P' " ' ' -.' ' ' ' ' i " EVENING PUBLIC MJDGEH-PHIIiADBLPHIA. BATUBDIY, NOVEMBER 11, 1822 ' n . -'w"' " ' ' w ii ijt HW WOiJLZ) OUTSIDE - By HAROLD MacGRATH MMUtiM itery et m tight ter $7,000,000 and a beautiful gtrPe hue by tk.Llhoref "The' Man en the Ben," "Lueh of the M$h," ett. CemrleM, till, h BantS UaeQrath ... tvitn IV THE 8TOHY -..nT;7 cOt.UStHYfOOD pANCRprr, !S!,,-,'aB?: ufji-riac ,afwm Ku " i. uii te n. ana (WtVJniilif ttiffi. MAfti B!Mfc,J,,5.c,)l (i M advttitHr or f 19.009, gei& te a t InMter. ter. sol un s- wirMtfll i" ' V.r Jsrrv n fvW B0w7mJ'. Mefl rl JM?i .inflVr. ihe nrlr la eresd own. KVrvhai deni htr a favor, am in ieimp rJ?ci'a i rtim. ivDoli-teutrd but Hunt- "A tiViiM MAW. hacktr Xancv'B hew, The Kmernlih Were Gene COULD lie rencti his clothes nnd get back te boil? He nuwt (ry. He with InHntte cnullen lie slid out of bctl nnd itoed up. He took no step, but waited (or the bellying walls te sober down nnd Hit violent hammering against nw bkuii te lubiide n Utile. It would take three ittps te ""ill 'I'0 Phnlri He took these itipii Ida eyes closed, nmi went tnreugii H pockets blindly j It was easier Hint fdy. Except ter liie Kcjrtng, mere was nothing in his peclu'ts; even Ills dollar Wteb was gene. He staggered back l bed, falling upon It In half n fnlnt. Tlth a flnnl elTert lie get under the covers and tried net te think. Ity nnd by the racking pains fell te the level if dullness. The money, the emeralds nnd the witch were none. Somehow, lliis nil. ftntura did net Jein up with what he hid a right te expect from n man se TWWtllc as Stun nit. l'eur thugs ntit of in alley seemed te come from nnethcr book. And one of I hem base enough te ttrlke a woman. This bhet his thought into a new clnnncl. Why hadn't Nnncy tlken te ler liccls? Ills first thought bid been te bold the rogues In check te fire her time. Hut nfiet n blew or two, tlien and glim, he Iiud fought for the thrill and tliu fun of it, believing that Nincy had run for lieti. .'mrd D.v, or for help. ItiHteml. flic Imil conic te his aid, ih"ciilly. ami must tlioughtieislv. He reasoned thus, licenitxe none of the iliillnntn. without Bufllclcnt i'uuhe, the fight being In doubt, would have ribked Dien-ai .Minc.v. Wanning thought, shot with shnme! While Nitiirj hud risked much te help hlffl, he had gene en tlnlitini; for the fun of it ! lleceii'.c she liked him because he meant Femcthing te her! Trem the hick of his tlirehbliiR head cntne the recollection of mi old comic ftnnn temetk'ng I'uif. Miller lind shown him: Be away uith your I.atln, away wilh j our (Ircck! All the learning jnu need Is te toughen ,Mur cheek. , Tis the HluRgern, net scholars, who hirrest thn dollars, And the wreath's en the head of the museum freak ! But nh? In what manner would hit death benefit Stewart? lln wna nl will coining back te that. The circle bid no bieak in it. Hut te rob him of hll ftkh. which couldn't be pawned fte hits! He ought net te think efthw: tliiiips, but he could net help hlaidf. If this mnn Stewart had been (fit Indirect menus uf Slln Ilniurnft'f death, the bon wanted te knew why. Difjcrs. Well, that wna nevel: nnd the ejpietntlen, daily in his thoughts, ef finding another dagger nnd Mill nether, had Its thrill, even