wm.:Mfzrwfix vsz mmVrw" ' ! EVENING PUBLIC LEDQER-PHlKAttELPHIA, SATtJBfiAY, NOVEMBE 11, 1922 r 14 !&.-' 14: rtf sl. ; 4 -f Kt fK i' 134 ft Bfl hi Mi, ' , i . Mi T4 & h-v KV. 1' ' 1 CWJi. t m, ?"Vsj arnnW. Theatrical Billboard for the Coming Week 0 ' Shows That Hcmulu LYRIC "Blessem Time," operetta, r smavu en iuve iinuir 01 .uns ei-uu BVv th. anil iiIhm !! iMln.lll t mltli Ham rA wi iiu uaiiiH m uiiiutiii , nun uvi li-A trtun Feaccck. Olira Cook and William rt-- Dnferth In the cast. Pff mAMRICK "The Bunch and Judy," K iJVM4IIIBIIIII lllUBival i:vuicu; . mill lliu- tji;-.yaw yty Jereme item, una a cast e;i (IMebO by Jeseph CnwtUern, tne As- f, wm ana lvxy uoeiey, BHUBKllT"Da.rty Dili," musical com dy melange, with Frank Tlnncy, in Aoth black and white (ace, as chief. -.Tun-maker, assisted by Geerge O'Ramey. FORREST "Sally," Zlegfeld musical Vcemedy success In flnal week, with Marilyn Miller and Leen Krrel, co ttar red. "WALNUT "The Goldfish." comedy of modern New Yerk life, with Marjorle Rambeau as a much married ) etitis' lady. BROAD "Nice People," nachel Creth. raf comedy, built around fast doings of younger Jazz set, featuring Fran cine Larrlmere. ADELPHI "Just Married." farce com edy of honeymoon mix-ups en an ocean liner, with Vivian Martin and Lynne uverman. Stock &SSUOXD Madame X," famous eme-1 tlcmal drama from the French, by . Alexander Ulssen, with Mae Desmond J heading the cast of stock favorites, which includes Frank Fielder, Hetty Garde1, Jehn W. Lett, Louisa Sanferd and De Ferrest Hawley. ' At II. F. Keith's KEITH'S Fannie Brlce, cemmedlenne and singer and popular "Failles" star, ' Will be the headllnvr next ucek In place of Klsle Janls, who will up-1 pear en the ucek of the 27th. Alse waiter and Llmlly Walters, ventrilo quists, In comedy, songs and c1llng; Helen Higglns and Natalie U.ites, ar tistic dancing production ; Freda and Antheny, character comedian, In t novelty ; Jeseph It Watsen. In "A Disarrangement of Facts" : L,ou Miller and Allce Bradford, In a bit of musi cal comedy : M, U. G Llme Trie, in , a novelty coiled "The Golliwog";! Vasco, the mad musician, and 'he i Rles. aerial feats. Shubert Unit CBESTXUT STREET OPERA BOUSE Jeseph M, Unites' latest musical comedy offering entitled "Gimme a Thrill, Is the fture attraction. This, production, bv the man who made "Up In the Clouds" and "Take It Frem Me." has a cast that Includes the Gardiner Trie, dancers; Gene Barnes, in a comedy. "A Pressing En- Ragement" ; Blgsen Herbert and Wll am Baggett, in rapid-ilre patter; Felicia Aerel and Scnla Gluck, In a dance sensation ; Tip-Tep Four ; Frank Byren and Loulse Langden, in com edy skit; Nnnlne and Du Fayc and their talking deg. and Peggy Hepo and her caddie. Vaudeville GLOBE "Barnum Was night." .circus travesty, with claborate staging and a whole sideshow of fie.iks, Is head liner; alto, American Comedy Four. In "Harmony and Hilarity"; "Fairy Tale Follies," muIcnl ccmedy, In four scenes; Geerge Drosey and ceimdy playlet, "D.uluV"; Cook and Vernen, comedy, singing and dancing skit; Jo Je Jo sephine Davis. comedienne, nnd company, In skit ; Cameren and O'Connor, comedians; Kelly and Wise. in comedy skit, and Rese Shelden and Brether, thrills. ALUAMBRA .Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday. "Husbands Three," a mu- ... I ......... 1.. .. 1,1. n nu. nt ....An... heads the bill: tllm feature Is "The Cowboy and the Lady," with Mary Miles Mlnter and Tem MoeTe ; also, Chapter 10. "Nan of the North," tllm serial; Jack Merlin, artist with a pack of cards ; Peters and Le Buff, trampelln neMlty. and ethers Thurs day, Friday ami Saturday, "Down en Avenue A," musical comedy; "Fer Big Stakes," with Tem Mix, film, and ethers. UROADWAY "Manslaughter." Cecil B De Mllle production, based en Alice Duer Miller's novel, featuring Themas Melghan and Leatrlee Jey, Is dim attraction all week Mendny, Tuesday and Wednesday, "The Sirens," mul cal comedy, with Jay Elwood nnd Clay Hill and big company; Clark Matinee Today Tonight nt h li Klinrp Cem. Mnnilnv Hi i en I WB'I MATS WED. SAT. C. " ,IallnlllS, i thn Urnnl fn h- MnnMa.- .a .Ev 4SU2fc. T. ah n. H EilKeV -a'RAOIANT .. tK&HK' lb AMD gw t Ttt luffle by any means ier it stejn short of expreM nr Marjorle Ramleau." Ledger. "Ml8 Itainbeau li heiutlful. charming deliehtful and reveala all the full glory e her cnarms In 'The Geliifiih' " Inqjlfr V.iJi" '?' '3 a renwrkable .ictreM and remarkably beautiful woman " neeerd. "The llvelett ihew of theei5en. 'Oeldflsh' iuprearlculy Junny " !J Anerlca-i. METROPOLITAN heeursae NOV. 20 TWO WZEKS BE6IWNINO MbNOAY . " " AUSPICES PHILADELrniA anAi'D OPERA ASSOCIATION fortune Oafle Present mT I, SAN CARLO GR&NP epi P1 - GOMPAWV mmencaa ureaieu ana eniy Touring opentlc Orcamzfer 1JJ People. Complete Orchestra and Cherui. and Cerps ile Ballt. p'' l'em!''te " REPEP.TOIRE AND CASTS FOR OPENING WEEKi iSSSifl; f lda vxum3'1""' WJSS&L'v R,go,eUe u.e-eurb-Bi?.r' Darr- iSSPMl T0SCa 'v'aH,eeB?r- B' THURS.MAT Martha . .!&& "c'if"' Be"acc!' THURS.EVE.. . . Madame Butterfly . .'gla,S'.,DegiS,,fi Bma' Va5' FRIDAY Carmen . . IrA iVAn'1"' SAT. MAT Jewels of the Madenna . .' kui.loDiaSiin'lre' Be,Mcc1' SAT. EVE Cavalleria & Pagliacci . . ..iav. "aVJnV '... Incidental Dances bv STASIA LEDOWA and Cerps le Ballet SECOND WEEK ( LA BOHEME. FAUbT, SALOME. CAVALLFKIA.PAOLIACCI. W"I VCIV lj.uciA. L0HE.'ORIN. nUTTERn.Y AND TROVATOr.E. ... ...J??.1-0.?!-1300' $2S"0' '20 j .M 75e and 50e SEAT BALE TOMORROW MOR.NI.NO AT OPiRA HOUSE AND AT GIMBEtS .