinB of interest In this cltv and WnsliliiBi in will tuke place ut s 30 e clock this afternoon, when Mrs. Mnknn Hall. daiiKhter of Mrs. .1. K B,aAVlnd?? of WnsliliiBten. will beeen S the hr 'ide this ct Iho ceienieny win , pr! feuueit ni the home of Mr iirui mm Arthur tllllesiile Dicksen, at P i ehioelc Paell. in the presence of the in n I fiiinllles of the bride un, brmenroem ??.d ,l'VJ ,.',lrn,Ut" Will Kdward M .leffeiyu, rector of St '. tr' I'hureli ulll ntllelnt.. ,..u ' ?' . .' lt t h.VVT ... I, V ,r,- ..:"V:. . ""un will .... !. Mi.iuiin uv ner 11t1Mt.11. Mr ll.T.rv U'lt.l, r.l,J.' UIOHIll, W., i.'i " i,-V.7r"uaf. rnl bi ll 111. M V I I I . Itl.lv M. Hnune I'elei in 111. ll Men'. (e ..'',!9"' I'eluii" 11 Hlih Mi-ii'h WI1.1 ,-le.ii I'riin in ICIcli Men's lli I. Iltttv I'umtiwn 111 'Die ll.iniln.l Muni.in .-''"tlj I'etni'Hi.i! in 'I he Hemlr.l 1 ... 1. in. . r, r allium. It l.l II r.UM I UMII-. et 333 MARKFT1HTni:r:TT,n:ATRK ''"' "rv- I ., a M ie 1 16 1'. M r-HuVt1 ,V"Kll"",, Mi-i'K-inhnin.e W li. Vlrt. 1'kU;'1 , Knienihrniiee -ltlhar.l Ilnrthelme,, )n Vie II ?Z (iilu.rJ rtheline.i. In The Ileml J. Anita .Slewuri h wZSIZ 11" I'"r,M HSPS K -JttlP-"-!' ..TT,? ""-- AT OTHPR MEMBERS OF 5fiTH ST THKATKU Hclew i-pruK -- .MATI.VHU I)VU ST'-.Dorethy PIiUUph .ii lliirrle.iiif'. i.al u.!-01' ,.nll"l" ".Uiirrle.111,.', i.l r. Aii-stm r.isi in iiir seni r , K. James lurnc ., n,P irkcii s .,,. B. Jainen furmiiKl'M The llrnUi, Men , - , - "' - HUH THPATDCC LEADER l3T I-ANCASTWl AV M.RT.OA. h:.- Mr a ,"; iss.i I .? -iry .M .Mlnt-r riwhtiy -.ft Z MV ,.. I Jam-a KlrkMiHi.1 in IhJ. miJ.-fiJ If' OS It) nerinntitnwn Ae. , S lame, l,'irwoe.l 5 4h. wi2 tM MATivri! mii- N JuniH K-iri,,. .... . .'.'., IP "In 1bJ ,i i -M.. ';v - " '"" nm iimJ -iGERMANTOWN I GRANT "22 airtAIlD AVK .Mnt. Men V,A GREAT NORTHERN W ; SW j . M fiS ,- K!& Jim? . .. uicrmrrt u..h.i.... :... .-.-" t ri...,.r. r:":!'m" vn bu V Vh'". ::!""" I" Man.la...i,r T -'ii.V. '"" .?I"?nn in . Mnnalauhil. IP -Thern,. J,'." '" " '"'auiSlir' H -'Ihema. Mi.,i.. .' a"n)Httr urniH l nrtnhii i i. a... a ... ice narinemf In tK s,X J.H5 w -jiffs. -i inem. ',;, vk. ;e,ks V.V ; 1. Jamea K rkuoe.t In The Mil Kleii'l .... ..,.,..,,, , ln ,,, jju,,, -h iVi ;',. ';."k" "' e '. ;,.r"k ' armencl In The eiut L ,,1',,'u ! "r" '" Kith Mrn'M U".i I'ature Kr, j,," II ...l.l...Kft.. . WIVM C2U ANU Mi ,,,. nine I hit Id "''"-'ill .r ain, Wli' i'.Chailee Jonil 111 H'i ,i!,3: 7 I fRlheNIXUN-NIRDLINCFRJn i -!!: ilf"n "n T?.' SLi'l! imattVnded ''Thebrldenr'!.'11, 1MDCDIA1 eeTH Tv..,..rD i IHfcATRES !Jf .-lreUiy t-a..n jJJ ,K S J"' ;ie.rwn'i a flHhfef '?. $SS uoraite;! ySiya --r: aftS2 i . -r -----i-r -------' iiiai iiuunan i iinnnnmii i-nii nn 1 1 .-.m - - .-.v , , iiiuuina .iiuiKiiuri in iiiiiili i.. i n inimiHa iiAt..i. . -.. i---- -- ... --. u t, m t . - . ' secmy en Decetnber 27.' 1.. i.-i7.. "...v" """ :"" u uiK anil, wm i .Thnmiu M,.rh.'.'":T.'.' r r ir..Vi... ..'V.'"""" in iniii.iuhir iv.uuy l i.i i iC afHWWir. l r''L .?.t tea followed "fr-rT' "" ,,lss -enny . et New' Yerk ' B -Themas Mel.hun S' Ma.R"ual.lirr f -iKrethy i'.ai en Vn '. '" V." S-!Sr !!!5!! !: !" SSZKfSte f a ui ui i i mil a-w ijiu ibw linn . . ar un Hivan rn -. a. - -- n - - - . . . ... rti , .. - -.--.? -- j uaira a-ri iii r . t i Aen'HUI ara rKn'JKi' , ' WMk" 'n C",n' Arthur, q. Cummer, of J.ck."eUnvi .""' BKI.PIBMJ-WILLIAMBON LIBERTY nneAP W.B.a a7 ctJaTi v (!'" ' "t "' SOSSBtL' " MMMMMMMJgg(i . ., . ,,,f,',,y, . .., fe.w! 'Axl'lSi ' ''fftmlwflKp"1 R1VOLI I2,1, ."ANjKMI T..