fmh-fmmmmmmmmm m FOR CAPT. BROWNE Seekt te Serve Summons Application for Divorce Filed by Wife in ON LECTURE TOUR, REPORT tm, II rechln, Sheriff of Chester J hna e Munitien, insnetl by County. n" a . , i. ,, i, trying te JJW.Jin;n Cn ntnln H-rbcrt .Tnr- W"". tlie Mini of n WJW?.' llvnrre by hh 1 Til ifl "rwnin Urowne 'etim net un i -M his !''". nn.l frlcn.lH nny be VJ en n lecture tour, tulklng en 5:. Urowne etil . net be lp MFMln'S of the application of Mr. .11. fhreueh bcr counsel, District 91? Z- WiX. of Chester County, SXrnXai Ti.cs.1ny ;h n Demo Deme f ..VraiHlWnte for the Legislature. fc ' W 'ftth the en- K Weir Chester, but spent most 5 their time en Mr.-. Ilmwne'H jx . uS fur i nenr Hcenne town. Mrs. ftSfte'' ""rt "niHbaii.1. Oiwre It. ?X of Kn-t llrndfaril. wn? nccl lA nml WH1 en a huiitliw rintevcml yenm npejiy IiN son. She J. ister of Dr. llnynr.1 Ktine. for-. 5Sr rhSlrmnn of the Chester County Ecraucrntic Committee. There 1 much speculation nmetiB the friend nnd imiiiniiitiinre of Mrs. Brenc as te the reasons for her sudden notion npaln-tt lu-r htisbitml. who is sev venrs her junior. District Atter Z ft. "llutler Windle. Mrs. UnvneV Jnnnsel. refused te dlscu-s tlie reti-ens S none was filed with the application. During the campaign. In which Mrs. Brenne made n hard lis it and kiivp her eniieiieiits much worry, her husband for i time ferved ns her riitiimilgn mating?! ttiH mad- manv peeehes. It is hinted that an episode which had weight tewnrd the divorce iipplieu iipplieu Hen occurred in the Inst dnys of the fanipalRii. Mrs. Urowne bad been us lured of the support of n liirRO number f Republican voters, but it In wild she let iimnv of these thteuuli it hpiwh by Ui lmsliand at a mcctiiiR in llouuy lleuuy llouuy breok. In that s-piwli Mr. Urowne nttncLed the war record of Captain Wiltaker. Tlmt lest Mrs. Urowne huadreils of votes, especlnlly in the northern precincts, where they were niet needed by her. A fiinilly cliihli is said te have resulted. CLUBWOMEN TO BE GUESTS AT MATINEE MUSICAL Monday Morning Program Will Have Special Features The Matinee Musicnl Club will give its first rcgulnr conceit of tit- sohseii In the ballroom of the P.ellcvue-Strnt-fenl Tuesday afternoon. A i-peciiil pro pre grain has been nrrmiKed In honor of the Tiitiii! Heard of Dlrc-ters of the Na tional Federation of Music Clubs. The pregram: I'herui Ivvltli linrp nisemlil., jin.l plntiel () SrrrnuUK .Mnzknw!(l JblThe Jliit-Si,:; (il I'ml-r llie Slam.... Ml. II II. A. IVarh (U Wlilmunc Sihuin.iim-I.lHt Akthm (,'lunt- UUllllllll. f'eniniltn - r (I) A M"merv . taurine Thrums (b) I'li'tmltmile 1t.p I.inniil K lintniil. Affnc t'luti" Qulnl.iii hi Ihn uluni Auuit.- Aim. Jehn l l.un, Orchei.1 1 n illAllit-'i', frmn "SMimliany Ne H". . Il.iv.ln biAndintp ('tnlalull, Tm liaison hltv c) In Uf .'iumi ill I Ui Ilarn i:nimWe tllCll.ltIS IP I'tllllHtlMU N,itC!(, (b)Au lleul il- lluii'.iil Itviile (cIVhI M rn.ieMt ..A . . .'OI Puriitut .leh eenti" !.i-oei . i:iiilcth Ca-hniiiii. Alie Hainiem. Illiuirhe llulliapl, Mr?. Jein .lewc, ,h., rieiiMKit l,Mjierlltv, Jfin Vrnliuini." I.Htlc tuti. Heiutht reni'i, lr. Kiriin Huns. Knl u t Hi l.rl.h Snrlii'ii'r. lIerrm. Ad"..' Wuiiliriin. i IturiM dltli luitii iIimmmIiIp atul piiini,' () Ajiius I if I Ill.t filenblluiii Inn.- Ilulil.niil (b)aln Trlst" Mill, bus tuDrHiiii Sili . u, e iiniuii Ji") ri.i- Imwii of I.UM' 1'ilinl Mirnnu si it . .i;th.