$$$ A SONG BY I Emily Stokes Hagar NICHOLAS DOUTY nt the Piane WITHERSPOON HALL, Juniper and Walnut Sts. A Monday Eve., ct.tr' Ki..: ileuUUR . &:&lU k . , Mmffmmmkmtimm &" jfj? M J, and O'Neill, cemedians: Peters and Ie Huff, trampoline comedy novelty J Thursday, Friday and Saturday, "The Spirit of Mardi Gras," revue, with big cast, and a number of ether nets. CROSS KEYS Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, "Mistakes of 1922,'' mu sical ccmedy, with cast headed by .arry Mallam ntid Williams McCabe; nlse, Raymond and Leslie, songs find dances ; Wheeler Trie, acrobats and comedians ; Thursday, Friday end Saturday, "Husbands Three," musical comedy, with cast of twenty, and big supporting bill. WILLIAM PESX Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Marie Knvanaugn and Paul Lverett, In a song and dance revue, with Casper Sitters nnd Jnck liumpnres; also, "itememnrancc," film feature, will Claude Gllllngunter: Walten nnd Brandt, comedy due ; i Mazle Cliften nnd Billy De Rex, com edy girls; Thrce Whirlwinds, acro bats; Thursday, Friday and Satur day, Wilbur C. Swcatman, ragtime and clarinet player, nnd his company , film feature, "The Snowshce Trail, with Jane Novak. .VA'O.V Monday, Tuesday nnd Wed-1 nexday, Hez.izlan and White, vocalists, In a iiregrnm of operatic selections;, also", O'Nell and Plunket, blackface I comedians; Elizabeth Nelsen and the Barry Beva, songs und dances Gary and Baldl, comedy slt, nnd Martini nnd Moere, acrobats; film feature, "Went nf f'hlfiii-e." with Buck Jenes: . ccmplete change of bill en Thursday. ORPItEVM Andrew Mack. Irish come- , feature; ale, smaller photep)a8. I'AY'S Jee Marks and Girls, In a mu Meal fnrce entitled "The Rese of Spain : Adams nnd Thompen Sis- planoleguo offering, ami the Wheeler Ten, acrobat and thrillers; film feature Is "Mere te Be Pitied Than Scorned." with Alice Lake nnd J. Frank Glenden. HEYSTOXE Frederick V. Bewers, "etig writer, heads the bill In his new song rovue with Jehn uarry. Ann Meade and ethers in the cast, which Is noted for Its pretty girls; Carl Nixon und Gusle Sans, blackface comedians, In "Asserted Chocolates" ; Mauiilng-Hall and company in com edy eklt : Combe nnd Nevins. synce pating entertainers, nnd the Carpus uretuers. musical and balancing act: nle Chapter II, film serial, "In the Days of Buffalo Bill." HMiTO.V ROOF "Masen - Dixen Seven." orchestra of twelve, with specialties In songs nnd Instrumental playing. Is the main feature of the bill ; also, n return of a popular fca fca tuie of last ear, the White Way Trie tnree uey.s wne put across a numner of the latest songs In novel style. They were formerly with Geerge White's scandals. .V.YO.V'S GRASD Jane nnd Katherlne Lee. popular movlng-plcture Juvenile stars, ne.ui tne mil with a novel sketch by Themas Gray, called "The Mirvle Scherr-; also, Jee Lauile, Jr. reme'll.in. In a monologue ; Jehn S. Ulj-1.1,1.. n..,1 rtn-tin n Imlintlli