Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 11, 1922, Night Extra, Page 10, Image 10

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    1 frVWTT?'
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Mental Attitude of Players Gees
K- A
iii i. .
Te$e-Who Are Crabbed,
Arethe Ones Who Spring at the Enemy With All
They Possess Mental Attitude Big Facter
A GROUP of coaches, former players and news gatherers were standing en
A the football field of n big university. It wns the evening before an Im
portant battle. The vnrslty plners were gathering for the final workout.
Seme catne along whtstlng the Intent jarx ; ethers shouted humorous remarks
at classmates whom they passed. Net one of the warriors appeared le have
a-care in the world.
"That team Is going te lese tomorrow." said one of the ceaihes. "Their
Mental 'attitude is nil wrong. They lack the something that can't be de
l w , . -m, ,
(STONE Y McLINN jekM or idle remarks. They would wallop a
pal who put en the mirth and laughter record.
.It Is said of one of the gridiron's greatest stars that his real friends always
knew when he a going te play one of these games that established him as
an All-American back. If he was morose and sarcastic, they knew there
wss.treuble in store for the enemy. If he was jubilant and easily approached,
he was likely te play a game that was only half up te his standard and his
standard was high.
A1 commanding officer In the late World War declared that the greatest
hunk perpetrated en the unsuspecting public was reference te the fact that
the soldiers were "singing en the eve of battle." He insisted that men who
an In. the proper frame of mind te fight don't have any music In their hearts.
"Curses, perhaps, and discordant muttering, but never song," he declared.
1 Football conches tuny huve a great deal te de with the mental attitude of
their, pupils. The geed coach is the man who studies his men. individually
and collectively. Seme need te be dricn Inte the fight; ethers are rnrlng te
go and must be held back. Hut the team that wins Is the team that, tempera
mentally, is serious of mind and sober of face. And when a geed team is
ticked by an inferior eleven blame It en the mental nttlttide of the players, and
nine times out of ten you ill be absolutely right.
THIS may appear te he apropos of nothine then again it mail
answer the question trhich in se ftcqitently aslcd icheii a powerful'
team loses a game that it should hare iron. It does ansiecr a letter
from "A Van," tche icanted te ascertain the tcaten for the faihne of
certain teams in games then trcre expected te xcin handily.
' Must Leve Spert te Be Successful
AUBREY 1JCVINE. Inst jcar's Iown star nnd All-American quarter, says
that "a genuine liking for the game is n most essential quality If a player
hopes te be n star." There Is another reason for the failure of great players
In put the winning punch into Important battles. They de net truly love
the sport.
There are among the college gridiron players these who are lazv and
indifferent in practice. They regard signal drill as n necessary evil and
scrimmage as berd work. They de net line football because It affords nn
opportunity te fight. They seek, perhaps, the fame nnd glory which are
showered upon the football star. This type of athlete, no matter hew aggres
sive and alert he may be physically, will net win games for his college. He
lacks 'that all-essential mental attitude which gains the victory.
Of course, there are times when a team that is mentally fit loses because
it. is weaker physically than the opponents. lint this team will offer no alibis
will accept a licking in silence. Almest Invariably the eleven men who laugh
,ind joke before the battle make all sorts of lame excuses for the defeat that
ussjireught about by their own indifference.
AVoetbnl! expert who supports that fry. for-point rule after n touchdown
saye' It' will develop kickers. Well, it may de this, but field goals have net
tiecn much in evidence as deciding factors in the big games played te date this
j ear. As a matter of fact, in irtua1ly cwry game we have watched in the
course of the 1022 season it was failure te kick c.i,v drop or placement geils
i ht' caused the defeat of one of the trams.
JUATURAL ability is an asset tehich the field-anal l.kkrr huitt have.
" But no matter hetc true his tee mail smanship way be. the plnyei
, who hopes te find the target tchrn icreti may bring vktery is the
player who has practiced long and earnestly. Win In and summer, a
'football should be his constant companion.
. J ,
Ancnt Sivarthmere Tournament
ONE of the greatest cnceuragemenls that pessibl. could be offered school
boys te develop drop-kicking hkill Is I lie tournament which Is scheduled
te be held at Swarthmete Preparatory Hchoel en November 27. William P.
Tomlinson, head master nf the Main Line institution, has offered a trnphv r
the winner of the competition. It is hoped that the entry list will be laigc.
It undoubtedly will be. since all schoolboys arc eligible te enter and win
the prize.
Thcrc nre prominent ceaihes, among them Pep Warner, who de nm i.,ire
se much for the drop-kick, preferring what they cluim is the H'lffr method of
gaining three points the placement kick. However, it depends xun the
player and the position of the ball. A drop-kicker Uke Ken Smith, of
'Princeten: Charley Huell, of Harvard, or Kabbit Covington, of Centre, will
win games with the drop-kick where the place-kick might 1 n il. Ker it ih(cm
two men te put ever the place-kick. The holder of the bull mai m.iKe or
rula the play, though he seldom gets any credit because his part in It is net
se spectacular as that of the kicker. It nlwin has been out- opinion Hint in
the aummary of a football game It should read. "I'lncc-kiik v Hanier- bill
held by Miller."
