E2ESHI3 HBWigTMa it . 1 Ai P ii K1j K. UT'-' 1 f1 T 3D Oentfei. KH, On Nev.t, CHARLES, ion t an ana ill tnarie Aeh. and ai, NltlV. and friend, alae Jarusiletil If, " MS. . and A. M.i llth District IM Statlen. end all aeclet 'of which jrat a, mambtr. ara Invited te funtral, Yl'n V.1 iVV1T.ai.IO'.M.Vr?' f ".Ji."" ' KiH a WW.'.," . mm. niiusr ameesry vault frlenda mav call Sundav iinar. anr i o'cieck, BECtLEY. Suddenly, Nev. . WILLIAM. r., huaband of Margaret W. Heglcy (nee HiMa).. Hltlvi nnd frnnd. nle .HI. vafanlea'a Hely Name rinrlctv. ara Invited M funeral. Men . B'SO A M . from htf lata ml. I713 N. Nth ! Solemn mats of tMBltra St. Veronica' Church 10 A. M. lf.j! Oajhedral Crm BtmSTLKR Nev. II. LUCY H . widow of C eraa A. llcratier. Relative and friend Itnvltaxl in attend funeral services, Hat,. Fi-,... Sen' residence MnrrI llerstler, LJL.tfcl et. lnl. Mount Merlali .IJOTLEN. Nev. ti, 1922. CATHARINE. wiaew of Chanel IImiUii, aval fl. illm pa pat , Nev, 11, 9 A M . nt Chu-cli n na Aaeenalr.n. in ,l,irh haliMi.. ....i frlenda ara liultaJ. Int. N,v Cfvilied'.il lATiirnRti M.Vt. in i ui. ...i.t.,.,.,. 115 8. 4slh it., CHARLES SYDNEY, son of tha lata James llewllngs and Mni Hew son Bradford, In the .nth vcar uf hi age Dm notice of tia funeral will he m.'ri .'ARPENTKIl. Nev II. 1II-J2. MAROA RIST (naa Mnhenry), wlf.i nf Vr, H.uniirl A. Carvntr. . Halatlea and rrlemla Invited te funeral. Eten.. K no a. At. tr,m a !! aaldtnre. a2dh N leth t. Solemn requiem kiaia at Our Lady of Mercy rhurcli 10 A. ai. trael int. i nniv neniiiciira I'em HAVANA ITnl I .3.lrlnlL M,.v III lUTIt. AniNf. (nre .MrC'iillfitiah). hflmerl -vlfp of TlHietnv ravainuuh. Due notice nf funeral, from raaldenr-e of ulnter Mm Themas (III "JJlT-QJJ "firing Oardrti et CltOATO. Nev. II. IIU2. KTi: wlfe nf ufua Cheala anil ilauihter of lat? lame. ft. and Ifannnli Hulin rielatle nnU friend. In VI tad te eervlrra, .Men , 2 1 M. ,,t hu. band a residence. 2e S Yewdell i' lnl, rlvata Prlsnila mav call Sun. r 'IPIECfVS. n 'N'v S. at '-Oil N 2th irian tne niri i uner.il nerlrn en fttur 4ay. at t oVIerh . re.ldenee of fleer Than. il'JL ''i l","1 'N 1:,th "J- Intcrmert pn yata. Frlenda may cm Krldav ecnln 7 te a e cieci ri.EAny Nev n r22. j mi:h hn,himi f Mareli ricirj nlillii b.i frlenU ara Imlted te niteml runeril, We.l H no A M.. late residence f.M E. Iiurlmni t . Mt. Alrv Solemn mix f re'iulam Jt llniy ffOM Churrt. 10 A M Int. ll.ilyCre Cam t'ON.Vnt.M' On Nev P, MARV A . mf f I'atrlek CennnlU (nee rrHliej) llelatlvea Sml friend. Invited tn funcrnl en Mnn . n . M from reiene ins I a Itlnj. old at. Solemn ruiulem mini at Ht K,. mnnd'a Church, H) A M lnl Hel Crura Cam. fRAwreim en ev : mjj teiiv huaband of llenrletti ('ran ford (nce I)c tlreff). Itelatlv... ,md f-Lml. ar. Invltad i., il2Vr,vlf' en .Ierii1.i cienlni;. nt S o'lIe.I. at nla Jftte relderce. 2122 s. deuld at (rtliii Cnd Uoedlanil ue 1 Interment nt 1'euk'i eepale N Y en Tue.da J?B FOnErtT. On Ne n 1022. n.MII.Y X.OUISK widow of Pr William AhJriV.lhl a Ferest, of New Yerk i'lt H.rtlcea en Katurday aftemeuti. at .1 e'clnek, at the raaldenre of her d.ughter, Mre Walter Avery Ickerid. of VVatt.e, Ii Interment at rennlenre of fnm'l). DEIT AI Penhijn. N j, 01 n 12J. ADAl.tNA J OIKT7.. .ie-, TI Serl. leaaPun , p 3'i A M .-t her lat reeiilenre. Fanbrjn, N. .1 Int. Jit I'euca Cent , I'hlla Otlnhln EASHY At Allnntle ni.. "ii Nev n JOHN IIOI.RKOrilv HASHY. !! .. TOlh ar ef hla ae. runeral a-rvlres nt crrlai Church C'hapcl. sntli aid I'itic sle . nn Monday IS'h lnt.. nt 11 A. M Interment nrlv.ue I'lciee tnlt Hen era ft BRflv.-w ti. 1522. IIBVIIY t llllNhT. latlva and friend Irnltvd tn funral. fm.. 2 P M. frilln reylilenne ntr.l !..... weed ne. Int. at Mt. Merlah Cem. I"rlinds Wi nun u - F1R1II Nev HI, M.WIH widow nf ?!nrl' f ''i'.1' , ""1 7" . """linca and frlanda InHte.l tg funcnl erle. luen 3 P. M... ra.ldence 411 Dalllmere ave. Int trlvata Tern" no I Cem ..fitzmaurhm:. Nev s. in22 ir.nr.. HIAH. Sr.. huaband of Mary I ltxmaurlce Italauvca and f.-landa Inillml te funanil. Hen , 8 'SO A. ;i., from hla lain reMence 9003 Dalnhrldae at Solemn high iniaa of reeulem Church of Ht. Charlca 10 A. 11 nre claalv Int .Hel Croaa ' v FOflTKR. Near Orntera Ferd. Montsom Mentsom Montsem try County. Nev S IIMMA AUOL'STA lfa ef Qeerae Fejtcr (nee Knrell. In h,," 3;lh Tear. Kunernl sunrlav aftarnnen Int d-I- ViVnlinv 'v-w,r lpli1.9' x',nnenlt OERye.N Nei in, Ri;unCCA wife of Jlejer C.er.en aireil r,s Raluilt. and frlenda are Imlted te .ilteml funeial een VJZ: s"n". ' ' 'nte rea'dence, SS2J N. "neViPiriMVr I,r'w'l; I:i"dly emit flowers. GRIFFITH Nev. II 1II2J. JACOH ! htiaband of Nellie J. (irlftln, (ne tlaffneyV JUlatlvaa and friend nre hulled te Mtend laift aKh A M ' !"' "aldanee. 1IHD S. Mth at Solemn ,tura of requlm at Church of the Meat nie.,1 Macrainent Int Hely Croas Cem IIARTMAN Nev t), CHRISTINE HARTMAN. former, address 18I.-V Themii.nn I Iiaiatlvea and friends, also Qeau Htidnl. t'vrv..".'.! :.""' ;.01 Jr. "n. mil'IIM Uil t MID e a r a.:: Btl9tVanvA,ryt '""""'lit Hnlv Cre.. Cem. IlA8aONOfi Nev n Mawv ihmiivb S If of Peter Ha.en. In her HI h viie' Puneral en Sat at 2. from hep ii. genre. 'Mnn H TP.i . i. -.. .'nT erii.;.- ' "'"" """axon iJSAUaJI:iEJr ,'" N0, 10- URinOET C. widow- of Jehn Haugliney Relatlvea ami frlenda invited te lur.eral en Tue . " A. J Si.iJi"' r1'Ir'"-. I N Kutclilimuii t.' S Solemn requiem m.-.a. at st Mtlachv'.i hurch. 10 A. M. Interment New cjthelur.il lu . . j ef"Edw.l'w Itaviu'riil."'?" Wft IAV r.lVn "Wi, n H4tvear,. .. ' wife 'iJentmit. T"';..Va aaugnter of lenrl t. n4 fjarih At?ftf2vr,' arvlce and Int nrlCate HICKS. Nev 10 1022. MYKY 1: wlfa ef Reberf J. Il'cka, fen.wlj- of 'a Blanche" Apartmunt-i Reletlvaa ami 1 1 len.ia hoever --Nn. n miNny ,. unnvnit . f .. W'tl n.t frlen.N are i,i,,i te attend ha funerii . M,,n., 11 rM "J.,',',! i hla lata rnalil..,,.... iii., .V.'