iKsiiia WpP 7Z&.W&- 'ww fSPP! r . V Jhr " imW5!MPBWl5! w FmxmwmimTi&mjm8r7gvm? wmm$mftms:?r w 1 t t rn tj-iij-:. .- . j-a ' a. i w j. f -v Kft 'f I m Ml En r PSft m I m MM A's-x m Kt IK!' I& 1 m & !( l& iVnr. EC' ' i" LEGION POST BUYS r HISTORIC PROPERTY & Hatboro Organization Will Turn ' Old Fretz Estate Inte Com munity Center NEWS OF OLD YORK ROAD The Kretz propertyene of tlie lil lil tertc old plared nlenjr tlip "1'1 Yer'. toad In llntbore I, . is liecti ncqttlreil liy the Fnir.I- ti. fl Irani PeM. tin llntbore ODtnnlntlen of the Anierirnii 1.eIeii. and will Iio trnn-ferineil Inte n wm muntty center. vltti mioMerltim fur Legien mrptiiiKs. ntiil tin latut mljnec-nt Will ultimately Iip iniivtrt(M Inte it playground for iiliirl-n:i 'etitts-'ers. Successively Mi.ee 1 '." t'llselil prop erty linn b"pn In pe c-ilen of ilifferein members of tin- 1'rrt family. 'I Iip f"r"t owner was .Inreti lVe!?.. ntul title p.ieil te sonerntlon nftpr re'h .iitieii utitj' It wan lielil by Willl'ini II. lVf. of " klntnwn, who While tin tr.iti-fei' te tin leglenalrcs. Women member of the St. MsTtiti'-j P. H. rimrpli at On I: I.ane er.-ter'ul'i-il nevcrnl hotiilretl rMetit- f lint .eeti ':i 1nnt night nt a .llnner. followed '' " bawtnr. The nffnlr will l"' oentiiitied .tenlqlit. , , The twe-nlg-lit p'ezrnm wn pmiiwM te mnrk thp epenlnc -f the new pi'rN.i rtmise property, erected nt Tetitli .rc"t nn, O.Mi I.ane nvor.'ie at an ep".drere of mnnv thousand of dollar- mnl inii'i" neces-n'rv liv Men-lib Increa-liu clitirrh enrollment fellow Imb the d. ve'epment et the northern t-cctlen. Wills of twelve 11.1. (Villitlnn-" have been probated In !,e '",1", '''"'J courts tM -ek. "' V 'V.hK estate- Involved are: 'liarle- IMctrM . 1h of K'.ehlnn.l. .r.'..'(ii: I-.no- I. Detweller. f i:.'k Hill. 7i : IS-nniii Fell, of Selelmrv. SRJiOO,. A.iaii-tii-Hampten, of Hmdiinsha.. . - " eKtntes di-pe.ed of wel.' tll"-e of Ma K. Heir., of Tlnleum : 1 anri . Mr. of Ilu'mevllle; Anii-i .. Mln-trr. ;;f Bentalem: Mni-l" '-l"',",r"J""-, Ur.rii.nKn.- Dane . iiike.i... Feilti-le. and llenj.imln 1 TVrlghtMuun. .lelltl-Oti, of I Te obtain neee-ary land for tne rectlen of the prope-etl new hlsh he" I Imlldlns in .lenk.i.tewii. the "" "j1 Kdtieatien m tlmt boreuuli ji.i" stnitui condemnation pre.-eedlnt:. nnelv ln a 200-feet frolitiipe of the Npaeter prep- , rty. In We-t iim-iui". ThN location I- J.......1 , iituf'irderv than the one unriiicu .1.".,- . -. - , , ..nnn-nltc! inilll reepntlv b.v tile NUM. en tlrrenwoed iivenue and )treet. whleli ha been -oel. Walnut DIES FROM APOPLEXY i Mr. i:ilr.abetli i.'niKle.v, llftytwel rears old. I"'-M Seuth It linn -treet, died ' In the Camden lli'iiit'eiiatliif He'pitnl ' tilts tneriilns from lb" eil"i-t- of a streae. of npejilexj . Shi wip slrlelten Sntid ly night at tin Kniuhn- lt-nr fi-rr.heu-e I wllile retiiinins home from a i-it te! her sin In t'luiitlen nml wa- taken te the hospital by tlie i. amt'.en pence. We will duplicate any leiu, except bifocal or colored feme, Fer si.oe r0i$ToeUp The Well-Werth Optical Ce. H00 Clitnut Street OPKN SAT. EVT Till, 0 P. It. ... FREE I'.ie tfi 1 V i an Iuiti. a ReTcr i Silver 5et iHi lulf Iv fri n 1 'I vei r n nne fin I e li l' fieri, 1 I. Ml nr ( Reger's Plee Plnn. Alse Wntelies. rim- I eras nnd T lb t Sit- , Ne. tixx .tlver Sel IS. inline Reger's NltUel Sllier 20- Plore Set innslstlnij of rt Talilenpenns, d Ti n-T-e n-. 11 K'lOei 1 lV,ilt 1 'tsa-ei- n nnd 1 llutter Knife. Si ml u veur mine und .iildrft J. L Jacquette ' Mill Order Srvle Sumner le Via Pelt 9m.. Phila. Dept. L Spr. 7015 Pai ti i i er,r- !-, O' UP Men' a verceat Walter's Pawn Shep 904 VINE ST. iieMimi te rm: n y isss.ssjh $5 up te $150 Scarfc and Cheker In Buble, Marten, Mink, t'ei und Wolf Fur Coats, $50 up te $700 Finest On lit I itfl "tries fKtcts guetlt uere (( en uur rinnds bv a rtHnblt Furrttr Fridcnbcrg's, 37 N. 11th Phil iddehli Uetm.., viiiUik auu irvii...a.l. jlua ssusisily, lri.ui..-fii aim Uuiueit Hsu anil tli-j ueaeial i-ubllc, pUcj ycur uruitt early (or Prints Cbrlstraas and f.ev Orcatlag Crd. Your nrm nxn.'s for Prints Cbr.stn.as and New Yuar dWlei'ii t mm" enersT'd en eras bs tbe Precess Engraving Ce. Uake Appointment With Agent 5222 Walnut St. f . sie Tlelment 0103 V.'ist Prlls.. Pt , .EVENING CLOTHES. Ill HIKE AND Kill MAM'. lull Dress urn! Tiu.edu h.i Is .WrVlSde?: ftKUMiinilf, S4AMUEL COOPER ,..iBHMi lOtO GIRARD AVE. r.'iy,gw COIN MACHINES Bsll. s-rult 1.(1 1 etntrs. lard aela (1P22 Meiblil, Jaikpet a. ... afsiisi.lrf lluiiui'ui Ifbll m.TW PATACVT -POPT pr EYES EXAMINED FREE"" iiKLsaV 1 luf. Jfi l i m Bmi m&i Wfc'TliT ""N"""n! ?' "",' yrwf nsft""""' KJ VW O IP syaii "Mi u R S (fSKll Iri " 1. raiTT iiiiusi v-v,sw t xn ess t'KMlJsd rebuilt. All barimlns. llft.l E.stsrn Oflcs le? IXOAN POVEITY MfO. CO. U't.) h see pi p 1 -.i Thcnri TJrtt, Penlxr 4724 Hf'rtf .s- M ,1fcHaiisar'iUS. WJllsisCirssliel,illa1 sj LHSli PRINTING PARCEL POST Aiierted ChevUtei......64b. Lhce. Orverfd Cccxnut Bbekl Kupbctry Curimtti Butttr Cr3RiM.i Mtpte Curencli Oh Ber Cndr ft Tv B. . . . Plfr Tun Amtd, ChecsUtet.. Krb WitntiM rhec. CraAtn Drepi Chec, Cnndy I'li rvAf. tn.. ciuitrr n&r.... Blrn;t 11.11 ...no ,60 .I1 .41 .4T .7 . .St ,e.i ,os 1,20 :9I .64 .71 ,C ,9 .09 ,85 1 1 1.1 ,es .es .88 .8" .61 .71 , .71 .80 .te ,71 .71 ..851 ..cut ..110 . tb. . 