l.lw.l Hepkins In musical moments : Claude Anderrn and Lcena Yvel, "Trying te 1'ie.ise' , l-ern iiosmena and n. wells, comedy, and ethers, Including tllms. Burlesque r',t?A?..nll.!?,.,. - ??r - 1 "Beef Trust Beauties" with Watsen appearing In "Kreuspmeyer s Alley," assisted by Billy (Grei,-.in) Spencer: nlse In the cast are the Merette sisters, Hstalre snaw ana hwecney ana Jioeney, ec centric dancing. TROCADERO "The Glnircr Girls." with a special attraction In Macherle. who nppcars In Indian and Oriental dances of an unusual nature. Cast Is headed by Geerge Carrell nnd Gun Mortimer. Minstrels DUWOXT'S "Northeast's Most Popular jiiaut is me new iravestv heading the pp'cr.im; ale, Buss Kellv and nappy inempsi n in a comedy sketch; Americas cemeny quartet In pengs iinti nti.i kinr tfttn unit1 ttrnriPH nni ".u ... imidi .-iiiinvu nniv mnvitiip tir .,. . .-..,,., ........... .-.-. .... . . , . , , ,, - '-. ,. melodies, heaes tne mu ; aie, v. u. ,'"-', ""''1'ni xiiunirc, comes nnturnllv' Soen .-ntcr the snow get under wnv city skit; Harry Norwood and Alpha '' c,l'r"' 'r ' 'ofero he went en t!; ''Fnntnnna." with Deuglns Fnirbnnks: Hall. "It May Have Happened te i8e. HN. first appearance was as end hn ''The Siren," with Donald Brian Yeu." and "The Hene of Life." film 'mill in Ward niul Wmt.'. r i.. I I. ..,T-L. S.."i!i rV."i T, "".'.V. """" !er9' Tl .PBnriaiui musicians; in Providence, Washington nnd link. Benin Pluck, the aeT aTOrncE' in a Skit carted 'Cv" 1!! ' ."J! V!" In vnude- appears, at the Disturbance." which has singing. ,'"',", , t ln,Ver?;SnM' Later Heuse in .m-epn M .lanelm- and rnmedv Kcettv Welch he plnyed In Oh Bey." "Henev Girl" I'r. r. "Online n nnd k-lrls. In a slnclng. danclm: and '" "l'"-r "msicni comedy successes. WALNUT st-Thea,re B ITU Wet 1 1 ! I WALNUT AT NINTH BEUF.Y. Sel" Owner Bll PhQHA WAI.'AMAKEIt, Manager Walnut 2109 THE MC-SSUS SHUS2CT PiiESEMT A OEUffHTFUL COMEDY Goldfish' n InlScl. ' V.t ,l11ln,i. ...111 ..... 5VWft ::: RECITAL November 13th -it rirwr . Aw .;: m ii ii $$$&. .. Vfj.:.. W?U, irwV'XfiiliVvi. STARS IN BURLESQUE AND VAUDEVILLE HOUSES ih JMsH9 . .. WB ftfe vIh HUH" LH HjiW'JKv nZIHHv:'A I aaMaHr tm VvPV'HHI ; i liaaal lm aaVEa s. aaal l'lBr J H v jH i nl ZH&30' 1"" "" IlMSSSfl 1 'w&y REkOMA. OfpMOUftf ANNA ARMSTRONG. Ttocacfsre and patter, and Emmett .Welch with new Da ballads. Cabaret PJSA'.V Kellar Sisters and Lynch rln iiuiii .ium.'viii! ; aiaCK WnitO In The Old Bended Bag": Harry Delsen, lu.uvuKiii, iiuu iiarue .Masters' mel ody tjuartet : Tuesday Is Clown Night Overman'! Varied Career .",""? .IJ,"21,nn ,w.n.? P'nys n lending - a i., ."mi""!! new iiinying nt "ly!rrkl,li8hw1.ylnuepnettX,gl man nnd then stock stnr In i. i... -V the Chestnut Street Onern rtnn '.n,i, MU 0. NIXON-NIRDLINOER, lunimni utrecier BROAD NEXT WEEK 7 I TWO