Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 11, 1922, Night Extra, Page 8, Image 8

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fh ' Kueninj public Meager
W emus r. k. ctnvna, Paasiesat
rLtaka C. Martini Vic 1'reitltlent and Tiesaureri
IVhWlM A. Trier, 8crtarvi c'harira II. J.uUlus-
ten. Philip 8. Collin. Jehn II. Williams, .lehii .1.
wnrcaan, Oaerca V, Oeldnmlth, David E, 8mlly,
k Jf0Hy c- MAIlTIN....anfral runlnm Manaaar
1 i Publish dally at Pcetie l.ttxira Building
I Independence fc'quara, I'hlladelMilu,
'Atuntie Cut rreta-r;i(m HuiMing
Kaw Yeik 'IIH M.i.ll-en Ae
Prrxeir Mi Kerd llultdltur
V. Let'ia 013 Ulobr-D'inecrtM HutMIng
ClIICAOO i.,1302 Tritium Uulldltis
wasiiixjte.s Bctueic,
N. i:. Cor. rennsrivnnta Av. and Hlh t.
Naw Tosh iirssic .Th Ht. HuU.IIrt
Ie.XD0N DciiiD Trafatrar Hulldliif
Tha ErtMMl I'l lit ie l.Miru In served te auli-
crlbera lp l'lillailtliihln. mul suriiiunillus towns
t tha rati- et twelve (I'.'l emit Pr Wc-el. pajaUla
,te tha carrier.
I . Br mall te point eutal.W of Philadelphia In
tn United Htalea. rmimln it l.'ultftl Mutes en
aaalnna, pestac. fres, fllty (ROI rents per month.
S)Ix (Irtl rlellais per veil. nn.lhl m silvanr
Te ill fer-lun rnitntrlfa mm (tl) ilellar a itiutilli
Netics Sulaurllen Hllng- adrtram chainwJ
Bnutt slvu old as well at nv addrfM,
lEI.t J009 WM.MiT
KEYsrONK. MMN 1601
tAddresa nil coinrniielcfllein te Ili'mtng Ptiblfe
Ledger, Indtyrndtncr Situate, I'lilladrtphia,
Member of the Associated Press
TUB ASHOCt AlKn PKt'Xll 'telmlrrlv fu
Uttcii te (li ii fnr irpublicaluiu n till tirun
dispatcher credited te tt uf tml n(ierii lae neililnl
In thin pavrr, cimI iijii thi tvcal iciim iribMilj'il
All lights of trpuUtcallun e special Ulspalchtt
htrtln arr also imnvrj.
riilll.li-lpliii, ."jliud... Natdnlirr It, Wll
IT IS elf-erlilcut lluit uiolerliiii llni-i me
needed in tlii" ilty Ie meet fi'iilut nf
the tintitit problem beyond the Held uf
trolley seriee. l'nr this renoeii I he eoiifi eeiifi
cilmnnie resolution epenlns the mi for
cn-eperatiiui of the Trmiflt ('einpniu mid
the city en thin Mibjvet N ceininelidnble.
Tliere Hie thoieughfuies, Mleh us the
!oeevelt ISeutetntil nnd the I'nrlaviiy,
in here efficient Kiiiellnvhiix erril would
lie must lerdlnlly wehemed The time l
filse fust :ipiie:ieliiiig when the qiietieu t
tielley car.-. In the (entinl hiiine dUttlels
. must come, up for leniui roiiHiderntieu. If
'the bun- me fmiml piaillcnble they ieiiIiI
j lie used te notable advantage in retigcted
.' nrcn. as has been the ui-e lu I'aris titni
'Londen. In the heart of whiili fltiei any
trolley ertice would be paraljed.
It is n sign nf real preistc-s mat Counell
has formally pa-sed n resolution eulllni; for
conference en tha bin pregimu beiween
Theinni I'. Mitten ami Uiehaid Welein.
Such petty squ.ibbliuj; encerinn(! the
Mnjer'N position in I In- matter as ihar.ie
terized the "'eunelliminie "-oslen I- Itiele
Taut and chlldisli. The pmblem of better
ttnnsportatieti for 1'hil.idelphlu i tee fonnl fennl
dnble anil ten'msent Ie he (enfued with
peliticiil baitiiu' and peisetnil aciimouieiit
attacks en either side.
The obligation of HPiiMblc beliin'e'i-. iu iu
Telviuc a ri asp of ii'tual conditions upon
their meiitc or demeilis and free fiem e e
liibitiemi of puerile centuneitiy, lests upon
both camps in the City (jevetnment. Tlie
public is net acutely Interested In the aem
ing of "pelnf" for or ngiiiust the .Mayer
by eitiier Mr. Develin or Jlr. Hall.
Of much deeper concern te the cltiens of
this- community 1 the improvement of
transit facilities such as the projected in in
stnllatieu of moterbua lines m-vius te
THE auste nnd heurty huiuer with wblfih
Cieeigps Clemeuceau is altendy .'helng
his self-iitsigned Ameiliim mlsieii ne In
dexes of a mood which the puUrfe lieuli. net
find It difficult te djiirty''fioeiI-teinpeied
exboitatien i sullicienil) iiticoiniueii te be
welcomed ns a delightfiil novelty. ThN U
especially the cake i maltets of interna-
tienal relatienxhip". where racial iiiisutider
stundiugs ami cenlliN of tempei anient, edu
cation and patriotic idealn play cticli power
ful nnd often luifertunate teles.
