??S7TW'!?e'i'Vs3f?nrK ; r . !(., EVENING PUBLIC LEDGERr-PHIEADELtHIA. SATUBDAY, NOVEMBER 11 Ittl B ' TO : m The Friend te Whom Yeu Confide Will Always Remain in Your Heart If Yeu Have Told Her br She Hat Told Yeu a Sorrow, The! Feeling Is Always There, Ne Matter Hew She May Fail Yeu SARAH D. LOWRI&S SATURDAY EVENING TALK WHO SAID THE NEW STYLES WERE JVST OLD ONES FIXED UP? H te fA' t 'r 1 r if ! h-k a U .L r SU tfih BW---tBT.. mi Qfwden Thoughts That Were . v Helpful ' ITOIOSE of uss who are gardeners like I 'Nt'4'te talk our gardens ever. Hut with f mH our exchange of Information en the imjcet ei our gardens, nun wnn tfft experience tlint we arc glad te share wnn one another eencerninR seeus nnu bulbs and fertilizers and soils and pub Alii and exnesures. there is one tired net that we are net prone te de jus tice te at least In spoken words. We give the best and the earliest and the latest of our blotsems te our friends, and proudly credit our gar dens with them, but the most beautiful find lasting things that nrc produced thcre we have net learned se readily 1? share and these are our "garden thoughts." Net that the thoughts which come te ua are anj thing but fiaginentnry I That Is one of the restful nunllties of our thinking there, tlwt wc are net con sciously consecutive or even impeccably logical. Annrt from everything else, al the sights ami sounds that mo mentarily catch our attention, nil the lttle reminders that we make te our selves for tills or thnt future work te ue done, would prevent a set medltii .-. ' ' , . .. ... , .. ., ,,. tlwi pn pny one subj.ct. Yu de net exactly think things out in a way that can be put into words en the spot or made into n formula, rather de we come into a state of mind which I always think is best described by that nhert sentence in the parable of the Prodigal Sen nud which can be applied te all of us who emerge from a state f confusion into a stale of clarit "And when he came te himself, he aid I will arise and go te my Father '." FIt nfter all that our gardens, mu is what we de in mere nerhans than anywhere elc. we come te ourselves. That is. whatever of us Is steadfast and related net only te time but te eternity, takes possession of the lesser self, and we who arc went ordinarily te sec things through a glass darkly, for the time at least, are face te face with the true and the beautiful even tualities of our life. I de net think I nm overstating it! This is net just language. I am rially bearing testimony, net only tit wh.it my garden has done for me, but what I knew for n fact ether women's have done for them. If I were a p olio analyst, I might be able te describe the process scieniifiinllv by which ju-t the tight physical poise inducts the tight mental poise, and both together make n right spiritual poise. hut I can only guess in my ignorance at the causes of tne citeet. The eitect 1 Knew Our Lord was net the only one who went into a eaiden "clean for-spent." i nor is He the enlv one who has gene I fprth from a garden content "with grief and shame." ' That lie knew gardens and was aware of their potency and that, tee. many times befeic His last test of their efficacy for a burdened soul, olio has eniy re reau some 01 ins garacn , thoughts te realize, i.i. ..,!. 'PERITAPS the most familiar of Ills i thoughts te us, because of their poetry, are these that came te Him ' regnrdlug t Sed's forethought for llisi children. As one leads the brief f)i- tedc which Clirl-t's compniiiens passed iii. and notes His words and attitude C mind en that particular occasion, tie is aware of many things that went 'i make up the picture. The suriniind ngs of tlie spot come vividly before he mind's eye. hike mast garden 'lieughts indeed all of them, I should ililnk this meditation had the same nagmemnry iieauty that thoughts in partlcns are bound te have, because of all the interruptions te divert the eve linteinettc Dennelly's Advice On Beauty rnm 'heir eiL-mal color and conteur1 ,.,.. . , , . ., '.without elements 0f danger, it leeks' ,. -JUNB Tes, I have a hair ciirliiu lls if j ,ml,v JMsf as well he recon- ' '.11I1I formula, winch Is applied befeie , ,.j0, ,0 ,.m ns if(1 partners nnrt thnnli ; ihe lmir is put up for the night "n iu.aven none of them turn en veu. b"fore the curling iron gets in it. , ransistery waves. It helps held the tm'tit it t Vn. ,u i n ,, enve for a longer period. Send s. a. ... ! J","- J,; V' !il , 1 ' de sumo exercises I shall send veu in FLORENCE Ne, the perovide and return for a s. n. e. But before you ammonia bleach will net incite further sx'nd for them ou must mnke up your .'rqwth of hair. It tends te kill the J'"nd net te expect results until jeu toeta of the hair, ob a matter of fact. '"IW c1'""' '":' "' l'ut six wicks. In addition te these bust reducing cxercl,is T. B. I understand carbonic snow ' w,"'l'l W " play tennis and l-i used te remove these birthmarks, but s,"- .tue excellent measures for bust 1 should most certainly advise jeu that eductien. you have a skin specialist give jeu , , etir-c- .L , . , ,, ' he treatments I.ASHLS c, the eyelashes fall out Hie treatments. J1st afc t,( hnir e )pa( II. . -. 