WEEKS, COM. MONDAY. NOV. 20. SEATS THURSDAY HENRY MILLER RUTH CHATTERTON IN HENRY BATAILLE'S GREAT FLAY m "LA TENDRESSE" FORREST S LAST WEEK LAST TWO POPULAR PRICED MATINEES Mill Marilyn Miller Will Positively Appear At All Rcmaininj Performance! SIECFEiDS aIATIST SUCCESS MARILYN MILLER LEG? 6riwii DON'T MISS IT SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHER SHOW EVER SEEN SALLY CANNOT PLAY ELSEWHERE IN THIS TERRITORY NOVEMBER 20 SEATS ON SALE THURSDAY CHAW.KS l)II.M.N(illAM 1'rrsmt THE HITlMlllMi: MUMC.U. ( UMK1IV GOOD MOANING w. Ml'SIf 1IY JIlHOMi: KI.IIS 1IOOK IIV ANNi: CM li 1 i I, ntunrrri) iy rmvviMi miii: GARR3C CHARLES DILLINGHAM I'lilMl.MS THE NEW MUSICAL COMEDY THE Music by JEROME KERN Am Boek by ANNE CALDWELL nnd HUGH FORD Jestph CAWTHORN RAY DOOLEY lny Cerey Kltclicn I'Htrln ('lurk Irmii Inlnc l.tlllan Whlte Aiuustm Mlnten (i 1'Ihi I i. win" Singed by FRED G. LATHAM NOVEMBER 20 SEATS ON SALE THURSDAY THE EIOOEST MUSICAL COMEDY SUCCESS IN YEARS MOLLY DARLING WITH AMERICAS CHAMPIOT LAUOH PRODUCER JACK DONAHUE "THE MAN WITH THE LAUOHINO TEET" ENTIRE CAST DIRECT fP.OMOLOBE THEATRE. NEW YORK mVWVM&,fK,iU:!:;ym ssH ' " ' -i"l ' I sH sS3jS sksb. en .n ... .. swiBIsssssssssssiHBHBHBBBMsBslBsBtaissMHsl HlkU JSm iUiii m THE MASQUERADER : I 1 l m iaH ..iffju , cJANE HALL. OSCAR , GAUDIER, Gleta KLjatcw Julia Once In Stock Hera Julia Sanderson, who comes here as I ""- r"" " -ingenue iii mc-raiiuucn I November 20, recently celebrated her hlrtlulny en the stnge of the New Yerk Cnslne. She plnycn- chtld's parte from the iige of five with her father, Albert Snckett, in the Fercpnugh 8teck Com pany here. On the same day she was eighteen she secured an cnaeement In tne cnerus 01 --vtinseme wtnnlc." CaWt,,0rn "'t '" "'tchy Ke0'' Yeung Dancer In "Gimme" young dancer wlm Chestnut Street Opcrn , unites Hhuncrt Thrill" is nnlr enty. When Feklne was ill and PHILADELPHIA'S Bread E.'low J.:cut Matinee Today TONIGHT AT 8t20 SAM H. HARRIS PRESENTS FRANCINE LARR10RE IN NICE PEOPLE A NEW C0MEDT BY RACHEL CROTHERS "FRANCINE LARR1MORE WINS AUDI- ENCE BY HER FINE PERFORMANCE" RECORD. "NICE PEOPLE IS DISTINCTLY A STUDY OF MODERN FEMININE YOUNG IN THE UNITED STATES." PUBLIC LEDGER. (TENDERNESS) Bretd and Anscm Et3. Matinee Today S Tonight at 8:10 squmv & With LOUISE OH00DY OSCAR SHAW HARLAND DIXON WILLIAM KENT ADA LEWIS JOHN PRICE JONES JOHN 8CANNELL MAHIE CALT.AHAN MADELINE VANN PRIMHOSE CAHYLL 1ft SUNSHINE OIRLS Matinee Today (Jf Tonight at 8:15 D JUDY Lyric, by ANNE CALDWELL WITH Trccl a 'id Adelo ASTA1RE DELANO DELL riiillp 'Icmita (iiult,'n 'luvtije Itlilli Wliltn M iiti hi limit riimir ruitiMin Itetcra iseun sPMWB.l lPlk RJXT Juniper fJA eml RA Chrstnut H Sts. BJKCU nrl GLOBE THEATRE ENSEMBLE a6em bin. Fi,Qi NIXON-NIRDLINOER. O.neral Mauager wexetk GUY BATES POST Jggc 