Clemenceau, it U safe te prediet, will be
hi'aul with iriteiewt by thousands of Amer
icans engerte pay their respecti" te a ie
niarkuble t'.'guie in mullein history and an an
teus te 'learn Mmiethiu,; of the motives
prompting bim te conduct an individual
campeJign en liehalf of a nation te which
be )'.ni devoted a long ami event! ill life.
''His nudienccs in tbi euutiv will net
"wunt te be hectored. Happily, theie are in
dications that Clemeuceau is lumliig heie
net te rebuke us, but te fliiciilalc lertalu
subjei'tH which have pel ha been Jnipei -feelly
That the fcix vvielts' tuui contemplated
ill retuit In a whele-.ile luuverien of the
Anierlcun public; that the ait ami Intense
.env ictienii of a single Mutcjinnn, however
lllusti'ieus, nlll ut once mue a wiile-piead
popular levlsieu nf cstlmuics of the peace
settle'nent of 1!l!l and of the ieipuiiNibill
ties of the I'nlted Stitti toward Kurepe in
general nnd Frame in particular, ate ex
tremely preblemntiiul llui perhaps a be
ginning toward a Keener lOinplehensien of
epechnl event will be made and many
Aram leans mav he l:u.'lii that iuueieuie and
virtue ni" net the exclusive po-cssien of
their country in the handling of inlet na
tional pieblrnis and that attempted mjIii mjIii
tlellM in I'uiepe it I b net the icMilt eul of
chronic had iner.il-
In nnv event, the Tit;'i's appinaiiiuix
advent is bound Ie lie an enlivening lu-
, fliience in the Natien, which is lead, iim
recent jielltieal ei'cinreiiies have piuved, ie
pursue the isin It of inquiry wilheut inui h
regard for uet formulae and Main xenei.il'a xenei.il'a
THK most conspicuous Interniitieu.i1 ligme
receiving au.v et the Vebel prics tm
' 1021 Is uu(ueilienab!y Albnit I Ziti-tfln.
winner of the nwmd for pin : Theie inn
be Uttlu aigiiuieiit com fining mi inevitalile
Anether veidier of the judges which in
TiteH nttentien, however, Is the honor be
llowed en Jacinto Ilennvenle for distinction
In llterntuic
1'ntil the vogue for lilasie Ibnue. sud
denly appealed lu the I'uited Stales, aver
Dge American i "inception of the lenaiss.m,
f Hpanlsli letlern, which begun In the
latter half of the nineteenth mitmy and has
continued steadily ever hlme, was decidedly
Tftguc. Seme fiction, it is tine, crossed ihe
peninsular fientlers and leilniii of ihe
novels of Perez (JuIiJeh, netablv his "Uena
Perfecta," found favor lu Knglish transla.
But the iciuiuUiible vltalit) of the modem
Bpanihli drnmii long escaped uetlie until ihe
'(iien Ouleote" of .lese Kehegaiuy in va
rious forms and adaptatien1! made the cir
cuit of the glebe. I.Micgani.v , whei-e iiieh
successful pln.v was known in thu country
tinder the cuplien "The World nod His
Wife," was Indeed llie only Spanish ilranin
tilt te be favored with a Nebel award prier
te 1021.
Benavenle, working with somewhat dif
ferent methods and pelMlbeinted from some
f tha convention which at times hampered
tha beat work of Kchegutay, is u worthy
meeiMer. I'atrens of motion pictures will
fMU tha effective screen version of his
drama. "ia .uaiqueriua," unuer
aw'TU Faaalen Flower."
.waa also presented in afllaa.
,- a year or two a i
:JUT, . T,tV!tf;. wtrevKC a ,
nms writer's "Les Intercset Creadet''
("The llends of Interest") was successfully
lireiluced in New Yerk.
The prevent formal recognition of Bens
rente's geiilns is reaisurint testimony et the
inthelicity of titste nnd dlHcilmlnnlery pow pew
era of the Nebel trlbunnl. It Is also
vvidener of (lie jionltlen of (lie drums in
modem literature. SU previous Nebel
Hwnrds In letters liftve been te playwrlflita,
BJoernsen, Hie Norwegian; Mlitrnli the
rrevenval: llpsfv and lluiiutinitiiti, uer-
iiiAii: Kilii'icarny. (Iu Spntilnril,
MiiPlrrlincL-, the Uelglan.
Today It In Werth Rememberin That
Jingoism at Least Was Banished
Trem the Face of the Earth
A .IINtiO," some one said net long age,
r- "Is a fellow who alwnye is icady and
eager te lay down jour life for his conn cenn
lr,v." It might be mere prepeily said that
a jingo nM lluit sort of lavish person. Fer
It la tveiih remembering that jingoes nod
jingoism, ancient nffllctlens of our civiliza
tion, passed forever from power and au
thority when the imntsliie was signed.
A few blithe and bloodthirsty lady willers
of what Is supposed le be heroic veise still
peisNt lu the effort te keep alive ihe io ie
mantle and story -boel; (onccptlens of war.
