MMM rtf3. IPi I II I I WIN 1 VIT W V ''" WPS vTl-i'iviiiJ-z!'J2 MK: Fdre't.K!.;T?i IKmGS - 7 , ,, r- gg? pi?- f II ; hf,. B f'S i r h ft;,' F . f JSi- 111, I R- fr ' Qrahame B. Jehnsen's Pockets Stuffed With Bricks Be lieved a Suicide IG&XSWJ. -' " V 11 BODY OF DOCTOR it: FOUND N R VER 1922 y " . I EVENING PUBLIC EEDGER-PHipADEIHIA, , SyifflAY, NOVfllflflFiR tf, FORMERLY INSANE PATIENT T)r. (ir.iliaiuc 1). Jehnsen, fermcrl) n patient nt tin- Pennsylvania llepltnl fur the Ilittntie. win 'found dend In the Sehti.vlkill lltver today. prensuinnbly a MiirliU'. ,, , Th puekct.s of bis clothing were filled with bricks unit a crude, gng vvus Muffed In Ms mentli, nt lW arousing biispleleii he had been m link' ml. Dr. Jehnsen hud Used in n room at WW Arch street frum March until October 1M last, hi- residence since then being unknown. Persons nt the rooming Jieiihe said he was eccentric and of solitary habits. He were nn overcoat en the hettet dns of glimmer. Dr. Fuller, of the IVntisjlvunln Hon Hen jiital for the ltmnne, euid he was con vinced it win) n case of suicide. He knew Dr. Jehnsen, who was about sixty j pars old. "The gag was of absorbent lotten which was Muffed into his mouth." said Dr. Fuller. "I knew Dr. John Jehn John en nnd he had been melancholy re cently, wandering nbeut the city. ' Dr. Jehnsen vvus discharged two tears age as u patient. He fermerl.v lived with his wife and daughter nt 214 Seuth Fifth stieet, Ueudlng. and had a summer home at Andover, Musi. letters from Andover, signed "Jim and telling In chatty style of the flowers nnd s-hrubbery at the phyhiclati's unimcr home, were found in the clothing. There was also a hank book of a Hosten trust company showing a deposit balance of $20150. A small sum if money and various trinkets were in the clothing nls-e. Abattoir winkers nn the body in the river above Market street about 10:30 o'clock. Frem the condition of the lwily police believe it had been in the water less than twelve hours. NCHn chei unioie eutrvj i AT MOST CRITICAL STAGE Londen Papers Declare British Gov ernment te Be In Dark lwleii, Nev. 11. (Hy A. 1M The situation nt Constantinople, where the Turkish Nationalists want the Allies te get out and the Allies arc determined te sit tight. Is still very critical, all the morning papers ague, but none of them furnish any definite news te jus tify their view. I'ven the Government ltelf is de clared in some nunrteis te be largely in tin' dark, owing te the difficulty of communicating with the Near Kust as a rvsult of tlie cutting of the cable line near Chamik by the Turk. Even this fact is regarded as ominous. Absolutely nothing can be learned re garding the present nttitilde of the An An eora tievernment and it is equally un known whether tli. tllf,l Commis sioners have 'arrled out their threat te establish martial law in Constantinople. WOMAN SUED FOR $100,000 i Damage Sought of Miss Passmore for Olrl'e Death Hull was started In the Chester County Court yeNlerdiiv by nttemcvs representing Henry FilleaiiN, of nil) North Randelph street, against Mis Mnry E. Piimnierc, of Oxford, te re cover $100,000 damages for (he death of his niece, Miirtlm llntin. live years old, who died of injuries after she hud been stiuck by an automobile dtlvin by Miss lV.ssiaere en a read near Oxford In June. Recently Miss I'assmere wns etdered held without ball by the Corener fol lowing in Imiuest In I'hltndelphlu, but left the hearing room, mid her cenn. m1, A. M. Helding, premised te pmdiice bcr at any time she was wanted. He fur no bail has been llxed for Miss Pnssmere by tlie Chester County Court nml she is M her ueme. been fixed for u hearing. ANOTH R NAME UP E IN CABINET GOSSIP Geerge W. Woodruff Is Latest Mentioned by "Depesters" for Attorney General FOOTBALL ON TOP TODAY WHILE' PUTS PROMOTER IN JAIL Media Investors Could Have Saved Meney by Learning Definition of Werd CALLED IT NEW MINERAL If