Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 11, 1922, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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' v
Generally Fair
9: Orien at 11
and Ohran at 5:10
Stere Closed at 5:30
8ter Opens at 0
tttleiy and Ohlmtt Meea
It's Wonderful te See People Starting In New te Make Christmas Happ,
Watch Yeu
Disagreeable if People Yeu
de net take your .advice.
First of all, none of us is right every time.
Second, there may be circumstances
intervening that prevented them.
Third, your friends were free tctde what
they Jtheught best
Fourth, we would be a peer sort of friend
te break off a friendship with any one who
differed with us.
Let us be loyal in our friendships. , . .
November 11, 10ttK
The Loveliest Fur-Trimmed Coats
fox Women at $150
Luxurious costs, every one.
Of bellvia with huge cellar and
cuffs of beaver, black fox or
dyed squirrel.
The bellvia coating is ribbed
and se silky of finish that it is
almost changeable in color. It
is deep, and soft.- With the
extra lining as well as the 'crepe
Women's Fashionable Suits
of Fur-Cleth Fabrics
This season people of irreproach
able taste are wearing; fur-cloth
suits probably because the im
ported black and brown fabrics of
which they are .made are se beau
tiful and drape se gracefully.
Seme of the suits ' are .ceats-and-fkirts
and some coats-and-dresses
In the latter instance the blouses
H Ml
Luxurious Coats of
the Finer Furs
BEAUTIFUL garment of silky black moire caracul
is net only hugely cellared and cuffed with black
lynx, but has two bread bands of lynx around its
full swirling skirt. It is handsomely lined with
heavy black crepe and blue brocade, and the price
is $1250.
A regal coat of Alaska seal, falling full from
the shoulders and ornamented only by its own rich
loveliness, is priced $1000.
An ermine wrap (net like
sketch) is full and flowing,
with large sleeves, muffler
cellar, and is priced at $1200.
Persian lamb with lynx
trimming composes a hand
some garment with wide
wrap-Hke sleeves, at $900.
A coat of Hudsen Beat
(sheared muskrat) with loose
side panels dipping below the
hem, and wide double sleeves,
has all four sleeves cuffed
with dyed squirrel, matching
the chin cellar. Price $800.
A pouch-back Hudsen seal
Brilliant Tussah Crepes
Are Much
Manv of thn n,.i.,t t
SS PS & of rt em
5 fflcuVf ,B tye flni8h tllnt It s
Nainsoek and Longcleth
A remirwlnx . ....
l .!,. '" """ion wne HKe
ZfLT. or thel' children's un-
-...muni made at home.
Naiwoek- in tsn-yard' pi
te Net Be
de chine lining they are ex
tremely warm coats.
The lines are straight and
give the effect of slimness1
emphasized by the narrow belt.
Altogether the model is ex
tremely becoming. In black,
the fur is black fox or dyed
squirrel. ,In navy or kit fox
gray, beaver or' dyed 'squirrel.
are in vividly" colored crepe or are
Often, the. 'coats' long .and short
blouses and straight swinging mod
els, of various lengths are enriched
with' big fur cellars or ether trim
ming. And the jackets cati be
worn separately. " "
Prices, $90 te $160.
(sheared muskrat) coat is al
most wholly sleeved with
soft dyed squirrel, with chin
cellar of the squirrel, and
brilliant lining of absinthe
green. Price $675.
Still another coat in Hud Hud
eon seal (sheared muskrat)
is made with loose circular
sides, und trimmed with re
versed fur bands in ribbon
effect. Price $G00.
Lengths urc from 40 te 50
inches, and the coats are but
a few examples from many
equally individual.
they wear wonderfully. In many
delightful shades amethyst,
Ium, henna, taupe, cherry, Copen
hagen, cocoa, gray and navy.
Plain weave, $2.50. With a
crosswise nub, $2.75. 42 inches
yard wide, $1.75 te $.1.50 the piece,
40 inches wide, $4.25, 45 inches
wide, $4.75 and $0.
Longcleth in ten-yard pieces,
yard wide, $1,75 te $8.50.