.f. " ,i '. ''"In I - ' . -- --.-. inuu 111 , I-. fiilMilaj I Int nl Itnaiinu i.... I. .s.. ".. . :v,.T1.7' I.. "' HUHTED Af Pllmatl N. ,T Nev 0. lttllAll wina e. ire or an Dnar.l r aged Bl). Funeral Hun., s "p M . fiem resl dance. of Mr Carinal Pierre e ... Pitman. .V J t. ,,, Muni, .T S,1"",""1 IOH.NHO.S Nil; II !.. MAltflHHM widow of Tliemaa Jnlmaun " RA lea aid frlenda are InMte.l tu attend fumral Jer -Ifee. Men. 2 P. M at late la.ua .fl Aahburner i , llulnieiliurff. fnt prlJalV" SSnV after 7 l" Mn,'nl"n, "V heMeued KANE Suddeily N'ey u. jiiu-e ,,. bend of the late ltn;,a Valg 'iCan, nil. flvee nnd frlindi uf n,,. fuimiy "0 ,,,,,. ber of the PattHrsiin il-merUl Preah" t"rlan nhuerchn eT""5'"', ', Anwrl.Mii Stere, and Tile.. .Nev 1 I. lit "J P M irecleiy ,.i thi fatteraen . Meiunrial Preilivte, nn Churn, 3d and Vine at lie,, aln, my t. lwe, Mnn. evening- from h tn le at tha re. . dence of his son Jehn Kane, 135 .v (jiat el. Int Weatmlnater (Vin ' ' KANE Nev fi KMZAIIlirir C wlfa Of lata James Kane Helutle nnd friend, also St. Themas' II v M hedallty. In' vled te attend fureiel .Men (1 A Jl Vrnin Ji.r late resident" pieil s llnii ,t. 'fir. em! raqulem mm ut Church of St Themas Aaumna in .10 , jt it f'athedra Cm KANE- ?ei -i Mlt'llAKi, hu.almn.1 if Alice Kane, furmerli or C'rebirkej Dun len. reunty Derrj- Ireland l"iinrrl ..,,.' v. . 1... . ,""" "'" ia;e reiiuenic asil N, LMil t Silsinn maaa uf unulem at. HI, IYane.s Xaler a rhuiLh 10 A M Ilul i I tla nnd frlenda lnltd Int. llelv c'nm I Crm Kl.IPPI.n On Ne 11 IJ.MM n:hsii: irife of, Daniel 8 Klliml. , HelatlieH i,i iriniPaai hit t'u ' atiriiii rt-i ll Jinnuji at IIP. M . Jr.'7 8 OS I si e'rlends tayc.i Annduu unlnai " il KOONS. At Ihe Mnannle- Heme rnllece illle. Pa.. Nev. !l JOHN W K(h)s a,rj an. Relative and frlende, iiu i:iei, , Tidge. N" 401 I' and A .M lmite, , luparal. Men 11 A M hip.. of Andrew 4, neu w r.i'1.. .iivn nit i lyui st in. eutli Laurel lllll 1 ntn KOENUJ. Ne ti MARIE Ulfe of f 1. ail tar Keenir. in iier 77th sear 1'uneril aerv flea aien. a i' .i "I lej-nlenee of en Diaries Keenig, v f 1:1 le ,uc. Int Green t mount C'ein Vf JvllEUTLn Ne ) fONRAD of Ma res ret llolJerlli JCr.iitr husliand llelatleis ann rrienas, nisn i- urt Uh.irmri .S'.i ;tMt r, ill . .n.iirij i.j iiviMiei, ;un 1 all l' M reslUenie, Lli'l Cerlie st Viewing fet eve Int nrlvale HITHER iiv. 'I AVNA CECELIA ho he lined daUKhtei of Maiihe J -in.l Annie M l.uther (ne McU enseM Relatives nnl friends amploes of Turre.- t Harrison pen Mfg. Ce. Invited te funiral ,ren , S 30 A .. parents' residence 41'l N' luth at fnl mn renulem mass at the Cathedral lu A M Int Hely Crnsi Cem MAY. Kuddenly. Nev n 111.',! JIARQAR JjlTA. wife of Albert H. May Ineral Men morning from tier lute residence Penarth reid, near Male mail (.'vnwvil, ia Kaqulem max nt St. Matililas' Church. II la III A M Inl llelv Sepulehr. Cem MELIN. -Suddenly. Nev. fl. JANE, wldiw Sf Iluxh Melln femierly i.f Ashliind Pa lelativc and friends are Invited m attend unerel. Mnn 1 '10 A. M ann-ln-Uw' resl dene. J, I.. Kirk. 17JJ l'iiar ave Solemn nmulem mass I'liiinli of Tr-niertguratlen 10 A.M. Ipt Hnlv '.enuichu rem s: 111 'v.-v urt 1 11 l en Nev ''' ltua, xrAllliAHEr, widow of Henry W MBVn. nri 'lock, st nervt.cn nn hundav. nfieinunii at .1 III Olivet II Hair Hid,- tu-vi 'isasH'E Ht. Interment nrlmte. mi Mnn.ij.. JltE Suddenls. Nev. IU. 1DJ' K'! NISI X MOORE (nee Albtiraer) it nf Jame Mneie. Due tiptlce nf funetul , MOHAN. Nev II t'HAHLEH M hu.Land I Emma Mnran, Relatlvea and frlenda In- vTlfd te funeral ssrvte Melrjediit, EnTicepal TI. Jf. i-rrlend may pa a fuieal parlor of J yiiea 10 funeral services .Men., 11 A. M , at cnurcn. lUddenfle d, all after 7 P il.. Sun, jame streicn. 0 King 'nmnsxaw t'MlERTAKrTWB in Intlleil ii eifun.l fn..i -...."..'" t a VAT . ' -" '. w,,'i. .meii , my maiuer, nuw uecenaiu. itewara ir re il j, at ChaiwK of Him Merllaier, lt I lunail te J. 11. Caldwell Te Sn HUttei' l'"il ". , .he',"i'!;' ,m,' ,'LU D'W-l.et. 'male Airedale deu'. ?HmTref brUentri.rH. HiriV.lioe."ohrtl, "mt".? "ll.l.T. U.''"- Vifer a".P"' ArJlja.l ii'era a . isaar,. i.dnadiiwne. IM Iin iiTiii. ' '', ?. """ !"" par ; mere. Mil. .' "" ' u n. w th 7 diamends: reward, a. Kind ii Ana I-VM:-t7in fro, le,l r-rer ilnlr,n vCHUlkERSl wk eW'0"tl, 'A.'.,,. 1 . JfflAHW. NJMilO Nev, te Geerge A. land lira Invlf e iilUt . i If of the lata Geerge A. Nlmm. Trtelailvea and frland ara Invited te attend funeral aarvt (res, Hen.. 3 P. H at till sen, 31(7 N. lth t, Inl Fr end may call Sun. eve. tna reataane or nr yarnwoeai um. NORTON, On Nev. 8, JO. OROROB WILCOX NORTON. .rnspn. at V ruiati anu irnna rvlee. en Haturdar clock, at tha Ollvr H. Rair Hi Ida., vl l. ia2 Chestnut at. Interment at Culllnsvife. Conn. rucr.AN. Nev. n. 133. jamr ' PHRLAN. Pus nelle or funeral will ba Blvan from lie reildene. 1331 H, Jlat at, I'OINBKTT t Mwadeabore. N. J.. Nev. 0, 1023, WILUAM R, POINSETT, aged . IUIatlvea and friend invited te funtral atrv let, lata residence, Bwedesbore. N. J., Men., Nev 1. at 3 P. M. Int. Laka Park Cam. ritBTTTMAN On, Nev. 10 T1IOUAH K. rRF.TTYMAN. Hervlcpt en iten.. 3 . M . at hla Int residence, 134 H, 49lh at. Inter- "ffllSfijgev. .. F.VA JEAN, -.fa et Oeeraa W. frlee fnta.Mwta), Rlatta and friend et tna .famllv Invltad. te, funeral rervlce. Men . SP. M..rirclelT. from bar lata residence. 421 N fl3d at. Remain may U viewed Nun. evening, from V te 10. Inf. private at AMInetnn. RF.TTIO On Nev. ft 1B32. MART, wlf nf Jehn Kettle and daughter of the late Ttanc and Snrali McKeeer Hen Ice en Monday afternoon at ? o'clock, at (tee ri-ea'er nvc Interment J'ernwoed Cemetery. Remain, mav ha ltwed Sunday after 8 P. H, UlCHAHIlMON At Menreatnwn. N, .? , vev in MI. I.I AN II, daughtnr of let Jeseph V ard F.llsa If. itlchardren Fu feral nnd Interment at convcnicnce of fam- 'itlTZ On Nev. n. MART lf of Jehn M. Rltr, Funer.l aervlcea en datunlav. at I I M.. a' Iho reaMence of ier hrelhar-ln-law, Jacob J, Rudelph, R32 Hadilei me , Col Cel llnuvnil, ' J. Interment nrnite IITAN. Nev. I), F.1IIK1. HLEANOIl. ilaiiahter of William (1, nid Marv Hvan aged IK, Relative and friends nte Invited te ntttnd funeral. Mnn . 