wssBsmmmmmm !f , "'i..rii j : - ve t : I fcii I . I' 3. "A tf i " f I I 111111111111 M ik 'war WORLD OUTSIDE By HAROLD MacGRATH .. AcAr rVr $7,000,000 mnd m btmutifttt glrl't lev by Thr!Ll tniHkr"Thi Mmn in n. ." "1A . in. Iriih." eic. fft " cawrteM. BanM XacQrath jiMftT ifeptf War WWMW. .rfi le oreml emtb. fSTsM M J1" llfiiinSt 1 'e-"ft'U"n,,M mi ..iMtfi Ufa laid meOneMnrcT - ANOY necdi no defense. " f?.l .i..ti. honestly ami net ar- ' .""'. ..-11:-.-l. nn,1 Bhc WOUW EK355ii-'-l: N SJB approached her bugbear, exam. Mnilv Things that Jenny (who was Sfi talent) shrugged tan M r ami conjured away with a smile 5 object, against which Nancy flung Sfteperitdy-wlth the same men 5i that which the athlete uJM physically when, believing he Is SS at substances, he hits nothing "ffld net matter at all that she was tern comedienne; every Instinct In te rose up In pretest against the comic tue which she adorned. She had set te coal high, the classic opera : and she Udtene toward It, body and soul. She m no Atalanta, te b tricked by Hldtn apples. She was only twenty. Bat abt If Nancy magnified her disap pointments nine diameters, ae would ki minify the objects of her love. m. .m n knock en the deer. 'incy rose and answered it, silently. j,anr.teppcd within. , . . VUflt Ore JWU uviu up v w Kincji" Jenny cried, her hands flying tjhtr threat nt the sight of Jeremiah's nil, battered face. "Ob, Jenny, they came out of the Mr. four of them. They nearly killed Mm!"" . . ,. Jtnny ran te the lounge and knelt. Aienr pinched her heart. "Tn1 alley?" she sold. "He was annul yankln me past 'em. I thought i. . fait. An' ke they cot him ! Bat way? What's he done? What did na de?" fiercely, "f fried te heln him. Loek at my lip. But he isn't a boy, Jenny ; he's I Din. "Just find that out?" said Jenny, tely. .Fer a moment blue eyes and hnsel duned; but it was metal against metal, tttn was nothing within te be seem tilth from the patient broke the tab tan. for which blue cje und hazel were mtfful. The two young women leaned forward expectantly; but there was no nenrrence at that time. "Is he badly hurt?" "The surseen next deer says he'll i all right In the morning ; but he aeit keep still for n couple of days." "Hew jeu come t get struck?" "I Irleil In null nnn nf tlutm nnrnv. Helitriick me, and I rnn for help." "Geed girl! But if I'd 'a' been there!" "And what could you have done that I tilled te de?" with a shade of tniru. lince. 'I'd killed a couple with my hat- f.:, "Hatpins?" "Sure. A woman rnn bust nn rlnr with a ceupla hatpins. I've told you tut a hundred times. But alleys! 8entthln' 's gein en here that you an' Qliln't wise about, Nancy." jenny, fcntlln nnn tu rhrnnfAnlni hla lift He's been bnbbllne u little ''Somebody tryln f kill him? What let? What's th' boy done?" . den t knew ; hut he npeke of iiiu onuie aim murder uul sua d"tb, and I don't knew what else." nay, mat peer kit wouldn't hurt Or, Nancy." 