Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 10, 1922, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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. .4 e 11 and 6:15
Stere Closes at 5:30
nrnn tw ""- ...
utieir " Cft,BM " """
ATever Were There Better Suits. Ner Better Overcoats Than Men Can See
ivv" N 7 ' m mtwt I -
Tomorrow ax wanamaKer s
Sir Jeshua Reynolds
Eminent and Knighted
.... rwiiek nrfist. fa en record for having
(he famous hb - .
said: .,,.
"It is net birth that manes tne arusi, uui decision,
application and industry."
One may be tee rich te become anything but heir
te another man's money.
Poverty or anything akin te it except laziness,
sorrows, disappointments, oppositions, scant
schooling, may puzzle, but a man can go ahead and
win if he sets himself sturdily and steadfastly te the
one thing he can de. . .
Jftvtmbcr " 10i
A New Silver Mesh Bag
Named for an English Princess
lag without a clasp or
drawstring if you can imagine
tueh a thing.
The frame folds ever, like an
nwlepe. there h a chain te
S it ,v and the bottom is
Jgre1 or pointed with fringe.
It is really one 01 uiu .-!.
tiest novelties in a long time,
and the sterling silver mesh is
se fine it feels almost like silk.
S 15 1, $42 and $55, according te
Other square-frame silver
mesh bags with chains, $20 te
$38. Leng narrow mesh bags,
with strap handles, $21 te $46.
(Muln l'loer)
Women's Riding
Habits at $45
Cut by our tailors from an
English model and irreproachably
finished in every way, net te men
tion being made from fine covert
cloth. .
Other habits with the same
itvla of fitted ceata and "corset
kneed" breeches arc mpde of
covert, whipcord and men's wor wer
iteds, at ?33 te $72.50.
Separate breeches, $13.50.
(First Fleer)
A Handsome Tweed
Coating at $2 and
$2.50 a Yard
Every particle wool of the fin
est kind. It is warm without
being heavy.
The herringbone weave is most
fashionable for sports coats this
season and especially in the
shades which are here tans,
browns and gray with a Httle
illumination of color in each.
With single-face tweed coat
ing, $2 a yard. Deublo face with
plaid back, $2.50 a yard.
(Flr.t Fleer)
Fifty Styles in Handbags
Special, $3 and $4.75
And with all the different kinds
f leather and the pretty new
ihpe., flic would indeed be ditti-
tulete plcase u she ceuldn t find
Iieraething Mie liked.
Little bagr. in pouch form or
envelope fashion, large bags,
"uapKcr Dags ana emcrs. oeine
(Muln J'loer)
in bright, shiny leather and ethers
in soft tan, gray or brown calf
skin. And there are plenty of the
conservative bags for women who
want black and ethers with gun
nietal frames for mourning. All
the leathers are wonderfully geed
for such little prices.
lew Drapery Clasps
Special, $1.75 te $4.75
Strikingly pretty encb and ju't
Iho land that arc being used se
mich en skirts. Tliey arc copies
pf imported models.
Them nre both colored cellu
leid clasps and metal clasps, the
litter often with jeweled hel
(Main Fleer)
Silk Radium
All of the cn elope sort and
particularly tine shades of
pit and ertliid, besides white.
J we of the styles are tailored and
My be had for $:,-. the thinl has
Nhi'h lace and sells at $7.50.
(llilnl riner)
at 25c and 50c
The fabhien of the moment is
te have them match her gown and
that should be easy with se many
colors te cheese from.
Sometimes the centers are plain
white linen, sometimes a colored
plaid, but always the borders are
colored and there are any num
ber of patterns.
A box of twelve is a bit mere
economical, $2.75 or $5.50.
(Main Fleer)
Children's Cozy
Sweater Sets
Unch consists of a cap, leg
gings, mittens and sweater, made
of brushed Weel in geed colors
for children pink, Copenhagen,
white and tnn.
Prices $7.50, $9 and $10.
