fri Ik- .. "-, s .4 ' MsHIHMSIH s;wtW f? V' "-'A: vtitixafc amiW .LEDBIPHIIiPELPau, SATURDAY Ir" ' ' ' ' - - - " . . . . ,- -. a .. '.. - - . ytit. ten tut P"' - g)galW i TTT ' i i 1 00,Q0fr SQUARE FEET-FOJt SALE , Ooed InduitrUl'CenUr-7 Acres Una Wlty HaUteat., IMIng MODERN FACTORY BUILDINGS 10 Miles' from Bread and Market Streets CROSS & BROWN COMPANY lNUUBTlUAb OESlfAIiTMBNT' 18 East 41st Street WKWT MW.AIIMJ'rs'.A. e lleSS!S25535K5Ceesx i i- flu ONLY A FEW LEFT .READY FOR i IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 2-STORY 7-R00M P0RCIFR0NT DWELLINGS SPECIAL LOW PRICES. $4200 - $4350 $4500 ELMWOOD AVENUE SECTION Pay a small amount cash'and the balance In monthly pay ments same as rent. See Agent at sample house. 2650 SOUTH 67TH STREET Talte far Ne. 28 en Walnut 6treet te Tth ft Elmwood Avenus. Walk en aquar south. SAMUEL STERN, 253 Seuth 15th Street I .g 1 B V 1 v m --...HHtnmmftmrfiimMttMRiifmMrtiiiiiflHniTimilUMBWS mmmn mmm u n'lLuiuuamawuHMHimuNituauMMWMMNnawwa 5024 NORTH 121HM. DELIGHTFUL HOME NEAR STATION ntautlful iml-d(taehd X?'t"Sl!J .Msrv tipvte-data hnuse In the meit Sr,lf-iR,rlh2.fVS-JSU1ia of geed T.nP fah't? chiirm 'JemK of sepd 1h 'J bathroom, i iinni '"7 Rem.. mol ? cleMta. het-wattr hemt. . ATI. i.pi fleer.. flctrlcl'. . "Thla dwilllna U In, I"'-''-" '""J dltlen. It ! a comfortably roomy hetiM In Pleenaiit jqrreundlngi. yt conveniently iltuated. Albert M. Greenfield & Ce. ISTII AND rilRHTUT WTH iiiiiii:ininiMiiwiiiffliiinwiinwiHi mmmmmmmmmwmmimmmmmmK 1311-13 ARCH ST. New '-'-itery liuvtnM bulM' Inc let 4Ui:'i. through in I ri-ar tretti nlovnler. BlMin heat, electric lluhl! nuluMe for Immedlatii oc ec cupancy: aultnMa. for either wholewle or retail line; long liana may be arranged. CIIKHTNUT AT 18TH Bllill!lH;imiiniIUUUIimUUHIl!imilUUU!U!lllTllUJlllilUUm'IEl.:3HHIDiCTi IP Spring Garden Street AND OTHER PROPERTIES David T. tyevin 529 N. 20th St. r iDHiniuiuiiiinuBinfiiuiiniiiniiiiiiiiiiniJiiininiiuiiimaibiHUininiinnHHiiuirUnBiui EARLY POSSESSION '.'417 N. 17TH HT. 7 nOOMH AND BATH, 10000 r.MH N. HAl IOMH ANfl lUI'J BT. 6 ROOMS AND 1IATH, ISIW i' 13! N. MAnSTON BT. 34011 N, UUVNII HI, VOUS AltCtf hT. SAMUEL STERN M H. 1ST11 HT, Iwuuuifaiiiiiiun mmiitntiuuntntiumi tcimmii imuuimntmt;!Wi n :ej imaeiinv? Oak ijme & Vicinity In Oak I.nne. Melreaa and Klklna f'arli we havn the flneat Hit of lemea and Building Bltea, OAK I.ANK. OPI'OHITE STATION Oak I.ane 00. Melreae 1888 W. HOMES OF MERIT SOUTH HIDH OF" FIHHKIIS AVB. EAST OI' lOTJf BT. henryk'schIneider COMlI,ISTKI.Y MODKUN IN EVEHT raTf A T F ,'9'i..PAUT'f'JLVIH RONHIII.T LEHMAN & SNYDER fftnit keai) l r.niia avu tieha n:a. iiuimuRio!iijii!iciiuutuai!tuii!euiuiiiiaiiJ!i!iiai:ibuu3iiiinui9iiiit!tiiui:umitnii; A IMIOPfinTV THAT WIM, AUVANCK IN VAI.UK 1432 SPRUCE ST. adjoining the corner of iDtli at. Watch 15th & Spruce Grew EDGAR G. CROSS llll