1" IH OBfcAltej. uujss. ESTATE SMAW, Caitte unable te nppenr at the New Yerk Hlnpmlreme net long age, Gluck was cnlled upon te till his place en the pro gram, and his success caused Peklne te tnke n personal Interest In him. He remained for eight weeks at the Hippodrome nnd was selected by Mushe Ite, the Japanese producer, te stage nnd nppenr in the classical dances In the Pin Wheel Itevue. Together with Felicia Serel, Mr. Gluck has produced the Imllet, "The Nymph and the Faun," in which they nre assisted by Iteger Dedge and a big chorus. Mr. Pluck Is nlse the erlglnnl producer' of n burlesque ballet. "Te a Daisy," which Is performed by six male hoboes. Trocadere'e New Shew "The Ginger Girls" will be the at traction nt the Trocndcre Thcntre next week. One of the fentures with "The Ginger Girls" Is Mnchcrle with a dntm specialty A two-act vemcilv will be presented, with a cust Including Annn Armstrong, Geerge Carrell, n Phllndel nh a boy; Otis Mortimer. TTm-i-.. tru. ter, Tem Husten, Winnie White, Chic Fountain nnd a chorus of twenty-five. FOREMOST THEATRES G NIXON'S RAND BROAD AND MONTGOMERY AVENUE O. NIXON.NIRDLlNaEH 0n. Kir, 2 SHOWS DAILY AT t I P. M. F. Keith Popular Vaudeville THE BABY ORANDS ' JANE and WW KATHERINE LEE la "THE MOVIE SCHOOL-? m REDMOND nd WELLS JANI8 and OHAPLOW ETHEL HOPKINS' ANDERSON nnrt YVFt. ' JOHN S. BLONDY & CO. JOE LAURIE, JR. ' AflU "3P00KS" 8-PART COMPnY GREATEST PICTURE OF THE ffiPlAY PHILA.'S S LEADIN ft fe N t "Oi .UNCTION ON ,0 ' FRONT l RlrlADrt i?'y!iif - j"- BEST PICTURES AT POPULAR PRICES MONDAY BERT LYTELL in "THE RIGHT THAT FAILED" TUESDAY HERBERT RAWL1NSON In "THE BLACK BAG" WEDNESDAY MAY MacAVOY in "TOP OF NEW YORK" THURS. & FRIDAY CHARLES JONES in "THE FAST MAIL" jntSAT. Jcmem Oliver CurwoeiVa "Man Frem Ilcll'i River" Jm iSflF IT'S GOOD - YOU'LL GEE IT AT THE JUMBOUf CLUcli i,SS?.?i. MONDAY AND TUESDAY ERNEST LU3ITSCH'B MASTERFUL PRODUCTION LOVES OF WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY ANITA STEWART "The Weman He Married" FRIDAY & SATURDAY MARY MILES MINTER In "SOUTH OF SUVA"; nutt ijit. SCREEN HAS EVER SEEN Lil. Vf PLAYS AND PLAYERS' BILL Open New Clubheuee at Little Theatre Tuesday The opening of the Little Theatre, the new clubhouse of the Plajra and tna win isitn nlnen en Tuesday night. November 14. The evening's en- J tertnlnmcnt, which is excinsivny Ter members, Includes: "As We Were," a fnrce written by Mrs. Stauffer Oliver, nnd including In its cust nil the principal officers nnd active members of the club, A fantasy entitled "Elcphantasla" will be presented by Mile. Louisa Le lint TIiai-e will nlsn be n nnsternl bv Miss Katherlne McCnrren nnd a ! ilnncc by Mrs. Oeerglnnnn Brown llnrbcspn. A supper and dancing will fellow.' Royalty la Tenge'e Specialty Philip Tenge, playing one of the prineipnl roles