It N odd le bear women talking fight. Thev
de it, pel haps, because no one has been
Kelug about dffciliiK te In) down their lives
for one reason or another. If lu some ter
rible and far f unite they nie sent out te
kill em h elhei by machinery, It will be the
fault of their own poets, Fer nny one hut
ceitaln kinds of poets can see that the wnr
te i ud war was net lest by the men who
fought It and that gieal ends were sought
bv the niuites In Fiance and actually
Their cutis awakened the wet Id, They
banished fiem all the seats of civilized
lieveinmeni the mood of militaristic hn
liei'l.illsiu. 'lhe.v banished it In Knglnnd and
they banished it lu France. And they bun
ishid It lu (he Ceugless of the I'uited States,
which was almost ready te believe (hat there
would have te be n war en Mexico and a
list option of the AniHilias that would have
set up en this leutlllent a train of evils
haidlv less nppillliig than that which de
scended in liuiepc after the peace,
The minds of ths peoples eveiv where in
tlie We-tein world ate taking held of truths:
which our own nnd oilier seidieis In the
war against tiermany died te find They
are gi eping and Ntumldiiig toward new piin
clples uf civilization ihnt will be sutisfacleiy
net only te theorist nnd statesmen but
te the nnvliaiiiiini eenjcirmv of munkiml.
In this quest they me often driving their
leadeis before tin m. in any uiie m.ty see
who reads belweenTnV lines of tlie news
from Kngliiud aiWi France
It was nel seten years ua It wss net
se in 11114 ilr 'even lu 11M0 'llu desire of
peoples n0v Is net for conquests and the
detnoiistVatletia of power nnd pnd. It Is
for u way of life that will be satisfactory
n(r only hi the pieseut. but in that future
e which nil enlightened peoples ewe a gieat
measuie of political nnd moral lesponsi lespensi
bilily. That fact lewets ami shines
Our own men who did nel come home or
who returned bieken or blind vveic net uiar
tyied le the pride of nations alone. They
were sacrificed te human vamtv. tinman
pu-judices and te the latent spun of bar
barism which still trus te teat h us that wai
ls pretty and uplifting. War never uplifted
anything Hint peace couldn't have uplifted
te far greuter heights That is what the
in mies in France found out and pieved ur
last and feiever Therein was one of their
nujer victories and the one tint et will
iiiiill linisl te all the ihcs of the earth.
Nationalism will remain efnr the work
which is celebrated en Aiutlsiiie ll.iy is
completed. But it will net be the national
ism that in the past presumed te be higher
than the laws of right ami mere ufird than
justice. Flags will lenuin and they will be
denier te the hearts of iiiiuetis because they
will be symbols net of power and pride
alone, but of justice nubl.v done and univer
sally assured. '
Se the Anieiuan abroad, whether he lived
or died, did net fail in the war against war.
He helped great I v te dear a way through
which mankind will yd uihitte the most
passionate desire of its heart
If the dead seidieis weie alive nuvv they
would he pu.zltd. Thej would wonder why
I lie small giimps that tool, charge et affairs
after the tiubting found fuieiui.iiien se
dltlliiill The seidieis fiaiermzed easily
enough eiiiIhi condtleiis lar mere trying than
these of tuduv licit i-.li. French and Amerl
i ens ihiind ilieir stinugih and their hopes
and th"lr lobaeie when Intle of either re
niul it-il 'e iliun 'I'lif.v l in n( J lu time te
pltj ewn ih"ii enemies. Tbe.v saw truth.
Angtr and deiei miuiilieii mav liave been In
thwn Hut ih' j weie above hate
What clvili.id nations are asking new
whv their leaders nie le.s Intelligent than
ihesi uiliu men weie and Iisn genereuH and
biave Such questleiiing will glow mere
and mine insisienl until it ! satisfactorily
DK.MOOltArii' leadeis in New Jersey,
Including ioveiner KdwariU and Judge
Silrer. annul a Meid le penult i moors new
uineiif about New lliiuisw it k te go till
fhallenged The suggestion that in some
mjsterleus way the UemiMiratlc majorities
of Tiiesdnv iciicied In interfere with the
piegiets of Ihe investigation into the Hall
Mills uiiiidu m is mere fantastic and
mere ominous than any ever before nsse-
lateil with ihe activity of community poli
tician in ibis ceunli.v
Doubtless il is without any foundation in
tnilh But ihe fact lemnins lhat the opli epli
mlsilc tone of the police and the prosecuting
officials (hanged te one of doubt and hope,
lessnes after the election retlirilN were re
iclied, It happens, loe. that Democratic
leadeis evert most Influence In the New
litiiiisvvick legion
A 1,1, the eloquence of Bene Vivlanl, who
is n pnst master of hortatory effects,
seems te have been unavailing in the cause
of woman suftiage lu France. The Senate
Is expected te veto the enfranchisement
meawiie for hldi the feimer Premier has
been pleading and for which he has been,
with some intermissions, diligently working
since 1010, when the bill we bUtckiul b.
tween the two houses after havigur trium
phantly passed .he Chamber of Deputies.
Weman suffrage in Franca presents sev
eral problems which have net formidably
arisen la ether camatrlea prldlig themselves
their leacUranlp. of cmnsanea. xne
r . '..V. tO ;
.....! ..
Kj.!. 112r.'.il) VI,'.,.
' i "I'UMsBirilli i ii r
foremost hindrance la unquestionably the,
indifference of the class for wnicn "iinera
tien" was planned.
French women, as a rule have net been
militant for the franchise and there ta
naturally something discouraging In sup
porting a cause In which these supposed te
preHt most by its advancement are listless.