120 .5 IK , .110 ,..100 .A lb. RecK Ctmly. brown cr wb'ta nutter Dihlr.t ....6 1ft. .... te flne.ftnU .T .,!. T.rtfi rhrfV fltlrk fte Cec. C.'rexnut Dlttcrwtj SO S-IU! At. Billa 1 fcr le !0 Bultr Stlrti ,. W Chne, 0MVhlen B'ttfMwceti . 20 Chn. Cov, ltpi.'riy Hearts ..120 w iMir1 riee vfri R . U'llbvr'n Chss, Nenpar:!! S lb. Ais.rttd Hand Sneers ...1V0 J'nihe 'Ven 'en 1M CVnc, Cot Tennut Putter Plllswt 1?0 Milk Chte (M-ur.rl 120 ltfletnn' Nut 0 I'liMlt 210 Cini'T Tpy en if'rkt 1M ltectn' Nut Btr t IVean Critn 21 CeMnnut rr.m Dr in fe'l St Rrn-tti TtlnU ... SI Tula Chrnici S4 Che cvtrv Biri In h' ... 21 ntter r.'ntt'd r."nut Bin C4 .89 We cirrv a full nml irevt remplt line Funev Piclns Goe'i, i'unch Biirds and Cttdi CtOAV.3 ft CtGABCTTr Csmrli 1000 $5.11 riodment A Ch'it'r.'.cMi M. n.7S tpm rie'tf rl cinn e I 7 Pc Clet-' 0 2.18 I.i Pn!l"i rri?ln Cirr SO 3.57 "ifetv ?itttcb, full !: pr itrei ,i nrt'fMinn prter will rocette prompt t Cnt.en If acee"ini itd bv remlttanni. ertN Evr:u::es till e r k. GIRARD CANDY CO. C . ffdierrry J: ftonerl M rehr.ndin Mil Market St., Phila,, Fa. Ilirfcct C11J Main 313 LOST AND FOUND HAH f.et Irl.l.. v ,N Jciiiler "a. la7foiT"l'eg i -li ?ei.l juw.i r lu litli. In ir near i:.irrir' Tlon're or Or. n II li I-'i-m Hnll. It i.inl If rrn-i. d te Oieen Hill 1'jrms ieT..i 1 1. riir.ti ; Cltl'SS- l.ini l!il icon., iit. Wnlnewdiiv aliei'iienn. in lliu.il t t.t.irii pine nnd 'iirui- i- Telep ei c Li.c it 70'10 Itewanl DIA.MDNIi L..t diunend -nlltnlre ult'ii peiu.lHt hfti t . en trnlley Ne r,:i Wnti- ii i.iiii, ' --.ii ntin.niv innrnlii.r J;;;, t.-.n..d u, j i.iii-n It w.is i.i,-jemfnt ilnir nf ti.iu ilne --.!. p,..wnrd IT ru E C-'dwli Ce DD'l- i..it. :n,,,. .ii..il."il .ln 'clnlty nf ' llllerfi-ril IMliiji'l Tleiie pllur" Aril 1S'17 PIS' l.-t. .-j!iI Pin itrimhd i7ti r. miti i'-f mi r Mil 1 -.''! .-V 'ri.f ,t Hr .f Phutii. ;i:i: W. 1 -S I.et -.un. Ih'- Ni,i pin v ltd 7 dlamnti I-. -m li te Clifstnut . .1. pii'lnmn Imr toward S. K nd i JHELP WANTED FraiALE" HI. LI. iJ.LLPEe.SE OPERA ."iNi: 'her.. U km firtni'limlt; fop tC ,-i YUPNIS WOMEN te liemnit Telephone Opcrntnr niu mil pn;- jim W e tra. h ' 1.1 f-il PEE WEEK WHILE LEARNING AN OPPORTUNITY Inte p. tl. r- rmaneTit, arc nu well-pii',1 work v.here ' illl'Jl p "ir.r. A new c!i new forming, son It 711 Anh s'... b"iw.. and 7 I- :t Ufii T, ee M'n Slev II ' IK A M ''liileh.. I'.., RONEON DIPPER Wanted, MHTli-nced bonbon .) pptr Apply Ilur'au rf Emple.M.-.ent V.-ANAMAKKU'S ANDY PACKER- i'ji dv packers i n I'.jrta j cf Enitdii ; WANAMAEKIfS .antid Apply CLERK! ND i'AS'IIIET.s Yemj v-eiren, li te 25 v-nra e' t.f fo fe uu '. sltl mis of caHhl..r.lniw. terr If :et l.aie ablllf te him 1.. fltrjipe p.-'jraiei in -1 are interested In I e ti train J 'or a Je) hiurei ui . .all ami i!u,airt. utmut the i.pi hi tu-ilt.- s nfferid here Appl' I.u:-au of Enuli.iaitnt WANAMAKER S CLERKS r tere- ns' ei-er r . ! li Xpe'li" , Ymi: c Winn n or.(.i "incnt i ye., ad.. 11 ; j . I le a if Kim A.sAMAEER CLERICAL We hae 4 number cf erenliigs f-u veunj women 14 le 25 years of ale te write aal rrlce orders- this work requires re previous xpcrlii.ee and will t pri inaiini lu these who qualify. Apply l-mplnnnnt Dpnrtrntnt H A. M te 5 P M. Saturday r.jcn SEARS. ROEnUCK AND CO ttllu ROOSEVELT UOULEVARD CO.'KS w inti rli.ilnbei n'.uuii unit lieui l?ee,-ri I tnr I'llh rejlrj, .; il. Idilf ( nRREsPeNDEN I " " ui lm,.- x jea'.uil aptl'ude ft. urltlrii 1 1, :.t . aii.'i l.'.;r mid ' 2e in 23 H'.'irn of .ikl. ell and iea Hie at oiu-e. Mrs Patwii I'urt s Pu'iihue, i'.i i.ul -mei cRKI'll' Hn.'DN, iii- n , m,-1. a . i . t haw I easing I eri.n.alit, hi.m he I, ii. wi.h .,l.i.l. fei In'' -i I )ln 111 is- iMi ts. Appi .ij-'vr'i un uti i. .tl e Hleuner's-.!.. M-iI.ei e-. I ROt'lIETLRS. exp ruiic.i'i named en vhade run's tn de ierl. at hone, no work sent out et city. Cm li, P'-rs ,n F. 0 .Mauler i Sms Ce.. 1211 V.njn" ave., iisar isih and a. rmantertti avc. -i1 ItUFUS McGOOFUSThe Indirect Wallop sahJ IS n&T " ' -J 'iv e"-'S Mc "'.0EV? ''.'ON-f iHNfiON MOtiUV re rEfcUHG 'OuUL Hs ( KNO'fJ WHnt iZ f VOJ ASCAS-fiC , nc "'rllNlCE li" VC-V -Ml S"AW A 1 HI jJOJUD j ; tjcj-d h; vej I ...pm's ibu" t'r, curt ) cij-c tifrss: ( a &ir i MeV ( l c -tb-tAV w.e 'v.t 3eii,s re &j , I -TO SfCf s exjl'j O' tl)Ce-'ll I'eWiC J 'rs-3 ' v-"'-,r -il'flrt &RO.V itt "fO StTrT ) V .T FOP. HIM HZ '.K KADIN'i- ( CCfe" H,M f-e PAS' OO rSJILCllS ( W''- O.'IEC" SCO J UKA re-MORROeJ f,-tO COMWS PGOV, f.'t "'i& RCC"-- ) V -T I WO LOAM Tb-'CXBfJM V .VQHEV hlHT ) Se PPrCa.fTi" yrL ' L- J A y ? L, Av- Ar V U ' &&. cyr () fJ ' 'WaWattsMsV-" '7i f -i V.'' I W P5Js"sjwtr I 4 llT",Jttrn - . -d( Cerer.,,1, im.titfWH, Lit Ct. L .sgasM& 1 I. lfe- W j T 'A rsaaaaBaasMBaVBaaMaHs!SBsBs '9mmm mammmm 'm"tmtmmmbHtt , sshisssb.sss - j t.ji EVENING ' PUBLIC HEZ.P WANTED FEMALE UltTTITtAN. werUin. for houieholdi of rarenln r ihlldren: caerncai, waltreaa. (Vrtar Hill Krm. HtmllnK. l'. atiit.9 18 te IS veara et aa te niter our clerical department! as 1 unlet clerk; iIk-mj V"'ltlena will lead ta rronio rrenio rronie tlun ulthln a ihett tlms. Apply Employment Department 8 A. 31. te 0 V. M. Halurdny noun SEAHP. ttOI'.lttlOK AND CO. lOJU M003UVEI.T UOULUVARD (UltLH A fnw erc'iit. for veiina irlrle nr jcars of .iEe for light Uctery work Applv tlureau of nmpleyn-.ent WANAMAIiniVS 10 C1M.H v.anud. II te t)enr tettlre bone I liutteni. Hmlt wahl Mhnuf.