1 .1.. . t I .! . U TV n-Vnn rranf mmiinri,. r.- j,. w. ten want romantic eve- w r .. . .. ,. 1... (,.. T .l..n'l l.len.n n TV., oil .1,. ' 1IUK1. KIIII4IIIIV ' J V. Think of the damag one' can de with tbt long sweeping fringes and n pair of liquid eyes. But they nre hard te acquire unless they are attached te us en our first day. Vaseline Is supposed te make eyelashes and eyebrows grew, nna u psniiBivu in leiiKenuugii win maiie, u difference, hut I don't want te held out nromise.ie you mac anv miraculous grewtn fellows unlets jeu ueep at the . " .. remedy for men'hi and months. MRS. W. F Take n hand pumice stone, and after the bath rub the cal loused spots en tlie soles et tlie tret until the flesh is smooth. The ether feet troubles and remedies therefer are covered in a booklet, for which f would nsk you te send stamped-ad-dressed envelope, please. TUIilA Well, .Julia, lt is net pos pes slble for jeu te be as hopeless as all that and he able tn laugh about it. Veu nre n ineiry jeung soul, who in going te get by e'en though jour no-e and your ejes and jour hair wcie de- WHATS WHAT Ry Helen Uccie riiV.lther",HO "p'l.nSMl nbr se" ?. - MMf" III June, uiMTbviuiiuuiuinH ,ire Ilit favorites for eeiorstlve purpesta. . TIJI'isSRiv MMBle. eppi dtathllke. ir tlie DriiieemultlM w ar iose old. chriuanthemuiiH cliestu for auena. may .cniiiiiiiie white, ve- ad ftaOi itiSSS va'r'le. r ?,M te m t but cue of tliene luiperlul mera tuccuve man r bloema, MMm, XXf h m y .. . II l L . . Tnvlsaiiec wuuuiiih ttinirni) n nv- nr tvnv il lerrinu pepu .11' iffrestimnnr I r..ui...J ..Il t.,....n. 1,. .... A Cl.STNT lll'i.VUi; t ' " rn,,,, kiim'mi, fiiiii'ii nni pessnssed 'I'lieu, seems te he II new i.e. I ... fi .BKryttis r8iruT,7ij. .K'rjif fi: ;!";,. ,-" i:r ;t'z: Lr;i xxvin . ;' -lX! srLi ffl?in.,i ..luM:;: if; f &mt blossoms, for llerul .lecenilluns fur. cities wen, fill of places called "Ice Jet being lists! en the in-i le, L , Have it ir,.,d. of u cupy rnnteil.il. .in. I has new bn u r. ateil le the sume pte,- ' ,',,,lirtiiient that Isn't new is doing ., fWWl't'A JwAilV ma.y "tre.a4'i0 the colei.li'ieiiin pill ors" often the enlv p'neni, Jnieiii and blush litdiler Ilk,. ,m , mutih this n, vntet f. i jour li it. f.iuy ess, ,,, 1(, , ,lf ,PHH ninteriiils rep- ,' ,,B, in fuel, hn, U til! I i- tfe SJS?BDSenT.enalY white,r',ec.iitl,,n the ,v,.Ull.'1' ""' ,T"m" ''"i1"''' J"' '1"''''""' a n X 1'hst, hi a , ie, '. f ' ,"e ! B"uM '"' l,M' bWM'1 ""' ,llu brl,1' wiiMIip l.l,.tA11,,rinili of fashion- i" t!, f,,.u. the gray vv I,!,V 0 ' mMt& -tlaPawn , ceSunw. seems" te bu co 1 T1"'" ,li,WH ""''" "r"-'1 " l'Mlnw these n ,terl.il te (lie Inside of il,.. .Us,t ,0P. . , 1 el "ll1" ''"''""K. table nud chillis nt He same ,,,.. ,"t IIA'KVs, IF'H.'AriVw. ' ,,w p '"' lilaces le one,, Nuiulat ih ,1,.,,.. 7 '. hem t . stien nuiteilnl I.,., i, t ... .i.. Uarnlnn te Sine i - ' "It will be se intl-h easier limn C T i-7-1' atrMB- r-"V,-'' i .. ...I I.l .... ii ! ,.-,..-.--.. " l"t 1HI Fragmentary, hut Personal and unit make :i rentinult., such n we leek (or in sermons or -mere artificial dleceiitweH. Impossible. U e can certainly ui ik n - m- nnU ..,,. en the fact of the Creater s care for the things that He had created. They had been speaking evidently of the fu ture, anil tlie talk had concerned the illsclples' worldly affairs, which their lack of possessions cceincu te threaten. This conversation, as we knew, took place en the garden slopes of a hillside. He reminded Ills companions that undue thought or, ns we would call it. worry, and inrcssunt questioning ns te their future welfare In the matter of the body and it" wants, were out of plnce, since they, of all men, should by new reulire that the life they were Hence forth te live had an end mere vital tliim llm fulfillment of bodily wants. And just nt that point a flight of birds overhead and the nni-y settling of per haps a pair of the-e vvlse birds of the Last, the ravens, en some tienr-nv eiive tree, must have caught His cc and momentarily ilitctted His attention, while at the same time His ntilck mind used that veiy Ititeriuptlen it" n means in iiiunuiiii' H