B2 KMTTO1 n.isff BVXVLii. K.r it. IrffiVil K uv .' ff"rtf Bjal? '! Ml 4 ' I A. p ?r &L aT b . fit . w:.j&ih iBtVfiATi'' M 1 ,. ' '1 EVENING PUBLIOLEDGEt-PmEADELPHI Hl& rv3rapDT-'-NOVEMBERiera92z ; ? -. - m,m tiCM 1 '-V ' liij L.?ff Penn Must Stack Up Against Team of Veterans in Facing Pitt Here Tomorrow TEN OF PRESENT PITT TEAM MET PENN IN '21 Flanagan, Backfield Flash, Only Regular Net te Play Against Red and Blue; Helleran Out of Line-up; Hewitt at Fullback GRAF GUARD CHOICE llr JOSEPH T. LAttKUM ' ALL the UnivcHty of Pennsylvania , football tcnin hm te de tomorrow afternoon It meet the University et I IMttibursh, wlilrh lins ten men en tlip vanity tenm thru played njrninst tlir1 Hfd nnd llltie lust cnr. Of the feiun that Glenn Wnrner trot out en tliel ilcld tomorrow afternoon. I'nt Flnnnsnn Is the only enp who was net present I en Franklin Field lat riir, when the) Hues defeated Penn IN te 0. Tem l)nlp is absent thl jenr, n l nlse Tem Helleran. The first named lim been ("iiendlnc a luy week tiltu te tune the HeNinanitev up in the "tjn "tjn ef piny thev will be forced te meet to morrow. Helleran, captain of the 11 1 1 tOBm this .M'iir, will watih the g'unr from the sidelines, his mm In a sliiu' nnd with memories of what he did licie In 1021. The brilliant quarterback is out of the earne ns the result of broken arm. teemed enrly in the scnen. Warner took the blew like n soldier and imme diately developed Nick Shuler. nn under i-tudj te Helleran la&t J ear, into a brainy I 'inarterbaek. New that Shuler has developed into .i geed pilot, he. tee, is taken out by i lie qunrierDucn jinx, jie ns nniiii iith pleurisy this week ami was left 600 Lafayette Students te See Rutgers Game L' as ten, Pa., Nev. 10. Mere than fIx hundred of the nine hundred Lafayette College student body have ngreed te fellow the football team te New Ilrunswlck tomorrow for the pntnc with Htitgera. Arrangements have been com pleted with a local trucking com pnny te carry the majority of the students in large trucks, leaving here shortly after 10 o'clock Satur day morning. In order that the students will net receive "cute" for missing recitations, the faculty has eted te dismiss classes nt 10 o'clock. The band also will make the trip, thus continuing Its record of playing at every game this year. tomorrow. He weighs 170 pounds nnd Is ns Meet as the pincrblnl bunny. F. W. Williams, n wlngman nubstltutc 1 .' i -1 jenr, will be found nt the ether lAttemlty of the l'enn line. Suk at let guard started against l'enn lat ,V''nr and his mate nt the ether side of the pltet pet was a sub stitute of the lirtt water. Simpsen ni.d Finleltu, the tackles, were sub stitutes last icur. j fehmuu, bncktield substitute of the first rank, t-nw action against Penn last jenr and will prebnblv be shoved Inte I the fray tomorrow nfternoen. New baker nnd Miller, substitutes last year, 1 nrn among thee present this year who ! will be en the scene nt the tees-up tomorrow. l'Ht 'burgh's remarkable comeback e . ..... . . . . . t. . sr . . . in n hospital in rittsnurgn. inter- ngan.-t r. incuse nnu iiucKnen. oetu burn, who nlse was en FnnKlin Tleld I tuing te.ims. after losing te Lntnjette last year, will start at quarter. I and Wet Virginia, makes them the Andersen, the tlnshv halfback who I fuierlti for the eighth meeting be -ceied n touchdown last jenr en a .1.1- tween the two institutions. I'enu hns jnrd run, is back again, and m Is Tmv jet te win n game from the I'.inthers, Hewitt, wite'e line piuiicing nan renn their nearest approach e a victor it may be that the ceaehu will uie the same system with him tomorrow that they have done In the last few games keep him en the bench the first period nnd send him in the second, rest him in the third and sheet him back in the fourth. Craig la In Shape Crnlg, thoOklaheninn, who