BUT tee desiir te congratulate Headmastri I'niiiliiiaen nntl tl,r
Su-arthmerc Prep football management for the cixietnagrmriU
given schoolboys by arranging the drop-licking teurnamrnt. A mwilni
event in colleges teeuld be a geed thing and iceuld attract spectator
West Virginia's Team I'ast
WHILE here in the East we ere regarding (he Army. Notre Imnie gume
today as one of the large and Important intei sectional battles of tin. season
we should net overlook the fact that In llhioniingten. ind,, thcie wj be a
football fight that may be of even greater merit. That is the contest between
West Virginia and Indiana Universities.
vWest Virginia, coached by Dr. C. W. "Tubhj" Spnrs, the fnnieiiH
Dartmouth guard, who was All -American material In 101.. lias defeated
Pitt. .Rutgers, West Virginia Wrsleyan and Marietta. W. nnd .1. must men
the Mountaineers en Thanksgiving Daj, and Grensv Neale and Ills Presidents
rate this gsme as one of the hardest en their schedule.
; . ...
WWWN iforgantetcn vcay they icgard Tubby Hpcms mi ihr i,cniri
i gridiron mentor in the tchele tcerld. And irhy nett If he der
' defeat both Indiana and W. and J. he inll establish West 1 irgtnin u
" one of th,e truly great elevens of the year.
i, . .
' Bender Yearns for Philly
CHIEF BENDER, Indian pitcher and manager, is net wen,ing ever Inn
reease by the Reading International League Club. A letter from the Chief
received yesterday, states that he is selling guns and ammunition, is well nnd
happy-Jand will be donning a uniform somewhere when spring arrives,
f , "I'ye been away from Philadelphia for n couple of jears and am ceiiin-.
hesssslck,;.' pens the Chief. "They
au4.L ... MM. .1..W I., ,1.1. (IIA.Ij '
VINHB Mir, Ilie BUJ uj mu intn,
:T"' '
' yMtlKDER is managing the gun
.'MflBpiten sporting goods store.
' 'ffiWs't ieftn without getting lest,"
t ftMmh,'' he aiii.
XK ' About Sportsmen One Meets
'HvT HV JWBiirtiv, goner ey cueice una nruuer uy profession, informs
if .iDtyJHI tMt net1 later than' 1024 a Havcrferd Scheel lad will npply for ml in Ik-
'MIMM' Princeton and will carry with him a worth-while athletic reputation.
i'-jsili ,n.j... i k. ....... a ....... i. i .... ..li i !. . :
rt 34T r - name, i fi,
LMuiltlTcttmic league, a sprinter en the track team uud a third baseman
fc AS .
iLv ngBryjyf f dtkittn year's eW, six fee ua ewd iceighs 160. Tue
r; aaareaeeera bvihi ue i a siur duck
ri teiil fill him out physically '"fe'" ",c """"' " ''
tikf "sfmH wim fume and httrA' hr !n the trcnaf
Silent and Hard te Approach
scribed but that wins football games. And that
team did lese the following afternoon.
The mentul attitude of n team is the in
tangible thing that puts the gray into the linirs
of the eearhc". Given, say, twenty-five men
who suvc the size, the strength and the speed
te play football ; men who have learned their
lessens and execute their plays fnultlcssly why
is It these men may be defented by a team that
Is weaker In every physical and tactical way?
The answer is that the old fighting spirit was
When plajers are in the proper frame of
mind te ploy winning football it is n wise thing
te cress the street te avoid meeting them en the
eve of n big game. Iteallzlng the proximity of
the battle which te them mean se much, they
are crabbed and silent. Thcy'linve no time for
call It 'Old Slew town,' but it's KOei
and ammunition diutn tmriit
nl n
"A fellow f.an'1 tuhr n geed trull, nt
wtitcs the Chief. "It's e Chinese
- pi. - iit i,r in ,ui uii-uiiitiiiii mniCTr 81
uii ui- mm phi irum, icauinc scorer in
Sixteen Candidate! Ara Out for
the Red and Blue Box
ing Taam ' ,.
T)ENN Is preparing for the 1022-23
n' '"'"enll'llnte beating Reason. The
Ked nnd Blue had a rather nifty team
or flsttnen last year, and Oeerge
Decker, coach of the Quaker glove
wlelders, believes he, will have nnetlvr
Hiiuung squea or leatner pushers. nl
though he Is somewhat dubious nlieut
heavy material,
Sixteen candidatea In nil. several
being veferans of the 1021-22 tenm,
hnve stnrted training: Lnck of big men
iS ennsnirilOllS. While nnnthm. flv-nlcl,
or two also would help the coach ma-
Only one man haa reported for each
Of the 'tlilldletvMvht an.1 1II. !..,
weight div slena. Ne material appears
, c ""'"nMe in the unlimited class,
unless lern Cewell again comes out for
compeimen. xnere are but two fly-w-cignts
out te vie for a place en the
glove aggregation.
Captain Jehn Lucas is the enlv 100 100
peunder nmeng the squad just new.
Yeduskv is the lone light heavyweight
hope of the Quakers, while Leen and
Devine nrp the pair of 115. peunders te
Penn te Meet
Vltlaneva Boxen
Ocstriehcr, McKcnsie nnd Snllhnn
ere the 12.i-peund candidates. The light
weiclits nrc Becktnr. Ttnn n...
nd Milliner. Cnihlns. Davis' DcnUn.
Reillj, Dent and Trachtenberg will trv
for the 145-pound berth.
Perm has tnvltwl (Vlllaneva College
te Wcightman Hall 'fnp an'.,.!.- ...i
boxing meet. Temmy O'Mnllev. who is
in cliarge of the Vlllnneva boxers,
probably will accept a date with the
Quakers, but nothing has been decided
upon ns yet.
Beth IVnn and Villnnnvn are te be
represented In the Philadelphia cham
pionships nt the Olympia here Novem
ber 21 nnd 23. Several of the col
lege men have announced their inten
tions of competing for the silver cups
put up by the Quaker City A. A., as
a forerunner te the opening of the
collegiate season.
