Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 10, 1922, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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for which the Kit Klux Klan and the
Federated Patriotic Societies carried en
nn nKRrowlve rnmpnigli nf Inltnmlng
frlljjleus ntul rncp nrejudlce. Is un
constitutional, Tlmt the question will
be carried up te the Supreme Court of
the I'nlivd Stall's remains no longer
In ileiibt.
t; Opponents te Fight Parochial
ife'Meture in United States Tri-
j$fcunal en Unconstitutionality
tlsnd. Nev. 10. Mixture of re-
bur utrlfe with partisan politics In
Cen carried the Commilserv Scheel
Ittemlance mil nt Tuesday's election
latent flfftlt-cs. with hut few nreelnets ,
Silnriag, nre: Ye. lOrt.000: no. (ffl.R-ll).
deceit) of the initiative bill te nbelMi '
private nnd pnrechlnl kcIioeIs nun wen
only after the campaign hnd brought n
trlde split among the Masonic ledges
nd had crented (llsipnlciM ntiiem; main
f the Pretectant churches, where nil
alignment hnd been found with Cath
olics, Jews nnd ethers who steed for
their rights under th Con-Mtutlen of
the United States und the organic law
of this State.
If the Scheel Hill, the paramount
. tarae in the campaign, had been de
feated by only n small margin it un
doubted I r would cemi before the Ore
Kn people again nt the next election,
t new It will be fought in the courts
OB constitutional ground. Mere tlmii
200 Oregon lnwjeis hae ieined in a
Written opinion that the Scheel Hill,
Gkas,Q4eniHj $ays
"Never In all his
experience has
he seen roses se
cheap In
Reses that sell
at $2, S3, and
$4 per dozen,
we are selling
Special te-day
"The Sign of the Rese"
221 Seuth Bread Street
I sprue p Hfl!)9
Ne bridge party is
complete without
dijjli iea
Iea-totally Different
Founded In 1894
1204 Chestnut St. 11 Seuth 15th St.
1119-21 Market St.
A Real R. & F.
Value In
Winter Overcoats
Every cne an authen
tic design trem tfeecy
ushers te Chesterfields.
Every one made up in
a fine all-wool fabric.
Every one expertly
tailored by the
Kirschbaum Sheps
Because of the quality
that has bcrn put into
them, they leek better,
wear longer end cost
Others at
30 te 55
Quality Always
Moderately Priced!
c' 'nJLi-IS-j
tvrrrleht l;j
In Line PVitk Fashion
and Offering Greater
W jMt
mmwtmWmmWeWmWt amBi II
.keWmWw sflH eWWj If
Patent Celt MuMr
or Muck Sa'iii mjF
DaUimer combines
style, quality and
workmanship at a
money-saving price.
We show one of the many models
ready for your choice at this price,
and prove the unmatchable value
giving feature of Dalsimer shoes.
A Pure Thread Silk Stocking, $1.35
Qafitm !
1204-06-08 Market Street
CX 2628 G&eifriut Street.
Special Sale Values Tomorrow in
Werth-while groups of Women's and Misses' Coats, Wraps and Dresses;
geed varieties of assured styles, the most popular materials and furs of the
season; first-class tailoring. '
Drt previously priced up tf0 C ti
te $38.00 PefiOeUU
Cost and Wrapt, values uple(1Q CA
$25.00, for . 1 SJeOU
Coats and Wrap, value up te OQ Kfl
$37.50, for I . . PZ7.0U
CeaU and Wrapt, value up te d CO BA
$75.00, for pDl7.0U
Ceat and Wrap, value up te tQ4 AA
$110.00, for J0UU
Drat previeutlv priced upCSQE A A
te $45.00 POOeUU
Dreuet provleutly priced upfcE A A
te $65.00 P'rOeUU
Plain and Fur-trimmed Suit & IE ff
reduced te P40eUU
Attractive Stocks and Many
Special Values in Juvenile
Apparel for Saturday
Beginning Tomorrow,
the Stere Will Be
Open Until 5:30
Merley' Engliih
Stockings for Women
Fer women who want the
best Weel and Silk-and-Weel
Hosiery we can recom
mend these made by Merley,
of England. Plain colors,
fancy effects and clocks;
plain weaves or ribbed.