WALNUT ST. iii'iiinm'iJHiTriii.mii:ii:tif! TniiM.iii'niinintiijtuiiimiuiiiiiimiiiiiiiinmiiiK iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiyriiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiia 244 S. 2 1 ST STREET !et 22.7xl8,-ir te Van Pelt H.: -rieK. rh,l,rt0Veei I.V room.. lS bath. Gg?,s..htoefj!,w:!.,n,?;' r'jjr.trl ,""U- C.F.Simen, 112 S. 16th jejBlpillMlllllWlMIl nillllllllllllllllllllMmilllllllllllllllililiiiliU)!!!! IlilUIUUIIlllUlllllllOi 922 CLINTON ST. OPEN KlltUPircWlCTO. EDGAR G. CROSS 1411 WALNUT HT 1PMIII1WIIIMM aaaaijuiuiiiiiiiiuiiiiHiiuHiii iihi.i..h 1423 WALNUT ST. ... WT leilOO T laxJOp IT. . property i Invaatmanl; for bank, brokers' butlneia. aii. enicasi EDGAR G. CROSS 1 WALNUT BT wmsmm 1 MTV I CITV bii iiinau I Xabln I ' I Lu. r, . i rfPSKWl!l miiiwp I iTBJ SB ' ' "wiWHmiUUHeTBaTaJUJBJBJlJfaJ Sl LOCUST ST., N. 1531 I a taaaa. BkixeaaaaaaaaiiiniiiiaauiiuiiiiiiiiiiMiMUiauiiiiauiiinuiriiiiitiHiiiitiu.uui., mm, wtati i e iam, I IWV ,11 rTT MANUrACTUBUR rsllwilsMni csrilral of M sesral we. csss'sl InsustrlM will show f rn Is IwMvMusI r nnaisafe that will absorb teltifl fcuslnsss with gprlsnese arfanlsatlen. rrareMU . far MlldlM (win ; tsrislned wswatslr fram ! el machinery wB,rewwMi This slant hsg nsw bsfera bssit eRtrta for l. ,T pfqunwIwtM tm 2206 LOCUST ST. ''QT lOxtOO.3 PT, IS riOOMH. 3 BATHS BItfTAJI n)H nnrteii EDGAR G. CROSS 141! WAJ.NtIT BT. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmsf AIbe aea advartlatmcnta In email m in faiuwina eainmwa. Fin)flea, Warfheaaw. Mannfaelnrlnf Fleer FACTORIES Waroheuua (loom, factory altei J. L Stevenson & Sen btna ritie IIMe. "FACTORiES & WAREHOUSES r e vnMi iMcrM ID XANcquj. c. e. iuitil,uwii. j i. nun.: PINO West rnn.ADrxriiiA OVERBROOK SECTION Marlyn read Two-atery atone reildtne. with eentral heat eervlees SO-feet fronts Incioed perch and garae; Immedlata loiieeelen. Wynnewood read Threa-atery leml-da-lachinl nema: a chambara and. S .hatha; aplandtd condition; every modem con cen vrnlenca; new parq. fleer; prlea IM.IKIO. Francis J. Lambert 4Df: B?irt' 60TH StREEf Cerner Property Seuth of Market Street (n allrarllve location. I room ami both; thoroughly ninde-i; In excellent rentll linn; hnt-wnter heats elclrle light; let 10x100; noalen at eeltlrrnent. D. B. CHAMBERS Realtor. 00J rnmmerctl Truat llldff,. ir.lh and Market ate. kVillHilifflrairamnaffliiuiuiiHiiiimiiiiiiranuiniiiiMitiimi L'i.imwin.mmii'UlH UlUiinil'lllNnimilimillWIilllllJI.IIIIIINIII 518-20 S.60TH ST. : nlery; alare frent: 82x1)0; medern: nlrn elevater: suitable for any bun- tieaa; pnaeeialen. MAX ROSENBERG & SON 206 Lincoln Bldg. mbiwimiiiiHiiigittnimpgsiwnnmmni3imii;nimnriin wnrnHiwifimimni mna;tt STUART CLAGHORN nnneiincpa the removal of hta office from US N. ntlh at. In 5331 GIRARD.AVE. Htrea amj.pwelllnga t Cerner BOth and Weatmlnater av. beat location for any