?WSWMWTtvx!S(KEws -BBr-rT-- " 'ILj ?wp Sf'4 ?? ei ;; i y . EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, SATUBDAY, NOVEMBEB 11. 123 v . ii.,i i p 18 l I BY LI UIUAIIUN aJAV :V !) Davulenments Indicate ff-- r ! Bull Forces Have Been Shet te Pieces NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Only AfUrnoen Rtpert in PhttaMphia Quoting FmtfUtt Today mi 603,200 tharM Yesterday's sale Ml.lOOttMt-m Totals for till week... i, 299,900 share Ner Yerk, Nev. It. Today's Meck market vns swept from fore te nit by n mighty wave liquidation which caused prices te melt In mi nlnrmlnR mnnner In nil pnrts of the llt. The selling, ns in frequently cxperlencci! in nil violent downward movements, prac tically rcneheil nil classes of Mecks re gardless of position or merit. Much n thai linulilntlrttl iliulnllhtivllv rfftiri1- tented enforced reduction of ceticentrnt- J ed heldlnf In the hands or peels, specu lative combinations nnd large operators, and it wns (tenernlly understood the supply from this j source was larger than indlcntrd by the actual trnnnc trnnnc tlens. The abruptness of the brenks nnd wide decline sustained by n number of the Mtlve speculative fnverllcs nlse Indi cated the renuhiiiK nnd uncovering of numerous "step less" orders which had been plnced ever night as result of heavy selling movement encountered in the late trading enterduy. There wns no semblance of support; In fart, npart from the profit -taking by the short In terest, the buying power wns found te i- Vi. be painfully limited. The sharpest brenks eccurred In the Initial dealing', with opening declines of 1 te ever 5 points. The liquidation was checked around the end of the lint half hour, nnd Irregtilnr rnllies fol lowed. The recovery, however, wns of short duration, nnd after getting n point or thereabouts nhevc the low level of the opening the whole Hit ran into fresh selling. Numerous explanations whip offered for the extreme weakness of the mnr- ' ket, including the Washington fore- , casts of tn revision plans which the i new (,'engre Is expected te tnke up. Involving impost en undistributed sur- plus of corporation, which would nl-e affect stock dividends. The advices en the Near Ent situation were Ke dis turbing. 1'pen closer examination flic i principal propelling force of the down- J ward swing could easily be traced te rondltiens within tlin market Itself, j Trading in bends was unusually quiet. The main tendency again wns down ward. With th exception of Cerre de Pasco Ss and Wilsen racking ronvorti renvorti ronverti ble (Is. which dropped 1 points, re- , spectlvely, changes In the popular is meg weie of n fractional character. I French municipal bends continued under pressure, lterdenux 0s 'hewingi the largest le. Trading in United Stntes Oevtrnment bends wns dull, the first nnd second 4Vh dropping 1!J and 18 cents en .$100. respectively, and the , ethers showing virtunlly no change. , Lecal tractions were ngnln sold freely. ; Third Avenue adjustment fis nnd In In In terboreugh ,1s each leldlng large frec- j tlens. The weak spots in the rnllrend ' list included Frisce income (Is and Heiithrrn Ituilwnv Ok. However. St. Paul refunding 4as improved slightly. Since it is quite generairy conceded that the bull feices have been shot te ' pieces and met their Waterloo, much the snme as the Republican Party at j the polls last Tuesday, there is con cen iderable diversity of opinion just when the major upward swing in the,seciirlty market reached Its apex. Seme ob servers claim the real hull movement ended last April. Others tlnd the tin- i Ish line was reached in August, nnd I still another element declares the pin nacle was net renlly touched until n fortnight age. It is an open verdict, and much depends upon what angle the judgment Is reached. Taking the full measurements it would seem ns if tin upward swing in the main bedv of stocks occurred In June. It was given strong lupedermic injection in Ait-I rust. When it did net thrive Mifliclnnrlv . te meet the icqtilrcmcntH of the peel " managers who were then carrying mi unwelcome heavy lead, u second shot was applied in October with the gun leaded heavily with stock dividend talk. The spirited upblddlng of the high priced Industrial specialties then, how hew ever, instead of providing the stimulus hoped for iictunlly proved te be the undoing of the market nnd wax nri- marily responsible for the subsequent collapse of the speculative 'triicture. FOREIGN EXCHANGE New Yerh. Nev. 11. The oljseiv eljseiv ance of Armistice Dnj as a legal liell- ' day in France, Ilelgium and seveial I ether countries abroad facilitated a illlve ngnlust helntnl short in Italian exchange nnd te a Ipsn extent in frnius. Offerings of lire were limited, with the result that the market for a time hewed a panic of shorts. Lire, which had closed at 1.12 jes terdny, or within 2 points of a recent high, advanced te l.50i(, with u re action te -1.4S-V net gain of fit,. , Sterling, at the end, showed a gain of. S ?4 : francs were up .1; IJelginns 2; guilders 4; Norway 2, nnd Sweden 1. Swiss, Danish and marks were un changed. Pesetas were an exception, closing at u decline of IMy. Quotation" were: Sterling cnbles 4.40', demand i tfl'!,: franc nibles ft,44, checks lUm,; Itelginn cables fl.02. checks 0.01 : lire ruble 1.4s,. checks 4. 18; Swiss cables I V.'IO. ilietk- 1S.27; (lesrtn (able l.'.l11 .. checks 1.1.10.,; banish cables 20.10, ( lieeks 20.11; Nerwnj (allies lS.fiO. i heck 1R.-I.". Swedish mbles 20.H.". i hei ks 20.H0; guilder fables IIIUT. dink 80.12; marks .01 ,1-KI IKSTEIttJAY S Ct.OSINU Ql-CiTvriON-Sttrllnar franc l.lf (jin.nai ?mn'l 4.4(1 II 4T'. I 41 .in f bll 4 4 IH. I) 4Vi I It'i :m 13 TODAV t OPENINIJ QUOTvriONS Mrrllna rrnnr-, j liu.il.t. 1 .l"4 II .IH'4 I l'j ,u. ' lilv fiivli-n tn I ZOO 500 400 7803 5500 500 100 200 500 tee 10400 300 1600 100 700 403 500 430 600 333 5503 830 930 930 1200 100 703 1203 100 300 2000 100 noe 600 603 700 1600 503 200 100 4033 200 200 1200 200 103 100 303 1433 100 1R333 4100 200 1000 200 100 100 500 7930 STOCK 1Ufc Adams Kxnreii..,. 77 4 Air Reduction 61 .. AJax Rubber t3H . . Alaska Juneau O M IN 4 Allied Chem Dye.. 73 4 Allls-Chatmers .... 42 . . Am Agrle Chem.. 33 .. Am Heel Sugar.. 37 !4 . Am tlesch Magneto. 