Prices from $2.75 te $4.00
a pair.
Coats, 6 te 16 Years
CirU' Ceat of penvelaine,
nrella. mixture in brown nnd
blue; trimmed with raccoon,
squirrel, beaver and Australian
opossum $35.00 te $60.00.
Coats, 2 te 6 Years
Chinchilla Ceat in French
blue. na brown and tan with
hnts and legging te match; also
Cimpl's-hair Coats with hat and
leggings te match $18.75 te
Mats for Girls and Juniors
Velour, picked Angera, due
tne and vclct $3.50 te $7.75.
Remper3 and Creepers
Remperj and Creepers in
.hambray, poplin, crepe and pon
gee, kcr.ie liue white cellars and
i-uffs; some arc hand embroid
ered; izc 6 month te 4 years
51.75 te $4.25.
Dresses, 6 te 16 Years
Weel crepe in pretty color
combination trimmed with hand
embroidery and novelty ribbon.
nNe two-tone Velvet Drete
$18.75 te $29.50.
Party Frecks of taffeta, crepe
de chine, panne velvet in rose,
blue, maize, flame, fuchsia, orchid
and some black (Maisen Andre:
French cepie) : trimming of
metallic lace or hand-made mo
tifs in aelf-colers $18.75 te
Dresses, 2 te 6 Years
Little Girls' Dresse of cham
bray, gingham and voile; hand
embreidered: white or self-color
sashes: some MARY ELLENS
included $1.95 te $4.75.
Little Beys' Suits
Washable Suits in regulation
and Oliver Twist styles; pongee,
corduroy, Palmer linen and gala
tea, some serge trousers with
white blouses; 2 te 8 year
$3.75 te $6.50.
$2.25 and $2.50 Tuxedo
Cellars, $1.50
Real filet lace in three
geed patterns.
Children's Gloves
Children's Warm Mecha
Gloves in brown or gray;
fleeced linings $2.25 a
Little Felks' Mittens, tan
or gray; fleeced linings
$1.25 a pair.
MiUinery Half Price
About 60 Hat from our
own stocks, previously priced
up te $22.50, together with
an adantageeu ipecial pur
chase; $9.85
Large and imall shapes;
some of the 'very newest Pais
ley and Fur-trimmed Hat included.
ffSfVr- ' ' '' l XtT
Martha Washington
Mahogany Sewing
Tables, Special Saturday
at $24.00
An extra-geed item te in
terest you in our First Fleer
Gift Section. The table is
full size, beautifully made of
solid mahogany.
Yeu will find here com
plete stocks of Handker
chiefs for men, women and
children and a wide price
range. Make your Christ
mas selection tomorrow.
Only a few days remain in
which we can accept orders
for Handkerchiefs te be em
broidered with initials or
monograms te be delivered
before the holidays.
Women's Blanket
Bath Robes for $5.00
Cozily soft and warm ma
terial, including many hand
some Navajo patterns and
dark stripes; each Rebe is
finished with nn extra-wide
satin binding, unusual in i
garment at this price.
Women's Silk Hosiery of
Exceptional Merit, $2.00
Silk Stockings which leek
well, fit well and wear well.
Wide mercerized lisle tops;
reinforced at points of hard
est wear; full regular made.
Ample color range, includ
ing black, navy, mouse,
silver, crane, Chippendale,
gunmctal, nude and many
Geed Velvets are scarce
just new, but we have a
geed stock of handsome 40
inch Chiffen Velvets (all
silk) in evening shades as
well as black $8.00 and
$8.50 a yard.
Dainty New Chemise
and Night Gowns
Perte Rican Night Gowns
and Chemise made from the
finest, soft, white batiste ob
tainable; hand-made, hand
drawn, hand-embroidered.
Night Gowns $2.50.
Chemise $2.25.