1 .in A M.. narenta' ealdenca. H83 Sprln(leld n(". Dirbv. Pa, Kelctnn requiem mna Church of lileac1 Vlr Kin Mtrv 10 A. M. int, Hel Crea. HCIIl.t.MMi: Nev. ill. 1022, I.RWIH II. .-( III.IMMi:. H-. Relative, nnd frlerdi am Ir.iiied te ntteml funernl erlce., .Mnn.. 2 P M . t til realdenea of hla en. Willi. m !'. Sehllinme, 141 Illcklcy n'.p , Oleni'd. Int prUale. et MontKemery St.uire, Vt Friend" may call Sun eve. PKNDKRI.lNQ. Nev. a. THHODOIin IiOnUIK) BISNOERMNO. a I 73. Friends arc Invited te funaral. from P11 N 10th .1 . nun a ai. mi. -"inr tun nm. r.a- melns mav ha Ver,ed Sun. eve I .. STAirFOIUI -On. Nev 0. 122. ('HAnr.I . C liuelMiie nr atari 111 marrow. rkciI 70 aars. . Relative and friend. Invited te fu. , tieiral airvlipa en .Monday, at Sie I M, n hi. Inte le.ildence 110 Unst Park nve . Mart. ' denf.elil, N. .1. .lnt"n""nt tirUn'.e. rrlemlj , mav call after 7 P. M. n Suml 1" I , !.... iMi-i..iiu Mil,,.-. 1 ri-mis . ma v.ca .after 7 P.M. .. n Puntl i" . Hrr.WAiii ai i;iKin .Maann c orphan-1 ae. Nev. 10. MART n. widow of KLe n !. v''l:,A. ".. 5:i.V". nn.1 !'':' irnce iu juiipiiti n-. i.n, aiiie., i; I' i , cl opal of Andrew J nalr & Sen, Arch anJ ll'ih t. Int Fermvoed "fm IV.'AI.I.OW Nev in, VI!,I,IM w JiWAI.I-OW. Sr.. In hi. 9nih vear. Relatives utd frltnd., alee riremen'a Ren Aase . iiti Invited te funeral aervlcea, Men 3.10 ! M. late residence. 174II ToulKreil Jt Piankfnrd, Int. private. Fr'enda may tall Sun eve TEMPI.K At Weal Cheater. Pa Nev H ' 1B22. CORA HlTNTINfl. wife of Merrla II. Tenuda Funeral frmn her late residence Prnnabur'" Township, ("healer Ce , la Tltea . 2 P M TRl'MHORi: O'l Njv 10 Hi:.VRY M huaband of TJlla M Trumhere ne, ;n nura. Relative nnd friend, alee I: I) Raker Peet . Ne H. O A. It. Invltel te funarnl aervlrj nil Men . 2 P M.. at resl lenca 40d N. 2Jd at. Interment private Mt Vernen Cemetery. WE1DEI. On Nev. 7. 1B22. OnOROn W. WEIDUI- Relative nndfrlend are Invited tn the service, en Balurdav nfternenn. at i o'clock, at hi lata residence. 6210 Jeffersen at. Intermci.t Private. Viewing Friday ve- " WF.PI.KR. Suddenly. Nev. I. in;j, a Cninn Rulll". Texaa. Senreant JOHN I) WEPM-R. Relative nnd friends n-e Invited ti attend funernl eervice.. Run.. 2 P M it Pavld O. Frankenfleld St tens, 82 N. 5" t tnt. Femvvoed Cem, WRIOIIT. At hi resldenc. 3210 Sum ner st . en Nev. H. 1023. SPENCfcK iJirOTON WhlOlIT. Kelatlvea and ft lends ara Invlted te Ihe .aarvlces, nn Saturday afternoon tit o'clock, nt 81. Andraw'a p E. Church, anth nnd Ilarlna at , We-t Phlla. Interment private. Prlend naV call Frldai . afurnoeij after S o'clock, at the Oliver II. Uilr Uldg.. 1820 Chestnut st Klrdlv emit r.ewera. WYMN'i: On Eleventh Jlenth, Eleventh j l)a 1122 THOM-AH WYNNE . Jj jeara rleivtce and Interment a' the eon venlenee nf the family en Third D.iv Kr.tti 1 trcnlh Vi lnds mav call Hecend Hit Eve nlng the Thirteenth rrem 7 le l o'clock al hla late realilenre S184 Media at FARM AND GARDEN Frees Landaenp P.Ian for Improving Your Grounds (live us nn Idea of yn'ir planting problem nnd our l.andsca;ie Arflilteeta will preparn a pluii for jour excliie,lTe use without any 1,1'llgallun - showing what and where te pljei for bent effi-' t. B. F. "CARR St CO. fKsvitone Nurseries) 107 Btrr ".'.ug. lancasisr. Pa. LOST AND -FOUND itivi: -Lest, beaded bag. wrapped In while II. sua naeer. black valvat vim aieci nnd black beads, reward. Pheno Overbroek 080U. Oreen Hill Farma Hetel. CROSS lAat. silver creaa. late Wednealav iifternoen. en llread at. between Pine and Ppruce st Telephone Leruat 7fl80 Reward DIAMOND Iest. diamond solitaire with peculiar selling, en trolley Ne (13. Wnyne i ae. ur Dunl at., (i "0 Wednesday morning' aiuiiue uacuuee it was engavemem ring or HELP WANTEDFEMALE (IIII.DNURMK, nhlte, te nsulst vlth up stair work. Phene Oermantewn 4!i54 be tween 7 nd w 1 M. ' L'HIUJNl'RSE. nettled, rriitailunt, in take ihitrgiier J llttia Kins, niuent - vi-ara and , ,M er 11 mnn.haalhtnut Hill, ejjj. 1 v m i Hrr2.K.rhm.i uV,,,,,. ,, liiuna wuntmii ii a lig cei uml lath atreri n.nnt I'emwIlInK 1 ...I nr. llrulA l nei week, pleasant surroundings and easv heur: weed chanc rer advancement. Uentllii ' nrereired. In anawerlng, pleaaa atate expo rlenen, age and education M BIO. I-e.lrur Office, , I'ltOUIlKJCIle. eapenancsq wantsu en ehadn rii.gs te de work at heme: nn wa.u sent out of city. Call. In person, r. IV Mauler A Hena Ce., 4311 Wayne an., near lthand Clerniantewn a DIETITIAN, working, for l.oueeheldi of parent fi children, geernes, waitress. Cedar lllll Farm. Readlna, Pa C1RI.H wanted. 14, te 14 year seiting bone butlnne. Emll uh aianuraviurlng Ce . aeTfl Pulaski nte fieiIHEWORK In family of n while woman 80 te 35 ears, general housework, wash Imr nnd cooking all electrical convenience, lean Ini own room wlih private bath, geed I pMrit for woman wanting home: tle tier week. I afternoon end every ether riiindiiy I off, Cull H-'O l.jrchnoeJ ae. or phone I Wiiiiilland rtni4. W , lUU'rlllWOUK "deUng and downstairs work; no wash.ng, sleep In, reference. Osk I.ana l4e '17' N 12th st all(ii:.i Yeuiu; glrU for marking tips in ,;t 1 uttin' reuin Apply i.airu. rcneue,r & ie VV 1 anil MiirKet sts fceciitui neur OI'I-furei:'- 1 ELEPHONE Tliere'e no 1 leaner mere attrartlve, belter paid work In Philadelphia than Hell Telephone nperat Int; We teacli J oil and pay you III per we. I, whl'e learning: 114 Be pir !i for part evening work after ft weeks Haa MJM Stevenson 1031 Arih at., between 8 JO A, M and T P M OPERATORS Waniel esiwrieiicej luulng machines, operator en power Apub lluieau of Employment WANAMAKKR'S PRChr) I'EEDER Wanted, esperlenced cylinder pn Apply Wanamaker Printing '.'Id and Chestnut at. (Entrance en 'J 3d al ) H rENOORAPIIER thoreuBlilv oxeerien-eii, for ere lit and e. It cr department of uige cletntng munufaa inv a. 11 Klrschbaum Ce . llruad and Car- penler ls SrENOailAPHEIl Keung lady with high school education and knowledge of book keeping, who haa had several year' sp.. for permanent position In effle of certified public accountants, pleas aubmlt full d. tails In uur reply A lllll. ledger Offlc NE OPERATINO If yau are for. clean. attractlTa. hlfti-frad. srV. aaa Mlaa Blavenaan at 111 Areh al-. between 8 JO A. ,. and rr. fl. fih will tell you about telephone operating 114.10 per week for part avenlnt work MUr pruivw.lt'11. van vw. wv w I waVkJ. awn Teiepnene wenpany, inn 11 in i-niinut at. roeratlon tecatad h,t'eeniiTi ' ? .i!l"nl'.c'ttn:" J,0.'