i a HIH IP'IH' IB I 11M MIWIMH IP nil IIIIHIBIIal iaMaall 111! HIIMWI M I I I lUIBlaaaaaaM IIIIH I 111! 1 1 i I I I III I II W Ml I III III I I III I ! Mi I i n I I 1 ppi W4 T ti rty i i EVENING mmUO tBDOEB-PHIEABEl-PPlA, PATPBPAY. KQVBHgigB Jj, rag? -- " s3ec--. "i J'ir '" i WBEFQRE THE CURTAIN GQBS UP Vp QpMWS Fc "GpMfiW' Walnut, Has Twe Mwifs "Bunch qnd Judy's" Plqt Frank Tinncy. Pre-Hopwood Farce at Atfelpty Fill tlie flttt tlme since tbe theatrical neagen began, Philadelphia will find Itself with net n solitary opening next Monday. The hiatus will be short shert lived, however, ns four neveltleB nre premised for the following week. In ttte ruennumc, unto m uc iiuui.v uf I'lHince ler uiese who note te "" ... . A. ..I.I. .... I.. At...... , mi .. ... miss nny snow in iewii iu iu ui m mut iiiayguing. xiipy wii nmve tire follewing: ottrnctiens te cheese frem: "The Goldfish," with Mnrjorle Rembenu, t the Walnut; "Blessem Time," the ftlmbcrt micretia, lit' the Lyric s "Bunch ml Judy," the new musical show, nlgtlie Onrrlckj "Hnlly," In its final week t the Ferrest; "Daffy Dill," w(th Tfrnnk Tinncy, at the Hhunert: "Nice " with Frencliie J..arrimere, nt tiie iirenu, and ".Mint JiurrlMi," nt the People, Adelnhl. THBOUOIIOUT the first two acts of "The (Sei!fih" we couldn't get the Idea out of our bends thnt a cherui of twenty or mere girls would suddenly runic bouncing en te the Btagc slngiiiK something about "I.ove and Kisses-" or "The Day I Met Yeu." Tlicy never .arrived, but otherwise the ltme?phcre of n rather high-class musi cal comedy always prevailed. These tne acts were as thickly studded with laughs us Miss Hambcau's Iatt vehicle here ("The Sign en the Doer") was lth thrills. They were hearty guffaws, tee, and therein lies the structural de fect of "The Oaldflsh." If It were the Men te make of this French play an out-and-out farce or even burlesque, tl0 business of the reheartal t( the opera-box deportment scene wfflJfi have been a vcrltnule wmnwinu, ma nucr leelng the final act of "The Goldfish" the blunt-edged and rampageous humor of these earlier scenes became n singu lar anemn. t. una intprcBtinr. tee. te watch the affect of Miss Itambeau's acting in these j first two acts en a person uu ....,. cin this tnlentcd star. "Why, i ,,..!- Itnrw she was like that," this person exclaimed In a disappointed tone. "I'd always Imagined her as an motional actress with a let of real personality." After the final net was ever the explanation was forthcoming. In this act we feiind the, real Marjerle hambenu J befere that she was a strange mixture of .Tebyna Hewland of "The (ielil Diggers" nnd Florence Moere. That Isn't te hay that she wasn't Interesting, or didn't give n clean-cut nd interesting performance. She did all thnt. but the part ns evolved in flladjs I'nger's trniiblatlen from the I'rench, or ns outlined by the f-tngeri of "The Goldfish" was hopelessly exag gerated and out of tune. It mny be. tee, of ceur.se, I hut some of the blame should be attached te Miss Itnmbenu. whose 'Mis and dnt" and "welds" and ether indications of musical -comedy Kenerv toughness in the first net gave vnv te farcical evolutions with n long train nnd u split gown In the second act. It is quite nhtenishlr.g the wav tlie various characters In "The GeldfiMi" chirk up nnd become regular human Icings in the final act. The Jennie Tenes of Miss nnmbenu (an illiterate Itiil in a Twenty-fourth street Hat who riw's in the social world by means of three mntrlngcs) becomes n pnthetiu nnd nttinete figure in the end. Heeded with wealth. (Innlly the possessor of it veneer nf refinement, but still in love with her first bin-band, nnd still inclined te re wrt te her old tough speech nnd Hip Manner?. Likewise, Herman Kruuss (her second husband), who Isudls.inctly cnnlcitntit nnd almost l-enulsive chnr- rcter when we lii'."t meet him, becomes STARS OF THE STAGE COMING HEBE NEXT WEEK VIVIAN MARTIN and LYNNE OVERMAN cJUST MARRIED Ajf-pti1 Shows Thaf Are Coming te Philadelphia Soen Se ember se "Heed Morning, Deaile," Ferrest. "I.a Tendresse." with Henry Miller uud Iluth Clmtterten, Fireml. "Tnnitcrlne." with Julia Bander son, Shubert. "Melly Dnrllnir." Oarrlck. Drvrmher 4 "Anna Christie," with raullne Lord, Walnut. Coming "Abraham Lincoln," Bread, The Cat ami the Canary." "The Guilty One," with Pauline Frederick, "The l'nsslng Shew of 1022," Shubcrt. I "The Monster." Walnut. v "The Dever Ileuil," Walnut ret or when we li.-."t meet him, becomes "l1 '7 i"i only of expectn a decidedly human old fellow at the t'"p nurtienee Is very apparently w.i Therefore, it was considerable of n transition te see her as the young lady Involved in nil kinds of honeymoon scandals In "Just Married." Space precludes extended mention of this nmubiiig little comedy (which stays for several weeks, however, nnd will be touched en ugnin), hut it mny be stated that It is distinctly of the prc-IIopweod era. It may be mid te resemble most ut nil I'hllip Hartholemac's "Over night," Kupert Hughes' "Excuse Me" nnd the school which Included "Little Miw Brown" and "Twin Beds" nnd jinny Mine." . T.'