.R FV1 ;, w?7 MSHeC -.wwy iiirtftilii I I'M! wk'f.ru jjq ci i R-jjiiS. m vnrnnnwA j --' , kju smr i a v v'v v vauw v.w - 's-vwp ,vW'fT'wvf'r''K' Vw "''r '- VJJSWTTF1- V VFTSp -l.'.flL.7TT"T: "SW7W te v , -a" wr, 'MtiViP'WWVf" p "" WW;qKJ3QZ'- '"cilH, '". - ' ' 'CtRi .;,, rhti jv!( i" dtYYV ?' i IMA e HUSBAND BLAMES WOES ON MOVIES Wins Dtverce In Camden After His Wife's Brief Trip te Hollywood WOMAN ATTEMPTS SUICIDE Thnt his wife's aspiration Je become motien-plcturo aetrc upset the tran quillity of Mm ttrilriril life was stated in the Camden Chancery Court yester KVENING PUBLIC LEDGERPHILADELPHIA. FRiDAY. NOVEMBER . 10, 1922 uKm' .!!. .,.?.W.: iW.a8mrt"?rt.1,red1? i"tl I e.l Cre, Is completing plnn for lt W "lUi11,' tt Tuck"ten 8hc "' nni,ul membership drive, which Marts nn - w !? !'t" ' I??"?-. .Cennellmnn . Wellington ik atiy overturn tn Mnrn In linw litiM t continued te reside with relatives in Tuckcrten. While she did net offer n defense te her husband's suit, Mrs. Parker was present in court. Parker agreed te pay SO weekly for the support of his eleven-year-old daughter. Vice Chancellor Learning granted the husband n decree of divorce. Mrx. Ella Dunn, twenty-two yents old. of 0113 Itegermnn street, this city, is d.lng in Cooper Hepltal, Camden, as the result of shallewing three poison tablets In an attempt te commit sui cide. The jeung woman's mother, Mrs. I.lla Mangen, told the police her dough- ier kuhiiewcci tne xil-en tanlets niter she was reprimanded for refusing te, return te her home in this city. Ac-1 cording te the mother, Mrs. Dunn hnd been separated from her husband for llarte will direct the drive in h liv and Dr. Daniel Streck, chnlrman of the county chapter, will direct the cnmpelgn in the county places, Moter Vehicle Commissioner Welch, of Camden, said yesterday Camden nil- teists can secure their 1023 licenses and togs en or niter December 1. "AS IN A MIRROR . A trrat manr pcepl dlir with tha Darwinian. tneerr. out even thris lira ein te nitree that tnare It a wealth of humor. cemtilneil lth n iatlrlcal view of humnn rccriuricmn in ine unu.imi .rncfl or ear. toem by C. P. Datcheler. atearlnc run. larly In the Piblie Lidukb. "Mali It IlltUli. AUH day by Ncwlin Parker. 'gassed overseas I some time. Teternu, of Tiukerten. N. .1., who asked I Mrs. Dunn came te Camden te vfstt Vice Chancellor Learning te grant him1" woman friend nt 122." North Thirty- a divorce en the grounds of desertion. I !lllri1 .t'tt-'v- TIip mother learned of ....... her whereabouts and insisted upon her c Hiifi'inm ivsiiiieii nis wire was returning nemc. iteing te tnc second obsessed with the Idea she was destined1 ,"00r of ,no heue, ostensibly te chnnge te heceme fameu, m motion nlnn,r.. I h clothes. Mr-. Dunn swallowed the -,i .t.,.i, i.i. .",.'..:,, ,41 veiym tablets, loeper iie-pitul phy ..u ..,..-,.. ,i ...c ,..u,v0,.,, i,nti in luiu. Mcians uecia she packed up lier things nml went te Hollywood, Calif. Her career In pic- ! )' ON YOUR SlilSlSI re she cannot recover. Comden County Chapter, American VI "v mi I ies or Dmues in comfort ,," snees YOUR PLAYER-PIANO fT a! f Then you begin making jH Until UeC. 1 Penth'-v Panenta which may KV www be as low as Yw All we ask la that you mal:e your Initial cash pur chase of Bench, Scarf and 12 Rolls of your own selector!. WE WILL SEND A $265,$395,485 PT.AYF.R.PIAWn FREE DELIVERY te your home Immediately MYERS F. HALL Columbia & Brunswick Recerda lc. 2626 Germantown Ave. (tlcleir I.rhlxti Are.) BRUNSWICK PHONOGRAPHS J ', m in'. 