36 J4 7 Am B Mi F pf new. Ill .. Am Can 73U IS Am Car Fily 182 .. Am Cotten Oil... 21 .. Am Cotten Oil pf.. 40 .. Am tnug Syn 6!4 8 Am r.xprrss 145 .. Am Hide & Leather. 11i .. Am Ulcte A Leath pt GOTi 7 Am Ice leg,. .. Am Internal Cerp. 30i 6 Am Locomotive.... 125 4 Am Radiator U3 Am Safety Razor. 714 .. Am Ship & Cem.. 21 H .. Am Smelt SfH 7 Am Smelt if 102J Am Steel reundrle 43 .. Am Sugar Rcf 74 7 Am Sugar Rcf pf..108' 6 Am Tel & Cable.. 62 Am Tel A Tel '? II Am Tobacco J 53 13 Am Tobacco B....150 0 Am Tobacco pf ncvv!07 .. Am Waterworks.. 29 .. Am Wntrwks 6 Pf -,, 7 Am Woolen ?6'4 .. Am Zinc Ld & Smelt 17 . Am Zinc Ld A 3 pt 52 .. Ann Arber pf.. .. 0J .. Anaconda Copper.. -i 4 Asse Dry Goods... 412 fi Asse Oil 116. 6 Atch Tep A San Fe102',i 6 Atch Tep A S F pf 92 U .. Atlantic Fruit 2, . . Atlantic Fruit ctfs 1 ? .. All Gulf & W I S 3 24i .. Austin Nlchele ... 20U 7 Austin Nichols pf.. 86 7 Baldwin Locemotlvo129 .. Baltimore A Ohie... 49 U 4 Baltl A Ohie pf.... 61 ' .. Dnrnsdall Clnis A. 31 S .. Barnsdall Class B. 21 1 . . Uatepllan Mln s5 B Bethlehem Steel . 6B .. Beth Steel pf new.. S6i C Beth Steel B e4 200 48c Beechnut Packing.. 41 100 .. Brit Km Steel 'n 200 .. Brit Km Steel 2d pf Z9h 200 .. Beeth Fisheries... G' 20) 8 Brooklyn Kdlsen ..121 200 8 Bklyn Union Gas... 121 200 . . Brown Shoe 6 500 10 Burns Bres A 130 1030 2 Burns Brea B 454 103 7 Bush Tetm Bid pf. 99"? 2333 .. Butte Cep A Zinc. 8". 1400 .. Butte A Sup Cep.. -04 100 .. Butterlck Ce 19 100 . Cudde Cm OAR. 9 130 C Ca'lfernla Packing. E2'i 930 ,. California Petrel .. C2, 100 7 California Pet pf. . 91 '2 503 .. Cal Zinc and lithi. 8'n 830 10 Canadian Paclfle .143'i 203 . . Case .1 I Plew 3 430 .. Central Leather ... ZS 103 .. Cen leather pf.... 73 1230 .. CVro-de-Pasco 30 1600 6 Chandler Meters .. tO'4 1333 4 Chesapeake A Ohie. 73 100 ' Chesapeake A Oh pfiea 1333 700 700 530 200 1530 5333 230 100 11 1C0 203 200 130 9530 933 2413 200 103 103 1530 1603 100 100 500 3800 1200 1503 6433 5930 4230 4400 1503 333 3330 1200 100 100 1100 100 2033 300 630 2030 2500 c.600 1203 230 2600 300 203 930 100 2103 1433 4703 300 330 100 500 30J 10100 200 ICO 533 200 tOJ 100 333 500 340J 70') 100 4800 200 700 10200 'S0 78 !i 29 45 , Chtcase A Alten.. Z'i . Chicago A Alten pf 4 .. Chi A D 111 33 .. Chicago & Gr West 4 J, . CM A Gr West pf.. 12U .. Chi Mil ft St P 28 .. Chi M & 8t P Pf... 424 6 Chi A Northwestern 87 4 Chicago Pneu Teel . . 79 Vi .. Chi It I A Pae 38 fi Chi R I & Pc 6T, pf 89i 7 Chi R I A PC 7ri lf 96Tg 6 Chi St P M A O.. 82 .. Chile Copper 28 . Chlne Copper . . . 4 Coca-Cela Cel Fuel A Iren 1 c-i-.i & Southern . 1 Coleiado A Se Istpf 61 5 celum Oss ft Elcc.109 .. Celum Graphnphene 3 .. Cel Graphaphene pf 12 4 Cem Solvent A.... 49 .. Conael Cigar 38 'j 8 Conseldatcd Ga ..13nu . . Coniel Textiles ... 1 1 "s .. Continental Can ... S8 4 Cern Products Ref.128 4 Cosden A Ce 49 .. Crucible Steel ... 75 ' . . Cuban Am Sugar. . . 21 xi .. Cuba Cane Sugar. 123i ,. Cuba Can Sugnr P 35 i . . Davisen Chemical 31 t .. Debeers C Mln Ltd 21 !i 8 Detroit Kdlsen ...112 9 Delaware A Hudsenl29 2 Deme Mines 42 J . . Duluth Se S A A pf 5 8 Du Pent tn I.) Cel 69 6 Du Pent 6 Te deb pf 67 6 Eastman Kodak .. C6i', s Elee Storage uai.. in 5 Endlcott-Jehnson , .. Erie .. Erie 1st pf .. Erie 2d Pf 8 Famous Flayers L. Lew 76 J4 60 13H 1W 71 U 41 Ht 33 37 Vf 3514 111 704 1B0U 19 40 by, 145 I Hi 68 107 30 ti 1231'. 114H 714 21 55 102ft 43 13 V l'OVt 61 123 150 149 103J4 28 Jl 49 95 14 16', 40 14 I 481-i 6454 115 10H4 92 14 2l I'd ?4Vi 29 05 125 48 ' a 61 29 i 2Hi H 68 SGtj 68U OI4 10 29 j; 6-. 170 119'i te 128'4 4314 0')'j 8 :e'i 19 8' 82'2 1 91 '4 143' 3 25U 73', 36 -a 59i4 72'2 104 21, 3-a :3 414 I2' TeJsJ's Net CleM Chfe. 76 't- Vt 60 - Hi 13H- U 1 (4 - V 72K- 1 41 Vt - Vt 33 - ' 37li- 38 !4- ?i lit 1 704- 214 180J4- 24 19 - 2H 40-4 61i . 145 - IHi- 68 -103 - 30- 123- 114- 714- 21 H- Jllv 8lM III i STOCK R Ish 2100 .. Kennecett Copper 3314 700 .. Keystone T R. . . Gt 100 .. Lackawanna Htcel . 604 100 7 Laclede Gas of St L 68 200 .. Lnke Erie a West.. 32 100 2 Lee Rubber 3600 SH Lehigh Valley .... aue 3H Lima Locomotive . 5514- 10214- 43 - 7314- 108 Vi 61 123 -150 -149H- 10614 H H 1 IVi 2's H4 !4 Ti H i IK i 3 4 1200 200 100 500 100 200 2700 100 300 700 900 200 930 100 100 1000 100 600 600 WOO 303 900 600 25 Loews Ine 1 Left Candy 25(4 6614 58 H 19 13 29U 1i 50 !i 9514- Hi 17 52 - i 40 1 4 49H- H 64J4- K 115 - 2 101 14 - Ti 92 H- 'e 214 .. 1 Ti - Ji 244 .. 29(4- 1'4 86 125W- 4 4B- H4 61 - Vt 30 - 14 2114- Si H .. 68 - 14 96J4- H tow- 1i 404- 54 10 294- 54 614-1- 54 170 - 1 11954- H4 te - ZVt 12914- 14 43?4- 1T4 99 54 54' 8-54 2014- 154 19 8',- 54 214- 1 ti - 1 !i 91 Vi 54 8 - H 143H- si 3 - li 35 5i - ' 87 12U VJ14 15!, 93 Dfimind .Id IT pemaml Cables 4 4I)' il liiii I 1 1 fLOsiNC, Qt'OTATIeSSi StrllnL Triiius I re liu.n.ari 1 4,V II 43' 4 1(1', ,(11 4 40,". (I II 1 17 :i.i (Ai Car Shortage Sets New Recerd Amsrlmn Ual i 5 frllil ems In em i 178.1130 oil Oi'lnber ArKlntlfin itrrnmiH fni. ll uf CUimit KUPIil) ! r .10. i.n lnn?i.ua ..r ,e nan ' er ever Ostebtr .3 '1 tils ! tlm Krrauet Cir rhert- In th lilsinrv nf Amcrlum Ssllrnd. Hhert In bux cam letilnl ' 1.08V an hicrnu nf nunn ir in it wi-i-v ear ihertae. 20 (NIT OT Ipm than nn Oc-141- iier'.fift. -.'11 1,0; illit ln than ti (k-, teber 88. rek cai ll.lfl nn lnrru- if' It anl rufrlk-ruier car nhtirtase 1 1 dst 1TS9 mere ttin en fn-iebr il.t. H'lmri. mIve he(l 371H urplu, fr'laht rim uf nil kind- In seuil impair Kailerr.) tbimmhuul , th ceuntr. a rtfcr nf 0in wlihln n ttefk Of th total, ir.81 -ri aurplua coal , rsrs, compared with 1 770 Uctntr i" ' mnrpiNn iier.i n .Mhn.Ar , Tha unuaual atent "f anina Amarlcan tiankar ihlpplne enM from llatanaullli, te Olrardet. In Colombia, by alrplan la lha ubJict of a recant editorial arllcl In te ruainaM atciien 01 tn ruui.iu 44uvaa. Ulln It a Habit." Adv. S Famous Pluyers pf. 93 "j 5 Fed -Mln A htneit pt :e4 10 Fisher Bedy 145H 8 Fisher Iledv of O pf 94 .. Frcepert Texai ... 21 2 3 Gen Am Tank. . . . 3 .. General Asphalt ... 48 n E General Asphalt pf. 80 '2 d General Cigar . .. 79 ', 7 General Cigar pf.. 106 I Oen l.lectr'.e 177'; .. Genl Lleo ijpeclal pf 10', .. General Meters . 14 i t, ii ! .M Krs clel) fl't 83 Gltnlvl Bres . .. 