.'? situations arc just ns rlsmie ai in "Ladles' Night" or "The Dcml VJrgln." but tlie lines nre milder nnd "double entendre" is missing. Thcr i a great abundance of doer-slnmralng, but n lack of utter unconcern for con cen ven Ions thnt Hopwood nnd Chnrlten Andrews and ethers bnve shown re cently. It might be added that th lines, being milder, also lack the tang ?nd,.tr,,J? BPnr,kle thnt were te be found in "1 he Geld Diggers," "Fair nnd Wnrincr" nnd "The Dcmi-Vlrgln.V irankly. "Just Ar!irpinri" la n i,i old-ftiNhlened, but It Is steadily i amusing and It will offend no one ex cept ine most 'htralt-lnced. And Jijnne Overman U ns clever u farceur as has appeared here in hevcral years. A DISCUSSION of "Daffy Dill" Is, of course, simply n discussion of trunk Tinncy. IVr-enallv, we hnvc lie er seen him funnier or enjoyed his ...v,..mh.i,,, iiiiiuer mere intenselv. jii inay lnck the spentnneilv of Al JoWen, but his mode of expression is mere characteristic droller. Seme of his material Is old some of it. including the amusing rubber trick of the last net wh"1 he tries te say Omnhn with some thing in his mouth, new. I1H serious faced request for n "Dr. Davis" in the audience, and then his announcement that the centlcnum unu .-,.. ,,.i :n ,i,.. checkrenm because his overcoat pocket wns leaking uas done lit, just the right ',0'" J,,t,,0,"'t ''""t eerk. he Is still 1 rank Tinncy. dift'erenf nnlv n n i;t.i lit lec" Vf t IlC llll-llhrtntlM nvnpnualnn anil mere of the twinkle in his eye. Jhen he is net en the stage "Daffy Hill Is a tli in; enlr of rrnntn,lr., . ... . . - -.-,-. - , Hid. who admits Unit he hasn't made pied nt being a husband, but Is still dreadfully f 1 of Jenny. Even Count Stanislaus, the gentleman who tnught fanny deportment nt se much n week, showed a, human and Interesting streak nt the end that quite changed the minds of the audience about him. "I thought I lind in you u Miper-weman," he says, "hut 1 find ou're just a woman after all." The only charnrtcr who becomes mere Mciretjpcd In this net Is .lim Wcnth Vn.by. the first husband, who has changed from u quarrelsome, Lilioni Lilieni lll.e liiillviilual te u sleek and well iiinnnercd lieie. In this case, nt nny rule, we would have preferred the .lint who threw his wife's roses out of the window and tiied te beat her up. The "beld-fncc" humor that brought laughs in the ilrbt putt of "The Gold fish" turned this play Inte farce, whereas the basic idea called for dis tinctly "high-cemedy'' handling. Prob ably the producers figured that a laugh en the lips is worth two in the buck cf the mind, but Unit isut true in this particular case. PLOTS of musical wimrdy ure gen erally the last word In uselesness. snd nre net meat for uny extended snnlj -is or conversation, but, somehow, the "story" of "The Hunch and Judy" inti tested us. or, rather, would hue done se if it had continued in the mood of the tii'nt act. That bcene within n scene, with the inrieus netunl members of the "Bunch mid Judy" company pla.ilng parts In a fictitious pci forma ucu nf an operetta called "r.ee Finds a Way," is some thing different. It gives nn opportunity for all kinds of sly hlaps nt the ultra romantic epeicltn nnd still permits tlie wearing of elaborate costumes and the use of settings of splendor. Jeseph I'awthern, substituting at the ui nieiiicni ier tne leaning mini iiml stumbling thieiigh his songs with tic liui'rnl assistance of the prompter, wns. n us, enormously fminj j se was nil the atmosphere of this interpolated musical piece: but when that wns ever nnd the actual plot of "The Bunch and Judy Judy get under way un led the diameters te Scotland nnd te Pmil Pelrct's tamii.mg combination) everything be 'nine familiar and ucceidlng te pat- If Mr. nilllnglmm r.nd Mfsi Anne 111 i'.i ' '.""' Mi- ,ere""' KtJ- had lib 1',?,"" K't "" " S(,,1('1' setting, Ji ii i "I"1 ,.""""s "'"' bagpipes ?i i In l ' '""' WS' ,',ml,1"'l ""'' Unvu n.fa tmt n second scene (,, the ining- rn,i ."l'0"'""7,1" """" VenlH. why l",,11'0 r"tir; "J'"'"-'l' nd Judy" Wiv " ' Him,"1"""1 "L"v" . ,''i,"Is tnt'"'. . h fl,,,l"ent uxciiri, en "back tern, te get away from the bilks an ll'. I II W thorn Iv. for Frank. aitlug .. 1 BPH HH .iJiJBiJiJiJiJiJiJiJiJiJk. iJiJiJiJiJiJiJiJiJiJiJiJiJiJH 'iJiiiJiKv, . liJiiJH iJiJiJiJiJiJiiw1SJJiiJH .IJlJHFIiJHiJlJlJlJlJlJlJBk IJlJlJlJlJlJlJHMiJlJlJlJlJlJH IJIJIJIJIJDKK- -v IJIJIJI iJlJlJlJlJIPKK'iJlJl ir'piiutm wmmzVf- ivhi lw'''t " : -rr JPJijijiM. ijijHt'tiiiijiJH ijijVtijBH' "": '.' M T-1'-- !.:vi.:v'TtH5-ifc HIHJPH HKHIKjh 'w '".f-s"! r . 7A.... f'PJliJH'iJliJliJliJliJliJliJliJliJliJliJliJliJliJW "? 9ijiijiijiH Is. SHpjpjHijVpj IJiijiSiiflB1 A 1 eJUdimk vm '-amia v'-LLmm mmmrMi AZ2&mMMim. jH i , i ii i i "ii mm- M'SmmmmWMWl''lmWmmmm eiiMKirt? Riii?mM hoi mk wai rrD (i'C&BmmmmmmmmmW Nichols. Lccture wAnrRs si i .'iij'ij'ij'ij'ij'ij'ij'ij'ij'ij'ij'ij'ij'iJB vaaaiij'ij'ij'ij'ij'iJMr v. Iijij. -j...-l. A.