lllllll'U lliltl 111- v... ,,, , vel. .,,, f thc iaw 0f f ,, , e ,- d b fclBlinB ..,im.,ldcr tm. mum,. for they te illustrate te Himself ami in com- neither sew nor reap, which neither liinu storehouse nor barn, vet hew tnucii ii.eie are e better than the hird".' "Ami u'liirli et ion nnvwav. even by I taking great forethought, can add te life? "And if von are net able even te! de nial. way no ou ireuiuc eur-eiu- with worry about the future.'' And thin te further buttress this very palpable argument ChrWt, seeking abetit (av n fnrtliiT n llill.iL'V . found from the viry ground itself examples of- the tianscentlent quality of Ills Father s fiiretheupht. The red and purple lowers, tin, .iiiemeiie of I he modern world, the se-cauul lilies et tlie iieui "i I'ulcstinc, caught His eye. M'e have' the testimenv of many travelers m I Palestine that these clo-e-te-the. ground I blossoms are indeed olio of the mes' eliaracturisticullv beautiful incidents of ; the landscape, teaitcred as they are In the vivid grass of the cultivated anil watered Dutches n'ens the tci raced hill side. They gave Him the clue that he I needed te li' forever en the disciples' I mind-, the picture of (led's genius for. Kiving te His creatures. "t'ensider the lilies, imw they grew:( they toil net, they spin net, and .vet I, say te oil that Solemon in all his glory, wa nut arrajed like one of thec If then tied ss clothe the grasd which i today in the field and tomorrow is ait infrt tin. nun. hniv lniieb innrn nil! Hi ' Pi0,iie veu. eh. ve of little faith? Anil sclI; net ye what ve shall eat or what M. sull dilnk, neither be of doubtful mind. Ter since for all these thing ,1 tMe n.itiens of the world seel: alter, i,mr Fiilhtr knevvt-th that vn have need f t1Cv. things. Mether seek je the1 Mnirdem of Oed, and all these things' htill be added unto you." And then as t heut h te enceurnirc them bv vet one u' '; -:--. mere assurance of Ued s foretlieucut for them. He adds: "I ear net. littie neck! It Is veur fnilur's geed pleasure te give jeu the Kingdom." A ND se the picture completes Itself xTl in our minds; the birds, the brll- li.mi puiple and red of tlie anemones. in the g-a en tlie slope of the lull. tlie distant silhouetted tigurc of a i caper beginning already te cut swaths in the verdure, the dning piles of his liftings withering behind him under the J r.ns ei me tropical sun. ami net tar oil perhaps in the nearby village the 1.1110 smeKe irem wmc even rising silently into the still deeper blue of the sk-. SARAH I). LOW R IE. livered te jour deer unordered. As veu cannot change unv of these fhinsrs '"' rrpu.re ill.' mil, f0 IIHM mu n.'v liner, ri'oiei'e uic u 11. se mere s ..,. 1,... i -. .. n.. ..!.,... , , .., . "Vllllllif I" WUliy IIU'lllI, I p. r, T.azy neck muele mere than ' ntivtluns clse'cnun the double rbln that is, when no ether nart of veu shows a gain. Held your head up. ' When you read, s tting or lying down, read in a position that does net allow t,n C,in te rest en the chest. Keen telling jeurself te held your head up ns wm wn : ninnr tin. n,..! mi. ..--, .... ..... I or 1 send me stamped-addressed enrei,,ii for everdses for double chin which w II i strengthen the mus.-le for the werl nature allotted them. Can Yeu Tell? R'J I!. .. ami .1. II'. Heilmtr 'Hie (Irlein of Ice Cream Sedas Tlie diMeverv of the popular In erenm soda dilnk was the result of accident nr tl,( aiirmpt tn solve a ore ere dleameiit Dnu sleies have contained soda frmiiiiilim for manj tears Ien.' bifnre Ice cie'ini seih was known, hut Instead of n,nin vurletles f sirups mid flavors, thev sei veil only inlinial waters, of which there weir- many kinds. It wis nuite n fnd te rliink a f w glasses of tour fntmlte "li" water betnte lireakfast, served J,-,. n,, frm ,!, ,.,, fountain. While, several c'ties claim tlie distinction of erllniitiiig (ce erenni sodas, New Yeik Ik leallv the home of its biiili. and no I I 1 1 1 1 avenue drugstore was its idi lliplace. One of the Kgulnr plain soda water drinkers cime in one nieirilng fe- his cold li,: water Tl,r ewttei of tli store lipn'egied bee.liis,. lie Juiil no ee and effeuil his cu-trinier a plate of ,e cream liistrad. Tl,e customer was net pleased with the substitute for , and told the liioiuleter if he Im.l .... (, i he might put the leu eieem Inte tlie hi. in wilier nnu iniii.e j rum i ,r Vvnv This was done with a remarkable re Mill, for the drink was found f(, iid tnbtv and tlie idea seen sine,,,! Iiu.r , ,,, entire cnunlrv. Seda eleiks v,e,i ,n. each ether hi Inventing new cr,m,Ilm. tleus ami ihe IJlshticntli Amendment ' " "l "! ,"'" rijnlnr haid, wh.i'.h I " u in nu nnu.i ncenieut, ' 'lliere seems te lie no definite recon luuces , ,,.. mi nimiint Hi,. inis sinu'". m whom huh piivuejfe was nl- lowed, heu'llll te serve ire eienni. sin ihese particular refreshinents were , '"'"" "Nttnlne..