-l (il)Arla ft em ".Si-rti IIuiiiIlI Reported Missing rcter Smith, thirty-four Jcnrs old. , , "I. ""''""'I elect. Ihe feet tc-i lnt-ltet.. II., pounds, brown c.u-.-, light i niopiei it. anil f-e.ti tii'Mii.i. it. hi un;e miii, iiiu-i, lip,,. (HiTTOiit, soft lirewii Itiit. binds s,e(-.s.- Kalle Itesana. twclu- jemw old 1(itj JincMenn Micet, live feel, ).-, puiiiK. ytrk cii.nple.eii, halt- anil eves, wear ing blue -l;ht. blew u mm tiler, while Hioe ninl .ieeKiii(s, red hat. fremc iiiiiit-i, mm, .two eitrs, "III.", transients. -un-niiuie avenue, live leei m-mmi Inches, The pnniesed campaign will be con- itfl puiilids, dark coilllileviei.-. iin-illiiin ' ducted liv n ceininlltee nf lntnien bull. blue slid, tfi-nv i.nt't Li... i tllOCb and ftuUilngf. ' ' r out i .-ii,- JF A T'JOUhAMJ l-Ttlll'imi.3 'Ub lire a Inv tnutilins whn. nn J nun I i,i witncM ?h i''. " r-i'l. -iiiilientlc or a ilri 22'.?a remwj tlmn n thiuund -Al sriteiu In ii fi"'"1 ,"'" ."""' ,u .i3 Villi OyTci in "i",J'aA"ln.V..s,!rtl'3, t the Bun fir. l.i-iH.Bu. "Mak. It a Hnblt.'Cf Jlferfi' 'Tssas. v g LDfriendsarcmere (5 g precious than riches. jj P Don't miss a single fe h one from your list this b? g year. Cheese the right g M cartfe'indplcmyefthem M te carry warmth from $ H ywr heart te friends S & ofe!d. "3 Let them knew at i Str fine, elation today ; -f. m etttle that you arc & g stllthcirfriend,theugh g ..v. ,,- uivicc. i - i-'niMii;nioeflV ' ' svj oil - -MIM 4, '' Wlm'a?? M yjiaP:i .wwwiraviii rj3 rWittfy:?rrWMrimn : HONOR FOR PARK" QUARD Monument Will Ireetcd te Man Killed In World War We tnfltatia nt1 At--.l..-. 9 pests will participate tomorrow after neon at z e cieck in tnc unveiling In I Cobbs Creek Park, at Pifty-nlnth ! Btrcct nnd willows avenue, of a statue In memory et jesepn a. .Murphy, Park guard, who died in France. The ceremony will be ene of the features of Armistice Day In this city nnd overv Tark gunrd who can be relieved will be detailed under Captain Hayes II, Duncitn for duty nt the unveiling. E. T. Stetcsbury. of the lnrk Cem mission, will preside nnd the ether Commlbsleners will be nrescnt. Jehn V, Patterson will make the presentation speech nfter opening prayer by the Itev. Jeseph Wolfe, who was chaplain nf the 10'Jth Infantry, tu which Mr. Murphy was a private. Tlie Btntue win no unveiled by Miss Hetty Triilllnger as the Firemen's Hand plays the national anthem, Mr. Stetcsbury' will ncccpt the memorial en behalf of the city. Majer Themas B. Murtln, secretary of the Park Com mission, will be muster of ceremonies. P. IT. E Track Extensions in North for New "Feeders" of Frankford "L" te Cost $1,000,000 COUNCIL BACKS AUTOBUSES Twe mere important additions will be made te the city's transit facilities te fellow closely upon the placing into operation of the Frankford elevated. The Philadelphia. Rapid Trunslf Cempniy Is rapidly making nrrnngo nrrnnge ments for the extension of Its tracks in the upper section of the city as "feeders" of the Frankford "L." Council also yesterday adopted a res olution lnekln? toward the establishing of motorbus lines en streets where it it Impractlciible te eperntc street cars. Mayer Moere, Hlchnrd Wcgleln, president of City Ceuncil: Director Ctiven, of Public Works, nnd Assistant Director Atkinson, of City Transit, to gether with Themas K. Mitten, presi dent of the p. II. T., Inspected the streets through which the extensions in the north will be made. Mr. Mitten explained that the extensions