J n addition, the great preponderance of
feminine citizens in France, a third again
ns numerous as the men, Is said te be
troubling politicians, some et whom are
fearful of nn abuse of power by new voters.
On the one hand it I maintained that
feminine suffrage would mean increased
strength for the reactionaries, while en the
ether an access of radicalism Is predicted.
It is one of the paradoxes of history that
France which once led the way toward the
political emancipation of Europe, is new
tlinoieusly handling a problem which sister
nations, formerly her pupils, hove solved
with comparative rapidity and without
deleterious or alarming effects.
TIIOSK who for years, have been advocat
ing such u change in procedure ns would
put the control of nil expenditures of the
Oeuuty of Philadelphia In the bnnds of the
appropriating officers of the city will wel
come the support of Councilman Hull.
He box jmt been saying that the salaries
of the empleyes lu local offices should be
fixed in Philadelphia instead et In Harris
burg. This is a pretest against the custom
of going te the Stnte Capitel te ask for it
higher salary when that has been denied by
the City Council. That Increase lu salary
may be made after the budget for tne year
has'beeu adopted, it places a burden upon
the revenue net contemplated. And the
recipients of the bigger pay can sue out a
imindninus ordering its payment.
But Mr. Hall does net go far enough.
The abuse of which he complains would be
ended at once If ihe system of dual govern
ment were abolished. The county offices are
beyond the control of any one in the City
Hall. The uumber of empleyes may be
raised and appointments may be and are
made at the disci et Ien of the appointing
power without legurd te Illness. And the
Comity Commissioners' exeicise certain
functions flint ought te be performed by the
City Cen in II or by one or another of the
departments of the City tievei anient.
This anomaly was avoided when the ter
ritory of thtee counties was annexed te
New Yetlc City. The net of ouselldatloii
provided that the powers of the Beards of
Supervisors of the teuntles these beards
correspond te the County Commissioners in'
this State net devolved en administrative
ilepilitiueiits or lien I ds should be vested In
the lien id of Aldetnieti.
Such a i limine cnnnei be made by legisla
tive act in Petinsjlvniila, for llu Cotnmis Cetnmis Cotnmis
sleueis mc embalmed in the Stale Consti
tution like tlie1! lu umber and they can be
ictueved only by n constitutional amend
ment. New Yerk was ileleimiued that
fhcire should net be the anomaly of a dual
fin in of government in the teiiltery included
within the cit.v nnd it leek effective steps le
prevent it.
Ne such steps weie taken when Ihe
boundaries of the City of Philadelphia were
extended le include all the tenitery within
the County of Philadelphia. If Mr. Hull
and his political associates will unite te
uige the l.egislatute le adept the necessary
amendment le Ihe Constitution lie wilt earn
the gratitude of all these who believe that
the City (jeveinmeiil should bate contiel
ever Ihe local expenditure of the money
laised b.v taxation en lenil piepeily. Tlie
functions of the County (.'ommtssleneis
should be devolved upon the Cit.v Council or
one or anethet of Ihe city depm Intents.
The change would at nine depiive the
(eiinly elficers uf their power ie niandiiiniis
the City Treiisiner for the pnvuienr of bills
for which . no appiopnatlen had been made.
It would net, however, pievent the ubune
of the privileges of I lie .liidses of the (Oiirls.
I inter the law the.-e Judges me iMiipewpied
tn decide hew inanv eleiks and titteudanls
they need and within ceiialn limits le fix
their salaried.
Piesident Judge Audeiiiled. of Common
Pleas Court Ne. -I. Lis nsl.nl for ftl'j.one te
pay tlie mlarles of the attaches of his court,
whereas President Judge Marian, of Ceuit
Ne. I!, asks for SMI.SOU.
Judge Audi lined, who i eiideiiiiicd ihe plans
for Judge Brown's "Palace of Justice" en
thi) ground of their extravagance, evidently
piactices In bis own rout t lhat econemv
which lie thinks should be the title every
where. What is the justification for the
expenilltuie of .!(!. U0 n jenr by another
branch of ihe same reuii engaged in the
Mime kind et weik? a. if by any (linnu
the City Council "lieuld cut down the
amount asked for bv Judge ll.iriatt he could
collect it by mutidniuu pieuediiigs.
Members of the Ceiunll have been talking
for jeats about the evils of the mandamus
system. If they want It abolished they
knew hew (e get it done,
MB. PINCHOT ev.ilentl., has decided in
it ml our what son of men niu at the
head of the depaituieiii. of the Stale (Jov (Jev
eriiiuent, some of whom hv has the power ie
displace when he takes efbie.
He has nuked theiu te submit fu him an
estimate of the necessary expenditures of
their depiHtlueiils for the tn-Xt two yeais,
"We cannot assume," he writes, "that the
next Legislature will lew new taxes for the
puipese of defraying ineieased expend!
tines." He wents every mail te cut bis estimates
te Ihe levvesr limit consistent with effi
ciency and, if pii-slble. te make them Jess
than thej weie two years age. lie Is doing
this in lonferinlly with his purpose te make
a bndgil and te leulml tlie expenditures of
the CoiuineuwialHi
lie has that authority under the Constitu
tion, net quite se explicit ns might be
deslied, but sutbcient for the purposes of n
ikterutlt.ed man. The LegUlatuie mav
vbange bis budget in nnv piiuUuurH that
It sees fit. but he has the power te veto
specific Hems in eveiy appropriation bill.