buaineaa; Imino Imine dlate poeaeailent act aulek, FITZPATnWK. toil N. flOth at. OBM.NTUWN giiiiraiiiiiwiwMiitHat GERMANTOWN $21,000 In a meit aeleet eectlen of Oar Oar manlewn we hae a new Hating of 8-tery brick und atucce dwell ing. Aetechcd: let oexloo with driveway for garaire; hall, living room, dining room, pantry, kitchen and ahed; A larva bed bed bed roema and bath. - atorereoma. eleelrle ' llghta, excellent heating ayalem. The property la In very geed condition. (.'all ut, Gilbert Wi or Hiee OOOTi and arrange for Inapectlen. sXTroxks-eii?ty 'pEAi.TenM - CHESTNUT AT I3TH bniiHiiniH A . A dUNUIiSfE! HeME IN THE PELHAM SEQION Cerner. 3 itvry. containing 10 room and 1! butlii. electricity, hardwood fleer.; garage and ether attracts and uaefuf feature.. CUAnhKH C. WIION Walnut ntnn, Hlg rii-.lnut at Itaca U0O RUFUS McGOOFUSThe New Verlt, N. Y. " " "V.m-IL I jpjasfs-fs-jJi uneivvn w mwh h UM ttUUUUUfsVi , ' , rrifxPajajjsfTsMsa,,jBB'i i ' . . v t-a fcicn- wnrt m hsruth f - - uP , nr. Z J I M - THINKING iMt-Y LU HAVE lO J ( ( www" 't-M keuke.u sIJeOU) WHIP QgMPsW J - 1 JJJ aVveu0 I8nA&!?T I ) S-v A,RS ' ' ' Z-. x " ii i -v i av sbbbv i,iunra ss a-.'v i s unujuarr s K aTxa7ea i a w x- x c-j .sLirarmsS. ltbi ieTjr csi r lw & z" wa vrv aVrVisaitw h ? lij OTBfm. rw .wm. wf ii wmim s MAt mtatm tern lAt " 2mSai . v . nNNnVf.VANM-HnSBMSC lnjnaaaaaaaaaaaafl , ' ""' ' sxin" y,Ma. H Bv I IH M FbaMua4aaaaaaMiaaHaaAaafL I MOSS-BUILT I ' TtflBKaHHk. ' MAMtl 4. JaHaaHslm I H H . .aaaaaaaaaVaPMaHaHBBaV II GERMANTOWN 1 jlAfflP' BBU'BBk H ' Only 10 left of this new df'fl VWSBrUadLiKKKiimk mri m v'lepwtntJ 2 story 6 IS jfjHHRBVfflfflpSCBnBV I II roeme and bathi all modern i III Mfeljfj ffilHfflHB Ifln !HlWaM.Blilff "Ml II I I imprevemsnti, II III flUly2HljBwfflMRB&HIHta 1 1 Sample Heuse open ue c 1 1 MatHaaHHEXkYMNi I ... i n V..I. III . MPWWJ.IJJ ..ZSJM,ui m j. harkkr White CHAUWIUA I 3WS tn Tttl BlSff. Sprue 0JT 1 kmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Colonial Heuse Btchi mldinea wltbtabeut 1 a J hatha an cend fleer) S llriplacai. Iteirie llatit. Building Site Reautlful bulidlnar aite ovtrleoklat ih wiiitbi notion. $15,000 DlMhirul mnuf prepertr. isulh wfnrti expeiur, P. roei mi. 3 uaini. hn(.wtr ht. sltiitrla llcht: Mitt prlvilen. Jeffersen Street Jutt nerlli of. Waihlnstpn .Umj ! tery home. badrgemi. btthl IWOO. Greene Street Altrtetlv ml-dettctwd rtaldane en let 36x150' IB roemt, bath, nstwatr htat. lctrle llahtt aaran prlvllata. G LYNDON PRIESIMAU E R M A N T 0 Wl '.Ml .OTN. AVE. , Tel. Otn. 4I0 Member Phlla. Ral Kta( Beard Hemes of Quality East side Garnet Street iust north of Medary Avenue. (Right at Ogontz and Chcltcn Avenues;. New twivatury modern liuniee with every ILti-ut lmpreiemni. Substantial and Beautiful Directly Opposite' St. Benedict's New Church Only 9 Left Prlred low te rlean-up operation. , Open dallv