i-everul residents of Mulla had applied Webster's definition of the word "Amu h bole ' when usci as a vrrn riacttcul politicians in the llopubll llepubll i mi city nml State organization believe fllfr.iril T'lnnlmt- ili.. f !nvirnnrclect. Ne time has, will ignore factional considerations In the appointment of his Attorney ieneral, and thnt his choice Is most likely te fall upon some one with whom lie Is iierienally associated, such ns (Jcerge W. Woodruff. Discussion of Cabinet, possibilities was considerably speeded up today b.v reason of the suggestion that Jeseph II. Taulune, former Assistant District Attorney, wes being considered for At torney (ieneral. Organization lendeis, who day frankly they have no hope that they will be ' consulted In the filling of the piemier ship of (hi! Cabinet, were inclined te I believe Mr. Woodruff had us geed n j chance us nuy one. Mr. Woodruff is a close personal fileiid of the Governer-elect: a Yule classmate nnd u lawyer who hits been I consulted by tin; Ferester in personal I litigation. Fer some years, it wits pointed out. Mr. Woodruff wns as sociated with Mr. rinchet in the I forestry sen ice, both nt llurrisburg j and Washington, It Is understood Mr. woodruff worked out muny of the ah tJr-ynll,,UV"e baV(;'1 ''"'-'ve3 1 1 yt . stni(,e lesnl preblcuis connected with the S1...00O. The word and Its meaning. I rrW(lri ' vt tl0 t.OI1t.rvatIeii move move "te doubt. directly concern I.. II. )rlt e'uTlnerai atf' " '"C """""l 1r" of n mineral also. ,i,. iu ..ii.. i .i.... ., .,irr.i Ven Itrandenburg was arrested today ;:".- r, " :;'" ' '" ; ' ', """ .m,... I.. !. 1t..AV.,1 lltitllliii nnii " tiii4ic niiKRiMnwii .....7 .... LOOK FOR GIRL IN POISON CAKE CASE . Me I, a 1 lie k " .nr ,H" '" CrVC aS H of " !""eItC ,aetn, ,ll ,,,,.,, .v I.,,, r false im- '" revt,r ,he ndvniice of the proposal mg money undei falbe pn - fI) Fehn g FIsleri fenn,.,. state nt nn office in the Drexel lliilldinu- and locked up in with obtain tense. Curious Are Interested The prisoner, n man of military bearing, well dressed and fluent of tongue, opened nn office in Media sev eral months age. He claimed te have discovered a mine of mineral called nmphlbele, whiih had ull the properties of cement and ether such building products:. I'ieces of the mineral were displayed in hlJ office window and en tables en the sidewalk with placards telling of lt gnat strength. Ven Ilrnndetihitrs told the ciiiieu MUSSOLINI SAYS ITALY MUST PAY DEBTS TO U. S. Italian Premier Favers Mere Lsber te America Rwic. Nev. 11. (I'.j A I'.i I're mter Mussolini bus new gene through i hi' baptism i.f oratorical tire from the lips of the Ameiican correspondents f:i I tonic. ! Hi- was ery renlial in his ref, icnccs , te the relations hcturx'ii Italy ami the I'nited States and said lie tiepul te l add te 111" geed will prevailing be tween the two countries mi euineiui.' , f-epera lien that would be mutually i beneliciul. 'We li,ivi the working men: ;.ei hae the capital. " he said. "I would be happy if jour country would ametm the law limiting iinuilgnints. from ImH te the number of IL'.OOO a year and pxti'iullr.g It te at least 11)0.000. This would benefit the I'nit"d .'ntrs, Italy und the whole of civilization. " 'Meney debts are debts ,if hi.nei nt.d we must pay them." tin Italian IVc mier declared. "We slncetely hope" it will be possible for Itnli te pay Amer ica, but we think if the 1'nlttd States fi'ulixed the situation they would chaiii;e tli"lr point of ew." l , ..I l a, .'i. i ... .. i.i.a. wei oeic i rem 111111 m-ewip -u,m i who passed that the mine from v . 