would Involve tin outlay of about $1,000,000. The plan te extend the Frankford "I," te Hbawn istrcct, Ileliuesburg, however, will nrehuhlv be abandoned for the present. An ordinance was In- treducetl In City Council yesterday by Councilman Hern providing for repeal of leglbliitleu calling for this exten sion. In the Council resolution regarding uioterbiises it wns suggested that the buses could be npcinted tu ntlviilltiue en Koescvclt lieuleviil-il, in Jlrentl street, in Itoxheioiigh, In Pusyuiik nveliiie mid tu Third street, miuIIi et Sujdcr avenue. GHOSTS START A FIRE Feature of Epworth League Party, but Firemen Did Net Knew That Seme ene mir-toek n bonfire which was part of the iiiniiiul "tiiiest Party." conducted by the Senior Kpvnrh League of St. Stepheu'ii Methodist episcepal Church, (icrni.intewu avenue below lii-liighiii-st street, last iilttht. and turned in un alarm. Twe lire com panies mid an liit-iu-uncc patrol re-.-ipi.-ndcil. As a feature of the party, in the course of which the members appear In ghostly white, dance around the fire 1111(1 tell ghost Merlf;.. (he Imiillre Wits Murtcil iii an old cemetery lit the rear of i he chuicli. The blaze alarmed ii-'lulibers. The Itev. Francis M. (iray. pastor nf the elitneli, explained matters sat isfactorily te the tircmeii. DRIVE FOR CIVIC CENTER Judg; Monaghan Heads Campaign of Catholic Society Plans are belli" feriiiiilated for n cniiipaign wiiicii will result ill the erer tlen of a Ciillietic civic center ill this city. The preje -t wiin lanncheil nt n meeting held reeenll.v at 1." North Flf teentli street, formerly (lie Kenedict Service Club. At the meeting Cardinal Dougherty lulil of ihe need of a large building lit the center of the city where Catholics mi:ht gather and which would have the tirmier hostelry aecoiiiineilatlniis for .litiliff. Mfiiiiinluin ,-ri in., n f.hiiii.i'uiti : '- Geed advertising print ing will simplify your selling problems. The Helmes PnEss, Trintm 1315-20 Cherry Street Philadelphia V- Seme men think they're pretty hard nuts te crack Until they try Rogers Peet suits and overcoats. A size for every build. Prices precisely the same as in - Rogers Peet's own stores in New Yerk. FERRO & COMPANY Rogers Pcet Clethes Exclusively Chestnut St. at Juniper i ..,,. . - , "'f.t 'ytii LANS! TRANSIT ADDITIONS 4L'fJA s-Si WwWmU HVV-ftnWiffl SSEWAfifSmR $22 MONTH SOLVE DOMESTIC PROBLEM Mrs. James M. Baker, Missionary, Says You'll Have te Ge 12,000 Miles te India for Them, However nfpH. .Tfimaa r TlntAM Ima AwA servants In her bungalow. Their wages lumped together come te $22 n month. But Mrs. Iiaker smilingly opines that most women In Philadelphia would probably net trade kitchens with her even with her freedom from the servant iimeirm inrewn in. f(-ll 11.iUam' 1.Ii1.m I. ,A AAA MI1U from llrentl. street. It is In Ongele, Jiitun, te he exact, and it's se het In there that it's the last place in the Heuse the mistress of the house wanes te go, however demcslc she mar be In her Inclinations. TO ftlmnl IHMIIMl.ltf t r.. tf.lrAB ".wp'IBfd. "it" Isn't In tlie house at nil. Its -00 feet nwny, just where It be- lungB. me nnvenc even a stove jU3t n makeshift sort of stone even." Twenty -seven years of work as a nilNslntinrv (h l,M-nf 1m.ii.. i.j i.h Mrs. linker n nice sort of smile. She went te Ongele as n brlde from Syracuse. N. Y., when she was nine teen. .She came te Philadelphia yes terday te attend the