from 0 A M. te 8 P. U., leliidln Sunday. William T. Clark & Sen ttniMlRlta AND OWN Ens BKt.t, 1'IIONK I'OPf.An 4!30 1622 N. Bread Street WIWMUIIIWM GERMANTOWN'S LINCOLN DRIVE SECTION Three-iery atena detached home. In clined heated nereh. hall, llvlnr room with fireplace and liullt-ln boekcasca. eining room, pamrv. Kitenen, re- rriaerater room, n ueiiroemi an'l B balha. amcleua rleantai lint.walap heat, electric light und parquetry fleer ; Levrkln water heater; beau tiful shrubbery. I'nuauvlly attrictlve. In nerfect cnn. dltlen, and priced at tSS.nne, cy"Hr,UT0nS - chi:stnut AT ism I'llbert 40A2 Knce OflCT KllSllllfillllllllllllllllllllllllilllililillllllllllillllllWlllliillllllffllJIIPlllll! niinniuiiipiiaiiiiwwiinii SlbNlUIN bUILDING SITES Adjoining Stenton Country Club rABBPUI.I.Y IlESTRIOTKn EXCMIHIVE NEIUIIHORHOOO All City Improvements Single Lets, $3000 te $10,000 Each MAURAN. DOLMAN & CO. V H. COR. IirtOAT). L rllKSlNI'T Blllllllfa $26,000 GORGAS ST. & STENTON AV. New Stene Dwelling 3-CAR OAHAOU OPEN Wn INHIT'JTION MAURAN, DOLMAN & CO. n. h cow nnrtD ani curHTViiT. OAK INK MlKHIimiiaillllllBiillllllim DETACHED HOMES 04U-3S N. UTIf Exceptional value; wiry modern cenvenience: agent en prcml,ee. OLNEY REALTY CO. BB19 N. Bib Wyoming -'80 iimiiiniBumiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitHii JTCOXY We otter tlie following UrK.uii: Hlx Hlx Hlx roem li'iutea, M'dlaen et . IJ.'itn, 'rutin at.. IS8U(l: Knurr et.. nir I ; nil excellent conditien: atone liAme In roema. 2-cr aaraan. large let. SHI alie, houaea nearln-r completion. IS.'O, will flnnm'; beautiful IJ-rcxmi divelllne. lth tower, gablea, hardwood fl'iera. ilillxhtful In terior; ineap at Sll.nne, Imlhllus lets, buaineaa nrepertlea; 1U llii at cjfflcc, open rJunnnv mernlna. HYMEN RUBIN Twrntiv f.114 ft"u I ii'iL'Hh'irs f. Cheerful Little Sunbeam aa. rnsB r, . --mmmh m - im , 3aMSsk - t-wiiii , BUiih4i .1 . Ill sLTKlJAW I Wynnefield and Garage We invite your inspection of the new Colonial residences erected en Bryn Mawr Avenue, under the personal supervision of Mr. Themas P. ltelllyf builder of homes of unusual reflne ment. FIVE TYPES of single stone homes with modern appoint ments and center halls, three bathrooms, slate reefs, two-car heated garages. A large let, well planted, convenient te train and trelley.churchas, and the Bala Gelf Club. The most liberal terms without cost te the purchasers. Open for Your liupictien Saturday and Sunday JAMES E. DOLAN, Overbroek 4388 (Exclusive OVEBBHOOK HBswwwcmaa:;! OVERBROOK I?INE itena Colonial house of unusual excellence, beauli. fully deilgnad and most carefully built, contains nu merous unique features. Even the hardware is ha'nd-madt and different. A handsome fireplace, designed without a mantel, lends charm te the spacious living room, where bread spaces wel come large furniture into piece. French doers