FWU ffWAaJV' ' . yi ifUBCIK ?,v--rtV,jrV5 .Yl'WJJI' 11' ? e-' A " "."' ; ' r , i 1 i . Vu ' mR.ifVF.r- 1 'iw,wmxvj;t,i.vj : yts' w. it . " 1 ' ' . " F ; $ m ?i mm :SJy tfirn wi ' ?w B&9 ft i ttffl iVH s nw Sri sn .K iff .V lIW 'fl " x fa 313 m ii.) K',sr ; Jf W W& $& "m irn R.r v 1 ilv.JW , V" 1, -,'F EVENING PUBLIC -LEDGER-PHILADliJLPHIA. FBIDAY, NOVEMBER 10 12S. WOULD HALT STEP TO l . &LL DEPORT ACTOR 1IpU ferlln. When I learned nbeut thin iunorent victim of the whole urctelied nffnlr I wanted te drop the twiela tiling, te wipe it nil out If poi- 'siblr. "I don't Knew whether tin- itiintliira- ,Hen autherltin-4 will de it. Hut from tuy henrt I hope .i. The publicity litis done none of us nny lwhI. I Ionic for an end te It." Jfhtatrical Producer Learns of INDIAN COUNCIL TONIGHT Ik mm -. ..... I riBdT It I m im w . mi. Bany, Tiien writes te 10 nnai in iw TtAHS v 9L ms ' Pert Officials j Six Nations, Oneldas and Tutca- , - I reras te Claim N. Y. Land 'HEARS OF COMING WEDDING i.nia'.ln.: I tleiw nnd the Diu'idti and TiiTitrmn v. x- 1 v ,,i ..t . . ,,l''il,l7 vlll imit in .esnull lnre tenltflit ?lW eri. Nev. 10. - "1 mimel for the tir-t timr vim,. 177.. pout the bnby two dm 1150 Iikmp Prep int urn wm JP m,i,, fr ,lc ma n queer, depressed -ntiNitmn. I .MublNlnnpiit nf ulmt the ludlntw con cen con ceuWn t Ki;t it out ei m mind. Se 1 e'teud N n l.ilnt te a million w mere n..il i-.'1 r. i. .1.11 "in of bind in NV- Yerk .Stnte and Carle L. riiillmt. tlieilrleiil pre- dMen ns te tin- oereisntv of the nueer, who petitioned liruulgr.it im etli- tribi rials te rid the eeuiitrv nf I'nt Seuirr- As.Vinhlynnn ttlwmd . Krerett, et, the neter. nnd lnHttil n elnrtm i Wuiiiin m of the Iiidinii AITiiirs Cem- Sji.'i: ti , ";'' '" uiittee. !,. lime ii'. tii(unrd n Edith Dny. jestrrdny uttiTnoen luiub-d ,rtM,j ! , 7si wtwn tlie 1'nlte.l Jkl-vhl"l''i n U.""u'ltt,n ,,,ttrr wi,h n '.eetnment nnd the SK Nn- Jbee eplnn.Ulen. ,lnM This ii t.iKen te indli.ite fiem I rA-i,r,i!'r 'r. '"''-rV0'1 '" , r,0,,p ' Itx pieistH tlmt I .iif.d.-n bus, SI?,Mn,,,i "?v lv"'r- ' ' iIm"". ' """i nlm.uiWi.tl ts ,,iis te -.If. iratlen, Kills Mnnd. N. andieid: k.merllllln,.1 , N , ,i,ullld ,1V ,,e r Vl Tt (e"."!ll7l,"!,,r: , Indluii tb.it thn irriM s,-ts forth tlmt Jli.t,r l! 1" f,.'?, v; n'"1 ; , "' "" "" tii" '" pcetllin mill oeutl.lentelx nvpiist1 , your vrmissi(.ii i(. wm.lr.iw innii tin TOOL P lERCESSKULL Screwdriver Falls Nineteen Stories, Striking Weman New Yerk, Nev. 10. A hnlf-peund sctcwdihcr, which i oiled from n win win deIU en the nineteenth llevr of a Sixth tixemie bulldlin; .rsterdny, Htmrk Ir. I'llit Celcnmn, n pitscerby, en the bend, prtierintlns her uKull nnd punc turliiR her bruin. .,,,,. The feiee neiutnulnted by the mnll tenl In its full knocked Mrs. Celeman te the sidewalk nnd her left leg beenme instniitl p.itnHed. At ltelleue Hoi Hei ..ii.il uliiei' her condition wnt de- Heribed an erltlciil, It was found the screw drler hud entered her bend nbeut two Indies. Kmest Jt'i. n Miect tnetni worker, who put the tool en