-. Monday Vlm Proved Our SI mam nave rower te ventrartr v"'Bw ' v,aHwZ ' HHalllllllilllllllllillllllllBSi - .SiskJK': , '"'" ""'-iyLiik'' - tf-- fi ''MF & ffJ NX. v w - " ,- A,'iSJry h( V.fjflh4BaF' ,'V ' ''. Zk.-J '' y i b gg; i Tillli I, ,, ' '.. If 'tth? .'' . "' " i s,,, ss5sS(y(V flx, va."": ''HHBljfl V WHk A3t jW&tKBKSBMB w vi ,'$ MB Jl 't v- ., RcS , "wA"yg-gbng nzZZZ XVgZ4X. See hew the ladles of a century age murdered their leeks in order te fellow the fashion in halrdresslng ! We wouldn't consider nnj tiling like thnt today, although conservative persons like te think that we ruin ourselves with tlie modern uilffure. But the two Paris stjles shown in t lie center of the picture arc thoroughly safe and sane, thu hair being bimply nriungeil, with bandeaux te give it distinction and adornment Rhinestones, Crystal Beads and White Metal Cleth Compese Evening Theme Hy COniNNK MUVK ' ni.i iuu,i . a. ' -. W'n .l.i.ut ,fani. . cfnntilnr iinniln , , , . . . nOljei W lierO III 1 llCSlUlieS IIIH rjslnl hcmU are ,rnic'1 sencieusly en th white dilffen, forming front nnd hm nanel of a white metal cloth founds tlen The metal cloth forms side pan ,. ., t,li t,i, m i cls' h,ch nre attnch,Hl wl ' n bie le of self-material. Incidentally, one mnj n IlienilOn luai HOWS unu imijja uru nuw ., I 1 I. , , . ci. ri., ,i II11IIIII fill t'T.f-1 t. IITT II Ul.lt! Villi 1M ' .... .in ,i i ... , . J,B""U u. ..,.. m.., ... self-material with a smashing low at the sid.t front, nnd then, as an clTitua! attiiapt t" L'et away firim the iiKuint- oiieus, places buttons anil buttonholes down .tlie one edge of the bow's loop. Hid ends. Women Abroad A lo-epernllve bank has hem isiah lishdl by native women in iluj pnsi dencj of Mnilrus, India The Iuipcrlnl I'mti isltv of ,Jap,u, h ,s opened its iiiediial nud euginei i itij, si holds te women bllldeiils. Things You'll Leve te Malm A I'scful Helder for Itnium, llrushes, Ktc. i w. Iieiivj, stnuu iiiuteilii foundation and in make the various r,.,..-,.iK nnd blinds. lliml H... ...i... wiih in en and still li the niiine .... .i..7. . n,, en htlt;l, .he,,, sectely te ,lu ,,,. ilntlen. In th rn wa.v ten will nlivnvu ; have a place for each rue, hniHli uuil bQOm. Mm-, I II I '1 Ml I I 111' J I . 1 ' '- III 11 ill i r--3 -r H ,7, i Wai rt',' ' . , nrtTmr "" Du'T HWi Cleths ky & a 1 .. -ptpfni . I fi.fi. I II II I I , 1.1 M-. 'I.OA, The Reckless Age AUnc I'etrr, a member of the pay younger set. decide te beeeme iii'apel tn f 'hurley Vaster, nut he- I came she loves him, hut because they flccin tn ui li smleil tn each ether. Alinr's Men of m ciiffn.'rmriit is very elmtic, ami Charley ii net (if all satiiiicil. Iceaiise she tatixtj being absolutely free. upon "I CIIAPTKK VI I Tim fVfie nt thn Ctunrrnl ! i no cause of me yuarrci rpiIinN" you mean te sny that I have -- no rights at nil." Chailey tried , te speak calmh 1 It was the d.iv after a rather beetle j euair at Helen Uradley's. and pi rniiss . he liinl net been aide te neonate en ns wniji nn inn , niirie.v nan icir lue tlice enily with the idul of set lug Aline I ami having a serious talk wiih iier. "Whv should jeu hne ri'thls?" I Aline nuswereil composedly. "I don't .insist upon haling rights ever jeu. Vnu're nt libeity te si e whom von I rlineie, and if at anv time I enn't Iield jeu, and veu tiud jeu've made n mis take, we'll agree te disagree, that's all In tin- nast Chnrlev would have' ..gllihat'ihl, was a ge,7,lan. out li- wis in love with Mine and the e'd piimltiie Idea of n mile eveitlng li-jh'-i ever a fi male was nreii-iil ill him. I.nst inglii Alie nan iiuieii siini'i.ini.v h u 1....I ...a. j.... ...... ct... a mini -lie lltlll llllll III'!. IIM'l. fll' I'.'ie iianeeii lmir timcj. running wiui ii .s ,i is, ,,, Linn;, , iiii'ini ei .uaine llfi.ll.. ...M.te, Helen's elder brother, and aarnv nnd neen turimsiy jenieus. nut H-. H-ii.u ii nni in iini linn in.- n- iiien-tnied with her Mie vvns re- iniirkaJilv cord and collected, and finally in hw jealous anger Charley stumbled 'ii -mil tlun .that was very near the tr'"h 'eii den t love me if you cant see .. .......I . .. n.. ... ....... .,..., I... M.. ifiiiii'si Km v n i- Lnci t rutin in vim r i ... ... .n. li..,, IF T t!-,...l ...UK ntnl ' '" . '-V- villus 'i ,..-,. .. ..m n me n,ii n i nuivii ,,,ii4 ii iii girl a- jeu have llirted with Masen Leng. .. "" wei.iiin t cure.' ..