-f en .y if f v 'Ufl'3'''''V Bmiy " 'lij'ij'ij'H 0bwwr ncaeitiy or music nwtna " iv tz&MmWMmMMMr AkiKI DaaweMd ,. , , - I '.'.xtaElHBV vH'H v,""?imi 'SdHBVTB iM ?" ZjamBmmmm MlHlMiP. mW mtKmWmmm t mk ::v-"' Mt wmmWL'F-m mim?:- r!.t . m wmmw irm jfr, ' yimmWmWirA Mv- : vvB mmmf yml Im-si '"'ii , 9H'StH mm ij fSmWWWm. , . fxtkr--.Xlmt&':r li!;v- ?i&;-s$m vmm :- nHH f v & fe ,!&0&4&Ji,sX&r-iWMMMmMztf iV?-. i r.isBBBBBBBj IBK S WfZZMMLXzM '.'"' " ' V ', its mmMMMMMM mMMMMMm m BB , iFv.VrJ mwmwmhhm ''v.." -. MnBBH'B m !KX ' - JMW ii,-Jttttttm W"-l B ..;.?. 7 'JJMMm'WmMMm tH emma dean R aPMiH '3$$MMMm&mW rt,4.j, 4li- il Hl'vft : W du , l I jflHIH IX: -:W1 "THE bunch i"s;SliW a ': wm '"', LMtifiBM :f'ammw" vViW'f1 -.!. ' - mmmmmmmmm v: mdkb&'" . . .-' M:.,immm 'x7 ss -..n K vSaTl MARJORIE R'AMBfTAU, A. "H "THE GOLDFISH "Walrmt. ...... .PH i mm9 .W MOVIEGRAMS OF THE WEEK Seuth Sea Island Scenes in Mcighan Feature at Stanley Mae Murray's "Breadtwy Rese" at Aldine Other Films WITH winter close nt hand hereabouts, photoplay features with nettings in tropical jungles en Seuth Sen Island benches and in Orlcntnl palaces are due te be especially popular. Huch a picture Is "The Man Who Haw Tomorrow," the feature nt the Stanley Theatre next week. This la a story of Cenrad-land, of ships nnd lonely island1) in the Seuth Sens, and nf strange, exotic scenes. Twe ether principle film openings nre "Broadway Kese." with Mne Mur ray, at the Aldine, und "Skin peep," with Milten Sills, nt the Knrlten. Inci dentally, it In interesting te note that nil three are products of the studlei and whnt Merten (Jill called "sccnnrlsts." t Themns Mclghau has the. rele of. Burke Ilninmend. the veunc adven turer who does the future-probing, and ( Lcntrlre Jey la the girl he finally. cheeses, Theodere Roberts plays her father, n dudith sort of trader with a monocle, and June Klvidge is the se ciety girl who might hnvc been Mrs. Burke Hammend If he hndn't been able te forcsee all the troubles (from n de mestic standpoint) that waa in store for them. The fcmlnlne contingent of the cast is Increased by the presence of Kvn Novak, and among the men arc that personable young Laurence Wheat who made his small roles stand out se prom inently in "The Bacheler Daddy" nnd "Our Leading Citizen," Alice Francis, Albert Itoscee, Jehn Illllern and Rob Reb ert Brewcr, one of the screen's "grand old men." 1'crlcy I'oerr Shcehnn. author of the nlwnys-te-be-remembered "Whispering Chorus arm, mere ivcuntty, Jt xeu Uelievc Xt, Jt's, N), wrote "xhc Man Who Saw Tomorrow" together with Frank Conden. Alfred Green directed. IRENE OlSEN -PAFFY DILL STitifcet'Tr ZOE BIARNETT. "BLOSSOM TIME Lyric THE CRITIC TALKS TO MUSIC LOVERS Mae Murray Essay Contest i mi"0 !,urrny n,, w'" 1"' " t the Aldine "Ihentre next week In "IJioail "IJieail way Kese," tlueirsh the Stanley Com Cem pnny of Amenea and n well-known mediste in this city offers n prize et t, gown te the lady who will write nn e.ssny desciibiug the gowns bhe wears in her latest starring vehicle. The condi tions of this contest are few. The de scription of the gowns mum lie written cm one side of the the paper only, limit1 ing the cbsay te 300 words. Then mnil the name te malinger of the Aldine Ihentre net later than Sunday. Decem ber 3. The merits of each cssnv will be passed upon by many of the leading writers en women's topics who are con nected in an editorial capacity with the Philadelphia newspapers. By SAMUEL L. LACIAR rpiIE Philharmonic Society of this city - has been obliged te make some slight changes in its policy, necessitated by the character and the musical ten dencies of the nudienccB which have been attracted te its concerts for the Iiift couple of seasons. The mguuizntlen erlginnlly bad 1n mind n specific attempt te enceurage tiie younger soloists of the city who have no possible chunce te make their debuts with such organizations as the Philadelphia Orchestra or the New Yerk Symphony Society and the like. "Ihis bus by no means lieen abandoned, as tlie discovery of new tnlent is a fun damental part of the society's work, but the grew tii of interest hns been such and tlie demand for the best soloists en the concert stage se strong tli.n the directors hnvc te make some concessions in this direction. riiiladelphiu s younger artists will FRMCINE LARBIHORE. "NICE PEOPLE "Bread masters of the violin piny this con ccrte together, such ns Yunve nnd THE3 thought came te mind during the recent engagement of the stage play, "Rain, that net only would v . Somerset Maugham's sterienand plujw make geed film materiel, but tbut it has been a very real mistake te overlook the bcrecn possibilities of Cenrad. Te be mire, Maurice Tourneur directed n film version of "Victory" which would have been a real artistic triumph if the "scenarist" had net insisted en mak ing of Axel llejst a smc vth-faced boy nnd hnd been content te leave at least a suggestion of the original, somber t raged. As a film It wns fine (Tour (Teur neur's efforts ulunjs lire), but it wasn't Cenrnd. What possibilities lurk in "Freyn et