has had a run of hard luck se far this season with Injuries te bis nrm, ia in excellent condition judging by his scrimmage work during the ween. Like Sullivan, he has yet te master the defensive end of a back's work, but ence he docs', Htnrdem is within hla reach. Dern at center. Thurman and Suth erland at tackles, Ertresvaag nnd l'alrchlld at ends and Kelly nt one guard are certainties. The ether guard pest is very much in doubt. Papworth, who injured his knee against Alabama, has had but little work since the in jury. He may net be strong enough te stand the strain of an entire battle. He may start, but most et the sideline experts predict that Coach Gasten, of the line, will open the game, with Frank Graf, the burly Connecticut guard, nt the pest. Frank Dnwhirat, Kauffman, Reckus nnd Leuhain may all see action in the line befere the gnme Is ever. The first named has shown worlds of stuff during the last two weeks since the conches sent him buck te tackle Instead of keeping him nt end. a Dest that is Cyclops at 118, Hew Fair at 110 and Lumlnlsts at 08. The better horses may net be able te overcome this dis parity in weight. Bright Tomorrow, Martingale and ethers nlse get conces sions. Knlly's Alley la the class en a fast track. Horses which seem best' are t First race Pay Dear, West Flttsten, El Derade. Second (Orlole Steeplechase) 0ermatch, Ic Maseurln, Frank II. Third On High, Lady Zeus, Tingling. Fourth Jehn Paul Jenes, Emotion. FifthSBlly's Alley, Dunlin, Belmont entry. Sixth Princess D'Oully, Bed Wreath, Margaret Lerettn. Seventh Tangerine, Arrew of Geld, Koyal Charlie. Dade Park: Horses appearing best' nt the Kentucky track today are : First race Beach Beauty, Onllferd, Mam men. Second Creltwoed Bey, Bill and Coe, Carrure. Third Fighting Ceck, Stump, Jr., Panna. Fourth Abadane, rtrllllnnt Bar, Auntie May. Fifth Arrowpelnt, Mnheny, Silence. Sixth Carnarvon, High Gear, Jehn Heshnr. Seventh Dimples, Uncle Vele, Billy &ter. Scraps About Scrappers entirely new te him. Tex Ilaraer enaaired In his first Al Vrrberktn waa taken III suddenly an.l he will unable t compete In th wind-up nt the Cambria tonight. Johnny Uurne hns arrnrjed te liae Wnlly lllnckle, of Oran Terry, arpear In the rela of aubetltute nBilnst Johnny Wnl(rnt, of I.ancaeter Teuirhey Murray and Al Willi, win n..u. scrimmage drill of the week vesterdnv. i'?. ',hn 'iit-reund temt-nnai. preiima: heils k,.?nlnr l,i, i!h." 1,11, t Ji ' ' "?rlr '? e. Al PHher. jcl: n..iimi...'..".i:iiiL " ?..:."'-' iv. '..r-L .l.". ". j.?-t. ":"nn. na un Fiusim- ,.a......M. ..iiiiB iiuriiiK wic uiiu'i i nun" . .u uuuuniini iIhvh tins week. The big Texan was back nt his regular pest backlu.1 up the center of the line In the defensive workout and showed his old-time form. pBB praetiO0 ie$terdav thexced the f veriltv in a different light d f entirely. Frem the $tart Tem .Urj Aamara'a backs had trouble making galm. Thev uicd the pet Pitt plnyi from the itart. the old reverse and several ether favorites In Warner's repeteire being tried without suc cess. The primary drfrnsive players made It easy for the baeks by break ing through and nailing the runner almost before he could eet started. AMERICAN HENLEY HERE ON MAY 26 Child Cup Race Alse Cemes te This City en April 28 OVER SCHUYLKILL COURSE The American Bowing Association held Its annual meeting In New Yerk yesterday, at which time It was decided te reduce date conflicts next spring te a minimum. The delegate were of the opinion that the time was nt hand te avoid the usual scrambling for dntes, nnd It w-fl? with this Idea In view that n tentative list wan drawn tip. The complete list is net ready, but the dates for the nnnunl American Henley and the Chllds Cup rare were announced ns May 20 and April 2?. re spectively. Beth these events will be rowed en the Sehuvlkill. The Chlldi Cup date is of esneeinl interest because It is just two weeks earlier than the usual dnv for thl. ''J'T ?." .f TO-shlneten. D. C. Is In Philadelphia and he will fling- nits here under the nom de nuerre of Johnny Curtlsi. Ills handler. Jack Cummlnas. ta naretlatlnc for a -e between Curtlta and Buddy Fitz gerald .'