Three Recent Ships Have Brought
te the Yeung Women's Stere
' Beautiful Clethes
1 Frem Paris
T OVELY gowns of various silk crepes, for afternoon
teas and matinees, dinner and evening wear.
At fllO Is "Sylvette" In
American Beauty red crepe
de 'chine. ....
"Edith," In datk blue and
white crepe, with quantities
of hand-work, la also priced
Beautiful for a wedding
Fit companions for them are handsome tailored
dresses and fur-trimmed three-piece costumes, from
one of the finest tailors in this country, who does
only custom work. Made te our order of unusual
fabrics in exclusive models.
The dresses from $65 upward.
The fur-trimmed three-piece costumes from
$125 te $860.
All in sizes 14 te 20 years.
(Second Fleer) ,
The "Fairfax"
Old Virginia Days
It suggests a setting of Coleniat
furniture and the soft glow of
candle light.
As a matter of fact, that is ex
actly the decorative scheme of the
dining room in many of the new
houses intended for brides, and
"Fairfax" silver has become a
favorite wedding gift.' '
The Fashionable
Are Ghiffen
What lovely silks they re. In
glorious colors and wonderful sup
pleness. They are certainly the
ideal silks .for draped gowns.
Seme have huge designs done in
artificial silk of great brilliancy en
by Thanksgiving
The Women's Custom Tailoring
Bureau announces that it will com
plete before Thanksgiving Day
two-piece suits, three-piece cos
tumes and topcoats ordered at
Prices en made-te-measure, suits
Nbw Paris
Handkerchiefs With
a Touch of Black
Right in line with the fashion for
black gowns whether one is wear
ing all-black or net.
Imagine a sheer white linen
with a cut hem in fa'hey scallops,
Seints or interrupted border of
lack. They are unique and
decidedly smart.
$1.75 te $2.25 each.
(Main Fleer)
Two-Tene Sports
Stockings With
Embroidered Clocks,
and - white with white
with white or
tan clocks.
Gray - and - white
Blue - and - white
with black
with white
They are of silk and cotton
mixed in an excellent weight for
all Winter wearing with oxfords,
(l'lmt l'liier)
A Slipper With Beth
Tongue and Strap
The short vanm buttons uciess
the base of the tongue, with pretty
effect whether worn with a buckle, J
a side ornament or unadorned.
In black patent leather, with a
short vamp which makes the feet
leek small; high aich, and Span
ish heel. Priced $16 a pair.
A black suede tongue slipper
without the strap, .Spanish-heeled
and light welt-soled, $15 the pair.
Beth are examples of the finest
type of shoemaking.
(Flrt I'loer)
Cape Colony Leng -Staple Weel
in the 50-50 Weave Means
a Fine Blanket
It means the finest blanket that
can be had in America for $10.
The Cape Colony wool used is
unusually long, strong, warm and
Ask the salesman te pull out a
strand of it from one of these
The 50-50 wcac is the best con
struction known in the blanket
Ln.liuua API. . illWAOil aM.1 4l&
1 weft thread are of the same weight,
I ae imi one BianKei aimast aa
is a white Georgette
crystal-beaded and hand-em
broidered, and exquisitely
draped. Price $125.
Others, all made in Paris -and
fascinatingly youthful
and lovely, from $37.50 te
Silver Recalls
The entire dinner service in this
sterling silver can be found in the
' Jewelry Stere. It includes the
five-piece tea service at $290. The
kettle, $195. The tray, $320. The
four-piece coffee set, $258. Alse
the meat platter, vegetable dishes,
competes, bread tray and gravy
Evening Silks
chiffon grounds. They arc 40 inches
wide and $G a yard.
Others are exquisite chiffon ve ve
eours, and arc even richer and mere
beautiful. They are' 36 inches
wide and $12, $13 and $16 a yard.
There are many new colors.
Suits Finished
of tweed nre $55; fine twill cloths
or velour, $75; and ethers accord
ing te fabric.