the Seven Isles" nnd "The Secret Sharer"! Whnt wonderful stories, for screening in "Iyird Jim" und "Ai mayer" and "The Hescue" ! And hew nbeut "The Secret Aent" with its Londen setting and its anarchists' plot? This has been htuged; it should be filmed. "The Man Who Saw Tomorrow" has a suggestion in it of Florence Heed's stage j-ucces.s, "Bends of Destiny, ' which Pauline Ficderlck played en the screen. Thy here Is endowed by u hyp- Photeplay8 te Be Seen en Lecal Screens Soen Xetembr r 20 "The Btenuil Flame," with Nerma Talmndge, Stanley. "Annii Ascends," with Alice Jjrady. Arcadia. "Prisoner of Zcnda," with Alice Terry, l'ulncu. "Nere," .Stoiiten. "Shadows," with r.en Chnney, Vloterlu, Nevpinbrr 27 "Clarence," with Walluce Relil, Palace. Coming "When Knighthood Wee In Flower," B tan ten. yT8tff METROfOUTAK WEEK OIF FUAY MttMt Kvtnt Ktr00r4 it fflsm I.'mUr Hi Auanlrea Dae Deatsrhe Opersnaaii KBIKM nan 0KMBS) "II," HK1UF.fl "O" "WWtifflMtiti Wdni"cl.iy. Matlnr,r THIBfrtCl veir 'PJL-C Tueaday mv i f Jnvrn ".Cliff rrinuaFi IdmvIjVJbC- ThufJy E vthlng.Fbrurtjr' r nt ni i mi iiiT' litiawixsm;vivs.x"rr; Haturdny Mallncf, Kxbruer "IMI5 WAI.HI'WK" " Stt. Nlglit Fib. "IB 10. Nfti-ubcrl ri.KDKHMAr ft'.', ' ' Strlll tubMrlalltn will cimlli l ti nermineti. suaunimin tut ei if nam ntv i mnriifiiun ana atngla ml til foil net kail eat Priiacfttm. cftnUlnlna dAlallt. aa u :, " .' i raiUMU Mlller'a "Tendreaee" Coming Henry Miller, popular star and pre-1 ducer of such idays an "The (irent. Divide," "Her Hushnnd's Wife," ".Mn-I Here" nnd "The Famous Mrs. Knir." comes te the Jlrend Street Theatre for n limited engagement cemincnciiig Mon day night, November 20, ns ce-a:nr with Utttb Chnttcrten in one of the most Important plays he baa produced in years, Henri Hntaillc'fj "La Tcndresse.' Produced during the summer by Henry Miller, it had n successful ('ulifernln season before opening nt ' the Umpire Theatre. New Yerk City. In this tilie Henry Ilutiu'llc, whose recent dentil se moved the whole world of drama, treats of the eternal combat between tlie bensc and the spirit. He has tnken the strug gles for adjustment between an utterly Onsuited but loving couple. Burten Helmea Is Back Burten Helmes begins his thirtieth annual series of photo-stories of trnrel en Friday evening of next week at the Academy of Music, with "Present-Day Peking" as his topic. This travelogue is a portrayal of the prcscnt-dav as pects of nn nneient city. Mr. Helmes wns in Peking Iai.t summer. "Present Day Peking" will be presented again Saturday afternoon. AOADFMY O trgff? EVf. I.U y C VT Ftti'V ntAisAT'Y P PRESENT DAY EKING "3c. tl. $1.60 it lfepse's 60a ni Seer MnrtPflll n niinl,,,. ... v....... ikhisc Willi i ue iieiniy 10 guzc ime inc RnnhSfi. J 8 ' isayc f future uud beheld the hf- he will lead vareus ether in." lMv"S aKO lli'1 with the two gulM he thinks himself in nrtlst" It t iLv c1'1 f,t'"Imbk':1'-' ' ""- H d'u.ghter of un I 'il . W 'l0, the ,!?nie ''eentrle Seuth .Sen Island trader: the &.'.., i,.leI t.nr' out vely with n , ihw ia an KnglMi swlety bellr. With .... aiiitii.tj i IIIIII-. I'lll'll IPBinNED INTIimklNMrWII III s3 tTDThiflrirSf' ": .il 9LKl re isJf aflf Im MM u.m mSM. liet, $1 3atur"ir, J Mason-Dixen Seven America'! Wonder Vrsatlte Orcheatra, In Ifw Muf.lcal Spcclaltlaa Beautiful Refined S. W. Cor. Franklin St. and Cirtrd Ave. JACK WHITE In "THE OLD BEADED BAO" KELLAH BISTERS and LYNCH" Vaudevllle'a Seniatlenal Trta XABO nnd EDWABDS Trom'jltltchy.Keo" HAREY DELSOM' Th Funny Winter Oarden Cemndlan Danee te tMuTeT of 01iarlre 'Natter and ;w -JcVi.J OC2(CllO TOMOEROW CONCEHT VROM 10 TOTF THEH MIDNIOHT FROLIC FSOK 12 UNTIL CLOSINQ TUESDAY CLOWN NIOHT FUN SOIJVENIRO White Way Trie Fcr-n-rtr ef O-ergB Whltn'a Brandiln ACADEMY OF MUSIC EWi NOVEMBER 23 B. HUKOCK PREBENT8 THE CELEBRATED VIOLINIST UI8CH A AT fl their disposal se strong that it was found necessary te make a slight in crease in tlie amount of the member ship dues this season when it was de cided te have tin; best soloists which could be secured at four of their con certs. It speaks volumes for the strength of the orennlzatlen that the membershin un tn n few ilnvs iiffn. nt i III ivemeut. tliuii ninkinr it ntmum in. the increased rate, wns actually greater , possible te s.- which 3 the chief part than en tlie ame date last jear. ami which, therei'eie. .should be deferreil PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY . OF PHILADELPHIA JOSEF PA&TERNACK. Conductor SIX SUNDAY EVENING ORCHESTRAL CONCERTS ACADEMY OF MUSIC rrWIEUh; i-n't u glimpse of the Seuth -, . -, . . xsens in tie Mae Mm my feature. Pcning Concert, November 19 but like nil her films i' i !i exotic as' fioleiit: OLGA SAKAROrr. ?inlit tiny lti.iUe em. An Kdmiiiiil Ceuldlns ''v'.V'v: '.' .. 'tim, avaii.mim:. aitiy t'inifiin.v ,,. . . i ... , , ,!, ,,, , i , " P. me inner, ne ecu mine nun power nun i fore , I i? ' rl '"Vi ' . "!" wealth, but no happiness. b0 it is easy i tiJftnuZJ. ' '"'1 "ny, ,'r0UKh 1the " RUP "l:lt he cheeses the out-of- . irst nevemen , cub is playing ngninst I ,l0ers girl. the ether with all his might. I 1'iebably the perlect 'coiicertante" form of the composition bus aemething te de with this, as each part has exactly the same Phrase. as the ether in c.