?I!!,nr&f'7 .ca'"1 "aMweleht Itrbia In Atlant c City. ! tn tnitel Xfi.Mk.ti i- - i ..tfrtit-reimd bout at Ijtncaitsr. Pe.. Mon day ilsht. Darcy alie has a match en with leuiig .erer ni jeratr city the latter part of the month. Chl Traaar'wne Is Betn aeslated in hit z;rJnx..Dii.H"-:.0,mD1'.w ? in n"i Athi.tle Club tomorrow night. Weaay will Iprri!,nA..i'JfiL"phla .,B tn num elasa nf nn imitation amateur meet. Frnncln Qulnn will compete In the welterweight dl- three-cornered regatta, Princeton, Columbia and Pennsylvania nre the contestants. It was held tin May 13 en Lake Car negie, Princeton, Inst spring and the second Saturday in May the year be bo be fere. Ne doubt the April date for the Chllds Cup rare next spring was prompted by n desire te nveld the con gestion of Slny rcfrnttas: It was one of the steps in the dlreelien of n men evenly distributed schedule. Princeton, Columbia nnd Pennsylva nia coaches will have te rush the de velopment of their varsity crews ns they never did before te hnve the oars men rowing in satisfactory form by the day of the Chllds Cup event. Everybody concerned will be praying for nn early spring. Pennsylvania, which usunlly finds It possible te start outdoor practice a week of the rival colleges will have what or two ahend lege, will have what there may be in the ever advantage early unto. The April Chllds Cup date may mean a shift in the date for the nnnunl Penn Yale regatta. Ynle has expressed dis satisfaction with nn enrly April dnte for n dual regatta and the change in the Chllds Cup event mny penult n May dnte for the dual race between the var sities nnd junior vnrsitles of the Ells and Quaker". The Chllds Cup race nt Princeton, by the way. proved te be one of the best contested of the season Inst spring. After n sensational tussle the Tiger crew bent the Columbia eight bj the scant margin of a feet, with l'enn third. The Henley dnte, May 20, is the usunl one the Inst Saturday in May. There wns considerable talk Inst stirinp iiimnt which I the ndvls.ibillty of enlarging the Henley regatta Inte n three-day affair In which every amateur club and every college actively engaged in the sport would be asked te compete. The delegates discussed the, project enthuslnstlcnlly, but felt that the time was net ct ripe for a Mny regntta of the hhe piopesrd. The considered it advisable te acquaint rvcrjbudy with the plan first, te feel the pulse of the tminteur and cellege rowing authorities rather than launch n three-day event without sufficient nssurnnre of necea nary support. It was considered en tirely possible that by 11124 the three day Henley would be n, fact. The American Bowing Association re-elected Themas B. Benth, of I'enn sylvnnln, chairman ; William B. Curtis, of Ynle, vice chairman : Budolph Bnuch, of Princeton, treasurer, nnd Jehn Arthur Brown, of Pcnnsjlvnnln, secre tary. ' BAR SIK)-BECKETT BOUT British Heme Office Will Net Allew Mixed Match Londen, Nev. 10. The Heme Office hns Intimated te the promoters of the Battling Slkl-.Tee Beckett fight scheduled fea, December 7 that the contest will no) be allowed te take place. The articles of agreement between Slki and Beckett call for n twenty round contest for the heavyweight championship of Kurepe, te be staged tn Albert Hall. The authorities state that the bout will net be allowed tn any place in the white men, the temperament contestant are net corena-eM moreover, all sort of nsaaiJ aroused. 