Captain Lucas. Trachtenbcrg nnd
Davis are expected te carry the color?
of the Bed nnd Blue into the ring for
the championships, while Picket nnd
Burns, both of whom cempeied in the
Middle Atlantic States teurne- hen
last year, with the former winning tiic
henvMU'ight crown, will "de ihdr
stuff for Mllaneva. ,
Villa Has Been
Boxing Three Years
Panche Vilja is trainine in New erl;
for tile lllrist. tnmrlnnt lui .-I I.i.
llmasien here. His mettlne with Abe
Atten dolrfetein is "enceded le be even
n nere HrenUeus test than the one In
which, be wen the flvwelght champion champien
Milp from Jehnr.v BulT, even though
the match next ThurMlay night will net
place the lillplnn's title in jeepard.
llla nnd (leldstein nre te meet nt
lit) pounds, se that the tentest -iill be
nn ordinary bout, because the nniidii nniidii
peis geernlng the match is three
P"V",. ,n"re ,,m" ,n" Ajwehlit limit.
Ailln nilmltH he is n fighting man.
Here's what lie told IM Curlev In New
Wk the ether day:
-i "'iTn.''1 ,hre''' "',''""' ''S1 !" Mr.
liurclilll s gjinniisliiin in Mmilh nnd
wen my tlt-t bout Tl'.tt made i, r l,e l,e
lleve that bejlns better tluin ileiug
e-IU job-, -e I tool, ,t ,,. r went along
.. (,.. ... , mini, iiiiii msr e.ir imn
i iii
I 'I nin 'verMng haul
'for I want te shev jet
fir thli- fight
(S. a ur r. vrjs. ",;i6;
. '
1 AMnTUCD SIClll ri nn
le Hank MctJnvern. of Kensington.
in., senii-iinni will iiiln-j together
I! S M?2Bir ,.,!!Z:"nU-
......... ............ (.,..,,,
Mmw with Teny Mmine.
All Clubs 8ald te Have Waived
Yankee Star
Cincinnati. Ne. II. According in (1
story pnlillshcd liere. Curl .Mns may
wenr n Cincinnati uiii'ntm t,pt si.ieen'
Accerdln-i te the npiut. tlie Yimkees
have nsUfd waivers en Pitcher j(as
uml all lulis in both leagues ),h!
waived nun u is sain mat by
the waucr price the llcds
uhln te cet the hill lei.
inlilii i.
mi!!lit be,
It Is net known why the Sew Yeik
American') desire te let Majs go. Tli
story sA Miller Muggins did net ns!
for uitheis until he had a cniifrieme
with Iluppert and Husten, of the dub
AVc fe-ir
fe-ir eicn IT eflli ials hnnrlle the
well today the Pitt mptnin will
be Ilellcrun
I w m a
Ibeush I'ltt b.i lejl two nusrlfr.,
nit mnslUrif half a burl..
The renspn sonic dtntists ate se imail
t golf is that they are se geed at find
ing a hole.
npll argument!, rarwsril mimIiui i.'nst
Tl ou-hl tn ttlv Titers
esui Prt of th Ell turn Is a T'i i bunclv
run b-
Still jukt runt deep, but net rheap.
f v m m
.1 ,,fbi, clcajej.nm.rftu uiinmlns-
ery geed (igl.ters. tp. When 1 m ' ,"'',,i!u"" " f1' ""." "c VL' "'"... ,2
"" MIIW I llltI. Illlllt ' j (J. ..!!... ...... if m elmiuPALt
III tlllM ci.lllllrv f A... . i ,. ,, V. piOlCS enill Cillll.'lll Ul lur kuiim- hi
and ciTnl,"dx,i,l he li,?. ''''JUJ1"' this country, but who has devoted his
II feuin I rrimHr flSii i?' T,,re. ! time meie te teaching thnn ta plating
'isnlnthe. f A...V:i'e-. "n'1 I for the last decade or se, has been
I unit tin. fhuelirl,. nhan .,!. , i ;"" I g lllg .IOCK Seme neitiiui ;unis. WHICH
Ll ""..,' i,HPi?llt 'nnniplenship from tc ,.;, .,.,, ,., en Stanley Mortimer.
IfUllllll.l IMIII.
Night at Yonah Hall ',,.,, ,.,,., ,.,,,, the fin.il half will T . ' ,,,,,.,.. ... Campbell cenlribu ted one-pointers This 't!,,,,k Lr,l!'.i V'i,cr. U,e ,e'mM of
Anether new being cluh will l,e he plal nt the New Yerk Tennis nnd U ',' ' be I, Z tL m ' '' n. W " ' "" srnr,"R '" ""' p I win il! J''"" '"',' '" "! has peme te
opened In Phllndelphln when the Tie U-uiuet Club the following week. I ""' : . ''. ' " Jj.c "" . be built , and Camden wen. fifS te ,",L. ' "' he fore with n rush and has turned
tieth('en,urv Athletic fMubgetH start, 1 ' I " struggle result of which fJ ;ffi "M?1 i" k "r Ifar lsrf Jlpnil.. I),,,,,, nin, l,m'k ,t,,e b"t elevens that have ap-
nt rnnh Hull Tuedi.v night. The Se.tnr annelcl the world title was also " r "l eiit the first bang-up ball, gett ns five deubleiSVs "T,0'1 1" "VnW"'" g. hllran.
initial wind-up nrrangul hv Hill I), " ,, "',i in two sections, one hnlf in Kne- ,,'',, , ' '"Mrnf'',l1,.M, ' ' uf Ttc h" oft,'n ? ''', Kerr. Nell Uelghnn gave,, , T1"' lenm has been coached along
"helstl... matchmaker, will be hetVern 'land he ellur at the Philadelphia ' "J ' 1"fr?h ' l"1 ' "" . "f ,Wh.t exhibitions and I, , ,, ", Rrmlually untl new It Is one that Is
Cuddy DeMarke. n 1'ltwhingl, hexe" Itaen net Club. Jeck lest abroad but '; ,0 , f ' " V V g -e hew- leddy Kearns. Median out-ercl ;. i,' "'" ,'! " own with nnj. nn,
I II ml fiiPMW.i. nmntxil,. ,.1,,.,,,,I , .... I..' l.. ,.., nn.l thnn I ' ' "'" ""' '' MrlCtly fill' , CflPbll- . Ilnl II tWO te OI1C. mill I.'.,.. ..".'.. ... ' knvni-nl I I .nlniii mn. 11. .l .