if tinctured With contempt. All at onto he under under under itoed or thought he did. Strum t wanted te dme him out of Ninth Itrtet. Werrv lllm Inte tiliv nltnrli.ru where he veuld net hnve uny friends. cll, that tiheuldn't be, .lercmlah (d- llngSWOed ItatlLTIlft IIIII'IHiiimI in ulnv Imrn umii inu crncK e- iioeni. Wliich might b the next tlme he pnsbeil n dm It alley. Hernet hlug about that contract he had Mined; perhaps the reul solution lay in what Stemut purposed te de with it. Untoward accident or mlsclinnce. A hand fell upon Iho deer, nnd Ban croft welcomed this diversion. The old snarl of suppositions would net help "S" !' , V. ' ' ""nsr, ivncrcnn tne sight viriiuiT .micy or jenny would. "Come In,'' he rnld thickly, He miieu ins iiend lu tlie pillow nnd trim- w me ni(i c etlies iiiii pr liin rhn. IF, would he foeliah te nppear as gaining nwiuiy, wim sucn nurses. Itlt It U'nl ri milh n1.A ma&.I Ai wheJ The private detectlre,' who from oave Deen, at tnii hour, clr clr wteui ten theuiand miles away 1 leu?" eMtnt?" asked the detective, closing the "I tl.L. a iJUlll one. 11UI wnst nm tnn letu doing here? . "ell. I found all jeu wished te hew Jn linn rrnnclbce. IMire luck. JjyU well enough te hear the sterv " .Man, limn! go en with it!" This would be Letter thmf all the medlcine inn pnn 1 ...., , u ? , i "yOlert; niy nin-iiiirL. : lmt I Iwui tn mt.ii ffida:s, S',' ! hlnU'(l n,",,lt the I'alnce OOWI, lllli II I'tnl mi ,i C.u r.....nlr.t. & w, "'. "n", "' ,,l,,m ' ?et tlllkl JheutHmiih Auieilcu. Te umbe it short, "ismun iiiiiiiMd te In- merchunt In fal lmi i ii" l, '"" k"""' nbe"r lllit art. 1. 1 ' "r' '"IP'""" nts, ciijilnes. &fen,r'''- ' " " "bout the WUvlnn Kmeinld Cempanv." ",0,1en:,'l'"''t '''it it cliert; glve me M'n" ,;'l'IIliincrnft.whe,feltnll Uta of r i".''"" ' , .Vllne from th8 "f i . J. Kennedy." "Y. .1.' ' ,.... . of It ,.' IV" "wi "ie odd part i. V.ClIt On tie llflncllvn. lV....... gtancdy turned mPr t tMn (le,llPr , bih.fi .." ,lf,wi,f "f "t'erney. That Is, Im . At.Bh(".'11 Impiifii te Mild Kennedy. .i-. '.""' l"!' money eer te thn Ken. STStaf!" ' "" '" Vat ",,U b0l",,t "But where wns Kennedy?" gu tnmslied inmpletclV veirs jire Srd A I " X "' .,l,st nyl""ly 'ver whit,?, eT ll,,,1 ,"'" imn; but greneuy had encj owned the mine. He fe ill ,l!,!os?" dea ir nl ''"'T ,nr,m(,nt Set that ? n A'-'I'-nn-enught Iho latertst?,! i ).nH. "H,r.1 ,1",n cniuiilly "Ter set 'n, i1' '"' ,lkf " clnm' " l WiS I v nl.,r,, "llt f,f him. Ml Btemirtn IV;,,V,',1.-V' IMThaps, but qnV , i tlfLrei.,1(l,''t li been mixed IHTld vn, . . i "lr " "" Me T6 ofJdLfle ,f,,,,ni01lV:ynJ jnyirt!. ..-...,, ,( .. ..... Hiinii fin I wliL 7. M,.'l - line letter of credltV- .iitV"8:' astounded. bwiind ,cl,,Bt,iC(1 '" I"'? 'we or three WW..! t0" Information you lftJiVVteld';,.'?." 