? "..rif.'?cr.11 I for thali atatlstieat iI.imh 1? "I? lr"i'i?ri" ""-'rrl ..V." T".., "I1"' '1 raoerds: must he a siemlj '.' "7." '"i?!'Urt v 1 mrUar- aalaiv tn atun s-fi Moter Ce Kevpnrt. N J "J-WWJ -! V .,.,,, -. -m- iyVJi.iNJ.lW JfUJ5.UJAJ XJBilJliJiW rJAA.AUaWA.rlAA. RWV'UJKUAX. at ' ) " ' ' ' ' SILl WAKTBD-HMALZ WTrlNOORAPHKIl with aeme knowledge of boekkeeplnai aalarv 120 par .week: with yaunf arewrnt ljmlns, Writ I 21a. Iadtar offlea. YOUNO IMDT, tprlene1 elerk and prl ' vata branch aaraten alata art. MpaJ. nca, referenea and salary desired. P 314. ledger office, VOUNO WOMAN ef aaaJ aduaatlaa. la. paaranea and DeraenalTtr te call en laraait cenctrna In Ihe city; a real aalllna aoaltien, net eanvaasing, commieaien basis whirn aneuiu net you rram tail a waeK rhnne T.eruat 2083. up. ARN III) weekly epar Jim, at .horn, ad? urraaina;. iinar muaiu at oncaerlnrormatlori. ate ilreularai eend iariaaa sausie ,,. inna ureanway. rfl aRf.S wantel: Oevl. uasltlenii II 10 me.i many, vaeancint Dae. writ n for pea oaf) HBLg WANTBD-MAtB AN WIIH OPENINO A rUTUMK A. young .man. fnet eyer 30) with high achuel educiitlen or eeuivalent anil a knark for flguret pan eecur a position with a leading pubrighln beuse, wher hla future villi be. fpvrnsd entirely by lis nullity and InliTetlva; a inodsr inedsr an avlarv 10 atari. U fiOI. LBDQKK OFFICE. iTTvSr PlIIit.n'ITV h i.L-uV,t.. i "a, ' " l 'S.-iii "1 li.ViUn. a?!!i!?lK,'f'li !." h'eTSS1 "SSuSSTSU ,.5". ..'"" mti.inl ir-ilenllan T 1V1 ih iZrLr i.....r..' "5.' "i'S n'rJSulr'edi ' .eV'aeS'n."' WS.W Ki '?", il'.J !" Ien. aaieemen muat alve banka ceunael based 11 OUT lOlltf eKtaillatllie 111 Ihla flal.1. i,..Hdr. .i.m..i ,uin m .!-...-... t.--:.i";:'.. f ' " ", """ SXXXim,"rMi. :mY 5. "'!' i.i ;:. ii.;.uiii.i,. '."""'"' . J )?.'. ! l....,Urv,v Ul0llt Company. Bl. Sii-, F IWOKKEUPKRS Blnglev men. 2I-2S. with rvent mercnunniaa laltt leilaer asiwrlente, must wrllii a. geed hand and be eiperlrnrcl nu Hurreuuh'a adding machine, etuie age, aehneiitiK, egiwrlenea nnd aalitrv desired Aililress Chief Clark, BH Wldener llldr lleiiKKUhPKK Yeung man te assist In als A tl.'H. Ledger Office, lieY In insuran.u brokerage olflre, iileaaani environment and liberal aaliry: till ne jweiti I) and 10 A. M. Haturday morning. I iftl ljer A Ce. gnO Walnut et. hoi wanted for after ectiuul und Hiunlay rcrmaii'tit work. Apply Bulla 3110. Ilrldga Ulrta AH N 7lh at. CAI.l'-u PHINTKR wanted; mutt he firm das en all closies of work; pennant nt rosltlei fur aullable man; appllrnilena win b considered confidential. M &U.t. Ledger Office, CHEF, eiperleuced. wamted for Institution. M fi02 Tlgar erflae. Cllh-MIMT wnnled for laboratory In null favtery. rnpable of analyrltig and con trellnc ZJ.CI.-J: M te H teat, per diy: atate vvagcj. P. U. )Je Ne. 122, Wilmington, I'el. DltAPThMAN. orchlteetural, vanted, geed dralgnrr: atate experience n.id aalary eg. pecteil. H. rj leaaiar. AnViltecl. Yerk. Pa UISSllIXJWER wan.."! who thoroughly underatands mtklng thermometer tubes- steadv niaitlun. Am"rican Tbermemeler Ce.. St llllta ln ' MACIIINIBTB ROHXRMAKERH CAR REPAIRMEN TOR RAILROAD WORK STEADY EMriXmtENT AT STANDARD PLENTY OP OVERTIME FRCt! HOARD AND TRANSPORTATION APPLT TO COMPANY OFFICE 123 N. lr.TH ST. PHILADELPHIA PA. CENTRAL RAILROAD OP NEW JERSEY OPEN DAILY. 7 A M. TO 5PM . - J I UAI.Oltl.HS wanlid. wlilln or i.ulured. tn I umlc in lltinleuni factery: ceed wacas: 1 steady work .rli ihreugh winter. Apply ready fnr work 7 A. It te the Oaerge V. Dlabeu , re., iiat i aUiva HuntlnaT Park a e. LI.VOI.UIIM HAND PRfNTIMIS WANTED Al'FbY M nil. L.EDC1KR OPF1CE JyElrr(-A7,.,c..S btIKl, h.nls vj.mTGTSX ' ll bench we'Hi this Is nn opportunity UEN WANTED TO DELIVER lELEPHONE DIRECTORIES MUST BE INDUSTRIOUS. APPI.T T A. M TO 1 P. M. THE HELL. TELEPHONE CO. OH" PA WAREHOUSE 3 W DELAWARE AVE. AND PINE MT. .MEN AND WOMEN wauled. r'hrlMlan rep resentative for every town and Ulj geed rommllen Pfld Arply nt nni In person or by Utter, V. E. Alhee 10 Turnpike read. Pleaaantvllle, J MEN wanted by ling International organi ergani organi sateon: refaranres required See Mr Cnap man 1328 Wldener Hldg 10 te 13 A. M. REPAIR MAN. en truck who unrtsratanda hla buelness thorough!) Apply repair shop, the UergT Ce . Ontario at, below Richmond, HAROLD TEEN . StttflU MAKM MONKT AT HOalB ou can aara horn II te 13 p hour In your apart trrna wrltlna ahewcardai aulealy and easily learned by our new alrnala mathedi no can. vnaslng or solleltlnfi w (aaeh you new. as I your work and pay you aaah aaeh wli full partlculara and pewklaT frg Writ today je the AMBhlCANBireWCAnn CllpOI., tle Adaina Uldf,, King an Fuderick gtg,, Terente, Canada. ?Sg8?es025sgg$$ x a . :: 1 ..feeder W V. T" "' J 1 K ft (Hue.) i6eTfN,"plc-uJQBftft((p' q fiLm arrlSPV Sta-fflSiMr "W&S5GS5SOT --. -a-n-n tttt a i-i---a- - e. ILP WAMTP-Mj.LM eTlBHMEN Bpeelally, " high-powered getter, who value . hi lima at net lese ir, II . than I'lOOO una wne nnewe ne ei 1111,001) where ether en produce ir men ara 13 000 te