7 Clnite' Hr.is if . . Ceilwjn Plctuies Onedrlcli P. 7 floedrlcli II V pf . Uranbj MlnlnR . Gray lalH. 7 Great Northern pf 4 Grt ."erih Ora ctrs 34 i, Gulf Meb.le t N pf 45 .. Gulf Siatca .Htfel.. 86 ll.il, iBhuvv Cleotrle 1 '. Ui-i.dec MfB . Housten Oil 1 Hudsen Moter Car, . lljdraullc Steel 6 Ii ( mt pf A . lndlahema Kef Indian H"!1nmR . Inspiration Cen Cep JO'-j . Intr Cen Cerp.. . ' 400 2 '4 lnternat Cement ., 22 100 i Intur Coin Kng.... 74 v, 5 Int Ilarvister new let) Inter Mi r Marine . 1 J'( 430 103 130 H30 100 39 'j6'4 6'4 32 U 2 25 1 J 10'4 '(Hi 18 3. 75 . 21 3i 4 '4 113 18?4 700 200 903 633 2200 1400 100 1500 100 3X 00 100 4 30 1500 700 C Inler Mr Marine pr CJ . . inter Nickel K, . . International Paper LG . . Invlnclb'.e Oil Cerp. IbH Iren Products . O1 . . lilaud OH .... ?a .lewil Tea . 19' 4 4 Jenoa lires Tea. . 49 , Kan city .Southern l 4 Kan City fte pf . 3 54 .. KHIIfOH K- Gulf.. . 'i'- .. Kajucr it Ce new.. 44 "4 . Kellj-Sprlnittleld . 42 40'4 e6'0 79'i 35 i 89 96 e2 76 14 J4tr, 76'i 28 1 2 45 K 61 H ICO J, 3 ? 49 371, 124'i M u 5i 1 25 ii 49 K 74 :ou 12'i 35I-, 2714 21 112 129 41 H 5 163 66 854 53 54 85 'i ia'. ie 15 91 Vi 97 56 Vi 143U 94 20U 701, 47 80 78' j 106 177 10 14U 82 '4 33 b5, 0'4 321, 82 'iT 10 87 :4j 45 82 1 'a 18 69'4 H liVi 113 18'i 8i 2414 h, 31 V 24 M 10454 13 62 54 14 54 5514 147i U"4 73 54 16 54 -59 54- 72 54 104 1 -44-1214 27 -40 14 86 54- 79 54 2 54 Vt i '4 '4 IS 2?4 Hi 1 3694- 2H 89 96 -82 27 -24 T4 -77 -28'i-45 -614 - 108, 3 12 -49 37 54 - 1 34 5 -11H-F6 54 - 125', 48 54- 74 - 1 fs 2 4 T4 H Ha 1 a il H 2'4 2'i I 34 J4 2! ZO'4 - 14 3 5-i Vt 44 254 54 Vt 654 H Te Hi Vt K 1 1H 5 J4 154 v, 1914 48 54 5 04 S3 54 4314 41 12'4- 35 54 - 28 54 - 21 - 112 129 - 41 s - 5 - 163 - 86 - 854- E3- 854- I2'4- 18 '4 - 15 - 9154- 97 - 56 54- 14554 Vi 94 - 14 20 54 - 1 V2 7054 - 254 47 ;, - 80 - 4 78 54 - 1 106- 4 177 - 54 10H Vt 1454 824 -. 39 i'54 - 6 !4 - 32 54 82 25 - 10 - 88 - 34,- 45 - 8214- Ui- 18 - 71 - 21 14 - 414 113 - 18 '4 - 04 1- 34 14 - i 31 94 - 24 H - 105 - 13 -1294- 14 54 -55 54- 15 - 4014 H i 19'4- 48 Vt -104 53 54 -2(4 4314 7 Louisville & Nnsh..13S5i . . Mack Truck 55 7 Mack Truck 1st pr. 93 .. Magma Copper ... 3254 .. Malllnsen Ce 31 7 Mulllnien Ce pf.. .. 95 .. Manhnt I'.lev ctfs... 46 2 Manhat Sltlrt 5714 .. Market St Rwy.... 8 . . Market Pt Rwy pf . . 40 6 Mar St Rwy pr pf.. 71 Ji . . Mar St R.vy 2d pf . 22 .. Marlln Rockwell ..13 4 Marland Oil 32 54 2 Martin Parry Cerp 28 .. Math Alkali 4954 8 May Dept Stores. . ..16414 .. Max Meters Class H 144 1 Mclntyre Mlnlnir ..18 12 Mexican Pet 223 2 Miami Copper 25?4 4 Michigan Central .240 2300 1.20 Middle States Cerp. 12 54 2400 2809 100 600 1500 1300 800 900 200 300 700 100 1209 300 530 200 100 3930 100 603 6100 300 600 100 1209 100 800 200 200 200 1030 3103 6203 7509 100 2103 001 200 1800 300 2500 1000 800 , 100 900 100 200 100 3003 MldvnlA Stral 3254 .. Me Kan & Tec (vvl) . . 1654 .. Me K ft T (wl) pf. 42 .. Missouri Paclfle ... 1814 .. Me Pacific pf 53 .. Montgomery Ward. 22 1 Moen Moter Car... 15 if, Mether Lede Mining 1 1 5i . . .Vntlenal Acme ... '354 7 Nat Biscuit 234 Nat m ft Stamp 6 7 Nat En ft Stamp Pf'92 6 National Lead ... 11354 . . Nev Cen Copper.... 144 6 N O Tex ft Mex... 82 ..NY Air P-rnke 3314 ..NY Air nrnke A.. 49 6 N Y Central 7 6 N Y C A St Leuis.. 85 2 New Yerk Out & W 23 . . New Yerk N II H 78 7 Norfolk & Western.118 6 North American ... 54 54 3 North Amcr pf 45 5 North PacIRe C2 54 .. Okla Pred ft Ret... 214 .. Orpheum Circuit . 8 Otis Llevnter . . . . .. Otle Steel 2 Owens Het Mach., .. Pae Gas ft Ulce... 8 Paclfla Oil I Pan Amer Petrel.. 8 Pan Amcr B . . ranhnndle 3 Pennsylvania R R. ' vt 148 9 28 82 54 47 54 89 884 4 54 47 J4 Penn Seaboard Steel 41 Peoria ft K.istcrn... 17J$ . Pere Marquette ... 334 3 Phl'ailelphia Ce .. 41 54 2 Phillips Tet 45 54 . Plorce Oil 5 54 4 piBgiy widely store 44' . Pitts Ceal 58 94 . PUUm ft W Va 37 G Pitta ft V Va pf.. 9254 Pie-sed Steel Car... 82 7 I'resied Steel Car pf10054 . Producers ft Rcf... 4354 100 3'.. Producers ft Ret pf. 4354 709 8 Pub Ser Cor of N J S7 2109- 8 Pullman Ce '275i 800 2 Fure Oil 29ft 100 8 Railway Steel fepg..114 100 .. Ray Cen Copper... 13JS 14800 4 Readmit 04 100 2 Reading 1st pf 50h 100 2 Rending 2d pf .... 51 1800 .. Remington Tjpew.. 38 J4 100 .. Rem Typevv 1st pf.101 100 .. Rem Typevv 2d pf.. 79 1000 .. Ucplogle Steel 27 54 2400 ,. Rcpub Iren ft Steel. 484 200 .. Rep Iren ft Stcci pf'8294 100 . Republic Meters ... 2 1400 3 Reynolds Teb B.... 57 1603 4 13 Royal Dutch NY.. 5354 200 1 St Jeseph IMd '8 14 900 .. St Leuis Snn Fran. 5 100 .. St Leuis S Fran pf. 4654 900 . . St LOUIS HOUinwem 1 200 . . St L Southwest pf . 400 .. Kan Cee Sugir 330 . . Savage Arms 1600 .. Saxen Moter 600 . . Seaboard Air Line. 200 .. Siab Air Line pf.. 500 . . Sears-Roebuck . . . 100 7 Senrs-Reebueli pf . 100 .. Seneca Copper ... 10015514 Shell Transport lit li 54 14 la 1 154 1 2a H 14 3',i 14 5 54 1'i K 14 1'i '4 54 "',4 !i 14 1H Vi 3 54 '4 4 1! U 1'a Ht 633 9600 100 603 100 200 100 s;.e B)) 43 100 2500 8403 233 203 203 100 27500 30 100 330 3100 5803 100 1833 100 2530 800 800 3100 100 10C0 23)0 200 200 403 300 5400 COO 200 500 3103 600 2100 4 10 2 54 194 4H G 9'i 109 9'i :53 9b 54 3354 99 94 43 6 Shell Union Oil nf 2 Sinclair Consel . 8 Sinclair Cen pf.. .. Skcllj- Oil Clnwu.Sthr fflebl .' Se Perte Rice Sugar '04 S He Perte lUce S pf. 92 j 0 Southern Paclfle .. S2 .. Southern Rill 24 54 t Seuthem Rill pf... t34 8 Standard Mill 130 4 Stand Oil of Cal 121 5 Standard Oil of N J20514 7 Stand Oil of N J pt11714 3 Sterling Products .. 59 54 4 Mew. irt Warner Spd 57 4 Stroniberc Carb ... 50 J 10 Studcbaker '24 54 .. Sub lleit Cerp 74 .. Temt Cem & F "A" 't . Tenn Cep & Chem.. 9 3 Texan Ce 47 4 Texas Gulf Sulphur. 63 .. Tet.ir & Pacific... 25 '4 1 Tex ft Pae C ft O. . 2? . Third Ave 18 ( Timken Rell Dr.... 32 94 .. Tobacco Product! . 3 7 Tobacco Pred A.... 81 .. Transcontinental Oil 14 14 C Tnlen Ilau ft Paper C9 .. Union Oil 17 54 10 Union Paclfle 144iB 2 I'm d Allev Sttel. . C6 14 8 United Prult 1E4 .. I'nltid Hvv Inves.. 13 14 .. Unit Rv Invest pf 28 94 .. United llctall Sterea 7U . U S '' I P ft Fdv. 28 '4 ..US Poed Products "i, r S Heffman M.ich. ?0i4 .. U h Ind Alcohol f4i. . V a Realty ft Imp.. 87 14 u .1 uunuiT ui '1 Ix)W 324 54 604 88 3Hi 2554 C454 S7J4 19 12H 13514 54 H 93 3254 30 95 4554 r.654 8 39 694 22 13 31 28 49 1625-4 1454 1794 219 26 54 240. 