4 MOn0,, t0 kne I "Wei. ' .k. .. II 'p. pretty genereu. Would you like me te keep in eye en this Stewart? It won't ceit you any thing," It was a treat temptation. "Ne, The affair ls'cloied." " I'm thinking that this Kennedy Is the very man who wrote that book en antiques." "That's n goe4 guess. If. I should happen te need you again, I'll send for you, Hetter go new. I'm groggy. Get mixed up with some street thugs last nllht, and they battered me up con. SIdcrnbly. Geed -by nnd geed luck." The detective gene, Unncreft's throb blng brain tried te draw something con elusive out or this information. . Ills father Im.l wrlttpn "l'nid Kennedy in Full" recently, while the mnn himself had vanished nearly twenty years nge. Hnncreft tjegnn te suspect that Instead of solving the riddle hn had merely piled Pcllen en Ossn. Still, Kennedy was substance of n sort. He, Hnncreft, wouldn't have te trouble his' brnln en that scere ngnln. Hut In what mnnncr had his father stirred the enmity of Stcwnrt? The old circle, the old clrclel Here the girls cnnin In, one with toast nnd the ether with cocoa. Jerry loved them both, differently. The touch of their tender hands was the sweetest tonic he hntl ever known. They scolded him, nnd fussed ever him, ro re newed the Huff te his pillews: nnd one of them fed htm toast and the ether het cocoa j and he knew that he had nothing of which te envy the gedi. "I'm going te get this way once n week," he said. "What?" cried Nancy. "Yes, inn'nm. This Is worth all the bumps n man could take in a single night." "Yeu peer nut," said Jenny; "If Hen ever ceme In this way again you go i'. th' hospital. We're through. We haten't had any sleep yet en your ac count." "Yeu mean you two sat up all night with me? I wonder it I'll ever ap preciate tnv luck? Supposing I'd mov ed In soinewhcro else!" "Horrible thought 1" said Nancy lightly. "I didn't bring In the puppy. He's full of pep nnd wants te romp. Hut I'll bring him lu before I go te the theater tonight." "That'll be fun !" wondering whether It was the puppy' threat or his ears that she kissed ettenest. The funny llttle codger 1 "New you two run uleng nnd get some nleen. I'm all right. Hick arc hard te kill." "Did .ou Iere much?" nnked Jenny. "Net enough te hurt," he answered. He could lie easier these days, almost blandly; that In, he could utter barm k'Hs tlbs serenely, since these would never react except upon himself. "I wondered," snid Jenny. "They might V -get jour whole roll." "They didn't." Nancy, retumini- alone te her room, drew upon nil her com age und tele phoned Craig's heme: but Craig had net et returned from the country. Fer n bhert time her thoughts were confus ed. A strungc kind of lever, net te telephone, net te send her even a note! The deed must be done, It was Inescap able; but for nil that her immediate Hcnsatlen wns of relief, with an under current of slinmc that she should wel come this respite. The longer It was delayed the harder te de. Hut one dct'lMen she bad come te irrevocably; bhc would net hide behind the telephone or n letter; she would inn It e her miser nble confeedon here In this room, face te face with him. 'Kite ber self-re -pect would always be n shattered thin,?. She would net try te escape miy hurt that was due her. But, eh, te have it ever and done with, ever nnd done with! Still dressed, she flung herself upon the lounge nnd slept until four. The Doerplnte Soen after becoming n tenant Ban croft had had a bed lump installed. This dny the janitor had rigged up the key se that Bancroft could have llxht or darkness merely by pulling a ttring. At nine o'clock that night he nli.it off the light and talked softly te hlug