iiw Hi i mi tpip'i wii'i ii i mi i i I'M p mi 1 1 i ii ! i i in hi ii i 1 1 i i ii i i I i i I i i M i .I , v ,t w&w&rt&'-rw vjMifiyiwitnHm jMmumuw.TKSi-rwiiiwinfmm'ritmm m, .'' , . -"" ry v- . 7.r-T, . , Open Evenings yg . .-iCl' T HI 7.1 HI Q.1 021 Market St. C" ', r . u anicnNgR "VtalM ,n h,s Perketg. He admitted I an estate vnlired nt $111,000, the residue! FnttD DOrt Wn rni-w. - b(,,))R nn ml(Het nm, W08 Bc)t 0 t,)(j UclnK R.rt te relatives. Other whim u.ld for Disorder Mae trugH nre Werth $1000. gugtn Uausmann. 132 West Albanur iK Ml ... nruaS .-- Htrct-t. S14274! Kntlmrlna Hnu-rll. 1R02 " - Narcuiiv ' "V I r .. Simen r.a.0,J wen nrrustcd nt ine .din. In a dl.. Ljw B"1"1?!, i et the station Heuse !S.n Marched ai . . linrcetc llinu :' -i .vnrnrmt BEQUEST TO ORPHANAGE aptlat Institution Benefits In Will of Jennie H. Reed A bequest of $500 te the Unptlst Orphanage In made In the will of Jennie DeLnncey nlnce. $5000: Charles Htev- enneii. (iOl North Seventeenth street. 85000: Laura M. Btenc, who died in Hahnemann Hospital, soeoo. Inventories of neraennf i-ntnten filed in ' City Hall today Include : Annie C. Tem nnsen, 988.210; l'eter Hchmltt, 84804) t... Vl ll'...l .11 ROD. fl.L..f t. .' .,!,.. .tt An. ii,i. ttr d.. ttAntn. II. Ilecil, 41B yif.?n Inne, which whs Kmnnrl it. Uglier, '$15,037: Arthur when wrt", nimiit tr ei nnrcnuc i ii. ueeii, iiu wjen ": """ us r;mnuei k, invitei Y.'. found a nuniiiiw ,.....i.-iA !.,. ,i tn.lnv. Th will ilUiman. nt n ni.i.. nnn ItlJ P" I nttmur Oi UJluuvm.w iivua. w.,. - ....,,..,. . v,, uiuiun, 9UUn jpin "" Heuse ex Wenger 1229 Walnut Street WALNUT AT 13TH STREET OPPOSITE ST. JAMES HOTEL --., .JiiMniiiiiiii .i...... A JTf?5TST?iTirLj iirif"JH?It" " ii. i iii ... hi hi i WillWIIfcj 5, Ciertefc TTcnflrcr Millinery M. Wenger Fur 8 Meney Saving Opportunities in FURS OF DISTINCTION BABY LAMB BABY CARACULS RUSSIAN SABLES HUDSON BAY SABLES CHINCHILLAS EASTERN MINKS SILVER FOXES PLATINUM FOXES BABY FISHERS Such an opportunity te obtain furs of this quality at these prices is unique. It merits immediate attention and action. In a New Lewer-Priced Section A complete stock of Raccoon, Hudsen Seal, (dyed muskrat) , Nutria, Opossum and Squirrel garments at the lowest prices fin town. Yeu can depend upon the quality backed by the HOUSE OF WENGER. B. Cnertak Wenger Millinery Each individual and authentic in style. ' Originals from Paris and exclusive models from our own workrooms. Ejtf ULXAJjMM. KJ..11..I. IllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllJIIIIIIIIIIIIII il IcSllBKUl Purchasing Agents' Order Accepted l!Biiiailll!M!llill!!i!l Mail Order Filled IMMIBIIKII'IIIIIIIB 1215 Chestnut Streeh 1 Tomorrow a Special Sale of CHOKERS, SCARFS AND STOLES FUR TRIMMINGS AND CHILDREN'S FURS Specially Priced for Saturday -Make Your Christmas Purchase Tomorrow- A Small Deposit Will Reserve It Until Required, Free of Charge Fer Tomorrow Only Your Choice 19.50 Twe-Skin Mink Chokers Australian Opossum Chokers Dark Fitch Chokers laupe Fex Chokers Hrnvvn VaV nuni. TwcSkin Kelinsky Chokers rencn seal Steles I aH f.OU ' Fer Tomorrow Only Your Choice 29.50 Hudsen Bay Sable Chokers Baum Marten Chokers Stene Marten Chokers Blended Sable Chokers Black Fex Chokers Pointed Fex Chokers Hudsen Seal Scarfs Fer Tomorrow Only Your Choice 69.50 Twe-Skin Sable Chokers Platinum Fex Chokers Natural Squirrel Steles Natural Fisher Chokers Cress Fex Chokers Jap Kelinsky Steles Jap Mink Steles Chekeri of Natural Squlr. JP Mink d Kelinsky. A Large Variety of Fw Trimmingi In All Width! fticei Begin at 50c Ptr yarit 29.50 a.efc.V of y""" Marten, g'fndcd Sable p ' and .iM," Mr9n. 