These bills ure usually passed In thp closing
days of the sts,i0n of the Iegjalature and
the fioveiner does net have te run the ilsk
of a veto of his executive acts. He holds a
club which lie can wield te geed purpose if
be is se disposed.
Mr. Pinchni has ib-timielv announced that
he dots net iiilend le mnsider the appoint -inent
of bis cabinet at piesent. it is evi
dent flint he Intends te find out vvlu.t sort
of men nie, new in eltice befere he decides
te displace them. They Mre put en their
mettle bv bis demand for budget eatlmalea
We shall see within a few weeks hew
they respond te the purpose of the Governor Governer
elect te concentrate his attention en eionemy
mill etlicleiicy.
... A i rplauc piepelleis
llarguins worth $152 lemlemned
by the Government nfter
the war are being sold for fl apiece, with
women the principal purchasers, They nie
being used as l evolving clothes trees, aim
(though eight feet In diameter) ns mantel
piece ornaments. We suspect fhal If battle
ship conning towers were put en the bnigaiu
counter Ihe ladies would buy 'em for chicken
coops and pin tras.
A white deer has se startled hunters
who have sean It, that they have been un
able te'puU'n trigger, That albino Is safe
nuiii it is signtia u man wue lackfe
Ijmgglnatlen, 1 .Il
J V, ' 1
IbA' .. . .. . ..... '
.,.,,,. .nV.lta-j !H.4J. -nfc ,. . ,
Tha Government Studying tht UpM'
Delawara Great Project tht
Paat Governer Bearer's Scheme.
Sahara Ocean
PHILADELPHIA Is materially interested
. in the revival of n waterway project.
It is the canalisatien of the Delaware
River from Trenten te Kasfen.
m The War Department has written te the
Kasten nnd Phllllpsburg Beards of Trade
for full information as te tha beneflte that
would accrue tn these cities abeuld the
project be launched.
Beth cities are new making a eurvej, as
The request of the Wnr Department en
flneera la a rnther surprising one.
Seme years age its englncera made a
complete survey of the Delaware between
the points named.
Then, for some unexplained reason, the
plans were shelved and the development
halted en an adverse report.
THE length of the Trenten -Kasten Canal
would be about fifty miles.
With electrically propelled beats and
barges the distance would be covered in
from ten te thirteen hours.
Anywhere from ten te fifteen locks would
be 'required.
Movable dams might be substituted if
they were found mere advantageous.
The fall of the river from Easten te
Trenten Is 157 feet. Sufficient depth of
the river te accommodate barge traffic would
be ebtnlned bv dredging te a depth from
sir te twelve feet.
When the scheme was proposed some
years age great enthusiasm was aroused In
cveiy city and town from Kasten te Phil
adelphia nn the Delaware.
Trade bodies became active in its support.
Corporate and bmnufactiiring Interests
were aroused te action largely because of
the opportunities that would be afforded te
utilize the water of the canal for industrial
New the Interest Is being revived, I am
told, with some hopes of success,
ALFRED LYNCH, statistician of the
Beard of Commissioners of Naviga
tion, tells nie that the nvernge coal barge
has a capacity of about (100 tens and draws
approximately nine feet of water.
He pelntH out Hint the utility of our
inland waterways was shown during the
recent coal strike.
Thousands of tens of coal came te Phil
adelphia from Norfolk bv way of the
Chesapeake nnd Delaware Cnt.nl.
fIt was from the soft-cenl region of West
Yirginin and helped te keep many of our
Industries in openitieii during that period.
The Lehigh Canal operates amall beats
en itn cnnnl. but their capacity I limited
as compared with the nnrinnl-si-ed ceaj
CANALS for the extension of Philadel
phia's rnmuiPicp have been project' d
nt intervals for 100 years.
In the eaily part of the nineteenth ecu
tiny the idea of n caunl ucress New Jersey
connecting the ocean with the Delaware
Itiver in the icinlty of this city wits
At Inter vali rince it has come te th
sin face.
Thirty-t'iree year age the scheme of n
ship canal te connect New Yerk City und
Philadelphia was originally presented.
Meetings were hetd and much enthusiasm
Kx-Governer Patiisen. representing
Philadelphia ; Tliemns Murtindale, vice
president of the Ship Canal Commission,
nnd Lewis M. lliuipt. one of the engineers
of the Nicaragua Canal Commission, elo
quently urged the feasibility und necessity
of the plan before the New Yerk Commerce
Commission in Juuiiniy, 181)!).
The proposed ship canal was te be 31.4
miles long.
Plans involved the utilization of the Del
aware mid Jtaritau Cnnnl, by enlarging it
ie nccoiamed.ite ocean vessels of moderate
Mr. Maitindaie pointed out that the whole
unite of Mich u canal would be "a con
tinuous city."
Pi of. llaupt prisented figures showing
the lemmrrcial importance of Philadelphia
mid the advantages te both cities te be de
rived from connecting the Delaware and
Itariiuu Itivets by a ship canal,
THK decade and a half between 1885 and
1900 w-as, curiously, nn era of canal
projects all ever the weild.
it saw the Nlcnrnguu Canal brought for
ward, fought ever for years, and aban
doned. The Panama-Isthmian Canal was dragged
from 'French failure Inte Ihe light of day,
finally te emeige triumphant under Roose
velt. Coincident with these, in Western Penn
sylvania, the scheme for u canal from Lake
Krle te the Ohie Itiver was long agitated.