In the iirclimitiinles .Inlmnv yi,n... i
wV.ief A "" . "" ," i"v,"r' l W 'carse he "national amafcur
illle (lark, of .Miinauink : Yeung ' , ', ,1(,, ", 'w , ne of them nnd
- .-- - .-- - ---------j- - -r---.nl.,. nun- i.'....,iii. ifiiimi oil s an ifii it pniw rsiiniii i
denhn. nnd C harl e K Me et,e n, , -':" "'l". ". ' ' ,'" .. ".''., ""i". ....,.!..
tiiiii nw rr '"' fcwi or uygg vVTCVlfBIVVa -
AnD.Uewee HEkuew whathewas
MMb LJ ,rtb WS"iwn inKBiw rnuiev
Charles Williams Hopes te Re
gain Crown When He
Meets Seutar
Chniles Wllllms. British profes prefes profes
slenal racquet stnr, who lest his
world's open championship te Jeck
Seutar. the clever "pre" of the Phila
delphia Tlauiuet Club In J014 nnd'whe
is new seeking te regain his crown, in
.'pending the week-end in this city.
AVlIllnins. who meets Seutnr in the
tlrf-t half of their return match at the
I local llacquct Club Saturday. December
2. Is here te try out the court en which
they will piny and discuss some final
di'lnils of the coming scrap.
Whether Williams will engage In n
regular match with one of the Kucqiiet
Club experts or just tes,t the court by
himself today, has net been decided.
Seutnr nnd WUIInms nre having n
hard time finding buitnble spurring
partners, se te speak. There nre enl
a few men In this country cjpnble of
giving citjier of tliein n really hard
workout and these men nie loe bust
with their regular duties ,u the club
which employ I hem te be able te i-pore
the time te In lug the i hampienHliip
contenders le inrer eilg".
Veular U'erks Out in N. V.
Se-iliir Irclc ever te New Yerli
dnvs ench wci'; and practices nt the
New verK I cuius nnu jie'uci uiuu.
the niiintrur chninpinii of America, nnd
en I'. 1. I CM. Hie luiicr n uuiiuirs
; Srs.x ast.-.u- fn& s
' peisiindeJImnn MutleiiM. ternier PlttK.
l"""1' "Pre." new lit Ihe KoHlen Ath-
, letic Cluh. te mme te New Yek for n
wiel, but se tar lias eeen uhmici-chbiui
... . .a r .. 1 ll... HJlltlrMu.
Iemi win lined Wlllinms In the deciding
games here.
Tl.. n.lln.I..li.l.1a Ilacuet Cluh will
ag.iln put two tennis in tne imerciuu
this jinr while there nre a number of
ion cnnillclati". pnuenuy uovi-ieiim
dining the Inst vear by Fred Tempkln,
the head instniL'ter, and his capable
..larlt llrll Out
One eteinn will be missing, liow liew
eier, and Ills phlic will be luird tu fill.
He Is .lack Hell, nm of former Attorney
Oiiernl .lelin C. Hell, nnd brother of
Hert Hell, furiner Penn football cap
lain, who 1ms decided te drop out et
l..lnHnlil. ...imtintll trtn llllu winter.
n ri n iiiinari w
mm w'M'
mi nm ni- if iiii nil:!1 iiiikikiii ti tm inniii i -.-,.. - --- r. ,,., iii n i niuiinii . , iit hiiiiivi- iiiii. iiu iiiiuiiii-'i i i
-,--... 1MV itr ii i n t'ceiiiiifk aviii ijiii.1 iiknin
Pill nc.""..'" . .. I .,ni. .i..ki..
rineuuen i-i.iiniiri, ncu k . ,"""u";
. ,1i,,i tf ...ifh u. II. K.
i n.iriiivn ii iii i ( - --
iii.ll il,., Mmtliiii nmwil lin lu nlkn
""": ' , ;."," ...rvr.h n;.
a meinuer mi.- imuiiir. , ,,.. -,'
linvn lfsucd nn OIK',1 challenge te all
ThcraumeiJ'.tri team I, , being
J..ll.. ...run .1 ! Ilin VTllllt' lllill
'Whltcy.'' the Merlnii "pros" with tba
expre.es inieui in iiiKlllg ine iiicaimri in
the Hiunuel-MitilKll loinbluatlen and
thut ii iniitcii b'twicn them will be put
en caily next tin nth.
Wally Hinckle Takes Place of Al
Verbeeken and Trims Welgaat
Wally Hinckle substituted for Al
Verbeeken in the wind-up nt the Cam
bria A. C. last night in the bout 'with
Jelinnj Welgust and wen the decision.
WnlL'iiKt wns ni n disadvantage, as his
opponent lind height nnd'welght en blm.