Can be purchased as sets
and boxed for gifts, if desired.
TV.-' WCM r
mu l vn ir20'
Betty Wales Coats and
Dresses of Youthful Charm
and Price Moderation
Betty Wales Garments are nationally known, net only
because of their excellent style, but because every one
carries a guarantee tag insuring entire satisfaction with work
manship and materials. Betty Wales Coats and Dresses are
sold exclusively at Darlington's in Philadelphia. We have
some numbers in women's sizes, but mostly for misses,
Betty Wales Dresses start at $15.00; ethers at $20.00,
$25.00, $29.50 and up te $69.50.
Betty Wales Coats start at $25.00; there is a particu
larly attractive fur-cellared Plaid Tep Ceat at $47.50 and
a wonderful Cape of Panvelaine lined entirely with squirrel.
Cheese Your New Ceat Te-morrow
At About One-third Under Price
A Wonderful Assemblage for Women and Misses
V iA. ' ( v feiSCwl ' ImMMMf t 1 USI til ldLgL
ImM fr rrmWvMm WW
"; vJ USUI v in a Fl
JlT&tQi mi' " U mi' iiWn 'i7 l mu' IT )i
0 IAA mjJTI Cn.l. Ill fttmt IV II J I Ii r..l I R t
IfWCiafe. SIS.00 UA SIO.00 U ) CA $38.00 U V !
CTlffir AK(f vi i i if " Vf 1 1
I v W ll
jTO $10.00 $19.75 $29
; a.
This remarkable event makes it possible for
thrifty women of Philadelphia te get just the Ceat
they want a sports model, a business model, a fur fur
cellared dress model at an extraordinary saving in
price. Hundreds of Coats, scores of styles, dozens
of fabrics. Misses' sizes, 14 te 18 years, women's
sizes, 36 te 44, in all groups. Come early te-morrow.
Sports Coats
Of herringbone,
tweeds anil
heavy coatings
In many desired
Rhadea. Ideal for
metering, ppertg
cholet In extia
Spert 8 Coats
Many With
I'Hpeelally do de
titrable (.'eats of
chinchilla cloth,
plaid - back po pe
lalre, astrakhan
t leth, twee d H,
l)ell la, velour
ami du... 1 nM(1 -0 v e J t y
Seme of rhecl: wool fab
ric?. Kur cellant
adorn numerous
$1 C.00
Sports and
Tep Coats
M a n - tul!er d
r e a t s of Ilue
double-faced and
plaid hark lui lui
rli'Rbenesi, plaid
a 11 d linjierti-il
Dress and
Sports Coats
, fif velour.
, Rellin, sufdlne,
chinchilla cloth,
hoirlnhune, pe-
I l.ilre cloth, !m-
I ported tweed, fui
fabric and
1 astralihnn cloth.
comfortable, i Some with cellars i nutria and dyed
we 1 1 ai 101 various wameu i mcricmi epu
W n r m
stylish. I fur. I sum.
;&- Strnnbrllse & Clothier Lewer Trice lUtrment Ster
se mm
Dress Coats
Of deep - pile,
neft Belivia and
N'ermandle. wool
velour, fluedlne
nnd fur - fabric
cloth, with great
cellars of Miin
churlan w e 1 f ,
caracal and
brnrtette (dyed
Dress Coats
Ktpertly tailor,
ed, beautifully
fashioned Coats
of hucIi luxurious
fabrics as fells'a,
flora Nermandle,
fedora, luxlre and
rich Belivia. lth
cellarH of Man
churlan wolf,
in e I e, caracal.
Women's Envelope
Chemises lfd.
Special ?yi3C
Werth at Least One-third
Of line lingerie cloth, built
up shoulders or with straps.
Neatly trimmed with lace
insertion, medallions or em
broidery. Alse step-in Bloom Bloem Bleem
ers of nainsoek at the same
low price 95c.
8lrahrl(li:i A Clothier
Iiwr I'rlm HiiM-mmt Stera
New Greup of
Sweaters.. .