-u.ii ELMAN wietq the ifiry for .Mi.sj Murray's especial b-iMtit, mid it concerns, a 1 ISieadwii) hinge idol who sacnlices her I" Ml. I HAIII KS H. UIHs-CU. UOe'riNE ST. n'li ..,..! ..Ul . ..t .,. m.in i.l III. .IS 11 mniler lit tnet. llieie u ....... is the same ns nt the time of its in- ,nbl,y, "P tompesi-n u ler two instiu- , l". '.' ' 'f "' ' " " J1 ) . uuguratien, namely, te furnish tli...,,,",s " '" liter.ttun. of music where if' ", . Im.i.M.-ht "lie J ,,n,i P "hh, highest grade of orchestral music pos- I tll( , '' ' " , V iul I" nl..e, Ztl im .'', 1 1 b-.-l- e.n.,1 f sibie te the greatest number of i.erlens ' "f "' ""-1 eoncerie The Mernrt smu- ';'' ;",", h a-l .11 u.'t.Tl bl 11. Ht the lowest possible cost. The cost l'''011' fencertuntu for Weliu nnd viola , . VNV , vl" '' "a" ,llu'tt,,J b Ueu and the ether half from the best that can be sjeured. Following this pro cedure Mine. Olga Samnreff will be the soloist nt the opening concert en Sun day evening, November 10, and ethers from the professional sole group will include Saschn .laeobineff, Ilaiu Ivindler and Florence Knsten. rpiIK Interest in the concerts of the Philharmonic has been se great and the demands upon the limited space nt MUSIC NOTES At the Philadelphia OrchnMift comfit nt th,i Acadcms- en i'rld.iy ufiernnin nnd Sat urday icn!ne mxt ihree f.uniiljr wurks con.itltme the pre trum, tlin fourth Hjni lihuny ut lli'tihniM, u,e Jiccihn-u lulin concerto und the Huns' irlun KlurseJy Nu. 1 of l.lazt. Urutilsluvv llulernuii Is Hie BOletSt. m His New erlt 3mil.eny Orcliestra. imrter Wulnr Damrescli, will l,m heard In the iccnnd nuhsci ititlen iiuucrt In the Aendem nf Mule next Thurxhe ciinliu In nn nil W'uKiur iireiirum. Th ihinl .ict of "Slsv frltd" will be Bunc, llli Jlnu Illiu Htrnllu an llrunnhllde nnd ItlLliard I'muks ai Weie irlcd. .Mr. UtihiumIi lll .ilsu ll.ilnlu tlie "Tannhttouser" eiriuru. the 1'icludu and Iniieilucilen te me ihud 111.1 'it ' l.ohwn l.ehwn 1.1J11." und Uuatuw 'llnlet. tl.e cow en en en timoter. will be tmird In "Urniuia." from "Trletun mid Isolde," uirumiul for Molln, with orchestra. Lear I ai 1 no hrre en the i .lucmy ur "Ulils III j imriH ..,, ...in, n comedian who i,,.; "',," '",,IN "1 with even- sue m. hi y ininr ,,,.. ...., 1 1 ...-"" A,iJ!1,!)I!r'(,,fI "i1'1' l,,w n,"u,rw " teen V i Vu.,'r leiiieniberH Imvim: vi VMiVplWfVfen;ttUh's . rm)iiiii. Ti,, i ''J" '"'J I 11 mm Padreu akl will lm utlrrnuun of Uoccml'er 4 .susic, - Jarecbv Keclan. lulmlKt. will be heard In ticltnl at the .W.uIiii of Muulc Knver un Thniiiday 1 vcnlns-. Ni)emlr HI. Dvorak's tonierte In A mlnei .iil I' major luncertu of OaJkeNskl ure tils ihlrf numbcra. Jaw-ha Helfetz will Khe his only riilla riilla ilelpluu recital al llie Aculcnu of Music en Wnlneaday esiilnn. Dticmber 13. The Phllnileliilila flK'iulla iioslety nn iuiuicsh n iircai nt.itlen In January of "The llrlde i;iect." hi Jehn J'hllln t'eusa. It In expci'lid Hint he v III lm pri'SLiit te con duct the performance. KclaurtaU will htslu .it ,.1110, r.pprcsenl itHca of tli f.n I'arln Orand Oiiila Cnmpanv base nunplelPil wllh thn I'lilljdilphu strand up r.i AHbui Inllen nil the details of the two-wok ensuKvment whlth opens a w ilt finm neu. Monday Amenit the prlntlpala are lloatilce d'Alsmin in, .Maile Happeid. Henri iscutt und Anna 1 I '".In, WiiHslll l.eii and Wulter I'fuirfer will he iiiuMt i.iind'uters The eperaa ure: I'lrst week "AI.S.i." "I'.IbeI, tte." "Tbica," "Mirthu," ".Mm"' I'mtirlPs," I'arinen." "Juwelii of llie .Miidnnaa" nnd "Canllerln IliisUana" and "I'iimU iftl ' Sscend week "I.11 Ilehi'iiie." "r.iuit. ' Saleme, Cava l Icila llUBtle.ina" uud i'liBlhucl." "I.u.U," "l.hintirln," ''.Mine" llmtcitly" und "II 'lioateie." The MM Inns Musical Club will glv Ita Hi t.t sencert of ihe ,eaxeu In thn ballroein of the IKIIsViie-Stt.itferd luxt Tuesday allernoen. A umlal yreRnim bus been ur- r inted 111 noner or 1110 ihiiiiik uearu or irctera of th' National I cderatleu of Miiblcal riulm. feilurluu' Ihe ilub cherua, llie tmrii mm.nil'ie and the urchentia, r.inlly Htelici Jliimir will Ble..a eenu r- lt.it iel Afiielay ewiilin; In Wlthernpoen Hill. The jumjiuin Includ-a .works of Huh. W'tcl.irlln. Vwrmilnl. Itnhluatiiln. Mm. nitnii, Itiser, MiuiiaH. Miuatl, I'liurdialn, Itlieiiu-IUtun, IVtiley I'elinen l.vrk-er, I, .ill....... ,1, rli lit, lltimfT II lilimii.il..W iicijivii.tti, -.1- ,' , i. , . . " """ittltv.i, llerain inn. War.; -m llllih, lrs JlnRar will he aaelelcd by NIsIieIuh Duutr at the piano, Mlschn Kliiian. le!lnlt, will nnpear In lencerl for th;, la it Hiae thin ea(,n at ihe Acudeinv ut Musis 'Ihurtduy uvcnlnsr, Ne-vinlH-r ''! IMi.tr 1 A .Yen. at Sv Yerk, will slit ,111 eicun e liul.neM Xtend-vy in nine n th Walnut Ktisct I'lcbjlerlaii Chuiih. 