5 Announcing the Arrival of British Beets and Shoes BustnessGelfDreti This British beets and shots art taav nlectarti Pedmeri t Bents, ltTZ top ear ethtr striking ihut. WtiZ ttltcttd this English beet uumlt.i trs te pat Ike ineWsel EngMttmE tht i reeBirf mtnlt el tvtry ttntltmstZ j n tvii una aneci Ore M ha tht pounds in England end tltvn 2 a hall dollars htrt. On display tt tkm or ear stores eniv. 1227 et.l. 1432 Chestnut Slrttt end 13J8 Se C Soeore. Kear Impectten ii stiieS eerdtd te tvtry out. Leuis Mark in 1 IliilVIIiLELlf Bawiaaaaai . en the run until l'es Miller tackled him he Icleuslv that lie had te be carried from the field for repairs. Tiny, who displaces something mere than 200 pounds net, scored against l'enn la-t Mar. FLAX.WAX, the ether halfback, is saltl in he a icnuhir limit's. Iff u-eiehi en!; fiir pounds meie than the man xche H 1101c renchiiuj nt Penn, and ' said ta he almnit 01 fast. He ttnrrctl for the rr-imcn 1 eleven at Pitt lait yiar and iheired , enough in thr preliminary thilU ami l early game te irnnant his being a fixture at halfhail.. HERB STKIN'. the All-American player of last je.ir. Is mls'-inc from tli line, but he Is one of the few who 1 ither played ngilnst l'enn or lat en 1 lie bench In uniform durlrs the een- est. Bowser, 172 pounds, who pla.cd 111 end rest last jenr qnil bothered l'enn, has been fenwittd into a jihei l.lajcr. nnd from the reports brought liere by the scouts who hnc vutcl.ei! lie Panthers pin, I at, all the cirmniU ' n coiner. Jerdan, the bnkctball star who I ,,., ,,. . . . . pl.ijcd a wing pest against Penr. last QJl M-H AN Is a better offensive tear, T.1U held down the snnie jm-t iO threat than a defensive player, and' cemlru In 1!)U, when Bert Bell's field ge.il enabled the Bed and Blue te linisl it. n .'1-te-U tie. Pt nn Is hopeful down te the young est ficshman. The team has shown n comeback in its lighting spirit timing the Iat three, dajs of practice that mum-' well for the game, l'es Millci nnd his mates, feeling thnt they nre net the fnerlte-, urc mere tliun anxious te put eer a triumph. The Nnvy game. In which the team showed mere power than any Penn tenm lu the last tnree jears, 1-. sti 1 fresh in the inlmh et the pl.ners. and they hope te duplicate the tint against the Panthers. THE line-up tomerrote Is in doubt te the extent of one back and one lineman. P01 Miller and lie. Oraw cue certain ta start at the hnllhark pefi telth Tex llamer at fullback. The ether position nay find J.anaden. Sullivan or Craig at the itart. The first named has the call at the present time became of if defensive work tn date and An a&ilffy te Interfere. TOTH Fatrchllil nml Prrrprnnr the 13 wlngtncn, played capably from the uprrtSrw"flff start, breaking tin the fnmnus lntrrfer 1 nee used by the Panthers, nnd nhe their ferwnrd-pass plays from fake for fer for ir.ntiens. The coaches were parth'u larly pleased with the drill. Graf in Line Prank (Jraf was In the line in place of Papworth, while the icmalnder et the tenm was the snnie as started the Inst two games. Numerous MiMltu Arena net Thursday nta-ht, inn. iinneiwy l.vuna. Ertdla Demoaev anA ,M!?. Ur:''A "?.." J.h. "t from u.ii. ...,?i.uB vuirtna nia men. fam Blackla- and which nilly Wells. Engllih waiter, la matched for three bout. He la te meet Johnny Till- m.nnT,t.rTt..tttT St. Paul. Merris Schlatter nt Davenport. Ia.. November IT. and Uae Shad nt Keneaha. wis.. Nevembar Se Johnny Ilurna. who runs the CMmbrla Cluh tiens were made in the varsity by the an arena at ShamSITln?'. H.Tettlnl I teg-iner ma urat anew ter November 13. 1m D.'