Three-piece costumes from $85
up in tweed; ether fabrics accord
ingly. Sports topcoats from $40; fur
trimmed dress coats from $150.
Notable Lamps
Frem France
Some distinguished novelties
have come into the Lamp Stere
no two of them alike, except
in being made of bronze with
geld or silver finish.
The designs are possessed of
the utmost refinement and the
lamps are equipped with one,
two or three lights.
" Prices, $4S te $200.
(I'nnrth Fleer)
Te Patch a Wall Crack
or replace a bath-room tile, wall
plaster can be had in convenient
quantities. Thiee pounds, 25c'; six
pounds, 45c; twelve pounds, 8.rc.
( fourth i'luur)
Yeung Girls'
Elastic Girdles
They are increasing se fast in
popularity that we suspect it is
because they are se immenselv
comfei table in addition te giving
the fashionable figuic.
They are made of pink hroehe
or satin and pink elastic; ate close
in the hack and clasped in tlie
front, and suit any slim figure-
women's as well as girls. '
Prices, $1 te $0.
(Thin) Ileo r)
heavy as a pair of ordinary blank
ets. These blankets can be had in
n variety of solid colors as well as
in two plaid designs.
They ere 100 per cent wool and
attractively bound with satin.
Sold exclusively at Wanamakcr's
in Philadelphia at $10 each, which
is lower than they are sold for
WuSikSr ,n America- Slze
sewn is a
ill i PKijffl
v , ,y
Odd Earrings Frem
the Orient
We pick out half a dozen pair te
suggest what the Oriental Stere
can offer In the way of rare per
sonal ornaments.
Ruby carbuncles and cultured
pearls, the design showing three
carbuncles in each earring, $65 for
he pair.
Hhll ratnpei, S8I.60.
TfinaMft of seed pearl n lapis
latull, ffle.
Knclc cryMnl n a ball and cylinder
dtlirn, combined with rarnellan, 136.80,
I'nle rnrntllan with pearl, S4 2.IJO.
Jnrte prnrlnnt linn from circle and
mounted with unite fold, SOS.
(Main Fleer)
Fashionable Combs
are of imitation jet, ivory, "hell,
crystal, amber, lapis set with imi
tation sapphires, emeralds, rubies
and amethysts.
Certainly this is a wonderful
season for color!
The combs nre in the new fan
and Spanish shapes, and priced $4
te $30.
(Main Fleer)
The Famous Chickering
VVINNER of 130 first medals,
including the cress of the
Legien of Hener, highest
award ever given te any
pianoforte. Beloved instru
ment of Jenny Lind. Pre
neunced by Liszt "superla-
The Sweet-Toned Schemacker
FAVORITE of musical Phila- ' have used it in the White
delphinns since 1838. Known Heuse. A piano notable for
as the "Piane of the Presi- its lovely golden tone, and
dents'," because eight of the its endurance,
nation's chief executives , Priced from $725 upward.
The Celebrated Knabe Piane
TfNDORSED by famous singers
and musicians the world
ever. Jeritza, Gluck, Alda,
Ysaye, M e 1 b a, Chaliapin,
Bend, Fannie Bloomfield
Zcisler, RufFe and score.? of
ether notable musicians have
The Wanamaker Piane Salens
are sole distiibuters in
Philadelphia of these three,'
famous and unexcelled in
struments. Any of them
may be purchased en con
Emersen pianos, from $550 up.
Haines Brethers pianos, from $175 up.
Lindcman & Sens pianos, fumi $385 up.
Marshall & Wendell pianos, from ? 125 up.
in addition te player-pianos
of various well-known
make?, from $585 upwaid.
The Ampice
T can be had in conjunction
with some of the best of
the aforementioned instru
ments. (l.'CM)tlun Hull,
Fine French Handkerchiefs
Fer Seme Men
Ne Christmas gift would be mere A fine linen Inndkerihief with
appreciated, especially if the donor tnpe border is priced $2 each and
has the theughtfulnesb te liuie the
initials hand embroidered en the
A Remarkable Greup of
Filet Scarfs and Curtains
New and novel and unusual at
the pi ids.