missionary Held I? ' Ul "'"cricun iiuptist uereign ana Meme Mission Society nt the First Baptist Church. I wouldn't knew what In the world Id de If I couldn't go buck," she ex claimed. With her husbnnd Mrs. Baker holds enough positions In 'Ongele nnd Its environs te keep the average American couple busy three lifetimes. Her con tribution te the team work is running two schools, helping te run n hospital, delving into industrial conditions and acting as general mother te n town about the size of Centesvllle. She helped te establish the hospital, the famous Jehn Cleugh institution that rose brick by brick In un arid doctor- TEXTILE CHEMISTS TO MEET Will Dlscuit Plana Tonight for Winter Werk of Organization Philadelphia textile chemists nnd colorists will meet at the Scheel of In dustrial Arts tonight for the annual election of officers of the Philadelphia Section of the American Section of Chemists and Colorists nnd te discuss plnns far the winter's work of the organization. The meeting will open ut M:li" o'clock. -Although only a year old, the Phila delphia section of the organization al ready lifts about fiOO members and H rapidly becoming a powerful unit In. this, the greatest textile center of the IJnltPtl States. At least five years' ex perience ns n textile chemist or colerlst Is reeuired te become eligible for mem bership. MAY INVESTIGATE DEATHS Twe Epileptics Found Lifeless Within Three Days , Newark, N.l Nev. 10. Deaths of two patients nt the village for epilep tics at Skillmnu may result In a State investigation of the liistitutiun, it was announced e.sterduy. The family of Frank Oenevensky, nn Inmate, was notified Sunday that Frank had uccideutiily strangled himself while asleep. Krneet CtiKtaniore, u city empleye, after hearing of the (Jeneveii. sky ease, reported te the authorities that Ills brother, Lawrence, had died nt the Institution last Friday, having been found with his body bunging out of bed. Despondent Weman Ends Life Despondency caused Mrs. Kiln Le Le eoir, sixty-two cars old. ."tlKS Jane street, te taltc her life late Thursday night. The aged woman wa.s found by her t-eu-in-law. l-iuiil Charziiuut. sit ting in tlie kitchen with a gas lulu- con nected e a stove iii her mouth. She was taken te the tiermaiitewii Hospital, win-re she was pronounced dead. 'Baby, Peggy" Montgomery III Les Angeles. Nev. ill. (By A. P.) Peggy Montgomery, llii-ee-,ear-eld motion-picture tii-trcss, known as "Baby Peg-ty." is ill with piieiinienht at her patents' residence in nwcn-uimuth, near here. IT PAYS TO THINK! smsmmrsB - a urn -.5.- .. IB I --'-- '-,r -ftmsM ssiemiBsmmYtlsmsf N nvl WHL'"' - T " L?&iPPsJPwSsm- UsJsjKaWsssslsssssssmssWKSs'.I--. ffiMi' MhY less waste where before It was cus tomary te go seventy-four miles tu summon any real medical assistance. "The real danger for the woman who gees te India," Mrs. Baker said, "Is exposure te all forts of diseases. But, of course, you get used even te that." And then te show hew thoroughly accustomed one woman at least had become te this particular brand of danger without a flicker of nn eyelid. Mrs. Baker told hew she helped te fight the bubonic plague In 1010. "The dangerous rats," she added, "were the ones that sprang In Unfair, went Inte convulsions and died nnd turned blue. We bad te warn the people about these. I went from house te house nnd helped with the Inoccu Ineccu Inoccu lntlens." As is customary with these in the