-rciur'nff Ce.. 'II7I1 )'nukl no. j fiuistKH Xnlttern and tenivia, eleadv i uurk. Iilclieat wnneej le,rner, tnlce"; w.ild ell while leirnlne: wiillnce Wilen lleerrv , rn., t'nltv itntl Orchar.1 tw . rrnnkfnrd, HuL'nT.WUHK Coeklns nml dentatr nerli. mi wneiins: sleep In: reference. Oa Ijinn n4i" H708 N', I5lh at, . l.ADV fcr np?ml pelt,in until Tielldiija. nrrfer Pretectant tntereiLted In church, edu-' rnler.nl r ueifaie work, bi'iwie.i iiBce of 2t and 3.! cxnrrlence net tiecpiehry: ele phene tmintier M H13. l.-da"r Ofllce. LADIES 2 te 35 veatt of age fcr pos'l.'ena as tally clert. Kitting, but lntrestlng work. Call at one. Mre. Pettei Curtis Publishing Ce . 004 .Snsem t. PREPS FEEDER Waited Kevder ei lob rrc' Afi-ly Uureuii of Emptutnient WANAMAKER'S I SALEMAUIKf Married wemin who would , di-Mitii I or 2 days a Wfrk -lllng undr Pie leant condlllenj; must have h pleiistng i norsene'lty nnd appearance; te theie who , t nn ruilb tfll 11. is la their oirertunlty; former j-erkcra deslied. Apiu up"rlii I n I. nfs elflie. Ulf.UTHI1- M3 Mai kt st I SALESWOMEN I Wanted few- bright ule.wer-n for ngr.--il ! hlldA)' .ee!tl.n: the uulltlc.itlens nr.; linelllB. nee. icttnenient of oppearutice .md innniier md n Bcn'iln i Inter .t I.i selllni; 1 merchardlse, which will Include I.OVES. UOOKS. TOS HANDKERCllIElft Th t-antas" Include geed pay p'aant I ikhk laCe.ia and eurrnundltiga and th" n- I vnc-.t e tne ipcUiil shepiihiu prlvl!ei;es citenileil te our rfiruiar einpiejie. lw..H ihli tt.tcieat :-eu: Then i all . ..... h,l,. nl ilureau of Htnp'.e-, ment WANVM.VKER'S hi.' Ei-TAEl 6i.d t'negrui:.er. te. i n.i i.uti..! ill u.irttnent. Call thi.1 work S. S. While if"lsLAU" '-'' .".' S- 1'11' rt' slIOli'.-ALEM..iriEt-', IS te 21 :fare, as contingent :t nnd I 'laji n we-1., pleasant surreundinga: mu. t r pleasart nnd make n i eat Hianarnnce. Apply supeilntendent s en I, e. Hlaun.T's. .I3 Market -i. mIOE. Yeung Kirls fur mail. Ins tlpj In 1 inning loom. Applv Lalnl. Pchubcr i Ce., 2il and Market sts.. jcenii fleer STENiiiiRAPHEP. tt.ere.'shlv extrlenced. for credit anil cel-1 l.n department wf larKe cloth ng Inaiiufnc t n A H Klrnchbauni Ce . Ureal u!.d Car- ' ILr'er ti -iHNeiiRAPlli.lt ming ladv w.in r.lith r-oeol ri'.uc.it! n an 1 knewlejg,. of ueul;- r l.ei pina. who has 1 id reieinl caIs' v .1 -r. lu.'iuiir.ent pealtlnn In effl"- of rertltled public tci eutitants. plci subi.it fall ds- i ' niciirrepl A III!' Ledger efllce. .vTli'HRAI'HI.R l"ih lunie Un'jwI.iUe of l. ' aki-plnr. talnrv S2n per wed., with eunj gpiv iij nuniniis. rite P ,a. I eiU,- Of lire WOMAN, edvcatid, liusli-.esa-llks. wanted te liiurri v. p.-Jilnrf (idiicatlenall system av.6 p then teach 11 te ethers, ralary for trial pi-rlml, 112." a me-itli. A ,"12. Ledger O.f.ce. WOMEN Inc. i ppertunltv te earn mencj at War.ainaker s. ,fup' nn'c .11,' "f I'U!Le)i want v. einn for the 'vrip- fr..tn noun te i!es,nr l'tircau of Employment A.N A MAKER VU.MEM CLEANERS Wnntel de;.i-ndabt4 women for general cleaning and uurubblnKi dny and night fen. oed hours, geed working mndltiens and gecd fJ)'- Ilur'au of Emp'.ejuunt WANAMAKER'S V.TiWEN. at 702 Vlindatn Uldc loot Market Ht We will Interview women ulth a plmsli.g peisenulliy -I'd some excut!xv atil'ty v.hn wish whelu ui pirt-tlme einido einide r.'.ent Apply 10 te 12 or 2 te 4 ej ma be dlpleased with xeui present position ami tr.lu step may be the tinning puint In lour 1 fe All artillcants must b 21 years old ii- hit iirilee special iin-'ene,, neceir YOUNtftslllL tii assist, in r,inJy stire. Apply H.I4 V-fiyeiL-! - - - Yei'NO LADV. fnr"cleilal werll 'n uffi.e of iH.i.n" located In tiuill-ast rn patt of S1LAUV rl: Mill'.' I'V ll'CVU . eieilll-l " rii- in. I loin e in detail. Address II 12, Hei 84 RL . . and p I YuL.sij wumls ui etib luoHllie umb.i:..iB . twr pcriaai, : tit et v.,;.! p. , Tu tlKtn we nlfer pleasant clean, weik. HELL 'U'.LEPllO.' no slack neiisens W. Pal' ePERATLSH " MOt I. !, t , lh xu i SHI 00 A WEEK whip . learninc and 51 ' nliig work atter . lnii.t i'i wee'e. .1, nan. r.ip.d Mill St-veii- Xn li it 7 ! M e HBbVU ISKTll WrYAjSl I VT7 li tS!M& VJbVSbVAh. LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, t HELP WANTED FEMALE YOltNU t.ADf, experlenct clerk Mid prl ate brnnch operator; etate eco. r.tirl rnre, reference nnd.aalary dealreil. 