earning theaa amount) the men we .dire inusi meet neaaak raa etceptlenally high alai at specialty galea reci ferenceai muat be abl iianq andrrd and era eacgea up with icference t a. rtreaanr our product, nn Improved buslnes acrvlca, te chief eimuilyta of ll lln.ef. Indutry nnd general butlnss house thle Ig an lm- r roved .product, practically without tlen. In use anil hlahtv IndnraaA bi eemrj. y ineu I- i! aand of leading eieoutlvee et the tf, . A, I larg inicage oernorwtion. well eauDiignea, and mat of Penngylvanl .! wniTii iniriiurr mien in fth Aff tkwIilAh contain from Idee te 4MM srecti bun- MI,.'n"r"B." I'1 mr.ai Jter. cent and ""!." "'""r inur rnr legal inaugu- L.,in,."n,Mn..0' Bgllonglievgrtliint In r.dJM PMbTiaatiena and rjlreet mal" te i,ft Vi eaecutlv, ra percentage a? tin tin jefielttd ren.wafji Juir anmmlen Mid te WWIdJ' &8tPX &iri.r.: :v.v,mne&? ? -riI2lt wmnjlaHpn PMlgVlOar ,egni ?f-'aIm.cl.-BCJ?JJv M?SH Mil new their flrt day. eafnatl eysr the r quota lh ShILi,n-'il .?il VJ" "" ewnliatlnn and showing ateady Increeaei athnreughi con cen cen rated ra nlng glunlnilde and 1 Brraennl ass stance gvn en (he nlT unl I pro pre rtnJ.J.," ?""!! 0''.flr order' Igfieet type mall and pereenal coeperatfoni ae ifiSi: !;'" eeP,,iu 'n? benuiM ppnilan ly given: tn a salesman of proven anility thla f... ' .."f'rtuniiy, w h large futurai little traveling) immedlata aetlan nietmry) H ..,( M..vnf UAI.KBUAN- tanilattael aeraei lien h hat M epanina in . In aa Aa A..S .i V laai .wfi auerassful salesman ariaajain si erri 5.m lent cpnnMtleni apellean barma. ai ai at Til SBr"S!!! VW pe'n int efttul Hfflll between ll sura' ft and (10 veara aiitierjeiii.a In aal le Lard "ii salary. bagl 1. aieellant for advaniemanti opportunity cevae aa. repllea aheuld I, ah m schooling, 'jjeerfenr, ireneea and galary desired no LsdMt 8ALBBUAJ4 H'ANI'ED A HtOff-ORADE EXPORT fjALjjBMAN A great . Internationally known manufae- luring corporation has n splcndl lid opening for high ufade man te represent It tn Australia.' The man It want muat be able m ijutnii; . vn mi iiivne counts; t. lie.' muat havn had considerable eiperlen.ee In the eipert field. 8. He 'mut net only b a real nli man, but an efficient all-round business man 8. "'I m!IiL bt eerutemd te earning at leaat) 1 1)000 or H00O a year. 4 J1 " ..m.u,t ,n? n" eiperlenee In tnercfmndlalng In the Near East. At thh iireaent time thl corporation' prndurjl enjoy a oenaldirabla aal In Auilr4lla: the right man taking held of this rronesftlon In the right way can' practically make Jhls own future: when replying, atate see aiti give full particular regarding your .jperlfnte. salary desired, etc, Addrssa M M3. I'.idger Offlc. SALESMEN WANTED. THREE EX PERIENCED SALESMEN WITH A U TOMOHILES FOR HICIH-CUSS 13DU CATIO.VAI. SELLING; COUNTRY AND CITT TRADE. BEE MR. ROGERS, 1212 LIBERTY RUILDINO. MONDAY. SALCBMN AND SALES MANAQER Want a llve-lre salesman and erxanlser le handle about 10 tn 20 men nn a preposition that sella en alaht te men-ham and pro pre fesnnal men; every merchant nnd prnfe prnfe alennl man must have one; enlliikry ailra man In New A'erlt average ever 1160 vveeKlv, salestniinagera maKe mom Wrlte Philip t. IU rr, Catasauqua, Pa. HA1.I1IAN for .Statu of PeniiaUaiila, e,t nf Altnnna. te eell aa side, line nnilumilly known enamel and aluminum war tn lnra retail hnusefurnlshlng and drpartrnrnt etnraa: rominlaaleti haals, In sour reply r1v ' purtl'Ul.ira na t'j pnuant linea you ceiry and liUnhena number for Interview. Ad- dtesa.M IIH, ledger Dffl.-j. .SAI.UHMUN I.tnielu nrd Turd taia; commission ImsIs; j iteiel npiieitunltv fur eneruttle m.in te c in- nect with one or tne u.neai ana largest eg. elusive Lincoln hnd lord agencies In tin, illy with reputation fur excellent nerWce, mery ussistance given te right man te main 4ieil: iiiuvlaua expeiiente net necessary an n ueh us ambition and large acquaintance: new underlaklna; advarilalnar and mnlllng rauipaign for 100 per cent Increase In sale which will directly benefit new auleaman: uppllcanta muat le resident of Philadelphia with prlvlleke of Belling care anywhera In the city or vicinity; apply between 8 A. M. TliE HOlTrHWHHTERN AOENCY .'.1.1 apd flHltlmera ave. nAI.KHMUN, paint, Willi experience selling slm It r:upnBltl6n te all claasea of trade, n also Tinvs aeme nationally known anc elaltles: tsrriterv New Jeraav and Betithain 1'ennsMvanla; give ana, experience and ref ref erence for Inlervlew, A 701. ledger Offlra BAI.ESMKN. ever 23. te connect with a gTewlng cempany: werth-whlln opening te these who ran qualify. Be Mr. Mrrlck. Renm .112, 1011 Chestnut at. flltir.BT . METAL WORKERS PLENTY OVERTIME: HOOD 1111 'NET: COM K READT TO WORK SUM HitiPRUfLniNn .DINtl L'O . CHESTER. FA. TAKB RUt J8WAT- SURFACE CAR 17. MARKET HT, dTEEL MOLDERS Geed stsady work avail. able fnr a number et ateel ineuldere; glve teferenee experience and minimum rate jeu me willing te atart with te enter our er. ire and ha eme skilled aa expert alau' meulder- v Itli permanent jobs, oed pay and chanru for advancement Esrullent climatic condition. lenaT um mna mild winters, aoed for your families. Write or preferably, apply In person. ANNISTON ELECTRIC STEEL CORPORA TION Annlslen, Ala. eiimi-M a vii-iiu i.-tfi,rie.iraa euttara en lunlea' fine ahnea. Apply Laird.. Heheber A Ce Sid and Marker eta . aeeend fleer. hTENOtlRAPJIUR. eixpejnunoed. Parien t Ludasiher Lumber Ce., Westmoreland t. and Delaware River. .'