missionary Held, Mrs. Baker returns te her homeland every seven years. But every visit she brings a story' of a very gradual manifestation of mod ernism among the women of India. "It Is n slew process," she said, "because only one woman In every hundred in India can cither read or write. Three months age our presi dency, that of Madras, guve women suffrage. It was the second presi dency te accord this right, but hew nrc the women te take advantage of it when they are kept in mental dark ness? Our schools arc doing their best te shed a light, and we hope the next generation will bu blossoming out dif ferently." Although Mrs. Baker has never been molested by the natives, she carries a gun going about en evangelical work. But this Is because of military up risings apt te be encountered. DEMOCRATS TO CELEBRATE Parade Tonight at Gloucester In Hener of Mayer-Elect McNally Democrats of (lleucester are prepar ing for u big parade tonight in which several thousand supporters of thut party will participate. The precession, which will be an old fashioned torchlight tiilnir, with red tire en the side, will be reviewed by Mayor Mayer elect McNally. Of equal importance with the parade plans was the an nouncement by the Mayer-elect that Iip would attend the dinner te be given by prominent men of the community te Andy (Jump. Congressman -elect, whose i-iiinnnlcn attracted national attention. Numerous politicians, regardless of party nluUntinns, have also rcceiveu in vitations te tlie (Sump dinner, the dutc of which has net been set. The Mayer-elect has announced that hit cabinet would consist of Dr. C. B. Kider and the Itev. W. L. Zimmerman, pastor of the First Methodist Church. 29TH WARD BEAUTY CHOSEN Miss Stella C. Eckler Wins Phono graph as Prize Miss Stella C. F.ckler, S07 Poplar street, was awarded first prize In the Twenty-ninth Ward Business Men's and Taxpayers' Association beauty contest lust night in tlie Fnlriueuut Thetttie, Twenty-sixth street nnd (lirnrd avenue. Riclinrd WpbIeIii. president of City Council, delivered un i uiliiress. Tlie contest was one of the fentttres of tlie business. with-pleasure carnival conducted by the association for the last seven weeks. Miss F.ckler was awarded a ?1,"0 phonograph, with $100 worth of records. Second prize, penrl necklace with diamond clasp, was awarded te Miss Mabel Miller. .s.VJ North Twenty-cixth street. Miss Mussel K. Creuse. 1411 North Twenty-ninth street, and MNn May Newalti.N. IK 111 North Hollywood street, received bonenible mention. Velstead Beaten by 12,500 St. Paul, Minn.. Nev. 10. (By A. P.) Representative Velstead, author of tlie prohibition etifercenient act, was beaten by mere than 1U.."00 votes, vir- Itunllv complete returns from Tuesday' election showed. WHY PAY AS MUCH AS mnLPI,feyePlan0, if y?f can buy a new high-ffrade and guaranteed instru U With d nn A wel,;made Player-Piane, if carefuUy handled, will last from 25 te 35 years and be a constant source of pleasure and entertainment te its owners. ctvf i?he, CunnlnKha,m Player-Piane is manufactured with the celebrated REO &TYLE patents owned and controlled exclusively by us, in our modern well- lilWh'STC- S( PeCCt in, r Struttl0n is this instr"ent thaT a child can play with all the expression of the master composer himself. ihnEnery P!a.ycr"pian we manufacture has a double valve action and metal lfrnPw1?01 ,ctnybedy tak you into buying an instrument with a single valve action, as it has net the power or endurance if it had. why should we spend twi as much money in developing a double valve action? P tWice innnnn'ry that, fr ever a quarter of a century we have been offering IXXTZi "" MATCH,'ESS cmmweHAiTlSyft nvurhL1 ""instruments are priced from 20 te 30 per cent. lower than any dealer B3S.