1 214, Ledger Office, V TOUNf) WOMAN of ceed education, ap pearance and pcreennlfty te call en iaraeit cencerni in ihe city; a real aelllng pealilnn. net cnnvnesliiRi commlaelen baata which aheuld net )ou from $3U a week up. Phene r.rcint 20.12. TOUNO WOMH.V IIAVK TOU A kmcl: at flxurfi? A nice clear hnndttrlllns? A clear bend for thlnkl'iti? l'ieaeanl frellna' toward people? An ambition te cct en In the world? If l there Is mr.nt likely n pactien whII Inir hire fnr you. AH a ctr1:. faatiUe. In. I epTtrfM nr ealrBweman: aem nf theee Pi leltlena will be permanent: nil rf them offer opportunity, geed pay and lnaluable bunt ;iitK tralnlnir. . . i Apply promptly before nombedy elee pen the ppriilng which ou would llae liked i the mom. 1 llurreu of Employment (flrat Kleer flallcry) WANAMAKKIV8 Onrml EA1.N - weetly sp.ire time at home, ad dri'Mlng. malllnc mu'le circulars: send nt enrr for Infornatlen etc. American Muile e HISS llrendnay, ew Yerk. GIRLS wanted: (Kvt. positiens: fun me.: mnnv acnciea. (..r.nminhiinfis rm nn. Dec. Write for pos. oeen. P 1421. Usd. Off, a i HELP WANTED MALE UOOKKEEPER Ynunjr man te aSHlst In enlcn, state vc experience, education I A :!. TdTer Office. ' HOY. eer Itl yai a of ag. for errands and general t. irlt In hardware mere; geed hai:e fur advancement; relerctice. Hhanirjii X- Ce. 1744 .Market. ! HOY wanted "Kr afl.r chej and Haturdavs- pern. nm lit wnrK. Appl. Sulie 3ui. llrldce iril.U IRS N Ttl. st. "''' HOTS 18 ear r? age. te enter our em ploy ns orflce messengers: an no ne no iiertunlty for. promotion te higher positions, kindly brln- proof of age. Apply Employment Department 8 A. M. te S P. M, Saturday neon HEARS. HOERfCK AND CO. 4GI0 ROOSEVELT UOULEVARD HOYS. STEP IN and let ui tnke a leek ut each ether end j dlu'uas vag.-a, presrecta nnd ether Inler- esllnix ma'tc" w."r ivadv this week te take en fullv 20 brUlit Idvs. 14 te 17 ears, and m.iKe l,'. I.lt. IIiii II nt tii-lr tnisltui. day A pa vine phope.'I rpiN in money, iiml- Mm lr.ilr..ni: ami iliunce of promotion, Applv lturem of Employment WANAMAKER'S T'i )1S "Yd YEARS Ot.- AOK, WHO ARE- l RRIIHIT Nl) UIK1HOCS OK LEARN LSM A TRADE WHICH HAS A VV- ri'Rt; te ir apply employment I DEPARTMENT, THUS E 11HOWN & t-O.S'y. .'! Mi WESTMORELAND 3TS. 'CALICO PRINTlTlt whiuc.iI; inuat be first I clas en nil claaicw of werk: perman.nt pnelt'nn for suitable tr.:in; P. coiMere.l confidential. Office applications will M 3)W, Lcdk-er ; ' ..iipi- ' - el 1'V ilenccd. w.mtcd edcer Office, for Institution. CHEMIir wanted for Inburatn-v In small ' f.ute-i eipibie of anafy.itna and con I irel.lr.v XNCL-2: bit te elu-ht testa per duy; stain ,hb He-. 123. Wilnilr.uten Del CLOCKMAKER Wanted, experienced clcrkmaker. Apply Ilurenu of Employment WANAMAKER'S COMPOSITOR Wanfd. compositor for Jeb work. Applv WANAMAKER'S Trlntlng Tlant N. W. cot. 231 und Chestnut ats. (Eitrancs en -.'id st.) DRAI1.-MAN. arriillertutal, wauteil; geed i ees'gr.er: stale, cm- r.ence nnd alary ex-1 1 H. r veBir, jii'iiiieii. veru, n I'.W iUi.l HE! p PASTERS MOULDERS LABORERS JANITORS El.l.i'lUlu STORACE RAT I Ell Y 1'iTlI S. ALLEGHENY VK UI,-sUL"'.VE.; ia:uc-t who in euhly itiiu.4. und. rrti.inis in iKiim tur imenirt.' Kteudi ijosltlen. American 'i'licrnieii.eier Ce.. lwls Me MACHINISTS HUILERMAKEHS i.AR REPAIRMEN I i R RAILROAD WORK EMPLOYMENT AT STANDARD WAGES PLENTY OP OVERTIME I'P.EE l'OARD AND '1 RNSPOI!TATION XPI l.V '. O COMPANY Ot'rii'E l.':. :; i:.tii si PIIII.ADELPIMA. PA , RAILROAD OF NEW JL'R.iIiY DAILY 7 I. TO 3 P ,M CENTRA I iipEN Ii xeu ions in t. rminatiuii iit'd and leline that niiy an be )n i.iij,!,) 1 1'lile I v wnra. e lie a lusltinl for xeu hnmriu t Inwit-M-nt whlih tu Inxoster cnu uitera in pnss up, iiialt. us proie It: ePMrlenci' ne: :.. im-iirx P 204, l."duer Offlct rA WtnAV. HELP WANTED-MALE I.AHOnEtl9 .wanted. whltn nr colored, te work in nnuieum fncte'yi poed wnel iinAiiv wnrtc .rll ihfnu&h ulntir. Acnlv rcadv for work 7 A. M. te the Ueerite W. Dtaben t vi., alat alme lltintlnn 1'nrk avc. MAN AND WIFE, colored or white: man for butler and houseman, wife for aeeend maid and Aiia.t with children: referencpa required! Reed nnjr te aatlafactery couple. l'hene Oerinantnwn 4li.i4, MANAtllllt Cnllcctlcn nnd credit mnnaKer with ent"rlence In mail-order httslne-xi clc full detnli. nue. exiicrlemv, rulary de- Blrrd. ete. A 814. Ider Dfflee. MKniANtCS, bench hnnda wanted for alieet Ialecl bench werk: this li an opportunity fet :uun merhanlce te becema experienced In the prnlltnMe ucroplnne trade. Apjiiy V. 1 it. Zlmmermenn, Aeromarlne Plane and I Mntnr Ce.. Keyport. N, .t. MEN WANTED te DnMvnn telephone uiiuicreniEs MUST BE INDUSTRIOUS. APPLT 7 A. M. TO S V. M. Tin: zw.uu TBLEnieNE co. or ha. WAREHOUSE: W. I)CUWARE AVE. AND PINE ST. i , MEN WANTED Vhntejer veur work in.u b) iiir success depends en hew well ymi sell Heur senlces Inthp hatln of llfvt we have trslncd men of all clapsea te phenemct.al -UCCCfi 1" lllllill llll'-8, llll'l 1MIM mtiur cities, iiivl .new nml u f..iv men for our Philadelphia branch; amhltleus this In nn exceriienai opportunity for me.i ;lie re.VIv w-nnt a futun-i e will get fne trnlni-- day or cenlng. Gill Ilnum 50H, 1001 Clicitnut at,, 0 te 0. Including Nev. 7. itf.S. rperla.l qtipertunlty for mn ever 25. who hav.i had seme business cperlenre nnd wish t" work toward an cxecutlie peel- nun wuii . h'b. iiiimuiv grewmtT. sue (essful orttniilrntlen: may recela special In terHew today; a fair eduentlen, neat ap-1 pearance nnl Ambition nre the only requlr.