It was an ancient pieject.
As far beck as, tlie beginning of the Re
public the idea had fastened itself in the
minds nf engineers,
The Pennsylvania and Lake Erie Ship
Canal Commission was behind the work.
Ten thousand dollars had been appro
priated, by the Legislature of 1881), for
the expenses of this commission.
Colonel T. P. Iteheits, n fatuous Pitts
burgh engineer, was one of its most ardent
Jehn A. Weed was piesident. W. S.
Sballenberger, of iteehester, afterward As
sistant Postmaster General, was treasurer,
and Eben Biewer, then editor of an Erie
newspaper, and later Military Postmaster
General of Cuba, was secretary.
sided at one of Ihe Canal Commission's
meetings fu Pittseuigli In October, 1889.
When it was found that 1(1,000 wen net
enough money te complete a survey, Colonel
Roberts nnd Jehn W. Goodwin agreed te
give the matter their personal attention and
thus lessen the cast.
Governer Beaver at the meeting launched
a most ambitious piegram.
He wanted a luntinueiis waterway from
New Yerk te New Orleans.
It was te b continuously Inland, con
necting the Ohie River and Lake Erie Canal
front Buffalo te Albany.
The Governer's plan never evolved beyond
the suggestion.
A Lake Erie and Ohie River canal, bow
ever, I still l'He project In Western
Successive men and lnferesfs have taken
it up, niul today it is as vIxoieuh nnd flour
ishing ns it was tlility years age.
IT WAS between the years I have named
that the Sahara (bean project was re
vived. "The great Hahaia Desert, that mole
upon the world's fine, will one day be but
a memory." was the confident prediction
of Its projectors.
A canal sixty miles long, connecting this
vast depression with the Atlantic Ocean be
tween the twentieth nud blxtieth parallels
of latitude was te turn the Sahara Desert
Info the Sahara Ocean.
Populous titles were te spring up along
the southern part of tlie Baihnry States
and the northern fringe of the Conge Free
State, imd ocean stenmeis were fe ply above
drowned eases nud the forgotten habitations
of wlhl Bedeulntrlbes.
There Is probably mere lessen than
truth in the allegation that candidates for
the New Brunswick police will hare put te
them the following hypothetical questien:
If it lakes seven weeks te find a thumb
print en visiting card, hew long vlll It
fake te discover ,the Bertlllen measurement
".a ' A..H.I...AI1 V
1 T( - Sr aBBSjanvaasBBBJafeat- M ,f bxbKsbbxbxbbbbbbbV axBaiwlsm M JtJr3aBBBa!
ml JljkKwr m aWMaxL KrJBB0mlt&W&rMFFFMFw M $jbbbbb!
"1mllrJ,' .sankBaaaaaflnatV taaaaaaaaaaaaaat lae .SCSI .-V&XasrBxTffaaaPHflravJM - V
iaaMs?3ejV!ieaaaaa' .aigHgnrgm teajnaaaaaV flSaW yj)BfjMPgEBpBiEM g a am 1 1
J miisi -"MM'jJjur-m flK naistiX aaflnEv rJfS9mmmWtKrtfWtf ' ataaanaTBxaBBaPyS '
'f' rtJfslinlrkjftilWQLJll 'E " JS t-BBBBBBBB MW MiT MmS f
Daily Tulks Willi Thinking Philadelphia en Subjects They
Knew Best
On Building nnd Lean Societies and the
Building Situation
THK linnncial condition of the building
and lean societies of the State has n
decided Influence upon the building situa
tion, sas Jehn W. Mpeckmnn. secretary of
the Building Association League of Penn
sylvania. "The primary purpose of the league,"
said Mr. Speckmati, "is le organize the
urieus societies of the State in elder te
guard against unfair legislation, mid our
organization is a member of the Liuleii
Slate League, which Is composed of the
various Stete leagues all ever the country.
Financing Private Hemes
"Our association is doing nil that it can
te assist in the financing of the building of
privute homes, and this end of the work Is
new in better shape than it has been for
several venrs. The situation, which was n
most unfortunate one, was caused by he
almost cemplele cessulien of building due
te the war.
"At that time, building of hemes having
practically stepped completely, speciiloieis
saw their opportunity te buy houses from
persons who were holding them for invest
ment purposes and renting them. These
speculators would buy n pieperty and then
compel the teuant either te buy it from
them at n higher price or move. In thou
sands of cases the tenants would find them
selves lu n position where they could net
get another house, and they were obliged te
bur in order te have some place te live.
"What the speculators did in a gieat
many ceses was te procure n first mortgage,
If possible, from en Individual, a second
meitgage from a building nnd leun associa
tion nnd take n third mortgage themselves
for whatever they could net laise en the
first and second. In most cases this third
meitgage represented their pretlt, and they
took ihnnces en realizing en it.
Hew Funds Became Scarce
"The stringency of funds In the building
nud lean associations was due te the fact
that the tiust companies, which up te the
time of tlie wnr were always in the market
for Hist mortgage, as well as a number of
verv large trust estates, refused le lake
mortgages. ' hi tefusal was because they
were eble le leau money at veiy high intes
of interest outside of the State. Then
another leasen entered into the transaction.