Foe, who occupied a aide of the pillow and snored frequently, because nt certain angles it was hard for hnn te breathe easily with that Jeke of n nose. , "You're a lucky pup, Ling," Ling Foe's tall admltted th soft Impeachment. "She took a let of trouble for 'you one night; mud nnd rain, and nil that, no ou weuldnVt be thirsty." Ling Foe remembered thnt night. "Of course. I'm a feel." Line Foe didn't knew about that. "I haven't a chance In the world; hut It's kind of hard. De yen think she leres anybody else?" "Me," said Ling Foe's tall. "I mean, does she care for Craig V I shouldn't blame bar. Craig has everything. Be knows all th tricks of attraction t and I'm only a poof hick from the stleks, as Jenny would say. Lord, hew the man can play the piano! And I enn't pick out 'Yankee Deedle' with one finger." "Music tickles my cars," said Ling Foe's tall, "and makes me sing." "We human beings are funny, Ling. T want te knew the future; and yet if the eminent lady from Cumee entered at this moment, ready te foretoll, I'd hoot hpr hence. Why? Because hope's the only thing 'worth having; and nil hepe would vnnlah If we could knew tmno.'rew. There wouldn't be any geed Bterles either. A story la always some body else's hope. Ling, I'm all bang ed up becnuw) Cinlg's turkev choked me. Sounds funny, doesn't It? Truth, though. Well, let'H go te Bleep." Ling Feed had long since been ready for that, lln rose, turned nreund a few times, thin curled up en the snot he hml Just vacated, thereby executing ene of these deg mysteries humans will never solve. But scarcely had the pup pv bejun te snore than a true growl vibrated his llthn body. "Sh!" whispered Bancroft, alert. Out of the sllence cirne a slight click, which Bancroft instnntly placed. It enme from the lock In the deer. "Come right In, Mr. Stewarti come right in?" he cnlled, cheerfully, If Ironically, through the dark. The noise the clicking tn th key hole censed Instantly. Ne ether sound followed directly; though Bancroft nt tuned his hearing te running feet, be heard nothing; but a minute later there cmuu thn sound of n deer reuchtv cloned, Thern wouldn't be any dagger or tewie unite tenignt. But hard upon this thought came nnethcr, ipilte bewildering. Stewart had net known that his victim was laid up in hed. New, what could that pot pet r I hly hlgnlfy? Stewart wa thorough. Hnncreft was assured thnt If Stewart had mt thew) thugs In th alley h would be most certain te And out what they had accomplished. Again, tt had net secmeil possible that Stewart would sink te petty robbery. If th man baa any scheme It would have breadth and ericlnnllty. Chance medley, then: ordinary thugs who would have pounced upon any mnn well dressed, Sugges tion; the Idea of the alley had been suggested te him at the start a having n new and peculiar Interest once the Great Adventure contract wns signed. contcnueiThendax, THE GUMPS Closing the Cutout By Sidney Smith Vita, pouen wy lOfUNtO 0f t Hmi vivmwr wz hm te nn t MOftNtMd- MODE.! 6UW tVECTtO -THt iHtmHDem cANOiwrt upc& TV40)6H S A WAQwOVO .MMlCitN. OF' 37 VOT, TV4M4K TO THt VMOMtM VMWO GtkVJE VMM .URfcLtT. TV 'we N6YtVtAre NOV, MR WMP- wee 0P Te NOU- HOV RO&E tMTO OFMtt M 1W t06AMS 10 0 f OH TH tOPlt fcN TMfcT