( hlh,r RC r ?m Can afford ,0 se,K Terms "anged te Juit thJ CASH, OPEN BOOK ACCOUNT OR EASY PAYMENTS PIANO 04 lth and Chestnut Sts. Open Kvcninfcn Factery: 50th and Parkside Avenue) tr1 i '" '"- "-L- NMTY SCHOOLS Superintendent Broeme De clares $36,000,000 Needed te Replace Building $60,000,000 PRESENT NEED Replacement of ninety nntlquntcd school buildings nt a cost of .10,000, 000 would be necessary te catch up te present school needs In Philadelphia, Superintendent of Schools Broeme es timates. ..--... HpenkltiK nt n mectlnR of the Chest nut Hill Public Scheel Association last nluht. Dr? Hrnetnc outlined the $10, 000,000 bulldlnB preBrum advocated by the beard and the program wns heartily approved by members of the associa tion. He also outlined plans for a new elementary school at Oermantewn nnd Southampton avenues, Chestnut Hill, which will replace the old J. O. Gil bert Scheel, en Highland avenue west of Gcrmnntewn avenue. Bids for this nnd two ether echoels, he said, were opened yesterday. "If we could spend ?30,000,000 and replace ninety of our antiquated build ings overnight," said Dr. I.roeme, "we would just catch un te present needs. Insuring full time for every pupil and classes of reasonably efficient -size. "I believe It will cost mere nearly S60.000.000 If we want Philadelphia te be the best American city In which te raise n family. And If only the public can knew the needs nnd realize the Kluln fucts, I am confident we will get enrty support, the politicians notwith standing. The money will nil be spent for the best, from the standpoint of fu ture generations." Bids were opened yesterday by the Beard of Education for the erection ei three elementary school buildings. Cramp & Ce. bid $444,107 for n school nt Oermantewn nvenue nnd Southamp ton street, Chestnut Hill. Next lowest bidder was Ketclmm & McQuade with $400,000. Cramp & Ce.'s bid for the school at Third street and Diincnnnen avenue was $42S,e0'J, while Menaghnn & Lesse, Inc. bid S4S7.41N. The Tewest bidder for the school nt Ninth street and Oregon avenue wns McCleskey & Ce.. Inc.. with $400,0tJU. The Werk Company wns second. KNIGHfsHJOLDJANQUET San Salvader Council Closes Silver Jubilee Celebration The silver jubilee of Sun Salvader I Council Ne. IIXI, Knights of Columbus, enme te a climax lust night at a mon ster buiniuet held in Scottish Kite Hall, i Mere than 1000 persons attended the I festivities. j Tlie list of speakers included Jnmes ARE ANTIQUATED RfJiePISllltQ, ENGLISH.NeFRENCH CHINA NEW IMPORTATIONS Doulton Caulden Mintons Coalport Copeland Wedcj weed Sevres Limoges Crescent Royal We re ester Crown Staffordshire nd complete lines of Len -ex American China Luncheon Cups end PJates Game and Fish Plates Lay Plates Dinner, Entree, Dessert, Salad, Bread end Butter Soup, Terrapin nd Oyster Plates Tea Bouillon After Dinner Chocolate and Pate Cups and Saucers $400 All Mkr. of TnlMnc Mrhln, a llfdurml I'rlrm. Wm art the Only Piane Hfcnu- facturers in Ptnna. Famous for Selling from Factory te Heme Direct t 4 KCSfl Mayer Moere, Hnlpb A. """.,',?", Knignr ei nun duiieuw , ....... , --- Rev. Charles