0 Said he Would? Hnmn nn w watt te hurt him ; and he doesn't knew "v, timer, trem what I gathered." All at OnCft Kfinrv lrnAm l,e TM But be get out of the room. If Jerry MWItd iga hi about love, it would make wuuiien nil aretmd. It would net be - . i any one ei tne tiiree. Jenny, what did lm de te you thnt te.MZMrry ,for?J Sl, 8het "" belt Wimbarrass htr friend. ir...i . , " K"w Kid stun. Z ill '' lene il- ! h" didn't hewii' .V .;i,,n' iW'Int mind, ?n IK, '" .?. . W nin't t.U K .1 ri!'"8 l;"tln M.methlng." ut hew te lr rri Ply trji" te sure "5. He In.,1',8'1".,'.0" '. L.btijr lob- ever anythin' i.,n,. ' .wniters put .'snLL' fJ'. .twad.". . M. cun. '''-"iu his own home, "I rtA.u " let,"'"e te town." i nearly every,, Z ,"'" . " U up. iift: , , J"" " we iictter leek.. A'. .."OS t l' klll.l .I....MI ..,i nK"!S,,n. .o.neH.-' v '' r 'J Ojjj. Put up?- Mkw j-s J,'bTdV'nffJr,W!1 I don't see -." c aream h ... ,u ,n,ri '"m &' ?t behind hin" if btre"K' n ?! ""Bht fascfe " "'7 fault. "n men fieiit C ' we! 1 1 never KS h,m A" Lu(?0 l"ebahy I'd I'ave Sf.c rly In th. I'.0 H iind cemu wwT"r,,BIhrt te .SIM-tffitU'w.ab.. jR!ta te Kffii ''!? hr. should sr-ep """- -1. W&. w,w"a- " 1 tta patient, but covertly each ether, until the window shades whitened In the breaking dawn. Bancroft's first sensation that he could recollect wns of the sea. He was far down ; hardly any light above. He saw strange fish, sunken ships and ironbound treasure chests, half burled in tire sand. He vaguely wondered if he could ever And the place again. Science spoke of terrific pressures at this depth, but he suffered no particular discom fort ; except that his hend wasn't exact ly between his shoulders. He tried te raise his hands te rectify the mistake, and couldn't. That was odd, for he had no difficulty wntklne ever the wlm. pled sand.- By and by it occurred' te him tnac tie nail better be getting out ; some of the fish began te assume threatening aspect. Se, kicking out lustily against the resistant sand, he began te rise; slowly at first, then with increasing rapidity (due probably te pressures), until he fairly shot out of the water into 'his own bed, his own room, bis wrist held by n strange elderly man, nnd beyond the footboard Nancy and Jenny, with tense expressions en their faces ! "M-m-m!" he said, meaning that his bead still required boric readjustment. "Back te earth, ch?" said the elderly man, rising, "leu krep your bed to day, young man, nnd the h6use to morrow.. Yeu just escaped going te the hospital, with Nip nnd Tuck for your doctors. He's in your hands new, yeurig ladles. Just n leek in once in n while. After h few mero advisory comments, the neighborly surgeon tools himself off. "Well, well!" said Jenny banter- ingly. te cover un 1ii rnl Inf. "MMln e1'. Deug Fairbanks in th' Wlmchnma- cant I leu peer nut, why didn't you run, with home en'y ten steps eff?f' "I did think Of it. when It w tnn lntc," answered the culprit, with pain ful slowness. Jcnnv's outline was rather blurred. "Maybe I ate tee much turkey." "You're net te talk," Interposed Nancy. Turkey Trnlff! The bitter ashes she must this dny tnstel "Would you like Line Foe for company?" -yes. But there's one thing I want