te a sun sun perch where ivy climbs. In the charming dining room, a beautiful bay window admits morning sun ever the box-bordered garden where birda splash in the fountain. Surprisingly easy stairs lead te four large bedrooms with seven closets. The two big baths are the last word in plumbing. Third fleer, three rooms and tile bath. Working quarters, large, Garage for two cars has Price, $42,000. Much worth aeeing. W. GORDON SMITH "Fine Residence Property" ' ' Overbroek 8700-01-02 MMIIIIIIMIIWIIIIiMlllllffllM OI.NBV BAUER-B1LT "ALL-LITE HOMES" ' (Jecl.lcrcdJ SIDE $7400 YARD With Garagea Only S Left SSOO (block) Faxrhill St. " Walter S. Bauer, Builder ewtrK iiana N hth ht IRANKFOBl) AT FRANKFORD "L" STATION Junction of Kenalnxten nnd Krankfnrd uvea . Inrse 4-.tery bu.lne.a building; let 0(1x11)0 ft. te street : Iminrdlutn pon.c.iilen' rplendld for uute. department atom or uareheuae. KUHN & LOWERY Paul at. nt frnnlcfnril ne Fkd nt47. FRANKFORD AVENUE Hoverel aplendld apeculntlvn propealtlona nn main atrtet, wide frentage .and deep let. cle.e te elevated atatlen; wonderful bualne.. oppertunltlee. KUHN & LOWERY PAIHi PT.. AT FltANKFORD AVE. PHNNHVIA'AXIA "iincmiAw ?HMHIIIIIiai!ffil1IIIIWIIi:U!!llW ft ELKINS PARK Wh data 2 of th qualnte.t t,iimiB hrand new. rlaht off Old Yerk read, en u thoroughly Im proved street, available for pur- chaie at price and tarma whleh ne wnu yeu: ara bound te mtere.i . ttrely aurreunded by hlgh-elasa eatates. .. . Reoma ara all large, with un un ueuel finish througheut: bath room a have new and novel fa- v would Ilk te show reu theae today. NrAt-Tert. ' - OAK LANE. OPPOSITE STATION Call Oak Lane SSOO ruiiiuwrawraiiffliraiiiiiiiiiraiiiara'iiKiiisiiirjiiii mmmmmmmmmm CENTER HALL DWELLING containing large Using room, dining room, pantry, kitchen and laundry; fl large bedrooms -' batlis and store room; hardwood (loeis nn first and second floers: het-witter heat, alec. trio light and sus; let HOilSUi IKI.eOO. HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE UI.DO. IIIIDLOiliUMnillllllK A I'MltH.rr HOME en wiiikm;h picb $IL'MM IIKT TIIIH EMLEN & CO. aXS". (jprure 7JM .., ...A.. tir.t 1 .!..,.- JJ,. 'J1?'.1 "-"axasas,i tmmmmtmmlmmMiL vmm . .. M-aa m- SVA& MTATK F0JAX fKWWVI.V.f-itTMTIMW iiiiumiititiiituituiMtututuHUiiiuur Stene Heuse CYNWYD, PENNA. Agents) Cynwyd 758 nvummneK clenn, 'bright. room and bath ab eve. J I'HNNSVf.VANIA XtniRBAN SUBURBAN HOMES BOTH BTREUT HECTIOK On Far te Krankferd lOflfVn fmall amount caah te pur 370vU chaee: first fleer, perch, liv ing room, dining room, kitchen, hardwood fleer. : aarend fleer, n bedroom. tile bath and ahewr: third ttenr. unflnl.hed. itnreroem. arreen. ah.idra and kitchen iinoieum inciuaee. Well fln.nced: atena rsal- denre: '.' mlnut te nuth ft 510,500 terminal- incmi norm, armen and rln.s. largx llvtni; room, with stun flra Plnce; dining room, kitchen