-I imi.tH for r'jreeaa In this work and orgeat ergeat zatlr.n Apply after 111 mid 2 P. M. 702 yjind.-m mug.. 1001 Market at. MEN "AND WOMEN w:arVtVj; Chrletlan rep- r'ieiitallvcM for every town nnd cltv; geed , .fummls'let lipid , Apply et once. In person I 1 or l.v toiler. . E. Alhcc, te Turnpike red, ' Picas ntvllle. N. J. I MEN wanted by laratv Intiruntlr.nnl erganl-I r.ll'.e't: lererenres rcquiree, Mee jjr, Chap- I man 1258 Wldencr Hldg.. 10 te 12 A. M. OPERATORS wanted, skilled nnd "unskilled": niiatnif al rtlnnf. Annlv The tin . 1 i ,,:;"' , '-nil lUruinMi. .1. p?...i.VU.;i ' .'.' " PASTERS We are In red of experienced pasters aril will take en Deme learners. PHILADELPHIA STORAOE 11ATTERY CO. ONTARIO AND C STS. PIANO TUNERS Oied eperlmr for piano tuners: also for plajei-plune inechanlui or combination men. Apply Rureau of Emplemcnt WANAMAKER'S PRESSMEN Wentel, pressmen en Jeb prers Applv Wnnamahcr'a Prlntlr.u Plant N. W. car, 211 and Cl.estnut ats. (Entrance, en and st.) RADIO SALESMAN An txce'lint oppor eppor opper tuiil'y Is offered an niiibltleus eum; man famlllat v.'IMi technical uidct i te connect with u large elecrlcnl distributer: one Iicens" I or with neeral eure' operating and selling eper!euce preferred. Apply by letter. P 207 Ledger Office. SAT-ESMAN WE REQUIRE AN EXPERI ENCED SALESMAN, ACCUS TOMED TO TRAVELING. TO ENGAUU IN SOME SPECIAL NEC'iTIATIONS TOR US; TO IHE RRHIT MAN WE WILL PAY ,V LIllERAI. PERCENT. AOE or THE CROSS I'.USI NESS SECURED. HE SHOULD NET AT LEAST 112.000 AN NUALLYSOME or our NEW MEN HAVE EXCEEDED THIS I'lOURE. WE INSTALL A IH'MNE'x L.S'IENSION HEP.VI.'I! LS HANKS. HUS'DHEDS "U ri.'.'A.S'i'IAL IN.-Tll'l 'IK is-' IIIROUUIlOUl' THE U.S'MED f.VTES HAVE CONTINUED 70 SURSCR1RE l'ROM YEU! TO YEAR; Till: AMuUMs INVOLVED ARE I.AROE AND 'HIE COMMISSIONS ARE PROPORTIONATE: IP YOU ARE l'ROM 29 'IO 45. i'N MAKE I.ONO TRIPS. 'VIUIE US. STATINU YOUR l.'XP; :r, ENCE. AGE AND -S'A'I ION AI.ITY. INCLtDU PHONE NUMRER. i:i ; ADDRESS M 501. LEin . i: SALE-!,! N Old-eulublls'.iwl vniporiuleii has! epei.lnu- In sales dcpartin-mt fur bUh-gradii ' Hiircehsful saleinin wlslilng te ni.ike perma lie nt eeimeutliiii. applicant slmiibl lm l.itueen 125 ail I'i i ars enl, luixe had ee.u.il ica-1 experlci. ii in siillllng and he wilili g te work Laid in aalaiy basis: ;' I'c e ij.iin.rtuiilij for iiiiuit.n'iiieiit. veplles Hhuu'd nniir n,:e, , -rloelig i.iia-iiir.ci.. rcfeieiicn and s.iliuv i!i.diel A 5 HI Ledger Office, SALESMAN hli'h dun. ter I ,n ,,rk. in ell h!i.i ,tr l le HUO riuilii; iiilue men wit), i-ir nreferiid. Call aftei P. M.. I! mill 'JmiI ill slJMl H. n.ti.iiMUX " ilxiii'ilenivd nini ii -mill, i ; an mg 1 I1-W' I i iSer ur i r or i . 1 1, a Ii -mar man 11 ep." 1 1 Im.M ,tti." 1 1 iinrtu lt will le efl i ItflXll- ilnl.. e all I ti'.niii'l ,.ul Wi 'lit 1 5ii.'l or A Olie l.i'H i.-AI.I.- iA...iil',R with .. 1, in 1 1 11 order I l.Ukln.-.-i 1 no deiiill ie.e iip-r'in . Jlnri tl. .'toil cic. A ilEt. Li'ian edife. SALE MEN fir iiewniaper I rip is'11.,1 ieal sa'-.n'er no elil-t u.e 1 iiii.i.e. 1 ub'lltv muMc'il with thuriieli-r and unml npp.ar at.ce .-.erii,,i, iriilerate fatal' .' begin x llh -, rmai i nt pusltla.ii men exp-itli.,) J5u or .note per week need net iitirlyi Kite sour lelri.i; iiumler. P 211. Led'jer office. v - ..... NOVEMBER 10. 1022 NOVEMBER 10 1022 HELP WANTED MALE SALESMAN WANTED. A IttOH-finADE EXPORT SALEBMAN . A sreal internationally known marmfae turltm corporation Ivia a aplendld epenlna for a Mth-trade man te represent It In Australia. The man it wanta muet be able te quiinry en nil tne.e cetinia: ., ., J. He muit hnvc had cetialderable mperlence In th expert field. -. He must net only bj n real sales man, but un efficient all-round buelneea man. a. He tmiet be accustomed te carnint at least IBOOO or 18000 ft year. 4. He muni hove had experience In merchandising In lh Near Eaat. At Ihe present lima thH corporations product enjoy a cenetdrrable aale In Australli: the right man taking held of this propeatlon In the right wHy enn practical y mnke his own futu.-a: when replying, atale nve and give full particulars rccardlng your experletir". salaiy lieilnd. clc. Addreea M 501, I,eder Ofllce. XA LEHMAN. e-.neflnr.