(Third Fleer)
omen's Excellent Tongue and
Mrap Slippers, $9 te $13
tengue slipper in patent leather
with high Spanish heel.
I luce unnulni' lnmn. .!.. .
M9-i ,U1 bIlu.k ,alf " ft
i T . . ' I'UlUllt
IT! ami in lii-nii .. . ..!.. fru.
Jl110'.' dippers have covered
L. TV ,? (!1 '""derate height;
ne fatiii slipper a medium Snan-
"l have light turned
h heel.
At $12
it another favorite
( Flr.t rioer)
m-- " I. . . .
i we excellent models In strap
slippers are a light-weight black
calf with narrow tee and high
Leuis heel, at $9; and a short shert
arnn, round-teed patent leather
slipper with covered military
heel, at $13. Each with one in
step strap.
Yeung Women's Dresses of Extraerdi
nary Quality at $25 te $45
SUCH frocks as one would ordinarily pay much mere for.
Geed qualities of Canten crepe, satin-back crepe, embroid
ered crepe; crepe de chine and Peiret twill. Fashioned in charm
ing styles for afternoon, street and "semi-dress" occasions.
Seme of the loveliest are gracefully draped, but there are as
many delightful models undraped.
One thing every young women who sees them will agree
en they are astonishing values for $25, $30 and $45;
Black, blue, brown, and sizes 14 te 20 years.
(Second Fleer)
Women's Inexpensive Dresses
of Chiffen Velvet
HALF a dozen models of afternoon and semi-evening dresses with
short or little sleeves.
There is one fur-bordered style which is rich and attractive;
one or two with lace cellars; one with a circular skirt.
The sleeves vary. One particularly attractive style has its
little sleeves detachable, se that it can be worn as an evening
Celers arc rust, navy, brown and black.
Prices, $32.50 te ?45.
H my
(First Fleer)
Miss 14 te 20 Sometimes Prefers a Suit
SHE will find excellent cheesing, from Suits with entire jackets of glossy
tweed sports styles at $35 up te dis- black caracul cloth, $95.
tinctive one-of-a-kind models at $145. Plainly tailored but smart suits of
Fur-cellared suits begin at $48. duvetyn, $78.
(Second Fleer)
Yeung Women 's Sports and Dress Coats
Special at $37.50 te $85
SELDOM has such a coat been shown for $85. The material is a
deep-piled diagonal-ribbed belivia, in midnight blue, black or
brown ; with large cellar of unusually geed fox fur in platinum
or kit fox gray.
Warmly interlined, crepe de chine lined.
At $50, a dark camel's-hair sports coat, with raglan sleeves,
high-buttoning cellar, plain or pleated back and side pockets. Silk
lined throughout.
At $37.50, an unusual coat of double-face wool coating, with
raccoon cellar. Raglan sleeves, large patch pockets, slot seam
back. Shoulder lined.
All in 14 te 20 year sizes.
(0ceBd Fleer)
200 Women's Tweed Coats, Exceptional
at $25
Exceptional because we chose the fine jersey-back tweeds and,
te a great extent, the way they should be made upN As a result,
there are no coats just like them elsewhere.
They are of all-wool heavy tweed mixtures, soft in finish, lined
te the waist and warm enough for the most severe weather. Many
women have been asking for exactly such coats.
There are two styles, one with raglan shoulder, an inverted pleat
in the back, and narrow belt. The ether with an ordinary sleeve, full,
loose back.
The tailoring is the best, the cellar, revers and button holes hand
done and there are as many as eleven shades.
(Flr.t Fleer)
Conservative Fur Coats of Hudsen
Seal Sheared Muskrat)
I i jUV tH
Hudsen seal (sheared muskrat) is a
fur usually bought for practical and long
service, and is therefore wisely modeled
en conservative lines that de net quickly
go out of fashion.
Seme beautiful examples of such coats
are in 40 te 46 inch length.