1 el , yl K, , a,,)0,,lteil. R h that he niatena i-uiiie was lwnteil e i . ,., , ,ch ,JmH p0Ul.llh te tract of Ian. m-er tw. I''''' ' '' ' ' think that the (Soverner-elect will find Club. ou ra ilenb urg offered te take , , ,,, j ,, , r,nini,j. doubters te the place te see it for them- ,)V h(,1(1(.tInJKin Atlerm.y fj,.. "Several sceie of persons invested te ,0,0 ;'!1,1,,I,J,l tCM "' " ,,Ur"ly the amount of MVcrnl thousand del- '" ls0"a' l'I'itee. lar-. Then Ven Uraiidenburg dKup-I Anether point win. h enters into all ui-jir,.,, calculations is the tpiestleii of new tax- , .. atlen. The (loverner-elect U net in sjees riiuuetcr in Simp (iiun. of impu-ing nny new taNes; he Thcte was general indignation in believes his administration should be a Media and when the case was pie- strict regime of economy and efficiency. sented te the tJran.l duty a bill was Itnt he nKn knows that the State Treus- ! returned against the iioiuetcr deplti urj is in bad .shape and that the .pics i Ids absence. of new tuxes may assume definite Today a resident of Media chamed proportions in the forthcoming sesstuli Inte a "cigar store en Market street, of the legislature, particularly ns funds He idly bur: 2uvu a c lie te ns mi.ires.s. ,. .,. veais irein tlie rani, ei iwemy- Thf Media lesident get in touch with one among the Slates te nbeut the first Sending Constable A. '. W. Mutinies and about place. Hanking Commissioner, be mimed us Attorney General. Say Flslirr lias "Right" te It (Srundy lenders who worked for Mr. I'inelint in the primary campaign uige that Mr. Fisher, in a way. is "en titled" te the office for the reason that bv withdrawing his own candidacy for tioverner in the primary campaign, he .'TiiiMe.l t li. ntmitiittitu of Attnrnpv ft. Ml- "-. .... , .!.,.. .. . - ....... ... ----- IJ.llK.l. l.M M J.... V VMRV. lll l.-l eral Alter te concentrate behind the ...ns f n L-reenish hue. lending neilini- Ferester. ities te believe it contained paris green. It Is believed that Hie (Jrundv leaders a drug composed largely of arsenic. will make n real ami serious effort te Later -Mr. unrKe turned the package ever IO -uihuiii ivviiniy, ei uie i;even police. It wns mulled from Lan&dewne ml tin; nu.iress was written en paper Seek Yeung Weman Who Mad Mysterious Call en W. W. Sterrett CLUE LEADS TO OHIO Postal authorities seeking the sender of the poisoned enkq that tamed the death of W. W. Sterrett. of Deven, and the serious illness of his wife shifted their Investigation today te Youngs town, O., where n young woman thought le have been acquainted with Mr. Htcrrctt, Is being sought. Chief Postal Inspector Wlllluuwen said that postal inspectors In Ohie have been asked te search for the wemuu, who is described an n brunette. According te information received by the inspectors, while Mr. "and Mrs. Htcrrctt were en a trip te New Yerk about two months before his death, the veiitig women went te the Pennsylvania Hetel, where they were stepping, and asked for Mr. Hterrctt. He and Mrs. Sterrett were at a theatre at the time, se she departed. Mrs. Hterrett. when questioned bv the authorities, said she knew nothing of the woman or of her cull ut the hotel. Without taylng whether the young vveninn is suspected of having sent the poisoned cake, the inspectors desire te question her ns te her whereabouts since the trip te New Yerk. Anether mystery cake, slmllnr in np pcarance te the one sent te Mr. Ster rett, has been received in Deven and turned ever te police nnd postal au thorities for investigation. The recipient Is Stewart Pattcrten Clarke, a senior law student ut the 1 nivcrslty of Pennsylvania, and a close friend of Mr. Sterrett. On his way te Philadelphia yester day. Clarke stepped at the Deven post pest office and n square package, neatly wrapped and bearing a typewritten ad dress similar te that en the package sent Mr. Sterrett, was handed him. He returned home and opened tt. With the wrapper off Mr. Clarke found a box that had once contained, golf balls. Had Green Uh Icing Inside the box, wrapped in tissue paper, was a piece ei cage. The icing te a cigar store en Market street, of the legislature, particularly as tumis " i ii t saw the missing promoter innkiiig will be required In