-d In ,'lllnif cak and crackeri In Camd-n and vicinity: e tabllehed territery: romtnlaslen bajla. I t gOB, Ledger Ofnc". BALEHMWM. eer 2.".. .who nre looking for sem'thing worth while with n future. If I you ran tniikn geed In the ram way thit i ethers have and yen are net looking for sen-etlilng soft, eec Mr. Myrlck. Roem 8IS Hill Chestnut st SALESMEN 17.1 easllv arned in commis sions following llc leads, eetllr.g bulldine lets in u booming locality. Cill between 10 and 4. K.24 Chestnut ft., room 514. SALESMEN, ever 21. te connect with grnwina company:. worth-while opening te ihuee who can qualify. See Mr. Myrlck. lienm 31", 1011 Chestnut St. SHEET-METAL WORKERS PLENTY OVf.RTIME: fJflOD MONKY! COME tKAOT. TO WORK. BUS- "JHWHTUttHNO , h', V,,-,',1. ', "7-Vti i- MvnKPT ST ' SUR1ACE CAR 3., MARKLi &i. SHOEMAKERS i:perleneecl cutters en lueles' tine ahece. Ahtly Lnlrd. Schober ft Ce 22d and Market sta,, second fleer. 'bTENOilRAPHUW. exisjtteneed. Pearson ft Lui'iicher l.uriber Ce.. Westmoreland st. and Delaware River. STOCK SALESMAN An assorlatlen of natlenirl scope, bear lag tie livlnrsements of leading menu 'aeturers and bulness men of the Natien, and which Is IncoiperAted. nnd proposes te consummate plans for one of the preatest sporting prepositions In tMe I'nltcd Slutej, has an opening for one r two salesmen of the highest epe1 IHe lends will be furnished and n. territory assumed veu if ou prove satlsluctery. 1 N'TERNATIONAI, SPEEDWAT ASSOCIATION, (Sccal Rulldin?) ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. WANTED Responsible position f trust for men ever ;Ti eura of age: munt coire well recom recem mended: t'i exrerlenc" required. Se Mr lOeis, letviecn te A M. nnd 4 P. M,, ll'Ol Coleti'al Tiest Uldg. AN WITH OPENING A FUTURE A veur.g man (net exer 20) with blah school education or enuivnldit and n l.nrcl; for figures can secure n poltleii with a leadlnr nuldlahlnt,' house, xvhere his future will be sexerntd entirely bv Ms nblllty end Initiative: a moder meder u3 salary te btart. M 501. l.EDOER en-'ICK - - , 1IjutmI TRANSPORTATION WORK Traffic a.-se. elation wants rellible nini te O'Jall'y for ponllleiiH dlr.ctlng demeatle .md foreign shipping; le'Sti te 5ne muatlil) : rpcrene" liniieie-eiii ; , hkkiiii,, riimn , u',111 1 U) ,'1-tii- tlnl: only men of kiwi1. cherrelr r.enl nppix . If willing and d.lreus of milling connectlin worth while, wilte, without i.lillgatlnn. Hint ing present position, au. Plilladalphla P, e, HexJHJL 'MEN' vanl'j.t: clerk.i ilev'i pnaltiuiix: snliiry" I S14O0 te IIHiiO, exrer. unneivssai v, wrlm I frew tert Instruction pnrtli, p 1421. Led Off 1 SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE UOOKI.EEPER, r.ccts. , Htenei: ;n sems. D. II.. il .'4 IS cniitnilllng N. '.Mith si. JSJTUATIONp WANTED MALE Le'iklx'El'.'I'i'!! i xp , v "I iiidlt,npn close, , i tile uubiiil, oil pniMti i latemiiitM nnl Inco'iie tux. relerts; dny or m-.lni:; mnle.iiii ti M-s l'hene Wiiedlaril :i'."l ',! TiiAl I'T'EL'l; CXPSlll.tlie.l. X..,nq ljU) ipare lime iifwruenna . e,- iiims; if I en n-es, AderesH J'l2li.I.ed..fi Olfhe c Dl.bltlD' ceunle xvlshea huultlen: neiTlT. housekeeping, no laundij'; 2 xears Is't r!S5 eL.iiuJ89r JP1"' "-UJi" r Ji.4 Aiierst. EMPI.liV.MBM w tune i i,y psperleeweil, eem- petent censtruct'')''' ferp-iinn A ilia, Lcd.O I xij'FlCE MANA11..R, tboreuih.;- cxperleiiieil I In ncceuntlng. llnnncy, 1 -dlt- and man I ngeinent; noted for iibllltv tu iire.iinpllsh re 1 eulis; highest i'ipJentlal: inallahli. Immedl- 1 iitel). A'ldieaA (12.'. Lerlaer Office 'SOCCER PLAYER iii-trin iiMitV.u; h "sears7 xp, ebruud Address l lx mis. .are of j Pr )UlrlJree, 4.'liid Cn m st , Man.iMinU 1 '..in.. I ,- I I., ..Il.ttlil.tl'l' ,',,.1-., ,m.., ...... .. I, . illll'H.II .,,.,. '', rl,l,l V, llll I ihejrdailjiinei'rii. sliiil.e n 1 A il.ll, L. O. 'TEXTILE.- Dns Iannis nd mill "niaii rte. ! i.lr.M epciiliie: Hxpe-Imuii e .'lurl'iK. 11' III Production and mnliii-tiate msts aril 1 ul- iiilntlin: aixeirsn.il. A H.'s, Lml4er nfne. Tll'ViV"MAN DESIRE. Pile 1 Hi IN ill ANY KIND. ADDHES-. I' -I'., I I'li'H.I i l)',P mSxOTCst Aer.Ncn:3 I O1.0NI M. i:!iri.ei.Mi;.- v ittitKAi. 2511 , Hilt P.iliilirH. IriisMmii, r.e, li,,, , ie'I, 1 nnd cli'fH l'!3 per week c.nel 1. l,e. p. rs 15 iM'ii; le Html, hi 1 1 .ui-.- iculi, !2 V.K'k, w ll-d iuh if fai . 1, lp, i,.i lTwile nnd feie i'e (HRI.-t. "while nivl iiiln. id for h us.j work In li.iird.m li "i.i "ii iini'i. til a w.cii and I. aid 25. N '.Hh i (HRli or weiiiiin fur l "ui m.ik )H a we. k, un Sllll.llij xv.irl, 'Jfni . ytii n, .-HEI.T-METAL WeRKE'.S nml me hniie-i. lurt (Hiss, tin lout- vi hin.r. 1I11 tirst I I u,j heleis. 15 cuts an l.uur -ThJ N I'lh rt liUICllI'.lt,-' and lii'al i ui sun :'.".d N Pth.-t. tne I'.'l a nefk tu HOi .'i OVER 1"AIlORY t'-lllll .. A WEEK. N t'l'll SI' AGENTS SALESMEN- Win- lm list ur llns ni.t .'ull part1' Ml. ir- .mil U'.ii'i ti, 41u.ni.ii 1 ai'lv bit: ileiiund ("i men lm xiniiemiii nr experl 'need, ilu e' ii.ixi.liie. Nut a mil Sab mi's TrW'n I" nt. '.'7;. I'lileii.i'i .iE". AND wTiMKN w nm-.l fm sale-'iieti e pa ui ii Hilar, -n'nl tlin.i. .MaikH I'I I'lijeis. iixilit. HI Sfhit st , AhIiv .tile. N. C 'A1r.e? i IJILU 'be PLCs'SCD t5Ar, what HE MAME T-IE liOOrf e6 - tTSRD AWTOMOTULEB GoerVAUJC-slN USES CAS1S In selling you a used car, we aim te make you a per manent business friend. With a policy which thus leeks te the future, you may be sure that we are net going te let you pur chase a used car that will be anything ether than very geed value. Dedge Brpthers Touring Cars, $200 up. THORNTON-FULLER Used Car 21th & Seuth Sta. . I WISH TO RENT furnished room te a etitic couple, in a private Jewish family: cooking privilege; American Jewish couple preferred m ""n"' -ni. LEHIOH AVE.. . W.. Bill -arse eiu room rurnisnen; priii.iu n.uu. .. ..nn uet nii.tii ln, tlltlanhnitse WI.U 2 and .1 room j and bath: a whole second floer: reaenahle. oxreRD, li . prlv V.. 2b0ti 3d nr. fr't rum., priv. ndult fum.l reas.: ref. Pun.2130 J PINE ifr leflt Twe large communicating rms . unfum.. 