te knew." "What?" "Who pushed the Woolworth . ... evpr en mc?" bis geed eye twinkling. Jenny laughed. "It's nil right. homebody pushed It back se you wouldn't knew it'd been Ktlrred. New can th chatter. We're coin' t' set you a bite t eat." "My land! but I don't want any thing te eat!" "Well, you're coin t' 1n' th' mm " Jenny declnred emphatically. "Th doe turned you ever t us." "I'm sorry," he said, speaking te Nancy. "l-'or what?" "Fer turning te fight, when I had time te run. But something boiled up In me with this result." "We're nil here, se don't worry. We'll be back nt nlne. Cnmn n1nn Jenny." in the hull the two clrls nansed nnd stared solemnly Inte each ether's eyes, and shook their heads. "A dacecr. in th' Menrtnmh InaMn his room!" Somebody with keys! I'm rind the surgeon did net tee it. But what are we celne te de. .lennv? Thla In nn joke; he is in dancer, if some one can get into nis room as easily as this." "We'll make him trail with us nt night; nobody will trouble him In th' daylight. But I'm coin' te ask him wuy." "We Mustn't Let Him Suspect!" "And the next merninc find him gene, for fenr he might drag us into it ! Ne; we must net let him suspect. But it's maddening! Who could want te hurt him?" , "Search me," said Jenny, hearing or Imagining she heard a new note of tenderness In Nancy's voice. "Better get th Bwellin' out e' these lips, or you'll have trouble tonight. Whnt'U we civc nira f ent?" "Cocea; he won't care te chew any thing." Jenny laughed nt that. "I see nothing te laugh nt," said Nancy, bridling. "It sounded funny, though. But I wish I'd 'a' been there with my hat pins!" vindictively. "In two minutes I'd busted up thet fight, believe me!" "And I didn't have the brnins te think of it!" "Aw!" said Jenny, as slip put out her arms. "What you did was braver than I'd 'a' done. Yeu plied in bare handed. Yeu peer kid!" They steed tenderly enibrnced for a minute, loving nnd deiiMlng, and ashamed of their doubts. Nancy doubt ed as te the true merits of that stolen kiss. (Net that it really mattered!) And Jenny wns hesitant te believe that Nancy had been frnnk about Jeremiah's bnbbling. But Jenny would always be first te recover from a sentimental wave. "Th" Twe Orphans." she said. "All we need 'a a little paper rnmlti' down nn th' orchestra gein' piuk-a-punk. Yeu mnke n ceupla pieces of twist an' I'll see t' th' cocoa. We'll show 'em. You've never nursed nnythin' but grudges; but we'll have this Jeremiah uptiduddy in jig-timn. Say!" push ing free of the embrace. "I was al ways guyin' him when I called him Jeremiah: but new. darn it. it sounds llke a reg'lar name. Huh? Jeremiah clever an hay nn' nil that, stuff we never saw except through car windows. Y' knew, that's been th' trouble with jeu an' me: we never had anythin t' fuss ever. Your Daddy Bewman was nlwnys fusslu' ever you. He was that crazy about you, I don't think he ever wanted t' find your folks." "He wns tee honest te de that." "Sure. But leve'u funny thing." "What de you ..." Nancy breke the Inquiry in two, realizing that it was nt ence