large amounts for ' " 0,lp. ,''"!' ''" Iv in a corner. When Ven I'.raud.n- the advanced H-Iinnl program which has i -ui iiisnu.ui, rg left the proprhter of the .store lifted the level of public education In srn.lei or tlie p l.ieuiicui ie mm iiusie.i en me packaec of cake which caused the death of Mr. Sterrett. Postal authelties also were netltie.l. This morning the enke will be turned ever te n chemist for analysis. "1 de net knew of t.ny one who miitht hniiii me." Mr. Claikc said thls'iuorii thls'iuerii ing, "nud for that reason I cannot understand receiving the cuke. I knew : t'xvv people in l.nnsdewne, but no one whom i neiieve would send me cake (or a pi i. sent. "I knew Mr. Sterrett from the time he eiime te Deven, but I don't see why one should connect me with him. is searching for the poisoned cake which caused the death of Mr. Sterrett and liens sickness of his wife centinut te work en the belief that the cake wns sent by a man who escaped from the West Chester County Asylum three days befere the murder. Yesterday the Inspectors went te the asylum and took samples of vail type writers In the Institution. The escaped inmate, It was learned, had been em ployed in the offlce of the asylum and had access te the typewriters. They are alsq, making an effort te establish the past relations of the man te Mr. Sterrett. BROWN DESCRIBES WORK OF HIS COURT Judge Tells Women Voters' League System Keeps Many Cases Frem Tribunal EDUCATORS ARE SPEAKERS The weik of the Municipal Court was described today by President Judge ltrewn at the third annual convention of the Philadelphia County League of Women Voters. The session began this morning in the llelleviie-Strntferd. Seventy-one per cent of the cases that come within the jurisdiction of the court, the Judge said, never reach the courtrooms, but are adjudicated by probation officers. Judge llrewn asserted the court pre but leu system had saved the county . 100,000 since the tribunal was organ ized, lie reached that total by esti mating the maintenance cost of prison ers at the Heuse of Correction and the number rcleused from that institution en parole. Following the morning session, which was devoted chiefly te the business of organization, there was a luncheon, at which addresses were made by Henry M. Walte, president of the Nntlenul Municipal League, and former City Manager of Dayton. O.. and Marlen Pails Smith, professor of economics nt Mnwr College. City organization wes discussed by Mrs. Charles Tiffany, chairman of the New Yerk City League of Women Voters. Miss Lucy Lewis spoke or. "Political Education" and a repeit of the State work was given by Mls.s Martha O. Themas. State trensuier. FORTESCUE SORRY FOR SLUR ON U. S. Declares Attitude Toward Amer ica Has Changed Made De rogatory Remarks in 1910 ADMITS HE WAS ' HASTY WAY PAVED FOR DIABETES CURE, PHYSICIAN ASSERTS Only Beit Method of Preparation for Administration Unsolved Kechester. 1. Y., Nev. 11. A dis covery that is believed te pave the way te a cure of diabetes is announced by Dr. Jehn It. Murlln, of the University of Keehester. It wii described by Dr. Murlin before the ltechester Midlcul Society Inst night ns fellows : "We claim the credit for having proved first thnt pancreatic extract can testere the lest pewet te oxidize sugar te nnimais rendered diabetic by removal ei pancreas. Thlti we have many times the past summer and this we maintain is the ciuk of tln whole pinbletn. The best method of prepaia lien rer administration te human cuss's probably has net yet been accomplished. 