1 h V1' Jl, V! 1 1' K y I"' I V1' t in. mmm.m r,i w 111,.1 I ltw AS LOW AS J $15 CHEAPEST IN TOWN ALL STANDARD MAKES, INCLUDING PORTAILES 10-DAY FREE TRIAL I YR. GUARANTEE W05CHES1MTSK BUMTYMERffi OPEN EVENINGS 3lllllllllllllllllllllillllliliia I NEW YORK i 8.30 A. M. I EXPRESS S Tppeeitlly convenient morning d S rttire. Stepn t JVeat Phllde"nhl S3 Pda'th PhftuMpMa. Arrived New SS S l'"1,'rf.n2"i'vJr'lSltl'BndHudien 32 SS Terminal 10.3OA. M. B S Parler Cara Breiler Buffat Club Car 3Z S Standard Steel Coaches gS SS Thirty-five Kiprrn tralm ererr week- " S3 I'fiwefn Phlt.SelpriU.S3 New Y??! I Pennsylvania Railroad ?iiHiHmnin,iniiiniiHiHiiniiinnnrs m WAWnll ilw)Wa 1 N e '.v.,, t. . IIKV' j- sTTIe'RE talking new .7!t te men who "hoof it" all day long for a livincr men in every walk of life. Fatal indeed is the handicap of physical disability te chance for ultimate success in life and this applies te the man who, suffering from corns, bunions, fallen arches or calleuses, will make a martyr of his feet by net wearing corrective, sensible shoes. In the pliable leathers and the special felt-and-cork insoles that make every Dr. Reed Cushion Shee, you can smile with the passing of each mile. The preprr diignesi of your feet ' troubles by e'tr x-ray. Ve charge, as this is a pait of our service, 106 S. 13th St. Just below Chestnut feei AJalAiL J''M'!)JjfLnffB&l rwZL:jx.c.r.ejvrs.e.fvuLMjLzm COR MEN AND WOMEN I'urc JHOmRK White A .BSE&M uiamenas -ssss?' in IS Kt. SS Vliite -r? fJnlfl X.bssss.SfiWSi tw's - rv yj m. ( K UKTJQy zmm&Kisy t ccsw m i .i..i , i i- ,i ii T i Ivy i iv375M . C17 'J'l'VN" ALL Our Watches Are Thoroughly GUARANTEED TIMEKEEPERS 1 :!.... n $2500 Adiu-UI $J750 rVhite Geld Pure White Diamond in Platinum and Geld I 'l', J" "l," ! M 11 ! nt 1 ' "it r: ONE BOOR BELOW CHESTNUT OPEN SATURDAY iVNMG g?m in s, Platinum Wm and Geld If a v eP ! X &&. iupenTi:rs. DEsiGXFr.s axd makers of wemws axd cniLnnnys apparel Or Tim UIGIILST CIlARACTEli Oil MOKE TUAX TWEXTY-SVVVX YEARS Three-Piece Suits Specially Priced $75 Of panvelaine and veld.vne; squirrel and beaver cellars. The newest style thoughts blouses of canton crepe in harmonizing shade. Chestnut Cerner Twelfth Smart Millinery Values te 12.50 $5 Many Ftyles for every style of outfit from sports te costume. Black, colors and the new Tur bans in metal cloth. Coats : Capes : Wraps Styles that are superior te their moderate prices, In cut, in quality and designs that fellow the exclusive lines of much mere costly garments. 49.50 te 375.OO TWO OF THE EXCEPTIONAL VALUES Coats Coats Of marvella, gerena, ormenda'e, nrabella. Seme trimmed with beaver, squirrel and wolf, 69-50 Values te 89JS0 Of marvella, gerena, ormendalo, fashena. Richly trimmed with beaver, equirrel, fox and wolf, 99-50 Values te 150.00 Dresses : Drastically Reduced Styles for Women and Misses WW, 29 5, 39 5 t0 175.00 1 - 1 1 Values 39.50 te 225.00 Of canton crepe, peiret twill, satin metal cloth, velvet, chiffon, georgette, lace, taffeta and brocade chiffons. In street, dress, evening. Savings as Much as 50,00 en a Gewn Fer Juniors and Children AW VL Coats of man nish tweed, lined or with v solid color l.V backs. Ages fU 6 te 16. 15.oe Sports Coats, large shawl cellar of rac coon, lined Y- and interlined. Ages 0 te 14 2950 Dresses Special 2 te 6 Yearn. Velveteen, hand cm- 1 fk fiQ 6 Years. 