the fdll while tepitiin: ii window, whs nrreted en a tctlinleil . luitce of filonleus nssnult. MtirrtNd c.eii) nt Aticrt.ANB, Thi un'iu1' pnt ' eme Amrlcn hTiUm fhlrr'fc fTel.l from Dirnnaullla te flirVrlet. In Colombia, by strplnnu. Il th iital.Vi of " f"'t e'lUnrhl nrtlcl In the Malm U a. Habit." Ad, IE ll 'Hal Ct$, Suit$, Drtiita, Shirta Lingwit, SwmtTi, Ngligf$ cnBe, nnd further te iis n with.lt iw.il of nnj notion iiK.unsi sioniers.'i "I feel thnt tmnrdbss ,,( wlnt i p'rsennl fe.d'tics nun 1. and th' w tongs thnt hae been .lone ilier" is p. I, r life their child nt stnke. In is much us I he lureiits iiiten.l t nmrv a seen ni tlie Uw allows. I i li ink 1 -Mould de my pnrt in simplifying malt'-. fr thnt rhild. "I repent. 1 am ip'pte'tliu this. .nt. I the most dellliP.'ile Mild . ireful tiiniisl t. falthfulh eiirs, l Mil P .'AKI.TdV Carlten tlllTlnl a Pile et ples be. fore him. lelt.rs trout fn ml- . n reuragim; him in In- tienbb II.' -aid miiflnplj ; "I'm afrnl .i i- m fi n nn- m peihups fear of udn i ill piempi. d me te it in tli" lie.'I'inui'" "I was Iniln.ri te ihti i ti In- i mlltnnee line tli . nn l in . f bin morel . endu. ' 1 !. I i or dr. im there was a l.il "Twe .lavs i . ni i '. I get the impels Hi the s, ,, ,., TerCP. Ill llie t sti i n I t i nees te the 1. ill. . i it . I '.I i i 3021. 1 hid neui I i 1 am .1 , Killed Man "te Protect Hener" Washington. e in "lUlbdlim te prettet 1 1 a liolle' ' derl ir. d Ml-, rtllllli.' ..eldblUUI, lOtifessiug te til. po lice jestirda that II was wlie who Imd -he li. ice t'. All.iai.. nn a.iimi.r lu her home. I The most appenllng nuallty tn f5em pllner' elethcs, te most men. I the Ieuk time thev trtain their "new appear am.e" ..ScmjKnep 105 "Walnut ONE OF fHIUDElrUU'S IEADINC TAILORS f u, 1 m)0pmam,m,m,m,mmM0mpsm,mm,, Big Meaty Selected v JL3XJIV3S It should indeed be a p!ea p!ea aure te knew that each cpk reu buy of in .5 guaranteed tin all our Stores ;! SUNDAY OUTINGS Fitem Market Street Wharf EVERY SUNDAY 7 iff 1 I ii $4.50 Round Trip Atlantic City Wlldwoed Andrw Avenue 9 Ocean City Cape May ben Isle City Cerioni Inlet StoneHarber Pcerment Avalen A ViT" L '.' 'n"" ' Arelln i ' : 30L Wlldwfiert Hrarch ir 1 . ipp "Ijj - i? Fer aUethrrrpjjrti 7i Evtrv Sunrljtv In N'Mi-.n.!... ic I-- 1 .80 Teai Rnfr, StijidtPul, Bij KMnTTrT Had aad inlerraedule ilatieu S2.10 ? Gl'. Aeury P.rk, . . Ler. Branch. nd in Mnd Trip trmcdial ilatien.. $2.00 "ftp Point Plea.ant Mrkt irrr- wsj-f ; 1 ., Frem Bread strect station $2.30 Clayten, Del. tO-OO OXFORD, MD. OrT5TTr7a EASTON. MD. GREENSBORO, MD. SUNDY. November 12 Sltp.int al k.rtlen, llirllty. il.uthl.r Mttyitl, M.nJ.Mnn Ctldtli.ie, Hnlel;, Cvrderi Chtpel and trtppt. arp.rl 1- tin i ., ei J'hiU f, 55 . Cbejlrr .. . . 7 16 s, S3.50 WASHINGTON $3.00 BALTIMORE Reun-t Trip SUNDAYS November 12, 26, December 10 Bfeml Stfiel 7 0 W mi I'hui 7e(j', NEW YORK SUNDAYS December 1, 17, 31 KIS, ii n .h j He, M jo.eq f f;jR.und Inp November 19 Bread bluet Wt I'nnu . 