'i must Und n way te give it by uieuth. ns thyroid extract is given, and then the terrors of diabetes will ha'e di'iippeered. One of .the major causes of dentil will have been cemplitcly removed." two hours later the redid. promoter was m . WOMAN'S PARTY HEARS EQUAL RIGHTS PLANS Mrs. Belmont Presents Declaration of Principles te Conference Washington, Nev 11 -UlyA. P.i A deeliiralien of piinciph' with all ii Mac. of lemiulat mevcuiei .is the un-ls- ter a c'linpuigu et tlie National Weman's Patty te secute equal right, for wittm-ii in tin- home, business and industil.'s. v.s p'-' -"iiH"l before officers of the part. v. meeting in ceiifi'icncu here tndav, bj Mrs (). II. P. Ilelment. nnhiiiiul president. Mere than 170 delegate-, from thirty -two States att"lnei the Mrs. Ilelment also pr.-sntei! i.'.,,,, fu ll legislative campaign I'Memiing into all congressional dlsiri"ts fe n can vass of euuil rights siiitim,.nr. net only en the part of Stat.- Legislatures. ia also among meinbeis of Cun'ress Whether the (ioveruer-elect fiuall.v favor new taxes m- nut. it is that he would be better off if his 'nbi net appiiiiilmeut.s had n.i connection ith these who might he affected hj any liivv luxes. Tlie (Jriindy people oppose u mnuufucliii'i-ts' lux. Hence It might I ! iiubnii.issing if n friend of the lituiiily element were .he.-eii as Attor Atter nej iJeneiul. However, it is known iliiimteh ilini .Mr IMuchet has mad. l ..'ii,,,. "e deiWIen en Attorney (ieneral. The m,.v'.n , . r "lllv I lllllg l.tiev. II certainly is that he is iron; piweieiii. Ilu -tmecialeit Vrei New Yerk, Nev. 11. Jehn Fortes cue, preiideiit of the Iteyal Historical Society of Oreut ltrltaln, jvhese luvl luvl ttitlen te make an Armistice Day ad dress nt West Point wns revoked yes terduy by Secretary Weeks becnuse of letnnrks derogntery te America made in a book written by Mr. Fortescue. leduy expressed his regret that he had ever written the passages uttackln America. He declared that the remarks, made in lectures at Oxford in 1010 and luter published ns "Hrltlsb Statesmen of the (Ireat War, l'DS-lBU," had been hasty and had been uttered when two alleged mmneitsniuiilike nets by Americans had been fresh in his mind. His attitude tewnrd' America and the Americans, lie added, hud since changed. IIe had, he faid, the greatest tulmlriitien and respect for America, since he learned te knew them during the Great War. The two unspertsmanlike acts. Mr. Fortescue explained, took place In 1008 ei thereabouts. In a feet race between nn American and another competitor lu Kngland. Mr. Fortescue held, the American had wen the race unfairly und hud been disqualified. At the same 1 1 in a, he tu Id, the British Foreign Olliee hud discovered that u person in the American State department had altered a document te favor America's contentions in the Ilcrlng Straits dis pute. Mr. Fortescue said that he would let urn te Kngland with Mrs. Fortescue en November 128 without delivering nny lectures. Londen. Nev. 11. (Hy A. P.) Under the caption, "the Comedy of the Han." the levelling Stnndurd in n lengthy editorial points out thnt Mr. Fortes cue's book concerned the revolutionary war nud net the great Kurencaii con flict. "Ih Mr. Weeks under en entire misapprehension," the newspaper asks, "or does he desire te hark back te 11(11 for the opinions of the banned lecturer?" The Standard -says that as a result of the bun placed en Mr. Fortescue bj Secretary Weeks "n world joke Is developing." It also snys: "At the banning lu September it was the suine Mr. Weeks who issued a 'formal statement' In which he con demned Mr. Uudynrd Kipling for ex pressing the views that be whs sup posed te held concerning the actions of America in the recent war. When KitditiL' repudiated the Interview it was, of course, seen ut once that Weeks nun iiii.uc tt'iuan iMt'i iiuwiini.. Bulk of CuvW Estate te Widow Continued from Pate One fore him, any unmarried daughter, after his death, may occupy his home, Edge Edge weed, Ilavcrferd, for n period net ex ceeding one year. .... . . The daughters who will receive be auuts of 100,n00 each nre FrencM Lewis Ctiyler, Helen Ctiyler Merris, Eleaner Ctiyler Walker and Mary De Witt Ctiyler. In mentioning the be Hicst for the latter It Is specified that the