Lee O'Brien, 8. J. ! I. A. Kennedy, State deputy of Pennsyl vania. K. of C; Charles II. Orake 16w, exalted ruler -of PhUn.Ielplila Ledge of Kills; Judge William M. Lewi, Jehn V. Loughney nnd M. J. McEnery. P. II. Kelly was teastmns- 'silent tribute wns paid te Judge Jeseph P. Itegcrs, who tiled last week. OTKllBlRHfllllW" ''i'!i;!!!!ll!!!lBlM $65.00 Thren beauUul diamond tneunterf ( n beautiful it carat vhllu geXA ring tcUh a platinum top. Character a quality rarely found In rings Is realized In Mitchell Diamond Kings, which have long been noted for their beauty ana eclKlnallty. Our Christmas stocks are new ready for your Inspection. A small drpeMt iMl rcierva your telectlen until Christmas. Let us reset your diamonds. Mitchell's Established 1878 Diamond Stere 37 S. 8th St. -ntTr iiixiBiiiiiiiifliaiirBiiBinfjiiiiBiia'iKLi A half hour's talk in our office and we may be able te show you hew that property of yours may yield in the future much mere than it does new. We'll riik our 30 minutes against yours and we're just as buy as you are ! HEYMANN & BR0. Real Estate Hejrrasnn Building IffiXIBIHE I. rffeii i .UUl'ilB "Y lW"t?J 1: iMt. flJJ I Hejrratnn Building I 213-215 S. Breid St., Ptilt., P. i"T - j i mmmvm t l k. ' " Come Through With the Goods That's All I Ask" Like every big executive, the thing you want is results you don't give a whoop about the details. Sufficient is the fact that you can get Fine Quality Clethes at Perry's at Super-Value prices, $28, $33, $38, $43 and up, which save you many dollars. Yeu don't care hew it's done, but you'll knew that it is done, if you'll leek and compare! PERRY'S Crombie Overcoats World's finest fabrics (from Scotland) Largest selection in the East. Finest Fabrics Woven by American Woolen Company Germania Overcoats Heather-hued Shet lands Raglan Shouldered Ulsters Bex-Back Overcoats Kimene Sleeve Coats With seamless backs. v Style, pep, quality, workmanship. SUITS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Heavy Blue Serges of fine twill, herringbone and self-stripe fabrics. Evening Clethes Precisely correct ; su perbly tailored. Our Super-Value Prices be gin at $45 for Evening Dress Ceat and Trousers. Our courteous salesmen knew that every article in this great store from a handsome silk vest for evening dress at $8.25 up te our luxurious full silk lined Crombie Overcoats at $85 is priced en our Super Value policy which saves you many dol lars. Loek and compare! PERRY & CO. 16th & Chestnut SUPER-VALUES in Clethes for Men MacDonald & Campbell Finest Winter Suits $30 te $65 We have outdistanced even our own achievements in this splendid assortment et suits. The variety of models, color ings and mixtures defies description. Kxdusive imtUTiid that you lmv,. net smi, an.l that ntners i-unnut bhew, await your he'uct.1,11. MeileU that arc the very apex nf d...sitniini: an.l tit for every figure of man. In fact. ,. very l'PMUiremem of ic,.e, taste and appearance ran -e peifcetly sa islte-l uth handsome HuitH, every tin end and distinction chullenirua the. meht expensive made-te-measure clothes. Nole Umurpaascd collection of Fine.t Winter Overce.U, $30 te $93 1334-1336 Chestnut Street A ' ''irl ?yrw fpra Tuxedo Coats and Trousers Think of a fine twill Herringbone weave of Thibet Cleth, faced with luxurious eilk at our Super-Value Price of $38. Loek and compare no mattej; where you are accustomed te buy ing. mmfr"' m I m M KM .