( m..ht Clin,t bllt Vi np pitiio - pitiie - eplnenl abmit it Certainly I'd be tee r11" "! mt own niuiitj te held jeu, te' ! j'li'eus The Weman's Exchange Te Aivmlla Lubemlrsky I' i,i.i s i I In jrmi ii'(snt nddress ll.-i. is s.i, n wlm wniitn te lie s -.it i, nt win . itn'ii net (lnd jeu or ant Hung nl.eut vej ut the addiess toil ',rs g.n, Cb but Net Gaudy I iii.,- iij U'r'liiriilN 'llflf 1 If 1 r el rn- .s veu have lielH'i Hie i.e..., ii ). i, in. v., mil, 'i ful column I ii.n nsK c.. 1. nlil ii,e 111 s-eh'i in thn., r.ler, sul'.ible for nil Tiullim swralu I Inn.- Willi' (I te nilike (.no fei a lei.if tune lull i mild tblllU of no minis that would be ntipiepl lute JlllTTV. 1 I.ieiw r,f one Unit has flange and I i , (1i.mii.. n l.i lilts of white wmkril M tee .i"lllisl n gl IV It ICltgretlllil n j iiitinrni fi-n ilii.so'jeu g.meruily , mil v.iy iiiti i live. The Maid of Hener 7n the l.ililur nf ll'dinnnM I'nyr: ln.tr Mid no 1 havn been nut-u te .in ns in. i i ei honor at it wcinuiiK nil" WOUlit IlitM VOU In HWgi'll It lll'f" ",', . ami niiitiil.il) mid liat that jeu tlilnli would t, suitable I have dltlK blown hair nnd ginv i ji " , . Thu wil'llig Is lu hn veiy quiet, ewln,.' te the ili .ith . f Ihe brlde'fi fmlmr i Tim bildti lias Tllaii hair and Inn mis wdiring a urn tlim and bat. lit v. u thlnlt mat will !) me i Id for the bilde.' ..... , ....I.... She H tin ntv-fi, ui, mid dues net cuiu lu wtar an wiuie V'e ti t.tlilm uf H'uimm. I'utJP' Dear M td.tin - I nu, it yeunif Kill, nud have Hint ambition for hIiihW. which i h 1h niv liLiirt inn) miiiI'm ili Hire. I have beer, very highly UBlned for my vUie jt is Keed and HtrenK, but lachH tralnlnif betauae of menejf. We kriQw what money mjn te our hwpt Ily HAZEL DEYO BATCHKI.OIt " "ou wouldn't have te be jealous. Chailey gieimed. "There isn't .! girl who 1 an held a candle te jeii Small chance of my falling in love with any one eNe I "And there Isn't n man who can held ! n (tiili.ll.t In iiii iiu fni nu I'm iiitl ,.,., ,,!, Alln'e said quickly. She felt I , thai the qu.iiiel between them hud gene I'm i.iiiiii rh ntnl thnf uitliinir l(ln ground she could afford te be generous. After nil, Charley knew bow she felt lll)(lllt ,, ,, httiilxg ,1U(, lier ny Nhe would lie kind te lilm. His f.ice cleared like magic. "Aline, de juu mean that? He you, dm liiiuV If enlv I could think veu did. nothing ile would matter. "Well, I de mean it. It's qu ite true. hate, te and veu dull I knew hew I argue with jeu about anything She smiled up into bin face as lie came ever te where she was sitting nnd ' drew her te htr fief. She did net even diaw away when he took her in his arms. I "And veu'll marrv me some day' He mill i'il. pathetically glad of their lueoiieilintien. ( "Of cemsc " Aliltc returned nuicMv "That is an ,"U,m Mr . ",1,.Um S Iiujier Tu.e. liut let'si net have any mere ijuaneN like lliis. Somehow ! tliej'ie erilld. t lev make me feel puiuvi me -. ui.u j imvt; iii'eii niisinuru nn ' , ,,n ..ii. I i, ,, .. 1 n..... ,.f i... i :r..i that 1 have been mistaken in, ,.'.. Il'i'l .1 ,!. Ill,, I,I7U ,1, ,111' li ,1111 1 1 ill i uiiucrsi.iihiinj; ijeiueen us. that 1 In -t ,! iiii.ie i in jeu, jeu i.neiv nun. .mi t inn lev iigreed. nud. preimse.i n(.v,.,. ,,, nusiiiiderstiind again. Afur ... . .. an, no .irgiuu te Himself, eicrt tiling weiihl hi ,,1 ie,t s seen liV nud Aline , -. .'m-ie.!. Seuie da- ,iensh. WOuld tlie et all this frolicking nmund, Ml, . , m hew empty ami unless it all was, hIh- would giiiw out of It, jst ns I,, had. And in the meantime , i.,,. . .. . . . i i. l . t A l. . .. i ... a - tl II lis I It'll IT III. Ill IflVllltf her She u..- km Ii.iaIv. sn .illn.l. .U'r." '.,'""".": ."".'.""", "'rn I. .. ae- Ui,,,!,!,. .,il( ,,,, i. ib iinderKtiniilini. il,i existed b..twfeii them was lielte, than , , ,.il.in cl.itm n s-hu noe riniieiiiiiig ei ii ( le be continued) 1 it's ,,v should our aiubiiiei.s be '"" 'i en i , , ,iint of innnrv 7 I ,ue sin,, win l.neu idaies whete I C' tllll 1.1. Oil l il .1 tl'llll lltlll 11. 1, ILL, i I wt 'ild tti ik' ever se haul te i .n.n n Hi" f t. m. Ml'Sli' I.'iVKU , 11 von i;e te the .Sottlemrnt Muir' s h " I lit. i.'iiten stteut, en will lift ;'e' ' ' I"' I 1 1 in vm 111 IfSMiiis Thet ' v n i ii n leaihlng slnglii'f then', but an phiniiluK in de se verv seen se K" lb. in .mil put jour iiaiiiu en ilu lii Mere Fanriness ue of tin, ui testing fcntiuei of 1 1,( pii'siut i mill, in ,he etendei muming given te i inliielilery, liuiie me tlie millele- (In v , whin silk or wool or y , te-m our ,111m uieilllllll "' this i pies ion. Nevtnilajs we em ble.tl.f tiin evei vllilllif that cenn uniai llili nil wen, our enlv nnu !hmw i.,.i,.i. n. .. t.i , . ti.i ,"...'