1' J, Jlcupe .t S 11 uiiiieune., two acrlea of aillats' icUt.'la thla Jiat. Tim Drat, ten. ilxtliiir of tlw sJiieeiln. win cwin hy Itoh. it Aimbruater ,plan hi, (iiul I5IU iKth Jloed l.ultil, 111 eoiiliiiielloii wlh the lu'.-ait piano, for 1 no Miw . erwy federated' Mule' 11 still have their chnnce te appear with ''S1"' "'"'" ''" Inc.cased wjtli n- ustra, p nj,.d .ciihe,, or two' V,.., ,- thlnl. of the dingin, sine the orchestra and about ene-hnlf of the ' .ll"netwIy in the Inst few years, und age bj .Messrs. Jtich and erney, comes , .1.,.. Ml,. m,,..,. .....i ,,, .'...,.. ... sole talenl "win l ."rLwn hZ l iJ?!. Ylc " !,e I buut tlle '" II ' "" r"M.e.-i. I if, WrVrlnXr L urns 'a '"Te .,..., ,.., u .11 in iiiuiiij eiiuui me ex- 1 penditures, for the concerts are being A OTHKIt thing noticeable at gUen te the members at u cost of a , rl last petferiimucc of the Hacb mile mere tliuii u dollar a concert. , ccrte in this dtv was the fact that at .l!C1. .! ch"ftcr "f the orchestra! the clee of both the first and the Inst un of the soloists is considered, it movements, the chord of D major wns t,,n Vi,.. ; . . ' ,, , """ w'" "el ' ll6"'1 ibsteail of that of D m nor ns is meet the cost of giving them. written In the music. A number of public-spirited mem- This was an innovation which did net bera in the pat have been making up I sound well. The trend of the music the very substantial deficit which N throughout is distinctly toward n close snewn ut the close of cacll season nun in 1) miner nnd net 1) major. 15,uh in. m if," 0,,Vy Ms K"intce thnt has frctiueiitly u-c.l the major chord in enabled the directors te go ahead with .Wins i composition in u miner, n, ,1 meir ambitious plans. that lie knew hew te e it effect ivelv is notable cast. I shown by the mnrvcleiis close of tin..' TtT , . "Kyrle" of the Mass in it miner, which I mi , , . i .- , t n HE plan this season is triple in e Itacli Choir sang at the Academy T '" '' """""al' tr'!-''llf,'"y its nature. Tlie secletv moneses m a short time age, where the device is . dislisured ut .,n ai-ci'lent. who lias st possible orchestral con- ! uswl uith wonderful effect. Hnt heic ' " " '"'",', ,'""" "ur " ' ""''' nrt piano, en Nevembr 22. 23 nnd 24. lr i2 'tS".0",1? 0re under the uunaeimsnt nf Helen Pulnakt Innea. ,iT n?lh.'"c "Peraile Fectety will pro pre ii9llhSrt ""n Sulllvun'n opera "The , m-i '' r," ..n tn" arternoen und evenliiK Vi,.... nif'h,D.8 Uav "' "'e Arjidemy of ,.'. Ihe.Prlnclpals of the caat sin Allce iAK?rn,?: lne . lyel-Huhlmnn. rredrlc cuperoeii. Jehn Ainbrmil. i'liurls .Shuttle 5 mIL': ,J,u""""t Poland, l'riiiilc Hirtman. 1-culn MlCej- ur.d Nannle Wellbank. ,i,Th'ir 'lrtheyen euheiti-a and rherua of 5... J. r,uw Wernry huclcty will eUe a eperc tu "H. M. H. i,nafore ,t j.u x JJ senduct tenlsht' Thiodeio Ilnmin will ihlBT? Vlcjintn will s-v n Piane recital In ,,inr l?r of. ,no Academy en Monday eo ee wi F'i.Ne.i,mb,fr "- IIH Whiilp.il uuinber op I" irreut echutnann i.imasle In U, i,!"?'."'.'0 '.'Minliten MinoiirK-ej i senir r iii..,L. ,'rt' ''"mufv Urawhu- lloem en lliursilay nft, rnnen, .Viuemtu ."! at .1 ? U!;..- fall'.' ",'" lx ""ill'- I Doiethy C i unu. .."""sder. lurpHt. nlth fureU Spaeth ut the piano ,. mi'.1.',10. K,';.Mr' ,r,u ""l" ie will Bile " r?.1".il '. U'therupoeil II HI oil We.lneJ.lJ eiin nir. .N.iwmbcr 2J. t-h.i will alnu lii siii."."" ."tul will be iml.ted hi J111.11, ai nklii. violinist, and llenl.iii.ln (luajlkelf, il.t ''. 1,et,, .""'inters of thn I'hll.iilelphla '.", tra. Juceb VVIuuw will be ut the piano. J iieiaenateln Mnren, bntse, la nillns ii ty-e-w)k engaBemtnt as aolelat In the .apllel Theatre, of .New Yerk. J.nat week id Sinn; B ,Wt nmnter in Jluntirlan nnd ills week lie H appeurlnif us Mjrhlstu In "Iinpieasilena of Knuil." The Old Yetk rtend Cheral will eUa a musical tei un .Monday at a an p. ,t in st, Jehu a Lutheran Churc'i. Yerk toad und MUrose uicnue. Kalhnn l'llce Henzel, en. pri.ne, und Pearl Daub Menttemery, plauht. will be the aoleleta. Armlstlcn I)ny illl be ebaericd In the hms.jul setllnif nt Old .St. Peter's Church, Third und lMne slieet Sunday eienlna, when n, ihelr will alnif "HUn,cd Are the De parted," Bll0nr. "Hew lllejt Are They." Ttchalkewaky, and the "IUmn Ilefern Ac tien," KIplbiB'a peem te u bcltlnu by Walter Uavles, Jehn V, Neirla. baaa, will alne the Lergen aetllni; te "J'iundera ricld." The Phlladelptila Mualc Teachers' Alliance announces u practical muile illnle demon demen demon slrntlen ut Us net incetlui; en Tuesduv &. leinber 14, I0.SO A. M , .it the Hettl,.ment MubIe Scheel, Hi) Quein street. All teach, eis me Invited te atlind Stars from aen famous opera houses nf Oernmny will be heard In the VnBiierlnn epcni fcttlvnl, te b.i Klien.hem nt the Muiniulliiin (ipeia llouje durlntr tin! w.'