In the Blinl-wiml-iin Al YTul wen
ever Patsy Murray. The ether results;
Chrlle (Beets) Iwyle stsged a come
back and outpeinted Al Fisher, Temmy
Brenium, nf Cliften Heights,- and Jack
Hese battled, te a draw, and Yeung
I ntryimmens was chaJLtl frmn the ring
in Vie. third ruumirfarMuUlnig Kli
vj .
y in mwmwiwmsmmm
v fftWMl
w wsftrtA
about, cne cFTHeSe
amduw- mi
rnMlv nc rvransv
fc I tl
Weaay and Qulnn Will Appear In
Intercity lexlng Tourney
New Yerk, Philadelphia, Bosten and
Pittsburgh wilt compete tonight in un
IntiTcltj amuteur boxing tournament
ut the New Yerk Athletic Club. Twe
boxers from Philadelphia will compete.
Chick Wensy going nn In n bantam
bout and Francis Quinn will appear in
welterweight competition.
Puckcy Leng, of the Knyeuln Club,
will Ii'uxe with Wcasy and Qulnn this
afternoon for New Yerk. Puckey will
handle these boys in their bouts.
On their return home Wcasy mm
Quinn will keep In training for tne
Philadelphia championships, te lie de
cided November HI nnd November 2,'i
ut the Olympia under, the auspices of
the Quaker City A. A. and governed by
A. A. V. nibs.
Heles in East Course Cressing
Read te Be Entirely Remod
eled Open Next Season
u SA.-sm Aic.MHiaiii
TT-.S a peer re-.d ihi.i has no crossing,
hill tllP t.pim. I!. .If I'l,. I. nl nl.
imeri. iivenne has den- n let of flgmlng
much lij golf bulls this cemlnc Bcnseii.fl
In ether words, the tenth, eleventh.
twelfth nnd thirteenth holes of the east
course will he remeilelcl n ns net te
conflict se much with the read nnd the
automobiles which thug-chuir inerrlb
i right (licrc.
Werk is going forward rigid new.
nn.l ,l. ...... ... .
Play hi next jenr. carlv or bit... tt
v.. ,iM- iiL-ii iiin win ni nniui fnr
ffii " M ?, K "l!'J;',.:",..
tlvltiis nic peer, but thev clnlm tin.
. - i-i'i i iii i it iiinr itiiiiiiiiiii ii r .
hole will milkc ".'ill mil" I...L
t'icii lietltr.
I .' . 1 A s S' .( i
(y (lp)- ' '-',i
The pliuis nre nuiIi thai I he innd""' tnc P0,nt ,hnt t,r'1 'he Kere.
.H..l,n,LU-l-.T?l,.,.? ri'1('!' .,.1"'. t,n", Cmmls '" Kxtra Perlcd
Pliimie,! le pi,,;- 'hi : new tw el M,
lie vliln nf ii,- --.i .. u . . ' .I"
--- --- ii i iiv i iniii mi in- in,
Nome llcillhy Trapping
It is urj M'ldem that new
nn.wlii're Uet in without much
ment. nml this time It Is aimed in tin
iiircciKin or the traps bv IIiem. , I.
Will de their golf there. It Is v i Ifci.
eusly slated tint the new tnins, ns
Planned, nre tun i.lc ,tn nn.i ..
"iiii-r iiiiiigN nei te tiriniae c.
n. .1.1 .... . ""' "."':. i"
AmwavT tl . nnu-'W . ,, ...,.,.
ample excuse f0r 'Hu '
IllUenntl) tluin the tests nre nlnrml
rlsht new. Tim .lrluln i.. I... ii.i '.i '
new holes te renlnce Hiem nnu.
..' .... .,. . . -..,. ... .Fiiiiii .in.
i .:
'I "m V;"1' of ,1P wimmeiidiible action
in use
ii wii'i.iiv ni .Merien. who nre deter
i mined te build something thnl will net
eiuv repitue tiiesn holes still ukmI but
will a' ' li fhi'iiu Iho I'lt-'e golf menihei
fhln nf t!,.. Meiien Club.
The new srhemh will be nuniied with
vinleiuc uml espernnce bv thec In
charge. 'I hen for the chorus!
, VlT Miinerih Hub h nle plnmilnx n, i
lullrtlnit ii le..t one vlserrui 'nn? "'
Ils Hw,ui mil tlr. . new i,n, f'm , n,1"
?rii - u
ftirrrt for tint n manii.
mer'. inn u
I in cet Ii
Ill nU- n anuppy rnntlmin
Lr" S&VtflPZ
lsllllifln .auu ..... ..1.1-4. ...lit ....' " lOI
! piV."-' V, .'".V,, ''tt,' S ?' . ?n-
tq Qrtirtriln lnur In tie evenlii. ' "
.,.A .'?'?"" ,'J ''''. ". mc i. in, ivi.
vm.lnl nn ,nni ..71'.
m -'-ii iii i up, Mnimii in rci , . .
S!1el'.n1, t,,,, wniM Till- n.iili it ii .'.?, Jr ,"
U Ii nerhaiii null nutiirsl nume ilm
lecil Belftr huw ,, weulO-li ml.ler n J"'
"fTe ''' l T,,rk '""'., r cry hnulhl
intruder fled ar' when ,he c-"'""". th,
Grab Gets Decision Over tapir
HllrTnle. , v.. N'nv II: Hirrv ri..u
Te Play Pels In Canal Z0n ,
Panama. Nnv n jivi --- ... '
jr '-lnr nr.nnlael at tM srni' ; "nii.T
(nf iminc'i.