114 3H4 18 42 1854 51 2154 14H 104 13 250 65 100 11154 144 81 33 49 P5J4 85 224 .'654 1174 94 45 J4 82 2 54 2154 146 9 38 81 4654 87 8654 454 47 54 17 3294 4054 44 5i 554 42 54 S8 36)4 9254 82 10054 42 4354 6554 12554 2954 114 13H 79 50 54 5054 37 101 79 26 H 47 82 54 2 5614 5254 18 244 46 324 -414 2 18 4 54 6 9'i 83 14 109 954 35 h 94 54 32 54 99 914 43 40 9214 B154 2A 6354 1J0 119 19954 11794 59 56 54 50 5a 121 '4 7 54 14 9 4714 614 25 54 21 18 32 5154 te 135s 69 16 94 143 2b 152 13 Today's l Clnae Onit. 32J4- 54 6(4- 54 52" 8 8854 32 Wi- 1j 5754- 14 1954- H 124- H 13354- IMj 54)i- 154 93 - 54 3?Vi- 1 30 93 4554 56 J4- B COMPLETE NEW YORK fiOND TR.ANSACTIONS UBBRTT BONDS AND VICTOIIT NOtM. llaags Blnee Sate of Issue i:1J 30 70 22 13 32 28 49 54 1 2 294 an lllah Dais 108 0 Oct. in, '13 102.70 Oct. 10, '23 101. IIS July 38, '23 101.80 July 24, '22 100.80 Ju V 38, '23 100 84 July 14, '23 103 00 July IS, "il 101,78 July 28, '22 101.4O July 24, '23 101.00 Ju v 24, '23 100.80 July 28, '22 lill.oe JUiy se, ".'3 100.M1 July 2.1, '23 101.8(1 July 27, '22 101.83 July 26. '22 100 08 May 10, '22 100.00 Apr. 8, '23 I.nw SO, SI 8: Date 2-00 'una 3. '31 : XU:''.e 3.80 vay IS. '20 .40 Mar 80, 20 nana. '23 Mtfh .Lew loa.ej 102.70 81.88 Msy 31, '20 00,00 June 4, '20 84.00 May 21. '20 84.00 .Titlv XO. !in 81.40 Msy 20, '20 101 101.es 101, se Ie. se 100.84 102.00 101. 19 H!''. ?$ i .. wwXii : : : : : : : : : 1 jr- - . - - - - ( 101.40 Mav SO. '20 101.00 88.80 Dec. 28, '20 100 80 SS.IIO Dee. 20, '20 nz.su S2, S2 04, 04, 4:78 fel8::3e Itt-fl if pSJI; 4.68 May 21, '20 100. 0 09.84 Victory 4S issue .. 04.84 Mbtrty IHs, lesz-tT na.sa LIbarty SUr. n en riiwrit. lat cv 07,80 Liberty 1st cv 4s, res itjS Liberty 2d fs 1027-42 08.80 Liberty 2d 4a rrr.. .. ii na.oe Liberty Ist'ev 4'is r. . i BS.8A Liberty lat 2d cy i",,",P" 94.! Mbertv 2d ev 4jis 1J27-42 08.88 Liberty 2d ev 454; res. B8.T4 Llberty 84 454 1028., V4.7b LVany Sn ana rrw,,, MM tierty 4th 4V4s 1088-s OS. 10 Ubarty 4th 4HI res,. 100.03 Victory 4s 1022-23. vs.e victory rw.i. Hln Lew Last 00 80 44 100.50 Net crura. 100.88 10O.B8 100 80 .us 100.80 IOU. 08.82 'ho.'ei'i 'oti.'eii 08.NO 1110. nn 00.00 100.00 'eii.'s'j 'di.Vii! .ia '88,02 'tii.'fle '.ie '118,06 'os.'e's 4-'.6fl no. 00 pA'f.2 'j.V4 f'M ((S.SII 08 SO 4-.00 1IHI.82 1IMI.82 in ii tRALGfl IN $10001 FOREIGN BONDS - 1 16254- 154 14)4- H 174- 54 219 - 454 28 W - 54 240 12 li 3H4- 4 1814- Ji 42-2 1854- 54 01 - 154 2H4 - H 15 104- H 13 250 - 4 J4 65 - 1 100 - 94 11194- 214 144- H 8154- 1H 33 - 154 49 - 54 6554- 254 83. - 254 224 - 54 J694- 14 118 9454- 14 45J4 14 8254- 14 25i- 14 21 14 - V, 148 - e 9 28 0114- 14 54 46 h- 54 8754- Hi 8094- 2H 454- 4 47 54- 14 - 2 3294- Hi 40(4- 14 44J4- 1J4 554- 14 424- Hi 50H- 36 54- 9254 82 -10054- 4254- 4314- 9554-12514- 294 114 - 134 70 -5054-EO54- 37J4 79 - 204- 474- 8254- 2 56 54- 53 - 18 - 2474- 46 - :2a- 454- 214- 18 - 414- 0 - 9'i- 3 2H Hi 14 2 24 14 54 H 214 1 !4 1 Anten Jtrstrri in 0894 UManwna 1 esh 8 70'. 11 MH Chlnrae Oere't 3..... 084 H- Rly 8 3 USH 4 82 8 08V, City of llirnn 4 0854 8a rets 1 0894 is 100 1 0894 8 ... ion Oeve't French ". .. iesS neaubiie 8s City Uerd'x 0a 8 0754 1 77 1 OT 2.. 784 7(sale 07. (Ksile) 78 4 1 07 t Tfl'4 U(salel 07 niv of Ceuan- s 0754 haaen OH a ;i vii 4 80 1 BT 1 80 2 D7H 2 884 2 07 1... . 88(4 Helland-Am' n City I.jena fla Una 0 A 77'i 8 8ft 2.. .. 77 R.,.y. 8894 2 .... 704 10 8514 City Mars' 8 Jap aevarn't 1 77V4 lat 4V4 3 .... 784 2 034 ' 7(aale) 7fl4 Jap Ojevern't 1 77V 3ds 4V4a City Oreatar 8 024 rrniuaBH 2 02 H 1 7854 K Oelflum ea II... . 78 8 08 Cly Itle de Ja- 8 084 nerle 8s 1 nntt 1 0B4 8 084 1 B54 10 V6 Cty Kle da Ja- K Uelt'm 7H nerle ct 8a 0... . 07 n .... 084 fi. 00H Citv i.f Sola Sela Sola aena 0a 10 78 r. ... 70s in ailc)7n 2 7894 t ... 70 City Zurich Ha t ... 1O04 4 .. 110 Ctoclie-Slovak rtcp'e aa 4 .... 004 2 . H04 r4(nlt) SOU 1 . 00 J . .no h . 00 ft 00 Dept velne 7 fi . .. 88 1 ..S3 1 11.154 1 .ss a tm4 Z . . SHU 8 .... PS'4 I . S8'4 n 08V4 10 s84 s tint De Can 3a '2(1 1 0.1 H 2 ... 00 'i Kingdom Ner I HO't way OS wl De Can 8a '20 1.... 1O0 I .. 100'4 2.... lOO'i 4. .. 101 kingdom Ne-r 1 ... innr-l wv ct 8 11 .. 10014 j H0V4 De Can Ca '81 K Kwden Oae 1 ... 08?4 1.... 104'; I ... 08"i 1.... 104 .1 ... 00 1..:. 104 a .. 08'4 Pnrla-Lyens 41 De Can 8a '.13 ttall'y OS 00 10. n. 6.. 108 1074 10794 Republla Bell via if 80 04 1 04 li It 04 4 04 1 t'4 1 (flat) 04 8 04 rt chile as 'ie 0.... 101' 1.... '1014 1 00'4 .... 1019a R Chll M '41 0.... 10SH 1.... 108(4 2.... 104 8.... 10394 It Chlla 8 '48 3. 1.. 2.. 2.. 1.. 3.. 1.. 2 108S less 108'i I OS '4 103'i 103 '4 10SU 103'k 2... 10... 1... 8... 10... 10,., 1... 8... 20... 28... 3... 2. USSlHudaen 4 Man US HSVi 11854 U8S 11854 118 112S 1124 113 113 113 4.. 4.. 3.. 1.. 34.. 3.. 1e0',i 100H 10054 10054 ion 100 100 It Belrlum 8a 3.... 10OH 2.... 100S 10.... lOOH 1.... 10094 Klncdem Den mark 8a 8 en 1 UAH 1 OS'4 Klnadem Den mark ct 8s 1.... 108't 1.... IO814 1.... ins 1 . . . . 108 K of Nether- lnnda 0s wl 084 OflV, tiil'i nns 14 rs 2 Vn 2'4 '4 5c Vt P394- M4 109 - 2 954- 3a 3394-1 5-4 S454- 1 32 Ji- 1 99 - 54 054- 54 43 - 1 4054 Vi 92 54- 3 '4 9194- r.Ib Itep of Colom bia 8a 1 08 Rap Cuba 454 a 1 en R Cuba Ss '01 a mi. Rap uf Haiti 0a wl 1.... 8.... n.... 1.... Rop-e of Uru- auay Be ie.... 10454 Slate Rie O'e Du Bel 8 . 1 08H 1 (flat) OSS 8tate of Bae Paule ct sa 1 0854 (1 OS'4 1 0NV, 3... 8 Bwlta Cen 8 8.... 11894 I.... H'l4 1.... unii 1.... 117 U K Cjt Hrlt 4: I 34 a '20 1.... 10S'4 O(aale) 10N' 2.... ""' 10 ne4 08S 90 tlli'i en 1 .-. ... ns'. . nn' 4 Dem llep'c Ra .1 . . v' Dutch II Iml'a ICtH n '4 ft .. I'4H lit 1)4' VIV4 lii'l'a '412 I1'4 t.i 1. tU'l1 114 S 87 S 12 2 64 ' 54 54 6314- 130 119 - 200 - 1174 59 -5614 -50J4- Vi'i -7 54- 14 9 -47 54 -62 -25 54 21 ?s 18 -32 - 5154- 24 8054- 'a 13H- H 69 - 1 164- 5a 143 - 1 5e 36 541 Dutch H irta 0a . . . in 2 .. 1.... ft... . Frem'n Induat Dev 75ia 1(i SS',4 !!.. .. S7S Oeve't Krenrh 11 7 Ha rets 3 MS 2 (tint) U3S 0. 18.. 5.. 10.. 2.. 4.. 1.. 20.. l 2.'. 1 . 8 1 . ft ft.. 4.. ft.. .1.. Clneln ties Sa 3 07 3 OflVi Cln Oss 84i 8 00 t Oft C N T 4Sa'08 B.... 108H 1.... 10SS C N T 4H'fl.V 10.... lOO'i CKT 4S'0T 10,... I0BS C N V 4S'71 10.... 