.t of r.bruaiy ft, undci thu iiLniamnieiit of Oeerim. Iiluineiilh.il tin llleck, noted for his Wngnnlnn Interprilat one, will be the tiuent conductor. A program of Norwegian muale win he cucn nt tbe hecend l'rebyterlin' Church Twenty-tlrat and Walnut lrcet8, Htindty evening ut 7:30 The conipeaerH ure liurum flrleg. N'Jerulf and llnulrfnaiimid. The clieiua chnlr und solelhlu will be uaiilated liv Vb.eent ranelll. baiplnl. and Kiederie L'oek Mullnlet. Servlcca under the direction ,,f N. l.lndaay Nerden. ' Tle . II.. vc and te Held" and "The Uieam 'tie ' (Jiil." ., innst Tii.'irv.d 'if lw,i- i,,.r. con- ' sistcncc ill iil,i.liiB the "(ill. led I. Hies." . Mente liliie is ay.iin te be -.ecu a-, the irtiieiis euni; here, n pint uhich he can plu.x Willi dlsincl.,ii nnd sincerity, though we nisiv wish fr another lan 1 .in te lining out hi- greatest powers. Alum Tell, one ,,l the most bei.iitiful women oil stage ei screen, has a Idirt. an li.is liiijiiK.n.I i'.l.e.iner. who lua.U his 111 m debut a nun l.i of jenrs a-,'., with the old Vitu.i.ii'li Company, Wind t'lane and Ch.iii.-. I.iine complete the TG89IGHT LuLuTen,ple Vlimill BtezA te Spring Garden THE U0ST BELOVED OF 0PEHETTA3 PINAFORE S" BRILLIANT CAST AND BALLET Ticket, 50c. Tia and $1.00, at 1119 Ohctnut and at the deer after 7 P. 11, LASTAPPEARANCETHIS SEASON p0nsAn 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 At ACADEMY k HEPPE'8, 1119 Chcitnilt M; ACADEMY OF MUSIC ) Wed. Eve, Dec. 13, 8:15 HEIFETZ 0!ILV RECITAL HrKE THIS SEASON Ticket; ::0W. et Hc.-pe'n. llie Ohcatnnt il pjin ecracmy Chcttnet air fc'ive the bes certs, iierhupsj net ulwnju of sym- '' belencj, it docs net nt the close of phonic character, hut si 111 made up of 'he double concerto. tlie very best music, ami with the bent Kroup et ereheWial performers in the i Started in Melodrama tr&m' S lh the PranU I...-.V. .,..','. ", '- iiieiii- l inuf.v "Dull 1 fill in... net en nt ,1,., Armistice Day Dance Souvenirs and a Big Time Don't Miss It THE CASTLE ,. 810 S BH0AD ST KONDAY LAbT OrEM NIOHT OF TOX. TROT CONTEST TJIHEE SET. PniZES TRIP TO NY TOa WINNSBS Metropolitan Opera Heuse 8ATURDAY EVENING. NOVrMBER 11 bpfcial rrnreRMANcr or the BROOKLYN OPERA COMPANY OTELLO The Subscription Sale itfsSlr GRAND OPERA AT TUT. ACADEMY OF IlllStC BY Tit rrvTr;0P0UTAN OPERA COMPANY. Hf. Will Clese Men., Nev. 2d Sale for Opening Performance Nev. 28 Will Bepin Nev. 22d SubtcrlDtlnn Drtit Ai-tiUm. Onn I In I ACADEMY OF MUSIC Men. Afternoon, Dec. 4, 2:30 PADEREWSKI Ticket NOW at Hcppj',, HIS Chestnut It. anil Academy. hers of the seclet te h'cur severnl s0l0. ists of iuteriiatieiiiil reputation; aNe i ii ,v? ,0"lu "f ,H" "lest talented 1 liiliidelphia jeuiiKer musicians appear en the precram, either as component or ( ns soleisto. i hj.si.lin, mid lb.., inc. ie Ihe up te WMb V v"r Tv V .r l,rB"Mc T',,,, ' i.s "new" tiuv is told ui ".Lin Ueep," ! . le ' ' AOI.I ' lie Knrlten f..m.r. A"T,icV?t.B$l?jT r n"1' V "-V 'Mt Lambert Ilillj.r ...l.ipled till- te the top at tlie Tl.entre i.r.,1 r.lmlul 'u'tUyn" n Slmbeit, ha-, been iimii.sin people, te- j (.ether ttlth her siMer I'leieuce Temp- i est, since tAw win live e,ir.-. old. They1 bivim in Mich liielediiimas us "Twe! Little iiii, -loe rieiiu te lie." screen fmni the i.ii,ii.iI st,n nf Maic I.dmeud .l.iiies, luii i , mne. ted 'tli the tilins. liilljcr nls.i .1 :. '"I the ft.it me Milten Mil-, wli, . I i- il,,l e -uch un. nsKiiinlnK and lm. n -,n i: ,uK in "lie. held M. Wile, ' "I', i l.n. Hie Weman Tin, ii i.,i,-i le, l'he IS KEYSER id a tribute in did yceiimn OIIK Philadelphia Orchestra pa flue ami n iel.(eserved trlhiil uih memory et one ui.,, ,u,i service for the otvui.Uutlen In the ilnvs when it wns diflicult te till the Acu. e my at the concert6-the Inte Charles V Urnun when, nt the lest concert but one the funeral march from "Gutter, daemmeruns" was played i,l8 mc. Mr. Rrauu had been n member of the Heard of Directors from lnnr ,.. ,i ... tlme of his di nth l.ut hummer, ami In.i l Kivcn liberally of l.ii tin,,. ." , ' '' '.' i edpe te the aftulis of the Orebisi..,. n hud been prominent in the niiiHl.-ni' .,r. fairs nf the citj for many years, having been a member of Iho old Sunt in tiv Society. plulK in the orchestra ,'s "ft aa tahin;: it leudiiix p5rt in the .id ministration of its affairs, and breui.'ht te tlie beard of the Philmlet Phla Oichestra t ipe experience and a thoreiiKl. Uiiem ledge of musical cenll" tlens in the cllj. " Mr. Mi ska. riiu Heart of Cl.i "'.. I N eluilll V he .ill.i "The n.imint: Arrew" und ether ' "" l !l,,!t''-' ' ,-cl.i-sic. On. .. they plaed the princess limhiui. nnd in II with ll-.bert .Mantell In "Klclinnl III."! Iil,u ,l"' t-'l,-!s " ll Thev Ii.im tppe.utd together mtii.v I ,l'1"' bcc.lil-e of ln- t leu- i- Ic'utiest uud Sunshine, nnd mi Itules u br..l en ii,. l ' , In i ti. op, i.oeu mm i.lbten," lmhk i.ip aii.i"ii.ni "Nei'iin. li'it rove." "The Dictator,' ha.-, the le.iilliii: itmiui the Wit'l.im Heclc Hevue of two sea-ens' ('iiiinuni, who lined t. past and liibt beien with "The liliie i Land" n- Tramini- I-rem every possible musical nncle this presrnm Is one which should be In dorsed by the iiiu.sc.lei,iK people of the city. A m tlul has b(.en offered this jenr for the bei t orchestral ,i,n.i. tlen, as well as for the best perfurineis. Mnrieu h .