mm ii
wi.,w iiiv u9iiiirvnan
. Will
' a' 1 1 -i n i. i i , . , . i.'-.n.t,. j, .i..i
avWkiMTifVrmiiVm W4
(MMrr 4iis bmpiv rnvftswrs
1 i.tlutVtlulf
' StA?i?t
CtnrieM, Ml, hi Puilte Ltigtr Company
Skeeter Forward' Ties Trenten
With Three Points in Final
Ten Seconds of Play
rpiIAT basketball in the Kusfern
- League has lest none of ils popu
larity was attested te Inst night nt the
Arena in Trenten, where Trenten nn,1
Camden, lung rivals In the cage game,
met in the first bls clash of thewSEm
i.7if sk1ee,Cr" "Pll'wl the dope by
handing the Petters n . le .'12 trim-
ivI.'Vi ""t.'S rrIU'J " cxtru period
Z. .i '''"Corsen combination te
con the decision.
iinn. - v,ctry was In s hrrge
(rluuini for one &? ,n!V'
He is perhaps the andies! &,ri In
the league, and was Uke grcaseil llcht-
Jilng last evening. Hew w- he idaved
Li...... ,i . i t, "n"' ns'ires. whlclf
.-. r lllill III r-Il-el 1 ill in Knl.l ..!..
Trail at Half Time
f,.n,.l., l..i . ..... .
nve. points In the ',."" ,it "iV'l' "r"
'I llC HkeCICI'.S ularl...l (I.- !. . .'i
, !,,"l " ri!sl', I"'1 r'uced the adiantagc
Ing lead
' c,.'0,1"" "? ''le1 of
lhit liulf int,.t.... .
Petters ahead n-ari." fc He, '.1 Z ,
eymen .started. Plrst came foul I
ess, then a field goal nn.l iC I
lHllr U'rtn s.tnnn.1 tt't.i. ,
,iii.iB ., . .. ... ...... i
counted and ran tim , ,.i:v ..." V " 1"
im.r uuill ,e !. 'Ir.nl,,i.
With nbeut ten seconds te go ex-' I
citeinent. was intense. Tl ,. crmf.i '
i.i.. .."... - " ""
wiiiiniir top rnn non tn i,.n i.... ,.
bell eluded Barlew nH ?,! .. V..... ...,' ".
.lvt. HI, aim' wa'sl
a ui: hiiii ifiim rinii nimi si.. ....
had fouled the CnmAm n.i. ' ".. .
kiiiiic lime nnri u-IH, ...,i .i.m." .... "
llm Jlitnill.nn.l A. . A 1. llll'II
si.- ni4iiiiceu iu inn iniii mmd ..!
T,W. '"?" I'nll
"v wiiwi
Ciimnbell .eiii..n,i '....' "l 1
..-. . ..-"! hi utiirr
once nir t nmilen while Ilelglmn ilii 1
net register. '""
A total of sixty-iwe mills wcr,. inlled
by lteferce Haetxel. thlrt -tiic en Tren. I
",", "i "" em ,,i,iii,.. -i-i,,,
ciiii'i n, siant ei.inc Kiimi,.i- i ., .: .
P'jiiIhIipiI Tem Harlow m, .'i,;,,i '
penalties en 'heverul oci1eh ti
fact that Harlow Is cnntui.. -i
.!.. i,i... e.. ,,.... . ii!!"',"'. ".'",1 "01
7. ' "":' i"'.. " ' P" "' the
efm'irs 'daten. "'" w"me l
Itefele'e Tt.lelr.el Innv ,. . . .
i.,..... .i... i. ....'..i.i 7. :'."' "'"'I the
ivit.iir i,m. i , rill, nil. Nil,,,,, ,.... ..
i...iii...i.. '.....1 ...: j:. ",.; ' n
iiiiiihi-.hib nun rum mier Ills, iill,.'
iilit.ia Iia Inlaiiilii i. a... .. . 1' n
game lie Intends
y out biu .1.
clslen or the' league will
'live te leek
Basketball Statistics
r.AHTKBN; l.r.'AUf;;
(i.miltn.. 4 0 l.cllO re,tfraV
All. Uliy., a a ..-iiie llMdlra. . J
Trenten at Riadlns,
Slnulsnn itrecti.
, j'ciera at .-veiivlti. ii,.i,...
''0 and
Last Night's Rtiults
SJ.. Kilrs mrlail.
Nucth PhlUdJphli I'hurrli
iae4Piila I'hiirr i l.enKUrij.
men 80. IlBlhc KiemrelKTi'K'
lir- Kiiurmed is Si.iliS1 8'
PtlH 2.1, ''' -vrthei.t
.""m. i. t.iuivun
MMmn. Ul U.m
Beutli ' Piiledtph!a
,ii(, ..,
1. Pelrc Plilladalpbla M. I;, Jfte1
tSi I'iiwct Plant, CnalnMM B. " A '' .
VrH'eumll. SSI at. RDhnel.'iti t,ub' ?S.
, HI, jHiiifn nf KlniHllT..yU: Mldi, .j
Aw-eniilQii. sai Ke.ipP(l. .'a, "'"' '
Jnr All Klart. 2a l Bi. 1. (!.. ,
ey.' Cl)b. as, immaculate Cen.
sschsr Wltjs Qvtr Censy
.Nfw.ark, Nev. Il.-Cbarlty Uwch,.
r.i ma lira
' Cetiay. v
. jm.TnH f y . f ,X1 W W i
two for Tem II I " '"", Bis 10 ' leuucr ei nc icuui in taci as wci us name, .
i H,nv-u'"","-j,te;..tuwl-." no 'r n aV.vvm.v ..:,.-,. ... .: .:
'- ..... nun mi i(ei lint w.'is le blank I I "''" u urunu iiviinan s arm, uui iiui ills Slini. no lias ueen
.Manager Maurice Teme nnd drop in i -' an Inspiration te the Panthers. .
three two-pelntcr.s lilmn.f ' i ' .