108T4 Cl'il Cln CM A St 1. 44 s I MS Clevel'd Union Ter'l BVa 2.. . 108S 1. .. 108S 1 10 Cole A fi'n 4a 1... . 03 Cole & 8 44a 1 87 7 . .. 87S 2 . . S7 4 ... 874 Columbia l A lilac lat Ba 1 084 Columbia O F. 1ft at'il 1 04 4 Commenirea'h l'ewer 61 1 00 CenM Ceal Ce of M1 Ba 3 004 1. ... 00 4 no Cenaum'a Pwr ct S 2 .... 024 Cuba C'e Hit cv 7a 1, 834 Cuba C'e Hut 8 ata'd 8 88 7 . .. 8B Cuba H ltd 8a 2... 8 Pel II cv (la j .. nnn Stflat) lO'i', ,,. & n nsa 1 ... ""h r, 100 1.. . 10H4 ' 4f, 1004 U Bf 1,,..,' 88 1 88 1 83 S 11 824 11 824 1 82 S Humble Oil Haf'C BHS 1 08 .1 084 1 (184 1 OS Ills Can 4s 'B8 1 814 Ilia Cen'l 84 a 1.... 100s 8.... 1004 Ills C'ant'1 BtL Dlv 84 S 1 70S Ills Steel 44 a 1 01 tniD'a Htcel Be 1.... 100H 1.... 100 tnterbem Rap Trnn fd Be 18 7454 (10 74 SB 78 S 3 74 4 78S 1 784 10 7894 11 78S B 78S 78S 1ft 73 H 10 784 44 73". 8 78S 4 7.VI4 21 78S 21 78S fl 734 10 784 2 784 8 784 7 73' 3 78 S 7 74 New Or Tex A Mexico Ba (1 774 3 77S N T Ct'l en 4a 1 824 1 8354 N T Cent'l 8 0094 00S 04 08S 08 U 084 0894 Otis 0H 084 00S tnterbnre Rap Trnrni fd ct B. 2. 10.. 0.. 1.. 2.. 1.. 28.. 8.. 4,, 1.. N Y Cent'l ns 8.... 1054 3.,.. 103 2S(aalc) 10B54 3..., 10B4 n.... 1054 N Tk Central M Ct! 84a fl 774 N Y Chi A St Leuis 4s 1 02 N Tk Chi A St Leuis d 4s 1 884 N Yerk Bdlaen 04 s rets 3..,. lOflS New Y N II A II 4S 'B7 1 40 New Y N II Hart'd 8i B 784 2 784 N Yk Illys 4a 10 84 U N Y Itys ct 4s 1 84 N Y Itys ct fis .1 8 N Y Steam fls 1 074 New Yerk lal fls of '41 (18 S (IS 51 ASS 884 084 884 084 08 0. ns (IS 07S 07 ' 117 4 ns (IN 4 OS 1174 2 . . OS J(snln) 114 ft OH 2 . OH fl .... 117 1 071 Quernland (la 2.... 101S 2.... (! 2.... 10114 Queemlaiiil 7a 108 108 .1.. . ISO l' K Ort Jlrlt fcl 04s 'Si, 1.... 102V 2 (flat) 102S 1.... 102 Kaale) 1029, 1.... 10SN 24.... ie:s 10.... 102'a .... 102 U S Drazll 7a 1 B 10 814 Un'd S llriuil 74 Kt 1 SS4 8. . . MS 1. ... ss 7(aale) SR B h8 It H llrazll Sa 10. 8, 4.. 6.. 2.. 10.. 12.. no... 27.. (1.. 20.. 7.. 0.. 74 78 a, 78 S 784 78 S 784 784 784 734 784 73 U S Mexico la , ... an U S Mexico fta 18 M4 2S 40'. 8.. .. 404 18 4m, 4 II". 10 40 U S Strain i4 Ce Cep n 5a .1. . 112 DOMESTIC BONDS 1'.. 1. 1 '. 2.. a.. 4.. 81 . 10. 10. ions 20 1004 Den A R l 'I 2 .... 4R'4 4 40 Den A R n 4. 2. ... 7ft4 2. ... 7B4 Ilea Melnea A Ft Dedfa 4a ft BO Cat i:dl Ce da 2 .. JOIS 8.... 10t4 Det Tun' I 4 4s ft SS4 s ... 81S Det U R 44a 1 .... 834 1... . a.i 10 834 D 6- Nemnuri H7S I Pwdr 7H H7',l 1 . . in.'i 074 I Dim Llfht Oe H7. 2 . . 102S H74I I. . 1'i24 117 1 1.. . 10JS (.7 '4 E Tenn Va A H7 Euiiar 74 a 2 .. (I4j ft . . MS Knirl-" t!a A Fuel 7 4 Intarliore Rap Tran OS wl 10 78 8 78 Inlerbern Ilnp Tran 7a wl 1.. ft.. 0.. 12. 111.. ft.. 20.. lid s ne'4 nns 004 eH tms en 22(aale) 004 084 en tins 084 en HfiS en 3. ft.. 1.. 1.. ft.. B. 1044 1044 10494 1044 104 4 104 IB 'OSS 1 ASH 1 OIS 20 A394 2 OSS II n.194 IB 03i BtL, A 8 Fran 8arls A 4a 3 714 0 714 1 714 B 71 94 1 71S flit, A B Tran Berlea D Bt S 87 Bit, Bwn en 4a 2 774 9 774 8 774 Bt h Bew'n Bi B 70 10 78 S St P'l K c Short 1.44 s 1 824 8 Air V fd 4i 41S 1 41H S Air X. a) 8a 8 384 B 2BH n 23 Senbe'd Air L Bta'd 4s 1 804 Benb'd A I, fla 1 (in 4 1 (,ns Sharen Steel Heep 8s 7 094 1.1... . nn Sinclair C Oil Ceip 7a ret" '-'.... tens Sn Fc cv 4s! 1 02 Kaale) 08 Sn Pae fd 4a B 87 4 804 Seuth Perte R Sugar 7a 4 04 a 08H B 084 Sn Railway 4a ft . 43.. .. ft.. 1 1004 inns tens IdO'a m:s Sinclair Crude O ! Ce BSs 2 084 1.... OS .1... 084 11.. .. 014 .1 . . ns Sinclair l'lre I.lne Ce Ba B. 8.. 4.. 1.. 1.. B. 07 4 074 87 4 07 neH 00 94 Sn Hallway Ba B OOtt B 084 Sn Hall'y OSs I.... IMS I.... 101S 2.... mis Stand'd Oil of Calif 71 I.... 1084 1.... 10BS Ten A Pae Oa 1.... Mis Third A aj B BIS 8814 B84 884 fiH B8 B Sn Pae cnl 4a 1 83S 20. 1. 4. 8. Tidawntar Oil Ce ct OS t.... 102S Tel Edisen 7a 2.... ions Kaale) 10fti i(aalt) 10894 s.... 10a Teledo Trac tien Ce 0 2 00 0 00 Union Pae 4a 1 024 Union P cv 4a 3 0.14 1 OS'4 1 OIS Union Tsnk-C Cemp'y 7s 2.... 104 .1..,. 1034 02S,Unfcl Drue R 3... 1. 1. t'7'i ! 117 ' Intr'l A Oreat N'n a J Oa wl 2 32 ft ... B2 I ,M Mnrlne flu 1 0054 3.. .no Int' I I'rtP li fta a. . s7'i 1. . S7S Jullua Kavaer A Ce 7a rcta 2. . 100 Kan CHI' nn Reserve Bank' Discount Rates tleelnn New Yerk . . rhllndeliihla ., I'lpvi'lnnil , . . Itlrhmend . . . . Atlanta ( hlraan . ... St. I.eula . . , . Mlnrieapella . Kanana Cltv . Dnllna Han Francisce lienda paper aciept'. Official rcdlaieunt rataa at the iele Fed rial ltr.cn e Uanka are aa folie: Treae. Ml, Cem'l Ultra, cira, . 4 . . 4 . 4 Ka'nc'&Hfta "f11 .J 1 004 ; ' ?i N Yk W O A ttnat 44 a 2 BO 8 f.O Nfk Se' n ft Ba 1 n.1S 1 Tmta' aalra Nfk A W il 4a ilealrnlar'a anlea. .. a R71., mm tcr inia e. . Norfolk A Wn cv Oi 4.... 117 I.... 1174 N k VV Poce'a Ceal Ce 4a 1 87 N A F.dl'n Ce Oa rets 2 OSS 1... . OSS 1 .... 03 1 034 N Feeinc It 8a 2 014 1... . 0116 a... . nn. N Facltlc 11 4a B 874 2 80S N Pncine R .la 8 07N 2... . 074 2(anlc) 07S 7 074 N Peine n na 2.... mi'i I.... 10R4 8. 1IH. 2. . KIR Nth H l'nr Oi S. . 100 J .. 100'j INerth West' 11 1124 112t, 112Si Unt'd ruel A OSS OS 8 084 3 OSS U s Rub'r r.s 3 80S B 884 4 884 1 8N U 8 Smlt n A Mln'e os 1.... 101 United States Steel cs 1.... I0214 1.... 1024 (J(sale) 10154 4.... 102S I.... 10344 14.... 102S 1.... 102S Utah Bewer A l.lht Oi 1 004 1 004 Va Rwy Ce Si 1 004 4 nes I BT Va Ry P 8s 1 814 7anle 84S Wabash R Rd lat B 1 08 West'n Md 4s 1 00 W Union OSs 1.... 1011 Waatlnfths'e 17 , Mfa 7s 1.... 107S 10.... 1074 Wlekw'e Spne Steel 7s 1 07 1... . 07 Wilsen Com pany cv Oa n ens 1 lifts 7(aatc) 0.1 a, fl 004 1 004 1... . 00H Wllaen Cem pany 1st 8 1.... 100 Wilsen Com pany 7Ss B.... 1054 fl.. . 