.' innni anil iioiieii nni liilien I r. ei ed in ,, iiiiini'ittleu, tKiiei'iallt tin nu lallic veisiens of hu two. Meads aic, in tit e. ii fieriiient nim-i rlt l..n ;., uie i mnn.iiii r .,e ilcslgn nnd these Ill-, h.imk et minute li.iml. f fm ,.. - '. wliicli we iiiieiinler mi often en the new suits nud wraps. Hven this,. (0,m,Mneking i l,jm'etHi' shiiiu-iI iievilish. uiuler ihe ihapter of "embroideries. '' , ; . , Meral: Ihm I climli ever il,e m.itrl- I nienial I'eutn if jeu nie nfui, t,, ,nnw ieiv Material vllllt lN "" ,IU ,'""'1' sil": ... . , ,, . . leiijniilit. IS.'J. Iij I'lhltv l.nljn i ,, lmi... I lie in I. n mlilltliifi tit (li,. ,...!,.. .l ln J mul crinkle I metallic weaves, n mere i i iii fuming inline, vv men gees nv the name lllltl, 111' A Tller.SVM) lUfll'(IH.H (llW i ; th. r. .,-., ,, f, w mai. ku.a wi,,,, ,' "Jh: " ' l,,,"1,' We.Viru .el'Ij win l tin jrliiwl mure ihim a llnniatil iiie. ' V .V,,i Dhiahnm Cllltnins win. ii, i 1 iiiiihU. Hn h ietuH w wwiit in re id Ihlu , eliei'KBil aaiiiitii iuiiit v i (hii fe ' I . ' - .'. ' ' nit' it ei.iit i iii. iiuiiiuiiiir i i 'i u r ,. in ii-ii iiiit iii-iiiiiii i iii i.l... THE HOME IN GOOD TASTE Ry Hareld Donaldsen Ebcrlcin h';fc SF V mi&k 1 JJMl' ff,' 1 Fixtures I - . '" live in an age of liel,t. and theie ' ' e icasen why se inaiij houses .should have such uiisinliily lixtures. Fer if ,, m: ..... .. ,,... ,, "" V """ '" """ " "U,L lrm""p we may nave livtures te liaiineiiue with our looms. .Most "I us aie content .. , . nninir iillinciie .i.l.. .... .1...P nr lmi)ns ., f(lf.t ,, jt ( ()k ri.is sary, and ipiite pe',sl;,., tn i i rliau ilillcr-i nud wall bliliketb la stjles tn III our surroundings. AVieughlirnti caiiilleslei,q nm dian dtliers can be found, and hew much meie in keeping thej nre in n I'leueh .. I'l-ititl.t rnAtn tlinti ... ....!.. .. . "n .; i.. ... r ...V...",.'M ,'. ""'"" tiansfermed b.v the rdilillnn of a 'ill lubaser lamp, in phi i' an i tend ii lixluie. A iiiusle loom nun u nlinni ler a I'r.tniiii riiiiiiiii'iii'i mill a innm wiiii Italian immune i.,r ;, mil i ii ..f -, Keiialssance design. Ua jour bedioem giini'nl "iii r,.,.. llituie.' I hell WliJ net h.ive a .Mini Alltellietle ellillldeliei ': Kteu il jour Itllllilure is mii'leili. . In t,,,t ,, n ttnii h of immune bv hat int.- a Mjr ,, electiiliid i and islii I.-. In pi f tlie everjdaj side bi.'iikel fniiutl in iniiu houses when" the bullihis h-n,, ,,,L n anj old ihing! LOVE NOTS id ivv m:n irii m V Bk . Jit & MUM : Fml i'- Tse'imi' ,,' ,f1VlBlillfllJII', 1 ii ,.., ,, M,.,.i,i ,,. ""Iwiivh sees It bufeiu he (leea It's lust t It ill ys, M, Alari If'tl ,lllt le Itliuvv ter old time n' sake Vew n ... IHuiiIh Win. 111.. i ever "live em I , .. .1 I 'lit .i-Ixr me setllClt for ill),.' se He ngh,";..'!!;.:,, 'emu-euicr'" i,;::1;.' ,"' -" - y " ., . Wli.i the peisiiii null iiiaiiiiil illd n.,1 I ... - .. ... niar.t the oilier p. I -en In or si, . , 1 levinilslt ( llU.lged In, WliJ eaell Milites-id le "euied" hi.tiuc Ihe oilier did, having Whj. If their siml-i, iiiies l,,.,!, tl) liiiiidsiiiue at HI o'clock in nllii, ,, they hull; se lllchic 111 111 o'ele. , j tin. meiniii;, Wliy thej did net quit's seen,., ,mt i lies" innv: riiun .i. s, ,,,,.- nnlliln " eaet n ii, ,n sm.i r inini r lli.in Minn iitiiiiti hkmi , hJ , Whdiveij .vuiuitf. thej thntmht A New Use for Gray i te Iteqi leukiHK Perfectly rleiin," h,rt I (.x,,Ja!is, "find I ile like it, don't vm,1." j I Vis, you auree with her, and U ,'0! ttr ALWAYS count you as a friend because I can tell you all my troubles and be sure of sympathy." When anybody says that te you, be lieve It. Any friend li geed enough e receive feed news. Yeu con rush out and confide you Jey te n barber pole t The birds and trees will accept your bymna of praise en the beauty of the day and the happiness thereof. But when you have a sorrow, you need a friend. And when you have some ene te whom you can confide your deepest sadness, you've get n friend. It Isn't nil one-sided. Yeu don't confide Just because you have te tell somebody or blew-up. Yeu may be perfectly well able te surround that i.ccrct sorrow with n camouflage of geed cheer that will be hard te pierce. . , .... But there's something about the soma one te whom you de eventually tell the real truth which draws if out of you. . .... There's a premise of sympathy In the way she talks te you. a light of under standing in her eye which tells you that you need have no fear of ridicule or In difference. Net only will she Uslen and under stand, but ale she can be counted upon te accept some of the burden of the trouble herself, just by way of giving you moral support. SHE