(Second Fleer)
Prices en such coats untrimmed with
ether furs are $290 te $450, with many
choices between.
These with cellar and cuffs of skunk,
beaver, gray squirrel or ether fur, $350
te $550.
Fine Millinery Specially Priced at $15
ANOTHER collection of better-than-usual
hats iu this price, such as
delighted se muny women a week age.
French felts, hatter's plush and
velvets, all of a quality used regularly
in higher-priced millinery, and pre
senting many out-of-the-ordinary ef
fects in shapes, colors and trimmings.
A tiny apricot French felt trimmed
with skunk tails a large hatter's
plush in sable brown, with crown of
deep violet velvet, and violet plume
a little brown velvet hat with badger
fur balls and dozens equally pretty.
Excellent values also at $10 and
$12. It will be a geed day te get a
specially geed hat anywhere in the
Millinery Salens.
(Second Fleer)
Jehn Buchait's
"History of the
Great War" New
This 3s a well-balanced and un
biased account of the war in all
Its aspects political, military and
economic; en the ether hand, it
is a document of absorbing
human interest. The scholarship
and experience of the author
give him qualifications which no
ether writer possesses.
The book is published in four
volumes of nearly 600 pages each,
substantially bound in dark blue
cloth and illustrated with colored
Priced, boxed, $20.
(Main Fleer)
Calendars and
Christmas Cards
Te people who like te select
early we will just say that the
cards are new ready near the
Boek Stere and priced 5c te $1.
Then there are boxed cardB
fifteen in a 50c box, twenty-one
in $1 and $2 boxes.
Seme personal greeting cards
are priced 50c, 55c and 60c a
dozen; 'and ethers $3.50 for
twenty-flve cards.
Calendars boxed, tied, hang
ing, perpetual and leather 10c
te $4.26.
(Main Fleer)
New All-Weel
Blankets Just
$10 and $12 a Pair
Choice of white blankets with
pink or blue borders, or of plaids
in various color effects.
Geed looking blankets, soft,
warm and serviceable and won
derfully popular.
Single-bed size, weight 4 lbs.,
at $10 a pair; denble-bed size,
weight 5 lbs., $12 a pair.
(Sixth Fleer)
A Geed Suit at $25
the best of all is only $55, with the greatest
cheesing around $40 and $45.
Fine Lamps in Pairs
The lamps are made of large
Chinese vases, fine and simple in
shape and exquisite in color
coral, mirror black, black-and-geld,
green. They are all
mounted en geld-finished brass,
and will be sold either in pairs
or separately. The price is $76
Shades may be had for $62.50
te $140.
(Fourth Fleer)
Pur Rugs for
Baby Coaches
Of white sheepskin, ceney and
ihibet, and of dark colored dyed
Prices start at $6.50 for a
sheepskin and end at $45 for a
rug of mole color.
(TUlrd Fleer)
A Geed Overcoat at $35
and en up te $85, with the most generous choice
around $45 and $50.
What a regular army of clothing there is.
Stylish clothing, well-made clothing, the best clothing.
And in what variety. There are overcoats daring in
colors light colors, plaids, everplaids and mixtures. Coats
for young men, coats that leek young. And side by side
are the staid, mere conservative coats that any man can
There are suits in just as great a selection. Sports
suits with belts in the backs. The new four-button coats,
or just the loose, free, easy suits of Autumn. Light or
dark and browns galore.
(Third l'loer)
As seen an a man puta an
overcoat en he needs a wider
It's here, with all the dips and
curves and curls of the season
and all the tones, tee.
There's a geed one at $2.50,
another at $3, or $4, $5, $6 and
se en.
(Mala Fleer)
And with thousands te cheese
from, it's a mighty hard matter
te go away without a geed one.
Stripes, multitudes of stripe
and all kinds. Little, thin ones,
big bold colorful stripes and all
the sizes in between.
And figures, tee. Tiny fig
ures or the all-ever kind.
