F!TwI MMiiijMaaMBji nw-iu Iglliifl ggeSlH m f - . UVILE AWAITS RIVERSIDE OASH Wdlng-Foetball Team, of Seuth Jersey Battle for ? champlonshlpJNev. 18 pgiY GLOUCESTER NEXT WH , eliminated the strongest con cen BSrSSh Jersey title In this ".rfSSwlMind Conch Archer . I'lne ,r men for the lllwr !KE rtleh I t. br P'1 " w.. -in elar the Gloucester 22 . collection of football stars tU Parts of (lleucester and iViintleS. 11 i '"" ""--" ?. wni.llle will experience any diffl iMi ' Archer Is anticipating wtnej ', men In IhlM game. It is n uming .... Riverside. . JTOrSenta game Is looked .C?" "e '."'.:. mi iht schedule. J lie Amateur Sperti n C. la anxleue . te , book tames with twelve-fourteen-year-old teama 41CH eiiiavr, ai rnir way. from home. mount avenue. The Wmdmere Clan la game Wtni ..with a bm asketball phy and nrat-claaa basketball nvea, team llnea un with Murphy and Niien. ter wardei Strange center! Clary ana we matt, u.rde. War namea addreaa Jehn N 36tS North Orkney atreet LEGION MEN QUESTS OF FRANKFORD ELEVEN I Uldttta would Ilka (e. arranga gamea wit eleven-thtrteoti-year-eld traveling. Will Attend Tomerrow'i Qarne at rewn's Field In Uniform Members of the Frankford 1'est of the American Legien and ether former service men In uniform will be the guests of the Frankford Athletic Asse ady te schedule i. me i. for- IcpflT- Nilen. St. FraeHa . Xnvler Military Band cintlen tomorrow afternoon en Brown a that .age, at Edward A. llrady. Hi nerkley Junier; would tmee with teama of the amna ilia and enerfcg reaeenubl ebart Wh Inker. 1200 Seuth teutn (t(0 hlnigeld ames Alia open atraat. Ttia eventeen te book t having like pAllbpr bin imaranteen, Twenty -ciKnni Field. Frankford. when the Yellow- JacketH tilay the strong arid squad from Mount unriiiei. ra. Clleua f.'lnb .( tekaan ) and offering a fair guarantee, Mine . la HMD te meet s.nv ar-old r)va hnvlng halls ii..nten. Mike Feld. man, nerthwaat corner reurtn aireei una ttnyder avanua. X Alwln A. C. deelrea baakelball gamea w th teama offering maranteea. Prefere clube with two teama. Carl lleehrlnser, 1142 Bbacka Bbacka maien atrcat. Tha Union CTt. after nniening a vary reereaeniea pv u.nyuu iwii .c...,, baa alae placed a baakelball nva in uotien. rnkh. auccaaaful baaabalTaaaaeu and at tha .preaanl tlma reereaemed bv nped toelbjM team ..... .Iw Hliabl n kHNlll.All flVM III Ul!tlOtl madu un of former, acholaatle playera. At praaant me taam.ia lercea ."?&"?. doalreua of. haarlna- f rem aulntau efffrlna; raaaenabM Inducement oeuo Bsynten aireei W. It. Nunevlller. (or mvfreMe. an. HiveiTiu" it II t1 Au ,"?. , "i.i drfwi 1 by the KiuIS. lait year, whn ex)fct te BlTlUISM l" w v' Miuviue vie- ffibiwd Ittpbn Tthe aliewlw nanlnst wildwood A. A... of .Krnnkfenl. OA i wen from Riversiue.nt juveraiue, Tte6. AaMtftd With W1MIWOOH .SSarSfM'.lSTviia r".M5?5. - .n,int nf first downs nnd Sn ..... In ItR territory the ean ""- -. .,- , Xtlllvllla iter psi't ei inn R.-iii"-. ,;" "" ..:.i j.MM ah tiiiu iiniK. ncnevi; iuu Sj nnrcgatlen Is in for another SS&sh. turdy fullback, w-he wn ST libsck In the frny and his pres Sfiidds much strcnRth te the beckficld. fTt In last Haturdny's Kame Ien. fAVV .hll nVnlnat (Heucestcr. r' reach Archer, who denned the moleskins fet Saturday, showed streaks of his ' .11 At.. apIII t..ji lAim.nn. illllvllln mnnascr dred the Orange A. C. following the laiiiM'a Tirrerv vur -iruiJin v Silalleia. 