refrlfcerater room, laundry, tfcmnl fleer. ."I liedreuma. tile bath and rherr; third imer i nni.ned room, hard wood flnern througheut: atvnlnae; full-length screen.: shades: kitchen linoleum included. These properties ere rxcptlenal values with ull city convenience. LOW TAX RATE. Modern home for rent, 103 month, J. H. MECKE, JR. BOTH AM) MARKET HTHKET8 linECTLY OPPOSITE THE TERMINAL : Saturihiy Afternoon t- SUNDAT. Plmna tlelment lead Miamwmiiau&iMitiMjuu i musm SUBURBAN Exceptionally attraetlve atone Cdenlal house, after plan by Duhrlng, Okie a Zleeler. Eerv modern renvnlnca. i-arge let. Kx.-unt neighborhood. Price enlv 18.00, HERKNESS & STETSON Land Title Bide. IBM wmm iiiiiiiimMitt'iwiira MERIOV MERION BUILDING SITE 1 1-3 ACRES Will 6p Inte 3 Oil Of lOO.fn'll frnni P.fh. tK4tltl(lll fill! Blhnilf rvintnnl in'allni) anil fipleudtt aurreundlnss. Francis J. Lambert lea n irid st llelmer.t Mil, RADNOR IIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTm RADNOR Thera Is uti unusually ile flrnbtrt bulldlria; alts ault nble for (lovelepmrnt nar tlie station It linn a front frent m,'i of ever 000 feet, a rirpili of evor tiOe feet. $800ii Adjoining ureperly ut fjnne an acre, A. I). WARNOCK 112 S. 16TH ST. iiiHiiiiHiiiiiniiiii sm J n . . I e v. f..' , v N0VEMBEB it 1922 KKAJj 1STATZ 0 IAI ,. rrwwwvf.vf! wl?fttln? tHHI,,,l ' New Single Hemes With Separate Garages ON LODGES LANE JUST WEST OF BRYN aAirirJUti nvuuu J. OYNWYD HiMBiiiiiiiiiii'iiniiiiiiirjiaiiiiffl'iiiifflraiiMSiaTi: tfinKKKKKmmmw SANATORIUM A tine building;, eensistinjf of 62 spacieua rooms, wall situated en 6 acres of ground with out-buildings. HALF HOUR OUT OF PHILADELPHIA. CAN BE REMODELED INTO A SANATORIUM. APPLY 3840 SPRING GARDEN STREET BARING 1141 -PHONE- WEST 11R8 PHILA. PENNA. SUBURBAN HOMES Old Yerk Read Section OAK LANE 1410 Chelten ave. Del. atone. rms., nam: n.-vr. nt.. eiec; let SSzlAO. Bar, M21 Carll.le at Cor. 8 rooms, pain. 10500. Nw operation. lth t.. b!ew Chltn av., T rms., bath, laundry, dot. gar. Camae Bt.. med. del.: 0 rrn,, bath and pantry; let 100x80. Bargain. (WOT N. Rread at., Saty. "ten twin dwg., U rms.. 2 baths; med.; 114.800. 1437 83th av.. bargain for quick sal. nsth v., end house. 1 rms., bath; pNca 18800. LOGAN . uh Twe modern corner prepftl. with varagea; tli.HQO and 110,800, EAST GERMANTOWN New operation. Stenton and Church Ian, fl rms.. bath laundrv gra;e, I sej. from car: 18000 tOnne. STOOD. Sample Hnuie Open for In.peotlen. BROAD STREET GROUND Several deslr. plots of areund: won derful oppertu. for safe Investment. FERN ROCK BSOO block Park av., ! rooms and hath; let 40xl!S; 3-rar garage. Twe bungalewa. 10800 and 18800: large lets; electricity. WYNCOTE Detached atone and ahlngle. S ty.. 10 r., 3 baths. 