All are in the fore rank of
Autumn's fashion.
(Main Fleer)
THROUGH, $6.40
Made ever the brogue last
and well made.
Of grained calfskin, either
black or tan. Four rows of
btitchlng smartly outline each
seam while double white oak
soles run clear te the heel. An
there are rubber heels already
(Main Fleer)
SHIRTS, $2.50
Firmly woven, sound madras
that will wear day in and day
A man couldn't
practiral shirt,
In htripes of man hIzcm, many
styles and many colors.
They haic the .oft turn-back
cufTs that arc comfortable
and from top te bottom lhc
shirts are amply rut, full and
find a mers
nor a prettier
room j.
(Main Fleer)
Bamboo Trays
Lately received from China and
intended for tea tabic.
They may bejiad in different
Mzes and are" painted with
different designs daisies, irises,
pansies and parrots.
Five sizes, priced from 51.75 te
$5, in the Oriental Stere.
(Main Fleer)
Opportunity in Men's and Beys'
Shaker Knit Sweaters " ,
New special purchase just
opened te sell at considerably l
than regular prices.
Men's V-neck sweaters in the
pull-ever style, navy blue, ni
marked $3.75.
Men's V-neck sweaters in the
pull-ever style with cellars, nay
blue, $4,50.
Heaters, in
Men's ceul-.jtli'
navy blue. ?:..
Beys- V-neck pull-errr
or.-. Heather shade, ?.'(.v:..
Men's heather V-neck pull-ever
sweaters, $1.50.
Men's heather V-neck pull ccr
sweaters with cellars, ?."i.
(Ttie !nllry)
New Persian Kermanshah Rugs
of Beauty and Excellence
Kermanshahs are prob
ably the most typically Per
sian of Persian rugs, and
that is saying a great deal.
These are typical of the
finest Kermanshahs that
come from Persia, typical in
the softness and delicacy of
the colorings and in the com
bination of fine decorative
beauty with satisfactory
wearing qualities.
Nowhere de rose, blue and
ivory shades seem mere
pleasing than in Kerman-
(Bvnth Fleer)
shahs, and in tin' nmv pieces
they arc pleading indeed.
Carpet and smaller siaes
are attractively represented.
Kermanshahs, 4.6x6.6 te
4.6x7.6 ft, $125 te $175.
Kermanshahs, 6x9 te 9x12
ft., $275 te $495.
lllfHAT news! Get into
" your coats and run
alenjr in as fast as Mether
will bring you! There are
scarcely days enough be
tween new and Christmas
te see all the wonderful
things that Santa Claus
has ordered from all ever
the world for you.
Ts9 XsL. . Aai 4Vk laaivaal
rn c. lis me must wuuuvnui
ey Mere there ever was and there are funny.
The Great Christmas Tey Stere Opens Tomorrow
beautiful, useful and ab
serbingly interesting
you have ever heard of!
What de you want most
te see? The "great big
rearin' lien" in his jungle?
There he is and he'll rear
te please you as long as you
like. The dells? There are
all the dells that any girl
could wish from baby
dells te snnhiafipnfprl dells.
' gmm Wr'm swaj
imported from several
lands, for big sister.
But, Ne Matter
Whether You're a
Small Bey or a
there are three things, any
one of which is worth a trip
te the Tey Stere: a big
model of the Philadelphia-
(Savaatk Fleer)
Camden bridge en a busy
day, with ferries beneath
in the water; what might
be the new Frankford
Elevated read, with street
cars below and subway
beneath that; and
Santa Claus9 Own
Beautiful Throne
and a reproduction of his
glittering court up in his
kingdom of gleaming ice
and snow beyond Green
land. The work of getting
the Tey Stere up te what
he called "higher-than-top-notch
pitch" has tired even
him out and he is taking a
rest. But, as a result, there
is no room for anyone te
say "the children have
everything," for there is
something new and different en every hand.