101 2t,M0 CITY OP PHILADELPHIA COUPON OR REGISTERED 1941-1949 PRICE, IO.? AND INTEREST TO NET ABOUT 4.10 REILLY, MOCK ft CO. IM CHKStNUT ST. PHILADELPHIA DO YOU NEED AN EFFICIENT SALESMANAGER? A. Batfamanater, who hat eentlnusuirf produced results hlshly aatltfaoterr te hit present and former employers and whose work ba eevarsd the, United iBUtii. at wall aa feraltn countries, Is. open far aa offer, from a strictly flrat.claat . oemptay which Is sseklnc ae.ually hlah-irrada reiulti. The sdvtrtlier's reason for deilrlnr a chants la te seetire a broader flald than It at pretent possible. He caa fumlih ns. Questionable referencea. A 704, LEDOER OFFICE ESTIMATOR Masen builder desires te com. munioate with nn experlcnceil estimator. Must te rnpnhle of malflnf accurate) quantity surveys it masons work from plans and be ncaunlnted with Bpiirr.il con tractors, r'xvte nsre, experience and salary deslrefl. Communl Cemmunl Communl lattenH confidential. A 030, I.KIKIIIH OFKICK ' W, 111 0 000 1 1.171.0011 S3.322.000 4 4 45i t 4 It 44 4y 4 41 4 i 4V. 1 4'-l ft ft BANK CLEARINQ8 BANKER New Business Department The advertiser ia thoroughly esperleneei In the New Business Department of Bank Inc. and la open for a preposition from a first-elass Bank te open and manage that Department aticceiiftilly. He can furntib hlshett'Cla'a referencea. A703. LEDOER OFFICE Safe Bends for Investment Halsey, Stuart Ce. Inc. LeaaslTatUBfaac. TiUphtnt Uoet 7410 Hank clcarlnaa tednv compared with cor cer cor rexpencllnu day Inat tweteata: noaten . te 1.000.000 inn.doe.ooo .!"20 .. BAR SILVER nnniaailn bar sliver aa unchanircil In New Aiirk Indav nt OOUe per One eunce: I fnrclan 044c. off y In Londen the nrne c. s. PATToisr&cer 3U A (IIKKTMIT HT8. BANKERS Niirreaaera tn .. , KAILKIt ti MTKVKNHON lienda nnd atqflia heiiafit 11 ml aetd. Memhcra. Fhlla. Htnefi Ktelmnte. U S Oevern't 41, a of 'S3 5t! ' 1 fiO S8 t'd 1)0 tin l ii Vi Hell Telephone! 4. 04 of I'a 7e Chi & .Vlt'n as n.... leswii n. .. na .l(aale) 10S4I 1 . r.1 Ileth Steel lata CM & Alt .Via 00 10 an i'i -' 1 ... iu"j n :in 'i'i 00 iseth btoel chiciKi, i Alt Hi' 02, - .. nn4 ,w r, 1 "'S a imv, 1 et en 11 K ( r. u... . nii. a (nn. Ilr'r Hill Steel 1 , . me Ce BVls wl 4 . inn Vltam A Cu. a.... 100 ' 4 inn qtKhaniia ..1 nreaa'y & 7th,ci,0,lir1) x ivn I 'l3,1 Ave en uis As Ml imrl(.nn Aftrli 7J't 1 5 hi 11 iDkn Udi'n Oa1 1, , a) '"I'i I :aal0 101 IChl 6 (1 V 4a OO'a likn Hep T Ss, t ,. nut,. iv.i ni'neti, s-i m s. II') 113 Oil (III re no, 09.00 2 J Chem 1 100 3'3 I .S me t II ,V- M if 16 1 tOlOD 330 2033 )00 1400 1400 100 100 400 003 1400 203 1900 930 400 2900 400 40 100 100 100 300 303 100 203 200 100 . ..K7'i . 1 i 0 4 . t3 I7'2 . 30 061, fi U S hUel.. 7 U S Htctl pf.. S t'tlill Copper . . . . I'Uli hccuiltlca . . Vunadluni Cerp . . V111 ltanlta Ce , .. .i Iren Cenl d C'olce 57 , .i lien C.f pr .. 84 . . Vivnuileu Ine. . . . 13' Wnliaeli 3 'a .. 1.itjakli pf A iBH 7 WVhti'in Kliot pf 112i . Wustcin Maryland 14 . XV MniyUnd 2d pf. 24 U . . Wcsti m l'acllle ... 1 C 'A 4 Wcntliii; II AM... r9! .. WU-eliHB & U V. ... 'S Wlu-elinB & U I. pr 2 Wlillu Caule Oil . I him Moter . . .. Wlute Oil Cerp . IVItlttVlKi SpcneMI V li'ien It Cu . . . T ili-eii ti 'i. uf WuijIivui til !' W. . Werth vuinp et M j Werth lJnmp It 11 .OS 40 '- 10 8b CO 3J CO 't 27 Vi 74 28 61a 1911 6a t'6 Ji '0 40 1C5U 1:044 61 '4 17 36 H 6D 57 04 13 78 11214 14 ?3',i InU 58 J, 9H 17 CO?, 48 5'4 T, 85 200 bd't i. Hi 4U 152 13 - 27 Vi 74 - 28 - fa's Vt -87 U -50 -46 105U-120i- 61 Vi - 1 ' Ainrn.an art i a (12 n ..iiia Chem 7 V4 men Hap T 7s ., , r,et JJ' 0 1"'a Chl Mil A I'st 1 I't ft. . . . Ill tinttnrt Jh 1 3ti 2 Am n HikI! & Itrf'e .'.u 1 .. 0141 I 1 . 'ii'. 1 . O'jv; A mule 1:1 Hun , ISeflnlns Os I 10" I 103 I AM 'I el & Tel I clt 4s 11 . 01 '4 1 . til'a I :i 11 Itao T ct ill 1 . . 7a Itaata) Bixftifhlcai-e Mil 1 "'.' St I' 4a "2S llroek'n Union Una lat 3 83 sai, K2V& S2V, llkn U aaa os xiil Mil St 10.... 101 I'nl 4a Ml IJSn U Oaa Ti 2 ... 02 !!.... 11.1'i Oilman Mil . Kaale) 110 MP cv l'a Kaale) 1W 1. 1, hi, n. .. ll IS . (is 04' lf(li. Rnrlnc'il lP,r Tlrn ha 'i I'M ' in7'4 : ' nliV"1"'"''' n 1. ... HI', e lOOH 1 07 '-i lets Out I'wr Nlnt? Fall .la 1 OM. Ore t Calif r.a 0 0' S THR STOIMF PI AN S m m rm -sawi a aba Of Investment Service l(HllJl) OIS Urle Oenl l.tcn P.4'4 I-aVka'a 8tr:" J 4 j n 47H 1 47, 2 .. . 47 1 .... 47is 8 47U 1 47't (1 47 1 47 1 40'i 4 40 fi 40V 2 . . 4fl 12 . .. 401, (1.. 4A I.ntka'ft Htcel Oa nt MO 1 01 ii I.ake Krle & W'n let Sa . "."':'? 1 1 01 1... . HISS ,nnT ,iii " .'. . j il'n 4a 3t ni -n, , 2 2ii""7 "" '"a- I.ehlli Idl 4a. "l" 1 ... sn "1 Ilile lift cv A 1 .... 40 Krle lilt cv B 1 .. . 40 1 Ill 1 .... 47 13, ., . 10 2. ... 40 1. ... -tn Krta llll cv D I .... 47 1 47 1 47 fis of '23 (10 1 03 V I 'Oresen H 1. fis I 1.... 102, Oregon H Mno guar'd Oa 1.... 10T. 3.. . 103 ore-w n : Navl Ce 4a 1... . 81 Olli 14 SteM Sa IWiIgh Val 111 1 ineu I. A. Mjera .Is.,3- , ! , I'acinc flaa A t iin "'" 1.. n... fi . fi . 2.. 3 02 II24 ll'.'U IIJii H2s 02 14 11,11 Broek'n Union in 07 , " . ".ur ' J A 'Ul Tel .11 ;,v lat Sa 1 H(,.,,.) ,17 '!'' sa 1 in n 17 - 37 Vt -65 - 57 84 (-!3Js- 9H :a - 112!t 14 - 23 Vi -16'4 I 58 Ts- a 17 - JOH- 48 - til, 1 or, -ju - 85 - 200 ! JJ - 66';- "LJllkyn It lilcv " ' lat ata'd "i.1' 1... . S.11 hl(r 1 Mil A J 1 . r . . .."'. 1 nu a nil' M li.a ) v lei a. lei naI)uh Tcrmi,u, n 4 I 1 ' .7 11 n If' !l 1 -j K ' 1 U 1's 4i; la I . HilHI 9 014 Am Writ 1' 'la.caiiart n Kth'n K'.i (l'-sa rcta ' . M ' 1 113 I St I' cv fia Mm Arner ia rnna(I'n N 7sl I rlea fls 1 0S4 floeilrlch II V (ii rcta 1 ... IOIMi 2 ... 101 n ... ion. 3 .. 101 4 2(ea!i) 101 V 1.... 101 '4 1.. . 101's Gned(ear Tire A Itub'r Ml 1 HA4 n . 1111. a . (is 2(ile) nin, l'nedyear Tire Lnicage mi a 1 e nuu-r -n r.nrlllaiil C 7J 10 ... 1 10'i I Ii A .1 Ililan 4 1... . SOI, I I.e A Naah 4a 1 cnl. I ...... nf . ... . . 2 IIO'l Rfi"c lei . I.a ft N W fial f.l Ba 2 77'.1 02 7 40 ilaana Cnpperft,.' ' .J1 2 40 Cemn'y 7a p"CBr.a Me,or Erie R Ce ta :,. . 113 -c '- js 2 fiSiManatl Suiiar , "" '"i'i fi . . fi7 li 7 a ,t,,,nna R n Flak IluU' r Ce 1 US ', len Si rets Marlt-t St III) .' ,nna R 1 . .. lOfi 1'r.n ll. ' ' 110 1.... 10.1 ' '1.. 01i;i 1 H"'a 7 ... Ilia "S Qenl riefractu Marl ct 3 e S 5 5 9 S a H. A. STONE & COMPANY B Widener Building, Philadelphia Inn... 11111 pfcnjnijUiUiir 0 i R i I - 3 i-i g g a In Over Six Years, Net One of Thousands of ClienU Has Ever Lest a Dellar of Principal or Dividends Through Investment in Stene Safeguarded Securities Vc recommend te Our Clients Only Cnrefully Relecleil Preferred Stock Issues of EitubllrhiHl Induslilal Cencej-ni In the Philadelphia Dlatrlct Desiring Capital 1unJs Exclusively for Kxpanslen Purpef.p. STONE 4-POINT SECURITY SERVICE 1 Mefrlr of I'rlnclpnl Managed by Stenr Knalnrcra. S SurHjr nf Dlvlilenils Otiarnnteed by Htnblllslnx Fund. .1 tlulrk renTerllblllly Resnle at Par Vpen Ileijarat. 