unkind and dangerous. But Jenny wns quick. "Whnt de I knew about It? Since ou nsk me, quitn a let. Se I wear extra hatpins. I'll have th' cocoa gein' jn two shukes," she said, turning tewnrn her deer. . "You're n better girl than I nm." "What n noise, what a noise!" Bancroft studied the walls. Twe het thumbs seemed te be pressing down against his eyeballs, tie could net brenthe comfortably through his puffed nose. There was an abiding sense, of neusca, tee, nnd he was sure the Imp dnge kept his feel head from bursting. Se the Oreat Adventure Company had begun action? But why hadn't they killed him? Suddenly he renllzed, as nil the old questions came clamoring back for answers, thnt he had n horror of death, te die without knowing what it wan nil about! Never te knew whether it was the Enchanted Helmet of Mnmbrlnn or the Barber's Basin! whether his father was n true man or a false! Se he must hang en tn this life of his; no mere venturing ngnlnst nneiitiiil odds. Still, he had en loved himself up te the moment the Woolworth Unit (alien ever en nun. no rnucKieu: Hew easily he fell Inte Jenny's lingo I fNTlNUl!jirTC)MOIlOW , HE GUMPS-Ain't Yeu Glad? min WaKKSSSKWmKIKSf'MmmStmBV HHt!H3ftH&&2 mrnEmpsMJbiuWt snmfliranu v imMmKV)vmsv jw&jm "a rr$wm&mm&&sm; Tr?77Tr,jj; -".r, ,v T ..,.-. lA.fyryr . ' .) v . '. .," " i v... .- y'. - - .'-... . u. BM --w Jt V , rt, fjHt flMtVV COON? MUt ANOttW 6eMf 10.813 M99"" ranmv.WHK--- e63-5,372 J632a - -- " fMkJtmf m, utkl tW . m m 37 PTHKHHS-TO.TH'e "MMi VOOMtN MA.IMA IM-Y VMS ONI- HVTtN-..0. J V Jl' C0H6RVTVl''t0r4l ROUlNCk N-0' E. It CONCaltftrtUUOTC. -T" COUMTfcX vi TO Bfl ay r rtkU nt I McuitK11t MOCK TM1.. U . ..itie krsitftlf - vtvmtttPS or UTittxt m lTnt6 fVM StNTit40 C0v46VTU.'T'0A'5- ilhiVkt !.' em trjkA nf TMt.1t vC0M6MULMi0N,Ol.'O TOP-S0O. "H KCTSXORJjOjf .t Rnn 01 V.T4 "'.' ry .kflf U 1 wtlk I ffl I SBObW V0!BeVjl3v MN- RtMtwfjtt VJH k.K IH V.O0MH0TON MJMVM . COVJ&TPTJ Nd ' OvHt AV.V- YUi lWTb'FAn.iTtU.ONS Ct.tV 0NN0F.?i te MrxR 'E m ne? TXlftNlV XMtr i TIFT u I xjenP? Mr SOMEBODY'S STENOGMitB Scratch Reglitared S. Puttnt Offlce WELL MISS RITZY .' I 1 VrTY-MrSS SCRXRTH? 5UESS 1&U ft)RST T&0 l-OW 5ILLV: OHOL A DWSSSEb Llsft? A FLAPPe 1 FLAPPWyALWAtS TDURSELFASHORTTiME FLAP! "I DSS AfiO Afew decSAJ T maxc Atrr lf)URE FULL DlFPEeVtCe. AvY OF AIRS wi in L HEAt?T5 THE SAME. : IUReW -V- it; L0AJ6 ORE. oeoVl TV pspsj vr v I - - FUAJMYVfrE?E,ia) GBTAULlhrn AAOHET I Mas ScRAitH-'jOube. ae EAAl I DOM'X KAOW VfHAT TO SAYTOTtJOl -2 s. r: emiiiK w - i Ovfrif M, Ml. h 1 UiwC. By Hayward BEWEFnj QFTH& LOM6 SKIRT MORE. FA&CmKTIOH, IF'lOU SET WHAT T MKA.H, TH6 BOSS DOESHT EXPECT rt?e VO RUf Se fAXT. Geed hokum because, im a paw memth VAC CAM START ALL OVER A5AIW AAJD THf "KICK WILL BE. AS 600a AS CVEfr. HIDES "RUMMBRS". ECOMOMtCAL tAUSE STARTIMti FROM LOHC YOUOT A CHAAJCE Te Ge TO SHORT. WHAT I eWtam is hheh the edge 15 frated w&u caa4 trim it off. sy the time thfi styles has get back te where they was Tour Skirt mas also Get op te vherr it dare, a there teu ARet. YOU CAM SCREAM AT A MOUSE