Called Russian filet bue.ut.se of
the lKMMiie of the thiead and the
typical .slavic eharuitef of the
work, which, bj the way, is all
hand done.
The Mart's are made with a heavy
mesh an 1 ionic 15, 51 ..nd i0 inches
SMi! Bem and Girls! cll Yeu a Secret:
All This Great Tey Stere
is ter
Everything in it, from the smallest tev te the vnn
derful Northern Court of Santa CJaus, with It. Northern
Lights, is for you.
Santa Claus knows whtit will please boys and uirls
and he has prepared the greatest Tey Stere in the world
all for you.
(Netrnlli l'l(ier) -
Br;aid Girdles Are
Wern en Dresses
and Coats
The girdles for the coats are
heavier and wider, of course, and
they come in the colors of gray
brown or black te match cither
fur or cloth coatings.
Fer dresses, the girdles are nar
rower and there are all kinds of
pretty fancy effects in black and
colors. .
Prices from $2 te $7.75. Plain
twisted cords with tassels, $1.75.
(Main Fleer)
"Any Celer as Leng
as It's Red"
seems te be the rule in inexpensive
jewelry. Certainly there never
were se many pretty instances as
this season.
One cape in the Main Aisle is
entirely given up te it; and neck
laces of red beads strung with
fancy metal links, green geld fin
ished, are priced $5.50 te $14.50;
while earrings are $3.50 te $12.50.
(Mnln I'loer)
tively perfect." Described
by dePachmann as having a
tone "like a human voice."
The only piano whose build
er's statue is given a place
in the. Hall of Fame in
Pi iced from $875 upward.
written unqualified prai-30
and endeiscmcnt for this
noble instrument, which is
with the two names above
one of the five greatest
American pianos.
Priced -$875 up.
venient terms conditions
which apply, as well te any
one of the following instru
ments, also sold exclusively
And the marvelous
Could you find a mere
comprehensive or better
selected ns.snjtment f;em
which te cheese the instru
ment for ur own home?
nii mid I'leiif'
lTem ,lu1 Pr'ces mount gradually
L'airchlff6 m'" Hnt'n
All hae t:nit Ih,kIit-.
, long. Thc. can be usd
pui pese.s pimie.s, ban a
, room tables.
Prices ate remaik.ibl
and $0.50 each
Curtains te match
1 !
11 ate
1 with
tii it
equally geed at the pre
$l-.75 and $20 a pair,
iiuaniun met ecige and i
w i
Yeu !
Men Are Finding the NewVrepe
Rubber Sele Shee a Comfert
Fer Sports and for Street Wear
It's having a tremendous vogue in England. Men
are wearing it from morning until evening for golf, ten
nis, yachting, tramping, indoor sports and even for streejt
And the crepe-rubber sole shoe is here, made with
every care that can be taken te have a shoe made geed.
The imported shoe is in sturdy Scotch grain and with it
another model by a geed American manufacturer.
The Advantages of Crepe Rubber for a
Sele Are Many
it will net slip, even en wet grass,
It gives a vice-like grip en the ground, yet
it is light, airy and resilent.
it will net draw or burn the feet like ether rubber.
it will net track dirt and may be used all ever the club
house, net ruled out like spiked shoes.
it will net hurt sand greens.
it is tough and wearable.
And the crepe-rubber sole shoe is net expensive.
The Demestic Medel Is Priced $10
The Imported Medel, $14
The American shoe is made of a mellow tan calfskin,
smooth and soft in a blucher model with the straight,
tipless tee.
The English shoe is of Scotch grain calfskin in a
dark tan. It, tee, has the straight, tipless tee.
They are in the Londen Shep.
(The Gnllrrj)
Men's Lined
Metering Gloves, $3 te $5
Men who drive a car will find un
common value in a heavy strap- i
wrist capeskin glove lined with
thick, fleecy lamb's wool, at $3.75
a pair. Or gauntlets with the ,
same lining at 34.50. Beth in black
only, and exceptional. '
Every Man en the Links Needs
a Flannel Shirt
Fer a fact, every man who finds
fun anywhere outdoors needs a
flannel shirt when the chill winds
Warm shirts, sturdy shirts, yet
net ungainly heavy shirts.