4th rl'r, running water. 130 SPRUCE .ST.. 4425 Nicely furnished rooms- nil cnr.vs. eicc: nenr cars; reasonable. M'RUCE 701 'Near Washington . Square) Nircivfurnlehcd room. Reenib1e. THOMPSON ST , 553 f Nicely furn" fr. rin. : with and without beard, ltelment 5701 M. WALNUT f'T.. 3711 Coinfeii.iblo aiinay loems: efurenee Harln? 20411 .1. WAI.Nt'T. noet Cheerful warm rm.. met.. corner nemw; cer.vrnieni iecn.; genncman. WAI-NCT. 4U45 nn-lv furnUhed large rm , s ennd llfier. rur gentlemen only. mill. N.. 13! (HOTEL HUHlCi cTtrnl sheppltig dl..trl"t: near rtntlivia. Iirnutlfullv fin n. rms : elec; spotless, dnllv. wktvjilee, fS'UI ST, S.. 25S, nr lllttcnheus Sq , 2& Brris. t. bsth: medern: icfs. i exchanged, 43D ST.. H . Ill flaiutffullv furnished rcenis. slugle or n suite: sultabl for gentlemen. 4 5T1I t.T I. -w Ir S., 223 AttractUe sunnv mums, M, elec. ; toeattei ldnl: resoi'ihle. UEAVTirilLLY fumlshed room In laige nieJirn private heme: decti Icily; shever lath: 10 minutes te City Hal). PieiniHll J2. Fnrn'sheil b7i CHURCH L-VNE. OTN. Kurn. room, erv nejirauie: renven'eni trolley routes, 40. B2 tilid 7.V .'! 50 per iril WEST PHI1.M)I.'LPII I A r.j-i li st.. 131 Nlee'v tern 2d-aterv illh st. frjiil, twin beds priv. ram ui s. FOB SALE I ' KURS Mt be sold regardless e prle: -aiesmui's ramples; fur coats, capes and tViInmtiii' eem- ttlmmed with natural skunk. i squirrel and beaxer: some as low as fset i don't ml-s this omierlunitx'. Roem HuS, I Empire, Rldi:... 15th nnd Walnut, j IMPERIAL "excklspik" caTrnki' JAS RANOE FOR SALK: 5 IIURNF.RS. 3 I OVENS: IN UIRHT-CI.ASS CONDITION. ('ALL REKOEE WEONESDAY AT 221 ROVAITON TERRACE. W. PHILA. SHOWCASES STORK IMXTCREs All kinds en hand n,l mnde te order 1 STAIt HlIOXXt-'AHW A1FI1. I U. 114 N 12th st Pnmui qnrirvjjr.a.-, i ' RH.I.IAltD llEADOUARTElis Rllllard I tnblis. new nnd aeceml band, bowling i alleys and supnlles. RRUNSWICK-IIALKK- I cef.LI-A'DER CO ,li)02Arch s'. l ' W N ri'.D lliehert prici s p"l'l ur etitic- mn's ' 'ntl'lis: call en..'whei' at nnv lime "Meti pntnp'lv --letn'eii te. i'i n, r. 334(1 1 ' Market, Treston fltOl. Open evenlier. ' IQl XUATION S ITONE for sale, nnv eiimi- lit-; uunrrv at North I'hlla II, H717 Old Yerk resd. Tle-ta 55011. C. Ambler. PUP COAT. Ilidx's. JII5I cc.lll.ie i Mt n-w condition, xulue 112.1. Ruder'-, In 12- li-Ke' a. OVERCOAT.- Win uiiri.decn.ed ewirnxts, l.'i up, Relder's Imn office., 12S .Market t , I'i'ini Seuth st ntid Rtdae nx , st d osterd hi. i jianiiia1,! ni-'iruurn oil's, menu ; cu, un' MAHOx'AS'Y bedroom eu't. metal led, l.elsiered narlnr suit nnd odd ihi.lri,. i1ler need ajM-J.".'; 2221 W'e!-.ili nt ! CLOCK I'lilmlng, mal-ng, ; wniidefful lone 1 , lit'-tdMe 1"" 1 1 ran ti e'lli ,. liii1- 1 ler nt'fi"t. ') or sun. tM .'m til"u 1 , l.Ef';tIilE!lATbR".r.-..inr builer'bex "lefrig'. iin'vc i' I'li-iH, , jm- .. n , 1 rn in j leil.lllll s. NICE'S'PATNtS A, M. ll'u.iis. I2J S i.'iti V. Phil 1 i I'll I'lMT Inill'i'. 125. Fr-in). ...,,. .7.1 tlt.l.' I'llldllllia. Xallll f.'.O. Hi l' t.r.nn flfllep. 1"N Mill rt tt I I'l'Il CeA'l' lady's. S'i5: hii11:i., coat tiimm.l wliu sh'J'iit: in ni. cuiuiiipjii; xali.v 11 HI. "iiili-ei i i!2 .ilrk "llHt FUR H.riUIA'fNs"f-l ur. iliiii.jrT 111.1 - arts. 13 nnd npwerci: uu in nw endltl-jii. IPeJel-' J.le-HII Office, 12- Ma ket at REFRIGEKATOR5 II. T. nard-ill Ce. AND I'IXrURP.3 Terina If deslied. Mt N. 2,1 si. HEATER P1PEI.EHS (Hl.AP 212 L Mirket s I JeiZ-DIAMONR EARRIn'u.-, MilutT"" Rleil'r'l. 121 l.rket st $;.a DIAMOND" RINO, pute nhfte. Ittcli - loin Dili 'p. 12- Mnrkit r flRKWoer. tileip l.'iisth, II lerlead, pimtiil, ii-a N LHh st. ' WATER llT:"TER. tlll-Vp" 2 lit I .'.lllkel 't STOBAGE AND-MO VINO Jjue 00. MOTOR VAN SERVICE TO ANY DISTANT POINT W',,f,ffi.!o;mnd,,.'ien,l,'tWM', The Big 4 Transfer Ce., Inc. 87TH AND MARKET STS. Daring 12l VICTORS STORAGE f.'lil ril.RERT Phene Ilelinunt 4H70 a, i.llmutus. Matei xaiis. Packliu; and crallns. (l'li..tllllil tlTlll'Atll I'l IIDfr. !. ''''' 'Vi;,." sV-VV V,ieVt,,:.r-u ' i(JA .'-Nl!. l i n i i.. 