(9 iwn arra ounneanK von can earn ever ipqes with proper connection and are willing t alve eainpleTa euiMrfe "el etperlencei In your fTrat Jflteri glv. add and plnn number. P-affj, Ledger Of fim" MALKdMAN.'hW flW.'ift nk w-rajTS all high-grade advertlein. rvlp men . . . . . . V HELP WANTID-JtALE TOCK SALSBUAH An aisaelatlen of national icepe, far ing the Inderaemtntt or leading maou maeu facturere and.butlneaa men of ti-e Natien, and which I IncerraraUd. am) propose le.cnniummata plana for one of the greateet aperllng eropealtfont In tnn uniiea eie.iv. nnaj en njisf "" flRfteKter en or two aaieameni or vm! live leada will be I will be furnished and a torrltery assigned teu It you prove aatisiaciery. JNTERNATJOMAri VPWAT ABIOOUT10K. (Biggl Building) ATLANTIC CITT, K. . f SaTpIC . MANTAggUUnt, under . lirabje tn develop freight rate from tr ff tn pplnla wlthn 300-400 milat f rem Philadtl rhla; actual asinrlence required irem rate loom work ,or In wellpeaisd traffle depart ment . of a, commercial hmiMi alata age. school 1 1 ig experience, aalary desired and what office eppllahte nu can operate. Ad dress m ChRf r riru, tig wldener jHldg., Philadelphia. Pa. IIROO A YEAR AR AND HPWARD Don't be a mediocre mani prtpar reuratlf fir greater earning power; In a fw months you can become h Junier accountant, able te infftTJWA. M'V J)lAJPaTMi-- Our rerpa of certlflti) PUblle acoeuntante. among 1I10 beat In tha country, have worked out a short-cut syatarn far mn who muat held their jab and at the aame time progress im time progress ft thle unlverilty d men who are te greater earning oapae '"j I constantly aaaaci te nnd mi ttelned accountants! It you wlii will bual qkls down le sincere work and earnest effort (or a fsw months teu can ba one of these trained mart new: It will net Interfere with your dally work. Call, phone or write ler Book let A-ln .. ... ,.. . I, A. baiiuu rjAiiuriniujTi univcnnil'l s'niiaesipii OffTc. 1834 Walnut gt Telephone Spruce 1481 Open evenlnge TRANSPORTATION WORK Traffle asse. elation wnnts.rellable men te Qualify for positions directing.. dnmeatle. and foreign shipping: 12311 te feo monthly; experience unnecessary; lommen school education eaen tlnl; only men of geed character need ppyi If willing nnd dealreua of making connection worth whlle, write, without obligation, slot Ins present position, age. Philadelphia p, O. Het 414 EXTRA money posting medicine slgna eve ning geed side Una for travelern. Ad dreea Unltetl Chemltnl Ce . Erie. Pa., lti.t MEN wutiti.d; clerka (Jev't positlena: salary, 11400 te IIROO; exner. unncceasary; writu fre.i lest Instruction purtlc. P 1421, I-ed. Off.' SITUATIONS WANTED ?EMALE HOOKKUEPER. iii-cts , ateneg 10 years, d, 1 B. It. 2448 controlling N. 2'Jlli at. CHAMIlERMAlD nlahrg pos. at chamber work and oew Ins: Otn. or Oak Lane pre ferred Te! Oak Lane 8e8ll. , NL'ltsi; will oare for Invalid relngway for winter M C. Melntyre, 2430 llrnwn st SITUATIONS WANTED MALE CHAl'ITEUK. experienced, wishes pesltlnn apnra limn, afternoons or evenlnga; ref- ererces Aildreaa P 120, Ledger (Wire. UKI'H'E MANAQER, thoroughly experienced In accounting, tlnnncn, rredlta and man agement: noted for ability le anremiillsh rn auMs, hlEhPat crcdemlala; nvnllahlp luimedl Htely Artdrea A l 3 J . ledger Office hTl'Pi'NT In (hemlatry deslrex iobIIIeii with 1 henilcal innrern' etudlea cva A 031. 1. O. TES'rll.EH Dreaa goeda nnd mill man tie tie flrej npenlng; experlenred di-algnlng. mill prniiuiMlen and malntennnce, iemIh and cut- 1 uitailen. .13 uara nld. A 02R. Ledger Offlce. AGENTS MEN AND WOMEN wanted for salesmen: wr pay seu ii salary; nelld time. Marks Chnnitiere, agent, 13 Velvet at., Ashe- ;llle. N. O ACTIVE man te take orders for nuriiry slink and hire agents: hlglieat cnmmlaslen; ertlnMvu tcrrltury. Emmens A Ce , Newark. N. Y. BOOMS FOB BENT AI.DEN. U12 h. Comfortable furn. rm . bunlne.e couple, privilege of Retting break. fa.t Phnnu evenlnga 111 Wenllimd 84181. l.KIIKIIl AVE., W.. 8717 Ijirge front muni furn lelied; nrlvale family. LEIIIUH AVE.. W.. 1101 Large nrll-furn 111, 2d fl.. 1 nr . suit. 2. h. vv.. I DU. 7483 OXfellD. W.. 2eOH, lid nr, front, fur., nrlv. Ii . prl. ndult fam.l rens ; ref. Pep 28.10 .1 PINT. MT.. 1D01 Twe large communicating rms 1 iiiifum., 4th fi'r. running water, $30 UPRUi'li HT.. 142!) Nicely funilehel rnnmsl all rnnva I elce. i near earai reimmialila. WALNI'l". 4H45 Finely furnished large rm. at (owl ne.ir. for pentlemm only iaTH N.. I'il (HOTEL RURIC) C ntml shopping dlflrlct: near stations, bcautlfiillv furn rinajjiU-c.j apeiieaa; nauy. wmr, raies. lMTH N . -012 Entire 3d fleer, 4 rooms I nnd private hath; het-water heat: medern: for bulnesH couple enly: !1 rooms en Sd lloer I HI I nr Rlttenhe-uTe-sTiTL-i I 3 rm. k bath; medern: refa ex.-h.nged. rer gbllliemeil only. win-ilimm nniM., """: 44T11 HI'. H. Vli Attrartlve aunny rnnma, I, ,w heit. elee : inratien lueiu: riiaaen.iiue I WISH '1 WENT fnrnlhed room te a tnune couple In a prUnte Jewish fRmlly; rr-uklne inlvlle'ra; Ajncrlcan Jewish ceuplj preferred M d3 Iilger Office IHSAUtTKULI.V furnished room In lares med. rn private linina: eUrtrleltyi shower hn thjl 0 nilnuti te cay Hall. Preelen 8.K!2. AT'lRACTIVi: furn. nnts . wiliie lieuseitpg. ritierWOO'l Ayl. K'H'. iai ....niut. WARM (runt furn. tin fur a'ttlcd liidv: per. tiinnent: imner'e home M 0i4 led en. J10 W. lllTTENHOUHlJ wq. Large. Bright rooms Locust 4H''3 WENT PHILADKI,PHL KlNOSI.tl.N'll AVE. 4020 Newly furn. rms . heal elee , 1 sq from 40lh ct.. f'enu-i. etu , 111 mill, tn III eud at.; geed rellev sim.. iiiUKt I a aaen tn he npnre-lalad N. W. cell 4'Jd 1 Halt. ave.. nltrar- furnT rm eler Imard nr.: rnra rnnv. U'dld 1H844 PhNNSVI.VANIA HI'll! BII.W MAIN I.1MJ Hheit line tri.m iirnad .it. Htntlen. outside rooms, with ril'ita halh. Ir.rlesed perch', splendld aenlce eir Iieiim table: mruge; cliarmlnu all-ear reMiine.ii arntlemen preferred A fiU4. le.leer Off lie OERMANTOWN, 871 Cliurch l.mi I'ur- rl.had mem: very desirable: rnnvenlent irelles inutea 43, H2 and "!! 