4' te $3.75 SUNBURY $4.00 WILKES-BARRE Round Trip SUNDAY, November 19 StepnlTW At uu.h lurel ! i atiwIvA K Bluun.tjun. Niwnp.i.,, mil Naiilli ie Breed titrret 1-' 14. lien l-Wla. u Jm, $2.70 DOVER, DEL. 4 An CAMBRIDGE. MD. V 9J W HUULOCK. MD. iSlu.,1 t. SfWMARKfF, MD "7rlp rCOtlMlSBIRO, MD. StCAFOKD, DtL. SUNDAY, Netember 19 SteppliiK at W vemlie rtl'en llurr nutetj Urts'iivreiM) lirld&vl'le tnk ..rje W IHUnnleirif. 1 IoiwemI mil irr Bread rHrtcle Su s, Hei I'laU ' W ', Ceieler 7. Ill $3.25 Harrisburg g.OO El-IZABEUITOWN .SO Lancaster llUunrilrip SUNDAY, N.rn-I..f larawl Hlrtvi 7 IDs, Wrsil'tilin 7 I . t, IfUle'-etielid Mrpl ... T.ii w lA i .OO Cape Charles, Va. Hound PnrnmntrA IVf 1 I.Id "-, .'- SUNDAY. November 26 .nine nt New Church MuL.ml. I'.rL weed, trkile. rlr , olerj , Killer ture, nuiiiHgi, nirua ,-etv ud will Blratlizistj wwll'lilli UM(, flvia System .ayiiiaiiiea Silk Hand Bag M.iic s Ik li.in.l b.ig, 4'4:;'j", 't'i 14 kt. pilil sliielil. Tlic ban i liiMui- a iiurter and coin piit-c $7.50 Silk hand bags arc very attractive and fashionable. The price are moderate. S. Kind & Sens, me chestnut su r ' mih mi:i:. iiy.ni. ii.wi.i tT.--' mi.vi rsmitiis Ky i& Fer Tomorrow An Extraordinary Sale Street Dresses That were up te $39.50 at 25 ON THE THIRD FLOOR v- jijiLiiMIHII Smart new models, and a splendid variety of colors, fabrics and styles te cheese from. Included are draped and tailored models in Sa.in-back Crepe, Canten Crep'e, Matelrsse. and Peiret Twill, in black, navy and the new shades of brown. They are the finest dresses and the biggest values offered at the prjee this season 1220-22-24 Walnut Street mmmf iL Wsaaaaf ML It Ml mm MANN &DILKS II02 CHESTNUT STREET Y Just Out of Customs Imported Overcoats Twe English makers have went us their best products. They are unusual. 40.00 te 1 00.00 MANN &DILKS II02 CHESTNUT STREET MA.vrr.A'TUIUBJ or MKV S A's'D MPORTKBS AP RPrAlI.Bad BOMB"1 1 'TRARINT r-PAm. WALK-OVER A re you a stickler for style? LET us ihew you some thing about feet - fitting that you probably don't knew. The best-looking model for yetir feet is the one that is especially made for the shape of your feet We have it. 'J (me of tlic Wn ter uile.i", that utiew up thn Reed lines of ii font l' elite! custom flttlns in I'ln Husslan or Hlack Calf. $8 jtf( M 1MB fiaaaaB' wPJ timSumiWmWlw laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaattVal aV traaaaaJ S ikUaaaaaaaaaUSaaVPrT .eiamlPsaaaaaaaaal I at saaa laaaaraaK JMLKbSlLLLLmLWi eJaaaaaaaaaGsBMaaaaaaaaaaaal 1 1 High $7 Walk-Over Specials in eeiy wanted tee ltaIlu a n il leather, whether censcrvatie or jn.ed up for the ,eun!,' fellows, are ready in 30 atyles. $6 Lew .50 Vii 1228 MARKET S Harpers Wak0Ver 1022 CHItTNUT SHOPS i i fwl Special W ill ACOLLECT,ONOf ' ftgS M WOMEN'S & 1VIISSES 0 ; MODEL COATS I I Muses - Women s I B e I Regularly 150.00 te 165.00 P c. I m etzes I btzes q If ia j PUR-TRIMMED COATS OFr MARCOVA. 