money be held Inr trust by the Com mercial Trust Company for life and nt her death the principal te go te daugh ter or daughters then living or their In' mentioning a bequest of S1000 te Klcaner dA Orace Ctiyler. of Nett Yerk, the testator sulci It was bequeathed "ns an evidence of my leve and esteem for her." Bequests of $1000 each ere left te three tfrundclilldren, lIcU-iv Scott Mor Mer rls, Eleaner Ctiyler Merris nnd Jeseph Walker, 3d. DeWltttayler Merris, a grandson, receives $2500. Bequests of $1000 each were left te II. Gorden Hremley.n lawyer of the Commercial Trust Building, and te Miss Eleaner Mathers. The Bancroft Training Scheel, Had Had denfleld. N. J., the only Institution named In the instrument, will receive $2500. ' "Mrs. Ctiyler. widow of the testator and his sons-in-law. Casper Wlstar Merris, and Jeseph Walker were named as executers. The Instrument was executed Feb ruary 10. 1022. GOES WEST FOR FORTUNE Runaway Youth Leaves Nete Tel ling Parents of Destination Fifteen minutes after Albert Miller, fccvcntceit years old, of 621 North Six-tv-third street, left home et 7 o'clock yesterday morning, presumably te go te the West Philadelphia High Scheel, where he was n sludrnt, a boy delivered n note from him te his parents. "I have been dissatisfied with school for some time," the note read. "1 am leaving for the West te meke my for tune. ... The pelire have been naked te search for the youth. COURBQIN GIVES FINE RECITAL AT WANAMAKEI slglan Organist Plays rVei Chestn Prem Many Cempeiii Charles M, Courbeln, one of the brilliant of present-day organ vitta was guest soloist last evening at Wanaraaker Stere, playing a pren arranged In celebration of the fet anniversary of the signing of Auirlstlce which terminated heitlli in the World War In 1018. Mr. Courbeln began his program Ditch's great prelude and fugue In major. According te the program no this composition, belongs te the i period of Bach's creative life,' nevertheless there Is much In It wh te speak mildly, forecasts the St. M thew Passion nud the Mass In B mil The ; pcrfortunnce of Mr. Courbeln brilliant te u degree, but the te both of the prelude and the fugue v very rapid, und there was little of dignity and the atmosphere of relit which arc the chief characteristic! the great master of organ coinpeslt Tills was followed by the lurge of New World Sytnpeny by Dvorak many years n favorite of the 1'lilli, pliiu Orchestra and n movement wl Is well transcribed for the ergun. The Wolstenbelme allegretto nrt te be a charming number and was ft Rlayed by Mr. Courbeln, as vn, anctus from the St. Cecilia Mum Gounod. The ether1 numbers were an Im inczxe In C miner of Wider, en the really great modern masters organ compesition: n beuutlful erli Lettl, n trnnscrlptjen of n famous T Ian spng of his pcrletl. and the "Mai Iloreluue" of Stilnt-Sticns. which Courbeln has often played here It originally written for two piones scored for orchestra by the ceinn. and transcribed for the organ by t: ment. Needless te say, Mr. Court gave readings of these numbers excelled In brilliancy of execution of registration. At the close of the regular pre, Mr. Courbeln played nn Imprevlsi en the national nlrs of the nllicd tlens, concluding with the Atneri nntlenal hymn. Then, as an appre nte mark of' the anniversary of ermlstlce, "taps" was played, dui which the audience remained stan in tribute te these who gave their I during the great war. An Engraved Christmas Card jewelry Silver Watches Stationery niel Hi- Sir. DIVORCE8 GRANTED Judges Audeiiried. Finlrtter Met 'illicit grunted the following verees today : Meta I)al from necter Davis. Klerencu U. Htctlicns fiem I'aul I) Plirnv. NHIIe HherlecU Jlellrcrtv from I'harles H. Mellrerlv. .Inmc II r.iiker from Mnbel C. Parker. Kill. M. lleiililns from Nermiin i; llnnklns Jehn .Mies. Mr., frum Kuttierlne A I). Allfn. Jennle riiiVteiilhil from ll.uld 1'inltcnilHHl .snrnh i'. I) Mlller from Milten M. Mlltei I of distinctive design and tine execution emphasizes the cordial spirit of trie message it conveys. Orders Should Be Placed New Ml J. EXaldwell & Ct CHESTNUT STREET BELOW BROAD Su ni- a ih' CONDUCT AMNESTY PARADE CHILDREN'S BOOK WEEK Want Es-1 elHfiia iw rniui. aunuuw White Heuse Plcketers plenage Violators Released Wiisi'iiiisteii, Nev II ilSv A. I" I'm ciled bv .1 tut; pn-ce b.ind nnd 1 annul will. ,i peit.nt iniiii the V.i-li- i llUte'l W.llll.'ll ll.'