'ur Call r en 9u..t 3pBWCTipijriiwiiH h ymi tj-iv m ni n iwulUi mf ui;iu;;k nj 5 Children s Fur Coats and Fur Sets At prices made possible only by manufacturing them in our own Fac tory, thereby saving you the Middlemen's Profits. A Few Specimen Valuei; 3 '5 It vi . i 1 1 MP ii Squirrel Leck Coats 29.50 Marmet Coats 34.50 White Ceney Coats 34.50 Natural Ceney Coats. . .39.50 Mele Ceney Coats...... 39.50 Squirrel Leck Coati. .. .39.50 Wild Cat Coats 49.50 Marmet Coats 54.50 If $i nI v ( KV 'A 1 4.50 . 6.50 7.50 . 8.S0 9.50 9.50 I .10.50 .12.50 k t 12.50 Cheker of Natural Mink, Taupe and Brown Fex or Wolf. A Large Variety of Fur Cellars and Cuffs Prices Begin at 5.50 Brown Ceney Sets Mele Ceney Sets Natural Ceney Sets. . Beaver Ceney Sets Slynx Lamb Sets. . . Silver Ceney Sets White Ceney Sets... Squirrel Ceney Sets . . 3g3gMMSflftffiftflgmfl 44.50 Hudten Seal Stein, Am. trali.Mt Opoi Opei ium Cellar. MMMCHARGE PURCHASES PAYABLE. IN JANUARY Fur Catalog Sent en Requtti IliBlllllililllllillllallllBIL'l U0 rii3F Celebrate Armistice Day a m JKaW Tomorrow, by saving money At Philadelphia's Largest Exclusive Clothing Stere A Size for y$$$$3L Every Man JlpRH Ne Matter MlpHsW. what His IriHi Build ;JiKmMMK. VK'iKMSHla iES. ?.. .,:i;gS.gMl SUITS With Gne aM Twe Pairs el Panfs ! Single- and Deuble-Breasted Medels English Ferm-Fitting Medels Jazz Medels Sports Medels Twe- and Three-Butten Sack Medels Bey' First Leng Pair of Pant3 Suits There isn't a style a material a pattern or a At Positive Savings of $10.00 te $20.00 This is a real Bena Fide fact, backed up by MR. HILL'S PERSON AL GUARANTEE. The Most Wonderful Values Eve? Known in Clothing History There is no two ways about it just step in side thf deer just leek in the windows we have thousands and thousands of suits and overcoats te show you nt these low prices. Ne catch te it Mr. Hill has the garments they are all plainly priced and displayed and we challenge any store in the city te show you any where near the variety of the selection ready for you AT THE HILL CO. Others advertise sales specially drimimed- up .affairs at all kinds of prices but there is no store that can new or at any time equal MR. HILL 3 VALUES ! Silk-Lined, PLti-Baek OVERCOATS! Convertible Cellar Overcoats Radie Medels Storm Coats Dress Coats Single- and Deuble-Breasted Overcoats Kimene Medels Raglan Medels Ulsters Ulsterettes Snort Medels coloring that any man could want but that is represented. 0 Mr. Hill's Personal Guarantee Gees With Every Purchase "aaiaiaiaMilMajiiiBaawaMaaiMftBBBMftajftjftBjBjpgajg)F c ''SKcVtiEeLw The snappy kind of coats for the young man going te college or high sjnoel also censervativ models. Many of the suits have two pairs of pants. 1000 Pairs ei Men's $5-oe Trousers Special Tomorrow 4 IhU is a hie vnlue real $."i.0U freUNcrtt at this low price. In. eluded are blues, Rra.vH and browns in neat pin-stripe Pf. fects an well as plain colors. A size for vxvry man. toys' d 1 vereeats, Mackinaws and 2 Fair Pants Salt s iim 2) .rTnjrr-y? l At the Greatest Savings in the Citv fm V rill. .1 m, alii; Taitahtttt. "ftvr ,bh v ' "" ni-nt the largest of its kind in the citv T . i L ,v Si r,urd H01 t0 tlis d.-Mart-,h, actual money they cur! save. me here aml " or themsehes Open Evenings Philadelphia's Larcest Exclusive Clothing Stere ' V" ' '' -' ' - 'M z v,--t iva - -. kiMd - .mum . u Ak'u ffiL l' ju I JH i"-?ll CM aj Sate' Stere Orders Accented 1017-1019-1021 Market Street Philadelehia's Largest Exclusive Clothing Stere SSrMMi "'rtW'A I A .','. W2 ilHik VJ . l I wki: i A. i . liilllt.!.' Mim ' .,; ''.i