ViTm A WHOLE LOT WORE DRAMATIC effect. WTBE. rrs 700 leh6 for your kd Sister , se she Caai't crib it for Party aiihts. ITS A WOMfiRFUL WORLD IFYOULOOKAT IT COCK -EYE&. U ft'H " 2eu46 &S4pc The Yeung Lady Acress the Way if The young lady across the way says short shirts are se comfort able and sensible that she does hope the fashion authorities won't insist en nnythlng mere than a reason able longevity. NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS By FONTAINE FOX vj 00 4 3 " :. "; 0 ' l-.T,' v, evl fV UE.r .JO ,r -J overt r tw- AVPV - O' .iee - hW eA JT DIP"' an ?& "That was certainly a rlOICOLeUS CMARCft THAT MYTLE. WeKTbt MAOE AGAlMST BlUU CtUM THt OAT t?li.L WAS IH TUB YARD CLfiArlirfft OOT HIS GUN. dk rfl PKM.y. 1 i"i i.m u sw iTV v . . . " e 'MW Stiff 1 , Th niiTiii. 1 10 SCHOOL DAYS -- n hW9 me HKQuHJMfl cm yoe u5y By DWIO LOOK vmwt tM wtwi HM MS 010 3KMM, FR06. vki efftMtiH Ttwee rttw stu. these T)H8l Kl TtaeftACK FlSAPDlEi tfti MttC9 fHWlte UMCK UNft AMD fjOQ ) 6tit OWN WCH OflCHT, AMD M4 MXfC , K( BOOMD IMM NMD BCMSM. VXOtt ON. - w-- -- .. PmeuH m owew- I 0' I 1 TaMS. WBW9 Vl5 VOW W- I VteOffl Ml WrMO J JJT I PmeuH 11 eiraw 0R wi gr-Kg-rPFPj tL" SIMP W H ' i ZH AT S2 gy e, , aIV- J rs. 1 Clft maJFj SeBJSKb "f!r svHoeoL eF lHlilgiHel0L. TT ' I eecwwuvnw, cuiesb HIM OPI pvr TWJO tyiMW. Him IMtOM IH VfMt9 PETEY Hitting the Nail en the Head PeTcY Dfa-b I've UEBLl T?ffADlUC AffetiT 1 we roeTBtt CAME --VMATISA .' Forward pass-? 7 OM 5UCSJ- T&tr tbl?VAl?0 PASS IS VJEU.. lkl1ClEFl0&r Race ou JEEeKR e CLCVEM MBM OM ( noeroALC (CAM etCVCKI OM ewe ?IDEAUD ELEVCM tCi eTHbr y 10E -See' lOM N kv e - OF CoirRjeVeu kmew TRc IDfA IS FOR. OMElrTAWI TaftFAT I ttcc eThei? "That fc TSe cewcf?Aw VCA OF luelHiue VBR TAtCSl Fern IUSTamcC CAT v8ek,Varvrd hOM OVER PAlETek-RAT MAkCS wimBKCVIT r-WM KOWIMC- IV! 11TOWIM6 lA5TCARPACrrem TttlMMBD HARVARD f .w: WAi "TCFat SuowsNeu TCe viue efThc tei?aawd Paxs- -"AKVAT?n IS A T3CA.I nt. TT,. rwat?d pasjiuc- "TWat is iu P -- . -' - " " ' ' TDOIBALt NOW 1 IWtV COULB .UUtY USE ihc roRVePASs! IM J0WIKl tMlklCS MIGHT si jwy "iwrrBu te IHHKH0V 51 ZZZZjTXMAiM P03PLK u., t) AjrevtecD iukj JC TV 6AMB LAfi Sf Sl VArVKOAfy GASOLINE ALLEY A Sudden Acceptance By C. A. Voight - But. leu Wavcnt cxpiAmee IHt rORWAUD " PAis-fBeuevE ts SewcThimc oveReuft, hcad. f-Mew, MWAT M(C T 'sk' s et& 56eZU . ARGNT you ASHAMED OC VOOR UNCA WALT ? Mfs BEEN trvinc pea Tn&ee Davs simplv TO ASK AUNTIE BLOSSOM 0- smc'll 00 OUT TO OINNER WITM Mtf-' By King III ill M lit. 1 1 .I,- .I,, 1 1 ,. 1 -1 X UUV it yiix.Lir -r Qc? Tum V Sw. '! - ww .w. r- rj 1 yL. Z ? " Tfl 1 I t AS I EST TV4ING IN TME WORLD Ha 'WJW' ,T VVOULD U n --J ' " -1 ... x 1 - - z.iuer tvif- n. ... -,,fc- " -" .. !' ..j..vy . ,... . eh I OUST TO WALK RiOMT UP TO HE 5 jpS w u WKCftl EAiwt r r-. JB " WMV, ' ' W ffl J VanDwITWA HEAT 6C5W SAY J 'P VU WOOL CONSENT te ) -- BE OBLlGMTCD' 7 H ZsTs l - V ""w vsi-wt vwmm ric jrnc It V n SJ II H 1 . I tl M '- I Dlfritu K..-uMB . ... J f - 1 H01 . " ' '0,, .. ft r .ff.r JiMeM.JL-.-.'iJ lf.vt fffliiMAemiLJtiiiM