Whcie the estate was very huge the trus
tees bought Liberty Bend with Ihe pio pie
(eeds instead of taking first mortgages, be
cause the bends were exempt from taxation.
This plan was also, followed by n number
of individuals et great wealth who had been
in the habit of taking first inattgnge, inui
the lesult was te withdraw a huge amount
of menev fiem the meitgage maikel nnd in
turn the purchasers of houses weie unable
le llnanie their operations thieugh the
financial agencies which only n sbeit tliue
befeie bad been only tee glni te accept
ineilguges as security for leans.
"This situation practically forced people
fe go te the building and lenn associations
almost exclusively for the money which they
hnil te hove te buy their homes. The funds
of the associations were quickly uted up by
Ihe first borrowers, nnd all the money which
the association could borrow was also
speedily taken by home-buyers.
The Borrowing Capacity
"At the last session of the Legislature
(In 1021) nn effort was made te have the
borrowing capacity nf the building and lean
associations increased. At that time, under
the law, nn association might borrow "5
per cent of the withdrawal value of Its
si eik, and the Idea waa te increase this
amount. , ,
"This plan was opposed by the league for
the leasen that while we believe that the
building associations as n rule are managed
by honest business men who have been wisely
selected for this purpose, they are net finan
ciers, Therefore we deemed It unwise te
allow the associations te pyramid their
assets by borrowing large amounts of money
which might be called by the creditors
during a subsequent period of depression,
When this period come it was practically
certuin thut there would likewise be iulKe
withdrawals et shares from the associations.
The double demand upon the resources of
the associations readily might result in the
Insolvency of the organisatien, or rather in
an inability te meet the claims upon It. The
'bill waa aeiaaita w "J "vaisiauire upon
tbe reason geven
VyajKnruatsn,., (l &$ VU. lfiS . ?r,n.t.. &
"Li f P1 10- s'ne8junt is the Uahteaf WFA
BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBili t-AJL -..--, , X - 'll ,(VpM
"The leaglea;
keeping the associations free from all State
faxes und Federal income taxes. They also
had Inserted in the Revenue Act of lOiitl u
clause exempting te all individual $300 in
come lecelved during the year from invest
ments made in eiillding and lean associ
ations rieiii V.i'Jl te V.VM.
The Present Situation
"The situation nt piesent is still tight
for tlie financing of home -buyers, although,
ns 1 have said, it is easier than it has been
for seveinj years. Many associations ure
unable te get the money te make leans te
ueiMiiiH net memberu of the nssociutien. al
though they have a great many applicants.
"Ineieased membership of the vurieus In
dividual associations is the only practical
way of solving this difficulty. Borrowing
fiem the bunks will net answer. At best
this is eniv it tempeinry makeshift, and the
Jeans uic liuble te be tailed when it is net
convenient te pay them buck, lu nny raw
f hey must be paid bail: foeiier or later, nud
the plan therefore has many important ele
ments te be leiisldeieil. nil of which disap
pear with .t larger membership la the asso
ciations. 'Anether fnifer which is entering the
situation nnd tending te make it a geed bit
better Is the fact that the trust companies
are new getting buck te Ihe position where
they will again accept first mortgages, which
they would net de duriii" tiie period of the
war and liinnrillnlely after if. Of course,
they control a let nf money, uutl llils affords
considerable relief from n very bad situation.
Country Badly Underbuilt
"The whole country is badly underbuilt in
se far ns homes are concerned. A building
and lean association utivays dislikes te
foreclose a mortgage, but when ibis had te
be done In feimer days, lhat Is before the
war nnd the hectic conditions which' ie
suited fiem it, the association lu ninetv -nine
times out of it hundred h.ul te bid 'in
the pieperty Itself In outer te save lis in
vestment. "But when it has le foieclese nuvv and
put lip the piepeily at .Sheriff's snle, n,,.,,.
Is usually lively bidding for It if the ,.
erty is nt all desi.able. This in itself shows
that theie Is still u gieater demand ler
houses than theie is supply.
"Prices of houses will mil come down
substantia Iv while labor mid materials ie-
main at the high prices at which thev new
are and where they have been since the war
sent them fe unprecedented heights The
shoilnge of houses odds te this situation Of
course, eveiy one has n place te live, ami
heusanils nud thousands of fumilies solved
his problem bv 'doubling up nnd having
we families 1 ve in a house vvheie env one
lived before But 1 1, s Is highly undesirable,
ns tliere Is always a lower stnu.i.trd of living
under these conditions. It Is te be honed
that the building situation, at least as 'far
adjlisted?''""" flre POnerne,l "'" he speedily
Clemeuceau has come In
for some criticism in f.i.
"w" feutitry ,ei.mjfc0 of
his letitemnlaled visit te the IJhHed Stales
a id haste has been made te nss.ne the weriii
lint he will speak but for himself. U,u tie
null theie la n the assertion seems , ,, n
us ie ue negligible, when one considers )L
m?i Penality and nil he ,a J mea?,,' '.