.'s,. rc'i'.i-i' 1 Special Programs Arranged te In I ! crease Interest In Rendmn w. -,- a the fourth mm ml f'eli'briitlun of the fourth ten,, ii hunt nw.,1 ,i,,.1 . i iiliureu n imun inn, ni u, en- piritiii'd in-" in. I tin White ' 'rved '" "hll'idelplim helioeU leduy. -i. minis tmlii in pi'titien for I nnd will isiutlnuu umil next Satuidav ..f tin s! ,tv .'i.iiir iicisimi.s ttll ! The eelebiuiSeti is an effml t.. -rinni- iiinlir tin serv In uef 'i lie d 'ineiisir itiiiii 'i.iried seen F . nleiit Il.iruiug had returned ftetn I i i-iiu-i ii i Day visit te Aiiiugien ('ii I -re ti his n Wleatll nil the teiub of Uie 'iii.tti'ivvn snldier. The jiartuli' v.i- sti,:ei umlfi- the ituspli ix of the Joint Ai.'tiistv ('.iuiiulttf. whose iei re. in.itiv.'.s Imve been pn hi ting the White llnuse luieriiiltieiilij for mouths, holds" OpTtTschoel POST Treaytfrln Township Men Say They Fight Millionaires ,. M. !........ . ... I I espionage mi' pui'ii1- in eu.m ami i'mcii i sive iiliins have been made by Ih.- Heard ftir.ef Kdiicuiieii i have special featutra fur .ill gra.k-s. High sehiHil nail udvaii. eil giaile tni pils will wille mijs about lie f.i veritu ueukk .mil ciniriieiei ., .mil n.t Gaine Splil.s Organ'atien i Ontaiile of the admitted intciiM 'Cuhiliet pes-dbilltii.-. ulgUlil.ll.'Jll lean el i l.'dav vvere dceplv .eiicernid evei ', tl.e IVnii-riU football game. Ai they gathered this morning In the lobby 'of Ih" r.e'.Ievue It vvun upp.nent that fool feel I ail for the time being, til k'.u-l, , tin- foetbi'll of pelitii William I'. (iulhigher. chief l.-il; of the State Senate, went se fur lis t.. , ci'iiee le that the gllli.c had s-plll the Ktiiibli.:an Sttitc orgiinlKiiiieii. Wh. ,i Mi (iallauher Jir-t sii.l -..i u ih.n.' ub.iiii the organization belli.' spin, i,,, ii'i-iiililri! politicians berume u,.ni.'l it ml wondered what hud li'ipi'iml Tin lave had maie i-liiicl.s. hiielj m. I . i n.i.lj for the er-t llut it 'ippears thai . II..n Hal'i'i', chairman of the Slat,' Com Cem tnlttee. faveiH IVnn .igain-l I'lli. h, -rails.' he has u ten at th" 1'iuvers n of I'tiiiisylviiiiin. tialluu'lur hiuis-'f i ii IVnn man. Senater Mas i .en . of lMttsbitrghi hud "'T en pelttiii ,u. , i said he wa.s rooting for I'n.. In fa. t. ' instead of looking for a j"li fur smne one this morning, he was ie,sj I,, ;,,! . some one lii get n bit or I'm "Foeth'ill i-5 the Ihlng." s.,,i sn iter Lwlie "Yeu have km, n, i, i, ,l, ilci, lu I'liiiaiicipiiui. i .i ii iuf. 1 1 m 1. Bsw -. Si , u iUBk Mn Bfl ! H 0$$M ! ; tud.'Iltn will ik'.Uli liesieis lll'istrat- I iuiim's . r isii.l 111 uie sijiiiieuzire 1.1 uiiui,i ii(i i v ta .IS.lll! I of hildreii. Destroyer Aground, Frees Herself New Yerli. Nev. II ili.v A. I.) The dchtrieer CIiiIiIn wen I iigreuud elf Meuitiuli I'eiiii mi f.eng Islnnii early teilaj. ltlf ( Ireeit Jiei'M'If i-bettly I would put ii ci imp in l'l Iladelpi t leu." Senater Leslie, mgntuati n . In l'lttsblllgh. who li,i had .. - u altitude levvard Mr. I'imhei ili , uih. this contrlbiitleii In peliiinil lui.iiglii . "I tun neither dNturbul ulimt ll -Ions, nor vveriled nbiutt the f.iiuii " Statu Hi'pn-eniulive .ie.seiu Mm-ciis, ICE CREAM 1ARGE, succulent raisins in a delicious custard of selected eggs and rich, yellow cream are the delicacies combined and frozen into the perfect smoothness of Abbotts Raisin Custard. Try this special dessert today. ABBOTTS ALDERNEY