Save Fully One-third
V-neck models, for women.
In striped or block effect, with
lenpr sleeves and worsted
girdle. In black, navy blue,
buff, brown and Harding blue
T StrawirllBi (t ( Inthtsr
Lowrr-l'rke Ilatuncnl Ster
Hip Cenflners
for Slender
At an Important Saving
Medels particularly liked by
the slender business misi who
sits, at n desk for long periods.
These II. & W. Hip Cenflners
ate of pink brocade material,
with closed back, wide sections
of elastic at sides and two
pairs of he;e supporters. To
morrow $1.25.
Odd Let of Girdles fy Ef
Remarkable Values )J,
Small sizes enlv, in slip-en
style. Of n stuuly pink ma
terial lacing in front.
FStrn ntrldB & rieililr
J.ower-l'rli'o liaacmi'nt Nterx
Save Considerably On
Misses' New Dre&es
Especially pleasing models, with the longer
skirts nnd straighter lines se much In favor
this bcasen. Made according te the latest dic
tates of fashion, without the least suggestion
of freakihncss, exactly the length favored by
the fashionable Philadelphia miss.
Of Canten crepe, crepe dc chine and Peiret
twill in navy blue, black and brown. Many are
cleerly beaded, braided or embroidered. Sizes
14 te 18 years. Rare value $8.95.
Let of Exceptional I CI Q 7
Dresses, Under Price J J-VeiO
Of fine Peiret twill, excellently tailored.
In nnvy blue. Sizes 14 te 18 years $19.75.
nr-y Mrawbrl'ljre . Clotbler T.ewer-I'rlca Dinniint Star
Women's Ltngette
Princess CI QCt
Slips )Di.tye
Werth One-half Mere
Black, navy blue and brown
striped or plain colored Prin
cess Slips, tailored, with strap
shoulders, ami finished with
horn. Sizes 36 te 44. To Te
morrow $1.95.
HtMlrMjr & ('InthWr
1jwi r-l'rke lliiiiuiint Stere
An Inviting Display
of Lewer-Price Hats
About a thousand of the loveliest ready-te-wear
Hats jeu can Imagine nt such an unlooked
for economy of price. Little close-fitting Turbans,
medium-size Huts and large fiappy ones all the
most becoming styles.
Hats at $2M
Of satin and velvet, some trimmed with flow flew
en, fur, or brocaded.
Hals at $3.95
Dmetine, Kttin and velvet Hats, daintily
touched with hand-work, ostrich trimming, fur or
Hats at $4.75
A croup of Hnts, in many smart styles. Of
duvetine, with velvet bows, facings of silver
cloth, or flower trimming.
You'll find the Hat te suit your new winter
cestume in ene of these three economy-groups.
i SirawbrMjje A Clothier I.eier-l'rke tlaaement Mer
Oxfords and ldQ '7C
Strap Pumps. . . j)0 I O
Many Are Werth Deuble
High-grade Shoes of tan
calf, black calf, brown kid,
patent leather and black
satin. The majority are
Goodyear - welted, and a 1 1
ere in new, desired styles.
Sizes 3 te 8. seme in widths
AAA te B, ethers A, B and C,
otherB A, B, C and D. An
opportunity ypu and your
friends will net wish te over
look $3.75.
T HtrmrhrlclKK & (lethier -bower
1'rlc llmnntnt Btore
Limited Lets of Chokers
and Scarfs at Savings
These attractive Fur-Pieces, much below regular prices, should
sell speedily Saturday. Which will you choeso?
29 Natural Opossum Chokers, specialSS.OO
15 Black- and Taupe-dyed Fex Scarfs $22.50
25 Squirrel Chokers, special $9.75
15 Plallnum-dyed Wolf Scarfs $18.75
15 Fitch Chokers, special $10.00
23 Japanese Weasel Deuble Scarfs $15.00
17 ratugeninn Fex Scarfs $12.75
5r-- HtrawlnMRe t t'lutlilpr Umrr-Prlr Uaaeinent Slore
rmt "T '
i ...