12 te :, en Kleetlen Dny. .l rnuiiii. iln im the New Jersey IXimpienshlp nnd Is willing te defend 'Jr..i,,.t nil Incicnl oDnencntH. It I . 1 . .. ......In ftlttllffl tllA flh. Will M a greui iue." d..u.m .-v. - ItitDS meet. . , ,, . , tmi.tn.1. victnrl'H have resulted from i varied offensive nnd satisfy lim turn Plav. The team Is defensively tfttejrrr than It is offensively. Net nny ileren lias been able te pierce the giant ter, and the few first downs which ItTO been made against Millvtlle have Iks the result of forward pnsscs. In Speedy B&clifield ' The baekfteld Is liglit but speedy, Killer and'Cnrter being exceptionally felt. The latter Is n track man with ibility te de the renlury In 10 t'5. Carter rarrles the ball from his pesl- ttm at the end of the line. ; Tbeie men, with Ilegnn, Smith, Sparks, fiieg nnd Mills, compose a cel. VrHen of bnckfleld men who ere piny lit peut foetbnll for .Miuviue. xue MnAxf strength is In the two Slim W brothers. Cnptnin Riley and Blng kiBt, all weighing mere than 185 wwlc JIess nnd Unlncs, the ether .two llncpinen, are a trifle lighter, but ireipeedy beyB. Mllltille has developed some grent football teams and semn well -known athletes, but there lias never been nn tltres that has gene for two yeurs without having been scored upon. Hack In 1006 the city was represented by a wonderful football eleven. Scnnter T. M. Iteetes, then a prominent ath lete, was a member. In 1011 there wns another star team In Mlllvlllc, but it jnia net pmy as many games nor titu k create ts enviable a record us thi present State champs. TrKeuncll Playa 8t. Raphael The Trl.reunftt If nt c hnlAi.ti . Ill line tip nualrut Ht. Haphael'a at K. of j.. naii. inirtyighth and JIarket atreata, jMlfM. SI, Raphiiel'a hna wen Ita laat 1mm itmti, but Trl-tieunell la cenndent of BUttina ATI nA in th'u wlntiln- (r.1 ..J iir.r.j ..-..:." :.""".. "" "-."- -, -..iim ui.n u rc-Kuinr line-up 01 Itlley i?J.P;yhty. guarilu: Downey, center, and vianuti njin iniiiii. inru'urna . .aAnniPLii.ii W avenlns at home. flrat vear i unilnn Thuraday nla ht.. vFlrat and fenAm uama after date abeuld write A. 1. Wlnkel man. 3810 Beat Letterly atreat. Quaker A. A., a aeeend-elaaa five, would like te book gamea with teams of the aame caliber, either at home or away. A. J. Pare. Jr., I S3 Heffman atreet. Ordinal Pelthal Club la .aitaln en the noer with nnethcr alT-aohelaalle sremtlen. It would llke te meet )l flrst-cUni home teiima. auch A. O. II.. Wealvllle. J. A. C. nf Norrlilewn: llrlatel. aaranae Tribe, of t:am.leii! Clevelnnd. lirralne nnd ether tenma. either at home or iiwuy. Nat rotani retani kin. care U'cccncoe I'liimreuinl. leurth and Uiiee'l atri'nls, . . , . , . Blenton II. t, a fourteen-aUteen-year-elil travelliur team, dealrea te book xamea with teama of the rnmn Hie. Jeaenh Kerte. 170-1 Houth 8lxijnth atreet. , Tne Juy Aii-etiera un.ire sitinr. wx i.n nnv uuinteta nuvinc nana una reaaanabte Inducements. errerlna' Al Sperllns. U33S Seuth Frent atreet Combine D. a fourteen-!teen-ycar-eM five, haa a few open datea let or horn rluba offering aultabla Inducement!. Jack Klraehner, 806 McKean atreet RamMer A. A. would like te arrange gamea with eeeend-claee teama having halla. Jamee Kennedy. 