1 ia I fi FASHONA, BROADTAIL CLOTH. I In PANVELAINK te J ft3 te Individual model Ceals with large cellars jf. and many uitli cuffs of natural iitcli, s t badger, black, taupe and platinum v.e!f. I 1 6 j All-ever geld (bread embroidery h lntrcy J KH J duced en fccral models. y J fi f2 n 8 il A Fur-Trim'd Coats & Wraps 6500 95.00 Regularly te M.50 Regularly te 125.00 HTHESE groups embrace Coats, Capes and Wraps of Alenzo Belivia, Mandalay Belivia, Gerena, Pan Velaine, Fashona and Marceva with trimmings of moleskin, caracul, civet cat, fitch, beaver, gray squirrel, wolf and fox in various shades. Advance Winter Coats & Wraps 145.00 t 225.00 GROUP of unusual Coats has just arrived, presenting distinctive modes of the richest textiles combined with choicest peltries. Original treatments of silhouette fur application and decorative embroidery arc introduced. . , 250 High-Grade Tep Coats & Capes 25-00 Regularly te 59.50 CMART Coats and Capes designed for Sports, Travel and general wear arc fashioned of English tweeds, Shagmoer and plaid-back pole. In colorings suggestive of the outdoors. One-half of Coats in this group are imported. THIRD FLOOR BONWIT TELLER. G,CO. CHESTNUT AT 13 STREET WORTH 4 r Ww WHILE and because we make them 25 te 40 Lewer in Price Special Demonstration At Prices Lewer Than Our Lewer Prices 1 Sale of Coats Women, Misses, Children This model in marvella, brown, navy and cepen blue, trimmed with black caracul col cel lar and cuffs. Design of silk stitching, as indicated. Special QlftE!' Val. $150 Pyi3 Sports coat that are differ ent, individual. Raglan nnd net-in sleeves in light blue, brown, tan tweeds and. spats-cloths. Special $ Reg. $55 38 Every mother ewes it te herself te see These Coats In Tweed, Chinchilla, Corduroy At $1g-50 W Val. $26 Suei I, 2, 3, 4, 5 year with pro portionate incrrnte in price for boy. and girls up te 14 year. An excep tionally low price, as you will find when you see the qualities, -the linings and the making. OutfitsCeats, Hats, Leggings in tweeds, $35; in chinchilla, in cluding a wonderful blue for children, $40; in camel's hair, $42.50. e J I i Im!' lira Sale of Suits t Qf $g"7.50 Our Usual $85 te $95 fabrics The success of a suit ia in its lincs" and 13 a matter of skillful "man" tailoring the Embick way. if you please. Al $67.50 you have the selec tion of handsome tricetine in fact, the whole twill family of fabrics as well as the new chalk stripe fabrics se popular with women of larger figures. We are still taking orders for Thanksgiving Day delivery. Sale of Dresses a0L $35 te $125 Dresses y for $29.50 te $95 f Including $35 Tricetine( K IV W Dresses for $29.50, draped en Av lm the one side and trimmed with 7vSrffL dffif R Reman striped ribbon and bone 'SFu h buttons. sSfllm V A $49.50 model for $44.50. m! J trimmed with rows of braid and fJv nickel buttons. A wonderfully If striking Jenny model. J A $95 Cape Dress for $79.50 Jl of Reshanara crepe. Can be J&r worn under or ever belt. Par- rM ticularly beautiful is the model ia -(( the new beaver shade where only m Irk trimming is self-bands of material, f W. H. Embick & Senscl e EScKSI Ar.v. Mi AtUjtit.1u,liif AkkJJ ftSE W-W" ifl-A rif, ji V.1A Wa I. ?.!.