3250 0 Years. g.95 broidered in colors Sets Special 2 te Smart Ceat and Hat te match , Ceat Special 2 te Chinchilla, with belt notched cellar Party Dresses 16.50 te 25.00 Children's Hats, 2.95 te 8.95 A. iielectlen that Includes correet Btyh for every type, for every ncl from whoel te dress. Of felt, ucnitchftd felt, veleurs, duv tyne nnU velvet. U . H tf 800 Pairs of Silk Stockings Wwritu Are Our Regular 2.95 values ar stock and reduced. Of excellent Quality In euecui ana plain In brown, cordovan, cinnamon, gray and russet Mnttwitti Jm S)n Diififiv 9 0? 1filtioe A-L . """;' j j j1- ' ,. V iix 7 , . 'laKen irem regular bieck ana reaucea. uz exceuenc quaiuy in peintex, novelty 1.95 Husbands and Wives have said, "The finest but ter we ever tasted." Taste it and you'll see why they talk this way about -.Bflt, iwwin j VDsen Si ttit Sold aC lurSltecsiaa uarante that They Aw Right 'a9& ieftt In all ear Stores i RtKiyBiL iHivnn And Meet the Popular Demand at a Very Lew Price--. I Yes Yeung Man Yeu Can Get Here Just What Yeu Have Been Leeking for ! Our Shoes & Oxfords at i fiii The 1 iH ilu of the M 31A Town! E Black or s$s& '&$$ 1 Tan- J$:& I Calfskin TSSei;.":fA 1 Heather I Weel Sex, 1 I 65c 1 mW f'ifif fTtjJaiSviu'jivunaur The Talk JRmmE&SK5X 1 1 .. 7Tv:':4-ftkvHV.aiTOM of the mWx$m3r l Town ftsSaS Genuine Scotch Grain in Black or Tan All that you arc strong for in Style all that you long for in Quality all that you demand in Fit all that you have ever thought a Man's Shee ought te be DALSIMER SHOES ARE I 25 New Styles in All Wanted Leathers, at $'7.50 THE BIG SHOE STORE, 1204-06-08 Market Street Purchasing Agents' Orders Accepted. Mail Orders Filled. 7f ,-TMW 5jST iPB lH53jpc;5j aLwgy T'M'B U15 CHESTNUT ST. (OPPOSITE KEITH'S) Remodeling and Re pairing Dene in Our Own Factory A "fl i.50 A wonderful group of fur coats that arc net only dependable in quality, but exceptional in price as well. French Seal Coats Russian Peny Coats Brown Marmet Coats French Seal Wraps New Fur Jacquettes Of French Seal, Beige, Black, Nickel or Caramel Caracul, Hudsen Seal and Squirrel. Trimmed with Platinum or Black Fex and Viatka Squirrel. 98.50 te 345.00 115 .00 40-in. French Seal Coats Large skunk cellars and cuffs. Full-flare model. TOMORROW UNUSUAL FUR VALUES Winter is just around the corner and this event is indeed a timely one. Many remark able values have been arranged for this one day. Every garment is unquestionably worth much mere than its special price. A Small Deposit Reserves Your Purchase Hudsen Seal Coats . . . . ,; . . . 175.00 Scotch Moleskin Capes ...... 195.00 Hudsen Seal Capes 225.00 Trimmed Hudsen Seal Coats . . ,. 245.00 Skunk - trimmed Caracul Coats . . 265.00 Hudsen Seal Wraps 295.00 Trimmed Moleskin Wraps .... 345.00 Alaska Seal Wrap 395.00 Meire Caracul Capes 445.00 Natural Squirrel Capes 495.00 Canadian Beaver Coats ...... 595.00 Russian Fitch Capes ....... 695.00 Natural Mink Coats . ., ,. ., . , ., 745.00 Natural Mink Wraps . ,. . . 995,00 In this great event arc furs of marked distinc tion, embodying all the newest style features. Slim line capes, tight-hipped blouses, gor geous flare models and wraps fashioned espe cially te fit the slight figure or te meet the requirement! of the larger size. 79 .50 Here are coats of style which reflect the furriers' skill. Their quality assures seasons of grati fying wear. Natural Muskrat Coats French Seal Capes Trimmed Marmet Coats Trim'd French Seal Coats Smart Fur Neck Pieces Of Natural Squirrel, Natural Mink, Fex or Wolf, Stene Marten, Baum Marten, Hud Bay Sable, Cress Fex, Platinum Fex, Baby Fisher. 7.50 te 98.50 175 .00 40-iii. Natural Raccoon Coats Beautifully matched. Full ripple models. .1 '( ltlmdtrUH Hat Lanm W WilWR fW i i2UtflffJ? VMJMfcJlWrW: iiSA M, 3&1. gMgi ai. - '- ; i.-..$.;.lS jf jLfeiSL'tf ?fci& Av J