3-car ear.: let in0x:00. OAK LANE PARK 6400 blk. Kalrhlll st.. new med. oper ation. S rma., 3 hatha, det garage. detached atone elilngle, 10 rm... V batba; Tfixl38: bare, for quick !. OLNEY 11th t. and Olney ave new opera tion. 0 rm.. tile bath. Incln.i-d perch, ttarage, laundry, hardwd. floer: con venient te train and trelley: IHSM) NEAR WISTER ESTATE New Paltx otieratlen Sidenliam st, and Chew et.: new, modern homes. Many Others HERBERT HOPE tnni v nnnti, nt- WVnillSd 4M aWBMMMBW ipiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iii'Wi.ii'ii m a am lawaiuwi, Will Send Special List Delaware Ce. Properties SWOPE sAeN5 516-18 Main St., Darby Realtors iHlilffillM MAIN LINK. mmitlHimffl BRYN MAWR $30,000 An Ideal small house met 'empleted. with 4 chambers, 1 baths 3-car enrage; ftnent .en ir - nu surroundings; full varticulara by mall M iK.N I'" - ' " . N. E. cer. Riead and Chtnut ste, ,itumtUHHuuunnittingiu:4ii.iin'in!rnniiiii imm1 iir.i'i.iii.n.n.iiiiiiirritiiimiigi'i: MIKIHK MOORE. PA. :e SHNUTKB TO PHII-.U'LLPHIA di7CfVl New home, 0 room anl bath, 9jUU open fireplace. ionvn ienvn lencea; corner let. di74An New mineral slue a inus. 0 fvRJ req.ns and bmli .uei llr Plac; all cenenlencis 417100 Delightful bunt!iiln nt 7 P'JVAJ rooms, bath jm! imi r- i bedrooms- en a let 100x13" new but "ell built, ullh c prcsa llnln arse closets, open fireplace. $8000 In llurnsld), r'w s'en nd mlner'il stucco heutc 7 n i k and bstli. het-uuter heat linrdu I noera, open MniMiue, Inclesed pun " let, OOxlSO, R.H. Allen, 819 Prespsct Ave. MOORK. PA, Phene Ridley Park 411 fffW .Vi ,-.,- ,;, V vs at. iwam m At yr-NW vi.vAtt-'H'ww AT. CYNWYD m LrrniiHiBHieuattiiLmMK ftetaftU $16,750 $75.00 MONTHLY CAKKYINU LHAKUtg FIVE BEDROOMS TWO BATHS MAunwnnn PT.OORS FIRST AND SECOND FLOORS FOR' YOUR INSPECTION' H. MECKE, Jr. raiwniieiaai liiBfeWwrewiii inMiMiim NmV JERHKV HUni'RnArt KIXIEWATER TO SETRE ESTATE EDOEWATER PARK Rlvsrfrent: Colonial beuse- about 4 aeras; wltn old ihad treea. Ne reasonable offer refuaed. JEROME B. JARDELLA IBSS .'-HniSTIAN ST.. PHILADELPHIA . Alse sec udvrrtlxrmentB la small tsva la fel llnwlna eeim ln reliimna. HEAL ESTATE WANTED liKIIfflMimiitrjffl'IMIMIIMI'll I HAVE BUYERS FOR HOMES IN OVERBROOK, MERION AND CYNWYD I2Q.000 TO S4B.00O If jour home la for sal esll or send particulars te R. J. WILFORD 333 COMMERCIAL, TRUST DLSO. I'llll.K- B2U0 Emuucii flaragea GARAGE Oentlemsn want spac In a private garag In center of city; will ehare expemes or pav a fixed rant per month. A 030, Ledger Offlc. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT rirjr Kartnrle. Wnreheusr. Manufacturing rioeri Factory Building and Sites RENT Three unexcelled mamifarturlas fliers and one fn'inJr.r, with rallnad sid ings, shower butlia, utc, suitable for en or four tuiants. HALIfr Twelve acres with aldlnia, best manufacturing sites around Philadelphia. Standard Pressed Steel Ce. JENKl.STOWN. PIJ.VSA. aOORS-RENT .. . is.oee sq rr '.n'hea't1 i$$i8 "'"" 'ater WISTER MOTOR CAR CO. 14 K. 21ST BT. m .1, iiiiffl'iiira.nwimimnffl'r 6 5 U A I Mill T nV-01""1. "'Miid-noer front .race vv'f d'i ri.. elevater modern htilldlnir 'Bvalur rfrWe. EDGAR G. CROSS 141 t IVALVIIT BT W.llillMIIIIMIillJllllJJP.111111 S. W. Cor. 12th&SansemSt. s'ina ncnt !. trtr u. .