3813 Cresa atreet. Weceaeee All-Hrlielaatlra, n flratlaaa team, would like te bonk gamea at home or away. Jee Petter, rare Weceaeee Play ground, Keurtli and Cutharlne atreet. SUITS TO ORDER $ 18-00 Reduced from $35 & $30 Blue Sergei, Blacks, Grays, Herringbones, Browns, Pencil Stripes; Alse OVERCOATS See Our 15 Windows. Largest Display of Tailoring in Philadelphia PeterMoran&Ce. S. E. Cor. 9th & Arch Sis. Established SO Yean Open Monday & Saturday Evening. Till 9 o'CIeck "If If 8 Sporting Goods We Have If BASKETBALL SPECIALS There Is no better basketball equipment made than that which is sold at "The Spert Centre." Every article is sold with our guar antee and at a price which will stand com parison with that of any ether sporting goods store. Just glance ever a few of these real values. wf Pi J eVVaire itTVi OFFICIAL KASirvTnAiia ew aa.uu " SSSft.fi! "l wslahl- sum M&.SSmpl,t with pure ' S?iJWwrw hide lace - "- ' nrenie. rTT.' BASKETBALLS, IMPORTED New S3.00 "Ki JLwnltt.' Jf.yWP.. '"whlde, haii.l aewn. """'" "-i nM'nrtHr.""' AAbiiu SUll'OKTKS ' " f '"' J?"' I"i, New 50c l'-"' BWKAT SHIRTS . New SI .25 hee. jggr U.k.lball rlaver niJlf0. tAt BASKETBALL KNEE GUARDS New S1.00 "- Pull etae. well pndded. BASKETBALL PANTS New SleOOfjwp Ht grade klwhl. with pad'cle'd hlpa. BASKETBALL SHOES New S3.25 ww; Heat-graile ranvaa trim med with Icntlier, laced te the tee with a aele that will held any fleer. BASKETBALL SHOES New S1.05 "- ... . , a,ini 2llIir'nviM with aiietlnn nnli. g A mmmmmZ2jLni5l2-Jvm with iiettnn neus. l'RTHESE FOOTBALL ITEMS 'UUTBALLS IMPniiTPn T" "K apphkciatku New Rl' kit ffiED OFFICIAL FOOTBALLS iSliilSS'll-.S New S5.00 ffijS i uu iha I rr rr?. i iiJii.- iBnF.I'ASKKTUALL iui,r.i"i" sr-is?i i.r .i;:-:. n.t. t.oe; hew as. " " ' "" "r New S6.00 """ am An v.wnni irofeeaienal model, made from aalecled '"ack leather. Made from bout leather. regulation i:e and welKht PENNSYLVANIA SWEATERS lTllCi WOOL V-neck pullover.' New S5.50 "": fe&ar i JkSperlC&rifre" "MBlif '-. .."bT Mali Ordere Preaiplb 5 MARKET ST.. ntifr.A. pa.m The legionaries have volunteered te act as nn escort of honor te Mayer Moere, who will attend the same after the dedication services of the new com munity field. The game will mark tha flrat . public appearance of the bugle corps of the pest, which will alternate with the Yellewjsckets and Mount Carmcl Bands at playing during inter mission. The Mount Cermel team baa been strengthened for the game and la ex pected te offer tough opposition te the All-Americans. Mere than 700 up- State fan hnve engaged reservations and will make the trip te the gamt en the special excursion train from tne coal regions. Carben Outpeints taller Hilar' Allenlewn, P Nev. 19. Prank Carbone. the huiky Brooklyn middleweight, outpeinted Bailer Temmy Ulilard. of Dethiehem. In a ten-round bout hera teat night. . in the semi wlndup Bebby Williams, of Allentown. knocked put Jimmy Wllien. of New TeiSz.L1 the third round. Reda MeKadden. of Beth lehem heat Stanley Campbell, of Quaker fnwn. In elz round", and Terry Martin, of p atlngten. drew with Teuna Mange, of Phllllpehur. GZH