literally feels sorry for you. And you are forever grateful te her for that sympathy. While you may have ether friends later In whom you recegnise a "kindred spirit," while there may be ethers who are as dear as this one, she will always keep that place In your heart, a warm, pleasant place. And this works the ether wny, tee. Unless you have dealt with an un grateful person, unworthy of the name of friend, jeu can always count upon Hie sincerity of the friend who con fides In you. Please Tell Me What Te "T. Waahlnoten" Tlicre Is no necessity for giving a present at this party unless It is tha girl's birthdaj. Te "A. B. C." Fer goodness' sake "go te It," Just ns the glil fays. Why, sue virtually tells j-eu te Itemember, "faint lieait never wen fair ladj'." Te "F7A. B." Of course, you can be cured if you go te the right doctors, Yeu will get splendid treatment free of charge In any dispensary cf any hospital in the city. v Te "Mlldrad S." It sreius te Cvntlilu veu would be vvlse te tell our fiance the. whele tliltti about j our antecedents. It Is n mat ter about which veu are In no w.iv re re spetislhlp, ami If your An nee eldects te you for tbise lensenn It's belter te km w lie Is that kind of man before It Is tee late. Cynthia is sure the only thine Jin would net forgive Is drelt, se lu epn about it nil and fellow his ad- vlce nueut your fatner. It's Up te the Girl 1 I iiar I'vnlhln I.nlely I moved te Dtirliv and met 11 glii about ni agi and I like her vury niucli, but I don't sue this clil vcij inmli. 1 would like jeu te give nm sumo nd vlin ns te hew T lieubl usU this girl If I could see ber niote than I di I nliriiilv ntifeij lier If she would let me lake lier out, but slie said ".N'e ' J'lcnsn answer my letter toen, hn 1 would llke te knew. T.ON'i; STAll If the alii savs no. jeu cannot feiea jour fiieiiilplilp upon her It's en ilicly no te lier. Writes te "Englishman" ti-ar i,Mitbin--Mndlv ptrniH me te Miiuggle thee lines through jour c 1-1 iimn en u forward pass le "CiikIUIi- i Ulilll." ,dR 'mTVeB ' luld you se, biit 1 m inlglilj bIp.ii eii ve , ZlZXJrneT'X' ', '"1 v0l,i i',p j-eu'v?! vvltiuvWd the nne old' gaiiiH nf football, tee Yes, I'm an I nrilent fun and 1 nlav It tei. hut net very geed. I ,ope new ilwt veu will ineit some nlcn yniinp felews. Inc. .Inlly well herrj- I ilnnt unnvv seu iisiinr. Sounds lather contradicter, dnesn't It'.' VIMIIAN K.MISHT Shall She Take Him? Ileal I'.MUliiil Tills ' llir. (ust .i.ti" I hiue written te je-i fei mluei I wai Just seventeen In niielir I we' a euig man whom 1 death let s ,,li ait Mie.lil i ue, ill. ej, ,11. ill,. I Itaxff b"in go ii,; Willi lilm u ?.r ag" lee allien tin lu llllll.vl Li.ii. j .1.1 Ills nationality is liallan, bem in itiilj! lie mis naifd me 10 niaiiv linn u en think I should? 1 bav.i unhid" te init Ise 1110 but jeu. 1 hiive no mmheis nor sisters here, as my bome town is in Connecticut They nil lltn theie. )e.r Cjnlhlu, he Is the milt ticiien 1 knew here. He If jeu will ha l.ltul (iieilglt le et me Iinntv Just what ti de , l.i.f..... 'I'liAuiln.1 snv ..nil . 11 t .. .11 .'"." "..;' ,'', '"i ue vtrj inucii piin. ,.,.,..,,, I i t ,,iQU ,n,i mn eii- mi., tin,,',,,,, Inve this iiviii ami w.uit nlvtav.s tn de viih him, jeu I id better net wed it ni:ui who Is innru than fvlcu jour own age. Perfectly All Right ' r.-l f'tlllhlll I'll IlKl I'L e Oil 'I little advlie en the following subliit: A friend .f tuUie when a bev iiet d ,i ineinl.-'e f'niii en ilint en e.n li hnlldaj I pond lii in a (aid i if reiirsn, Ihrut . nullum: sunt in, entiil about It, as we am peth in til I- il and hate f'inilliej. ii fuel r I lli'gl, ct In stud it lilt llllSllllll'l I.' li minus me in n be itni ins w le a - 1 . ' '. ' '" .1?. ' .: '"' ''."' .v,' '? !' -'or .J. mi ' if i 'nil se it', i ni'ifccilv ilirlil te Km ii ihls up It's eult fun and' no one h inihuii'ss nui your own anil Jeiiii liiishaiid'n and lliat of your friend's I wife Anether Answer for "Cynlcus" I'ftir Cvuihla Will jeu siuitn me Hi lltle untie ruiin, thl.s tliue te wrile te1 "Ct ulcus" ; It gave um n great deal of pleasure Lincoln said, "Saving is Having" Yeu SAVE when you buy maf im lCd-EISL Thea5StA8 AlY"ay,e MeBt Economical ni ?22 DeIicl Cups te a Pound - . ?? (Orn8 P.ke. oiaed) MIXED and GREEN VW wSffiV wH menhJrM&alPj - HVltUtu She wouldn't share her cherished se crets with seu'tinless she thought yen worthy of her confidence, She wouldn't open thnt closed book te any one who wasn't curable cf realizing Its clearness te her and htr reason for keeping It te herself. In short, she trusts you, and thit short word has a beautiful significance. Yeu cm never quite