- ; s tioer- sneii-aquaVa fS-t ';?&:' "v I or ! tHAS. L BROWN & CO. ?01J.M,.NDMtH i.nn l'V.lii.a.r "'frtlarments In amaiTTnV in rellnwlnr rntumns. i JU'HC'KH. lll'sNKM ROOMS. KTC. niuiiiHimiMbriiiiiiiinu! uiiiiihi'iii :ii hut r i n 'i n m nun BELLEVUE COURT BLDG. 1MB V.LMT tT Heijrai splendid iili: uisu small efflc frim tc)n m fi UD, EDGAR G. CROSS Hll WALWr HI IIW VVi r.e udrertlsementa In small liua In folleHlna columns. nvm By Jee Cunningham " mgAtiOTAfltc rM,fvFiYAWt ","rl iii i rxrtscavm MAWR AVE. BUILDER AND OWNER REAL ESTATE FOB BENT CtTY omega. ntJHiNKww room, arc. Through HEYMANN tie BRO. Heymenn Bldg., 213-15 8. Bread at Empire Building N. E. Cerner 13th & Walnut. Reyburn-Bailey Building 1211 Chestnut St Denckla Outside offices m Building ( low 76 month N. W. Cor. 11th Si Marktt Fer Rent Fleer Space N. E. Cor. 12th c Arch Sts. Suitable for Office or Light Manufacturing. Rea sonable Rent. '"filings are high. Abundance of natural light. Fireproof construction, low Insurance. PEOPLES TRUST CO. 12TH AND ARCH STREETS MWWIllliMllimsgaas NEW BUILDING 1502 LOCUST STREET FINE CENTRAL OFHCES OOOD MOHT AND VENTILATION VEIIV nUASONABLB RENT ALLEN & REED 1804 LOCUST BTRBET eFHCES TO RENT I ' I ii I SHUBERT BUILDING 250 S. Bread Street JfST A REAL OOOD OFFICE DUILDIWO Prefe.slanal- Offlrea jjlI!l!ir,l!ailOI!flllI3lllllllI!NllllOein Physicians or Dentists Chestnut Street, Ne. 2028 ritMi ana ntcenr rienr nultci: Ions USPS A nnlu nn .... l-. a. ') .. t..j vii niiuiins, ej- VO SAMUEL STERN 2.13 SOUTH 16111 HTHKKT riiiiiiiiniMai .WKWT 1'UII.A OKI.PHIA L tii :it m unin i tix i ii trr i ini u i t:i , im ini inn : iru rm i i ituini i n fuica 1 1 ntitriumi uuirrtifiH!. MAURICE E. FELT 215 S. BROAD ST. SPRUCE 8800 106 S. 52NDST. KNTIRH r.l'ILDINa I! feet front; Immedlal possesien, beet rttall block city of Phila delphia ,"' RENT S K cer f3. and Hpruce, suitable for drug, chain steru or any retail business. aiMiiiMniiiMiiiircM flBRMANTOWy Rnlnee Properties nnd Hlar ItK.Vl' NUW HTORKH Jermantown . at Queen lane only fl Mernt remaining reasonable rental ana lmn, fine for drugirl.t, haberdaaher, mil linery confectionery high-clasj greirr or nuy busliiesH, HAUSfi 12ia Chestnut at. PKNayi,vAN!A-winrMBAft Knnr.w immm'MKmi, N . NODLE An Attractive Stene Heuse III iniima. S Jmllis. ull modern cjmiv.. .Isncea: let aosieOi only f tnlni utes from train r i,..iii, .7 .-.?- f...,n nuy lull by trali Lwteti , r'l" it .' ' .., ,'. r " "ia jiime-I : uv W ir'. f -a ' 'if? mkAfv'-!ru- :'j''Ciys:r ti-jxrt tu t ant kii.t J. 8 .-. -..-. t: ; t ; ; . . TTS BMaaBAi:B REZLi'f't '