ANNOUNCING G7i JaDJm theNewFall and Winter VAN HEUSEN An adaptation of an exclus- as a cavalry officer in pa ive English model te the rade uniform, but in use, it needs of the American man stands at ease all the day who cares about style and long correctness in dress. jm gS&SSSi , , . . XiL when you fet VAN HEUSEN. He In appearance irs as smart knew than un't any. mil agnatgnaiBm' natgnaialB V fNe Rough rcE6! tpwtaf Lene?ey ISavesYeursmnsI bave8 YeurTlcs'f Ne Starchlnj WlUNetWrinKie VAN HEUSEN the Werld's' Smarted COLLAR PHILLIPS-JONES CORPORATION, Makeri, New Yerk. & 13 Ne. 13tk St.. Philadelphia " here it iC XT jlH V S a?5nnnVn . wOzlar r I 10 golden Virginia cigarettes in the convenient package iedment TheMrginia Cigarette llGGETT & MYERS TOBACCO CO. aaeaaaaBanana , .'.X,t aTgaSsaB-Ba V iHH .eap.naQgenfsW all glnalVnl Bnaf .BnVnF' aiVgnalgnalgnalPgnalgi BLnalgfl gfjBT MU H gVaW H I ..tagneaPSe gob ng OUT P BUSIIN alnlgenayj eWgate i Sslga IN PHILADELPHIA Building coming down! We must vacate in January! After 15 years in our store at 15th and Chestnut, it is our misfortune te have te give it up. rfewhere can we find another suitable location for our busi ness except at rentals that are out of all proportion te what we can pay and still maintain the value-giving policy en which this business has been built. That is why we are going te quit. We are heavily stocked with new merchandise bought far in advance at the lowest prices we have paid in seven years, and ail of it MUST BE SOLD. We must sell in TWO months what we ordinarily count en selling in SIX! Hence these smashing reductions. EVERY GARMENT IN THE HOUSE IS NOW ON SALE AT PRACTICALLY HALF ITS ACTUAL VALUE! Don't miss this grand opportunity! Our entire $350,000 stock of Overcoats Suits Fer Men and Yeung Men Alse Tep Goats, Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits and odd Trousers On Sale at Enormously Reduced Prices! $30 $35 Overcoats and Suits New Going at vr Absolutely the greatest value you have seen at this price in years! An immense selection qi models, fabrics and patterns. Overcoats & Suits jj In an enormous variety P all styles, fabrics and pat terns. 40 famous brands. Guaranteed u n m a t chable elsewhere for less than double our price. Overcoats & Suits Mere than 2,000 te select V from at this price! The great majority of them are brands that are retailing elsewhere at $50! Every model, fabric and pattern. Overcoats & Suits ft most of the finer makes r that sell up te $601 If you are en the lookout for an extra fine suit at a big sav ing here is your chancel Overcoats & Suits Absolutely t h e finest clothes produced in the United States the kind that are priced up te $75 in specialty clothing shops. Everyone an astounding bargain I 1 5th & Chestnut f W'Mi'-frxMmM m'i'W m nPJMMBH extra Bv. BM ''.'? SSBr Br'v'ay p TmSantajBnnErSK? vaua nay-j"!y.)a nWff'M StSXJl. 4 ai1 rv',nBgan&l m rBgna7anfg& JnaanT . BBBaVrEungcVnal 2-gBaBW iklCHgHahl ''- Sr-P-f ntBBnaBaV JtMiV1 Wr MKKmKKKKmtff ft n ' v y 53H-3l2SStrWl 'SB& 9k ft j"j Cil M m s&flvia xw m .KW M Open daily till 6M Saturdays till 10 P. M. naaiaaa- ? - mA fa t llgnMiinaBgig 1 .wlu'- 1H JI t-f N ll'-. tAtftflW.lv. 'Ki . -MAU (ViMannaMinnaMBMannnaJHBBgK "1- n&rf4vaSi. . - -