-been with Ituyuiuud Hitch, scarred .In el. in i,J,.i ,l10 I'net. and the winnlni; compo-'""' hi '"''hi' Hcauty Shep," "Gnlinj i I'ler, me Vnhu, ,......, ,.,., uimuiiinciiiv ne piuced en one ut the pregiams by .tr. PnHernacU. Kitten." Alene" and "'J'he i'i ioIe of I lu lu -i part et the I. .mm! r. cKni.e i. a, --up. which . I Jil'e-lv j.iw , II, 'Her ear. . , n I. ere in ll e V. lllll 11." i' ' I'r.ink s.i.: "Ciltle I he 'ir- WITHERSP00N HALL, Wed . Net. U2. ou.-si, itt;i ii i is) MIME. ANNETTE AMnl l.y Jnceb Elmnkim. ii ,,... Benj. Ou.iketf. 'Cilll.t. Jctf Vlun, i.Ull.,e Stati .5X CO.KUiUO, at Htpgc ,. 1U3 cheat FASHKOIS SHOW ill u:,Uft, 07 LONDON ACADEMY OF .MUSIC FOYER Thureday Ec, Nev. 16, 8:15 KOCIAN CZECH VIOLINIST ll.'Piit' U10 l tieataal Tiilft MHV in ttrn't iiml A.-iulein) FOYER (it tte ACADEMY ct MUSIC I MON EVE . NOV. S0TII ' PIANO RECITAL i v i P. A ' r. Ticket en ills at Heppa'a VICHNIN .1' l 111,110, pire of After-Dinner Tricks ifua'c CammllleH tit tha Art Ain.nA. ans) IP. ThB anqauiiiA lbt' Ilia 'Mnnuacr h.t Muale Ba- i&iyiiil wjib.u Hup, W4(Mlir vmIa. a? xih ijjirt. . tv. '.i-vki'iir 'jr.-c flmt wilt b a lininii for mnnv run.. ...... , vleht with iiinati'iir chamber imisic- ,,r. ft"r?.,.,.H.. '"!!.. :J"?..!!1,.'L!. interested m -v vi,i llllll IMtlDllilU 1 . .d" V y Dunr cenaR I I !LilL!j! i Jtilllllll "ll the -t,ie, and Mar, 1 1 M. in, mi i 1 lie Al.i-.pieriuler, b.i- a I ,'t Thcic me Jin, -. eiie- ni H' v-t iait of "Shin I hep" which an , 1 i , . pinl if net gin pn these ..f Un ,i','. i'e -peclnl "The I Inner ."--,, i and Melclmn '- '('It of SH, i,t Men' ter mithenticit. A p.-elcue . -i . I'rcnru Lattleliel.l, a- well a- -, ,,ls ,., - , et and en New .,rl. - II. i-i -,,, ,,i , , ltV in tl.ls stei) of the 1 1 tui in '. f bad "Uud" l)ole BROAD STREET THEATRE Mnday Morning Musicalet M- jsi rj'-5""lf,'.a . K ACHM A NINOFP ninent. ---- ."..si. n Tn. n'mi..,. v.iiv i ii . ' ........ ..... ... ,,.,,i. uemp Ticket I.e.- " .'" "ii.uicni nctre n aecially proralnent. n Sale at !?. omce II' ' i ' lii.it nt VYi uf thr " lcnH)ui Mi n '', .'( ;l , H, II lllC slll (, 'IOIU1J I ll- 'i' i. ni n Ne. Kill Iho lliiieliul Hs A run; is tied te the end of a ce.it tnre.iu in. iiiic.iu ih -ct i,,. t,.,. .....ii. i.i.... ...I . I "'."in iiniiur, iniii it Inii i jium i hr ii' ii nf I'hiliui, ;;,;,., iliertie CiliU, mill uliu-li em t III LCl fill III tin "'III,' ,S';,f, , ll,,!. lilil. u celli'dlM ft if tlUitl.CH. ,,l 'i leirni. inii one n firm, vim 'mr,: t(iicl!u-r ui I'liuicc. villi the till r liiklnn thn jiifi t nf tin- ciiirin , ,( i eiff iniiffc. .in, i. liillirrt, ,,. ;, , inil'ICIl lenfc ('uf(y, I? ffli i piiuiuj stnr," r-s.iw i ikiiriii ii i i.. a the city, iielnjf a regular conceit n , Ul,,t I"1" "r lr "1,nis- The riiiB, lna A"""""" i tuete imn.-iih old st.ij. tendunt, until Ills health besan tn f. n l'u,r' l!1""" '"" V'1 . I"" "cinmii- nn-- melodramas, which were commenh a year or two aKO. Ui" death In ilrca tlv u',mI.',"",,' "'"ix'ude.l bv the burnt ihn.id. I'11""11 " the "ten. iwim', thiit' te be rcBretted, net only for IiIh .,,, " h" lhre.nl must be pivb.u,h pn. 'ilely comes t Ka 'h ,M,ii ,(,.,., i, .. HCrvices tn tl... net nf ..,l.. ...."'V" IMtl'll. it Is Ml.lhcd tllllliil, el.lv ,.. .. "Mere te lie Pill.,,1 Tim, -: ! ... ... , ... ,, ttiniIJa II II I M IkIi I . t . h "riti til ti - -- " i i "nil "lifl'tl Mil I t;cnue n tine pciwenality, and e e .'""!? M,v""" "f M't ,'"' ir. i.mi '-h""iM includes Midi f.uei.te.s as irieim la innii(innib, el peen e b,iM i,e 7 """"' ' '". "" '" '"'re ler M ' naiiK i.leiiilen, lein: neiuibir .,. . I, . removed from anions us. , A RECENT performance of the nnni, X double concerto In 1) mi,i0r for two Wulllis again einphiiHlzeu t,0 f,' t n, , no matter t,- ,,.,. t ,i... .....'":' "H1" i l'ly thl8Blgu.ith.werH, I "l "i narcntiv tJS' ?h.r w v wwie te pi,, a t rsafVhS Uuch ether " "' "MIIMt" line, uheii inc inicail is dr. it m.iv "'H'cn, Alice l.al.e. iteseiuan The, he need in the tri.k us . escrihed ulie.. hee Queci, M,I1K li( Vli, , ' .",'T ihe -alt In the t nd holds the a-h,s - eunecilcut Yu.il wis , n, .,,''' . !"' .... ... . " ,,'" M-.'fHlleuKh." fTHUU InWuxUnij f iK'rt ;rk hirlitdi Caput laht, I0H, bv Piblle I.tducr Cemrany I'KTin ier n.rit .mie ine r.'iteii --ivtcy Aris i'ie,i.,ei . -ii.i r.:.r. i .,.. ,..:... ' . v? i'fu ntntn Iir lft ii month ,for.. n,w .. J'c .! til it lllll ill Hull 1 ''Hum !n )'hu Hun ii. ! Illl IIIII Kh-'-ind-wund; itlir'bluncfeVl 2 K.X: ,,-Uh Vtlul V i.i.,..."",."r '. "'CH" FREE LECTURE hristiae Science NIXON THEATRE 52nd BELOW MARKET ST. SUNDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 12ft 3.30 o'Cleck ALSO MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13th AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON GARRICK THEATRE WILLIAM D. KILPATRICK, C. S. B OF DETROIT, MICHIGAN ' MOin L thu Beard of cturehlp of The Mether Ch, The Klnt Church of Christ, Sciential, in Be,t, l. " I PUBUC INVITED i NO COLLECTION tf TiTiTTT m '' 'ZZQffifZVfiTKW ll -y a n i: & Ci.U Tin.'ti'-j'J.ir. '.IM-'.L1,. H J-