4 rrent Hlinrlng Retired at Premium with Accrued Dividend nnd One-qnnrter Hhare of Common block Fer Each Slinre of Preferred, Under the Protectlve reatures of the Stene Plan, We ten Nevy Ilecenimcwllni te Our Cllents the 8 Preferrcd. Cumulative. Pnrtlclpatlna; Sleck of Th Sanitary Cantnanv nt Arrr!m Net Rarnlnas Jlere Than Three Times Dividend Ilrnulrements. M rite or Call for full Information, intAenf Obliuallen. IlLHU nNAVflAI. riN.xriAi. ib 1 v.v..I' i;ji"ii.s.r.n" i.ij.ai, I'uviraai. ! FlimT MllltlllAllI Art .... 1'L'ft.t ..111 iMiMiM. " '"-'"" ""- .S'ellca la hereby ven that ruieuant tl 111 A (.In lima fnn.l .. A..I..I .(.. .a.. -. ?r'::. '". '"f.. '.:' .". ?". . 4$$? I'iw..: '& Tt Z"ii w I.ATH01IK - f ONNKM.HVIf I.K f'n.I. fliur. I (IMI'ANV. FIIInt vniuTiitr.K SO.VPAH 0 Sl.NKINO FUND HOLD I IHIi'llr'f I MfX 10 I 2(H,ili-l, 117 1 ' 1 H7 i 111 1. 112 73 Atch lis relcina'n I'ae 4. , 7.V 0J 4' I 2 70', ' fi , , 73 1. "l 2 70'j!rhlia(i A Nth Atch Tep 31 ,0 71m Wcai'n 7s r 4s ' fi, .. 70 (i.. . 0S 1 s'i!canaiU Sn fisichlcoae Hall. 1 s,'4i !. .. HO . wars fia 13 1 . lM"i!eiinai1ii fiteam ' M I Khlp Mil 7a Atth t s r j, . .. efli; n 4l 'Ofi p.. I Qe Oft lle .... - - .... I 4 1. i in t.fn nai .. ..-. . m us uiv ii'iiiiia. I'ni'ii nr arvini iinin i.aan ilea aitn I ltllaa " nl-ni.. I...itr(.i jnr.h . SI finis !.-. !,...! .1 ' ' .i" " '"- w"v '. ."".? ' "". 1 . 01 'a 4 . !.,n,J ilriun for redemption en Dtiembar 1. 102.'. an.raccrill MerMi e ih.t .tni.nl""n" rland Oil i curia a i: in eui i.r meiics oilier than In Hie MiiKIiik rum The liemla drnnn nnif pfimbernil na helew i 1 7.', I t '"r. nn,l accrued intercat in mat dale, with all uimi"lurVl leurCna at Srh" insula 1 ... IDA ' wW a. , n,,,,, wmMiT.ed leuWni aturli..l. l eu'i , Oe,K ' ft '!(3wUT,i ' I. . 11'i ..?. . ' ."" ! prei.nleil for pajmimt at the elllci et (lis llnll Hiiuare. ,l.iTina.innP.'inX,B iiu.!l?f; i.2 I'etr'm ' "'muni; ein-' reinnierclal Truat Ceinran. Truaiea. nt uirv 1. 11123. ulien all liit'tvet thcreda Will 2Js COTTON MARKET in It. Nev 11 Tlie LIVE8TOCK QUOTATIONS (l,n iniiln tif-inl of liiihlfiena ienllnue mi M, it ml ii IiinIu rvlatH for th" iui'viiIIIiik aliiH te niinr S.'U A till T ft S Te Aria dlv 4"ja 2 . lU A C'e.itt I, tit . SI '4 son i All i.e.iat 1. 4a 3 H Halt A O 314a rtl leather fial rn fit la I nx. 10 ... 8 j i. LOUIS T. KLAUDER IX .Ai.. t rtltrhnrarh. Pa.. Nev 11 I UllWtl I ,,. 't,sr Ihilitr I lAiaV t ft f fit) 'i ),,. ...i.. . e.-,.. i .,.., ..i nr" BrrnMlne . a '"". :"'.! r. i . n.M ik ii, iii ,.,eie. i- " i.. . ...:. "i. -. i i.. t ... lluniKPt open... Minu nils mmniiiR . .".fpV. I i.mVi. ia" ." ' , SI," ,ri "inir..i; -hd ih- leleiit" Imd.i.ii ., ' . . , "., I was S points lower te 11 lllclicr en I rst HIIKKP a:) UAMIIH IMmpi- '.On hcml. ( tuny In lWv,u m wma mrlrr 1JH,l,a I utue 4a """''.,' , .. ", , (Vail. Hheep, t-11 lamln, S1.1 .'1. 'net limn innlnuinc 1 In fer.aldprlna; nrra in ' S3 Uules A holiday it! New Ollrnns Cllliseil CAliVnM lleteluta, 1V0 h id fttvndr i londllleiii (In. fix i Hheuld net l illariKHrilf, f, fci! ' . . ' . ... Tun. tlll.fiO. tlwit mini trnrtna and Induatrlca hava al- li a, U rv 44a llilUIIlK iiruriB ikiiii unjir in nu rvii iwuii i i erieiir, dei laivr rivM-i irmn i I ..- L ...l.ll.t.... .r. .. l.lnt. .I.n.n ...flU rnvenrTivn pvcivrrn ' np('i ln nu'i"'"" " "mm ni',u..v.7 tU.NHUI.ilMi i,.Ul.L,LH . ,,..,.,,,.,,1 ,.,i ,,. v,,mIS ,Vlnif. Wull .... .,".. - - . .--.- ...v. ----. Power Plants Pennsylvania Hid , 1'hlla. Uwrcice E. Brown & C. ITIPIIO PUILIC ACCOUNTANTS iiiii. wa..n .rwtvav .fna . wv aiww. I aajjnai taraani(WB leeeSsts ail reM. stuies. ' Street nnd piiininlfBleH Iieiikph (urnlslieu most of the filing. Later (lie list hlifiweil evlilrncrs of fiirthcr pressuii' and week-end Haul ilntlen nnd Ml I'll points under Inst nlitlit's flose Tim drop rntii;lit step orders. I'm loin I'leaa (lern lllcli low Cleaa ne II We,, tii.su veir. '.'(!, VK i'fi B2 SQ.04Q1S II .fan.. :') '.'fid L-iien -jn.iH '.'3.n(0 II March VS.uli 7 vii.nl 'J7ii V0.7fie lib:: BjUiS liH! Hit. Mllu vn.t ll..iilll V V Vel 1 ( ITTII' pieiluua I "lui'in nn. lliai Wllir;ni liriirn Kest llunaie. . i..r.e . ' i-.viii.i. rntrt -it ti.,,.i.. ..,i th fiiictiiiiiiiin. VSXti "Ste'SSy. Iiftia fi KlVCH r0tC'l" in -n.i arTwaKally W . eap.ct.d. ,rJlcRjS-nec.ltti. .1300 I..MI.1 ll.avv nn.l llrnletrcct a raja mlxeasfflfie hfirher. heavy ami inlai.il, SIM0 "A fchnde mum of Irrecularlly la vlalhla ftBlfii rerkera. JiiWii SO. Iirlit serliera ami I In the ir.nln leiHirla Ihla week whlle In. BlifaVlO Sel reiiaha, 17 fie'i7 7.1 atnaa. latdl i iluatry atnda adtlca of uiidlniliilahed at BIIIJEP AND I.A.MI1.4 Hi elnta. 1 100 tlvlt In riodudlen. nnd (olleclleiia, aldeil head. l.anib. 10n hlaher fSfi l.l.lie, ,v a Unie freer movement of nra. iwrinll- 8TATE OF TRADE Attheush the turnover et trade was ,ar-' fected tlila iaat weak hy tlm elwtlnn ilar. holiday, the aenerai tenor cr cemmerriai freDerts received from varleua part of. the rnuntry shows no eaaenllal cha.na. friini country shows no eaaenllal c issrcaatlle aaencles. "eifldi ib. .mwImii waak. and. areerdiS ta " ..KW.7V:r.. 7i.I.... . .T..i th., L.VIII.V u. .M. Unit hcaUr maikelliiS '.. .'.arm, predutia. arc a shade better. VYiinn in- hiiuhi vlalhle inert nf the eleetlena upon triiile velunia has been merelv te reetrlcl operation en en i ei le claja, It jeuli "J", "" ,J' th.i cventa of Tueadaj', plua " rnpU rlan In prices of tetl aa. end . parllcularlj. nf cotton and woolen eoede, hSiLcauseoaneiner inv .,!- .v v-" en slot aa U .k.M.. fmin I ffn.4nn nt mile a drAa? te IhaM'nueus advances upon .11 elasr that eiivcr." aj. "M f tfi mats con 1.... n. . 1 ineu r inns i , . 1001, II, 101 1, .Chl iuku 70 70 711V, 7ii ; 7S. 7S. ' I ft 1.... llfiw I.... no Or'd Trunk el Can 0a rcta 1. .. llV't 1.... 102". Or'n Trunk vt Canada 7a 0.... Ill's Great North' n Itall' da 1 .. 100'i 1 .. 101 10 . 101 IJ Great Nerlh'n llalt'y 7a inn1, 1IX1IL mm. !"' Mkh ut I 3'ja, ; !''" Niiiy '! Midi K Tel fi ' , . ''; . 1 . fn a. riiuui; A. Il 1.1 i ' fin a! i '-' 10.1 i 2 ' n'ii iPrnv Security Wldvale Heel l c"'n 4s Ord'u fia ' -: ' - 1 . . . Ml lpuh n"v CerP H, , N Jcrecy fis Mill A. rt I, 4nl ' Kr,, 1 . . 