forget the friend who has confided or the friend In whom you have placed your trust. If she has failed you your feeling Is somewhat like that nf n mother whest precious only boy has gene wrong. She knows he Is wrong, knows hi must be punished, feels that he should, but eh, he's her little boy I YOU have (e admit that your friend Is false, sometimes you realize that slin is net worth v of your friendship, you knew that he has forfeited her right te occupy that warm plact in your heart. Hut she told jeu her dearest wishes and hew bltteily disappointed she w.n when they did net come true. Or elen she has held your faith, she has given you sympathy in the midst of grief or trouble. There's a feeling thcre which can. net die. even though facts and ths present have changed your relation ship cntirely. She was your friend because you were together in sorrow. Nothing can take that away from cither of you. AND se-when anybody claims you at a friend because jeu will sympa tlilze. jeu mnv knew that jeu havn gained n friend. She has put her trust In you ns some ene who will net fail her, and It Is up te veu te fulfill that trust. It Is a solemn obligation, for you could never quits llve with yourself afterward in any peace of mind and conscience if, you fniled. Hut If, jour sympathy has been sin cere, your friendship will be. tee, fee In thia veu Involuntarily put yourself In her place mid realize hew jeu would feel under reversed circumstances. te De By CYNTHIA f.ettcri te Cuiitlila'a column mint t) urliiBii en e.ie stifr et Ihc turner only ami mint b" tinned with tlie tnrllrr 1 iiieac ntuf aildrcta. The iiemr udll ff he ruli'fifinf It the xurittr ilncj net iclh ft. Vnsleurd Uttm and Iflfcri ttriffrn eir fiefh lifr nt the nnetr will 110I M eiMlutrfiJ. WVItciw who villi iirrse'-'! minurrs that nm M nli'en l IKf reliii.ui mill plcait feet thtrr, as n't. neiiiil Irttm are enlu ttriltta i(.neii abiahifru Hrcctsnri;. te read your letter recently In tlie col umn, "('ynlriux" 1 am ufrnld jeu , are forming far tee high an opinion et me. Underneath everything, I am stilt) verv nim.li of 11 coward. T try te "carry en." but thliiKs keep iillltig higher and higher around me. Yet 1 have much te be thankful fc: and what T am try lug te learn is te be glatl for the thingl I nave. Instead of regretting tlie.se that am deulud me. I have been, and Ktitl am tienietlmcs, bitter and ctnleal. "Cynlcus." but. after nil. does It pa ? On the ileal Yeu bitterness and cyni cluu only leave pain and ugly scars. It Is net weith li. 1 nm writing this as much te re,v.. RUle myself tn my own new-found phi losophy as te try te coinince jeu. I am tint an "indemlnlile soul." "Cynlcus," only a veiy faulty one, but I am trjlng. hlnce my first letter was printed t have theuent perhapu I should net hava written It, Init, after all, If II has helped In lug jeu back Inte the cnlumti. I pin glad. 1 was an lelly iiiteiestrd In our letters and often sympathised with jour Ideas, be 1 mUsml veu Tien write again. JIJST IIL'.MA.V. Adventures With a Purse T'VIJ alwajs wauled 11 diiveljne di'-1 wlil li wes essentially 11 diessj dress, and net one of practical color. Hut the material bus been far let evpensive I te warrant liujing enough for a dre that ei.uld only be worn oeeasiennltv. ,. . ,..... , , ... , "" ' "" '"'0 a sale of silk iluvetjn of 11 lllliell fi! 1 iitril' V lii,,l' i.'il lilee. l''' ni..l warm tan: darker ' '" ""'" "" """ ""''l' 1",, lt "n ,l,l "''' Wl" ""'l ' lilpi1 n'"1 '-ought It is f.ulv inches wide and $il.Ve a .van!. Tills 4 u sale and I niliisc jeu tn tal. iiiliaiilage of it. e.uly Oriiiiiuelits are beiic witiii iilmnsl en 1 1 nd t mi eveniiu: sHppeiK. h,i wlici line is evtriMiigaiil and bins a pair of ill lir file i telling slippers, ..ue ,,ie net feel -ilit lit s able te buj chibeiale simm laiellrs, n-i w Mime nriiaiaeiiis fnp slippei .. made of nil melal. wlmli I'ikdl like Heel. Theie wn , n linllei'tlr ... II .i . . ""' " ' Ihlee- 'lieied nflnir. and I'tllV tlt'l (CtltK (.Hell. l Illeli llie.'llel I li'l t Jeu cun have ihe added iliiiulv touch It tour slippers tee Fer ,,, , ., aillIr Mm,n.. r, Killlnr r nlen.e nuiiiiit anne" r .VUlii 1801 'itwpcn llic Ininru f 0 am! S. , " ' ' " Sold Everywhere m -exiimtuimui-iu-m VhrinlmttH Club & 6 Weeks te Xmas I. any m', iiianU en n, ileliv crlct Werth while pitln of weed piudi:. nf distinction CBDAK f'UKSTS t'KDAI! WAIvDIUIHKS I'HONOCUAIMIS KITt.'lIKV CAPrs'KTS IUOMNU t'.MHNKTS FREDERICK R. GERRY Ce. 1727 Chettmtt St. li Only. l HQUTII IrwnMT umvw man mi POMPEIAM OLIVE OIL Y &, & nrTrrnTrnrrm-l mwmum r u '.lH 54air. i liik t--, -, itd------------------!M. (if KnV..-