In "The Hunch nnd .ludv" nt the Gnrrlrk Theatre, at the nre 'nf four nnnenred nt His Majesty's Thcntre. Londen, with . the late Sir Herbert Tree, and nt his first per formance King Edward VII and the rnvnl fnmllv were in a box. His first appearance In the movies In England was even mere "royal." In one of tlm drat nlftnres In which the double ex pesure was used he Impersonated both the Prince of Wales and also King fleer an V. Tence has had an extensive experience en the stnge, having played with Sir Henry Irving, Sir Johnsten l'erbes Kohertsen and Sir Charles Hawtrey. He was playing Prince Geoffrey In "Beckett" the night Irving died. Since coming te America Tenge lias appeared In "The Highway of Life." "The Younger Generation.!.' "Melech." "The New World," "Peter's Mether," "The Better Ole," "Sinilllng Through," "Adam and Evn" nnd "Bluebeard's .Eighth Wife." , 'I'hls In addition te a season with the Washington Squnre Players. L THOMAS M. LOVE, Oereral K-ntger "HCjceiv Hi Sll. MARKET BT. D!1t at (tin Eyatnn. HI BIG TIME VODVIL ACTS ANT) Charlei Jenes, "Wcit of Ckieage" T' 12th Anniversary f0ov-me-ma special features ime-im &ACU&M. 4It ft Lmetstsr Ate :00 te SiOOl 7 te II MONDAY. TUESDAY k WEDNESDAY MARY MILES MINTER COWBOY AND THE LADY" THURSDAY. FRIDAY A SATURDAY Helena Chadwick."The Sin Floed" YEAR BIG ENOUGH TO THEATRES NEXT WEEK N THE NEW ,, AND """ AlltTMIIs? . Cdlwtm,l Market het 69th h cetb i30 ft 3: 7 & a P.M. PHARAOH WEDNESDAY ciainc nammcriuiu,iccHieii leuin THURSDAY ft FRIDAY ANETA STEWART "The Weman He Married" H.rbt r.wii.. "i-.sw- IS? w 5 5 wr B II m. tBKt rrrHIUDfLPHIA'S IFADINQ. THEATRE!, DIRECTION LEE I J. J. fHUKKW mXWEmi IrVflli j m AZJkmifnlf ya ssT WKvl 111 .. OlJsW SSS S&." vSmwFm w rtsi.vrHk rf r- I I J I ml ' 1 I tntKMmiiM PRICES NIGHTS 600 ORCHESTRASEATS ,QOAiftwntlse 500 BALCONY SEAT MMILY CIRCLE SEATS TAILOR MADE GENE BARNES . nd COMPANV 1. A PACTUM eN0A6MNT " LATE OF. MITZft LADY BIUY CO. TIPTOP FOUR, AMEOIMM MUMKT wiwmm EXTRA ADDED HOMER MASON and KEELER IN THE ONE-ACT PLAY "MARRIED" WEEK OF Nev. 20 'TOWN TALK" sssslmsss IV"" -M- CHESTER "RV?BE" KELSON Oirtrud Oersrd, Ethel Gray, At Reek. Eddlt OrMa, Al WhlU and Distinguished Cast of Entertalnari VXM C0ME0YFINE eivd. PINISHEO kHI BVBF MATS. WED. & TODAY dulatin. 1AC& K.JLTjdLKa . THE ADELPHI &YAOaiAlPE MATTHEWS V.Hv.VIVIAN MARTIN JfJ 'RUNNING FIRE OF-1 luH JJn. APPLAUS&AND W LAU6HTER," ML z Pubic Ledger .iySps''m-j, NFI 0 HTB Csft FILLS JlCkrdAJSUfBI SATURDAY u jgfBkMMW&liiiJTTHttfiEEBkEBk 2.oe MCA0rLcEV mMsssmsssisiA M THE BIGGEST HrTlTlTevTrW JULES HUOTlGLW'F'Mw"''wTM BJ PHASES AUDIENCE FOND WITH BtHwmiTxH,U1tfH'.tlWB0L HONEYMOON FARCE' jy MESSRS. SHUBERT THBsCBIHsHSQHHsV Pretrrft H 'JB. RECORD MXMkr uH':n(Artsf.iusita5Mii.!5.v ISSJW WIT ym.'m!WiW' lP JUSTMARR1ED F D A MIC THUR