?,!!r lhe "M Ineaatrlan. Is In the nM for ft match with Bebby Barrett Dreny alee wnnta te meet Oeerge Chnney ami Jee Kennedy la ready te elgn for Tim Tim eth ut any old time. Mnrtln Jedn la In ehana tn b ....... amen the featherweurhta. Tha Manayunker wants te get a punch at Jee O'Donnell. rtk sJ?ite5Jll0 '" ln ,h runnlntf for a coaches in the course of the tirn'etlce Sullivan, Wlttmer, Craig and a number of ether bucks getting into the fray, ln addition te Knuffmnn, T.enliam, Dow Dew hirst and several ether linemen. Beets and Saddle The Wnlden Handicap for two-year t.ia .flfl. n nflA fit sin ftnn 1. .t. big feature of the week at' Plmllce fei SS!? & ha,mSe'kniSCtdS"we,Ii!: jtncnllei nnd will be decided tedaj aee "" The hnndicnppcr has made It an open , m,.fc. .. . . race Dunlin carries top weight of pi ' Q,?Vrr";5S?rlift-t?Jea,,ittf' aftb-S:,?- pounds, with .Sally's Alley carrying McCihe hns a neut nn with Mike Scnultz 12, being three pounds for sex allow- 'Paring partner of Barrett'a. mice. 'Ihese two would appear te out- . .. - STT,, m .. class the field nt equal weights but My Mitfgfflle fiW& Own gets in nt 113, Out Oui nt 104. .uel a challenge te Temmy Eeugliran. or real enjoyment YOU may net like El Producte. But we will premise you this: If you de like El Producte you will like it a let. And you will never find another cigar te take its place. The distinctive El Producte blend, which is rich without being heavy, cannot be bought in any ether cigar at any price. There are many shapes and sizes of El Producte 10c te 30c but only one quality. $&!mm UPetL Puritatte A r,i,srW. . aaWgggal An I Queen m;wm y88SBBBB s BSl wb i llaai15AwTWv?ftL,m&SswBiS Corena mAMM BBBmXSfklsBBBBBB lBMrTx it i n 7sM.V?f I- "ft ii iSKt trrW Jggr as-M Bkil!Wf!kWStf G. H. P. CIGAR CO., Ine, SM5 JhskWMm9t SaaiaW Phltadclphte. Pa. p mi?WMwM$sm , , ,,,,,, , , . B VT?i ?tZaiV Xli&VT Y"fiPMSmK KlurJ?AwbA9BBBBBMiBM. qTSE. "iV'iiKam mvVi Vj VivSaal '''.uVr)eigggggggftV ELPRODIJCrO I Bouquet tXt straight Eleventr -and Market Street MEN! Saturday An Important Sale UVbKCOAI and Winter Suits Values te $45 gaapaa. . jgaV AsfiBajgasgeVaa M ,l 7 yBM&EMsWPKSL (' lau W X. . smaPSBmmfsStm Mr6K9aY9afel Jfil HS1 flgftiagaftflgVsai WMAKfttmJSrStm tVjmk, Tn.'jtsSsirBBaL Men are pouring into this Stere for Over coats and Suits. Our values are the talk of the city. All the best and smartest models of the season. An assortment rich in variety, patterns, colors. Ne matter if these prices de sound low, the Coats themselves are the kind that will satisfy the man who knows geed Overcoats. OVERCOATS Heather Mixtures, Vincunas, Tweeds, Chev iots, Kerseys, Raglans, Kimonos, Ulsters, Ulsterettes. SUITS Deuble and Single Breasteds, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Serges, New Pencil Stripes. 1 41 J 1 1 Fine Adler Collegian Suits and Overcoats $OQ-75 Exclusive models with the new style touches, the smart designing nnd the colorful fabrics thut char acterize Adler Collegian clothing. Made from pure wool fabrics, v carefully hand tailored insuring the utmost in service value. Franfc & Seder Third Fleer BANKRUPT SALE Frank & Seder buy ENTIRE Bankrupt Stock of Chestnut Street Haberdasher at 25c en the DOLLAR. Limited space permits only an outline. Hundreds of items at big savings await you. Entire Bankrupt Stock of SILK SHIRTS Slightly Soiled : $4 Values Men, these are all-silk shirts. It seems unbelievable at the price but come see Ter yourself. White, tan and gray silk jerseys and silk broadcloths, Canten silks, eilk crepes, shantungs. WMMA Stiff Cellars Men, Arrew & Other Famous Makes ' 15c te 25c Values All clean, perfect col cel lars. Popular styles. Sizes arranged en tables Cc 50c dez. Men's $2 Flannel Shirts 89c Men's $2.50 Warm Sweaters Men's $2 Hsavy Union Suits . 97c Men's $1.10 Shirts and Drawers, Men's Shirts Bankrupt Stock $2 Values i: v ci i- y whin eluui mnl per Tut. W (I V O II H II U curileil niiulmx, en 111 IWlllfl, I'll oil novelties, 88 Take Lebby Express Elevator te Third Fleer i Saturday at Frank & Seder's, Eleventh and Market Streets i i-'w.iW"- ?-.-, S, .wja... ,