DAIRIES, INC. "It- " ndl.leniiir , , lin,t "'Jn J f IMUhu.gii. I'leadid' a.Mh , Mi' .' two oer men. but w. Ml win nt " ''."' ,""'' ,'"i i ' , I . L-V . eiJ ' tien of l'lt xoeleih. Among t he... who 'I'h'.M vas the ,..y i Samuel W m; U '"ef1' "hVl.rbms?1,1 "'' f,l',tlm11 ""' ""'' S,-lt" ' Tener, of Hcrvv-Mi. te the appli..'iti..ri "rl!wft m ,ll k"rl'u-!v ,am- U((bl,r, ,, nfllt(llli ()f Sehuylliiil llSIK'd by ten wi'.'iithv hind owners of.'" ' f'eiilit , and 1'uul lleml, of the snme 1 reilytlrln lewnsiup ninl piistuttil te the Chester Ceiinfv I'eiirt. seihmg te eif-t him nnd "did Ii.ivy" Whitvvnrth 8S hcheifl illtcetiiii. of the tn'V iiship, '('he petition chniges thai Tuner and Whit WOl Ih failed te live up te the school cede nnd pciferm the duties et their Olli. e. The iieublc, a. iiirdiiig te Tenei li that t'lin-les M l.e.i. of iJiveu, n 1 red h.e'k iiiiblislier, Is Mil! ambitious te Ii u M'liO'il dire, ler after having been beaten twice by Tuner. .Mr. J. en denies this. WOMEN PICKET CONSULATE New Vei'i.. Nev 11 Tl.e Iltilluli Consulate In Whitehall strict vvat. pick et, d yesteidilj bv twenty. live WellU'll inir.vll.'g banners preleitiug nitaliist iili priHOuiiiuiit In iJublln of Mary Mac Svvlnev. sisier of the Lord Majer of Cerk, who died while en luingi r ntrlhe In Hruien I'rireu. ceunt.v, ami u meiniier e tin. 'ei liifll'rt ( oliipciiMltlen Ile.u.l. heunlnr Pepper was lit ceuit in t uierniiig. but cipii'ied ie see his .ln,i mati v play PI" 'his nfiiriioeii Rosier Insurance Fight in Court Curfew Rings at Ccnshohecxen Ciiiisluiliuiliin. I'a.. Nev. II - The Weman' Club of Coushnliei l.iu has I, een Insti'iiiii.'iitul lu Imviil- tin ciii'fiHi aw ii'-i'iifiirced. The ciiifcvv will sduhiI IXSh Til IN A MtlNUI lll-MAINH ' 1 V.jr, ', , (, r.llil j,., ,iul.i, 1 le. A few Dhnrt iveckj. enJ. u. roeitall wr- ".' "''' '.,,, . , iiii'il" li iltnlei rler will di rf Hu armor fur unnitn-r riven, , MMe.'ll will he allow. i in u e streets pxi ,<$til,, ::re,,ru.rt,ny a;' :' itr '""" U",L", !lc" ulvA ly fepeit I'.ib of tlie 1'tcuic LkMisii. Miit their elders,. ., . It , Mi " Adv Centlmiul frum I'iikc (Inr freeing .Ii's. Hosier put What Are They Saying v Uie Mlllit of the huMband Instead of therefore, they have nei I the crliiii- en the wife, and mi Id. Mrs. lleMer Hied a cuvent against the piebute of tlM'iir Itesier'n deathbed will, riiiteuiiii3 that undue lullueitce wns cMTc'iii'il or he wjiis tint capable of iiiultiiig it will or both. A hem lug will be held en the caveat by HeglMiT of Wills llaller as mhhi uh he returns from hN hoiieviueon. If be decides In favor of the widow. Arthur lteNcr will lese mi hhure lu the es tate, which will be divided e.pially be tween Mrn. Hinder and the two chll Urcii. in uny event hlic will lie entitled 111 '"-i ' h- i hcr w'i'lew'n here, but If t)i(' V Egy.ii.. ... -..- t i.ui,,,..,,' . .,'!. ' 'ilftrS'i, iBaby Uichanl will be ci)t off, isiuaraien mr incur, r. T"" ' HtJACKPAUr? COMIC SECTION I ' 4 ' SUNDAY'S PUBLIC I.EIKJKR , HI I i K B ' ' K' in $ E ft Loek for tht Rid 14 B and Whit dtaltr . i- f .. .... r7ur.a i tiffi ;vm fiwrriv ffmrM i" Sfc rfMT-' " yMi Had your iron today $ iTclSv Mmtmr " m if hmt J&Vkdtt Order Raisin JjfiL Ice Cream "T&mmlllm C:--V" Energizing Jey-Giving Raisin Ice Cream LEADING ice cream manufacturers are 4 making a specialty of raisin ice cream for these reasens: Raisin ice cream helps maintain and increase vitality that wqrkcrs and growing children need, yet doesn't tax digestion. Raisins in ice cream furnish healthful energiz ing nutriment in practically predigested form. Therefore, one of the heat of all nourishing desserts. Fine feed for little tots because it's pure and wholesome. rjcjenj flavor. Most refreshing. Most healthful. Beth geed and geed for you. Let your family try it new. Ask at Seda Fountains -Order for Heme Use in Brick or Bulk made with Sun-Maid Raisins . i JmtmtmjmmuMmmM!k1 "rt 11- - ' i.- ,