13 BO per week BOARDING vr.SNSVr.VANIA HPIHHHAN OTN lOretner), lS E. Walnut line Onusu- ally pleasunt l!d fir. roem: excellent home cooling. Individual aervlea: med cenv.. with homelike surriiundlng! rate leua etn. eswj BTORAQE AND MOVING MOTOR VAN SERVICE TO ANY DISTANT POINT ' W-,,ly pX'dTlrSi. ,aTdUWate'!en.l't,'-n ' The Bic 4 Transfer Ce., Inc. arrHAND MARKET BTH. Rarlnirltai VICTORY STORAGE ISO. FIL11ERT. Phene Relment 4070 for eHtimqies jvhmit ve.ie. ....... .im iraiinff UONAIU'll 3TORAOB CO. 8S70 I.ANCAS. Tl'R AVE AlITO SRVIPE. PTOriAQD paVkine Txivft.DiBTANen vdviNar WALLACE l3d N. IIO'III ilel CHURCH LAST OTN. trunsp'n. local and long dlstanee Tayler. 20IIH Nicholas Pep. 3080. HORSES 1WO saildlj hnraea with all gaits, Media il 1.1 W. Phene r CONSTABLE SALE CONSrAIII.E'S SALE Contents of ennfeo ennfee ennfeo llencry store' l Ice cream (eblnet, i ro re ro frlaerater I bakn even, 1 maihln top candy table, sumliles, etc,, en Salurday, .jv. 11. at 8714 Chester ue., at It) A. M - aa. - i a a ---- a'w mmmmM - . .. .. .a. 4100 V JNUVJVaUJ ,U, . BBAL MTACT f OB AL jmx- f arrow : 200 Heme Sites (in Section Number 2) . GRIFFITH MANOR Bustleton Pike above Cottman street (35 minutea from City Hall) High-speed line connecting with Frankford '" H 3saaaUasW aaW t Sww asHBSsS'eMy GRIFFITH MANOR (Section Number 2) ' This tract sub-divided into individual HOME SITES offers you the same opportunity in the 85th Ward as was taken advantage of by the builder and speculator in the West Philadelphia Wards. There they bought acreage and sold at a large profit te the indi vidual home owner. Yeu have the opportunity te buy one or mere HOME SITES ON EASY TERMS. Dv jj By Hew te Get There N '"'''''"idi((ff(ffrrf(ffrrr(fffff(it'(('(t,'r"''""r"'"'(f'""w"f"- ,"""""'"""""""'""''""""'((f(frffrffrfmrwap?'rnrr??rrrrwr' HONEY TO LOAN HOUSEKEEPERS GET A LOAN $15 TO $300 I'ROM THIH PONDED PARTMI.NT HIJI'EI HANKINn DB KVIHB7I) CO. , nf,",?," PamenU '.rrangeV , .oVrcentenl.'nce. Tfie". Yt' ."nVlV FILL YOUR COAL BIN NOW te 1 mit your convenience. Ne fas of any kind chanted, only Interest at the rate provided by law. An Inquiry puts you te no expense and iieea net obligate you uilgaia )UtI 111 any way. Call TODAY, of If In. a apeclal hurry, use Bell nhene. laiLUnt 7ri3T. PAY ALL YOUR SMALL OtITSTANDINfl BILLS A Nil OWE IUIT ONE CONCERN HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. 24G Seuth 15th Street Second Fleer. Roem SOI, Cress Uulldlns. Member Philadelphia f'humher of Commerce la 4Crt REAL ESTATE SECURITY PJU 1MMKDIAT11 SETTLEMENT TO PAYAULM AS DESIRED $5000 LEWIS & CO. ,sn. PERSONALS DIAMONDS BOUGHT Sulla 531, eeeend fleer, ever Chllda' Ret KI.AMEN'H atore erdera unable u In tmr chase nnywheit; nd pay nn ensv term. Klainen, lftfl Ranitend st , ob rtiaatnnt . CARPBNTERB A buldra: experla en alleia. tlena ay aTirweei.ivv, nuri" rn iisi nsMi ,T UUS1NESM cards printed. Mm fee tl, mnl paaiv rree . nr.i c-imi. loon nanstee.l . DRESSMAKINQ reaaoneble: ehliaren'a cloth. Ing a specialty Phene Weed Q77S W. CASH pgld for old aeld, silver and antique lock. Reger, 43 S. 17th et. WANTED lllOHEST prlee paid for nnwspapsrs. maga- alnes. raaa. carpet. Iren ancfall kind of metal: try once and be atlsfledi truck rail J, IICHWPI s !;- -....w ... -OnMen werm-drla Ferd truck' SHfLedSe?' Office " '" wc bMALL pony. cart and harn wntd I le III 4103 cuiiuiwv... ......w ., woeri and sell aecend-hend furniture. florden, mni Meion si. GEp"cEeTmNO wanted : best prices paid." Miller's. Hi Market. Marina - WH J1UY and .sell second-hand furniture Harshy; 1"" i'ePlr. Pntilwr 3I4. CARPET CLEANING CARPETS A jyO CLKAN15D. SCOURED and ataredi Oriental rture our ipeelaltF bis, durable ruf woven from old mu Automatic Carpet Cleaning Ce. 1S47-44 LUDIAjW ST. Wen... KhMl!DHV7rJ:,,,,0nMM WALUCEs5JLcJKLra,NET-a. OLD QOLP iePald.aUW.B! SriMirivL 'fiiirt.: 'surtvt ate? Bit Hew - sa seaa 1 I I 1 ' I ' ' ' ' "' " Sliv : ns Today Mntnr Bread Strcet, Roosevelt Beulevard te Bustleton luuwi pjke( thence nertnwarfi te Griffith Maner (Section Number 2). Street Car SS ave' and Oxford See Agents en Premise OLNEY REALTY 5519 N. 5th St., Philadelphia AGENT FOR OWNER Wye. 5260 FOR BALE TYPEWRITERS RENTED . VISIBLE 3 M0H., fQ.M AND UP Factory Rebuilt Typewriters ALL MAKES Agents for Remington PcrUbt. American Writing Machine Ce. 003 CHESTNUT ST. WALNUT 34Bl MAIN 4908 IMPERIAL EXCEISIOR CABINET OAfl HANOE reR SALE: ft UURNICnS, B OVENS: IN FIRST-CLASS CONDITION CALL RHFORH WEDNESDAY AT S217 IIONAFItlV TERRACE "' PHILA WANTED Hlgheat prlcea paid for srcntle. man's clothing; can anyvvnere nt any time erdera nr.nnntlv attendi fl.rrt nr.iinniiv Hiiennee tn Cemer. 8.118 Market , rresten ann open evenings, FOUNDATION STONE for sale, any quan tity: quarry at North Phlla It. C. Ambler, 0717 Old Yerk read. Tiega IWi'i . MAHOGANY ladroem null nmlul Jed. un un lielatercd parlor suit mid odd chairs: no dealer need nnplv SSSl W VennniM at. CLOCK Chiming, maheg. : wonderful tone; per. tlmepleia; great snap te nulck huser. Fer nppelnt. ea nr Bun rh Wvn mini I. SECOND-HAND combination pr.nl and bil liard table, fully equipped 0817 Cresh.lrr) read, Otn Phene QH70 Oermantewn, HliECHNUTS, fresh from weeds f Maine, dfin (mart It T Pettnti Slievvliegnii Me TYPE, presses and cutters; hie bargain. Phlla. Prlntera' Supply, 14 S nth t. BTJBINE6B OPPORTUNITIES AN UNUSUAL opportunity te purchaa a atom and apartment house of 10 rooms, all convenience, and garage, located within a few feet et Lincoln Highway nt Seuth Langhorne; near R. It. alailen uml trolley, with 7-10 aero of land, rlpa for sub-dlvlelen: price tOfiOU; this property will pay BO per rent en Investment l i cash required, Fer detalla and Inspection aee W. FORREST MAOEB. Southampton. Pa. OARAOE. repair shop, fully (quipped and anlea agency for 2 well-known i ara, doing e. big tiualnc: alze nOsHO: hollow tile, tucce finish: 1st OesSSO feet en Statu high ways only 8Vs mile from eliy limits: a real bargain; csh required 4aU0, Fer full de tail gee. W. FORRESfrvtAafcE Southampteii, Pa, linu and aoLeaserlea aterei m.ii,iiui.a.. IT! ig a uo-te-d tta aterlc. attraetlvM Mtt....a.. doing a very geed business; dissolving nart- nerahlp reason ler einng. p ;ie. Ledger Office FOR SALE dnlnr ahee atore In live Indus trial city of B3 000 near Phlla.: wmpletSly fitted up; annual business 173,001); stock and nature will entail Investment of IIS.ijOO: long leans A H3'J, ledger Offlce. FOR SALE Wholesale notions, hosiery and underwear business near Philadelphia: es' tabllshed 23 year: doing prelliabln Jobbing business; geed mason fnr selling Fer tfnr. tnallen. If Interested, M lldil. Udj-er ' Off. i'NVENTIONS flnancnil; will deTolen A i,re ' .Ar.,1 .lau.tvlnll.il. II l.ftU I., '..," 22.!ni!!.L "' '' i "ufr iilTIri MACHINERY AND TOOLS HrPT. welder punch nrcsfes, baking "evan . nriu presses, eiiKilili. sr ndem. .1.01.1. Cruel te Disillusion Them nrlll anil ether ele.l i,i..rl,l..... . , ' .. "u mer woodworking Ce. 3d n 1 i-." .'