40 ' " M & Ml, f,l fial J J;" I 40 H' . n.s M HtP AH Pte " panj f.l 11k Kill H(Uuro, I'hlladelphln. en nr after De- Ifi Ii'"! ifinerr 1. ju... wneii an inicreat tnoreen te w.i een deb loot inie 1120 ja 3t flan neil iniin taal i.w 11 1100 701 ti"7 1112 nm ifi'.'i r.t nun 717 04it lisi wn inns 71 3U1 7.1,1 1114 1134 18H7 16(12 inn 4it 7411 ime inn hoi) tfinu 143 4711 7111 IIVI nut j t0 1BS0 117 471 7IID KI2S 1201 fil 11S1 mi nes son 111.1.1 ive.' 1411 i.isd 174 fi.17 SI7 1070 ijns 143 1(121 2112 OOft SAO 1071 1230 141S 1011 20H SOn S11 10SJ 1240 14MI lnilH 2HI 0(13 8S.1 1013 J 2a I USD 1(100 . 1 ccnee Nea 21 77. R0 113 203. 231. 27. lenda imitlnuih drawn which aheuld ban been lueienicil Julj 1. 1022 V-'OMMillll'IAIi irtl'HT CO.MI'ANV TrOitM Oeteher .11. in?iIN " MASN' ,w" S2 I Ms 1 . Sl M'i 10 . HHt Halt d. uhle Ss l . tee v I. , ion 1 . IGOtt Ilarnadall Oil (,'erp A 8S 1.... 10P4 I ... 101 H Darnsdall oil Cerp U le a..., 104H 1 ... aa4 t't'l I'ae 1st r.s 1 anr, HO .... Mt Ct'l I'ae Short Line ss 1 Ht's Central Rd of N Jersey fia I.... 10SU Ccre de Paa'e C'OD'r s tl.... I" 2.... "I B ... l!0'i fi.... 120 fi.... 11f"4 C O CV, 4 '.4 a a N 10 f7tt C'e sOei .11 1. .1.1 i )i) " , ss S2S CM Ileclf I fl rncltle la t sin Chicago Union HU 4",a in 00 ( hlcaee A Wn Indiana 4s 1 7B Chile Cep 114 in . ,, nir, 4, ... nnt; 11 mm 20 unit 21 DftVt Chlle Cep 7s fi..,. 11SM, ift.... USH 10,,,. US' 1.... liaai 10.,., lljti I,,,,' 111$ If. '.' HI 1 linij I.... lleS 20 ., 11014 1 ... 110t 10,. , neij fi.. . 11014 a linn lO(ealr) IIO'i VS.... 11014 1.... IIO's Havana 11 Ill I, ft T fia 1.... R1V4 lleraher Che- rnlata Ce Sa 2 .. . 08", COMMIir.l'IAt, TfirHT CfiMPANi' Trualea . JOHN U. MAHON, f'reeldeni Marin 4a i ""'' Aiimre I. . S7. "' t-'e 7 1 . . i '. 10(1 lremiaala 'DAI. Kit 1'KOtMIHVI.S U ILL III; 111- hnI at It no m '.'Hi, Citj Mull until IS o'rled, i.nen, mi Nmrmlier II. 10.', enl epeiiid at tlmt lime In Unnin .'I3H. City Halt- Fer fin nli lilnir lamps utid llaht and wi rnrj tnalnlennnie for aame owl for furnlil,' Inn nnd rxtlnciilclilnu the tun,' emit lialit 10 nc linen (or iiiiiiiunatien or Hid ureaii LATitntu: t 10.' litl.MIN. . 10 Pcteinlwr .llat. HUM Iiii IunIic. 1'hs Cttr iMium ia nereey given mat pureuant tel in nn amu run I'ruin in nr na Miirma aaa. M It ft Tn li "'ftdiiiB Ce a daiml J11.11. 1. mil. SO nf the nlev lienli! ' nWe m a(al the amount nf menei nnl1a.H S2U " eiin rer ii.ihie, have pean drawn for re- fur this wnrk lint thla advertl-eiiu'iit la mw M Kan It 'lej I sl i m-irpuen nn liciemhcr I, 1H22, at Hlil'V and and lentiMit win he awnrilel aui;ici . w .Im n. ul - . M ..,.',. 111 ti.i ,,, iiini uuii., jnn DOnilS ninnu Hi'vi",' ihhiiii IW le iii.ih' .' " aja na wi , draim and numharnd na telew. with all C'""idl . 1, 11 ... . ' 'V 1 matured coupons attachfd. aheuld ba nra. I Iiiatim'tleni In lilil.lnrj. etiri in, .illeni spl vn . Iit4 en.," ... 7lr,llel fll J . ;; 7 no ' ""' 3 .. no 4 tir.14 je fi) flnlilbin 11 7a Vtii Tiinc Ih ' 1",,i 2 (flatl fin'4l " "s'i I.. fialMullniiil rtall'd lO(aale) 11314 I in" 4" I.. . IIV4 " (" I fill a . (13 w Tunrit' f nwviri 1 uvii 1 11 .... m. '" l'v wni'H nir iiiiiiHinuunn 11 uii) airrai. iiicV' lnllSlW,, J-ibS't iS iJJ.,,?, "iues, heulevaid.. i.letWica. SlW nvp'stt (IrJ A 1vtc1V11 iVtPTilftJ'J5 ItMi.". Pnika and nlhci luibllr plices M inviiu "'""I"0 rlNI) 0(11. 1) ihe ct or 1'hllailelnhlii. fi.1111 Juiuiry lit lltl.MIN, . 10 Pcieinhar .llat. HUM Iw IuhIic. 1'hs Cttr 1.0II1 e (n herebv Blven Ihftt mir.n.n, .. I iun. Ihn ihimIh t.fi.v In in,.. II11. Hlnjilim Kund l'rulaen of the llertaaee. . lllddcia will note the D"mii tnient lain- ina fiueve penlli nine in en "fn.,ci,.'0r raiment at llie nnire of t'emniar-. bl'ink forma upon which bldn mu-t be m fill Truut Company, 'Iriiate. Cltv Hall ran l, nlitalnnl upon hppIIi allen at l" ; V. v"iiiiiij a s Mf v7t- V.,1 1 y IlMll 1 an "- innnin'ii sesya.it II )'i 1 v 11 1 - . an f.y.'iari-. Philadelphia, en or after Petember "dice of I he llurcau nf l.lghilni;. Itoem 3, 1. 1022. when all Interest thereon will teaae. I City Hall. IS 10 144:1 1. J. 1. 1. IS 1. liKvi DSI'i UH4 Ht'i HSV4 OSVi Ill "J VIe I'ntlfle (la 1 . . niii 1, im 1, .1 . . ti'i 1 H'lH 4, 1. Hudaen A Man In ad J Ds 10 fl04 A (10V, 1 00H f.l (Ml St u I'n Mt a H Ills- 4s i . . sm; 3. , sill. fi. sm( 1 Stt. I Mt A. I lily fis ' 2 t)Si miL.,fltI I lit A H (ii)ii 1 It O dlv 41 44 11. nu S3 1011 144 1411 1(12 m But 400 4"! fi04 K'.'ll fiftO I, III fills Sfi2 (147 MH 1177 sun 713 S74 720 SH4 751 Kill 752 I.U7 7SS lien 7l)fi 1104 11 01S N8U 024 D31 iinn oil H71 1217 IHni U2 1227 tafi son tami irs UII4 10(11 1071 less ions 1102 11113 1170 1177 I17S 1217 1227 12fiH 12.11 12111 1277 1204 1301 1S1B man JOHN II, MAr 1A42 ikija ;S lani 1:11m 19117 MM 1440 1440 IMS 1170 1!I8 inn a isss low rnasfK 11. imitI. pircfie' I , Annuil Mrejlnaa 'i-,"mV. 401H anmiai. Mi:i:riM ' '!; -sr Ihn ahari'lMliWa nf the lt of ! . 1'. k I AaatirlMlnn will be hehleiLaS?: il.iv, Neinnber 31, IlliJ, nt 2:00 P. " " 1 toil Halley llultdlng. , .. JAS, XV riTAflll. Herretarr CUniURCIAIi TltUflT COMPANY. Trustss hen, President. Mnnt'a Pwr fial ' "4U 1.. . 0714 ""' n Fran Mentr' I Tram. 0J t way fis 1... . fiDVj New i;nd Tel Tel fis fl Sft'ii B Dl 'I' 1 , ,, , 8 . . 7S4 1 . . 7S', 2 . 74 r. .... 7SV4 .1,. .. TS'i SU, A Fran In De 10.,.)WSa4 ISffilw nema ia nareuy Divan, pursuant te ths lirma of ths Mortgage daied July 1st isbi that the unusralgnaif ss Trusie. willVsceWi tiaaled nropeaala up te a. !.. 0 1 lha ilh ends aa above descrft). sufllclsnt te oil lha sum oriai.etS.BO. fht unesrsla-Sil Sew Terk. zjABn TIIK WItIiIciiiIq . XTKIU 1'HU.MIKI.I'IIIA KMTTHIU " . , ioue ciiiininut Hriii:r.r H I'niiaueiiinin, rn,, .-xeii'muci .1", ;:;,- The lleaid of lllredera hnve thl11,f',T5 clarad n nuarlvrly illvldend of t'r iw'Siiit rrnla 11 share) upon the irt'ferrrdcapu stock nf this Company, najable I'f'SJJr '., V4. ,w ,i.niiiiiiui n wi inui . -. 1(1 lllj'l , 11. u. i.tM'AjtjjrreMHyt- THK I'llliaPKI.I'IIIA BtWrtKIK lada nhln. I'n . November 10, ).. Th Heard of Uiraelnrs havtf this ear i . Phlledsli clarad a uuartaMv dividend of i'le ( -.- - LtT. ."'.."-' ..." - .MAn laiia aiiBrvi upon tn uuihi..." anb a' Ihla fVtltininw tiawahla neeSSl ur r- "."".t-.'.'i.:r"'..-"T e.uaaaa 1: w ,,w"",iT.vcrH. rrVii W ' sW ' .ijflifA l '"J, ( . rf.w.;'ff'' .. iy TJ . i '-V, -rr.'u v r3. . TJ -?, 'Jii'A.