HAMMERSTEINlT I WwWt)05TPRBTEMTIOU5 PRODUCTION H I AIM A tVUIClr.lPl nwenu VI wmmmmtM im?. T mi-l-'Y HILL. WITH GEORGIA O'RAMEV, riAKIOH SUNSHNt OUY ROBERTSON IRENE OLSEN KEENE TWINS FREDERICK RENDFF LORISLEE BEN MULVEY mm LAST rii.vte-5AT. P R.ICE-S OTHERS end OTHERS) and NIGHTS - NIGHTS - ANATTRACTIVE MATWEDf CHORUS .TODAY BEG. NOV. 20-CARLE CARLTON'S TRIUMPH OF TRIUMPHS l JULIA SAHDERfOM 4 ssssl 'iSissa. HiRIHI FRANK CRUMIT. TRANK LALOR AND ORIOINAL OASI 8 YEARS CASINO THEATRE, N. Y. SEATS THURSDAY ,B.W. AbOTa Theatres. Apply Benefit ai,,., Oht'"if' eJ"a Tu Wal. fle; GARRICK MATINEE TODAY THEBUNcffTTOV vMtn Prl'Hant Cjst nnil Ensn Mn FORREST hAIlfttt iODAV rVVHIUne Am a.? MARILYN MILLER C! A r r r TT-QN FHBQT, In BALLY ' liHOAU MATINEE TODsv TONIOHT Al 8.SQ , .wiPANE AARRIMORE" crr.7.v.7X'" NICE PEOPLE Al-AUEMY OF MUMC-iku. Evf., Nev. 16 ' ACADEM N EW YORK SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA DAMROSCH, Conductor WAGNER (PROGRAM Ic'.sts at Anumr Repp,',. nttHtf itfOfi BIO. MOlfDAY MIT. DAILY MATStt2! - EVEStte.1 ' JesMGAires' . HARLEQUINADE of VARIETIES IMME ATURiU coeeeots seems aewnVLConvHMie H THE UARDIHER TRIO DANCING THEIR VAV INTO THE HEARTS OF AMERICA- fcRftERrerBAGGETT COMEDIANS DELUXE OIRBa FROM PIN WHEEL REVUE? - A OANCB SBNSATION felicaSOREL&sena GLUCKJ0 ONE BIG SCREAM 6YR0NfV lANMN M41E OUABTEITt 'THE DUDB DETECTIVtV teO-LOVELY THWLLS-20 ATTRACTION MAROUERXra NOV 610U0US FESTIVAL BEAUTIFUL MUSIC Recerd PLAYING messrSHUBERT Present- BLSSM FRANZ SCHUBERT OPERETTA- ORIGINAL 0fJ k .ONfSOUOYMS rATAUn WBk lUlun.im r;..?':-.. M. BvflH met)vuK rKUiiutiium KHfiy NEW YORK. SC0RE-SCHU5ERT50WN MUSIC STORY-SCHUBERTS OWN ROMANCE- "0FU6HTFULOPEBETTE AROUND ROMANCE OF COMPOSER OW THURS. MAT. 504 4I.OO MaLTeday 50 TO I.SO AS PLAYED FOR 65 CAPACITY WEEK? IN NEW YORK 4NO ANMA WCHOLS LYNNE OVERMAN EY 'ANIGHTOFUNDVMD HUMOR WITH ONEOF THE GRATST eNTERTAINEQ WHICH THE SfAGEH'AS PRODUCED. nquirer VMM T7NNEY IN DAFFY DILL TICKLES TH AUDIENCE FOR TWO HOURS AND A HALF- Dulletirt. 'DAFFY DHL THEBBStWlM WEEK. THB PHIL'r'.COrlEDIAN HAS APPEARED IN. 5dlo2.J0 5dle2.J0 fferfhlmencun. . 'mmWMM&UST. .50 .T. S700 ueagev yeuyECOTTOLlWMAT -'A CHESTNUT ST. OPERA LASTJ blaK!,'no,ekaV'n,n.,noeb Anil iirif Rm-rAUHJI.. villi LYRIC Afclfff'AF 'I III' MI'SIIMl MIT Ol' SIIINI! "BLOSSOM TIME 9Ata CLJ1 I T W WriiT"-TfrrrTriAY Sl snUDCni TONIOKfATllU In I. lul lilrl .hJ'dAfYDILL. Wllb iil-eiiiii ii-ii.mi:v 'A Ork-lT.Mir.it intact ADELPHI AfcMWi.ie """"rtli r. Y. IMHT UAk Ktyi ,-l..l.,w aiJLMii . i .' TOVt0fT T a. in rW4Bl MARJORIE RAMBEAU In "THE OOLDFISH" ll IlaffA&l'ne lent j. Anmi v.wm... Itlf ym? M Wiil .'). i M.iiJ.lr. Mt.lqn,.TIiiira.,Sat..i!ii. EMMETT WELCH MfaSk rL ,1 iKuutKu JnLS'SHVwJ 2slsUts1BssWlu..slsiu. . I. p:t.'i 't.rt Xl.,4 . . i .. Z ... ,.m1'VAu iiii m . is Wismdsi'KM