NOW . NO MrW COUMl HOVO 0W1 BtTtlAN CONfMPBMCE- STAV tOOfc 0 TVtl PtOPlt- AOVT "Wt COUMl WOW" fit Mt- VOU&. CO , VAC WOVAt MAK r UNIM tUSYCV. roe sV ..' Mmrc 1 ( i mtif J I Of J mezi-a&SSamr-' nr ii.iR'iiili . i . i m i . v mill i i.'x.f. i mr. " " n I fl - 4.75s l" TtU fMtN VMkHOt Mt h COMrUHMNT V4HH Ot4C VANMO AvAfc OpS felOVI VHTH WE 0e4fc- "WE 0HO4 UMOH HI. CKCVt Mi, A bEM CKMtMOMH." It ttCAVte tCttb WM, AN M VON" AMT HHMl tAtW WE VtlU. MM TWKT CONtMnBlt ttlRvW VlROMM- CULV HICTt WW II) f r in i - StbNLN 8MI SOMEBODY'S STENOGThe Saturday Night Dance RetlsterM fl. Patent Office By Hayward HELLO CAM, OLD DEAR! MS" VOU I I Mii JH.C kWK, NlkC J I L am lBBBRVBaSBBH' an 10U'I? THERE WITH The HEAVEMLV TOUKSEL BlROiE c7S79sBBBBBk T CAME X3IU WITH SAM. VVH0'SOUR VnCKBT DEARIE"? BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr 3a I fiflff SOAK SMITH AT I POHT Mr-tLL (i?UE Mat. VAsiAixsi ill A CAB- TROTTWG F?OUAlC) COMoucreR AtfevetfTNtftV'I wrm steR Lmgsall "1 r y3Z$ " R WRAPPED DP H TVE6E. I I CAM"T3ET05E.DT& L0A16 D(?E5SE5'. c?"rtv4 BBBBBSBBBBBsttr mil TrlESE WW- Ves BUT TH EY '(? AiOT i jvthp ajew Slaw SMUfiGLE UM. WE'D BETTERUOWW, 1 HEAR THE OSIC. p OOR BIRDS WILL 6E.T THEIR FEATHERS UP.t ? - O Jim ' O -r' ' kr,ss!b?" BUT TOALLf IT WA k-itVfeu 54ia A half-Pi mt 'about Time we called 1 qirdie - wg had te A MALT OA ABBREVIATED I STOPOMEWHERC ' DRES56S. rTWASGETTi6)L r . ., .. ,.0 n -si y?? i. iiTC LIMIT TO' OB THfi fl it r - 1 i ' i JO 11 C i f 1 T HK WAflO " The Yeung Lady Acress the Way Casting, as Yeu Might Say, "Damper" en the Celebration By Fontaine Fex l The yenng lad acres the way saya she likes geed English and ah could never get stuck en a man that used slang. KBMf!&JKnmmKemfm&M9GP?BrzpmzrrjPjP;im. mmmw9remrf, jw&mv'mo9maarrwimT,,s-sc.&.i9sts&zizmK.iie-s srrmLZj'S4 J V. t &?T -fHB ,M!1 w SCHOOL DAYS !!u DWIQ CapTai of rut. DCettTfiV 4U6V1M MlftBUY TAKIM6 rrtPi Te fKftVBMr THE. PfeMglTS ffifiM HoieiHi A Victory Ceue.8RATiefl Trtft VACANT UOT RIGHT NEXT Te HiS HOOSB.. GL PETEYHe Wins and Leses KABKLLiew VWKROgl I J DlD-fc. WOM ffEL ''.sW I CAWtJDMj JeveuTe W jCy GASOLINE ALLEY Dec Must of Had a Ride tn It -mA iiSl35LH f'-eH.i'M "v " e- iv -w SO VMA3 - AMD t LOAT A fAiie of stoves 7b Bcttt SNiTU - A GeV OF CAUOV Te KjAyee nweTh Ame 5 ix Pah?s op 5 1(4 STecKikic lb "3AUC tflcciK AUD I KUOW UOWOUCAU AFTOWOTe OC MC THCMOkfEY JO FW TVRTHEM ' ByC.A. Vetght m W&6 J P' HERS COMIS PAUL CWCti TWXT fAA OP HIS. TACK OF WING RMICK.Y WOWl MB TREATS IT LIKE A BABY! in "V SSr tl I jf m B WB rnnr( By Kifi . p iiF f.T saL rai tih. tjgv t en ., UP TMB TOP AHO dBTS OUT V INTcT'mYM T ''- -J" I "0RB A OU y 7s Ts" I AND H0L05 AN UMBRELLA 1 1 WlBm ,, fv Pfe" ,h1T0 WIS CAQ HB ST ' y "" 7ZTiM j pwiryi a !!S.J 4'', f m bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBt O - Y-i-J ssawlRi A J iJllI Mil I I III! I 1 1 F" F e) " "" BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBslw A. 9 " W HssU-I ' f" aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBsflBBBBBB SBBBBBBBBBBBBsP BBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS7! J flK BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm Z& I BBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr VJ t )' '7tT"' A-. tfU's