Hew Dees It
Speed LimUt
Heller ae Luck
BATTLING 81KI l. sailing jnerrlly into .the relsta of unpopularity whMh '
will 'aoenv envelop blm. v A ceptlriuance of his Wlsceaduct Wilt Tand kla
where Jackohnaep landed. .', t ' l '' t .,, T J
The same-crowd 'thhtieheeired, him 'os the. new; .champion when' he beat''
Geerges Carpentlcr Jeered 'him ami hooted 'arid threatened-him the ether nigh:
when he took, a punch at Fernand Cudy, n boxing manager, after n bout la a
Parisian theatre. , , ' ' r j C. ' ' ' , , ' ' '
The crowd became se menacing' that H was, nedessary, for, the police -te
rescue him. and ns a penalty' for' Ida artjen. "the) tltleh'elder haa. been barred' fw
nine menthii, Ihe French Boxing Federation. , , 1 . , A .
' Furthermore, the scheduled, bout between Sikl.and JeeBeCkeU. idated.fef'
December 7 Ih Londen, probably never will go en'.' fThe .English rHenie Oflet,
intimated that the contest would be called eff: -,'. ', t ;.' ' " t
. It is shld that the, French' Federation Is considering k the- permanent die
Qualification 'of the Senegalese boxer. If.tbia step. Is "token, Slltl wilt have te
go te' work,' which, from his standpoint,
Since' bis victory ever Carpentlcr,
CtlKI' Is contemplating a, ttut te
trans, un limny occasions -ne .nns inciiee ncsr-rieie; in .caiijn' nnuj nns 'lecn a
general nuisapce te the-pollce.- The victory wlrfe'; has' gene ,tei "his1 head and)
be's 'drunk with. Bef-ndmIraten. , -An average-silted chancati -would leek Ilka r,
thimble en his enlarged dome. - ' , ' .-' ," '' v
O fertnmMe-Biafcer. er'thi' type. Tnevlauilgratlo'deor atwald
be thut andjecked. ' ' '. ''".'.
,1116. Limit 'of Hhm Speed ' ,"
SIR WALTER MOHKLY FLETCHKR, an' English sciential, after, an' tax '
haustlve study of track, athletics, has announced that humans have' reached
the speed limit In all distances except unusual measurements, 'such as the GOQA
and 1000 yards. v , ., ' lf
Sir Walter believes that there never will be'an athlete who will be able ;
te better 0 3-S Becends ,for the 100 yards or any world's 'record, 'in the popular '
events, such'ns 100," furlong, quarter. haU. nnd, nillev. . '
In reaching this, conclusion, he explained' that a theoretical curve had "'
been calculated .te show the maximum, speed .at' which men could pesslbly'tun '
,and the actual records correspond almert'exactly with this theoretical curve.
Mere than twenty years age Mnxey Ieng-ran a quarter-mile In 47 4-11
seconds. Hew they talked about thati They said then that the record would
never be broken. , ' v
'Sixteen years afterward along came Ted Meredith with a 47 2-5 second
quarter. Meredith had done' the "impossible." Leng's record waa even mera
brilliant than' Meredith's, however, for the old-timer ran when there - waa no
one within two seconds of him, There were several In 'Meredith's 'time who
could come close te 48 seconds. ,
Merediths and Lengs seldom come in one generation. There may never be
another, but It la reasonable te 'suppose that there will be. '
y Forty-seven and one may' seem te be "ImpeMlble," but when the best of
them were running CO seconds, It was net impossible forLeng te turn la a
47 4-ft quarter. Nowadays with the top-netchcra npprencliing48 seconds, Is It
net likely that a "wonder runner" will beat Meredith's mark?
IN MENTIONING Lebanon athlete who had made geed ia. collegiate '
ranks, we neglected te mention the Heman brothers. RaJah waa a.
star at Lebanon Valley a few seasons back and aew Henny Is tearing
through the opposition for the Anrivllle institution.
The Spirit of Tem Helleran
TpOH two jcars Tem Hellcrqn fought and struggled and risked leg and limb
T te attain the nosltlen he new holds cnDtnln of .the Unlversltr nf pih.-
burgh football team. ,
In the preliminary training in the fall Helleran worked harderthan hs
ever did te get In the best pelble physical condition se that he would be a'jle
te give Pitt everything he had In the way of football ability.
Helleran led the Panthers le n victory ever Cincinnati in the, first game of
the sensen. Then came the I.nfiijcttc disaster in the. Smoky City.- Disaster is
right, for net only did Pitt lese the game, but Helleran also. The csptsla
xitTjinnil ftwftt. m Mfim MMit litiu f ttniSi ii lli ailflnl ft am nlniu '
Hew helpless Helleran mini hac
ft 11 li VI us U ms vnni m it uiiia nun iiviii un
Wcs Virginia defeat h ulinu mater! Captain of the team and yet pewcrlcs
,0 n,d hl" m"',, in "Md!
I wl'0 1,n mere rnfc0" '" '"' ""we "' melancholy than Jlelleran? llfit
Helleran, of Pitt, doesn't run in that lype. Instead, he hits been a fountain of
lighting spirit. It linn wirged fiem him
I 1 I il.. fu A. ...
Hunting Secial te Play Klauder-
weiaen ana neDan i raveis
A numlixref Important fnellmll games
are en' the list of the Independent
elevens for tomorrow. Most of the
teams wnicii pinv en Kumlny are In
.action, nnd geed contests can he ex-
1 ,l.