France in the past. He
nns meant te
official Fiance, but he will meal fu . , i r
and influential France." netwUhJ.ndfngn,Ie
inau iu,l .... i
Their Ally
Aids Them
the State of New Yerk
and the oevernment ,.f
111,1100,000 In behalf of t c Caye, ."J,,, I"
(most of then, new In Cana ln)J. wdiese ?nN
esters forfeited (unjustly, It is new .. "
tended) an annual payment of 81M00 in mVJ
petulty for ceded lands. O. ci '" 'real
while a voie comes out of the ;.!.(''
helleis, "Cash!" ' ,he ,,M,t 'd
KpmevvheretlH, muideier
of lire ter Hall nud Mrs
cfle.ts of Ihe nnlherlile Tin g II " ' evldeneu
sufficient tu env nee thu lira r "
.. is teauilig of i he
"" " iciiiuia pessiDiuty Unit by and h
he or she will grew se peeved 'at ,' '
incompetence sCmvn that iineiher LnlnS
,- .. vsanaai
I MM .11 IHB1I1. IIMI ' ' ! ftSSM
There Is cold comfort In the tawkaWl
mar ninety ei our scnoeis migOl OCIIgBt ll
Bull in 1'unzsutawnev treail a huntii
who were a red hat. The bull waa prebablsB
a memeer ei a oevine nasctstl.
.. . a
nennr ww says me iieague et Mtmv
uas none goeu werit. well, it came nn
cicieating wenry coeot jedge.
Judce Brown's ebiectlnn te Mr. Ritrr
plan may well be grounded en tbe iiiumv
iien cnat ueieye are dangerous.
Armistice Da? also serves te remind
that when we first celebrated some of
had the notion war was ever for all time,
The rumor that Dr. Finegan was abm,
ie resign was pronneiy tne wayward ciu
of a willful wish sojourning in tbe opposite
Rene's interest in transients Is prutl
aeiy rcspensiDie for .Nevada s turning ileni
or i we prepositions te alter the Stiiltl
divorce laws.
Ne. acnflemen. the Whit Anren rln'u-1
house recently dedicated nt Highland IVir'cl
nas anseiuteiy nothing te de with theem-
peient ceieernnis .et jire-Velstead Utji.
Bernaid Shaw suvs be has an excellend
recijie for lioisening. With se many of lilsl
critics still nt large this proves him pe'i
scssed of admirable self-restraint. i
"Oli. well." chuckled the Med
Mei.st One with n cackle of modified fh
"(he Republican malerltv In CeBttr
deesu'i nmeuiit te mere than one-half i
J per icnt.
Twe big liners have chanted their I
lstrv fiem the American tlair le the flu.
Pa mi ma because of the dry laws. Captii
.leliu ISarleycern continues te be a pepua
uuvlgater etifsidc (he three-mile limit.
With New. Frelinghiivsen and
avvn.v from Wnsbiuc'ten President Htn
will get a chance te pick selnu new plllj
mates mid the fenluie writeis te pick
seinu nuvv subjects for "intimate sketCDN.1
What De Yeu Knew?
1. "When was the first bntbtuti InsfalMj
an Aiuericnii lieine and In wqiat en
Z wnat la the largest passenger snip J
lu bervlci! under tlie American I
3. I'nilir what King of Kuypt was
Uleatest of the uvrnmkla hutit?
i. Wlint was the Inrtrest and most IwPt
lent native Indian tribe of tha
em United States'.' ;
I Wl.eie de tlie CliiRUlese live?
I. Whnt Ih cliapairul? , ...
7. Wliat nnnie Is regarded as the unlucKH
fei Klnes?
8 Who was t lie ferryman of tha W
lesions in classical mythology;
9. What Is ineunt bv tnlcnn menev?
e. In what Hind of drama does tha prW
man sit upon the stape and auin
acierar il
Answers te Yesterday's Quii'
1. Tlie (list actual clock Is said te M
neen preilucril about 9?" A. "
l.'ilrrtt, !. IL,ha.l .!, nmlilr. Ofll I
tfin meBt itccempllslivid scholars ei,
2. Limerick. Ireland. I enlled tha "CltfJ
the Violated Treaty," because Itl'
tender by Sarsfleld In IBM.wsa
cured by the British en condition!
tliA tinman Cnllmlln. In 1pi.tana IM
enjoy under William III and la
nituie sucn privileges in tne ;
of Ihuli rfrln,i nit wArn COQJH
ullh IIia lnij.s nt I...I ,.,,1 n, an ttllf'
enjeyed lu the lelgn of Charlaid
jne iiiinsn uevernmciu c"""Sj
rilnnl,..!! rtA. ... . .. Iia Bn
.iiiiviikii, i uieiiiiiiiiii;. ui l,,M.v.lial
troops, bail no ilitht te usurp tna.J
iiialilng powers and lhat prpvliWM
3, Aeierdlng le the Melinmmcdau c
I he nresent vear la 1X41.
4, The atmosphere extends from thaifyl
of the caitli about 100 miles- t.JJ
b. tiui wesierniuesl point of tlie cuman
,,,lt I, IA, ll.lt ,a. !.. n IhA LP
States Is Cape Alva, In the 8t3
ll. SIiiiII'eiiI.iiii.aVi.ii lli. lill'llmlaC 1
stiitiif Atitiun. .. i.. i.. wr.t ..,ii,i;flhlra. 'm
7. The liiutle of Wagram wiih fought,
a vllliiBH of that mime lu J',
lira en juiy ii, 1809. and resuiw
vlclei'v at tha VpaiicIi. under
Icen and Mimbcua, ev'er the AUIU
under. Archduke Charles. NJ
riiree nines luniie a league.