..'.", vii.swn hR PA'ITERNMTinNeTwl'lird-lrta V, l'ir:ANOrl',U,e tasting and machine work! ilu ids'r ai . '.Vi".?. 'in w enret acee lul machine milt it... .."' 'iV.'"'"" O' te all UUt llOrlsad deu a . ..., ., ...u M,.(, Hvn .. 1M7I. !.... " "' "J EEAL UTATl I0 MAIM - ii inTr .ifTty. We Offer Remember, where ttare are transportation facilities there is growth. The rail roads made this country. The trolleys made the cities. The Market Street , "L" made West Philadelphia, and the Frankford "L" will make the Northeast in a way that you won't recognize it In Ave years. Griffith Maner is right en the Caster High Speed Line connecting with the Frankford "L," and Is bound te go big. llemeieeken Mi Invtttan Today la 'reur epprtflnltjr te make an lnvaatmant that mar mtu theusanda for you In a Uw jrgarg. TITLE POLICY FREE CO. BROAD ST. STORE FOR AUTOMOBILES OR ACCESSORIES A. four-story flora property tn the center of .tha automobile uiairicii aysnanie. ter purchase at right price; et S0i07l prompt roynesjien. Call Filbert 4llha for details as te location, price, etc RtAI.TBRg; CSF CHESTNUT AT 1STH lllUIIIIIIIinKIHIII ICUiTCTwaaaewWmBnCBail USED AUTOMOBILES Dllfrpf, .1.0"' O-cxllnlcr. 37-berM PMit, uuivrt. 8 passenger Roadster, almost w. griven 1334 miles. fmmHillutB itullveev. Pries sunu. car naa several hundred dollar - Car lis several hundred dollars, worth a..?.?"..."?!"''!"'"."- aiHARD AtlTOMOBILI 2314-18-18 Chestnut Street. CADILLAC 4-pas. I'hMten, rsrr Ba uiernsDirsi cnnniiien aaa , perfect appearance, Car hag an abundance af as true that i aim m its upiiearam if lite driver, ltiarfv MV- . I'rlcc 12000. OllUltll AUTOMO- 111.13 COMPANY. 23I4-HI-18 t'hestnut Htreef. .LAC touring, new nalnt, geed rtij- ber. apiemiia running condition; a rnagnin- i-eiii rr at a most raaaonaei pries Ji. it llaeler. 103 Moiitgemsry ave., Cynwjl rhnee Cynwyd; gSM-ifT Pilvlr.r.iK. .Hn...A.M. .. -i...i..t -M... "..''-vv.. eei,ai.iiva miiu iiiuuini.i iw"; .gsj , dltlen virtually new; 7 almost new cord ,M ;"i iviiuuii. (twriy iiiir pay iliiia ur non.- Inir down; prompt action advlaable. 211 N. eiin at iiaimnnt thsw. fi-paa, Sedan, In flret-cl.H rea- 1-OiJCA iililen and anpeatanc. excllt tires. Thl car rett ever 12300. Our pile ' JIWO. aiRARD AUTOMOUILK COMPANr. 2314-lfl-lg Chestnut Stret. . FORDef, all model, with and without atart era: geed opportunity for ud-ear dealeti ' iu ami 111 nrat-tias cenailinn te private parly at rnelr.hnlln.n nrln. seuin hwester Agency. . -;-- -.. .. . .vvv wv nan and liHItlmere ave. I'XIRD touring, gned shape; will dsmes- atratej 75. H II. Jlaseler. 1B1 Montgem- cry iv,e. Cynwd. Phene Onwyil gsS-M. . uoed Ferd: geed rubber; touring; I7B; run nlng daily. Call Oermantewn 72411 TORDAN '!. Incle.rd Itiouihie JUIUrtl1 liedsii dellrertd te foreisf owner In the esrly part of the present jffif. SKliVi ""'' conattfen almost new. WJ 13300 equipment with nil eitra equlvmsBt bow en ir '1111 ba heiiiht from us for IIMO OIIIAIt AUTOMOUILK COMVANV '.'3I4.1S.IS Chestnut Street ,, MARMON. 0?a serlis. 4-passeng.r PhMffij used a month! like newt nssd mousy; wl'l nrrlBc m n.'S Ledme Offlne. Nu cash DOWN en new and used car n '..' Osfnrrl at. Diamond 34011 OVERLAND no touring, special, paint, eer tlrea, c wire wheels, slip covers, special 1 "p. eir.i iierttct in every wayi win ema- naqewti nail n no cash down r;1 new ieni piani er"'!. ri never rlurtd. H Diamond BIOS. I'AIUK te ring, .new rubber, go?d rm- nlng condition; Rutenberg meter. tpv5- Si l,.J5lBr- "" Montgomery ave, t'lnwd- . iiunn .ynwyu aww-ai. PFFRI PQ 7'n"l- Sedan-Limousin. rCnfAlXea been used verr little. M perfect appearance. . The Interior trim U ": illll tlfli I asllltes na ..lei.... -- 1 . -- AlaaiM gM II genil as new en si 4 whaela. Thl be."''"'-J equipment ran he bought for 12210. Immsdli'' I S'liJsri.ejiiAnii aCtomebilb cemjuni.1 111 HA nil AUTOMOBILE COUI'A "'"'"i" iifimm irfeTe PEERLESS mi. serli 7 Teurlsg " witn DerrasBsnt top. !Hw.i,n "I'f' rr,1S?i InclMdlng tlr. It wlj , hfl Blmnit Imrvfili kta, . fa.J.2. Ll gf fMLl ,1H brsnilnew tme. Par can K lemallllx.h' rleied ..for comfortable wliti. u.. p.Fie eXJ. . 2314-lflia f'hestnnt Street S. PEERLESS e'lpe, In untiaiiellr fat ; dill An an A annssraeira. BB ;E.-',!f'"llllit. and slat cevsra Wi ?SVJ..r d.njenstrat this car te prevl W unusually, geed condition t'rlil. 1 18119. . ,' UIIIARD A llTOMiilllf.fi-I'll SIP AN S3M.IS.1S Cli.slnnt Street l PEERLESS 25S2-- '." ? eJSiB. Wa will clierrfully demenstrat te pretl.t!! car I iinuaiiil afii al : tlia faw Brlri Tef IM' . VIU-lft-lN rhesteuT air..t y Jl : PEERLESS 4-nss. Conn. In seed ?! an I appearanre. will R,.V- Jm.iVv' JMP?0.'.. UlllAHU AUTOMOSlW'' f IMPANY. &3I4.1S.IN iMiastitiit atrs.t. J.V . . UIHAllM AlilUSII l-IW Cliestllllt gtrset. ' T ., I .1 WE ! ivt 11 1 ninVej j "vj?. "" "anrzzrattighr m m m it, '.. M $ f a ii m 1 M I ti' a'i 31 m m ' M mil"- "'- ai jgjgMbr il j- -,r ep" 4 -4AJA i'OJtt ' ' tl?W ' " S e,rVsniBaaaaLaaaaaaaaaaaamL'd. . Vat --ml gjgjgjgjgjgjgjgjgjgjgjgjgjgjgg.g . ii'-w'sr iiVpVi.ppr.'j. nw. ww. A.7. ,--. !'&