'mi i w f.ii n NtOPAr.i ' PAC'ONH. U).'fl.)lT'xNCr! Mfli'iHS". WALLACE Ib'.'d N 20TIJ t'HI'IK'11 I wis (ITS' SAFETY irani'ii, he.il ,hii. !,,., (i.s.r,,, piemHi; laxiui. .en .mi no m pi,,,, tiistii MACHINERY AND TOOLS " PAT i'EP.NMAKTNi! w oed ard PiTtalTnTe i castings and im hlin. weiks; bulliiurs ?? rveclul maeliire jinn (u. a Mm 2V4. By Jee Cunningham ( " -Twit IS U" SGLGCttlO Or1- DETiT ?? j I I. , " BOOMS FOB BENT ii i V f" li. .. J rfmK i? f t i LOl , ; ,tj USED AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILE CO. Dcpt. Spruce 6735 fiJIMillilllBll!li1iirail"llimB5-iWf1 WE ARE PLACING ON HALE 4 DEMONSTRATORS I'seJ In sales work 8 menthsjthese ear. are cqu'pped xvlth th famous Ansttd meter nnd embody alt of our newest features. ' 6 1 A(T) LIPER.M. TERMS q) I IUV 12 MONTHLY PAYMENTS LEXINGTON MOTOR CO. J OF PENNA. Ml N. 11ROAD ST.. PHILA. larraMEMm CADILLAC: nnpce.ranca and mechanical con. d II en xlrtual y new: 7 ltnn.i ....... .17 tire, rellnbl party may pay little or naffi. Ills .'mum tierns haIIah -1.lt.s. ..'''"'' nt. ""!, 'j.iikl. UV.UJII BUYiiiauill, ,".7lli st. Hslmnnt 702W. 231 .N. DODOU, closed top, Pres.' gnrage. 32 I'altlmere live very reasonable. Kist !0 Oroemall axe., jt 1-RANKLIN lliueusliie. 1(110: refinlthi-d ui In A-1 imchtinlcsl conditien: geed Hrcs Si ireuiid: original rice 12S00: this car Is s ivnl buv et laid: convenient terms. Lm. 1-iMten Moter fn. of Penna,, SAI ft Ilrcss . lioet) l'erd: geed rubbet : teuring: 170: runi ulna itallv. fall Osrman'nwn 721S MARMON. 'D23 aeries. 4-Dnts. nose nim'r used .1 menths: like new; need meney: will fncrir.ee. M O.'M. Ledger Office, ""'"" NO CAaTl DOWN enlfew and med ears sad iruclis: xiiii get possession liiimsdlstelv HI '.''ford st, Diamond 54 OS "" OVEHI.AN'D til) teurliu. npecTul. paint, earl tliv. .i wl'.. wheels, slip eners, spcm top. itc: pert-ct In excry way; win demon. st ra te nnyxvtH'p'. Lsnsdnwne 1 lad R eCi;Hl7AND.-Lltti or no cish oevrn re. qulicd en ni'v.- cs.r: new Ideal plan; credit te nil ,iutkerl7ed dialers; nexer rJe,l, ill Oxford. Diamond.. BIOS, ' WE FINANCE cirsuru trucks acid by m dlxlduaU te tndlxIduM en terms satlsftc. tniv te iiirehaser. 1211 Chestnut St.. Rieai 22. Phene Walnut 1200. TO HIRE 5-7-psss. tour. H.fiO is'r hr. un. Poplar core, 1817 llmeueln-i. Perk 4 1 f.O. MONEY TO LOAN Will Lean Housekeepers UP TO $300 At the lawful rata of Interest nn a vlsn st ip,imiik n ir.i-.i jeu- inaiviU'iai regtiire menta. Our se-vlci his h'.m helpful ta msn theusiiuls in this vicinity we offer It te pij. ir.iui tiiuiidii cuecrniiiy cixei. GUARANTEE LOAN COMPANY Roem 701. VANDAM REDO 1005 MARKET STREET Eutiance next te Wnolwerlh's Phene Filbert 4710; Uses 1003 i .1700 Oermnntewn axe. Pbene Tlexa 2. d and Itiilve aie. Phene Diamond fi.'il and Mirk't ats. Phene Helmgn Jiff lO.'t EASIEST TERMS QUICK LOANS UP TO $300 TO HOUSEKEEPERS BUY COAL NOW Headc i is,!i handed te xnu qii'ck.v wlikcut ii, fni- or icd tips; payments will be nr. liui'i'il te suit veir Ineeme en our x-erv er ! 't. payment it.ir. : xui'll Kiv you plentv of lit", n piy the lean and charge xeu only for th. rilunl tiiiif veu use the money at the tatsel Interest prexldud b.v U.w. This Is the oempini inni gives the nit real casn service. HELL TELEPHONE FILUERT 5-.I-6-1 SECURITY LOAN CO. H 14 CHESTNUT ST. Sirondjleor. Roem 20. next in -vellh's Thlitrf I HOUSEKEEPERS GET A LOAN $15 TO $300 n S:Osn5nttkitizZ' - -" ". I l'ROM THIS IIONDED HANKINO M Mead1 PARTMICNT HUPEIIVISKD CO. - I FILL YOUR COAL BIN NOW I Very easy terms. Payments ariannd ! suit your convenience, no reea et any Kinj chanted, only Interest at the rate prexldu by law. A'i inquiry puts .xeu te no txftnt nnd does net obligate ou in nny wsy. C TODAY, of It In a special hurry, uit Ml Phene, Locust 7537. PAY ALL lOUR SMALL OUTSTANPIN? IHI.'.S AND OWE RUT ONE CONCKKS, HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. 240 Seuth 15th Street Sereivl Fleer, Roem 2nl, Crene HulMInf, Member Philadelphia f'hambar of CemitilM LOANS UPWARD TO $300 Mad te rerpenslble heuaekseners en thete PerMiual rnitis. at laxvfui ratss of inttrin,' en. till.. I,, u... ill ,A,,llili. I.i.lalln-.nfl It I ranted te suit your ceiixintence; cenfMintU', . euuiienus trealmc'iit Write, rail or saw. Spru-'e "300. Prompt aitentlen ilvtn te J iimuliles'wllheut chnrse. Industrial Lean Service, Inc .108 Financu Huildinsr 1I2S H. PENN SUUARE Kuuerxlsed by ihe stsl Runklnf mission MONEY TO LOAN LOW AS I ON DIAMONDS. GTOPKH AND BONBI 128 MARKET ST. RIEDER'S CARPET CLEANING I' " 'IVIepTieiii. Kensington 2441-SS,D8IT 1 QUAKER CIH CARPET CLEANING CO. 1128 TO 11.17 E. COLUMBIA AV Cleaning ana Dyeing ladles' sntl tentB' wesrlnf JWJJS Imuseliehl goads. Oriental and demegj ru. mrpets. tapestries, blankets, curuiw Damp Wash Laundry CARPETS A RIK1H CLEANED. SCOUjW and slnredi Oriental ruse our, ,'peebjitr Pine, durable rugs wexen from old t,ry 1 Automatic Carpet Clenning Ce- 8S12.44 LUDLOW ST. , . ,.H Phenes. Key.. West 274S! Bell. PreileBW I'jni a in. ISIIED nan. WALLACE 1820 N. 50TJI ST. y fllL'lti'H LAS&JSiJ! 1 BPSl"NES3"6VpenTUJWU 'I I ill: and ie.cisnrles Hterc: '"aJiiSs, IUWi iin-le-d no sleck. HIlraitRe.l"'"! dntn a xcry gued liualtiesj; illsjsml . IU lieishili ruaseii MMIIIIIi. 1- .1,', -" t tin u s "h.efT'KJ I'OR BALE WhnlcanU notions, hef l,naln... ni. PhllsdSlI underwear labllahsc SI e4 SI years; doing preAtsblfM st Iristal CsrsU $1 OK 1Us4 ssw dlli A.. Ca4s. .f .5?W"', . - ,, Duaipsssi r'lHtWsawTiruBffl rTSTT", Baiiesii K-SJ&fftr, iS'W.VV , Ii. K&'S'i ji