" the aensen closes. The Hunting
Club will lie Ihe attraction tomorrow,
n,,,l 'pecinl slgnlflcnncc Is nllnclied te
the game rts Conch Bmlth himself or-
Kiini7.il iiuu'lnt two yencs ngu. and
it will he 'the first time he has played
against his old teammate.
After helillu
..." ? 'Beil. Ilntiart'N Htnr end. I
.. .1. uu uui. hi i in iiue-up mr several
weeks, having Hiiffrred a broken hand
in the Unit I mere game, which w,m one
of the hardest fought gnmes ever wit
nessed at the tlentlemen's Driving
Park. Ilnltimere. The bnlnnc of the
niund turned e-:t for practice last eve
ning mid ura till in .geed. shape for the
Cliften Heights 'was bonked nith
i . .'" i! Dhire' County chnut-
Plenship nffnir but' the rival iniinegciH
hud u i illsngrrement ever the terms nml
new Cliften has sccurH Vlctrix Cath-
hardhaUle:NhU"h Ml 8'V0 ,h"
pillow Oreve avenue uud Wyndinoer
Hen at Melrose of Atlantic City.
St. ftta's and Nativity Matt In
Cage tattle Tonight
The Nativity Catholic Club and Ut.
IW Jthellc (Hub will meet in
the first of a series of basketball con.
tests tonight at the former's ha He
Kf "J Mftdlsen streeJ, 'V lKl'-..."ite'l'iL".-'.
;-ir-".' ?". " ?"
iniinif nnnnniiirnn innnnninrn ini
if iiiniiii iv iiiinirnp u itnui
1 V'lltf iii.i
mere 1'iofesslennls te nn IS-tn-O score. m,. ,,' .'.. .7.' ... '" l"v i1, "",,r" '.
i '"" " " "M . I III tn III n me I. il il.. . .- i I.I..K
inst Suniny. Ilebart. Wes; Pilndel- ii.' .,i ' ,'n V,! Vi "iVV. .
elila chninplena. will tackle the itrnng liLlZJu Cnpt"Irt ,AI U&W'
Pettsvllle tcaip. The West I'MImM? BS'teTVrt
v '-"..Bit. r -THKOBSERVEH
Is the werutUHingthat caa happen.
Slkl haa bcennenace te the peace of
this 'ceaatrr.' (America has.ne room
; cat vssisvs njisvi;
fclt.ns he silt en the bench and saw
in spoken words and he still is ttw
Cynwyd "Blues" Take Fall Out
of Fast-Moving Over- i
brook "Qreens"
Surprises studded this week's play in
the Intcrcluli Bowling League race.
The fast-moving Overbroek "Orrens"
diepped a game te the C.inw.rd
"Hlues," but the Overbroek "Whites"
took three from the Union I.eagus
"Blues" by ilcfeult.
This was the second consecutive week
the leaguers were unable te put a team
in the Held, they having defaulted le the
Merlen "Whites" Inst week. And this
week s matches were en their own
alleys. oe. which should hnve made it
possible te dig up, some kind of an out
fit te oppose the visitors,
The invaders held a little, prat lice
a sli of their own. Wright bring
hnh limn ulth n three. gntne total et
11.1:1 nnd a high -game score of 815 ia
his first game.
Then the Merlen "Maroons" kept up
th-ir geed work of last week by
leuncing me (iermnutuwn "White".
w! rirr ,, . . .,
srnbbed Ihe nld from Dee Hawk's Cm
wvil "ll.irs." 'Ul(. fynwyd "Holds."
high libra until ,estenlay. slumped
badly nml Inst thre? in u row te the
Maiiufiicture, "nines."
T"sir. i.-.t is: its rvtV?.nn Varint !
ijiuicnr Bin ji;i mi Tnlr, ,i, ITU MI !!
I nrreli im i7n ins
tut ii '
H'wll, '.'Oil '.'SO im
Nl 11
Ha uU
ins ui jjj
erum.. HI 1TI m
Totals "fliltl MIS
Tels'i.pl'l scs h;i
.Mulenr.. IT 1.11 1.11
lllUKS,, Jill '.'111 )
hiY-ib'. iar im ins
"nlni'nr IMi inn nil
stKnieN wiitjr.;.
Tinniic. 1" !2s Iii '1
feiiOcr. 1st 108 11 1
HVn.lll .1ST It" Hf J
llusiell, i,ii Mil te., DjVelf 1113 1T3 I
Tetnlii.AO) mit Mil
JTelnls.SIO TT Til '
.r'.h.ftViJti'.'ii'i'f. fXi& Vi'Yiaiit .
i.L" '"' 'J1 "IT pmWe ini i 'M
$J.itt,'r "l" lS- ! VmnV... !''in US lJ
Tntend (til m 14A M.P'cieii IDS 170 " ;
Tela,S3 ea.1 804 Totals. 843 S48 It
aSi-iAi Hi !s2 :'. 'leat. "iJn M ITJ m
JJT iss iAiPntten! ist ins liilrM
ini ?iT In? liana... 80 l".'!
"CI I. . .
?!!! !n Hana...'"
. 111.1 111 - - tj;
Tetala.sss iiT Sw ""' "A
.'.."oek WhIUs wen'thra
tht Unlijn Uasu Rlun ty dafsuli.
JJOVl. ,
V' i Xs i
r i' lllill klllP.
Al 111 m UfAilSL
': In ! JIT
Palmi". of OklatwXaT UneckVif elaWaV enK,W9l. ,ne , or they did lalt
JaJMsiaiafli ..
'da.s.'. b
mtiii mm as im
M, ,
"s. i
( Tj
insn. r
Ii t 1 iii il D, .1 t ar
ISSf". Talali.Mll