A Plain Oxford That Is a Tower
bf Strength $ 12.50
Made by a manufacturer whose rich, deep brown. On the bregu
name has coine te mean quality last, but perfectly plain relieved
footwear fiem coast te coast. And i a bit by black stitching along each
made as only .such a manufacturer beam,
can oxfords i Fer the man who banks en serr-
Of Scetch-giam calfskin in a ! ice there is no better shoe.
(.Alain I'loer)
It's the Spert
Deer en the Ge
Soen fhr .seMsnn will unnn Vn.
ember 15 in I'ennHan'.a and
the kings of sport will h.ke to
ward the deer paths.
All they need te take along is
, aheady in the Sporting Goods
i Stere.
Rules, such geed ones as Sav
age. Winchester. Keminsten and
Maihn, aic priced from ii te S 5.
1 1 in-
Showing- an Excellent
New Table Linen
at $3.75 a Yard
Irish gee Is, of pute flax, beauti
fully blcache 1, full of service and
priced en a modeiate basis at
?3.J5 a Jard. 72 inehe-s wide.
Napkins te match, 2'Jx'J'J inches,
$.75 a doyen.
Alse a ren.nikii'ily geed let of
Relgian linen pillow cares, hem
stitched, size 22x30 inches and
pi iced at $1.50 a pair.
(I'lrnt 1 lour)
New Italian Majolica
Coffee Sets of Charm
and Novelty
Frem southernmost Italy havu
ceme these attractive ,ets, all in
colors and decorations that are
characteristically Italian and
Quaint little after-dinner coffee
cups with three claw feet and
diagen handles. Nevel coffee pets
with spouts.
Seme sets have rich, creamy
coleied backgrounds with odd con
ventional hand-painted interwoven
Others are in dark ivory and
royal blue.
Prices, $25 nnd $35 a set, each
set comprising six cups and
saucers and a ceffta pet.
and Unlined
Unlined driving gloves of heavy
tan or black cape, strap-wrist
style, $3 a pair.
One-clasp cape gloves with warm
seamless-wool lining, $4 and $5 a
There are two kinds here. First.
an impeited English flannel in half
a dozen colored stripes. The soft
cellar is attached. Priced $6.
A plain gray domestic flannel
shirt al?e has the soft cellar at
tached and is priced 3.50.
of Kings te Bag
There is ammunition for any
caliber rifle and all the geed warm
far-proof clothing that a hunts
man needs for many seasons.
'I here is the Duxbak niinproef
cloths and corduroy. Hats, stock
ings, shoes, gloves, hunting knives,
mnckinawh, coats, sheep-lined
?eats, heavy hunting sweaters and
i the heay Oregon City shirts.
l.lllllT, )
New for a
Kwrj thing te make it com
fortable is g.ittured here.
Smokers' stands of hundreds
of different kinds, cedar-lined
boxes for cigarettes, jars for
tobacco, tr.is and ash receiv
ers of all nies, alcohol lamps
and cabinets.
Kngland has sent some inter
esting sets of match box holders
and small ash trayn done in
nickel and bright colors.
Smokers' Stands Are
in Endless Variety
starting at 92.50 for one of
decorated metal and going te
S3 for a stand with tray and
full smoking equipment.
A geed stand in mahogany
finish has a lighted bottom se
that it will net tip iiiHily. The
ash tray is in color, nickel
mounted. $7.50.
A che-kr stand for cigarettes
is in mahogany finlhli, at $3.85,
Wrought iron stands are new
this Hi'iisen and have Interesting
trays of metal or iridescent
glass. $5 te $21.50.
Smoking Cabinets, $19
Of solid mahegsnyJined with'
wh te porcelain glsss with cedar
Btr'P make It airtight.
Other cabinets of aelld au.
hegsny at 112 te $89.
(-riii in,,) ,i
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